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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du cliquetis dans un moteur industriel à allumage commandé par Simulation aux Grandes Échelles / Investigating knock in an industrial spark-ignition engine by Large-Eddy Simulation

Leguille, Matthieu 28 November 2018 (has links)
Les préoccupations environnementales actuelles ont conduit les constructeurs automobiles à proposer de nouvelles technologies dans le but de réduire les émissions de CO2. Parmi ces technologies, le downsizing appliqué aux moteurs turbocompressés à allumage commandé est une des solutions privilégiées, car permettant d'atteindre des points de fonctionnement fortement chargés, avec un meilleur rendement thermique. Cependant, les fortes charges favorisent l'apparition de cliquetis, un phénomène potentiellement dommageable pour le moteur et qui l'empêche d'exploiter tout son potentiel. Du fait des variabilités cycliques de combustion dans le moteur, le cliquetis, qui dépend des conditions locales dans la chambre de combustion, peut apparaître uniquement sur quelques cycles, à différents endroits et instants. Dans cette thèse, une approche par Simulation aux Grandes Échelles (SGE) a été choisi, dans le but d'étudier et d'améliorer notre compréhension du cliquetis. L'étude se base sur la SGE d'un moteur industriel, le RENAULT 1.2 TCe 115. Un premier ensemble de 30 cycles a été simulé sur un point de fonctionnement de référence, correspondant à un point cliquetant dans la base de données banc d'essais fournie par RENAULT. Les résultats de simulation ont été comparés aux résultats expérimentaux, aussi bien en termes de variabilités cycliques de combustion que de cliquetis. A la suite, un balayage d'avance à l'allumage a été simulé pour étendre la base de données LES à des points plus faiblement et plus fortement cliquetants. La base de données résultante se compose de 150 cycles de combustion, utilisés pour développer des méthodologies et outils, dans le but de mieux caractériser le cliquetis et d'approfondir sa compréhension. L'accès numérique à toute grandeur dans la chambre de combustion, combiné à la description séparée dans cette simulation entre la flamme de pré-mélange initiée par la bougie et l'auto-inflammation dans les gaz frais, ont permis de caractériser le cliquetis en se focalisant sur son origine : l'auto-inflammation. A la suite, les méthodologies et outils développés ont soutenu une analyse détaillée des mécanismes qui contrôlent l'apparition du cliquetis. En particulier, le lien entre le cliquetis et les variabilités cycliques de combustion a été exploré. Les résultats mettent notamment en évidence l'impact des variabilités cycliques, aussi bien de la vitesse de propagation que de la forme de la flamme de pré-mélange, sur le cliquetis. / The rising concerns about the environment have led car manufacturers to come up with new engine technologies, in order to reduce the impact of internal combustion engines on CO2 emissions. In this context, downsizing of turbocharged spark-ignition engines has become a commonly used technology, the advantage of which is to operate the engine under thermally more efficient high loads. However, these high loads favour the appearance of potentially damaging knock phenomena, which prevent the engine to fully exploit its potential. Because of cyclic combustion variability (CCV) in the engine, knock, which depends on the local conditions inside the combustion chamber, can appear at different locations and timings and not in all engine cycles. In this thesis, a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) approach was selected to investigate and further improve our understanding of the appearance of knock. The study is based on the LES of a production engine, the RENAULT 1.2 TCe 115. For this engine, a set of 30 cycles was initially simulated at a single operating point, corresponding to a knocking point in the test bench database from RENAULT. The results were compared to experimental findings, both in terms of CCV and knock. Subsequently, a spark-timing sweep was simulated in order to enlarge the LES database to also include weaker and stronger knock levels. The resulting LES, which consists of 150 combustion cycles, was used to develop methodologies and tools with the objective to better characterize and understand knock. The computational access to any quantity inside the combustion chamber, together with the separate description with the present LES approach between the spark-triggered premixed flame propagation and auto-ignition, were exploited to characterize knock focusing on its source: autoignition in the fresh gases. Then, the developed methodologies and tools supported a detailed analysis of the mechanisms that control the knock onset. In particular, its link with CCV was explored. The results point out the impact of the cyclic variability in the premixed flame propagation speed and shape on knock.

Elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung von STIM2-Knock-Out-Mäusen / Electrophysiological characterization of STIM2 knockout mice

Vetter, Sebastian January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Um eine mögliche elektrophysiologische, kardiale Ursache für den plötzlichen Tod von STIM2 Knock-Out Mäusen zu prüfen, wurde eine elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung mittels Ruhe- und Stress-EKG, telemetrischem Langzeit-EKG sowie Elektrophysiologischer Untersuchung durchgeführt. Hierbei konnte keine kardial-elektrophysiologische Grundlage für den plötzlichen Tod dieser Tiere gefunden werden. / For testing a possible electrophysiological, cardiac reason for the sudden death of STIM2 knockout mice, a electrophysiological characterization was performed by use of resting and stress ecg, telemetric long-term ecg and electrophysiology study. In this study couldn't be found any cardiac electrophysiological cause for the sudden death of these animals.

The Importance of Fast Skeletal Regulatory Light Chain in Muscle Contraction

de Freitas, Fatima Pestana 01 January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this project was to produce and study a murine homozygous knock-in model containing a fast skeletal regulatory light chain (RLC) containing a Asp49toAla point mutation. The D49A mutation is in the functional calcium binding loop of RLC, which is believed to modulate muscle contraction in striated muscle. To introduce the mutation, a reversible knock-out/knock-in system was employed. The Cre/Lox-P strategy was used to conditionally knock-in the RLC D49A mutation. The generation of the knock-in mouse was attempted with two different breeding strategies consisting of two Cre mouse lines with differential expression patterns during development. The proposed animal was never produced because the RLC knock-out recombination event introduced a splicing error resulting in a stop codon in intron 2. Extensive DNA, RNA and protein analysis as well as histological, gross morphology and muscle physiology studies obtained from the animals of the two breeding strategies lead to the identification of the splicing error. Evidence for this outcome is presented. A recommendation for a different strategy in future studies is included.

Vers la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires et physiopathologiques à l'origine de l'hyperactivité neuromusculaire dans le syndrome de Schwartz-Jampel

Stum, Morgane 19 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Le syndrome de Schwartz-Jampel (SJS) est une pathologie autosomique récessive rare car seulement plus de 100 cas ont été décrits dans la littérature. Elle est caractérisée par une raideur musculaire permanente et généralisée associée à une chondrodystrophie. Elle est due à des mutations perte de fonction dans le gène HSPG2 codant pour le perlecan, un héparane sulfate protéoglycane ubiquitaire présent dans les membranes basales et les matrices extracellulaires. Une autre pathologie, la dysplasie dissegmentaire de type Silvermann-Handmaker (DDSH) est due à des mutations perte de fonction dans ce gène, et est caractérisée par une chondrodysplasie très sévère menant à la mort du patient dès les premiers jours de vie. Dans une première partie de mon introduction, je décrirai les signes cliniques de ces deux pathologies et les mutations du gène HSPG2 actuellement connues pour chacune. Le perlecan est une des plus grandes protéines connues. Avec une séquence protéique de plus de 4300 acides aminés et un poids moléculaire de plus de 450kDa, il subit des modifications post-traductionnelles et peut alors atteindre un poids moléculaire de 800kDa. Cette protéine immense assure de multiples interactions et fonctions dans les membranes basales dans lesquelles elle est ubiquitairement présente. Afin de mieux comprendre quel rôle cette protéine peut jouer dans la détermination du phénotype dans le SJS, je détaillerai dans une seconde partie les différentes molécules avec lesquelles le perlecan interagit et les fonctions qu'il assume dans les deux principaux tissus d'intérêt de la pathologie : le cartilage et le muscle. Enfin, je décrirai le phénotype de mutants d'orthologues de gène HSPG2 dans les trois organismes modèles que sont la drosophile, le nématode et la souris. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis plus particulièrement intéressée au phénotype neuromusculaire du SJS. Pour une meilleure compréhension de mes travaux, je rappellerai dans une troisième et dernière partie de mon introduction, la structure, le développement et le fonctionnement de la jonction neuromusculaire, ainsi que les pathologies humaines congénitales associées.

1-D simulation of turbocharged SI engines : focusing on a new gas exchange system and knock prediction

Elmqvist-Möller, Christel January 2006 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis concerns one dimensional flow simulation of turbocharged spark ignited engines. The objective has been to contribute to the improvement of turbocharged SI engines’ performance as well as 1 D simulation capabilities.</p><p>Turbocharged engines suffer from poor gas exchange due to the high exhaust pressure created by the turbine. This results in power loss as well as high levels of residual gas, which makes the engine more prone to knock.</p><p>This thesis presents an alternative gas exchange concept, with the aim of removing the high exhaust pressure during the critical periods. This is done by splitting the two exhaust ports into two separate exhaust manifolds.</p><p>The alternative gas exchange study was performed by measurements as well as 1-D simulations. The link between measurements and simulations is very strong, and will be discussed in this thesis.</p><p>As mentioned, turbocharged engines are prone to knock. Hence, finding a method to model knock in 1-D engine simulations would improve the simulation capabilities. In this thesis a 0-D knock model, coupled to the 1-D engine model, is presented</p>

Les phospholipases A2 au cours de la fécondation et du développement embryonnaire préimplantatoire : mécanismes moléculaires d'action et développement thérapeutique / Phospholipases A2 during fertilization : molecular mechanisms of action and therapeutic development

Abi Nahed, Roland 24 June 2015 (has links)
La dégradation des fonctions de reproduction masculine dans les dernières décennies, et par suite, la baisse du taux de fertilité chez l'homme a renforcé les démarches de recherche des causes d'infertilité masculine, qu'elles soient génétiques, ou environnementales, mettant en œuvre les perturbateurs endocriniens ou d'autres produits reprotoxiques. Par ailleurs, les traitements palliatifs tels que l'aide médicale à la procréation ne permettent qu'à 1 couple sur deux d'obtenir une grossesse. La recherche vise donc également à définir de nouvelles pistes d'amélioration de ces techniques. Les phospholipases A2 (PLA2) sont des enzymes abondamment exprimées dans les organes reproducteurs mâles, le sperme éjaculé et dans le tractus génital femelle. Elles jouent des rôles importants dans la capacitation, la réaction acrosomique (RA) et la fécondation. Nous avons montré au laboratoire que la PLA2 murine secrétée de groupe X (mGX) est présente dans l'acrosome des spermatozoïdes de souris. Elle est libérée au cours de la RA et s'avère un inducteur puissant de la RA. Les mécanismes permettant ces effets sont encore mal connus. Par l'utilisation d'inducteurs et d'inhibiteurs des PLA2, sur des modèles murins wild type ou KO pour certaines PLA2, ce travail montre que durant la capacitation, l'activation des iPLA2 β permet de déclencher une RA spontanée dans une sous-population spécifique de spermatozoïdes. Au cours de la RA induite par la progestérone (P4), On a pu aussi valoriser le rôle des iPLA2 β qui initie la cascade de la RA et permet que les sPLA2 soient activées pour amplifier le déroulement de la réaction acrosomique. Par ailleurs, ce travail montre que l'effet de mGX sur le taux de fécondation et de développement embryonnaire ne dépend pas du taux de la RA. Cet effet obtenu grâce à mGX n'est pas observé avec d'autres sPLA2 (murine ou humaine), ni avec la P4 ce qui lui confère une propriété espèce dépendante. / For the last ten years, the impairment of the male reproductive functions has highly increased, while the use of assisted reproductive techniques has also increased. Despite this evolution, the pregnancy rates obtained in in vitro fertilization (IVF) remain low, as only one in two couples will obtain a pregnancy after 4 attempts. Research has to discover new ways to gain in reproductive impact. Hence, many studies have recently been developed to test molecules that could improve the IVF results. Phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) are part of these molecules. They play an important role, because of their abundant expression in: male reproductive organs, in ejaculated sperm and in the female tract. Several studies have suggested a role for members of the secreted phospholipase A2 family in capacitation, acrosome reaction (AR), and fertilization. We demonstrated previously that sperm from mGX knock-out mice had a severely impaired fertilization potential in vitro, but the molecular nature of these enzymes and their specific functions have remained elusive. Our aims were to study the mechanism of the acrosome reaction by focusing on different kinds of PLA2 using inhibitors and knockout mice for each type of PLA2. We demonstrate the importance of iPLA2β in spontaneous AR occurring during capacitation. We also show that iPLA2β and sPLA2 of group X are both involved in progesterone (P4)-induced AR in mouse sperm. In addition we show that in the mouse neither P4 nor any of the other sPLA2s tested are able to mimic the IVF improvement obtained with mGX-treatment. We also demonstrate that this improvement obtained with phospholipase A2 murine group X is not dependent on the rate of AR. These results demonstrate that sPLA2s are not commutable in the context of mouse sperm fertility, indicating that group X sPLA2 is unique to improve fertility outcome.

Physically Based Modelling for Knock Prediction in SI Engines

Thornberg, Nils, Eriksson Kraft, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
The high demand for an increase in performance and at the same time loweringthe emissions is forcing the automotive industry to increase the efficiency of thevehicles. This demand lead to a problem called knock, which often is the limitingfactor when increasing the efficiency of the engine. Knock occurs when theunburned gases inside the combustion chamber self-ignites due to the increasingpressure and temperature.This thesis investigates if it is possible to predict knock with a physicallybased knock model. The model consist of several sub-models such as pressuremodel, temperature model and knock model. The models are built by using measureddata and the goal is to get an independent knock prediction model that canfind the limited ignition angle that will cause knock.The results shows that an analytic pressure model can simulate a measuredpressure curve. But when it comes to predicting knock, there is an uncertaintywhich can be improved by changing the modelling strategy and making the modelsmore accurate.

Considerações sobre outros empregos do sensor de detonação para o controle eletrônico de motores ciclo Otto utilizando análise espectral / Considerations on other jobs of the knock sensor for the electronic control of Otto cycle engines using spectral analysis

Breno Ortega Fernandez 25 August 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo para a qualificação do sensor de detonação como elemento de realimentação para o sistema de controle eletrônico de motores de combustão interna. A metodologia proposta consiste no uso do sensor de detonação, previamente instalado pelo fabricante do motor com a finalidade de eliminar o indesejável efeito da combustão espontânea, para amostrar as vibrações mecânicas produzidas pelo motor em funcionamento. Tal vibração, resultado de massas em movimento e da oscilação natural do sistema excitado pela combustão, produz uma figura espectral na faixa de freqüências do som audível. O método proposto contempla ainda as variações espectrais das vibrações de um mesmo motor operando com diferentes misturas combustíveis. / This dissertation analyses the suitability of using the knock sensor as a feedback element for the electronic control of internal combustion engines. The proposed approach consists of using the knock sensor, originally installed by the engine maker in order to eliminate the spontaneous combustion effect, to sample the mechanical vibration produced by the engine. This vibration, which results from the moving parts and the natural oscillation of the system in combustion, produces an output in the range of audible sound. This research contemplates using the spectral variation of that sound to estimate information about an engine operating with different fuel blends.

Core excitation in the structure and breakup of heavy beryllium isotopes

Tarutina, Tatiana January 2001 (has links)
The 14Be nucleus is a good candidate for having a halo structure. When a three- body model is used to calculate the properties of this nucleus, it relies on a knowledge of the potentials involved and hence on the structure of the underlying two-body subsystem 13Be. Previuosly published calculations showed that, in order to describe 13Be and 14Be simultaneously, 13Be had to be either bound, or have a p-shell ground state, which is not consistent with the experimental data. In this thesis 13Be and 14Be are described as one or two neutrons outside a deformed 12Be core. The idea of the method is that deformation of the core couples the neutron motion with core excitations. The core is treated as a rigid rotor here, and for the neutron-core interaction we used a deformed Woods-Saxon potential. We explore the potential parameters compatible with the known properties of 12Be, 13Be and 14Be. The three-body model for 14Be used a hyperspherical expansion including core degrees of freedom. Compared to the previous works, we find that both 14Be and 13Be are described simultaneously if the 12Be core has large positive quadrupole deformation. The resulting three-body model wave function was used in calculations of reaction observables. The reaction cross section of 14Be on a carbon target at 850 MeV/A was calculated in a four-body Glauber model, after the formalism was extended to include core degrees of freedom. The calculated reaction cross section agrees with the experiment. One-neutron knockout reactions of the Borromean nuclei 6He, 11Li and 14Be are discussed. The integrated cross sections for stripping and diffraction processes are calculated in the four-body Glauber model including core excited components in the wave function for 14Be. The neutron-core relative energy distributions within 5He, 10Li and 13Be following one-neutron removal, are calculated by a spectator model in the eikonal limit. The integrated cross sections and energy distributions for 6He are in agreement with the experiment. The results for 11Li and 14Be breakup demonstrated that the further investigation of the reaction model is needed.

Advancing the Limits of Dual Fuel Combustion

Königsson, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
There is a growing interest in alternative transport fuels. There are two underlying reasons for this interest; the desire to decrease the environmental impact of transports and the need to compensate for the declining availability of petroleum. In the light of both these factors the Diesel Dual Fuel, DDF, engine is an attractive concept. The primary fuel of the DDF engine is methane, which can be derived both from renewables and from fossil sources. Methane from organic waste; commonly referred to as biomethane, can provide a reduction in greenhouse gases unmatched by any other fuel. The DDF engine is from a combustion point of view a hybrid between the diesel and the otto engine and it shares characteristics with both. This work identifies the main challenges of DDF operation and suggests methods to overcome them. Injector tip temperature and pre-ignitions have been found to limit performance in addition to the restrictions known from literature such as knock and emissions of NOx and HC. HC emissions are especially challenging at light load where throttling is required to promote flame propagation. For this reason it is desired to increase the lean limit in the light load range in order to reduce pumping losses and increase efficiency. It is shown that the best results in this area are achieved by using early diesel injection to achieve HCCI/RCCI combustion where combustion phasing is controlled by the ratio between diesel and methane. However, even without committing to HCCI/RCCI combustion and the difficult control issues associated with it, substantial gains are accomplished by splitting the diesel injection into two and allocating most of the diesel fuel to the early injection. HCCI/RCCI and PPCI combustion can be used with great effect to reduce the emissions of unburned hydrocarbons at light load. At high load, the challenges that need to be overcome are mostly related to heat. Injector tip temperatures need to be observed since the cooling effect of diesel flow through the nozzle is largely removed. Through investigation and modeling it is shown that the cooling effect of the diesel fuel occurs as the fuel resides injector between injections and not during the actual injection event. For this reason; fuel residing close to the tip absorbs more heat and as a result the dependence of tip temperature on diesel substitution rate is highly non-linear. The problem can be reduced greatly by improved cooling around the diesel injector. Knock and preignitions are limiting the performance of the engine and the behavior of each and how they are affected by gas quality needs to be determined. Based on experiences from this project where pure methane has been used as fuel; preignitions impose a stricter limit on engine operation than knock. / QC 20120626 / Diesel Dual Fuel

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