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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrating Manufacturing Issues into Structural Optimization

Barton, Andrew Barton January 2002 (has links)
This dissertation aims to advance the field of structural optimization by creating and demonstrating new methodologies for the explicit inclusion of manufacturing issues. The case of composite aerospace structures was a main focus of this work as that field provides some of the greatest complexities in manufacturing yet also provides the greatest incentives to optimize structural performance. Firstly, the possibilities for modifying existing FEA based structural optimization methods to better capture manufacturing constraints are investigated. Examples of brick-based topology optimization, shell-based topology optimization, parametric sizing optimization and manufacturing process optimization are given. From these examples, a number of fundamental limitations to these methods were observed and are discussed. The key limitation that was uncovered related to a dichotomy between analytical methods (such as FEA) and CAD-type methods. Based on these observations, a new Knowledge-Based framework for structural optimization was suggested whereby manufacturing issues are integrally linked to the more conventional structural issues. A prototype system to implement this new framework was developed and is discussed. Finally, the validity of the framework was demonstrated by application to a generic composite rib design problem.

A Hybrid Intelligent System for Stamping Process Planning in Progressive Die Design

Zhang, W.Y., Tor, Shu Beng, Britton, G.A. 01 1900 (has links)
This paper presents an intelligent, hybrid system for stamping process planning in progressive die design. The system combines the flexibility of blackboard architecture with case-based reasoning. The hybrid system has the advantage that it can use past knowledge and experience for case-based reasoning when it exists, and other reasoning approaches when it doesn’t exist. A prototype system has been implemented in CLIPS and interfaced with Solid Edge CAD system. An example is included to demonstrate the approach. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Test Generation Guided Design for Testability

Wu, Peng 01 July 1988 (has links)
This thesis presents a new approach to building a design for testability (DFT) system. The system takes a digital circuit description, finds out the problems in testing it, and suggests circuit modifications to correct those problems. The key contributions of the thesis research are (1) setting design for testability in the context of test generation (TG), (2) using failures during FG to focus on testability problems, and (3) relating circuit modifications directly to the failures. A natural functionality set is used to represent the maximum functionalities that a component can have. The current implementation has only primitive domain knowledge and needs other work as well. However, armed with the knowledge of TG, it has already demonstrated its ability and produced some interesting results on a simple microprocessor.

Europäische Metropolregionen in der Wissensgesellschaft : strategische Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung in Wien, Berlin und London / European metropolitan regions in a knowledge based economy : strategic urban and regional planning in Vienna, Berlin and London

Strehmann, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Die Wissensgesellschaft gilt spätestens seit der im Jahr 2000 durch die EU propagierten Lissabon-Strategie als Strategie der europäischen Städte und Regionen zu mehr Wachstum und Beschäftigung. Die Masterarbeit „Europäische Metropolregionen in der Wissensgesellschaft“ greift dieses Leitbild auf und untersucht anhand der Metropolregionen Wien, Berlin und London inwieweit sich das Thema Wissen in den strategischen Planungsdokumenten der Metropolregionen wieder findet. Die Untersuchung erfolgt anhand von entwickelten Handlungsfeldern einer wissensbasierten Entwicklung von Metropolregionen. Neben den Themen Hochqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte und Wissensinfrastrukturen spielt insbesondere die räumliche Nähe eine entscheidende Rolle für regionale Innovationssysteme. Durch Kompetenzfelder und Netzwerkstrukturen an bestimmten Wissensstandorten lassen sich durch regionale Wirtschaftsförderung Clusterungen stimulieren. Anhand des Beispiels Wien wird vertiefend untersucht, ob sich die in den Strategiedokumenten (Strategieplan 2004, Stadtentwicklungsplan 2005, Wiener Strategie für Forschung, Technologie und Innovation 2007) beschlossenen Ziele auch durch Maßnahmen der Stadtentwicklung und Wirtschaftsförderung wieder finden. Darüber hinaus werden insbesondere die unterschiedlichen Governance-Ebenen der Metropolregion und ihr Beitrag zur Förderung der einzelnen Handlungsfelder analysiert.

'A Valuable Link': The Opportunities for Swedish SMEs by Incorporating Diasporas into the Process of Internationalization

Startseva, Ksenia, Vysniauskaite, Vaida January 2009 (has links)
With the conditions of new economy such tendencies as internationalization of firms, mi-gration of high skilled workers, growing importance of the knowledge and others become relevant. Having these contextual matters in mind, the authors of this thesis identify the beneficial aspects that are related to Diasporas' inclusion into the process of internationali-zation. In broad outline, this thesis is about the competitive advantage achieved by a firm which employs foreigners to work with the process of business expansion to foreigners' countries of origin. This competitive advantage is proved to manifest itself through the knowledge and competences embedded in those employed foreigners. The purpose of this thesis is to answer 'in what ways can Swedish SMEs benefit from Di-asporas' inclusion into the process of internationalization?' and thus fill the theoretical gap in the existent studies. In order to address the purpose of the research, a theoretical model which merges the research field of internationalization and Diaspora studies, considered the conditions of new economy, was constructed. With the help of this model, the role of Diasporas in the process of internationalization has been explored and explained. For the empirical study, the qualitative method was applied and semi-structured interviews were conducted in five different Swedish SMEs. The interview guide, which was based on the theoretical model and on the main research objectives, was used when conducting in-terviews with a number of management positions fulfilling participants, as well as Diaspora. The results of an empirical study showed that Diasporas can be efficiently used for compa-ny's expansion strategies and significantly benefit due to several reasons. First of all, fo-reigners, or Diasporas, can be considered as holding relevant knowledge base in regards to their home countries, such as language, culture, personal contacts, etc. At the same time, while staying in Sweden, they get to familiarize with the Swedish culture, social structures, and business opportunities, and establish diversified contacts. With regards to international business expansion, this knowledge of two-fold nature is proved to be highly valuable.

Role of Web 2.0 Technologies for Knowledge Building in Higher Education

KHALID, IRFAN January 2010 (has links)
The role of web 2.0 technologies has become windfall for knowledge building in higher education in the entire modern world. Web 2.0 technologies (Podcasts, Wikis, and Blogs) are being explored for collaboration, innovation, and creative purposes in digital literacy. The ICT based system (Learning Management System, Student Portal, Web mail) of Växjö University lacks web 2.0 technologies (Podcasts, Blogs, and Wikis) that are important for classroom learning for knowledge building. This research intends to investigate and describe the educational importance of web 2.0 (Podcasts, Wikis, and Blogs) as a possible source to facilitate class room learning in higher education in Sweden. In this regard, role of web 2.0 in its current usage in the teaching and learning have been identified and, thereby, possible measures for more improvements have been suggested in this research. Keeping in view the potential of web 2.0 as content development and management technologies and incorporating their role in formative evaluation of students, peer assessment, collaborative content creation, and individual as well as group reflection on learning experiences, the researcher conducted a survey by asking very simple and short questions as to how far has this potential been exploited in Sweden. Based on the findings and the empirical evidences thereof a model has been proposed for maximum utility of web 2.0 technologies.

Intellektuellt kapital - en trend? / Intellectual capital- a trend?

Bergensand, Camilla, Strandh, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Problem: Utvecklingen i världen går mot en allt mer kunskapsinriktad ekonomi där den immateriella tillgången intellektuellt kapital blir viktigare bland företag. De redovisningsprinciper som finns idag baseras på principer från så tidigt som 1400-talet då man ville bokföra transaktioner för in- och utbetalningar av pengar. Principerna modifierades något under den industriella revolutionen för att man skulle kunna sätta upp materiella ting som tillgångar. När man nu går in en ny revolution, den mänskliga, hur är synen på det intellektuella kapitalet och hur redovisas kapitalet som inte får ske i företagens balans- och resultaträkning. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att studera vad som skett med utvecklingen av intellektuellt kapital i kunskapsföretagens årsredovisningar och undersöka vilka faktorer och omständigheter som påverkar utvecklingen. För att se på hur efterfrågan ser ut på information om det intellektuella kapital granskas även dess roll vid förvärv och värdering av företag. Teori: Studiens teoretiska referensram tar först upp centrala begrepp i studien såsom kunskapsföretag samt tar upp ett antal modeller som föreslår olika sätt att visa företagens intellektuella kapital i siffror. Till sist presenteras tidigare forskning inom ämnet som kommer användas i analysen. Metod: Valet av metod för denna studie är kvalitativ och ansatsen är deduktiv. Empirin har tagits fram genom flertalet intervjuer med forskare och revisorer samt genom granskning av fem kunskapsintensiva företags årsredovisningar. Slutsats: Synen på intellektuellt kapital har utvecklats i viss utsträckning då företag är alltmer medvetna om vikten av att behålla och utveckla sitt humankapital. För att det intellektuella kapitalet på ett tydligare sätt ska åskådas i de finansiella rapporterna krävs det i framtiden att högre instanser ger företag rekommendationer för hur de ska gå tillväga. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of the intellectual capital in knowledge-based company’s annual reports and explore which factors and circumstances that can affect this development. In order to see how the demand is for information about intellectual capital in annual reports, its role in acquisitions and valuation of companies is examined. Method: This study is based on a qualitative method with a deductive approach. The empirical data has been gathered through interviews with two researchers, one auditor and two managers for valuation and acquisition. There have also been examinations of five knowledge-based company’s annual reports. Conclusions: The view of intellectual capital has developed to some extent since corporations are increasingly recognizing the importance of maintaining and developing its human capital. For the intellectual capital to be viewed in a clearer way in the financial reports it is required that in the future higher instances give companies the adequate advice in how to do so.

Changes of Self-Empolyment Sector: Analysis of impact by The Structure of Domestic Productin Across Centuries

Chuang, Ming-chi 27 July 2004 (has links)
Abstract Unemployment rate had steadily kept under 3.0% with an average of 1.84% from 1978 to 1994 in Taiwan. It may not go below 3.0% again till the labor market adapting to the large changes in the structure of domestic production that has made significantly impact on the labor force, especially a peak unemployment rate 5.17% has been seen in 2002. Computerization and network infrastructure have made small firms more competitive. In addition, changes in industrial structure have favored the industries in which small firms are viable and scale economics are relatively unimportant. The changes also left one problem behind. The time of high unemployment rate is coming. The released workers would probably hind in the self-employment sector or become members of inadequate utilization of labor force, such as low paid, mismatches between educational attainment and occupation, and inadequate working hours. The main purpose of this paper is to contrast the characteristics of the relatively weak group, especially the self-employed, before and after the change. The raw data been used was from Manpower Surveys and Manpower Utilization Surveys by Census Bureau, DGBAS. The study reveals the following findings: 1. High unemployment rate becomes regular, 3.0% or above will be considered as normal. 2. Male is always having a large proportion up to 70% of the self-employed, but the female increase much faster than the male did. Age distribution shifted to an older range. Marital status distribution did not change much- the married still keep about 90%. In the other hand, industrial structure distribution has been changed. Service industry has been increased by 4.3% and the up trend is still going up. There¡¦s a very large change in occupational location, the secondary labor market shares over half of the self-employed in 2003 comparing with 0.1% in 1991, they are forced by the industrial changes not to only the lower occupational location but the lower social status. The self-employed are shifting toward the non-urban area too, and the uncertainty of future coming with the high unemployment rate has made self-employed need to have an extra job or to change his/her job. 3. The small and medium enterprise have historically provided large proportion of employment labor market and non-agriculture self-employment sector, but industrial changes is slacking the trend for those employees to become a self-employed. 4. Over 70% out of the married female samples have kids, and ages of children have affected women employment choices. The older their children are, the higher possibilities are women to be self-employed. 5. Considering with the whole employed, although the mean monthly income of the self-employed increased, the quantity was relatively lower than others did. Education had a better performance in both the mean and the standardized mean score, but a fatal drop of occupational location strongly pulled down the Social-Economic index of the self-employed. Keyword: Self-Employment, Own-Account Worker, the Structure of Domestic Production, Knowledge-Based Economy and Social-Economic Index.


Yu, Christina 05 July 2005 (has links)
As the traditional sources of competitive advantage can no longer provide a sustainable edge for business; the contemporary approach to global business strategy point to core competencies, invisible assets, and organizational capabilities as key factors influencing MNC¡¦s long-term success in global markets. An organization¡¦s intellectual assets are said to be a pack of knowledge under that firm¡¦s ownership or control, through services and the embodiment in firm¡¦s outputs to flow over time period. Knowledge especially has become the most strategically important resource and the potential to compete for advantages among MNCs to advance themselves in the information-driven societies. Derived from theoretical origins of resource-based view and behavioral perspective, an integrative framework from a sample set of 129 further concludes six determinants that enable MNC to build layers of knowledge-based global competence to compete and sustain advantages globally using structural equation modeling (SEM). Human interface, ISO, and parent innovation are found to have direct effect to firm¡¦s knowledge-based global competence, while IT, transnational innovation, and substantial investment in human capital are found to link indirectly through mediating effect of learning culture. From the resource perspective of the firm, as emerging country in its early phase of internationalization as Taiwan, local capabilities for knowledge innovation at host await to be developed over time and hence focal units rely on knowledge inflows from parent to assist their needs. Such interdependence between globally linked and locally leveraged for innovation makes externalized knowledge important for effective knowledge diffusion across network of subsidiaries aside from use of personnel flows for transferring implicit knowledge, IT for transferring explicit knowledge, and ISO for transferring codified knowledge, each requires good integration mechanisms to keep culture, language, and communication barriers to the minimum in cross-cultural settings. Investment in human capital and implementation of learning culture can benefit company enormously from movement of people either horizontally or vertically in terms of learning and sharing through socialization, and building a network of cross-functional interdependence for transferring knowledge, expertise, and sets of common goals and values for synergy.

Buildings and Trees Extraction in the Overlapped Area by Lidar and Aerial Digital Image Data

Chen, Yueh-shu 12 July 2007 (has links)
In recent years, many researches focused on the supervised classification, one of the machine learning methods, using Lidar and remotely sensed image to provide the four buildings, trees, roads, and grass categories of the ground features. However, buildings and trees are usually much closed or overlapped and this problem will lead buildings and nearby trees not easy to classify by single classification approach. The derived building outlines have many cracks which are not satisfactory for the requirement of GIS building vector map or building 3D modeling. To provide complete building outlines, this study develops an ¡§automatic detection of the overlapped areas of buildings and trees (ADOABT)¡¨ algorithm and an ¡§automatic linear feature recovery (ALFR)¡¨ approach to connect building outlines consequently. First, this research integrates Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) and Knowledge-Based Correction (KBC) to derive buildings and trees classification resultant images. Next, the ADOABT based on ¡§divide and conquer¡¨ principle was used to detect the overlapped areas of buildings and trees. Meanwhile, the building and tree edge images were detected using the Canny edge detector based on Lidar height image. Then, the intersection operator was applied to the detected areas and edge images to detect the crack of the building images. Afterward, vectorization and generalization of the intersection resultant images are applied to extract the straight line of the buildings. Finally, the automatic linear feature recovery procedure was performed to compensate the damage straight line effectively. According to the experiment results, the classification accuracy derived from integrated MLC and KBC classification method and the object-based classification (OBC) are similar. However, when applying the classification results to detect the overlapped areas of building and trees, because MLC and KBC has the procedure for handling temporal inconsistencies, the success rate of automatic detection is totally the same by artificial interpretation; the detection rate for the results of MLC and KBC is 100% whereas the one for the OBC only 67.7%. It can be concluded that the MLC and KBC approach is more suitable for the automatic detection for the overlapped areas of building and trees. Moreover, the ADOABT algorithm simplifies the workflow of the overlapped area detection. According to the result of edge detection and line detection, the Canny detector presents the clearest edge image. The lines extracted by Vectorized and generalization method are superior to the ones derived from Hough transform. The ALFR algorithm offers a way to connect building outline completely.

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