Spelling suggestions: "subject:"csrknowledge based"" "subject:"csrknowledge eased""
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Planning and Analysis of Knowledge Intensive Enterprise Resource Planning SystemsBasit, Syed Abdul, Malik, Omar January 2008 (has links)
ERP software and applications have become basic requirement of almost every organization in order to compete with each other and in time constraint. In order to develop an efficient application, project planning and analysis play very important role in better understanding of the problem domain and to provide a risk free solution. There are many different approaches which software developers used to develop the systems. These traditional approaches have some drawbacks and constraints. Either these are ad-hoc basis or have some fixed patterns and rules. We discussed all these techniques and suggest that planning and analysis of ERP application during its development can be done by applying more appropriate knowledge engineering commonKADS model. CommonKADS is a structured approach, It comprises of different model suites. Thesis presents that by using commonKADS model for project planning and analysis, real problem domain and efficient solution can be identified. Also domain process is identified. Tasks related to each process in the domain are identified. Knowledge assets related to each task are identified. These features help in defining real knowledge specification. In this way, ERP applications can be made knowledge based. ERP systems were introduced to solve different organizational problems and provide integrated structure. Although ERP packages offer advantages to enterprises, they have not achieved many of their anticipated benefits. Autonomous and heterogeneous applications co-exist in companies with ERP systems and integration problem having not been addressed. This thesis seeks to make some suggestions to this area by studying and analyzing ERP problems, through mapping commonKADS methodology in a case study. Thesis in start, presents an overview about ERP applications, Knowledge Engineering and commonKADS methodology. In the end, thesis presents our contribution a case study ―online courses Registration Portal for BTH which shows that planning and analysis of ERP applications by using commonKADS methodology helps in reaching knowledge based and more accurate solutions. / Syed Abdul Basit basitbth@gmail.com, Omar Malik omar_m20@hotmail.com.
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Semantics and Implementation of Knowledge Operators in Approximate Databases / Semantik och implementation för kunskapsoperatorer i approximativa databaserSjö, Kristoffer January 2004 (has links)
In order that epistemic formulas might be coupled with approximate databases, it is necessary to have a well-defined semantics for the knowledge operator and a method of reducing epistemic formulas to approximate formulas. In this thesis, two possible definitions of a semantics for the knowledge operator are proposed for use together with an approximate relational database: * One based upon logical entailment (being the dominating notion of knowledge in literature); sound and complete rules for reduction to approximate formulas are explored and found not to be applicable to all formulas. * One based upon algorithmic computability (in order to be practically feasible); the correspondence to the above operator on the one hand, and to the deductive capability of the agent on the other hand, is explored. Also, an inductively defined semantics for a"know whether"-operator, is proposed and tested. Finally, an algorithm implementing the above is proposed, carried out using Java, and tested.
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Système à base de connaissances pour le processus de plan d'expériences numériques / Knowledge-based system for the numerical design of experiments processBlondet, Gaëtan 09 June 2017 (has links)
Le besoin de compétitivité des entreprises, dans un contexte économique mondialisé, repose sur l'amélioration de la qualité des produits et la réduction des coûts et du temps de mise sur le marché. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, la simulation numérique est couramment utilisée pour la conception de produits complexes et mobilise des expertises diverses. Les Plans d'Expériences Numériques (PEN) sont de plus en plus utilisés pour simuler les variabilités des propriétés et de l’environnement du produit. Un processus de PEN apporte des méthodes de planification et d'analyse d'un ensemble de simulations, pour mieux maîtriser les performances du produit. La problématique traitée repose sur deux points. D'une part, la définition d'un processus de PEN repose sur de nombreux choix et l'utilisation de méthodes complexes, nécessitant une expertise avancée. Cette définition est d'autant plus complexe que le modèle de simulation est complexe et coûteux à exécuter. D'autre part, l'utilisation de PEN conduit à une production de grands volumes de données en multipliant les simulations. Ces travaux portent sur l'obtention rapide de la configuration optimale du processus de PEN pour raccourcir la préparation et l’exécution d’un PEN. Ces travaux se sont orientés vers la réutilisation des connaissances en entreprise pour un système à base de connaissances, composé d'une ontologie spécifique, pour capitaliser et partager les connaissances, et d'un moteur d'inférences, basé sur les réseaux bayésiens, pour proposer aux concepteurs des configurations efficaces et innovantes. Cette proposition est illustrée par une application sur un produit industriel issue du secteur automobile. / In order to improve industrial competitiveness, product design relies more and more on numerical tools, such as numerical simulation, to develop better and cheaper products faster. Numerical Design of Experiments (NDOE) are more and more used to include variabilities during simulation processes, to design more robust, reliable and optimized product earlier in the product development process. Nevertheless, a NDOE process may be too expensive to be applied to a complex product, because of the high computational cost of the model and the high number of required experiments. Several methods exist to decrease this computational cost, but they required expert knowledge to be efficiently applied. In addition to that, NDoE process produces a large amount of data which must be managed. The aim of this research is to propose a solution to define, as fast as possible, an efficient NDoE process, which produce as much useful information as possible with a minimal number of simulations, for complex products. The objective is to shorten both process definition and execution steps. A knowledge-based system is proposed, based on a specific ontology and a bayesian network, to capitalise, share and reuse knowledge and data to predict the best NDoE process definition regarding to a new product. This system is validated on a product from automotive industry.
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Une approche info-communicationnelle du changement organisationnel à l’université : autour des portefeuilles numériques de compétences / An info-communicational approach to the organizational change in the university : around e-portfoliosTrillard, Romain 15 December 2016 (has links)
Durant cette thèse de doctorat, notre intérêt s’est porté sur les « Portefeuilles Numériques de Compétences » (PNC)et la façon dont ils incarnent la rationalisation des organisations universitaires, des politiques publiques et leurs apparents échecs. Nous avons pris appui pour cela sur une expérience d’ingénieur d’étude en charge du développement d’un de ces objets sociotechniques, puis sur une vingtaine d’entretiens avec des chargés de projets PNC, des vice-présidents d’universités, des personnels et des enseignants-chercheurs, plus un ensemble de documents. Ces données ont été regroupées dans le cadre d’une Approche Communicationnelle des Organisations (ACO), une méthode qui nous a amenée à travailler sur la dimension symbolique des évolutions, puis sur les reconfigurations organisationnelles des universités et enfin sur les transformations supposées des pratiques par la mise en usage de technologies comme les« portefeuilles numériques de compétences ». Nous avons ensuite analysé ces données dans leurs rapports auxformes universitaires. Ce travail nous a alors permis de pouvoir « situer les communications traversant notre corpus ». Les résultats montrent qu’il existe de vives tensions symboliques, que les conditions du travail se transforment et se dégradent, deux évolutions qui limitent fortement l’usage des « portefeuilles numériques de compétences ». / During this thesis, we are being interested on “eportfolios” and how they embody the organizational rationalization and the new public management policies in the higher education and research sector in France. We have been searching why they got thumbs down. To do that, we have been leaning on an e – portfolio project manager experience, nearly twenty interviews with other project managers, universities managers, staff and academics and a set of documents. This corpus has beencollected in the framework of a Communicational Approach to Organizations. This method leads us to deal with the symbolic dimension of developments, then with the universities reorganizations, and finally with the transformations of presumed practices by the use of technologies such as “e – portfolio”. To be sure to explore all the dimensions of the change, we have developed an approach switching on the running rationalization and the academic culture. This workenabled us to locate the communications going through our corpus. The analysis points out that some sharp symbolic tightness exist, that work conditions change and deteriorate, and that “e-portfolios” are the subject of an empirical and symbolic disconnection.
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Lightweight data and knowledge exchange for pervasive environmentsSu, X. (Xiang) 09 September 2016 (has links)
Pervasive environments are physical spaces saturated with devices collecting data, controlling the environment, and interacting with users. These environments support human users in their everyday tasks so that the users can focus on their own tasks and access services and resources whenever and wherever they want. Such environments are also called smart spaces. Knowledge-based systems would enable realizing a variety of intelligent applications for pervasive environments. Generally, such systems recognize the situation in the environment from sensor data and utilize automated reasoning techniques to respond to the situation and the needs of the users.
However, building knowledge-based systems for pervasive environments presents challenges. This dissertation focuses on the challenge of data and knowledge representations. Knowledge-based systems utilize expressive knowledge representations that are verbose and require sufficient resources in order to use them. Most devices in pervasive environments cannot handle these representations as the devices have limited resources for computation, storage, and communication. The main aim of this dissertation is to tackle this challenge. That is, on the one hand, pervasive environments demand data and knowledge representations that do not require many resources from the resource-constrained devices; and on the other hand, the representations should be compatible with the knowledge-based systems. Specifically, a general solution is required that enables many applications to use the same data with minimal effort from application developers.
This dissertation presents a novel representation, Entity Notation (EN), to tackle these challenges. EN is designed as a general lightweight representation for data and knowledge. EN expresses entities, their properties, and property values. This structure resembles the triple structure of Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL). Hence, sensor data in EN syntax can be transformed into common knowledge models in a straightforward manner and utilized with ease by knowledge-based systems. EN Schema is designed for transferring advanced knowledge models. Moreover, EN also offers an approach to shorten the format with templates and prefixes. This way, EN can be utilized by resource-constrained devices and environments. Our evaluation verifies that small devices can utilize EN to transfer data and knowledge to devices realizing intelligent functions, such as inference. Moreover, the expressive power of EN is comparable with the alternative representations. Finally, resource consumption is verified by prototypes. Based on the evaluation, we can conclude that EN can facilitate harnessing the full potential of pervasive environments. / Tiivistelmä
Kaikkialla läsnäolevat ympäristöt ovat fyysisiä tiloja täynnä laitteita, jotka keräävät dataa, ohjaavat ympäristöä ja ovat vuorovaikutuksessa käyttäjien kanssa. Nämä ympäristöt tukevat ihmisiä päivittäisissä tehtävissä siten, että ihmiset voivat keskittyä tehtäviinsä sekä käyttää erilaisia palveluja ja resursseja ajanhetkestä ja paikasta riippumatta. Tällaisia ympäristöjä kutsutaan myös älykkäiksi tiloiksi. Tietämysjärjestelmät mahdollistavat monia sovellusskenaarioita näihin ympäristöihin. Nämä järjestelmät tunnistavat ympäristössä vallitsevan tilanteen sensoridatan avulla ja hyödyntävät automaattista päättelyä reagoidakseen tilanteeseen ja käyttäjien tarpeisiin.
Tietämysjärjestelmien kehitys näihin ympäristöihin on kuitenkin haasteellista. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy datan ja tiedon esitystavan haasteisiin. Tietämysjärjestelmät käyttävät ilmaisuvoimaisia tietämyksen esitysmalleja, joiden monimuotoisuus puolestaan edellyttää riittäviä resursseja. Monet laitteet eivät pysty käsittelemään näitä esitysmalleja koska niillä ei ole riittäviä laskenta-, kommunikaatio- ja tallennusresursseja. Väitöskirjan päätavoite on ratkaista tämä haaste: Toisaalta dataa ja tietämyksen esitysmalleja on voitava käsitellä niukoilla resursseilla; toisaalta esitysmallien on oltava yhteensopivia erilaisten tietämysjärjestelmien kanssa. Erityisesti tarvitaan yleisratkaisu, joka voidaan yhdistää useaan sovellukseen vähäisellä sovelluskehitystyöllä.
Tämä väitöskirja esittää ratkaisuksi uuden datan ja tietämyksen esitystavan, Entity Notation -mallin (EN). EN on suunniteltu yleiseksi ja kevyeksi tiedon ja tietämyksen esitystavaksi. EN ilmaisee entiteettejä sekä niiden ominaisuus-arvopareja. Tämä rakenne muistuttaa RDF-kuvauskieltä sekä OWL-ontologiakieltä. Täten sensoridata EN-kielessä voidaan muuttaa suoraviivaisesti yleisiksi tietämysmalleiksi ja hyödyntää helposti tietämysjärjestelmissä. EN Schema on suunniteltu tietämysmallien siirtämiseen. EN tarjoaa myös tavan lyhentää muotoa mallineilla ja etuliitteillä. Näin EN-esitystapaa voidaan hyödyntää resurssirajoitteisissa laitteissa ja ympäristöissä. Tehdyt kokeet osoittavat, että pienet laitteet voivat käyttää EN-esitystapaa tiedon ja tietämyksen siirtämiseen älykkäitä toimintoja toteuttaviin laitteisiin. Lisäksi EN-esitystavan ilmaisuvoimaisuus on verrattavissa vaihtoehtoisiin esitystapoihin. Prototyyppien avulla tarkistettiin resurssien tehokas käyttö. Kokeiden perusteella voidaan todeta, että EN-esitystapa helpottaa läsnäolevien ympäristöjen täyden potentiaalin hyödyntämistä.
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Knowledge-management in the public sector: Its role in facilitating the delivery of health infrastructureKimani, Lydiah Wanjiru L.W. January 2013 (has links)
Magister Economicae - MEcon / Knowledge is recognised as a crucial resource in the knowledge-based economy; and it is
believed to drive sustainable success in organizations. Knowledge management (KM) helps
organizations identify, create, organize, distribute and transfer vital knowledge among
employees within and across organizations. The underlying premise is that good KM leads to
efficiency and effectiveness, which in turn, influences the total performance in an
organization. Therefore, this study investigates the role of KM practices as they relate to
projects in a South African government organisation. The problem was dwelt with by
establishing research questions and objectives.
In order to answer the research questions, a literature search was conducted in the area of
KM to establish the KM enablers, barriers, and processes known to facilitate or hinder
successful KM in organizations. This led to the identification of five enablers, including
organizational culture, structure, technology, strategy and leadership, as well as the
resources believed to be fundamental in the success of KM practices. Barriers to KM were
identified as individual, organizational and technological. The study established four KM
processes: acquisition, conversion, application and protection that were found to concur with
good KM practices. A conceptual model was developed around these areas. The model
assisted in developing qualitative and quantitative questions. In order to investigate the
proposed research questions, the study identified a single directorate within the department of
public works that is directly involved with the delivery of health infrastructure.
The methodology used, which was mainly qualitative research, was conducted by using
multiple-data evidences, namely: semi-structured interviews, document review; these were
sourced from primary and secondary sources, as well as similar organizational best practices
in KM. A total of nine interviews were conducted with individuals in managerial positions. A
total of 7 of the 30 e-mailed questionnaires were completed and the data were used to
supplement the qualitative data. This study used the Content-Analysis Technique approach to
analyse the text data obtained from the interviews.
It was established that successful KM implementation requires the promotion of an enabling
environment. The results from the findings revealed that organizational culture, structure,
leadership and strategy, ICT, as well as KM resources form, a foundation for the KM
environment. KM processes, such as knowledge-retention, creation, capture, transfer and
sharing, were found to be fundamental for KM practices to occur. Barriers to effective KM
occurred largely due to the lack of awareness and time. To capitalize on knowledge, an
organization must be prepared to balance its KM enablers and processes. The existing
challenges impeding KM success should be identified and dealt with, in order to realize the
KM benefits. The study, therefore, proposes a KM conceptual model to be integrated with
the decision-making framework, as an implementation strategy for KM in the public sector.
This would ensure an embedded knowledge-intensive environment in the Department, and
hence the improvement of infrastructural delivery.
This study is limited, since only a single case was used, which plainly suggests that there is a
possibility that the results cannot be generalized beyond the researched organisation –
without conducting any further study.
It is recommended that for future research, this study be replicated through several other
directorates, or even departments at various government levels (e.g. national, provincial).
Also, quantitative analysis, together with qualitative analysis, should be used to create a
triangulation between the two approaches.
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Team Collective Intelligence - Theory, Validation And ApplicabilityGoyal, Ajay Kumar 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
It is very critical to understand what makes a work team to behave intelligently as individual competencies often don’t convert into the collective competence. Theoretically it has been observed and underlined by many scholars that a group might have a mind of its own which is different from its constituents. Past theories related to this have taken two opposite positions one led by Le Bon emphasizing the compromised capacity of collectives in terms of loss of rationality and the second one led by Durkhiem who has seen the collectives as super-organism. But systematic investigation of phenomena of collective intelligence has not been undertaken in the context of human groups.
We took to investigate this problem, starting with theoretical analysis and critical review of literature toward understanding relevant issues and aspects. We primarily reviewed the literature in team innovativeness, learning, team cognition, emotion, structure, process, effectiveness, individual intelligence and collective intelligence. Based upon the understanding thus derived we developed the constructs of collective intelligence, cognitive intelligence, social capital,, and emotional intelligence of teams, and a theoretical model outlining their interrelationships. Four specific objectives set for this research included:
1. To develop a theoretical framework for understanding collective intelligence and relate it to social capital, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence
2. To compare the collective intelligence, social capital, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence of teams in terms of organizational type, age of the team, gender composition and team function
3. To develop aggregate and segregate structural models to validate the construct of collective intelligence
4. To explore the applicability of structural model in practical setting through qualitative case studies
The data was collected from 297 teams. This data was used for scale validation through item analysis and reliability assessment. Measures of four constructs were analyzed for sub-factors identification using principal components analysis.
The main analysis included a comparison of collective intelligence, social capital, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence across various categories followed by generation of aggregate and segregate structural models for different categories of teams, using the partial least squares (PLS) method of structural equation modeling. Partial least squares analysis supported the proposed theoretical model. For overall structural model results indicated satisfactory internal consistency (reliability), and convergent and discriminant validities (construct validity) of the measures used. All the model estimates of outer as well as inner models showed high significance level indicating the stability of estimates. Finally the R-square values indicating total variance explained, of each latent dependent variable were substantial (i.e. more than 0.30) suggested adequate predictiveness of the model. All these findings indicated that the proposed model of factor structure of team collective intelligence was based upon robust measures and had high predictiveness. For triangulation and assessment of applicability of model case studies were conducted with two teams from two different organizations.
The main contributions of this research lie in the development, validation and demonstration of applicability of a model of general ability (collective intelligence) of work teams.
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La dimension externe de l'action éducative : vers une politique intégrée de l'Union européenne / The external dimension of EU measures concerning education : from individual initiatives to an integrated policyMonsch, Déborah 26 June 2015 (has links)
Tendant vers la reconnaissance d’une compétence partagée de l’UE en matière d’éducation, cette étude vise à révéler le fort potentiel de l’intervention de l’UE dans la gestion des nouveaux défis éducatifs mondiaux. Fondée sur un faisceau de compétences intriquées, l’action externe de l’UE dans le secteur éducatif est substantiellement plus développée qu’elle ne le laisse a priori paraître. Elle constitue une politique extérieure éducative, qui se révèle à la fois intégrée, par sa nature transversale, et intégrative, par sa contribution à l’approfondissement du projet européen. L'extension progressive du champ de compétence de l’UE en matière d’éducation est liée à la valeur ajoutée, sans cesse accrue, de l’UE pour gérer l’impact de l’économie mondialisée de la connaissance sur les services d’éducation et contribuer efficacement au développement d’actions internationales de grande envergure en matière d’éducation pour tous. Ces travaux de recherches ont pour finalité de rassembler et analyser les éléments juridiques, techniques, sociopolitiques et financiers, plaidant en faveur de l’établissement d’une politique extérieure éducative de l’UE et d’en appréhender les principales caractéristiques. Ils visent à impulser un ajustement des compétences et pouvoirs de l’UE afin de prendre en compte l’évolution de la pratique institutionnelle, que l’on ne peut occulter dans un souci de sécurité juridique, de transparence et de préservation de l’effet utile du droit européen. / This study reveals the strong potential of the EU’s intervention to deal with the current international challenges and it aims to recognize a shared competence of the EU in the field of education. Based on multiple foundations, the EU’s external education measures are substantially more important than they may appear. The EU’s external education policy is, at the same time, mainstreamed by its cross-disciplinary nature, and integrative by its contribution to the deepening of the European project. The EU’s external education policy is not confined to sporadic measures and was based from the outset on the use of the flexibility clause and connectivity of the EU’s areas of expertise. It is built on holistic concepts and coherent goals pursued within the framework of external long-term strategies, which implied the EU’s enhanced competence in the field of education, beyond that of support established in the Treaty. The progressive extension of the EU’s scope of competence in the field of education is closely linked with the higher added value of the EU in the management of a knowledge-based economy’s impact on education services and its effective contribution to international measures in the field of education for all. This research aims to gather and analyse legal, technical, socio-political and financial elements, which offer conclusive evidence of the existence of the EU’s external education policy and present its main features. It is hoped this will lead to an adjustment of the EU’s competences and powers, so as to take into account the development of institutional practice that cannot be overlooked for the sake of legal certainty, transparency and effectiveness of EUlaw.
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An integrated systems-design methodology and revised model of sustainable development for the built environment in the Information AgeMacagnano, Marco January 2018 (has links)
This thesis was developed to investigate the current models of sustainable development and architectural working and design practice and process to respond to the challenges of the current era defined as the Information Age. This thesis proposes a new model of sustainable development aligned to architecture and the Information Age, and a new integrated systems-design methodology to support it.
Buildings were defined by le Corbusier in 1927 as ‘machines for living in’1 on the premise that these buildings facilitated our day-to-day user experience. The role of architecture as a facilitator for a sustainable existence is therefore subject to continued investigation. While there has been an increasing interest in environmental issues and ‘green building’, built environments have consequently failed to effectively holistically integrate core sustainable development principles in architecture. When compared to the definition of sustainable development in the UN Brundlandt Report of 1987, further research into an architectural design methodology is required to enable and plan for the long-term success of our built environments for current and, importantly, future generations.
The practices and production of architecture risk being limited to reactively monitoring the design and construction processes for fixed moments in time, usually after the problem has presented itself. This is representative of localised, yet much publicised trends involving quantifiable rating systems for building performance. This does not contribute to long-term sustainability of the architectural product, nor the core principle of sustainable development to adequately meet the needs of current and future generations. The gravitation towards these easily-followed, yet limited-in-scope checklist processes is symptomatic of concepts of sustainable development remaining too broad and fragmented to facilitate focused, industry-appropriate implementation and design.
The digital and information-based revolution has arrived, and humankind has now progressed to the point where constant and pervasive access to information and communication in a world of connected systems has changed the way we live and work. This is occurring at an exponential rate within what have been termed ‘knowledge-based societies’. Furthermore, the influence of the Information Age continues to manifest itself in the built environment through advancement of concepts and initiatives such as Smart Cities, intelligent buildings, and the Internet of Things. However, architectural approach and its emphasis on the building as a finite product comes at the expense of a holistic and integrated systems approach, and therefore requires investigation towards a revised design methodology. This thesis will begin by investigating the concept of sustainable development from its original inception to existing interpretations, and will interrogate its continued significance as a decades-old concept to the Information Age. This will be undertaken on the basis that sustainable development primarily aligns itself to the needs of humankind (current and future generations) and as such remains timeless as a core concept. However, the criteria that define sustainable development require investigation based on: a) their suitability towards human need in the context of knowledge-based societies and the Information Age, as well as b) their appropriateness for focused implementation in the scope of the built environment. In this aim, newly proposed criteria will be assimilated into a revised model for sustainable development, from which a methodology for design is developed. This will address the nature of the architectural process towards the creation of sustainable building solutions as a function of a systems approach, rather than a product approach.
An integrated systems-design methodology is proposed, promoting the evolution of sustainable development theory in architecture for greater applicability to the Information Age. This systems-design methodology proactively identifies criteria for solving a given problem and the development of alternative solutions, while the proposed revised model for sustainable development is integrated to achieve a holistic building solution based on a systems process. This is inclusive of product (systems solution) delivery into the operation phase. The designer and project information model therefore transition into ‘information custodian’ and repository for knowledge gathering and exchange respectively, to the benefit of current and future stakeholders. This is addressed through various stages in design development and implementation, which apply contextually-based requirements of proposed sustainable development criteria, while catering for aspects of future flexibility, user experience, and knowledge-based development. This methodology expects the design practitioner to apply multi-dimensional evaluation and assessment tools at their discretion, and accommodate changing project dynamics over its life cycle. This implementation will benefit from future research and the introduction of new technologies to aid the process. This may furthermore be affected by new regulatory policy and guidelines affecting architects and the built environment. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Architecture / PhD / Unrestricted
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Finns det någon skillnad på sambandet mellan humankapital och finansiell prestation kontra intellektuellt kapital och finansiell prestation? : En kvantitativ studie på 297 svenska börsnoterade bolag.Bergström, Anna, Levin, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte: Denna studies syfte är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan intellektuellt kapital och finansiell prestation i företag samt om det finns ett samband mellan humankapital och finansiell prestation. Metod: Studien antar en kvantitativ metod som undersöker svenska börsnoterade företag på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm och NGM Equity. En longitudinell design har genomförts med en tidsperiod på fem år där data är insamlat från 297 företag. Studien baseras på sekundärdata från företagens årsredovisningar som inhämtas från databasen Retriever Business. Data har analyserats genom univariat analys, korrelationsanalys samt multipel regressionsanalys i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet i studien visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan intellektuellt kapital och finansiell prestation som är signifikant. Resultatet visar även att det finns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan humankapital och finansiell prestation. Vid jämförelse visar resultatet att det inte finns stora skillnader mellan dessa två samband eller mängden intellektuellt kapital och humankapital hos företagen. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien ger bevis att det erhålls ett positivt samband mellan intellektuellt kapital och finansiell prestation samt även mellan humankapital som egen komponent och finansiell prestation. Vidare ges även resultat att sambanden inte skiljer sig avsevärt mycket vilket tyder på att humankapital är den bidragande komponenten i helheten av intellektuellt kapital. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ett förslag till vidare forskning är att välja ett annat mått för variabeln finansiell prestation än det mått som representeras i denna studie. En begränsning i den här studien är att generalisera resultatet till andra företag och därav är ett ytterligare förslag till fortsatt forskning att studera mindre företag. Ett sista förslag är att ta ut alla tre komponenter i intellektuellt kapital och undersöka ytterligare hur de enskilt kan påverka prestationen inom företag. / Abstract Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in companies and whether there is a relationship between human capital and financial performance. Method: The study adopts a quantitative method that examines Swedish listed companies on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm and NGM Equity. A longitudinal design has been used with a time period of five years where data is collected from 297 companies. The study is based on secondary data from the companies' annual reports obtained from the Retriever Business database. Data have been analyzed through univariate analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis in the statistical program SPSS. Result & Conclusions: The results of the study show that there is a significant positive relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance. The results also show that there is a significant positive relationship between human capital and financial performance. Contribution of the thesis: The study provides evidence that a positive relationship is obtained between intellectual capital and financial performance as well as between human capital as its own component and financial performance. Furthermore, results are also given that the relationships do not differ significantly, which indicates that human capital is the contributing component in the entirety of intellectual capital. Suggestions for future research: A proposal for further research is to choose a different measure for the variable financial performance than the measure represented in this study. A limitation in this study is to generalize the results to smaller companies and hence a further proposal for further research is to study smaller companies. A final proposal is to take out all three components of intellectual capital and further investigate how they individually affect performance within companies.
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