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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alla kan bli statsminister : En narrativ studie med rektorer i särskilt utsatta områden. / Every Student has the Chance to become President : Narratives of Work of Principals in Urban Schools.

Jemander, Malin January 2023 (has links)
This study is based on data from eight interviews with principals who lead schools in particularly vulnerable areas, where gang crime, exclusion, overcrowding and poverty are commonplace. The research questions are about their own view of their work in relation to the context. The purpose of the study is to deepen the knowledge of principals' work in urban schools. The study has a narrative approach and is examined from a hermeneutic perspective. These stories are analyzed partly individually but also together to examine if patterns or categories appear in the stories. The context emerges and is filtered in this way through the patterns formed by the principals' stories. The context studied is the societal and socio-cultural context. In order to be able to put the principals' stories in a common context, sociological thinking is used. The interview material in the study is analyzed as narrative, i.e. coherent stories. The analysis is done in two stages. The first step to create a narrative from the interview material. These created coherent stories are then analyzed as the second step. That analysis is made in two parts where each part is aimed at answering one of the research questions. The results show that four areas appear in the principals' stories. The first is the clear orientation for increased student outcomes described in the stories. Here, a clear shift from a care focus towards a knowledge focus is described. The second category deals with communication patterns and relationship building, which is described as particularly important based on the context the principals find themselves in and which reappears as a cornerstone in all work. The third category appearing is how organization and governance are used to have an effect on student learning. Here school development efforts and changes in roles within the operation are described, for example expansion of two- and three-teacher systems, team leader organization, cooperation with and between first teachers and development of recess activities. The final category is about the social responsibility that the principals describe and trust in education and in students. Within this category, high expectations of and trust in the students recur in stories. / Den här studien är baserad på data från åtta intervjuer med rektorer som leder skolor i särskilt utsatta områden, där gängkriminalitet, utanförskap, trångboddhet och fattigdom är vardag. Detta med frågeställningar om deras egen bild av sitt arbete i relation till kontexten. Syftet med studien är att fördjupa kunskapen om rektorers arbete i särskilt utsatta områden. Detta görs genom att undersöka rektorers berättelser om sitt arbete i denna specifika kontext. Studien har en narrativ ansats och undersöks ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Dessa berättelser analyseras dels enskilt men även tillsammans för att se om mönster eller kategorier framträder i berättelserna. Kontexten framträder och filtreras på så sätt genom de mönster som bildas av rektorernas berättelser. Den kontext som studeras är den samhällsgemensamma och den sociokulturella kontexten. För att kunna sätta rektorernas berättelser i ett gemensamt sammanhang används ett sociologiskt tänkande. Intervjumaterialet i studien analyseras som narrativ, dvs sammanhängande berättelser. Analysarbetet är gjort i två steg. Det första steget är att skapa narrativ av intervjumaterialet. Därefter analyseras dessa skapade sammanhängande berättelser. Den analysen är gjord i två delar där varje del riktas mot att besvara en av studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att fyra områden framträder i rektorernas berättelser. Den första är den tydliga orientering för höjda kunskapsresultat som beskrivs i berättelserna. Här beskrivs en tydlig förskjutning från ett omsorgsfokus mot ett kunskapsfokus. Den andra kategorin handlar om kommunikationsmönster och relationsbyggande som beskrivs som särskilt viktigt utifrån den kontext rektorerna befinner sig i och återkommer som grundbult i allt arbete. Den tredje kategorien som blir tydlig är hur organisation och styrning används för att ge effekt på elevers lärande. Här finns skolutvecklingsinsatser och förändringar av roller inom verksamheten t ex utbyggnad av två- och trelärarsystem, arbetslagsledarorganisation, samarbetet med och mellan förstelärare samt utveckling av rastverksamhet. Den avslutande kategorin handlar om det samhällsansvar som rektorerna beskriver och tilltro till utbildning och till elever. Inom denna kategori återkommer höga förväntningar på och tilltro till eleverna i berättelser.

Kvinnliga ledare i mansdominerade kontexter / Female leaders in male dominated contexts

Hedvall, Frida, Furskog, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Utifrån en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer, har studien undersökt kvinnliga ledares upplevelser av sitt ledarskap i mansdominerade miljöer. Syftet med studien har varit att få en djupare förståelse för hur kvinnliga ledare ser på sitt ledarskap i en mansdomineradkontext och hur det påverkar deras roll som ledare. Urvalet består av åtta kvinnliga ledare som arbetar inom tre olika mansdominerade branscher. Deras intervjusvar har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen som består av rollkongruensteorin och fyra ledarstilar. Trots att inga av de kvinnliga ledarna anser att den manliga kontexten påverkar deras ledarskap, visar deras svar att en påverkan ändå finns. Kvinnliga ledare upplever en inkongruens då kvinnans könsroll inte anses stämma överens med den manliga rollen som ledare. Inkongruensen är större i den mansdominerade miljön vilket resulterar i att kvinnorna upplever sig använda en transformativ och demokratisk ledarstil för att balansera inkongruensen. / Based on a qualitative research method, drawing on semi-structured interviews, this study investigates female leaders' experiences of their leadership in male dominated environments. The aim of the study is to develop the understanding of how female leaders view their leadership in a male dominated context and how it affects their own role as leaders. The interviewees are eight female leaders who work in three different male-dominated industries. Their responses are analyzed according to a theoretical framework consisting of the role congruity theory and four leadership styles. Although none of the female leaders believed that the male context affected their leadership, their answers show that there is still an influence. Female leaders experience an incongruence where the women's gender role is not in line with the typically male role as leader. The incongruence is greater in the male dominated environment which results in the women experiencing that they need to use a transformative and democratic leadership style to balance the incongruence.

Socialt arbete i en medicinsk kontext : Kuratorers upplevelser av sina möjligheter att bedriva psykosocialt arbete inom hälso- och sjukvården / Social Work in a medical context : Healthcare social workers experiences of conducting social work within the healthcare system

Sjödin, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur kuratorer upplever sina möjligheter att bedriva psykosocialt arbete inom en medicinsk kontext. Upplever kuratorerna att de har handlingsutrymme att utföra psykosocialt arbete samt har förutsättningarna ändrats sedan införandet av en legitimation för hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorer? Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ intervjustudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sex kuratorer på olika mottagningar på en klinik på ett medelstort sjukhus i Sverige. För att bearbeta materialet har tematisk analys använts, där fyra huvudteman och fjorton underteman växte fram. Kuratorerna på kliniken gör ett gediget psykosocialt arbete men utrymmet det får i kontrast till det medicinska är begränsat. Hierarkier och statusskillnader framkommer på olika sätt i materialet. Uppsatsen visar på att det upplevda handlingsutrymmet är stort men att det faktiska handlingsutrymmet till viss del är begränsat. Gällande hälso-och sjukvårdskuratorslegitimationen ges en bild av att legitimationen inte hade haft någon inverkan på kuratorernas arbete på kliniken, varken gällande arbetsuppgifter, arbetsförhållanden eller status. En förhoppning fanns hos dock alla informanter men främst hos de med kortast tid på kliniken gällande att legitimationen framledes skulle stärka deras ställning samt förbättra deras arbetsvillkor. / The overall aim of this essay was to examine how healthcare social workers experienced their opportunities to conduct social work within a medical context. Do they feel that they have room for action to carry out social work, and have the conditions changed since the introduction of a license for health care social workers? The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study where semi-structured interviews were held with six healthcare social workers at a clinic in a medium-sized hospital in Sweden. To analyze the material, thematic analysis was used, where four main themes and fourteen sub-themes emerged. The healthcare social workers at the clinic do solid social work, but the space it gets in contrast to the medical perspective is limited. Hierarchies emerge in different ways in the material. The essay shows that the perceived room for action is large, but that the actual room for action is to some extent limited. The healthcare social workers didn´t experienced any improvement regarding duties, working conditions or position at the clinic since the introduction of a license for health care social workers. However, there was a hope among all the informants, but mainly among those with the shortest time at the clinic that the license in the future would strengthen their position and improve their working conditions.

Biologiundervisningens metoder och innehåll : – en fråga även för elever? / Methods and content in biology education : - a question for pupils?

Wild, Erica January 2024 (has links)
According to the Swedish school law, pupils should have the possibility to influence their education – both in learning methods and content. However many teachers find it hard to operationalize the pupils’ influence in their teaching. The motive for this study was therefore to explore how pupils’ influence can be incorporated in education in relation to subject traditions, here exemplified in the discipline of biology. The data was analysed from a sociocultural perspective by using a model of the didactical triangle for natural sciences. Inclusive methods for pupils’ influence in biology was also used as an analytical tool. The analysed material was derived from interviews with nine pupils and five teachers and was categorized using an abductive thematic method. The results demonstrate that pupils’ influence was strongly expressed in the relationship between the pupils and their teachers. However, in the relationship between the pupils and the biology content it was considerably less expressed. Teaching traditions in biology are often textbook oriented and tend to affect the teacher’s possibilities for allowing pupils’ influence. Methods for pupils’ influence in biology can include more diversified and interactive teaching practises. Using modelleling is another possibility which liberate the biology content and provides examples for influencing biology education.

Challenges for Context-Driven Time Series Forecasting

Ulbricht, Robert, Donker, Hilko, Hartmann, Claudio, Hahmann, Martin, Lehner, Wolfgang 10 January 2023 (has links)
Predicting time series is a crucial task for organizations, since decisions are often based on uncertain information. Many forecasting models are designed from a generic statistical point of view. However, each real-world application requires domain-specific adaptations to obtain high-quality results. All such specifics are summarized by the term of context. In contrast to current approaches, we want to integrate context as the primary driver in the forecasting process. We introduce context-driven time series forecasting focusing on two exemplary domains: renewable energy and sparse sales data. In view of this, we discuss the challenge of context integration in the individual process steps.

Expectations of Privacy in Voice Interaction – A Look at Voice Controlled Bank Transactions / Förväntningar på Personlig Integritet i Röstinteraktion – En Studie av Röststyrda Banktransaktioner

Lambertsson, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
There is a strong mainstream interest in the tech world for voice interaction, in parts thanks to the technological advancements in the field and the use of big data which in some cases make speech recognition on par with humans. The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between voice interaction and privacy. Two prototypes on voice interaction of bank services were created, they had differences in feedback, correctness and need of physical interaction. Twelve participants were instructed to perform tasks like checking balance and transferring money with the prototypes. Then they were asked about their relation to privacy in the context of their previous experiences with voice interaction and the two prototypes they used. The results show that what was perceived as private and the need for privacy varied a lot between the participants. In the end a respectful and empowering design to voice interaction is proposed in which the user could customize how the application provides feedback by adding contextual sensitivity e.g. using GPS to know if you are home, or a camera to know if you are looking at the device. / Det finns ett starkt intresse inom IT-branschen för röstinteraktion, delvis tack vare de teknologiska framstegen inom området, och användandet av stora mängder data vilket i vissa fall gör röstigenkänning likställd med människor. Målet med denna rapport är att utforska förhållandet mellan röstinteraktion och personlig integritet. Två prototyper för röstinteraktion av banktjänster skapades, de hade olika återkoppling, korrekthet och behov av fysisk interaktion. Tolv deltagare instruerades att utföra uppgifter såsom att kontrollera kontobalansen och överföra pengar med hjälp av prototyperna. De svarade sedan på frågor om deras relation till personlig integritet i sammanhanget av deras tidigare upplevelser med röstinteraktion och de två prototyper de provat. Resultatet visar att vad som upplevs som privat, och behovet av personlig integritet, varierade mycket mellan deltagarna. I slutändan föreslås en respekterande och stärkande design av röstinteraktion i vilken användaren kan skräddarsy hur applikationen ger återkoppling genom att lägga till kontextuell känslighet t.ex. genom GPS för att veta om du är hemma, eller en kamera för att veta om du tittar på enheten.

Neither victim nor fetish : ‘Asian’ women and the effects of racialization in the Swedish context

Hooi, Mavis January 2018 (has links)
People who are racialized in Sweden as ‘Asian’—a panethnic category—come from different countries or ethnic backgrounds and yet, often face similar, gender-specific forms of discrimination which have a significant impact on their whole lives. This thesis centres women who are racialized as 'Asian', focusing on how their racialization affects, and is shaped by, their social, professional and intimate relationships, and their interactions with others—in particular, with white majority Swedes, but also other ethnic minorities. Against a broader context encompassing discourses concerning ‘Asians’ within Swedish media, art and culture, Swedish ‘non-racist’ exceptionalism and gender equality politics, the narratives of nine women are analysed through the lenses of the racializing processes of visuality and coercive mimeticism, and epistemic injustice.

Projekce presupozic v češtině / On the Presupposition Projection in Czech

Veselý, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
On the Presupposition Projection in Czech I understand presupposition as both an implication and a set of requirements which have to be fulfilled by the (passive) context, i.e. a set of realized propositions and logico- semantic relations between them shared by the communicants. The content of presupposition is formed by information which the speaker characterizes as predetermined, i.e. known to the communicants. Presupposition is a semantically narrower notion than implication: every meaning expressed indirectly is implied, but not every implied meaning is presupposed. Contextually bound constituents express a proposition which is included in the active context, i.e. a set of propositions on which the communicants are actively focused. Contextual boundness is a type of presupposition trigger: information included in the active context is a necessary part of the passive context (it doesn't hold true vice versa, of course). Context shared by the communicants can not be incremented by the primary (i.e. directly expressed) proposition of a clause, unless all the presuppositions semantically entailed in the primary proposition are satisfied. Presupposition is satisfied if and only if proposition p which forms a content of the presupposition is part of the (passive) context. In case that the context...

Visibility of Performance

Pidun, Tim 03 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Versorgung mit adäquater Information ist eine der Hauptfunktionen von Performance Measurement-Systemen (PMS), gleichzeitig aber auch ihr größter Mangel und der Grund für das häufige Scheitern ihres Einsatzes in Unternehmen. Dabei gibt es derzeit keine Möglichkeit zu bestimmen, inwieweit ein eingesetzes PMS den Beteiligten auch tatsächlich gut und passgenau Informationen liefern kann. Diese Untersuchung geht von der Grundfrage aus, welche Informationen erhoben werden müssen, damit nicht nur die Darstellung der Performance selbst adressiert wird, sondern die auch für ein besseres Verständnis über das PMS und seine organisationale Verankerung und damit Akzeptanz und Nützlichkeit genutzt werden können. Sie folgt damit einem Verständnis von PMS als Informationssysteme, die für die adäquate Versorgung mit Domänenwissen sorgen müssen, und nicht lediglich als Controllinginstrumente, die Performance-Daten liefern sollen. Im Ergebnis steht die Entwicklung einer Theorie, die erklärt, weshalb das bisherige Problem des Scheiterns von PMS auftritt. Damit einhergehend wird der Indikator der Visibility of Performance konstruiert, der über eine einfache Anwendung aussagen kann, wie gut ein PMS bezüglich seiner Wissensversorgung für ein Unternehmen passt. Mithin zeigt er die Güte der performancerelevanten Informationsversorgung in einem PMS eines Unternehmens an. / The supply with adequate information is one of the main functions of Performance Measurement Systems (PMS), but also still one of its drawbacks and reason for their failure. Not only the collection of indicators is crucial, but also the stakeholders’ understanding of the about their meaning, purpose and contextual embedding. Today, companies are faced to seek for a PMS without a way to express the goodness of a solution, indicating its ability to deliver appropriate information and to address these demands. The goal of this investigation is to explore the mechanisms that drive information and knowledge supply in PMS in order to model a way to express this goodness. Using a grounded Theory approach, a theory of visibility of performance is developed, featuring a catalog of determinants for the goodness of PMS. Companies can conveniently use them to assess their PMS and to improve the visibility of their performance.

Kontextadaptive Informationsräume / Context Adaptive Information - Spaces Support of interdisciplinary information processes through a context-aware information logistics

Hilbert, Frank 18 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Planung und Ausführung von Bauwerken basiert auf Informationsprozesse, in denen verknüpfte Fachmodelle verschiedener Baudomänen als fachübergreifende Informationsräume verwendet werden. Dabei führen erhöhte Anforderungen an spezialisierte Arbeitsschritte sowie die wachsende Komplexität der Bauprojekte zu einem Anwachsen der Menge, des Umfangs und der Komplexität der ausgetauschten Informationsräume. Bei der Betrachtung des Informationsbedarfs der Bauinformationsprozesse lässt sich eine Kontextabhängigkeit erkennen, in der verschiedene Aspekte des Bearbeitungskontextes sowohl die Menge und Qualität als auch die Ausschnitte und Verknüpfungstiefe der erforderlichen Informationsräume determinieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der kontextgerechten Informationsversorgung von Informationsprozessen im Bauwesen. Auf der Grundlage multimodellbasierter Informationsräume wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der die Kontextabhängigkeit des Informationsbedarfs durch kontextadaptive Multimodellvorlagen formalisiert und entsprechende kontextgerechte Informationsräume erzeugt. Dafür werden in einem ersten Schritt der Bearbeitungskontext von Bauinformationsprozessen betrachtet sowie informationslogistisch relevante Kontextaspekte identifiziert und durch ein Kontextmodell abgebildet. Für die Formalisierung der unterschiedlichen Einflüsse verschiedener Kontextaspekte auf die Ausgestaltung des Informationsbedarfs wird ein Regelsystem entwickelt, mit dem kontextadaptive Multimodellvorlagen definiert werden können. Durch Auswertung dieser Vorlagen zum Anwendungszeitpunkt lässt sich ein situativer Informationsbedarf antizipieren, auf dessen Basis ein kontextgerechtes Multimodell erzeugt werden kann. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht die Realisierung einer kontextbewussten Informationslogistik, die den Projektpartnern im Bauwesen genau die Informationsräume bereitstellt, die in einer konkreten Bearbeitungssituation benötigt werden. Für die Bearbeitung regelbasierter Kontextwirkrelationen wird ein Editor vorgestellt, der die Erzeugung kontextadaptiver Multimodellvorlagen unterstützt. Außerdem wird anhand einer Architektur zur Erzeugung kontextgerechter Informationsräume die Vorgehensweise der informationslogistischen Kontextintegration beschrieben, mit der ein kontextbasierter Informationsbedarf antizipiert und ein entsprechendes kontextgerechtes Multimodell erzeugt werden kann. Der Einsatz des vorgestellten Ansatzes wird abschließend anhand eines Beispielszenarios aus der Planungsphase evaluiert, in der im Rahmen verschiedener asynchroner Bauinformationsprozesse Informationsräume gemeinsam bearbeitet werden. / The planning and creating of structures and buildings is based on building information processes, in which linked specialized models of different domains are used as multidisciplinary information spaces. Thereby increased requirements for specialized work processes, and the growing complexity of construction projects lead to an increase in the amount, scope and complexity of the exchanged information spaces. When considering the information requirements of building information processes, a contextdependence is revealed that determines the quantity and quality as well as the cutouts and linking depth of the required information spaces depending on various aspects of the processing context. This thesis addresses contextoriented information supply for collaborative information processes in the construction industry. Based on multimodel information spaces, an approach is presented that formalizes the context dependency of information requirements by contextadaptive multimodel templates and generates corresponding contextoriented information spaces. In a first step different aspects of the process context of building information processes are considered and logistically relevant information are identified and mapped by a context model. For the description of the different influences of various context aspects on the configuration of information needs a regulating system is developed, which can be used to define contextadaptive multi model templates. By evaluating these templates at time of use, situative information requirements can be anticipated and an adequate contextoriented multimodel can be generated. This approach enables the implementation of a contextaware information logistics, which accurately provides the information spaces for the project partners in the construction industry, which are needed in a concrete working situation. For the processing of rulebased context active relations an editor, which supports the generation of contextadaptive multi model templates, is presented. Based on architecture for generating contextappropriate information spaces, the approach of information logistics context integration is described, which allows to anticipate contextbased information needs and to generate a corresponding contextoriented multimodel. The use of the approach is finally evaluated using an example scenario from the planning phase, in which various asynchronous building information processes jointly process an information space.

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