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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Συγκριτική αξιολόγηση μεθόδων απορρύπανσης της ακόρεστης ζώνης εδάφους μολυσμένου με κηροζίνη / Comparative evaluation of methods used for the remediation of the unsaturated zone of a soil polluted by kerosene

Τζοβόλου, Δήμητρα 16 March 2012 (has links)
Η ρύπανση του εδάφους από βιομηχανικά και αστικά απόβλητα αποτελεί παγκοσμίως ένα από τα σημαντικότερα περιβαλλοντικά προβλήματα. Ανάμεσα στους πιο επικίνδυνους ρύπους συγκαταλέγονται και οι υδρογονάνθρακες πετρελαιοειδών. Αναπόφευκτη συνέπεια της διαφυγής των υγρών ρύπων στο έδαφος είναι η μεταφορά τους προς στην ακόρεστη ζώνη του εδάφους μέσω μιας σειράς διεργασιών (ροή, διαλυτοποίηση, εξάτμιση, διασπορά, ρόφηση, κτλ) και η ρύπανση των υποκείμενων ταμιευτήρων υπογείων υδάτων. Οι πλέον κλασσικές μέθοδοι απομακρυσμένης (ex situ) απορρύπανσης εδαφών περιλαμβάνουν εκσκαφή και μεταφορά του εδάφους σε κατάλληλους χώρους (π.χ. αποτεφρωτήρες, βιο-σωροί, κλπ). Τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει αναπτυχθεί έντονο ενδιαφέρον για την ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή τεχνολογιών επιτόπιας απορρύπανσης των εδαφών (in situ soil remediation) με χαμηλό κόστος και ελάχιστο περιβαλλοντικό αποτύπωμα. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετώνται δύο σχετικά νέες μέθοδοι επιτόπιας απορρύπανσης: α) ο βιοαερισμός και, β) η έγχυση ατμού. Και στις δύο περιπτώσεις, για να αυξηθεί η ακτίνα δράσης της απορρύπανσης, το έδαφος διεγέρθηκε με την δημιουργία οριζόντιων υδραυλικών ρωγμών που λειτουργούν ως οριζόντια φρεάτια διαβίβασης και εξαγωγής ρευστών. Το πεδίο μελέτης είναι ένα πρώην στρατιωτικό αεροδρόμιο της Βόρειο-Δυτικής Πολωνίας, το Kluczewo, το οποίο έχει ρυπανθεί εκτεταμένα με κηροζίνη για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα (1935-1992). Το έδαφος της περιοχής αυτής παρουσιάζει ρωγμές ενώ η πορώδης μήτρα έχει σχετικά χαμηλή διαπερατότητα. Οι ίδιες γεωλογικές συνθήκες επικρατούν σε μεγάλο μέρος του υπεδάφους της Βόρειας Ευρώπης. Λόγω της ισχυρά ετερογενούς φύσης αυτών των εδαφών από την κλίμακα των πόρων στην κλίμακα του πεδίου και της δημιουργίας προτιμητέων μονοπατιών ροής, είναι αρκετά δύσκολο να σχεδιαστούν αποδοτικές μέθοδοι απορρύπανσης. Κύριος στόχος της εργασίας είναι η αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης των δύο μεθόδων απορρύπανσης μετά την εφαρμογή τους στην ακόρεστη ζώνη ετερογενούς εδάφους που έχει ρυπανθεί εκτενώς με υδρογονάνθρακες πετρελαιοειδών (κηροζίνη). Για να προσδιοριστεί η απόδοση κάθε μεθόδου, συλλέχθηκαν δείγματα εδάφους από ένα μεγάλο αριθμό σημείων και πραγματοποιήθηκαν χημικές αναλύσεις μέτρησης της συγκέντρωσης και της σύστασης των υδρογονανθράκων με GC-MS και GC-FID. Προκειμένου να διευκρινιστoύν καλύτερα οι κύριοι μηχανισμοί απομάκρυνσης του ρύπου και να εκτιμηθεί η αποδοτικότητα της έγχυσης ατμού και του βιοαερισμού, διεξήχθησαν πειράματα έγχυσης ατμού και βιοαερισμού και σε εργαστηριακή κλίμακα (oρθογώνιο κελί από PMMA με διαστάσεις 55 cm x 50 cm x 12 cm και υπό ακόρεστες συνθήκες). Λόγω των ετερογενειών της πορώδους δομής, στον βιοαερισμό ο κύριος μηχανισμός απομάκρυνσης ρύπου ήταν η εξάτμιση των υδρογονανθράκων και η σχετικά γρήγορη μεταφορά των ατμών μέσω διάχυσης και λόγω της μεγάλης βαθμίδας συγκέντρωσης από την μικροπορώδη μήτρα προς μονοπάτια προτιμητέας ροής (preferential flow paths) αέρα (αερισμός). Αντιστοίχως, λόγω της χαμηλής διαπερατότητας του εδάφους, στην περίπτωση της έγχυσης ατμού ο κύριος μηχανισμός απομάκρυνσης των ημι-πτητικών και μη πτητικών συστατικών ήταν η απόσταξη ατμού (δηλαδή η μείωση του σημείου ζέσεως των υδρογονανθράκων λόγω της παρουσίας μη αναμίξιμης υδατικής φάσης). Η σύγκριση των δύο μεθόδων απορρύπανσης με διάνοιξη οριζόντιων υδραυλικών ρωγμών έδειξε ότι και οι δύο μέθοδοι είναι αρκετά αποδοτικές όσον αφορά στη μείωση της μάζας του ρύπου (~72%) σε ισχυρά ετερογενή εδάφη με ρωγμές. Η έγχυση ατμού όμως είναι πολύ πιο γρήγορη (3 μήνες) από το βιοαερισμό (12 μήνες) αλλά ταυτόχρονα και αρκετά πιο ακριβή από αυτόν (14-25%). Όσον αφορά το ποσοστό μείωσης επικινδυνότητας του υπολειπόμενου ρύπου, ο βιοαερισμός δίνει με μεγάλη διαφορά καλύτερα αποτελέσματα (93%) από ότι η έγχυση ατμού (8-68%) όπου παρατηρείται και μεγάλη διακύμανση τιμών. / Soil contamination by industrial and urban wastes is nowadays one of the most important pollution problems worldwide. The petroleum hydrocarbons are included in the list of toxic pollutants that have contaminated extensive areas all over the world. An inevitable consequence of liquid pollutants release on the ground is their transport by a variety of mechanisms (e.g. gravity flow, dissolution, volatilization, dispersion, sorption, etc) in the unsaturated zone of soil, and subsequent pollution of the underlying aquifers. Conventional methods of ex-situ soil remediation are the soil excavation and its transportation in appropriate places (e.g. incinerator, bio-piles, etc). During the last years, there is a growing interest for the development and application of low-cost and sustainable (low environmental impact) in-situ soil remediation technologies. In the present work, two relatively new in-situ remediation technologies, bioventing and steam injection, were tested on the vadose zone of a low permeability and fractured glacial till sediment that was contaminated by jet fuel. The experimental site is situated in an abandoned military airport (Kluczewo) in North-Western Poland. The area was polluted extensively by jet fuel over a long period (1935-1992). The geological characterization revealed the existence of vertical desiccation fractures at the upper layers and horizontal/sub-horizontal tectonic fractures at the deeper ones, and a relatively low permeability and heterogeneous micro-porous matrix. The same geologic conditions dominate in a major part of the subsurface in Northern and Central Europe. Due to the multi-scale heterogeneities, ranging from the pore-scale to the field-scale, and the creation of preferential flow paths in such soils, it is very difficult to design successful remediation strategies based on vertical wells. For this reason, in both field experiments (bioventing and steam injection), the soil was stimulated by opening hydraulic fractures which acted as horizontal wells of fluid injection/extraction, and enhanced the influence radius of remediation. The main goal of the work is to evaluate, under field conditions, steam injection and bioventing as sustainable and efficient technologies for the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons from highly heterogeneous soils. In order to determine the efficiency of each remediation method, soil samples were collected from twelve wells and seven depths, and placed inside specific flasks pre-filled with dichloromethane (DCM). After the accelerated extraction of non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) from the soil and its dissolution in DCM, the composition and concentration of hydrocarbons (NAPL) was performed by using GC-MS and GC-FID. In order to clarify the main NAPL removal mechanisms and evaluate the effectiveness of steam injection and bioventing, lab-scale experiments were also conducted in soil tanks by using synthetic NAPL (PMMA cell with 55 cm x 50 cm x 12 cm dimensions) and keep the conditions comparable to the field ones. Due to pore structure heterogeneities, the main NAPL removal mechanism in bioventing was the volatilization of hydrocarbons and the fast vapour transfer through diffusion (due to the high concentration gradient) from the porous matrix to the high hydraulic conductivity preferential flow paths of injected air (ventilation). Respectively, due to the low soil permeability, in steam injection the main removal mechanism of semi- and non-volatile substances was steam distillation (namely the reduction of NAPL compounds bubble point because of the coexistence of immiscible water). The comparison of the two remediation technologies, steam injection and bioventing, indicate that both methods are efficient with respect to the reduction of the pollutant mass (~72%) in highly heterogeneous and fractured soils. With respect to cost issues, steam injection albeit faster, is 14-25% more expensive than bioventing. Finally, concerning the risks associated with the reduction of residual NAPL in groundwater, bioventing was more effective (~93%) than steam injection (8-68%).


LINA MERCEDES DAZA BARRANCO 02 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] A alta viscosidade dos óleos pesados e o elevado teor de asfaltenos contribuem para a formação de emulsões água-em-óleo (A/O) altamente estáveis, dificultando a separação óleo/água e aumentando os custos de produção e transporte. Para reduzir a viscosidade, técnicas de diluição são comuns com solventes simples. Portanto, pouca pesquisa foi realizada sobre o impacto dos compostos aromáticos nas propriedades interfaciais e na estabilidade das emulsões, de solventes complexos, como o querosene. Neste estudo, investigou-se o efeito da segregação dos compostos aromáticos do querosene nas propriedades bulk e interfaciais e na estabilidade dos asfaltenos e das emulsões A/O. Além disso, foram analisadas as correlações desses efeitos com a desemulsificação química. Inicialmente, foram avaliadas as propriedades interfaciais de frações de surfactantes naturais, extraídas de um óleo pesado brasileiro, em relação à sua capacidade de estabilizar emulsões água-querosene. Os resultados indicaram que a estabilidade dessas emulsões decorre do efeito sinérgico entre as resinas e os asfaltenos, resultando na formação de filmes interfaciais mais flexíveis, que evitam ou retardam a coalescência das gotas. Entretanto, quando o querosene foi utilizado como diluente do óleo pesado (HO) na fase oleosa, observou-se a floculação e precipitação dos asfaltenos. Esses resultados foram correlacionados com a composição química de dois tipos de querosene: um composto apenas por saturados (KeS) e outro contendo 30 por cento massa de compostos aromáticos (KeSA). Verificou-se que a composição química dos querosenes afeta a estabilidade coloidal dos asfaltenos, a estabilidade da emulsão e as propriedades interfaciais. KeSA apresentou maior solubilização e dispersão dos asfaltenos em comparação ao KeS. Além disso, a viscoelasticidade interfacial diminuiu quando o teor de querosene foi maior ou igual a 30 por cento massa, indicando a formação de filmes interfaciais menos rígidos. Porém, o módulo de elasticidade nos sistemas contendo KeSA aumentou gradualmente com o tempo, sugerindo uma melhor solubilidade dos asfaltenos e uma adsorção controlada pela difusão facilitada na interface. A concentração de aromáticos do solvente (KeSA) mantém a estabilidade do filme interfacial durante a diluição de HO, compensando assim a perda de asfaltenos com o aumento do teor de querosene na fase óleo. Os resultados também destacaram o papel crucial da aromaticidade do querosene na quebra das emulsões A/O contendo 20 por cento massa de Ke na fase oleosa. Diferentes desemulsificantes químicos, comumente utilizados como bases para desemulsificantes comerciais, bem como compostos modelo, foram testados. KeSA apresentou maior robustez e resistência à quebra das emulsões. Esse efeito decorre da segregação interfacial dos compostos aromáticos do querosene. Esses resultados enfatizam a importância da composição química do querosene quando é usado na diluição de óleos pesados, o qual tem efeito significativo na estabilidade e quebra das emulsões A/O. / [en] The high viscosity of heavy oils and the high content of asphaltenes contribute to the formation of highly stable water-in-heavy oil (W/O) emulsions, making oil/water separation difficult and increasing production and transportation costs. To reduce viscosity, dilution techniques with simple solvents are common. Therefore, slight research has been conducted on the impact of aromatic compounds on interfacial properties and emulsion stability from complex solvents, such as kerosene. In this study, we investigated the effect of segregation of aromatic compounds in kerosene on the bulk and interfacial properties and stability of asphaltenes and W/O emulsions. Furthermore, we analyzed the correlations of these effects with chemical demulsification. Initially, we evaluated the interfacial properties of natural surfactants fractions extracted from Brazilian heavy oil regarding their ability to stabilize water-kerosene emulsions. The results indicated that the stability of these emulsions was related to the synergistic effect between resins and asphaltenes, resulting in the formation of more flexible interfacial films that prevent or delay the coalescence of the droplets. However, when kerosene was used as diluent of heavy oil (HO) in the oil phase, flocculation and precipitation of asphaltenes were observed. These results were correlated with the chemical composition of two kerosene types: one composed only of saturates (KeS) and another containing saturates and 30 percent wt. of aromatic compounds (KeSA). It was found that the chemical composition of the kerosene affects the colloidal asphaltenes stability, emulsion stability, and interfacial properties. KeSA showed greater solubilization and dispersion of asphaltenes compared to KeS. Additionally, interfacial viscoelasticity decreased when the kerosene content was bigger or equal 30 wt. percent, indicating the formation of less rigid interfacial films. However, the interfacial elastic modulus in systems containing KeSA gradually increased over time, suggesting better solubility of asphaltenes and diffusion-controlled adsorption at the interface. The concentration of solvent aromatics (KeSA) maintains interfacial film stability during HO dilution, thus compensating for the loss of asphaltenes with increasing kerosene content in the oil phase. The results also revealed the crucial role of kerosene s aromaticity in the breaking of W/O emulsions containing 20 wt. percent of kerosene in the oil phase. Various chemical demulsifiers commonly used as bases for commercial demulsifiers, as well as model compounds, were tested. The presence of KeSA exhibited greater robustness and resistance to emulsion breaking. This effect was attributed to interfacial segregation of aromatic compounds from kerosene. These results emphasize the importance of kerosene s chemical composition when used for diluting heavy oils, as it has a significant effect on the stability and breaking of W/O emulsions, particularly in the case of the Brazilian heavy oil used in this study.

Pyrolytic Decomposition of Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene Fuel Compared to JP-7 and JP-8 Aviation Fuels

Parker, Grant Houston 30 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Transesterificação seguida de destilação para a obtenção de bioquerosene de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.), babaçu (Orbignya phalerata) e palmiste (Elaeis guineenses) / Transesterification followed by distillation to obtain biokerosene jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.), babassu (Orbignya phalerata) and palm kernel (Elaeis guineenses)

Ranucci, Carolline Rodrigues 25 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:59:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carolline Rodrigues Ranucci.pdf: 1478673 bytes, checksum: dbf05cf901d293b1091d138f2695fb5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The increase in global energy demand has contributed to the search for alternative energy sources aimed at reducing the dependency on fossil fuels. The airline industry increasingly invests in the development of a less dependent on fossil fuel sources, that is from renewable sources and to maintain the original composition of fossil kerosene (jet fuel-1), preventing changes are needed in aircraft engines. An alternative is the production of so-called Biokerosene from oil intended for energy purposes. In this context, there are the jatropha oil (Jatropha curcas L.), babassu (Orbignya phalerata) and palm kernel (Elaeis guineenses) who present themselves as strong potential for the production of bio-kerosene. The objective of this study was to obtain an alternative aviation biofuel to fossil kerosene (jet fuel-1) from the transesterification reaction by homogeneous catalysis, esters were subjected to vacuum fractional distillation process, and the fractions that showed higher contents of minor carbon chains compounds were mixed with fossil commercial kerosene in the proportions of 5, 10 and 20% (biokerosene/kerosene). Also mixtures of the methyl esters of kerosene were performed in the same proportions. Some quality specifications determined by the standard of ANP No. 38 of 28.07.2011 DOU 29.07.2011, as the kinematic viscosity, calorific value, density and flash point were tested for both the methyl esters and bio-kerosene as to their mixtures to fossil kerosene. Mixtures up to 20% bio-kerosene jatropha, babassu and palm kernel in the evaluated quality parameters only the calorific value did not meet the established limits, lying below this by a very small margin. Based on these results, it has been found feasible to carry blends of Jatropha Biokerosene, babassu oil and palm kernel prepared by this method with commercial jet fuel up to 10% (v/v), and if the range of acceptability of parameters is larger this percentage can reach up to 20%. The characterization of mixtures of methyl esters/kerosene confirmed that the biofuels obtained by the proportion between 10 and 20%, has properties comparable with the commercial aviation fuel available. / O aumento da demanda energética mundial tem contribuído para a busca de fontes alternativas de energia que visem à redução na dependência de combustíveis fósseis. O setor aéreo investe cada vez mais no desenvolvimento de um combustível menos dependente de fontes fósseis, que seja de origem renovável e que mantenha a composição original do querosene fóssil (QAV-1), evitando que sejam necessárias modificações nos motores das aeronaves. Uma alternativa está na produção do denominado bioquerosene a partir de oleaginosas destinadas para fins energéticos. Nesse contexto, tem-se os óleos de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.), babaçu (Orbignya phalerata) e palmiste (Elaeis guineenses) que se apresentam como forte potencial para a produção de bioquerosene. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a obtenção de um biocombustível de aviação alternativo ao querosene fóssil (QAV-1), a partir da reação de transesterificação por catálise homogênea, os ésteres obtidos foram submetidos ao processo de destilação fracionada a vácuo, e as frações que apresentaram maiores teores de compostos de cadeias de carbono menores foram misturadas ao querosene fóssil comercial nas proporções de 5, 10 e 20% (bioquerosene/querosene). Também foram realizadas misturas dos ésteres metílicos com o querosene nas mesmas proporções. Algumas especificações de qualidade determinadas pela Norma da ANP Nº 38, de 28.07.2011 DOU 29.07.2011, como a viscosidade cinemática, poder calorífico, massa específica e ponto de fulgor, foram testadas tanto para os ésteres metílicos e bioquerosene quanto para as suas misturas ao querosene fóssil. As misturas de até 20% de bioquerosene de pinhão manso, babaçu e palmiste nos parâmetros de qualidade avaliados apenas o poder calorífico não atendeu os limites estabelecidos, encontrando-se abaixo deste por uma margem muito pequena. Com base nestes resultados, verificou-se ser viável realizar misturas de bioquerosene de pinhão manso, babaçu e palmiste preparadas por este método com querosene de aviação comercial em até 10% (v/v), e caso a faixa de aceitabilidade dos parâmetros seja ampliada, este percentual pode chegar a até 20%. As caracterizações das misturas dos ésteres metílicos/querosene confirmaram que o biocombustível obtido pela proporção entre 10 e 20%, possui propriedades comparáveis com o combustível de aviação comercial disponível.

Analyse expérimentale par diagnostics lasers du mélange kérosène/air et de la combustion swirlée pauvre prémélangée, haute-pression issue d’un injecteur Low-NOx / Experimental investigation by laser diagnostics of the kerosene/air mixing and high-pressure swirl-stabilized lean premixed combustion from a low-NOx injection system

Malbois, Pierre 18 December 2017 (has links)
Les motoristes aéronautiques misent sur le développement de systèmes d’injection de carburant innovants pour réduire la consommation de carburant et les émissions de polluants. L’objectif de la thèse est de contribuer à l’étude expérimentale d’un injecteur « Lean Premixed » par le développement de diagnostics lasers couplant des approches basées sur la diffusion de Mie et l’émission fluorescente de traceurs. Les mesures ont été réalisées sur le banc de combustion haute pression HERON. Une approche novatrice avec l’imagerie de fluorescence du kérosène a permis d’obtenir une quantification du mélange kérosène/air. La structure de flamme a été mesurée simultanément par PLIF-OH et des mesures PIV de vitesse ont complété cette analyse. Un développement préliminaire de la PLIF-CO a également été mené. Les nombreuses mesures permettent de fournir une analyse détaillée des interactions flamme/spray/aérodynamique lors d’une combustion swirlée stabilisée kérosène/air à haute pression. / Aeronautical engine manufacturers are banking on the development of innovative fuel injection systems to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the experimental investigation of a "Lean Premixed" injector by developing laser diagnostics coupling approaches based on Mie scattering and fluorescent emission of tracers. Measurements are performed at high pressure on the HERON combustion test bench. An innovative approach with fluorescence imaging of kerosene has resulted in the quantification of the kerosene/air mixture. The flame structure was analyzed simultaneously by OH-PLIF and velocity PIV measurements were performed to complete this analysis. A preliminary development of CO-PLIF was also conducted. The numerous measurements provided a detailed analysis of the mechanisms of flame/spray/aerodynamic interactions during a swirl-stabilized kerosene/air combustion at high pressure.

Processus photophysiques de molécules organiques fluorescentes et du kérosène applications aux foyers de combustion : applications aux foyers de combustion / Photophysical processes of organic fluorescent molecules and kerosene : applications to combustion engines

Rossow, Björn 27 September 2011 (has links)
La métrologie laser basée sur l’analyse de la fluorescence de traceurs moléculaires est devenue l’un des outils clefs pour l’étude expérimentale de la dynamique des fluides réactifs. Une étude spectroscopique des propriétés photophysiques de fluorescence dans le domaine spectral UV-visible de plusieurs molécules fluorescentes appartenant aux cétones aliphatiques et aux aromatiques mono- et bicycliques a permis d’approfondir la compréhension de l’influence de la température, de la pression et de la concentration d’oxygène sur leur fluorescence. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus ont ensuite permis le développement d’un modèle de simulation du rendement de fluorescence pour les espèces aromatiques (naphtalène et toluène), qui fournit des résultats très proches de ceux mesurés.De ces résultats, le développement de la technique d’imagerie de fluorescence (PLIF) sur la phase vapeur d’un carburant multi-composant a conduit à étendre cette analyse spectrale de fluorescence au cas du kérosène (Jet A-1). La comparaison entre les propriétés de fluorescence du kérosène et des traceurs aromatiques étudiés a notamment permis d’établir une stratégie de mesure de la concentration de la phase vapeur du kérosène dans des environnements où la teneur en oxygène est variable. Les signaux de fluorescence provenant des espèces mono- et di-aromatiques contenues dans le kérosène soulignent des évolutions différentes avec les conditions de température et teneur en oxygène. L’utilisation de filtres optiques appropriés associés à deux caméras ICCD permet alors une mesure bidimensionnelle de la température et de la concentration de kérosène en phase vapeur. La thèse débouche finalement sur l’application de cette technique PLIF-kérosène en combinaison avec la technique PLIF du radical OH en sortie d’un système d’injection industriel multi-point de nouvelle génération intégré dans une chambre de combustion haute pression. / Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) diagnostic based on the optical excitation of fluorescence tracers has become a key tool for the experimental study of fluid dynamics in reactive flows. A spectroscopic fluorescence study of several organic molecules from aliphatic ketones and mono- and bi-cyclic aromatics in gas-phase was performed in a high-pressure high temperature optical cell. The experimental measurements allowed the understanding of the influence of temperature, pressure and oxygen concentration on the photophysics of these molecules in the UV/visible domain. These results were then used to successfully develop a model of fluorescence yield of the naphthalene and toluene aromatic molecules permitting the simulation of the fluorescence signals with temperature, pressure and species composition in large domains of temperature and pressure.This study has been extended to the case of a multi-component aeronautical fuel (kerosene – jet A1) containing natural aromatics. The comparison of the spectroscopic data recorded in the optical cell to those of the aromatic tracers initially probed has then permitted the definition of a kerosene-PLIF excitation/detection strategy for kerosene vapour concentration measurements in reactive gaseous flowfield containing variable oxygen concentration. Fluorescence signals from mono- and di-aromatic species in kerosene highlight significant differences in evolution with temperature and oxygen concentration. With appropriate optical filters applied to two ICCD cameras, the two-dimensional instantaneous distribution of temperature and concentration of kerosene vapour is then possible to measure in reactive flows. Finally, the kerosene-PLIF diagnostic has been applied at the exit of an innovative multi-point aeronautical injection system integrated to high-pressure kerosene/air combustor test rig. The kerosene-PLIF, combined with the radical OH-PLIF confirmed their implementation in realistic high-pressure flowfields and delivered experimental fruitful experimental information on the effect of the fuel/air mixing on the flame structure in the combustion chamber.

Leveraging green hydrogen to decarbonise the aviation industry : A case study on electrofuels in Sweden / Användning av grön vätgas för att dekarbonisera flygindustrin : En fallstudie om elektrobränslen i Sverige

Bergene, Jakob, Bruchhausen, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
For the EU to reach its 2050 climate targets the aviation industry that is highly dependent on fossil fuels needs to drastically reduce its emissions. In the decarbonisation of the aviation industry drop-in sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) have been identified as a promising solution to abate the industry’s emissions. To increase the adoption of SAFs, The EU has announced a proposal called ReFuelEU Aviation, introducing obligated blend mandates for SAFs that airlines and fuel suppliers need to comply with, starting at 2% in 2025 going up to 70% by 2050. A subset of SAFs called electrofuels, made from green hydrogen and carbon dioxide, could become essential in the sustainability transition with an emission abatement potential of up to 95% compared to fossil jet fuel. However, there exist no large scale production of electrofuels and previous research suggests that they will be several times more expensive to produce than their fossil counterparts, highlighting that the production and adoption will be challenging. In this thesis we first study how and under which conditions electrofuel value chains can develop in Sweden and second to which extend locally-produced electrofuels may be economically feasible. The former was studied qualitatively and the latter quantitatively, which together identified challenges and opportunities for electrofuels to decarbonise the aviation industry. The qualitative analysis was researched by conducting semi-structured interviews with industry actors, researching the current policy landscape and analysing the findings from a theoretical lens of ‘complementarity formation mechanisms in technology value chains’. The quantitative analysis was researched by a techno-economic assessment of e-kerosene production in Sweden using an alkaline electrolyser, different carbon capture technologies and a Fischer Tropsch fuel synthesis. In the qualitative analysis we found, in contrast to previous research, that the incremental cost associated with adoption of electrofuels is not necessarily the greatest concern. Instead, the value chain development of electrofuels is dependent on synchronised development of the input sectors renewable energy, hydrogen production and carbon capture technologies. Industry actors may not invest in large scale electrofuel production until they have secured a supply for renewable energy. There is also a liability of limited scalability in these, affected by slow permit processes and construction of new renewable energy, risking that electrofuels are not produced sustainably and at a high cost. We also found that producing bio-electrofuels, utilising lignocellulosic biomass from e.g., forest residue, can become important for Swedish fuel production. In the quantitative analysis the results show a levelised cost of e-kerosene of 3.8-6.1 times higher than the fossil jet fuel price of April 2023, sensitive to changes in energy price and capital expenditures of electrolysers for hydrogen production. We also found that the source of carbon capture affects the price, where direct air capture (DAC) increased total costs by 32% and 25% compared to bioethanol and pulp and paper, respectively. The levelised cost yield emission abatement costs between 457-1,042 €/tonne CO2e, depending on energy scenario and emissions abatement potential. In conclusion, we have found that the production of electrofuels for aviation is contingent on low energy prices, point-source carbon capture and economies of scale in hydrogen production. This highlights that renewable energy in combination with technological developments in hydrogen and carbon production is essential to establish a sustainable value chain. This can become challenging as other industries, such as green steel, will require similar inputs for production, emphasising that the location of electrofuel plants highly impacts the business case and possibility to produce relatively sustainable and cost competitive products. / För att EU ska nå sina klimatmål för 2050 behöver flygindustrin, som är beroende av fossila bränslen, drastiskt minska sina utsläpp. I dekarboniseringen av flygindustrin har hållbara flygbränslen (SAF) identifierats som en potentiell lösning för att minska utsläppen i industrin. EU har tagit fram förslaget ReFuelEU Aviation som inför obligatoriska inblandningskrav av SAF för flygbolag och bränsleleverantörer, med start 2025 på 2% och en ökning till 70% fram till år 2050. En subkategori av SAF kallade elektrobränslen, som tillverkas av grön vätgas och koldioxid, kan bli avgörande i hållbarhetsomställningen med en potential att reducera utsläpp med upp till 95% jämfört med fossilt flygbränsle. Samtidigt finns det idag ingen storskalig produktion av elektrobränslen och forskare och branschexperter tror att produktionskostnaderna kommer att vara flera gånger dyrare än den fossila motsvarigheten, vilket antyder att produktionen av elektrobränslen kommer medföra utmaningar. I denna uppsats studerar vi först hur och under vilka förutsättningar elektrobränsle-värdekedjor kan utvecklas i Sverige, och sedan under vilka förutsättningar produktion av elektrobränslen kan vara ekonomiskt konkurrenskraftigt. Den första frågeställningen studerades kvalitativt och den andra kvantitativt, vilka tillsammans identifierade utmaningar och möjligheter för produktion och användning av elektrobränslen för att dekarbonisera flygindustrin. Den kvalitativa analysen bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer inom branschen och forskning kring det nuvarande policylandskapet. Dessa resultat analyserades sedan utifrån en teoretisk lins av ’komplementära formationsmekanismer i teknologiska värdekedjor’. Den kvantitativa delen analyserades genom en tekno-ekonomisk analys av e-fotogenproduktion i Sverige genom en alkalisk elektrolysör, olika tekniker för koldioxidavskiljning och bränslesyntes via Fischer-Tropsch. I den kvalitativa analysen fann vi, i motsats till tidigare forskning, att de inkrementella kostnaderna för införandet av elektrobränslen inte nödvändigtvis är det största hindret. I stället är utvecklingen av elektrobränsle-värdekedjor beroende av en synkroniserad utveckling av förnybar energi, vätgasproduktion och koldioxidavskiljningstekniker då industriella aktörer kan vara motvilliga att investera i storskalig elektrobränsleproduktion innan de har en säkrat tillgång av förnybar energi. Det finns också en risk för begränsad skalbarhet på grund av långsamma tillståndsprocesser för konstruktion av ny förnybar energi, vilket kan leda till att elektrobränslen inte produceras hållbart och till höga kostnader. Vi fann också att produktion av bio-elektrobränslen, genom att använda lignocellulistisk biomassa från exempelvis skogsrester, kan bli viktigt för den svenska bränsleproduktionen. I den kvantitativa analysen visade resultaten att kostnaden för e-fotogen är 3.8-6.1 gånger högre än den fossila motsvarigheten och att priset var känsligt mot förändringar i energipris och investeringskostnader för elektrolysören för vätgasproduktion. Vi fann också att källan till koldioxidavskiljning påverkar priset, där direktluftsavskiljning (DAC) ökade de totala kostnaderna med 32% respektive 25% jämfört med bioetanol och pappersmassa. Produktionskostnaderna för elektrobränslen indikerarar en utsläppsminskningskostnad mellan 457-1,042 €/ton CO2e, beroende på energiscenario och utsläppsminskningspotential. Slutsatsen är att produktionen av elektrobränslen för flygindustrin är beroende av låga energipriser, källa för koldioxidavskiljning och stordriftsfördelar för vätgasproduktion. Detta påvisar att förnybar energi i kombination med teknologisk utveckling inom vätgas- och koldioxidproduktion är avgörande för att etablera en välfungerande värdekedja. Detta kan bli utmanande då andra industrier, som produktionen av grönt stål, kommer att kräva liknande insatsvaror för produktion och betonar därmed vikten av den geografiska placeringen av elektrobränslefabriker för att ha möjligheten att producera hållbara och kostnadseffektiva bränslen.

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