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Plus, eller nej jag menar addera! : En aktionsforskningsstudie om elevers användande av matematiska begrepp genom kommunikationNordvall, My, Johansson, Amanda January 2014 (has links)
Syftet i vår aktionsforskningsstudie är att skapa ett arbetssätt med förutsättningar för elever, att i ett cooperativt lärande utveckla sitt matematiska språk. Detta gjorde vi genom att skapa en problemlösningsuppgift i matematik som gav förutsättningar för att använda matematiska begrepp genom kommunikation. Aktionen genomfördes i en årskurs fyra med tolv elever indelade i tre grupper med fyra deltagare i varje. Tidigare forskning belyser språket i matematik och hur viktigt det är för läraren att använda rätt språk med rätt begrepp för att ge eleverna möjlighet att utveckla sina matematiska kunskaper. Den visar även att ett cooperativt lärande är positivt för eleverna då de lär av varandra genom kommunikation. Empirin samlades in med hjälp av videoinspelning, dagboksskrivande och reflektioner tillsammans med vald klasslärare. Därefter analyserades materialet med hjälp av delar från innehållsanalys. Analysen visade att kommunikationen är viktig för att elevernas ska använda matematiska begrepp. Den centrala slutsatsen ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv är att eleverna ökar sin förmåga att använda matematiska begrepp genom ett kommunikativt sammanhang, under förutsättningarna att medverkande deltar och stödjer varandra. Studien kan fungera som en inspirationskälla för verksamma pedagoger för att arbeta med språket inom matematiken och ge eleverna förutsättningar att utvecklas.
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Společenská odpovědnost v bankovním sektoruHabarta, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with issues of perception of corporate social responsibility by clients of the largest banks in the Czech Republic. Socially responsible activities in these institutions are evaluated by the Korp methodology and with quantitative research are the basis for the proposed recommendations. The data are obtained through semi-structured interviews with bank workers and a questionnaire survey among bank clients. Secondary data is obtained from annual reports and other bank documents.
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Språkstörning och flerspråkighet : En fallstudie kring hur stödet är utformat i två skolor / Language disorder and multilingualism : A case study on how the support is designed intwo schoolsAltervall, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Ett ökat antal frågor från verksamma lärare kring hur undervisningen kan anpassas för elever som har en kombinerad flerspråkighet och språkstörning ligger till grund för uppsatsen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur stödet vid flerspråkighet kombinerad med språkstörning är utformat. Fokus är att studera hur stödet är organiserat, vilka insatser som lärare och elever anser utgör ett stöd i skolarbetet samt hur stödet kan utvecklas. Utifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet och ifrån KoRP, ett kommunikativt och relationsinriktat perspektiv, har en fallstudie i två skolor i två olika kommuner genomförts. Data har samlats in genom observationer och intervjuer, varav två med elever. Resultatet är en mångfald av trådar men bland annat visar studien att hur kommunen väljer att organisera sitt stöd påverkar hur specialpedagogen på den enskilda skolan agerar i sin yrkesroll. Resultatet antyder även ett behov av mer tid i de kommunikativa kontexter som finns på skolan där aktörerna har möjlighet att diskutera, reflektera och utvärdera arbetet kring elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Denna studie visar att det inte går att lösa hinder i verksamheten genom enstaka insatser på en viss nivå eller genom en viss metod utan att det är många saker som ska fungera mellan nivåer, mellan individer och mellan individer och artefakter. / An increased number of questions from active educators on how education can be tailored for students who have a combined multilingualism and language disorder are the basis for the essay. The aim of the study is to examine how support for multilingualism combined with language im-pairment is designed. The focus is to study how support is organized, what actions teachers and students think constitutes support in school and how support can be developed . On the basis of the socio-cultural perspective and from KoRP, a communications and relationship-oriented per-spective, a case study of two schools in two different municipalities implemented. Data were col-lected through observations and interviews, including two with students. The result is a multitude of threads but the study shows that, among other things, how the munic-ipality chooses to organize its support affects how special education teacher at the individual school acting in their professional capacity. The results also suggest a need for more time in the communicative contexts that are available at the school where the players have the opportunity to discuss, reflect and evaluate the work on students in need of special support. This study shows that it is not possible to solve the obstacles in the business by occasional efforts at a certain level or by a particular method, but there are many things that should work between levels, between individuals and between individuals and artifacts.
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Hodnocení společenské odpovědnosti organizací využitím metody KORP / Evaluation corporate social responsibility of organization using method KORPKrohová, Petra January 2008 (has links)
In my diploma work I wrote about Corporate social responsibility, I described their three pillars -- economical, social and environmental. In practical part, I evaluated CSR in Česká spořitelna with method KORP and then I made research with employees about their awareness about CSR in Česká spořitelna.
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Analýza společensky odpovědných aktivit vybraného podniku / Analysis of socially responsible activities of the selected companyMatějka, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the thesis "Analysis of socially responsible activities of the selected company" is the analysis of CSR activities, which the company currently performs. The thesis aims to help a company determine whether to actively devote implementation of CSR. And also propose the first steps that the company has implemented in its eventual implementation.
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Hodnocení společenské odpovědnosti vybrané organizace pomocí metody KORP / Evaluation of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the selected organization using the method KORPLátalová, Silvie January 2013 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility from the theoretical as well as practical perspective. In the theoretical part the most attention is dedicated to a definition of the concept, it's main principles, evolution, and benefits for different groups of stakeholders as well as arguments against the concept. The goal of the practical part is to analyse and evaluate the level of the Corporate Social Responsibility in the selected organization, determine strengths and weaknesses and give recommendations to improve the organization's CSR profile. Method of National award of Czech Republic for the Corporate Social Responsibility is used.
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Kommunikation och delaktighet för elever som använder AKK : En fallstudie på en grundsärskola / Communication and participation for students who use AAC : A case study on a compulsory school for intellectual disablityJohansson, Karin January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how students in compulsory school for intellectual disability who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) get the possibility to communicate and how it can contribute to increased participation. The theoretical framework is a communicative relationship-based perspective (KoRP) which assumes that schools at all levels should collaborate on the concept of participation, communication and learning. Therefore a case study was conducted where one school´s work to achieve communication and participation for students who use AAC was studied. Two methods were used: stimulated recall with one special educator, where her work to increase participation through communication was studied, and also an interview with the principal to explore her view of communication, participation and working methods. The result shows that AAC-tools are adapted both in form and content based on the individual student´s needs, that the special educator uses the student´s AAC-tools as a role model and that all the students are involved in decisions on the content and implementation by small details. The principal emphasize that the collegial learning is important to develop working methods, competence and collaborations regarding to communication and participation. This is coherent with what previous research indicate. Research also advocates communication through including activities and heterogeneous groups, which is not exemplified in the case study.
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Zhodnocení společenské odpovědnosti vybraných organizací pomocí metody KORP / Raiting of Corporate Social Responsibility of choosen telecommunication companies by the KORP MetodJiříčková, Eva January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with theme of corporate social responsibility. The main aim is Raiting of Corporate Social Responsibility of choosen telecommunication companies by the KORP Metod. Three telecommunication companies are choosen. It is T-Mobile Czech Republic, Vodafone Czech Republic a Telefónica 02 Czech Republic. There were all three parts of CSR analyzed in this thesis, economical part, social part and environmental part, and I proposed some improvment for the companies.
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CSR ve vybraném podniku / CSR of a selected enterprisePancheva, Yana January 2015 (has links)
The Master´s thesis aims to assess the overall CSR strategy of Tesco by using KORP analysis. It also evaluates the CSR projects of the company through media analysis. Research has shown that the company is targeting its activities to social and environmental pillar. They are both ranked above average . The economic pillar has the potential to be improved, therefore there are some recommendation how to achieve it . The work points to effectively set CSR strategy of the company
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Hodnocení společenské odpovědnosti organizací využitím metody KORP / Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility according to the method KORPNový, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
Purpose of my diploma thesis is the evaluation (rating) of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in some commercial banks in the Czech Republic -- Česká spořitelna, ČSOB and KB. The evaluation of CSR is realized according to the new Czech method KORP. Data for the evalution were taken from (checklists) research, websites and CSR Report of the selected banks.
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