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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remote surveys to monitor IDPs leaving displacement sites : A case study in the eastern DR Congo / Fjärranalyser för övervakning av internt tvångsförflyttade som lämnat omplaceringsförläggningar : En studie i östra Demokratiska Republiken Kongo.

PASQUIER, JEAN-BAPTISTE January 2015 (has links)
In the last 20 years, on-going conflicts in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighbouring countries have led to massive displacements. In the province of Nord-Kivu, epicentre of the crisis, there are currently 53 displacement sites that host about 185,000 Internally Displaced People (IDPs). IDPs tend to leave camps as soon as they consider their home villages to be safe. At the same time, camps are also being closed for political motivations, creating large flows of IDPs to unknown areas. The World Food Programme (WFP) and other humanitarian actors need to track returnees and understand their need for assistance. WFP conducts a monthly phone survey in Mugunga III, an IDP camp on the outskirts of Goma, the capital of Nord-Kivu. The main goal of this remote survey is to monitor the food security situation in the camp. However, this paper demonstrates that this innovative tool also proves successful in monitoring the situation of returnees and understanding the dynamics of their returns. This remote monitoring technology is expected to be even more useful when the authorities decide to close the camp. If the results are disseminated, an increase in government accountability should be observed. This research was conducted in collaboration with WFP in an attempt to extend the applications of high frequency survey data. To continue this research, methodological adjustments should be taken before considering applying the tool to another displacement site.

La reconstruction de l'éducation en contexte «d'après-guerre» en République démocratique du Congo : visions et rôles des acteurs et des bénéficiaires d’enseignement dans le développement du curriculum d’enseignement secondaire technique et professionnel au Sud-Kivu

Vita, Ndugumbo 20 April 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche-action intégrale et systémique (RAIS) (Cardinal et Morin, 1994) s’inscrit dans le contexte de la reconstruction de l’éducation en République démocratique du Congo, plus précisément dans la province du Sud-Kivu. En effet, la réduction de l’écart entre les prescriptions curriculaires et les besoins sociaux auxquels l’enseignement secondaire technique et professionnel devrait répondre est la préoccupation principale de cette étude. Ceci se traduit en termes d’inadéquation entre les besoins de la société et le curriculum d’enseignement d’une part et, d’autre part en termes de manque de cohérence entre les compétences développées dans l’enseignement secondaire technique et professionnel et les compétences requises pour le marché du travail. La recension des écrits sur le développement du curriculum d’enseignement dans divers contextes, principalement en contexte d’après-guerre, a permis d’appréhender comment les bénéficiaires et les acteurs d’enseignement participent au développement du curriculum d’enseignement (OCDE, 1995; Lenoir et Bouillier-Oudot, 2006; Goddard, 2007; Trabelsi et Dubois, 2006; Benavente, 2006; Obura 2003; Sinclair, 2005). L’interactionnisme symbolique (Coulon, 1993, LeBréton, 2004), soutenu par la pensée systémique (Bausch, 2001; Checkland, 1981; Lapointe, 1995; a permis de comprendre comment, à partir des expériences des bénéficiaires et des acteurs d’enseignement et de leurs visions, on peut arriver à développer et/ou ajuster le curriculum d’enseignement secondaire technique et professionnel et élaborer les principes directeurs d’un plan d’action et de sa mise en œuvre. Nous utilisons la méthodologie des systèmes souples pour comprendre la complexité de la situation problématique de l’enseignement au Sud-Kivu. À l’aide de deux techniques de recherche : les focus groups et la participation à la Table-Ronde, nous avons obtenu les résultats de cette recherche. Ces résultats concernent les visions de l’éducation et les compétences à développer dans le curriculum d’enseignement pour répondre aux besoins émergents, entre autres choses, besoins de paix, de sécurité sociale, besoins socioéconomiques et éducatifs. Enfin, les perceptions des acteurs relatives à la situation problématique de l’enseignement ont actualisé des actions de changements à apporter au curriculum d’enseignement. Nous avons ainsi développé des principes directeurs devant guider la conception et la mise en œuvre d’un plan d’action d’un curriculum d’enseignement technique et professionnel au Sud-Kivu. / This Systems Approach Modeling Integral Action Research (SAMIAR) Cardinal and Morin (1994) take its place in the context of the reconstruction of education in the Democratic Republic of Congo, more precisely in the province of South Kivu. Indeed, reducing the gap between curriculum requirements, and social needs that secondary technical and vocational education should meet, is the main concern of this study. This gap is reflected in terms of mismatch between the needs of society and the teaching curriculum on the one hand, and on the other hand, in terms of lack of consistency between the skills in technical and vocational secondary education skills for the labor market. The literature about the development of the educational curriculum in various contexts, mainly in post-war contexts, has revealed how the beneficiaries and educational actors evolve in educational curriculum development (OECD, 1995; Lenoir and Bouillier-Oudot, 2006; Goddard, 2007; Trabelsi and Dubois, 2006; Benavente, 2006; Obura, 2003; Sinclair, 2005). The theoretical framework, symbolic interactionism (Coulon, 1993, Le Breton, 2004) supported by systems thinking (Bausch, 2001; Checkland, 1981; Lapointe, 1995; Morin, 2010) has allowed us to understand how, from the experiences and the visions of beneficiaries and the actors of teaching, can we develop and/or adjust the technical and vocational secondary education curriculum, and develop guiding principles of an action plan and its implementation to meet the emerging needs in the province of South Kivu in the post-war context. We use the Soft Systems Methodology to understand the complexity of the problem situation of education in South Kivu. Using two research techniques: focus groups and participation in the Round Table, we obtained results that meet our research objectives. These results relate to the visions of education and skills development in the teaching curriculum to meet emerging needs: need peace, social security, socio-economic and educational needs. Finally, the perceptions of the actors on the problematic situation of teaching were used to update the action changes to the education curriculum. To improve the current situation map, we have developed guiding principles for the design and implementation of action of a South Kivu technical and vocational education curriculum.

From maintenance christianity to a holistic and comprehensive understanding of mission : a case study of churches in the North Kiru Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Musolo W'isuka Kamuha 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the need to involve churches in mission according to the Lord Jesus Christ, whose mission was indeed holistic and comprehensive. To achieve this goal, the study calls upon churches to move from a “maintenance Christianity” status, which has been almost a way of life for churches, to a holistic and comprehensive approach to mission. Practically speaking, this is to be illustrated through a case study of churches in the North Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The churches in this part of the world present many challenges that sustain such an exploration, namely, misunderstanding regarding mission, lack of well-skilled and visionary church leaders, maintenance Christianity mentality, spirit of tribalism among Christians, and poverty. The study concludes with practical recommendations on how the issues raised through the dissertation can be applied to a broader field than the churches in the North Kivu Province. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology) / M. Th. (Missiology)

Anémie en milieu rural au Sud-Kivu :contribution du paludisme et de la carence en fer. Anemia in rural South Kivu: contribution of malaria and iron deficiency.

Bahizire Namegabe, Esto 29 July 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Résumé généralIntroductionL’anémie est un problème majeur de santé publique particulièrement fréquent dans les pays à faible revenu, dont la RDC, et qui affecte avec prédilection les femmes enceintes et les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Elle est associée à un risque élevé de morbidité et de mortalité. Au cours de la grossesse, l’anémie peut entraver le développement du fœtus et peut affecter négativement la santé maternelle. Chez l’enfant, l’anémie peut en plus altérer le développement physique et mental si elle n’est pas rapidement corrigée. Il est généralement admis que la carence en fer est la première cause d’anémie et les stratégies de lutte suggérées par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé en découlent. Cependant dans la région du Kivu, il n’existe que très peu d’information sur les étiologies de l’anémie et sur la contribution du paludisme et de celle de la carence en fer dans sa genèse. L’objectif global de ce travail de thèse était de contribuer à l’étude de l’anémie et de sa relation avec le paludisme et la carence en fer, en milieu rural au Sud-Kivu.Méthodes Ce travail a consisté en trois études épidémiologiques menées entre 2010 et 2014 dans la zone de santé rurale de Miti-Murhesa dans la province du Sud-Kivu à l’est de la RDC. Il s’est agit de deux études transversales et d’une étude longitudinale prospective. Cette dernière a concerné des femmes enceintes enrôlées depuis le deuxième trimestre de la grossesse à leur première consultation prénatale (CPN1) jusqu’à l’accouchement. L’une des deux études transversales a aussi recruté des femmes enceintes au deuxième trimestre de la grossesse à leur CPN1 et la deuxième a consisté en une étude en grappes à deux degrés chez des enfants d’âge préscolaire en bonne santé apparente dans la communauté. Résultats La prévalence de l’anémie chez les femmes enceintes était de 17,6% et celle de la carence en fer (ferritine ajustée) de 8%. Le paludisme était présent chez 7,5% et l’hypoalbuminémie chez 44% des sujets. La concentration plasmatique du récepteur soluble de la transferrine était plus élevée en présence du paludisme. Les facteurs significativement associés à l’anémie étaient le paludisme [ORa: 11.24 (4.98-25.37); P < 0.001], l’hypoalbuminémie [ORa: 2.14 (1.27-3.59); P = 0.004] et des valeurs élevées de la protéine C réactive [ORa: 1.94 (1.10-3.45); P = 0.022]. La carence en fer n’était pas fréquente et n’était pas significativement associée à l’anémie.La valeur médiane (EIQ) de la concentration sérique de ferritine (ajustée pour l’inflammation) était plus élevée en présence de paludisme comparée aux femmes non impaludées [82.9 μg/L (56.3-130.4) vs 39.8 μg/L (23.6-60.8); P < 0.001]. Le paludisme était plus fréquent chez les femmes sans carence en fer [ORa 6,25 (1,47-26,57); P=0,021] et chez celles n’ayant pas utilisé de moustiquaire imprégnée d’insecticide [ORa 2,24 (1,12-4,51); P=0,024].A l’admission dans l’étude prospective, 9,5% de femmes de la cohorte présentaient une infection palustre. Après régression logistique, la fréquence du paludisme était plus élevée chez les primigestes, chez les femmes avec niveau socioéconomique bas et chez celles vivant à moins de 1683 m d’altitude ;les rapports de cote ajustés (IC 95%) étaient respectivement de [2,55 (1,05-6,19) ;P=0,039] ;[4,78 (1,36-16,76) ;P=0,033] et [2,34 (1,10-5,02) ;P=0,029]. Toujours à l’admission dans la même étude, la prévalence de l’anémie était de 32%. Celle-ci était plus fréquente chez les femmes impaludées [ORa :4,20 (2,00-8,80); P<0,001] et chez celles qui n’avaient pas bénéficié d’un déparasitage dans les 3 mois avant leur admission dans l’étude [ORa :2,33 (1,25-4,35)]. A l’accouchement, le petit poids de naissance (PPN) était présent chez 6,5% des nouveau-nés. Les prédicteurs du PNN étaient l’absence d’utilisation de la MII [ORa :4,17 (1,15-14,28); P=0.030], une faible taille (<150 cm) de la mère [ORa :5,56 (2,01-15,33); P=0.001] et la présence d’anémie chez la mère à la CPN1 [ORa :4,08 (1,50-11,10); P=0.006]. Chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire, l’anémie était présente dans 46,6% des cas et la prévalence de l’anémie ferriprive chez les enfants anémiques était de 16,5%. Chez les enfants sans inflammation, la carence en fer était de 4,4% (ferritine non ajustée). Les résultats de la régression logistique ont révélé que l’anémie était significativement et indépendamment associée à la carence en fer [ORa :4,10 (2,41-6,96) ;P<0,001], à une histoire de fièvre pendant les deux semaines avant l’enquête [ORa :1,58 (1,00-2,50); P=0,049] et à un faible périmètre brachial [ORa :1,87 (1,18-2,94) ;P=0,006]. Dans un deuxième modèle ayant exclu les enfants avec carence en fer, ce sont une histoire de fièvre dans les deux semaines avant l’enquête [ORa :1,62(1,00-2,62); P=0,05] et un faible périmètre brachial [ORa :1,96(1,24-3,13); P=005] qui étaient associés significativement et indépendamment à l’anémie.Conclusion L’anémie est fréquente en milieu rural au Sud-Kivu mais la contribution de la carence en fer est faible. Néanmoins, d’autres carences nutritionnelles lui sont associées :une hypoalbuminémie chez les femmes enceintes et un faible périmètre brachial chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Le paludisme, d’autres infections, des états inflammatoires ainsi que le manque de déparasitage sont également d’autres facteurs qui étaient associés à l’anémie. Chez les femmes enceintes, l’absence de prévention contre le paludisme par les MII, la présence d’anémie et une faible taille de la mère étaient des prédicteurs du PPN.Une lutte intégrée contre le paludisme et d’autres maladies infectieuses ainsi que l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel sont des facteurs vulnérables à court et moyen termes pour réduire la charge de l’anémie. Ce qui, par conséquent, contribuera à la réduction de l’incidence du PPN.Il y a une nécessité à poursuivre la recherche pour (i) identifier d’autres causes d’anémie en incluant la recherche des hémoglobinopathies et autres anomalies génétiques, (ii) améliorer les connaissances sur les meilleures stratégies de lutte contre l’anémie en intégrant la prévention contre le paludisme dans un milieu où il y a une prévalence relativement élevée d’hémoglobinopathies et autres anomalies génétiques pouvant altérer l’érythropoïèse et/ou le métabolisme du fer. / Executive summary IntroductionAnemia is a worldwide public health concern, which is particularly prevalent in low and middle-income countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It affects mostly pregnant women and preschool children and is associated with a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. During pregnancy, anemia is associated with poor birth outcomes and can negatively affect maternal health. In children, anemia can also alter physical and mental development if not corrected quickly. It is generally assumed that iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia, thus that assumption had influenced control strategies suggested by the World Health Organization. However, in the Kivu region, there is little information on the aetiologies of anemia and the contribution of malaria and that of iron deficiency in the aetiology of anemia is unknown. The overall goal of this thesis was to contribute to the study of the burden of anemia and its relationship with malaria and iron deficiency in rural South Kivu.MethodsThe data are from three epidemiological studies carried out between 2010 and 2014 in the rural health zone of Miti-Murhesa in the South Kivu province in eastern DRC. There were two cross-sectional studies and one longitudinal prospective study. In the latter, pregnant women were enrolled during the second trimester of pregnancy at their first prenatal visit (ANV1) and followed-up until delivery. One of the two cross-sectional studies also enrolled pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy at their ANV1 and the second consisted of a two-stage cluster study at community level in apparently healthy preschool children.ResultsThe prevalence of anemia in pregnant women was 17.6% and that of iron deficiency (adjusted ferritin) was 8%. Malaria was present in 7.5% and hypoalbuminemia in 44% of subjects. Soluble transferrin receptor concentration was higher in the presence of malaria. Factors significantly associated with anemia were malaria [ORa: 11.24 (4.98-25.37); P < 0.001], hypoalbuminemia [ORa: 2.14 (1.27-3.59); P = 0.004] and high values of the C reactive protein [ORa: 1.94 (1.10-3.45); P = 0.022]. Iron deficiency was not common and was not significantly associated with anemia.The median value (IQR) of serum ferritin concentration (adjusted for inflammation) was higher in the presence of malaria compared to non-infected women [82.9 μg/L (56.3-130.4) vs 39.8 μg/L (23.6-60.8 ); P < 0.001]. Malaria was more common in women without iron deficiency [ORa 6.25 (1.47-26.57); P = 0.021] and in those who did not use insecticide-treated mosquito nets [ORa 2.24 (1.12-4.51); P = 0.024].At admission in the prospective study, 9.5% of women in the cohort had malaria infection. After logistic regression, malaria was higher in primigravidae, among women with low socioeconomic status and those living at an altitude of less than 1683 m; the adjusted odds ratios (95% CI) were [2.55 (1.05-6.19); P = 0.039]; [4.78 (1.36-16.76); P = 0.033] and [2.34 (1.10-5.02); P = 0.029], respectively.Still at admission in the same study, the prevalence of anemia was 32%. This was more common in malaria-infected women [ORa: 4.20 (2.00-8.80); P < 0.001] and in those who were not dewormed within the last 3 months prior to admission into the study [ORa: 2.33 (1.25-4.35); P = 0.008]. At delivery, low birth weight (LBW) was present in 6.5% of new-borns. Predictors of LBW were the lack of use of ITN [ORa: 4.17 (1.15-14.28); P = 0.030], a low height (< 150 cm) of the mother [ORa: 5.56 (2.01-15.33); P = 0.001] and the presence of maternal anemia at ANV1 [ORa: 4.08 (1.50-11.10); P = 0.006].In pre-school children, anemia was present in 46.6% and the prevalence of iron deficiency among anemic children was 16.5%. In children without inflammation, iron deficiency was 4.4% (unadjusted ferritin). Logistic regression analysis revealed that anemia was significantly and independently associated with iron deficiency [ORa: 4.10 (2.41-6.96); P < 0.001], with fever during the last two weeks before the survey [ORa: 1.58 (1.00-2.50); P = 0.049] and with a low mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) [ORa: 1.87 (1.18-2.94); P = 0.006]. In a second model that excluded children with iron deficiency, history of fever in the last two weeks before the survey [ORa: 1.62 (1.00-2.62); P = 0.05] and a low MUAC [ORa: 1.96 (1.24-3.13); P = 005] were significantly and independently associated with anemia.ConclusionAnemia is common in rural South Kivu but the contribution of iron deficiency is low. However, other nutritional deficiencies are associated: hypoalbuminemia in pregnant women and low MUAC in preschool children. Malaria, other infections, inflammatory conditions as well as lack of deworming are also other factors that were associated with anemia. In pregnant women, lack of prevention against malaria by ITNs before ANV1, presence of anemia at ANV1, and low maternal height were predictors of LBW.Integrated control of malaria and other infectious diseases as well as improving nutritional status are among vulnerable factors in the short- and middle-term to reduce the burden of anemia in South Kivu. This, in turn, will help to reduce the incidence of LBW.There is need for further research to (i) identify other causes of anemia including hemoglobinopathies and other genetic disorders, (ii) improve knowledge of the best strategies for controlling anemia by integrating prevention of malaria in an environment where there is a relatively high prevalence of hemoglobinopathies and other genetic abnormalities that may alter erythropoiesis and/or iron metabolism. / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé Publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L'actualité de l'héritage philosophique de Kant dans la construction d'une paix durable pour le développement de l'Afrique des Grands Lacs / The currency of Kant's philosophical legacy in building a lasting peace for the development of Africa Great Lakes

Nabirire, Musa 24 September 2013 (has links)
La pacification de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs mise à feu et à sang au cours de ces deux dernières décennies est le but ultime de cette thèse. Face au revers qu’ont connu plusieurs initiatives visant à mettre fin aux violences dans cette région, notre préoccupation a été de chercher dans le kantisme une nouvelle raison d’espérer. Ainsi, ce travail tente de montrer comment l’héritage philosophique de Kant peut contribuer au rétablissement de la paix et au développement au Rwanda, au Burundi et en République Démocratique du Congo, trois pays de cette région, meurtris par des guerres. Notre démarche a été d’examiner la pensée morale et politique de Kant dans laquelle nous avons trouvé les fondements de son modèle, élaboré dans un contexte de guerres en Europe. La discussion sur sa réception et la montée du nationalisme stigmatisant le cosmopolitisme kantien, nous a conduit à établir un lien entre la promotion, par le régime nazi, de la race aryenne supposée être supérieure à d’autres et considérée comme modèle d’organisation sociale, et la propagation des préjugés similaires par l’administration coloniale en Afrique des Grands Lacs postulant la suprématie des Tutsi « faits pour régner » sur les Hutu et les Twa, simples nègres voués à la servitude. Instrumentalisé par les politiques soucieux de conquérir le pouvoir, ce « jugement raciste », sans fondement, sera une des causes de l’hécatombe génocidaire dans laquelle seront engouffrés le Rwanda et le Burundi avant d’étendre ses effets sur le Congo où les conflits prendront une dimension économique et impliqueront plusieurs pays africains et d’autres acteurs non africains. Cependant, capitalisant la réémergence du cosmopolitisme reprise par les fondateurs de la SDN et ceux de l’ONU, nous avons souligné la pertinence de la coopération et l’articulation des différences comme préalable à une paix durable. Avec Ricœur et Arendt, deux post-kantiens, nous avons lancé les jalons de réconciliation dans les trois pays, en nous référant à l’expérience franco-allemande et sud-africaine. Nous avons souligné l’importance de la réforme des institutions onusiennes et celles des États de la région pour qu’à travers le républicanisme naisse l’état de droit. L’hospitalité exprimée par le cosmopolitisme et le commerce international dans la pensée kantienne, se traduirait par la coopération interétatique et la fusion des organisations régionales en une union économique et monétaire qui poserait les bases d’une fédération d’États africains et garantirait une paix durable sur le continent et dans la région des Grands Lacs. / The pacification of the African Great Lakes plagued by violence during these last two decades is the ultimate goal of this thesis. After the failure of several initiatives to end violence in the region, our concern was to look in the Kantism a new reason to hope. Thus, this work attempts to show how the philosophical legacy of Kant can contribute to peace and development in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo, three countries of the region ravaged by wars. Our approach has been to consider the moral and political thought of Kant in which we found the foundations of this theory of peace developed in the context of wars in Europe. The discussion of its receipt and the rise of nationalism stigmatizing the Kantian cosmopolitanism, has led us to establish a connection between the promotion by the Nazi regime of the aryan race supposed to be superior than others and considered as a model of the social organization, with the spread of similar prejudices by the colonial administration in the African Great Lakes applicant Tutsi supremacy "created to rule " the Hutu and Twa, simple doomed to slavery negroes. Exploited by politicians anxious to gain power, this "racist judgment," unfounded, will be one of the causes of the genocidal massacre in which will be engulfed Rwanda and Burundi before extending its effects on the Congo, where conflicts will take an economic dimension and involve a number of African countries and other non-African actors. However, capitalizing the reemergence of cosmopolitanism recovery by the founders of the League of Nations and those of the UN, we have stressed the relevance of cooperation and articulation of differences as a precondition for lasting peace. With Ricœur and Arendt, two post-Kantians, we launched the foundation for reconciliation in the three countries, referring to the Franco-German and South African experience. We stressed the importance of the reform of the UN institutions and states of the region so that through the republicanism the state of law should be promoted. The hospitality expressed by cosmopolitanism and international trade in the kantian thought, would result states’ cooperation and the gathering of regional organizations in an economic and monetary union which would lay the foundation of a federation of African states and ensure a lasting peace on the continent and in the Great Lakes region.

Conservation et développement en République Démocratique du Congo : pour une approche participative des espaces protégés au Kivu oriental, le cas des chefferies de Bwisha (Nord Kivu) et de Kabare (Sud Kivu) / Conservation and development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo : for a participatory approach to protected areas in eastern Kivu. The case of the chieftains of Bwisha (North Kivu) and Kabare (South Kivu)

Morelle, Thibaut 18 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse des projets intégrant la conservation de la nature et le développement en République Démocratique du Congo sur la partie orientale du Kivu, dans la mouvance des approches participatives qui se sont développées à partir des années 1980 au sein des projets de coopération multilatérale. Nous mettons en évidence les espaces à enjeux de conservation qui font l’objet d’une conservation intégrée et concentrent une diversité d’acteurs autour de la gestion des ressources naturelles. Ces articulations se focalisent sur les espaces riverains aux parcs nationaux des Virunga et de Kahuzi Biega particulièrement dans les chefferies de Bwisha et de Kabare. Toutefois, ces régions font face à plusieurs situations aggravantes : la forte densité démographique, les difficiles conditions socioéconomiques dans lesquelles les populations vivent, caractérisées par le manque de terres et la pauvreté. Les acteurs de la conservation doivent prendre en compte ces facteurs puis les différentes formes de conflits qui peuvent concerner les périphéries et les espaces protégés. La conservation est organisée autour d’une opposition de type centre/périphérie entre les espaces naturels protégés à conserver, et les zones riveraines propices aux activités humaines. Cependant, elle engendre des modalités de gestion, de développement parfois en décalage avec les populations, et notamment les pratiques foncières locales, ce qui peut être à l’origine de rapports de force, de conflits dans la gestion des espaces protégés et constituer des obstacles à la participation des populations locales aux activités de conservation. L’étude de la conservation intégrée mise en valeur dans les parcs nationaux et des dispositifs d’aménagement qui en découlent sont au coeur de cette recherche. / This thesis proposes an analysis of projects integrating nature conservation and development in the Democratic Republic of Congo on the eastern part of Kivu, in the movement of participatory approaches which have developed since the 1980s within multilateral cooperation projects. We highlight the areas with conservation issues that are the object of integrated conservation and focus a diversity of actors around the management of natural resources. These articulations focus on the waterfront areas of the Virunga and Kahuzi Biega national parks, particularly in the Bwisha and Kabare chiefdoms. However, these regions face several aggravating situations: high population density, difficult socio-economic conditions in which people live, characterized by a lack of land and poverty. Those involved in conservation must take into account these factors and then the various forms of conflict which may affect the peripheries and protected areas. Conservation is organised around a central/peripheral opposition between protected natural areas to be conserved, and riparian areas conducive to human activities.However, it engenders methods of management, of development sometimes out of step with the populations, and in particular local land practices; this can be at the origin of power relations, conflicts in the management of protected areas and constitute obstacles to the participation of local populations in conservation activities. At the heart of this research is the study of integrated conservation in national parks and the associated management arrangements.

From maintenance christianity to a holistic and comprehensive understanding of mission : a case study of churches in the North Kiru Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Musolo W'isuka Kamuha 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the need to involve churches in mission according to the Lord Jesus Christ, whose mission was indeed holistic and comprehensive. To achieve this goal, the study calls upon churches to move from a “maintenance Christianity” status, which has been almost a way of life for churches, to a holistic and comprehensive approach to mission. Practically speaking, this is to be illustrated through a case study of churches in the North Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The churches in this part of the world present many challenges that sustain such an exploration, namely, misunderstanding regarding mission, lack of well-skilled and visionary church leaders, maintenance Christianity mentality, spirit of tribalism among Christians, and poverty. The study concludes with practical recommendations on how the issues raised through the dissertation can be applied to a broader field than the churches in the North Kivu Province. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology) / M. Th. (Missiology)

Environmental Review of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations for Sustainability, Kivu, DR Congo

Asiedu, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
The environmental aspects of United Nations (UN) peacekeeping is not as popularly known to thegeneral public as its socio-economic issues. This thesis work looks at UN peacekeeping from theenvironmental perspective by carrying out an environmental review of peacekeeping in the NorthKivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo using ISO 14001 as model.Chapter one describes sustainable development as a shared responsibility and the need to ensurebalance in the social, economic and environmental issues in the pursuit of peace in host nationsduring peacekeeping.Chapter two summarizes the key issues in ISO 14001 and the requirements for conducting anenvironmental review. In chapter three, the research methodology is highlighted and chapter fourgives an overview of UN peace and security actions and the interaction among other peaceinstruments and peacekeeping. That chapter also highlights peacekeeping in Africa and in the DRCwith emphasis on the North Kivu province.The results obtained from the environmental review are presented in chapter five and the analysis ofthe result based on the ‘three party model tool for ethical risk analysis’ presented in chapter six.The research findings revealed that, the United Nations peacekeeping operations have environmentalaspects which the author identified to include emissions to air, waste, energy consumption, chemicalsusage, discharge to water, training, water consumption, exploration of resources, location/land useand fire and other uncontrolled activities. The environmental impacts and ethical risk analysis of theidentified aspects were also assessed.Conclusions and recommendations are given in Chapter seven which include the need for the UnitedNations to implement an effective environmental management system to handle its significantenvironmental aspects.


Hogg, Jonny January 2019 (has links)
DR Congo has experienced more than two decades of conflict and profound political upheaval, sparking humanitarian crises which have seen large-scale relief efforts to alleviate them. Aid workers and UN staff working there have been caught up in the violence, sometimes with deadly results and major disruption to aid operations. Nonetheless there has been a tendency to assume that most security incidents involving aid workers are a result either of pure criminality, or because the victims happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Is that really the case however, or are humanitarian workers perceived as political actors, and thus vulnerable to politically motivated violence? This dissertation conducts an empirical data study of attacks against humanitarian actors, UN workers and peacekeepers between 2006-2018, mapping them against political developments. Following previous work by Hoelscher, Mikllian &amp; Nygard, this research tests what impact the nature of the conflict or the change of peacekeeping mandate has on both aid-worker and UN personnel security, as well as exploring the different risks faced by national and international staff working for international NGOs. It also, using an interpretivist lens first proposed by Labonte &amp; Edgerton, explores the role of the Congolese state in aid-worker security, testing whether relations between the host government and aid providers can impact individual aid-worker security on the ground. The results indicate that both conflict intensity and elections cycles could impact on rates of attacks against aid-workers, as well as clearly demonstrating that national staff are far more exposed to risk of attack, and that fatalities of UN staff since the peacekeeping mission (MONUSCO) in DRC received its more aggressive mandate in 2013 have risen sharply. The research also raises questions about the potential threat posed by the Congolese state to aid-worker security, given the nature of statehood in DRC, its motives and perceptions of aid operations, and the state’s role as both the main belligerent and security provider in zones where humanitarian workers chiefly operate.

The biology of four haplochromine species of Lake Kivu (Zaïre) with evolutionary implications

Losseau-Hoebeke, Michèle January 1992 (has links)
Four species were selected within the littoral of Tshegera Island, and include H. astatodon, H. olivaceus, H. crebridens and H. paucidens. These species, identified on basis of the SMRS, express their individuality most strongly with respect to dentition, breeding colours, normal habitat and preferred breeding territory. All four species are maternal mouthbrooders. This reproductive strategy is characterized by complete division of labour and polygamy. Breeding males compete for optimal territories and ready to spawn females. They are characterized by fast growth, large size and overall low condition factor. Females invest in few but large yolked ova and go through a fasting period while incubating the eggs. Females are generally characterized by slower growth, smaller size and higher condition factor when compared to males. In females the energy turnover during gonadal development and subsequent mouthbrooding is high, but the energy expenditure low. Mean fecundity varies between 25 and 36 eggs per brood and mean egg size between 2.6 and 2.7 rnrn. The right ovary, although small, is functional. Breeding of variable intensity goes on throughout the year. The main dry season corresponds to synchronized breeding. During the other months of the year species breed asynchronously. Both types of breeding are related to food availability for adults and offspring. The major breeding peak which starts in July coincides to improved body condition in both sexes. In similarity with the East African flocks, the Lake Kivu haplochromines display subdivision within the major trophic groups and invasion of the major lacustrine habitats. They are nevertheless morphologically and ecologically generalized. They tend to be plesiomorphic with low diversification within each trophic group, have a lake wide distribution (eurytopic) and incline to be altricial within their specialized reproductive guild. The evolutionary status of the Lake Kivu haplochromines may be explained by survival of members of an ancestral fauna in an isolated bay during the Recent volcanic events which destroyed life in the Main Basin. The Lake Kivu flock, therefore, is a relict and is believed not to have evolved within the confines of the present-day lake.

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