Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kirurgi"" "subject:"cirurgi""
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Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts in Children : Technical Considerations and Treatment of Certain ComplicationsArnell, Kai January 2007 (has links)
<p>Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting is the most commonly used method for the treatment of paediatric hydrocephalus. Despite improved shunts and surgical techniques there are still complications. This retrospective study focuses on diagnoses and treatment of shunt malfunction and infections. Cost/benefit of using an adjustable shunt was assessed. Two adjustable cerebrospinal fluid shunts and their compatible antisiphon devices were compared in-vitro.</p><p>In 21 of 46 children the standard shunt was changed to an adjustable one due to over-drainage. Adjustment of the shunt was performed in 73% of the children thereby avoiding surgery in several cases. This was a financial advantage.</p><p>Ascites or an abdominal pseudocyst without infection was detected in eight children due to resorption difficulties. A ventriculo-atrial shunt was inserted for a period of time. In three children it could successfully be reverted to a ventriculo-peritoneal.</p><p>In six children papilloedema was the only sign of shunt dysfunction. At revision the intracranial pressure ranged from 25 to 52 cm H<sub>2</sub>O. Fundoscopic examination in children older than 8 years may detect symptomless shunt malfunction.</p><p>During a 13-year period 39 shunt infections were diagnosed. Skin bacteria were found in 80%. Prolonged and anaerobic cultures increased the detection rate by more than one third. The intraventricular infections were treated with intraventricular and systemic antibiotics resulting in quick sterilisation. No relapses were encountered. In five older children with distal catheter infection <i>Propionibacterium acne</i> was found. These were treated with intravenous antibiotics and exchanging of the shunt system.</p><p>Strata NSC<sup>TM</sup> and Codman Hakim<sup>TM</sup> worked according to the manufacturers except at the lowest setting. The resistance was below and in the lower range of the physiological one respectively. The antisiphon device of Strata shunt had to be placed in line with shunt to function properly. </p>
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Complicated gallstone disease in Sweden 1988-2006 : a register studySandzén, Birger January 2011 (has links)
Background The gallstone prevalence in the western world is 10-20%. Most gallstones are silent, but symptoms and complications appear in 20-40%. The incidence of symptom development in patients with silent gallstones is 2-4% per year. The indication for surgical (including endoscopic) treatment of gallstones is symptoms of certain magnitude, and no contraindications. During the past three decades an intense technical development in imaging (ultrasound, computerised tomography and magnetic resonance imaging), endoscopic therapy, and surgery has taken place. The aim of this thesis is to scrutinize changes in management of complicated gallstone disease on a population-based level, using national register data. Have the new methods improved the treatment of acute pancreatitis, common bile duct stones and acute gallbladder disease? Methods Data is collected from National Patient Register (NPR) run by The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. NPR collects discharge data from every admission from every Swedish hospital. Mortality is calculated as standardised mortality ratio (SMR) using age-, gender-, and calendar year specific survival estimates. We have studied both general trends in admissions and treatment alternatives and outcomes in defined patient cohorts. Length of hospital stay, readmission, and mortality has been used as proxy indicators of the effectiveness of treatment strategies used. Results During the study period mortality in acute pancreatitis (SMR within 90 days of admission) improved and hospital stay for all patients with acute pancreatitis decreased. Cholecystectomy rate at or shortly after index stay for mild acute biliary pancreatitis increased from 14.5 % to 22.7 %. Of all patients with acute pancreatitis 68.4 % of the patients had no aetiological diagnosis in the register. The incidence of bile duct interventions increased 27.8% from 1988 through 2006. The favoured treatment of bile duct stones changed from open choledocholithectomy to endoscopic sphincterotomy with stone extraction during the same period. However, in 2006, still 19.6% of bile duct interventions for stones were performed as choledochotomy and in the great majority of these cases as open surgery. This indicates a continuing need of education in open bile duct surgery. Mean hospital stay for treatment of common bile duct stones decreased significantly (4.5 days) during the period studied. The mortality (SMR) diminished although without statistical significance during the time period, and there was no significant difference in SMR between choledochotomy and endoscopic sphincterotomy. For acute gallbladder disease a moderate increase of admissions occurred from 1988 through 2006. The relation between acute cholecystectomies versus all cholecystectomies did not change during this period. Of all patients admitted with acute gallbladder disease 32.3 % were cholecystectomised during their first hospital stay, whereas 20.3 % underwent elective cholecystectomy and 6.1 % emergency cholecystectomy within two years of first admission. 41.4 % of patients were not operated on for gallbladder disease within two years of first admission with this diagnosis. Mortality from first admission and 90 days onwards was elevated three-fold during the entire period without time trend, without statistical difference between age groups, and between patients who had cholecystectomy at first admission or later. Conclusion During the audit period treatment of acute pancreatitis improved. However, etiological classification and timing of cholecystectomy in mild acute biliary pancreatitis fell below accepted guidelines. Interventions on the common bile duct for gallstone disease increased significantly. Common bile duct clearance has been separated from cholecystectomy, and cholecystectomy often not done. Only one third of all patients with acute gallbladder disease underwent cholecystectomy at first admission. There is room for improvement in treatment of complicatedgallstone disease, and, gallstone surgeons still need good knowledge in open biliary surgery.
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Telemedicin som stödtjänst : Vårdprocessen ÖAK-2004, för övre abdominell kirurgi vid Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, HuddingeBaheru, Nebebyu, Malakuti Tehrani, Alireza January 2005 (has links)
Sweden’s health care is continuously subjected to economical cutbacks, which results in enormous workloads. To prevent problems that arise in these situations, it is of great importance to take measures to increase the efficiency of the working process. This goal can be obtained by increasing our knowledge of the body, under both normal and sickly conditions. That is, by sharing knowledge of the various medical service units within Stockholm’s county council and thus elaborates diagnostics. Both clinical and scientific competence must be at hand within several medical fields, whereas the width is a condition for specialized surgery and education within different categories. The purpose of this essay is to describe the profits/advantages by using telemedicine at Karolinska university hospital in Huddinge as support service for the structural changes made by Stockholm’s county council, this from county council economics perspectives. The decision that all abdominal surgery was to be performed at Karolinska was based on the knowledge and experience that by concentrating a certain type of special care to a single location, that knowledge will be maximized (the more patients, the more practice), which will ease the prospects of high-quality health care, education as well as research. Telemedicine as a support service means specialist availability through telemedicine information technique and healthcare time efficiency. This in the form of traveling hours, new evaluation of already remitted patients and time consumption due to inferior examination. The increase in efficiency will result in cost-benefits for Stockholm’s county council and entirely new grounds fore coworkers and patients. The new system will lead to that the most highly qualified within a certain area of expertise are available through exchange of knowledge, going from specialist to doctor. As a result, the patients will faster receive the proper care. / Ekonomiska besparingar sker kontinuerligt inom sjukvården i Sverige, vilket innebär enorma arbetsbelastningar. För att förhindra problem som kan uppstå i och med detta är det viktigt med åtgärder som leder till effektivisering av arbetsprocessen. Det kan uppnås genom att öka kunskapen om vår kropp under normala och sjukliga förhållanden, dvs. genom att utveckla diagnostiken via kunskapsutbyten vid de olika sjukvårdsenheterna inom Stockholm Läns Landsting. Både klinisk och vetenskaplig kompetens måste finnas inom ett stort antal medicinska fält och bredden är en förutsättning för högspecialiserad kirurgi och utbildning inom olika kategorier. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva lönsamheten, med användning av telemedicin på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset i Huddinge som stödtjänst till de strukturella förändringar som SLL har beslutat om (koncentration av specialistkirurgi till sjukhuset), ur ett landstingsekonomiskt perspektiv. Beslutandet om att all övre abdominell specialkirurgi skulle utföras på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset i Huddinge grundades utifrån kunskapen och erfarenheten om att koncentration av en viss typ av specialistvård på ett och samma ställe leder till att all specialistkunskap koncentreras och utvecklas på ett ställe (större patientmassa, ”mer träning”) vilket gör det lättare för vidare högkvalificerad vård, utbildning och forskning. Telemedicin som stödtjänst innebär specialisttillgänglighet genom telemedicinsk informationsteknik och vårdtidsvinster i form av restider, ny bedömning av redan bedömda patienter och minskad tidsåtgång pga. undermålig undersökning. Effektiviseringen leder till kostnadsbesparingar för Stockholms Läns Landsting och innebär helt andra förutsättningar för medarbetare och patienter. Det nya arbetssättet gör att de bästa inom området finns tillgängliga för de berörda sjukhusen genom kunskapsöverföring från specialisten till läkaren. På så sätt kommer patienten fortare till rätt behandling.
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Molecular Genetic Studies of Sporadic and MEN1-Associated Endocrine Pancreatic TumorsLindberg, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
Pancreatic endocrine tumors (PETs) may cause typical syndromes of hormone excess, or appear clinically non-functioning without hormonal symptoms. PETs occur sporadically, in association with the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome, or rarely the von Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Molecular genetic investigations may reveal pathways important for tumor development, and be of clinical use. The aim of this thesis was to investigate regulation of different genes involved in cell proliferation, and relate findings to signs of malignancy in PETs. The MEN1 gene on chromosome 11q13 was mutated in three out of eleven sporadic malignant PETs. Two nonsense mutations, causing truncation of the protein, and one missense mutation were found. Relation of allelic loss at 11q13 and 3p25 to malignant behavior was observed in sporadic PETs. Allelic loss at 18q21 was found in a subset of sporadic and MEN1-associated PETs, and mutation analysis of Smad4 excluded a tumor suppressor gene function. In PETs with allelic loss on chromosome 3p25, mutation analysis of WNT7A and HDAC11 excluded function as tumor suppressor genes. Menin, encoded by the MEN1 gene, was reported to regulate expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors CDKN2C/p18, CDKN1B/p27, and CDKN2B/p15 in mouse pancreatic islet tumor models. Here, the mRNA expression of these genes was not related to MEN1 gene mutations in human PETs. Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and the protooncogene c-Myc were found to be overexpressed regardless of MEN1 gene mutational status of the PETs. The CDK4 gene was neither amplified nor mutated. Targeting of CDK4 may present an alternative to traditional chemotherapy of PETs in the future.
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Anal Fistula : Aspects of Aetiology, Diagnosis and Prognosis After Surgical TreatmentGustafsson, Ulla-Maria January 2007 (has links)
Patients with idiopathic anal fistula (n=85) were compared with 215 control subjects, matched for age and sex, through a 180-item questionnaire. Obesity, smoking, constipation and bowel symptoms associated with IBS were more common in the patients. Endoanal ultrasound (EUS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were compared in the preoperative evaluation of anal fistula in 23 patients. For classifying the primary tract, EUS and surgical findings agreed in 14 cases, and MRI and surgery for 11: for identifying an internal opening, the corresponding figures were 17 and 10. Healing and sphincter function were studied in 42 patients operated with fistula excision and closure of the internal opening. Twenty-three patients healed primarily and another 10 after one re-operation, whereas nine required further surgery until healed. Anal resting pressure was reduced after three and 12 months, and squeeze pressure after 12 months. Eighty-three patients were randomised to surgery with or without application of gentamicin-collagen underneath the flap: 26/42 of patients randomised to gentamicin-collagen healed primarily compared with 21/41 of patients randomised to surgery only (n.s). Micro perfusion in the flap was studied by laser Doppler flowmetry during surgery in 16 patients. No correlation was seen between change in blood flow during surgery and non-healing/recurrence of the fistula. In conclusion, obesity, functional bowel symptoms and possibly smoking are more common in patients with idiopathic anal fistula than in the general population. Endoanal ultrasound is a useful tool in the preoperative evaluation of anal fistula. Advancement flap repair has a reasonably high primary recurrence rate and healing is not significantly improved by local application of gentamicin-collagen: impaired intraoperative blood perfusion of the flap is an unlikely reason for non-healing. A decrease in continence occurs also after this kind of surgery, probably due to an impaired internal anal sphincter function.
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Bone and AluminiumHellström, Hans-Olov January 2007 (has links)
Osteoporosis is a major health care problem, by reason of its devastating consequences, in particular hip fractures. Worldwide it has been estimated that the incidence of hip fracture will increase to more than 6 million per year by 2050 compared to 1.7 million per year in 1990. Osteoporosis can be caused by various factors namely, genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors, and since the rising incidence of its consequences is not fully explained by the growing age of the population, there is an urgent need to identify individual causal factors of this condition. The present research has focused on aluminium, one potential environmental factor of importance for bone disease, and its possible relation to osteoporosis, since it is known to cause osteoporosis-like bone disease and has been associated with induction of progressive central nervous system diseases. Aluminium is the third most common element in the earth’s crust and the most abundant metal (8%). It is widely utilized industrially and it is also naturally present in many foods. Although aluminium is ubiquitous in the human environment, evolution has not given it an essential biological function. The aluminium content of bone was measured by inductively coupled mass spectrometry in a large group of patients suffering from hip fractures, high energy fractures and osteoarthrosis. An exponential increase in aluminium content of bone with age was found (p=0.0004). However, no significant association of aluminium in bone with occurrence of hip fracture or dementia could be found, and no indirect evidence was obtained, e.g. through bone mineral density or biomechanical properties, that aluminium is involved in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Although we accumulate aluminium in bone throughout our lives, and there are experimental suggestions that aluminium induces premature cell death, the body content of this metal does not seem to influence the overall mortality risk.
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Scaphoid fractures : Studies on diagnosis and treatmentVinnars, Bertil January 2008 (has links)
Scaphoid fracture is most common in young individuals of working age. Without adequate diagnosis and treatment, long-term results are poor. Operative treatment is being recommended increasingly often instead of a long time in cast, although there is no evidence-based support for its superiority. The present thesis focuses on diagnostic problems and therapeutic consequences of acute scaphoid fractures and of scaphoid reconstruction when other treatments have failed. Simultaneous plain radiographs and computed tomography were done in 97 injured wrists. Structural assessments of plain radiography images were highly predictive with respect to the risk of having a displaced or comminute fracture as diagnosed on computed tomography. Any finding of a gap or step-off > 0.5 mm, the presence of an intermediate fragment or a dorsal lunate tilt of ≥ 15° identified 81 % of fractures that were displaced or comminuted when investigated with computed tomography. Eighty-three patients were randomly allocated to and received either nonoperative treatment in cast or operative treatment with the aim of assessing long-term outcome of the two treatment options. Fifty-two of the patients were occupationally active. From an occupational perspective with an early return to work, surgical treatment was superior in individuals with manual employment, and from a health economic perspective conservative treatment was superior in non-manual workers. Patients treated for scaphoid fractures generally do well up to 13 years after the injury based on limb-specific outcome scores. No benefits were identified with operative treatment compared to non-operative treatment in cast. On the contrary, there was an increased risk for osteoarthritis in the scaphotrapezial joint in those who were operated. The patient-rated long-term results of silicone implant arthroplasty were good, with pain relief and reasonable hand function in many patients up to 20 years after surgery.
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It’s Not Just a Burn : Physical and Psychological Problems after BurnsLow, Janina Francisca Aili January 2007 (has links)
Survival after severe burns has improved in recent decades, but there is limited information on the course of recovery after surviving a burn and on factors that can affect recovery. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the occurrence of physical and psychological problems after burns, and to examine the consequences of psychological problems for the clinical management of burn patients. Three groups of consecutive patients who were treated at the Burn Unit at Uppsala University Hospital between 1980 and 2005 were included in the studies. The Burn Specific Health Scale (BSHS) was used for self-report of burn-specific aspects of health. Personality traits and coping strategies as psychological factors during recovery were examined with the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP) and the Coping with Burns Questionnaire (CBQ). Presence of symptoms of posttraumatic stress were assessed with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) was used to determine the concurrent validity of the IES-R as a measure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, the effect of pre-injury psychiatric morbidity on perceived health one year after injury was assessed. Both pruritus and nightmares were common problems after burns; 59% of the individuals in the study reported pruritus and 43% reported nightmares. Neuroticism-related personality traits and avoidant coping strategies were associated with an increased risk of having pruritus or nightmares. The presence of nightmares could be used as a screening tool for high scores in the IES-R. The IES-R was in turn shown to be a good, although overly inclusive, test for the diagnosis of PTSD. Pre-injury psychiatric morbidity predicted perceived outcome in six out of nine burn-specific health domains. These studies show that psychological factors and psychiatric morbidity affect outcome after burns.
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Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors and knee prosthesis surgeryMeunier, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Adverse effects of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors on bone healing have previously been demonstrated in diaphyseal fracture models in animals. In spite of that, they are widely used as postoperative analgesics in orthopaedic surgery. After joint replacement, a bone repair process starts at the interface between bone and cement. If this process is disturbed, the prosthesis may never become rigidly fixed to the bone, leading to migration and with time loosening. This thesis investigates the effects of a selective COX-2 inhibitor (parecoxib or celecoxib) on bone healing in metaphyseal bone in a rat model and on knee prosthesis migration after total knee replacement, as measured with radiostereometric analysis. Blood loss, postoperative recovery, and the 2-year subjective outcome, were also measured. In addition, a hemoglobin dilution method for blood loss estimation, used in this thesis, was evaluated. In the first study, pull-out force of a screw inserted in metaphyseal bone of the tibia in rats was only marginally decreased by parecoxib after 7 days but not after 14 days. In the second and third study, celecoxib treatment resulted in less pain postoperatively in conjunction with total knee replacement (TKR), but no effects were seen on blood loss, range of motion, subjective outcome, or prosthesis migration after 2 years. Comparing the true blood loss of blood donors with the blood loss estimated by the hemoglobin dilution method, this method was found to underestimate the true blood loss. It is therefore not suitable for calculation of the absolute blood loss volume, but may be used for a rough estimate. In summary, celecoxib and presumably other cyclooxygenase inhibitors seems not likely to increase the risk of prosthesis loosening.
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Rectal cancer surgery : Defunctioning stoma, anastomotic leakage and postoperative monitoringMatthiessen, Peter January 2006 (has links)
The understanding of the mesorectal spread in rectal cancer has lead to wide acceptance of total mesorectal excision (TME) as the surgical technique of choice for carcinoma in the lower and mid rectum. While oncological results and survival have improved with TME-surgery, morbidity and mortality remain important issues. The most feared complication is symptomatic anastomotic leakage. The aim of this thesis was to focus on the role of the defunctioning stoma, risk factors, and postoperative monitoring in regard to anastomotic leakage in sphincter saving resection of the rectum. Intraoperative adverse events were analysed in a retrospective population based case-control study in which all patients who underwent elective anterior resection in Sweden between 1987 and 1995, and who died within 30 days or during the initial hospital stay (n=140), were compared with patients chosen at random (n=423) who underwent the same operation during the same period, but survived the operation. Intraoperative adverse events were more frequent in those who died, and reconstruction of an anastomosis judged unsatisfactory by the surgeon improved the outcome. In a population based retrospective case-control study, risk factors for symptomatic anastomotic leakage were investigated in randomly chosen sample of patients who underwent anterior resection in Sweden between 1987 and 1995 (n=432). Twelve per cent of the patients developed symptomatic leakage, and 25% of the patients with leakage ended up with a permanent stoma. In multivariate regression analysis, low anastomosis, preoperative radiotherapy, male gender and intraoperative adverse events were independent riskfactors for anastomotic leakage. In a randomised multicentre trial patients operated with sphincter saving TME¨surgery for rectal cancer were randomised to a defunctioning stoma (n=116) or not (n=118). The overall rate symptomatic leakage was 19%. Patienst without a defunctioning stoma leaked in 28% and patients with a defunctioing stoma in 10%, a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) not previously demonstrated in any randomised trial of adequate size. Postoperative monitoring with computed tomography scan (CT-scan) on postoperative day 2 and 7, and C-reactive protein (CRP) daily in 33 patients operated on with anterior resection of the rectum, demonstrated larger pelvic fluid collections in patients with leakage before the leakage was clinically diagnosed. CRP was increased from postoperative day 2 and onwards in patients in whom clinical leakage was diagnosed on median postoperative day 8. In 23 patients who underwent anterior resection of the rectum, intraperitoneal metabolism was investigated using microdialysis technique measuring the carbohydrate metabolites lactate, pyruvate and glucose. Intraperitoneal cytokines IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α were collected through a pelvic drain and analysed. In patients who developed leakage, the latate/pyruvate ratio was increased near the anastomosis on postoperative day 5 and 6, as well as IL-6 and IL-10 which were increased postoperatively day 1 and 2, while TNF-α was higher on day 1.
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