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Marcadores prognósticos e preditivos e sua importância na individualização do tratamento de pacientes com câncer de mamaAzambuja, Evandro de January 2007 (has links)
Resumo não disponível.
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Avaliação imunohistoquímica do antígeno KI-67 na sequência Barrett-adenocarcinoma de esôfagoVolkweis, Bernardo Silveira January 2006 (has links)
Resumo não disponível.
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Fallbasiertes Lernen von BewertungsfunktionenNeumeister, Matthias 20 October 2017 (has links)
In der Arbeit wird das Konzept des fallbasierten Schließens zur Verwendung während der Minimax-Baumsuche in Spielbäumen vorgeschlagen. Die Auswirkungen von Änderungen an verschiedenen Parametern des Algorithmus werden anhand dazu durchgeführter Experimente dargestellt. Hervorzuheben sind besonders mehrere Auswahlstrategien, die den Lernprozess erheblich beschleunigen können.
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Training the archiveHunger, Francis 30 June 2023 (has links)
„Training the Archive“ ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen dem Ludwig Forum Aachen, dem Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund sowie dem Visual Computing Institute der RWTH Aachen University. Das Projekt widmet sich visuellen Archiven und der Frage, wie in diesen Sammlungen neue Zusammenhänge mittels ‚Machine Learning‘ hergestellt werden können. Ziel ist die forschungsbasierte Entwicklung einer Software, die Kurator:innen und Künstler:innen neue Zugänge zu digitalisierten Bildsammlungen ermöglicht. Francis Hunger, einer der beteiligten Forscher erläutert im Gespräch einige Bedingungen, Determinanten und Kontextualisierungen dieses Projekts.
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Utveckling och design av WiGIDAltayr, Hydar, Adis, Michael January 2003 (has links)
The Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics (CGB) is an academic department at Karolinska Institute. Generally stated, the CGB department is committed to the generation and management of genetic information by approaches aiming at elucidating the connection between genes, protein and function. WiGID is a genome information database that is available through WAP (Wireless Application Protocol). Our version of WiGID is based on WML, PHP and PostgreSQL as a database server. One of the changes on the old WiGID application was the creation of a relational database with seven tables and one view, instead of the file that represented the database on the old version. We also changed the script language from python to PHP. The search engine ability has been extended with three new search alternatives for a user to choose from. Each choice leads to other, sometimes multiple choices. A GUI has been created for the administrator, to be able to insert information into the database. The structure of the search engine is primarily for narrowing down the search result on the phone display, thereby making the search efficient. / Wireless Genome Information Database (WiGID), är en genome information databas och är tillgänglig genom WAP (Wireless Application Protocol). WiGID har vidareutvecklats med WML och PHP som skript språk istället för WML och Python. Några exempel på den ny utvecklade WiGID är navigationsmöjligheterna och applikationens bakomliggande struktur. Modelleringen av relationsbaserade databasen har gett ökad flexibilitet till applikationen. Den är inte längre statisk och svårhanterlig. Hanteringen av databasen har lösts genom inmatnings skriptet. Inmatnings skriptet hanterar information från en fil som den läser ifrån och lägger informationen i respektive tabell. Sökmöjligheterna har ökats genom användning av SQL (Structured Query Language). Navigationsmöjligheterna i sökmotorn utökades till sex valmöjligheter istället för tre enligt den äldre versionen. Varje länk går vidare till nya alternativ för att förfina själva sökningen. Sökningen har effektiviserats och valmöjligheterna.
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Delayed access to feed affects broiler small intestinal morphology and intestinal cell ontogenyLiu, Kuan-Ling 01 August 2019 (has links)
In the broiler industry, chicks are often deprived of feed and water up to 48 h posthatch. This delayed access to feed (DAF) has been found to inhibit small intestinal development, compromising growth of the chick. To further understand the impact of DAF on small intestines at the molecular level, many developmental genes that regulate intestinal development were investigated. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of DAF on early posthatch broiler small intestinal morphology, which includes villus height (VH) and crypt depth (CD), and to quantify changes in regulatory genes, such as Olfactomedin 4 (Olfm4), Marker of Ki-67 (Ki-67), Peptide Transporter 1 (PepT1), and Mucin 2 (Muc2), in response to DAF. The Olfm4 mRNA can clearly identify stem cells in the intestinal crypt, which allows VH and CD to be measured, while Ki-67 marks the proliferating cells. The peptide transporter PepT1 is located on intestinal epithelial cells and plays a critical role in transporting di- and tripeptides. Muc2, which is secreted from goblet cells, forms mucus that lines the intestinal epithelial cells acting as a layer of protective coating. Cobb 500 chicks, hatching within a 12 h window, were randomly allocated into three experimental groups: control with no feed delay (ND), 24 h feed delay (D24), and 36 h feed delay (D36). Quantification of Olfm4, Ki-67, PepT1, and Muc2 mRNA abundance were investigated by quantitative PCR, in duodenum, jejunum, and ileum at 0 h, 24 h, 36 h, 72 h, 120 h, and 168 h posthatch. Additionally, localization of cells expressing each gene was visualized using in-situ hybridization at all listed times except 168 h posthatch. Statistical analysis was performed using JMP Pro 14, and significant differences between treatments within a collection day were determined by t-test and one-way ANOVA (P < 0.05). In the ND group, duodenal CD at 0 h was greatest compared to all other time points. With DAF, the duodenal VH of D36 chicks was lower at 36 h (P < 0.001) and 72 h (P = 0.002) compared to ND chicks. In the jejunum and ileum, the VH of D36 chicks was lower at 120 h (P = 0.005) and 72 h (P = 0.03), respectively, compared to ND chicks. In contrast, the VH of D24 chicks at 24 h was greater than ND (P = 0.004) in the jejunum. There was no difference between treatments by 168 h in all intestinal segments. The CD was also lower in DAF groups compared to ND but only in the jejunum and ileum. In contrast, duodenal CD was greater in D24 chicks at 24 h (P = 0.039) and in D36 chicks at 36 h (P < 0.0001) compared to ND chicks, but the difference was no longer significant by 72 h. The VH/CD ratio was lower in all three segments, except the ileum displayed a greater VH/CD ratio in D24 and D36 chicks at 24 h and 36 h, respectively, compared to ND chicks. The mRNA abundance of Olfm4 and Ki-67 was greater in DAF groups upon refeeding, but not until 120 h. The PepT1 mRNA abundance was greater in DAF groups while the abundance of Muc2 mRNA was lower. This difference in mRNA abundance level was more prominent in the duodenum and jejunum. From the analysis of number and distribution of goblet cells found in the upper half and lower half of the villi, expressed as a ratio (VU/VL), a greater ratio was observed in delayed groups compared to ND. In summary, while DAF resulted in altered small intestinal morphology with an effect more pronounced in D36 than D24 chicks, upon refeeding, some genes important to intestinal development were upregulated as a response to the treatment. / Master of Science / In the broiler industry, chicks are often deprived of feed and water up to 48 h posthatch. This delayed access to feed (DAF) was found to negatively impact small intestinal development, compromising their growth. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of DAF on early posthatch broiler small intestinal morphology and to observe the changes in regulatory genes, such as the stem cell marker, proliferating cell marker, absorptive cell marker, and mucus producing cell marker, in response to the DAF. To simulate the DAF condition in the broiler industry, chicks with no feed delay (ND) were tested against chicks with DAF for 24 h (D24) and 36 h (D36). Quantification and cell localization of these cell markers were investigated in the small intestines at early posthatch. In general, DAF chicks had lowered intestinal villus height and crypt depth compared to ND chicks. The mRNA abundance of markers for stem cells and proliferating cells were greater in DAF groups upon refeeding. The mRNA abundance of markers for absorptive cells was greater in DAF groups while the mRNA abundance of markers for mucus producing cells was lowered as a result of DAF. In summary, DAF negatively impacted small intestinal morphology and altered the regulation of some developmental genes important to early posthatch chick performance.
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Wie kommt die K.I. in die Pflege – oder umgekehrt?: Drei Probleme bei der Technikgenese von Pflegetechnologien und ein GegenvorschlagBischof, Andreas, Hergesell, Jannis, Maibaum, Arne 29 April 2024 (has links)
In diesem Artikel rekonstruieren wir vor dem Hintergrund von empirischen Studien, wie die Genese von Pflegetechnologien innovations- und techniksoziologisch funktioniert. Wir zeigen drei Momente in der Technikentwicklung, in denen Pflege und Technologien füreinander ver-fügbar gemacht werden – in der innovationspolitischen Förderung, in der Logik der Technik-entwicklung und mit Blick auf Pflege als soziales Feld. Unsere Analyse zeigt wie mit Pflege-technologien, besonders den Pflegerobotern, von Beginn an mit Lösungsversprechen eines ‚technological fix’ verknüpft sind und wie dies in die Entwicklung von neuen Technologien und in die Pflege hineinwirkt. Wir enden mit einem Gegenvorschlag zur Partizipation und Professi-onalisierung der Pflege, um zu verhindern, dass Technologien, die derzeit unter dem Begriff „Künstliche Intelligenz” diskutiert werden, trotz ihrer diskursiven Verwandtschaft nicht zwangsläufig dasselbe Schicksal erleiden müssen.:Impressum 2
Abstract 3
1 Einleitung 5
2 Wie kommt die K.I. in die Pflege? 7
2.1 Wie werden Pflegetechnologien innovationspolitisch ermöglicht? 7
2.2 Wie wird Pflege verfügbar für Technikentwicklung? 9
2.3 Was bedeutet die Verfügbarmachung für die Pflege? 11
3 Versuch eines Gegenentwurfs 13
3.1 Professionalisierung der Pflege 13
3.2 Partizipative Ansätze und Abschied vom ‚technological fix‘ 15
4 Fazit 17
Literatur 19
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KI-Bildgeneratoren im Handwerk – Entwicklung neuer Kommunikations- und Entwurfsprozesse in der PraxisGoldammer, Anne 09 October 2024 (has links)
Mit der Teilnahme an der EEE2024-Tagung gibt die Abteilung Innovation und Technologie der Handwerkskammer Dresden zum Thema Integration von KI-Tools im Entwurf im
Handwerk einen praktischen Einblick in die Zusammenarbeit mit Handwerksbetrieben, angehenden Meister:innen und Ausbilder:innen im Handwerk. Es werden handwerksrelevante Designmethoden unter Nutzung von KI-Tools vorgestellt und so eine mittel- und längerfristige Perspektive der handwerklichen Entwurfsarbeit in Hinblick auf die Themen Individualisierung, Entwurf und Beratung vorgestellt.
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Immunophänotypisierung des entzündlichen Infiltrates der Arthrose assoziierten SynovialitisRistow, Gerhard 07 April 2003 (has links)
Die Entzündungsreaktion der Arthrose wird als eine sekundäre Reaktion auf einen degenerativen Prozeß des Gelenkknorpels angesehen. Die Ursache für die Degeneration kann im Mißverhältnis zwischen Belastbarkeit und Beanspruchung liegen, es können metabolische Störungen (Urämie, Diabetes mellitus) verantwortlich gemacht werden, weswegen von sekundärer Arthrose gesprochen wird. Die Ursache der primären Arthrose bleibt unbekannt. Es kann als bewiesen angesehen werden der Zusammenhang mit Alter und Geschlecht der Patienten, denn Arthrose ist in der Regel eine Erkrankung jenseits des fünfzigsten Lebensjahres und betrifft vornehmlich Frauen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Synovialis von 20 Patienten aufgearbeitet und hinsichtlich des enthaltenen entzündlichen Infiltrates untersucht. Unter Anwendung der indirekten Immunperoxidase Technik und der indirekten Immunfluoreszenz Technik wurde die Expression der Antigene CD 20, CD 23, CD 40, CD 27, IgG, IgA, IgM, Kappa, Lambda, CD 3, CD 4, CD 8, Ki M4, CD 68, Ki 67 sowie die Expression der Cytokine IL 2 und IL 10 analysiert. Die Synovialmembran zeigte histologisch eine Verbreiterung der Deckzellschicht, Knorpelfragmente innerhalb der Synovialmembran und ein insgesamt schwach ausgeprägtes entzündliches Infiltrat. In lediglich drei von 20 Fällen fand sich eine stärkere entzündliche Infiltration. Diese entzündlichen Infiltrate wiesen eine perivaskuläre Verteilung auf. Am häufigsten wurden in gefäßnahen Regionen B Lymphozyten identifiziert, Plasmazellen wiesen in der Regel einen deutlich größeren Abstand zum Gefäß auf. Unter den nachgewiesenen Plasmazellen fand sich eine prädominante Expression an IgG bei ausgewogener Anwesenheit sowohl der Kappa- als auch der Lambda- Leichtketten. T Lymphozyten waren ebenfalls zirkulär um die Gefäße anzutreffen und zeigten eine prädominante Interleukin 10 Expression. Lymphozytäre Aggregate, mit follikelähnlicher Struktur ließen sich in lediglich in 4 von 20 Fällen nachweisen. Makrophagen waren sowohl perivaskulär als auch in der Deckzellschicht nachweisbar. Ki M4 positive Retikulumzellen (FDC) waren dagegen nur in einem von 20 Fällen nachweisbar. Alle Zellpopulationen der Membrana synovialis wiesen nur eine schwache Proliferationsaktivität auf. Das Fehlen von dem Keimzentrum des Lymphfollikels vergleichbaren Strukturen, die deutliche Abwesenheit von Ki M4 positiver FDC's sowie die schwache Expression von Ki 67, sprechen trotz Anwesenheit der ebenfalls zur Antigenpräsentation befähigten Makrophagen gegen eine Einwanderung und Maturation nativer B Lymphozyten in die Membrana Synovialis. Wandern dagegen Gedächtniszellen in die Membrana synovialis ein, so ist eine Maturation mit Follikelbildung nicht mehr notwendig. Unter der Mithilfe von T Lymphozyten und Makrophagen können die B Lymphozyten zu Plasmazellen differenzieren. T Lymphozyten zeichnen sich ebenfalls durch eine starke perivaskuläre Verteilung aus. Dabei ist die Expression von IL 10 prädominant, was sich als eine Immunantwort von TH2-Typus interpretieren läßt. Diese ermöglicht eine Differenzierung der B Lymphozyten zu Plasmazellen. Reife B Lymphozyten, die unter dem Einfluß einer TH2 Subpopulation von CD 4 positiven T Lymphozyten ohne Keimzentrum zu Plasmazellen differenzieren, könnten ein Grund dafür sein, daß follikuläre Strukturen fehlen. Vorgereifte B Lymphozyten benötigen auch keine inflammatorisch hochpotenten Zytokine um eine schnelle Reifung und eine Immunantwort zu ermöglichen. Dies könnte ein Grund sein, warum die entzündliche Reaktion bei Arthrose so schwach ausgeprägt ist. / Inflammation in osteoarthritis is a secondary reaction to a degenerating process of the articular cartilage. Cause of Degeneration can be a disproportion of mechanical stress and resistance or metabolic diseases like diabetes mellitus. This kind of osteoarthritis is called "secondary osteoarthritis". Primary osteoarthritis has an unknown cause. Age and sex of the patient are a predictor for osteoarthritis, hense it is a disease of people above the age of 50 and more often it is found in women than in men. This paper investigated the synovial membranes of twenty patients to characterize the inflammatory Infiltrate. It characterized the cell surface antigen CD 20, CD 23, CD 40, CD 27, CD 3, CD 4, CD 8, Ki M4, CD 68, the antibodies IgG, IgA, IgM, Kappa, Lambda, the proliferating antigen Ki 67 and the expression profile of the cytokines IL 2 and IL 10 by using immunohistochemical staining (indirect immunoperoxidase technique and indirect immunofluorescence technique) with monoclonal antibodies. The synovial membrane shows in histology a dissemination of cover cells, fragments of cartilage and a slight expression of inflammatory infiltrate with a perivascular allocation. In only three of twenty cases we detected stronger inflammatory infiltrates. Most of the perivascular cells express CD 20. They are B lymphocytes. Plasma cells have more distance to the blood vessels and showed a predominant expression of IgG. T-lymphocytes were also detected perivascular. The expression of IL 10 was predominant. Lymphocytes aggregates like lymph follicle were detected in four of twenty cases. Macrophages were proved perivascular as well as in the cover cells. Ki M4 positive reticulum cells were found in only one of twenty cases. All kind of cells in the synovial membrane showed a low proliferation activity. The absence of germinal centers or comparable structures, the low expression of Ki M4 and Ki 67 speak against the immigration and maturation of native B lymphocytes in the synovial membrane. Memory B-lymphocytes don't need germinal centers or compatible structures for maturation, they can mature to plasma cells by help of T-lymphocytes, macrophages or other B-lymphocytes. It is more probably that the detected B lymphocytes are memory cells. The perivascular T lymphocytes in combination with the predominant expression of IL 10 may be interpreted as a TH2 immune reaction. This supports the maturation of B-lymphocytes to plasma cells. The maturation of memory B-lymphocytes under influence of TH2 immune reaction can be the reason for the missing of germinal centers or comparable structures. Matured B-lymphocytes don't need high-grade inflammatory cytokines for quick immune response. This is the possible reason for the low-grade inflammatory reaction of osteoarthritis.
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Correlação entre aspectos clínicos e marcadores biológicos no processo de fotocarcinogênese de lábio / Relationship between clinical aspects and biological markers during lip photocarcinogenesis processNagata, Gabriela Sanchez 13 October 2015 (has links)
A queilite actínica (QA) é uma lesão potencialmente maligna importante para identificar indícios precoces de transformação maligna para o carcinoma epidermoide de lábio (CEL), possibilitando a implementação de um tratamento eficiente e menos invasivo, que promova um melhor prognóstico para os pacientes. Pesquisas recentes indicam que os métodos histopatológicos geralmente são falhos em traçar o risco de malignização de casos de QA, pois além de não demonstrar as alterações genéticas presentes nos queratinócitos, não foram realizados estudos de acompanhamento clínico para avaliar se o grau de displaia epitelial da QA está relacionado ao risco de malignização para CE. Assim, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar, a partir dos casos atendidos no Serviço de Patologia Cirúrgica da FOUSP, qual a diferença de perfil clínico-patológico de pacientes de QA com evolução para CEL, pacientes de QA sem informações e sinais presentes de malignização e pacientes apenas diagnosticados com CEL, e também visou analisar a expressão de Ki67 e pRb nesses três grupos. Para isso, os dados dos pacientes como idade, sexo, cor da pele, aspecto clínico da lesão fundamental, coloração, tamanho e tempo de duração das lesões foram resgatados de 998 casos e distribuídos nessas três categorias. Os resultados da análise clínico-epidemiológica revelaram que o único aspecto clínico estatisticamente significante para diferenciar pacientes apenas diagnosticados com CEL dos demais grupos foi o tempo de duração das lesões. A análise do grau de displasia epitelial nos casos de QA na amostra presente revelou que todos os pacientes de QA posteriormente diagnosticados com CEL foram classificados como lesões de alto risco, e ainda exibiram em maior frequência as atipias: aumento do número de figuras de mitose, variação anormal do tamanho do núcleo, variação anormal do tamanho da célula e alteração da relação núcleo/citoplasma, figuras de mitose anormais e aumento do número e tamanho de nucléolos. Tanto a expressão da proteína Ki-67 como da proteína pRb não demonstraram significância estatística na comparação entre os grupos do estudo. Assim, a avaliação de uma ampla série de casos revelou diferença significante no tempo de duração do CEL com relação à QA. Além disso, algumas alterações morfológicas foram observadas com maior frequência em casos de QA com evolução para CEL. No entanto, outros marcadores biológicos devem ser testados em conjunto, para tentar diagnosticar alterações precoces que levem ao desenvolvimento de CEL. / Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant lesion important to identify early signs of malignant transformation into lip squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC), enabling the implementation of an efficient and less invasive treatment to patients. Recent researches pointed that histopatological methods often fail to trace malignization risk in AC cases, because they are unable to identify genetic damage in keratinocytes and do not exist a clinical follow-up studie to assess if the grading of epithelial dysplasia in AC is related with the malignancy risk to LSCC development. Thus, this research aims to characterize, from cases of Surgical Pathology Service of Universidade de São Paulo, the differences in clinical and pathological profile among AC patients which had evolution to LSCC, AC patients without signs and information about malignization and patients diagnosed only with LSCC. This study also analyzed the expression of Ki-67 and pRb proteins in these three groups. To conduct this study, data as age, gender, race, fundamental lesion aspect, color, size and duration time of the lesion were collected from 998 patients. The clinical-epidemiological analysis revealed that duration time of the lesion was the statistically significant clinical feature to differentiate patients diagnosed only with LSCC from other groups. The grading of epithelial dysplasia analysis showed that all AC patients with a posterior diagnosis of LSCC were classified as high risk lesions and these cases also exhibited most frequently atypia figures as: increased number of mitotic features, abnormal variation in nuclear size, abnormal variation in cellular size, increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, abnormal mitotic features and increased number and size of nucleoli. The immunohistochemical expression of both Ki-67 and pRb protein demonstrated lack of significant statistical difference among the groups. We concluded that the evaluation of a large serie of cases revealed differences in duration time of lesion in patiens only diagnoses with LSCC and some morphological criteria were most frequent in AC cases with a posterior diagnosis of LSCC. However, other biological markers must be tested together, to try to identify early steps of LSCC development.
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