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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relevanta attraktiva karaktärsdrag hos en arbetsgivare i en svensk kontext utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv : En kvantitativ och delvis kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie / Relevant attractive characteristics of an employer in a Swedish context from an employee perspective : A quantitative and partly qualitative cross-sectional study

Essén, Jennifer, Gustavsson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Ett företagsekonomiskt problem är att kompetenta medarbetare är en begränsad tillgång som organisationer måste konkurrera om. Employer Brandings trestegsprocess och framförallt det första steget i processen, så kallat “Employee Value Proposition”, kan hjälpa organisationer att skapa ett arbetsgivarvarumärke med attraktiva karaktärsdrag som medarbetare attraheras av. Studiens fenomendrivna forskningsgap är att beskriva vilka attraktiva karaktärsdrag som är relevanta i en svensk kontext utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv. Studien grundade den empiriska insamlingen på teoretiska beskrivningar av tre karaktärsdrag: ansvarstagande, inkluderande samt anpassningsbar och lyhörd. En till största del kvantitativ enkät med tre kvalitativa inslag i form av fritextfrågor användes. Empirin tolkades med en tematisk analys och de på förhand bestämda teman var studiens teoretiska karaktärsdrag. Resultatet blev att karaktärsdragen hade en relevans men att det fanns skillnader mellan den teoretiska och empiriska beskrivningen. Tre nya empiriska beskrivningar utvecklades som är överensstämmande med de nuvarande och potentiella medarbetarnas bild av en attraktiv arbetsgivare i en svensk kontext. / A business administration problem is that qualified employees is a limited asset that organizations must compete for. Employer Branding's three-step process and, above all, the first step in the process "Employee Value Proposition" can help organizations to create an employer brand with attractive characteristics that employees are attracted to. The study's phenomenal driven research gap is to describe which attractive characteristics are relevant in a Swedish context from an employee perspective. The study based the empirical collection on theoretical descriptions of three characteristics: 1) accountability, 2) inclusion and 3) adaptability and responsive. A largely quantitative survey with three qualitative elements in the form of free text questions was used. The data was interpreted with a thematic analysis and the themes where the theoretical characteristics of the study. The result was that the characteristics had a relevance but that there were differences between the theoretical and the empirical descriptions. Three new empirical descriptions were developed that are consistent with the current and potential employees' image of an attractive employer in a Swedish context.

“Keep that Fan Mail Coming.”: Ceremonial Storytelling and Audience Interaction in a US Soldier’s Milblog

Usbeck, Frank 23 June 2020 (has links)
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq initiated a surge of texts by US soldiers who utilized recent Web 2.0 technology to forge new types of war narratives, such as the so-called “milblogs.” Milblogs merge letter and journal writing with journalistic reporting, and they maintain contact between soldiers and their social environment. They are at once public and private communication. Military psychology since Vietnam has referred to warrior traditions of Native American communities to discuss public narration and ceremonial acknowledgment of a soldier’s war experience as vital elements for veteran readjustment and trauma recovery. This article analyzes an exemplary milblog to argue that the interaction between blogger and audience does similar cultural work and has comparable ceremonial and, therefore, therapeutic functions: Soldiers publicly share their experience, reflect on it with their audience, receive appreciation and support, and thus mutually (re-)negotiate group identity.

Exploring Contextual Information in Neural Machine Translation / Exploring Contextual Information in Neural Machine Translation

Jon, Josef January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá zapojením mezivětného kontextu v neuronovém strojovém překladu (NMT). Dnešní běžné NMT systémy překládají jednu zdrojovou větu na jednu cílovou větu, bez jakéhokoliv ohledu na okolní text. Tento přístup je nedostačující a neodpovídá způsobu práce lidských překladatelů. Pro mnoho jazykových párů je dnes za splnění určitých (přísných) podmínek výstup NMT nerozeznatelný od lidského překladu. Jedna z těchto podmínek je, že hodnotitelé skórují přeložené věty nezávisle, bez znalosti kontextu. Při hodnocení celých dokumentů je výstup NMT stále hodnocen hůře, než lidský překlad, i v případech, kdy byl na úrovni jednotlivých vět preferován. Tato zjištění jsou motivací pro výzkum zapojení kontextu na úrovni dokumentu v NMT, je totiž možné, že na úrovni vět již není mnoho prostoru ke zlepšení, alespoň pro jazykové páry a domény bohaté na trénovací data. Tato práce shrnuje současné přístupy zapojení kontextu do překladu, několik z nich je implementováno a vyhodnoceno v rámci obecné překladové kvality i na překladu specifických fenoménů souvisejících s kontextem. Pro zhodnocení kvality jednotlivých systému byla ručně vytvořena testovací sada pro překlad z anglického do českého jazyka.

Multiple-Context Trust Model for a Social Network Using Personality Analysis / Multiple-Context Trust Model for a Social Network Using Personality Analysis

Švec, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce navazuje na bakalářskou práci, ve které byl vytvořen model důvěry pro sociální síť Facebook. Do tohoto modelu jsou zapracovány připomínky z konference UMAP 2013 a ověřena jeho škálovatelnost a flexibilita. V další části práce jsou uvedeny základní termíny z psychologie osobnosti a zkoumána závislost důvěry na osobnosti uživatele. Je vybrán model Big Five k reprezentaci charakteru uživatele a navržen dotazník, u nějž bude zkoumána korelace s modelem důvěry. Tato korelace je na základě sociologických poznatků odhadnuta a později ověřena na reálných uživatelích sociální sítě Facebook.

Veřejný prostor, jeho sociální parametry a nejen obrazové dimenze / Public space, its social parametres and not only visual dimensions

Krobová, Karolína January 2013 (has links)
KROBOVÁ, K. (2012). Public space, its social parameters and not only pictorial dimensions. Praha: Charles University, Faculty of Education, Art department, 122 pages. (Attachment: set of photography and object-totem) This thesis is corcerned with public space in its dimensions of visual, architectonic, pictorial, social and psychological. How does the space impact us and how do we influence it. This kinds of view are hold out with people in age of adolescent. I follow up with my bachelor work which was concerned with this age group in course of study in subculture graffiti and street art which I use now for examples and possible influnces on graphic design and illustration. I continue with refilling questionnaire and didactics project, partly practically maked in practice, after theory. This work is topped up with documentary of pictures in public space, object of my own and ritual in space like this. Key words: PUBLIC SPACE, COMUNICATION, CREATOR, SUBCULTURES, VIZUALITY, CONTEXT, ADVERTISMENT, GRAFFITI, STREET ART, ART, CULTURE, ART EDUCATION

"Soustroví Carpathia" - Vhled do současného uvažování o prostoru periferie / Carpathia - An insight into the contemporary studies of the periphery

Křižková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with a selected literary works by contemporary authors of the Central European area, which are associated with the landscape of Transcarpathian Ukraine. The thesis primarily focuses on the issue of imagining space from the narrator's perspective and a conception of its own identity in a relation to a referenced space, topography, collective memory. The initial precondition for interpreting texts is the peripheral character of the region and its features, such as nostalgy, memories of a place that is no longer, a fascination for exotism etc. Using a literary-comparative approach, the following texts are disscussed: Maroš Krajňak's Carpathia, Ziemowit Szczerek's Přijde Mordor a sežere nás aneb Tajná historie Slovanů, and Jinací by Taras Prochasko. Concerning space visualisation and its narrative potential related to the narrator's identity, the theoretical basis of the work is experimentaly set in a postcolonial framework. As such, the thesis intends to capture the resonance of the material in another culture (ie in the Czech, Slovak and Polish environment). Key words Central European literature, cultural context, periphery, postcolonialism, identity, landscape, Transcarpathian Ukraine

"Soustroví Carpathia" - Vhled do současného uvažování o prostoru periferie / Carpathia - An insight into the contemporary studies of the periphery

Křižková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with a selected literary works by contemporary authors of the Central European area, which are associated with the landscape of Transcarpathian Ukraine. The thesis primarily focuses on the issue of imagining space from the narrator's perspective and a conception of its own identity in a relation to a referenced space, topography, collective memory. The initial precondition for interpreting texts is the peripheral character of the region and its features, such as nostalgy, memories of a place that is no longer, a fascination for exotism etc. Using a literary-comparative approach, the following texts are disscussed: Maroš Krajňak's Carpathia, Ziemowit Szczerek's Přijde Mordor a sežere nás aneb Tajná historie Slovanů, and Jinací by Taras Prochasko. Concerning space visualisation and its narrative potential related to the narrator's identity, the theoretical basis of the work is experimentaly set in a postcolonial framework. As such, the thesis intends to capture the resonance of the material in another culture (ie in the Czech, Slovak and Polish environment). Key words Central European literature, cultural context, periphery, postcolonialism, identity, landscape, Transcarpathian Ukraine

Techniken zur Kontextkonstruktion für virtuelle Gemeinschaften – Entwicklung eines theoretischen Bezugsrahmens und dessen Anwendung in einer Marktstudie

vom Brocke, Jan, Hermans, Jan January 2005 (has links)
Die Internettechnologie schafft neue Möglichkeiten menschlicher Zusammenarbeit. Auf der Basis räumlich und zeitlich verteilter Kommunikationsprozesse können virtuelle Gemeinschaften gebildet werden, die nicht nur im Hinblick auf die Transaktionskosten, sondern auch im Hinblick auf die Ausdehnung und Flexibilität des Verbunds viel versprechende Potenziale einer Internetökonomie bieten. Mit der Virtualisierung geht jedoch der Verlust des „natürlichen“ Kontextes zwischen den kooperierenden Menschen verloren, der aber für den Erfolg von Kooperationen entscheidend ist. Informationssysteme für virtuelle Gemeinschaften haben daher Techniken bereitzustellen, mit denen gewisse Formen eines Kontextes (re-) konstruiert werden können.

Adopting Architectural Event Modules for Modular Coordination of Multiple Applications

Malakuti, Somayeh, Zia, Mariam 30 September 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, large-scale software systems consist of multiple applications, which interact with each other to fulfill desired system-level requirements. It is usually required to coordinate the interactions of the constituent applications to ensure that the system-level requirements are fulfilled. In this paper, we outline a set of requirements that must be fulfilled to facilitate the modular composition of multiple applications. We introduce the concept of architectural event modules, which are abstractions to represent constituent applications and their coordination logic in a modular and uniform way. We explain the implementation of this concept in the EventReactor language, and define their formal semantics in processing events using the UPPAAL toolset. We illustrate the suitability of architectural event modules in achieving modularity and loose coupling in the composition of multiple applications by means of a case study in the domain of energy-efficient computing.

Verification of Data-aware Business Processes in the Presence of Ontologies

Santoso, Ario 13 May 2016 (has links)
The meet up between data, processes and structural knowledge in modeling complex enterprise systems is a challenging task that has led to the study of combining formalisms from knowledge representation, database theory, and process management. Moreover, to ensure system correctness, formal verification also comes into play as a promising approach that offers well-established techniques. In line with this, significant results have been obtained within the research on data-aware business processes, which studies the marriage between static and dynamic aspects of a system within a unified framework. However, several limitations are still present. Various formalisms for data-aware processes that have been studied typically use a simple mechanism for specifying the system dynamics. The majority of works also assume a rather simple treatment of inconsistency (i.e., reject inconsistent system states). Many researches in this area that consider structural domain knowledge typically also assume that such knowledge remains fixed along the system evolution (context-independent), and this might be too restrictive. Moreover, the information model of data-aware processes sometimes relies on relatively simple structures. This situation might cause an abstraction gap between the high-level conceptual view that business stakeholders have, and the low-level representation of information. When it comes to verification, taking into account all of the aspects above makes the problem more challenging. In this thesis, we investigate the verification of data-aware processes in the presence of ontologies while at the same time addressing all limitations above. Specifically, we provide the following contributions: (1) We propose a formal framework called Golog-KABs (GKABs), by leveraging on the state of the art formalisms for data-aware processes equipped with ontologies. GKABs enable us to specify semantically-rich data-aware business processes, where the system dynamics are specified using a high-level action language inspired by the Golog programming language. (2) We propose a parametric execution semantics for GKABs that is able to elegantly accommodate a plethora of inconsistency-aware semantics based on the well-known notion of repair, and this leads us to consider several variants of inconsistency-aware GKABs. (3) We enhance GKABs towards context-sensitive GKABs that take into account the contextual information during the system evolution. (4) We marry these two settings and introduce inconsistency-aware context-sensitive GKABs. (5) We introduce the so-called Alternating-GKABs that allow for a more fine-grained analysis over the evolution of inconsistency-aware context-sensitive systems. (6) In addition to GKABs, we introduce a novel framework called Semantically-Enhanced Data-Aware Processes (SEDAPs) that, by utilizing ontologies, enable us to have a high-level conceptual view over the evolution of the underlying system. We provide not only theoretical results, but have also implemented this concept of SEDAPs. We also provide numerous reductions for the verification of sophisticated first-order temporal properties over all of the settings above, and show that verification can be addressed using existing techniques developed for Data-Centric Dynamic Systems (which is a well-established data-aware processes framework), under suitable boundedness assumptions for the number of objects freshly introduced in the system while it evolves. Notably, all proposed GKAB extensions have no negative impact on computational complexity.

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