Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cobra"" "subject:"dobra""
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research deals with the Public Art in Santa Maria / RS, with the main object of study Eduardo Kobra‟s mural accomplished in the Municipal Library of that city. The authors that help me to articulate and combine with the Public Art are Arend (2010); Alves (2011), Peixoto (2009, 2012) and Silva (2005), for the artist's contextualization in interaction with his work and the public, and theirs among themselves, considering the policies of articulation among artist, space, work, public and promoters of art. The urban public of the city of Santa Maria is analyzed on the view of works installation in these areas, and the influence of the Course of Arts and Letters of the Federal Uni-versity of Santa Maria, since 1964, having as basis the works of Foletto (2008) and Foletto and Bisoning (2001). Taking as its central point the artist Eduardo Kobra‟s work, his research and involvement with Public Art, I contextualize about the influ-ences that reverberate in his artistic production, articulating his productions with other artists who had / have connection with his research, and influence of graffiti and hip hop in his career. The photograph and the memory are treated as proposers of pos-sibilities and reflections on the current context and in the art, based on Bergson (2011), Catroga (2009) and Richoeur (2007). Considering the different looks, from interviews with groups of local artists and a representative of the government, the main instigator and deliberator of the art in the city, you can see the relevance of Kobra‟s work in the city to contemplate on the art scene on the conflict between the visual arts and the performance of the government. That has conditioned positions and oppositions in relation to the field of art and art in the city, where the public as an extra in the artistic field of Public Art in the city. / A presente pesquisa trata da Arte Pública em Santa Maria/RS, tendo como objeto principal de estudo o mural de Eduardo Kobra realizado na Biblioteca Municipal da referida cidade. Os autores que me ajudam a articular e conjugar com a Arte Públi-ca, são Arend (2010); Alves (2011), Peixoto (2009; 2012) e Silva (2005), para a con-textualização do artista em interação com a obra e o público, e destes entre si, con-siderando as políticas de articulação entre artista, espaço, obra, público e fomenta-dores da arte. O espaço urbano, público da cidade de Santa Maria é analisado sobre o viéz da instalação de obras nestes espaços, e da influência do Curso de Artes e Letras da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, a partir de 1964, tendo como bases as obras de Foletto (2008) e Foletto e Bisoning (2001). Tomando como ponto central a obra do artista Eduardo Kobra, suas pesquisas e envolvimento com a Arte Pública, constextualizo acerca das influências que reverberaram em sua produção artística, articulando suas produções com as de outros artistas que tiveram/têm ligação com suas pesquisas, e da influência do grafite e do hip hop em sua carreira. A fotografia e a memória são tratadas como propositoras de possibilidades e reflexões no con-texto atual e na arte, embasadas em Bergson (2011), Catroga (2009) e Richoeur (2007). Considerando os diferentes olhares, a partir de entrevistas com os grupos de artistas locais e de um representante do poder público, o principal fomentador e deli-berador da arte na cidade, é possível perceber a relevância da obra de Kobra para refletir sobre o panorama artístico local diante do embate entre as artes visuais e a atuação do poder público. Que tem condicionado posições e contraposições em re-lação ao campo da arte e da Arte Pública eUrbana na cidade, onde o público é con-siderado como um figurante no campo artístico da Arte Pública na cidade.
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Diskrepance záklonových poloh užívaných ve fyzioterapii / Discrepancy of extension positions used in physiotherapyKrátká, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Title: Discrepancy of extention positions used in physiotherapy Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to describe in detail selected extinction position (bhudžangásána, úrdhvamukhašvanásána, McKenzie extension, extension from developmental kinesiology) and then using surface electromyography to verify the similarity and difference of selected muscle involvement in these positions. From these detection then conclude whether this practice often confused position brings the same or different therapeutic effect. Methods: It is the type of quantitative research to theoretical and empirical character. The research method is observing (intra experiment). Using surface electromyography was sensed electrical activity m. trapezius (superior et inferior), m. erector spinae, mm. oblique, m. gluteus maximus and m. semitendinosus in 7 subjects in the implementation of extension positions. Results: It was confirmed that for each of these positions was dominant differnt of the measured muscles. It was confirmed that the position bhudžangásána and úrdhvamukhašvanásána are described in the literature differently than is shown practical experiment. Other positions didn't confirm this statement. It was confirmed that each of mentioned positions has a different therapeutic effect. Keywords: extention position,...
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Habitat, ecology, and venom variation of cobras (genus Naja) and other venomous snakes of BangladeshChowdhury, Mohammad Abdul Wahed 20 April 2022 (has links)
Im Fokus dieser Dissertation steht die Zerstörung des Lebensraumes von Schlangen durch anthropogene Einflüsse im Zusammenhang mit dem Auftreten von Schlangenbissen bei Menschen. Zum Schutz der Schlangen und dem Problem der Schlangenbisse wurden vier wesentliche Anforderungen erarbeitet. Mit Hilfe eines Artenverteilungsmodells wurden die ökologischen Nischen von 29 Giftschlangenarten aus Bangladesch und von zehn Kobraarten (Naja) aus Asien ermittelt. Auf lokaler Ebene wurde festgestellt, dass Überschwemmungen, Waldtypen, Ökosysteme und klimatische Parameter das Verbreitungsgebiet der Schlangenarten in Bangladesch beeinflussen. Auf regionaler Ebene sind anthropogene Faktoren wie die Zerstörung von Schlangenlebensräumen, Handel, Ausbeutung und Tötung von Schlangen wahrscheinlich die Hauptursachen für den Rückgang der Populationen der asiatischen Naja. Auf beiden Ebenen führt der Klimawandel zu einer Verkleinerung der ökologischen Nischen von Schlangenarten in Bangladesch und Asien. In Bangladesch könnten die untersuchten Arten innerhalb der nächsten 50 Jahre mehr als 90 % ihren derzeitigen Lebensraum verlieren (Asiatische Naja durchschnittlich 56 % (12 bis 100 %)). Wenn günstige Nischen nicht erhalten werden können, könnten viele Schlangenarten in einigen Ländern Asiens, darunter Bangladesch, in wenigen Jahrzehnten aussterben. Darüber hinaus wurde in der vorliegenden Studie geschätzt, dass die Zahl der jährlichen Schlangenbisse in Bangladesch mehr als doppelt so hoch sein könnte wie bisher angenommen. Da der Klimawandel zu einer geografischen Verschiebung günstiger Nischen führen kann, kann sich diese Veränderung auch auf die Häufigkeit von Schlangenbissen auswirken. Bei der Analyse von Giftvariationen und der Wirksamkeit von Antivenomen wurde festgestellt, dass isolierte Populationen deutliche intraspezifischere Giftvariationen zeigen. / Snakes are threatened by habitat degradation and anthropogenic impacts, while accidental encounters between humans and snakes may result in snakebite incidents. Thus, the conservation of snakes snakebite problem, a global public health emergency, are interconnected. I found four primary needs for a combined solution to satisfy both above causes. A species distribution model was employed to identify the ecological niches of 29 venomous snake species from Bangladesh and of ten cobra species (Naja) from Asia. At the local scale, flood events, forest types, ecosystems, and climatic parameters were found to shape the range of snake species in Bangladesh. At
the regional scale, anthropogenic factors, like snake habitat destruction, trade, exploitation,
and snake killings are likely to be the main causes for the decrease in populations of Asian
Naja. At both levels, climate change causes shrinking and fragmenting
the ecological niches of snake species in Bangladesh and Asia. In Bangladesh, the
studied species may lose more than 90% of their current climatic niche within the next 50
years. In the same timeframe, Asiatic Naja may lose an average of 56% (12-
100%) of the area of suitable climatic niches. If favourable niches cannot be preserved,
many snake species might go extinct from several countries in Asia in a few decades,
including Bangladesh. In addition, the present study estimated that there
might be more than double the amount of annual snakebite incidents in Bangladesh than
previously estimated. As climate change may cause geographical shifting of favourable
niches, this change may also have consequences for the frequency of snakebites, so
snakebite should be considered a climate driven dynamic public health problem.
While analysing venom variations and the efficacy of antivenom, I found that venom should
be sampled from geographically or ecologically isolated populations of each venomous
snake, because isolated populations have shown distinct intraspecific venom variations.
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