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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions : a conceptual framework

Terblanche, Ester Aletta Jacomina 04 November 2019 (has links)
Although the development of critical thinking in students is not an easy task, it is becoming increasingly more vital. Students need to be able to think critically to thrive in the 21st century workplace. The auditor of the future must adapt to a fast-changing, technologydriven world where critical thinking capabilities provide the ability to solve unstructured problems, analyse and interpret information, make informed decisions and interrogate information. With claims that the auditing profession is not delivering entry-level chartered accountants with the necessary skills and competencies to truly add value to auditing clients, the onus is on educators to develop critical thinking in their students. As critical thinking is a complex concept with multiple dimensions, imparting this skill to students is an intricate process. Technology-based educational interventions which include simulations, virtual reality and games can provide effective platforms for developing critical thinking. However, educators are often hesitant to use these technologies and uncertain how to instill critical thinking in students. It is therefore clear that educators need guidance and require a robust, holistic framework for critical thinking development through technology-based educational interventions. The primary objective of this study was to propose such a conceptual framework that would provide guidance to educators in addressing the growing need for auditors with welldeveloped critical thinking capabilities. To arrive at this conceptual framework, more insights into the conceptualisation and development of critical thinking were required. These insights set the foundation for a preliminary, literature-based, conceptual framework. To validate the concepts and relationships proposed in this preliminary framework and to provide insights into additional concepts and relationships, the perspectives of three groups of participants were obtained using an Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) design. Concepts in the final conceptual framework included studentrelated factors, educator-related factors, design and development considerations, technology-based enabling tools, collaboration among stakeholders and disciplines, the learning process, ethics, globalisation, auditing content, critical thinking and other learning outcomes associated with critical thinking, constructivism and characteristics of critical thinking instruction. The end product is a novel, integrated and robust conceptual framework aimed at the development of critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions. This framework provides a structure to the complex nature of critical thinking development. The acquisition of critical thinking capabilities is, however, not a once-off, linear event. The framework and its individual concepts and relationships should thus be seen as part of a continuous process of critical thinking growth. / Hoe moeilik dit ook al mag wees om studente te leer om krities te dink, dit word toenemend noodsaaklik. In die 21e eeu vereis die werkplek immers kritiese denke van studente. Die aspirantouditeur moet by ʼn snel veranderende, tegnologies gedrewe wêreld kan aanpas deur krities te dink om ongestruktureerde probleme op te los, inligting te ontleed, te vertolk en te betwyfel, en om ingeligte besluite te neem. Aangesien ouditeursfirmas kla dat jong geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters nie oor die nodige vaardighede beskik nie, het opvoeders die verantwoordelikheid om studente krities te leer dink. Omrede kritiese denke ʼn komplekse konsep met veelvuldige fasette is, is dit ʼn heel ingewikkelde proses om studente daarmee toe te rus. Tegnologiese onderrigintervensies deur onder meer nabootsings, virtuele werklikhede en speletjies kan hierin van groot nut wees. Opvoeders aarsel egter om hierdie tegnologieë aan te wend, en daarby is hulle onseker hoe om kritiese denke by studente in te skerp. Opvoeders het ongetwyfeld leiding hierin nodig, en ʼn stewige, holististiese raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke deur middel van tegnologiese onderrigintervensies is duidelik nodig. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om met so ʼn konseptuele raamwerk te kom wat leiding kan gee aan opvoeders wat aspirantouditeurs moet oplei om krities te dink. Hiervoor moes groter insig in die konseptualisering en ontwikkeling van kritiese denke verkry word. Hierdie insigte het die grondslag gelê vir ʼn voorlopige konseptuele raamwerk wat op die literatuur berus. Drie groepe deelnemers is gebruik om die geldigheid van die addisionele konsepte en verbande in die voorlopige raamwerk te toets en insigte in addisionele konsepte en verbande te verkry. ʼn Interaktiewe kwalitatiewe analise (IKA) is gedoen. Die konsepte in die finale konseptuele raamwerk is onder meer studentfaktore, opvoederfaktore, oorwegings soos ontwerp en ontwikkeling, tegnologiese instrumente, samewerking tussen belanghebbers en dissiplines, die leerproses, etiek, globalisering, die ouditkunde-inhoud, kritiese denke en ander leeruitkomste wat met kritiese denke gepaard gaan, konstruktivisme en die kenmerke van onderrig in kritiese denke. Die eindproduk is ʼn nuwe, geïntegreerde en stewige konseptuele raamwerk waarmee ouditkundestudente met tegnologiese onderrigintervensies opgelei kan word om krities te dink. Hierdie raamwerk verleen struktuur aan die komplekse aard van opleiding in kritiese denke. Die verwerwing van die vermoë om krities te dink is egter nie eenmalig en lineêr nie. Hierdie raamwerk met sy afsonderlike konsepte en verbande moet beskou word as ʼn onderdeel van ʼn deurlopende proses om kritiese denke te ontwikkel. / Nakuba ukuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi kungesiwo umsebenzi olula, kuya ngokuya kubaluleka kakhulu. Abafundi kumele bakwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya ukuze baphumelele emsebenzini kwikhuluminyaka lama21. Umcwaningimabhuku wesikhathi esizayo kufanele ajwayele isimo sezwe elishintsha masinya, esiholwa ubuchwepheshe nokuyilapho ukukwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kuhlinzeka ikhono lokusombulula izinkinga ezingahlelekile, ukuhlaziya nokuhumusha imininingwane, ukuthatha izinqumo ezikahle nokuphenyisisa imininingwane. Njengoba kuthiwa umkhakha wezocwaningomabhuku awukhiqizi abagcinimabhuku bezinga lomhlaba abasaqala abanamakhono nokuqonda okufanele ukwenza umehluko kumakhasimende ocwaningomabhuku, kungumsebenzi wabafundisayo ukusungula ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi babo. Njengoba ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kungumqondo olukhuni ozigabaningi, ukudlulisela leli khono kubafundi kungumsebenzi oxakayo. Ukusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe, ezifaka kuzo ukulinganisa, okwenzeka ngempela nemidlalo, kunganikeza izinkundla ezisebenza ngempumelelo ukuthuthukisa ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Nakuba kunjalo, othisha bavame ukuba manqikanqika ukusebenzisa lobu buchwepheshe futhi abanasiqiniseko sokuthi bangakufaka kanjani ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi. Ngakho-ke kusobala ukuthi othisha badinga ukwelulekwa kanye nohlaka olunamandla olufaka konke maqondana nokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Injongo enkulu yalolu cwaningo ngukuhlongoza uhlaka lomqondo oluzohlinzeka umhlahlandlela kothisha ukubhekana nesidingo esikhulayo sabacwaningimabhuku abanamakhono athuthukile okucabanga sakuhlaziya. Ukuze kufinyelelwe kulolu hlaka, kwadingeka ulwazi olwengeziwe ekucabangeni nasekusungulweni kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Lolu lwazi lwaba yisisekelo sohlaka lomqondo lokuqala olugxile emibhalweni. Ukuze kuqinisekiswe imiqondo nobudlelwano obuhlongozwayo kulolu hlaka lokuqala futhi kuhlinzekwe ulwazi emicabangweni nasebudlelwaneni obengeziwe, imibono yamaqoqo amathathu ababambiqhaza yatholakala ngokusetshenziswa komklamo ongukuHlaziya Izingahle Ngokusebenzisana owaziwa ngokuthi yi-Interactive Qualitative Analysis (i-IQA). Imiqondo esohlakeni lomqondo lokugcina yayibandakanya okuphathelene nabafundi, okuphathelene nothisha, okumayelana nomklamo nentuthuko, amathuluzi okusiza ancike kubuchwepheshe, ukuhlanganyela phakathi kwabathintekayo nemikhakha, indlela yokufunda, okuphathelene nokulunga, ukusabalalisa umhlaba wonke, ukucwaninga imininingwane yokuqukethwe, ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kanye neminye imiphumela yokufunda ehambisana nokucabanga sakuhlaziya, nobunjalo bendlela yokufunda ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Umkhiqizo ovela ekugcineni kuba yinoveli nohlaka lomqondo olunamandla okuhloswe ngalo ukuba kuthuthukiswe ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi bezocwaningomabhuku ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Lolu hlaka luhlinzeka umumo esimweni esingaqondakali sokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Kodwa-ke, ukutholakala kwamakhono okucabanga sakuhlaziya, akusiyo into eyenzeka kanye, ngendlela efanayo. Ngakho-ke, uhlaka kanye nemiqondo yalo ngaminye nobudlelwano bayo kumele kubonakale njengengxenye yomsebenzi oqhubekayo wokukhula kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. / Taxation / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Die bevordering van omgewingsgeletterdheid by graad ses-leerders deur middel van wateraktiwiteite / M.E. Welman.

Welman, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on the role of water activities in the advancement of environmental literacy in grade six learners. The study is important as South Africa is experiencing a water crisis due to below average rainfall, overpopulation and poor management of water sources. The implementation of water activities in primary and secondary school education is needed for the development of environmentally literate citizens who understand the connection between the environment, available water and poverty and who possess the skills to sustain water sources. Environmental problems can be solved through environmental literacy (UNESCO, 1994:11). The purpose of the study is to determine how environmental literacy can be advanced by means of water activities carried out by grade six learners. The study is quantitative and a before- and after test questionnaire was used to compile data from an experimental and control group. Five schools that are located near water sources took part in the research. The biotic water testing methods and light intensity measurements were used as water activities. Active participation of learners in water activities contributed to the expansion of knowledge, skills and values regarding water in the environment. / Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Development))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Die bevordering van omgewingsgeletterdheid by graad ses-leerders deur middel van wateraktiwiteite / M.E. Welman.

Welman, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on the role of water activities in the advancement of environmental literacy in grade six learners. The study is important as South Africa is experiencing a water crisis due to below average rainfall, overpopulation and poor management of water sources. The implementation of water activities in primary and secondary school education is needed for the development of environmentally literate citizens who understand the connection between the environment, available water and poverty and who possess the skills to sustain water sources. Environmental problems can be solved through environmental literacy (UNESCO, 1994:11). The purpose of the study is to determine how environmental literacy can be advanced by means of water activities carried out by grade six learners. The study is quantitative and a before- and after test questionnaire was used to compile data from an experimental and control group. Five schools that are located near water sources took part in the research. The biotic water testing methods and light intensity measurements were used as water activities. Active participation of learners in water activities contributed to the expansion of knowledge, skills and values regarding water in the environment. / Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Development))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Metakognisie, intrinsieke prestasiemotivering en kritiese denke as korrelate van akademiese sukses onder eerstejaar-sielkundestudente (Afrikaans)

Lemmens, Juan-Claude 22 May 2007 (has links)
The number of students that apply for studies at South African universities has increased dramatically over the past years, but the resources of the universities have stayed the same. It is therefore imperative that academic performance can be predicted on a short- and long-term basis. The Developing Expertise model might be able to predict academic performance on a short- and long-term basis. This study focussed primarily on academic performance on short-term basis by focussing on three of the model’s elements. The three elements that were investigated were: metacognition, intrinsic motivation and critical thinking. One of the contributions of this study is the refinement of some of the elements of the expertise model. The study helped to determine the validity of the instrument in a South African context. The measurement instrument can also be used as a selection meganism on short-term basis. In order to measure each of the elements of the expertise model, a measuring tool consisting of five questionnaires was compiled. A convenience sample of first year psychology students provided 326 students for the study. A second sample, compiled from the original sample, consisting of 209 first year students was used for the multiple regression analyses. These students are registered for psychology for the first time in 2005. The students were placed in three groups according to the student’s means of registering for the CBT centre. The first group was those students who completed the instrument on computers. The second group consisted of those students who completed a paper and pencil version of the measurement. The third group consisted of the Mamelodi students. These students completed a paper and pencil version of the measurement and brought it back a week later. The statistical analysis included factor analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Based on the literature research and the results of the statistical analysis, the expertise model was expanded to include metamemory as the functional unit for metacognition. Motivation can be divided in three subcomponents, namely: self-efficacy, intrinsic value and test anxiety. The motivational component, knowledge of cognition and external control can be used as predictors of academic performance on a short-term basis. The findings of this study can only be used as a selection meganism of academic performance on a short-term basis and therefore the results must be used with caution. / Dissertation (MA (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted

The development of critical thinking in the first-year financial accounting curriculum at an open distance and e-learning institution in South Africa / Ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in die eerste jaar van die kurrikulum vir finansiele rekeningkunde by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling in Suid-Afrika / Mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzanaho kha nwaha wa u thoma wa kharikhulamu ya akhaunthini ya masheleni kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule nga lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe

Dry, Hendrina Jacoba 12 1900 (has links)
For the knowledge economy of the twenty-first century, intellectual skills (such as critical thinking) have been identified as imperative for success. Educational institutions have a responsibility to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for future employment. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants has identified critical thinking as one of the skills that should be developed in Financial Accounting students who wish to become chartered accountants. For this limited-scope dissertation a qualitative study was done, applying a constructivist paradigm to a case study design, to explore the development of critical thinking in first-year Financial Accounting students in an open distance and e-learning context in South Africa. To achieve this, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with twelve academics and the use of document analysis. As the focus of the study was limited to two first-year financial accounting modules which form part of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants accredited programme taught at an open distance and e-learning institution, the findings cannot be generalised. While the perceptions of students were not considered in the study, the findings provide valuable insight into the development of critical thinking in accounting modules. The findings revealed that, although academics believe critical thinking skills and good thinking habits should be developed in first-year Financial Accounting students, it is currently only done through a content-centred approach, or not at all. Furthermore, only technologies which academics are comfortable using, are being incorporated, mainly for the delivery of content. The recommendations made for curriculum evaluation and professional development relate specifically to these findings. / Vir die een-en-twintigste-eeuse kennisekonomie is intellektuele vaardighede (soos kritiese denke) geïdentifiseer as noodsaaklik vir sukses. Opvoedkundige instellings het 'n verantwoordelikheid om studente met die kennis en vaardighede toe te rus wat nodig is vir toekomstige indiensneming. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters het kritiese denke geïdentifiseer as 'n vaardigheid wat studente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde, wat geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters wil word, moet ontwikkel. Vir hierdie verhandeling van beperkte omvang, is 'n kwalitatiewe studie gedoen deur 'n konstruktivistiese paradigma toe te pas op 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp om die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in eerstejaarstudente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde in 'n oop e-afstandsleerkonteks in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is data versamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude te voer met twaalf akademici en dokumentontleding te gebruik. Omdat die studie beperk was tot twee eerstejaar finansiële rekeningkunde modules, wat deel vorm van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters se geakkrediteerde program wat by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling aangebied word, kan die bevindinge nie veralgemeen word nie. Alhoewel die studente se persepsies nie in die studie in ag geneem is nie, bied die bevindings waardevolle insig oor die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in rekeningkundemodules. Die bevindings dui daarop dat, alhoewel akademici glo dat vaardighede in kritiese denke en goeie denkgewoontes in die eerste jaar van Finansiële Rekeningkunde onderrig moet word, word dit tans slegs deur 'n inhoudgebaseerde benadering gedoen, of glad nie. Verder word slegs tegnologieë geïnkorporeer waarmee akademici gemaklik is, hoofsaaklik vir die oordrag van die inhoud. Die aanbevelings vir kurrikulumevaluering en professionele ontwikkeling hou spesifiek verband met hierdie bevindings. / Kha ikonomi ya nḓivho ya ḓanwaha fumbili nthihi, zwikili zwa nḓivho (zwi ngaho vhukoni ha u humbula nga nḓila yo dzudzaneaho) zwo topolwa sa ndaela ya mvelaphanḓa. Zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo zwi na vhudifhinduleli u lugisela matshudeni nga ndivho na zwikili zwine zwa ṱodea mishumoni ya tshifhingani tshidaho. Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthini tsho topola vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho vhune ha tea u bveledzwa kha matshudeni a Akhaunthini ya Masheleni vhane vha tama u vha vhomakone vha muvhalelano. Ho itwa ngudo dza khwalithathivi dza desithesheni ya tshikoupu tsho pimiwaho, hu tshi khou u fhaṱwa ndivho na kupfesesele nga kha tshenzhemo kha u bveledza ngudo, u wanulusa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha nwaha wa u thoma kha matshudeni a Akhaunthuni ya Masheleni kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe. U swikelela izwi, data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo dzudzanywaho na vhoraakademi vha fumimbili na u shumisa musaukanyo wa linwalo. Sa musi ngudo yo vha yo sedza fhedzi kha mimodulu mivhili ya nwaha wa u thoma ya Akhaunthini ya masheleni ine ya vhumba tshipida tsha mbekanyamushumo ya akhiredithesheni ya Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthuni ine ya funzwa kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha Lubuvhisia, mawanwa a nga si angaredzwa. Ngeno kuvhonele kwa matshudeni ku songo dzhielwa ntha kha ngudo, mawanwa o ṋetshedzwa ndivho ya ndeme kha mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha mimodulu ya akhaunthini. Mawanwa o dzumbulula uri, naho vhoraakademi vha tshi tenda uri zwikili zwa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho na maitele a kuhumbulele kwavhudi zwi fanela u bveledziswa kha nwaha wa u thoma wa matshudeni vha Akhaunthini ya Masheleni, zwa zwino zwi khou itwa fhedzi nga kha maitele o disendekaho nga zwi re ngomu, kana zwa sa itwe na luthihi. Zwi tshe zwo ralo, ndi thekhinolodzhi fhedzi dzine vhoraakademi vha takalela u dzi shumisa, zwo tanganyiswa, nga maanda ndisedzo ya zwi re ngomu. Themendelo dzo itwa kha u ela kharikhulamu na mveledziso dzi re na vhushaka na mawanwa anea o tiwaho. / Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IODL) / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

Critical thinking of adolescents with regard to political issues

Pienaar, Gregory Edward 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The second fully democratic election in South Africa is scheduled to take place in May 1999. In the five years since the first election, it appears that very little attention has been paid to the political literacy of the electorate in general, and the youth in particular. The purpose of this study was to establish adolescents' level of political knowledge and whether they are able to think critically about political issues or not. The first part of the literature study which was concerned with critical thinking revealed that the major aspects of critical thinking are: deductive reasoning, inductive inference, recognition of assumptions, credibility, and problem solving. The second part of the literature study was an analysis of which factors may play a role in the development of critical thinking of an adolescent. with particular reference to a political context. The third part was an examination of important current political and social issues. These were: the new Constitution. Truth and Reconciliation Commission, housing, land redistribution, education, labour, health, crime, political violence, environment, and the next election. A reliable measuring instrument was developed in order to measure adolescents' knowledge of political issues, and their ability to think critically about these issues. The results of the empirical study revealed that intellectual potential and academic achievement were significantly related to critical thinking ability, while gender, environment, and personality appeared not to play a role. There was a significant correlation between political knowledge and critical thinking in a political context, implying that critical thinking is subject-specific. Cultural background also played a significant role in critical thinking in a political context. In terms of political knowledge, boys were found to be at a significantly higher level than girls. The subjects from urban areas were also at a significantly higher level than those from rural areas. There was also a positive correlation between intellectual potential, academic achievement, and political knowledge. Finally, some recommendations for improving the levels of political knowledge and critical thinking abilities with regard to political issues of South African adolescents were given. / Die tweede ten valle demokratiese verkiesing in Suid-Afrika is geskeduleer om in Mei 1999 plaas te vind. In die vyf jaar sedert die vorige verkiesing is baie min aandag gegee aan die politieke geletterdheid van die verkiesingspubliek in die algemeen en die jeug in besonder. Die doel van hierdie studie was om adolessente se vlak van politieke kennis te bepaal en om vas te stel of hulle in staat is om krities oar politieke kwessies na te dink. Die eerste deel van die literatuurstudie wat verband hou met kritiese denke het uitgewys dat die hoofaspekte van kritiese denke die volgende is: deduktiewe redenering, induktiewe inferensies, herkenning van aannames, geloofwaardigheid en probleemoplossing. Die tweede deel van die literatuurstudie behels 'n analise van die faktore wat 'n rol kan speel in die ontwikkeling van die kritiese denke van die adolessent, met spesifieke verwysing na 'n politieke konteks. Die derde deel is 'n ondersoek na belangrike teenswoordige politieke en sosiale kwessies. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: die nuwe Grondwet, die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie, behuising, herverdeling van grand, opvoeding, arbeid, gesondheid, misdaad, politieke geweld, die omgewing en die volgende verkiesing. 'n Betroubare meetinstrument om adolessente se kennis van politieke kwessies asook hul vermoe om krities daaroor na te dink, is ontwikkel. Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek het aangetoon dat intellektuele potensiaal en akademiese prestasie betekenisvol verband hou met kritiese denkvermoe, terwyl geslag, omgewing en persoonlikheid klaarblyklik nie 'n rol speel nie. Daar is ook 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen politieke kennis en kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks wat impliseer dat kritiese denke vakspesifiek is. Kulturele agtergrond speel ook 'n betekenisvolle rol in kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks. Ten opsigte van politieke kennis is daar bevind dat seuns op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak is as dogters. Respondente uit stedelike gebiede is oak op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak as diegene uit plattelandse gebiede. Oaar is oak 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen intellektuele potensiaal, akademiese prestasie en politieke kennis. Ten slotte is aanbevelings gemaak om die vlakke van politieke kennis en kritiese denkvermoens met betrekking tot politieke aangeleenthede by Suid-Afrikaanse adolessente te verbeter. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Critical thinking of adolescents with regard to political issues

Pienaar, Gregory Edward 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The second fully democratic election in South Africa is scheduled to take place in May 1999. In the five years since the first election, it appears that very little attention has been paid to the political literacy of the electorate in general, and the youth in particular. The purpose of this study was to establish adolescents' level of political knowledge and whether they are able to think critically about political issues or not. The first part of the literature study which was concerned with critical thinking revealed that the major aspects of critical thinking are: deductive reasoning, inductive inference, recognition of assumptions, credibility, and problem solving. The second part of the literature study was an analysis of which factors may play a role in the development of critical thinking of an adolescent. with particular reference to a political context. The third part was an examination of important current political and social issues. These were: the new Constitution. Truth and Reconciliation Commission, housing, land redistribution, education, labour, health, crime, political violence, environment, and the next election. A reliable measuring instrument was developed in order to measure adolescents' knowledge of political issues, and their ability to think critically about these issues. The results of the empirical study revealed that intellectual potential and academic achievement were significantly related to critical thinking ability, while gender, environment, and personality appeared not to play a role. There was a significant correlation between political knowledge and critical thinking in a political context, implying that critical thinking is subject-specific. Cultural background also played a significant role in critical thinking in a political context. In terms of political knowledge, boys were found to be at a significantly higher level than girls. The subjects from urban areas were also at a significantly higher level than those from rural areas. There was also a positive correlation between intellectual potential, academic achievement, and political knowledge. Finally, some recommendations for improving the levels of political knowledge and critical thinking abilities with regard to political issues of South African adolescents were given. / Die tweede ten valle demokratiese verkiesing in Suid-Afrika is geskeduleer om in Mei 1999 plaas te vind. In die vyf jaar sedert die vorige verkiesing is baie min aandag gegee aan die politieke geletterdheid van die verkiesingspubliek in die algemeen en die jeug in besonder. Die doel van hierdie studie was om adolessente se vlak van politieke kennis te bepaal en om vas te stel of hulle in staat is om krities oar politieke kwessies na te dink. Die eerste deel van die literatuurstudie wat verband hou met kritiese denke het uitgewys dat die hoofaspekte van kritiese denke die volgende is: deduktiewe redenering, induktiewe inferensies, herkenning van aannames, geloofwaardigheid en probleemoplossing. Die tweede deel van die literatuurstudie behels 'n analise van die faktore wat 'n rol kan speel in die ontwikkeling van die kritiese denke van die adolessent, met spesifieke verwysing na 'n politieke konteks. Die derde deel is 'n ondersoek na belangrike teenswoordige politieke en sosiale kwessies. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: die nuwe Grondwet, die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie, behuising, herverdeling van grand, opvoeding, arbeid, gesondheid, misdaad, politieke geweld, die omgewing en die volgende verkiesing. 'n Betroubare meetinstrument om adolessente se kennis van politieke kwessies asook hul vermoe om krities daaroor na te dink, is ontwikkel. Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek het aangetoon dat intellektuele potensiaal en akademiese prestasie betekenisvol verband hou met kritiese denkvermoe, terwyl geslag, omgewing en persoonlikheid klaarblyklik nie 'n rol speel nie. Daar is ook 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen politieke kennis en kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks wat impliseer dat kritiese denke vakspesifiek is. Kulturele agtergrond speel ook 'n betekenisvolle rol in kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks. Ten opsigte van politieke kennis is daar bevind dat seuns op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak is as dogters. Respondente uit stedelike gebiede is oak op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak as diegene uit plattelandse gebiede. Oaar is oak 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen intellektuele potensiaal, akademiese prestasie en politieke kennis. Ten slotte is aanbevelings gemaak om die vlakke van politieke kennis en kritiese denkvermoens met betrekking tot politieke aangeleenthede by Suid-Afrikaanse adolessente te verbeter. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

The instructional leadership role of the principal in independent schools : towards 21st century classrooms

Pyle, Sandra Joanne 02 1900 (has links)
Students no longer respond to content-driven, teacher-centred learning. Literature reveals that changes in methodology and pedagogy of teachers needs to take place in order to keep education relevant and engaging. Classrooms where critical thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration are embraced are required in schools. The environment where these components are present can be referred to as 21st century classrooms. Establishing these locales require a leader who is able to create the vision for the changes that need to take place. One who will fashion a learning environment where teachers feel secure and have the confidence through teacher development to embark on and embrace a new arrangement in their classroom. The principal needs to embrace his/her instructional role in establishing these 21st century classrooms. This research project investigated precisely what the instructional role of the principal necessitates in aiding teachers to establish 21st century classrooms. A qualitative research design, embedded in the constructivist paradigm in the form of a hermeneutic study was chosen as research method. Using semi-structured interviews, the researcher attempted to find out how the principal of each school visited, viewed 21st century classrooms, as well as what skills and knowledge he/she required as the instructional leader in leading teachers to establish 21st century classrooms. The researcher used purposeful sampling to select the participants who would have the greatest insight into establishing 21st century classrooms at their school. Trustworthiness was ensured in the collection and interpretation of data. The researcher transcribed the collected data and it was later analysed. Once analysed, the data was interpreted and arranged under the research sub-questions. The findings established that each participant is quite knowledgeable concerning the attributes and characteristics of a 21st century classroom. Many of the principals played a strong instructional role in their school and displayed many of the characteristics and skills necessary to create an environment where teachers could competently bring 21st century skills and knowledge into their classrooms. In most of the schools visited, 21st century classrooms are well on their way to being established. It is evident that the theory of 21st century classrooms is far more prevalent in some of the schools visited than the practical application thereof. In some of the schools visited a whole philosophy of learning, which encases all the 21st century attributes has been implemented. Each school could be placed on a continuum, with no one school being at the same space in their journey to implement 21st century skills and knowledge into their teachers’ pedagogy. / Leerders reageer nie meer op inhoudgedrewe en/of onderwysgesentreerde onderrig nie. Literatuur toon dat veranderinge in onderwysmetodiek en pedagogie moet plaasvind ten einde onderwys relevant en interessant te hou. Klaskamers waarin kritiese denke, kommunikasie, kreatiwiteit en samewerking omhels word, is die nuwe maatstaf. Die omgewing waarin hierdie komponente teenwoordig is, word na verwys as die 21ste eeu klaskamers. Die stigting van 21ste eeu klaskamers vereis ʼn leier wat in staat is om ʼn visie te skep en dit na te volg. Een wat ʼn leeromgewing verseker waarin onderwysers veilig voel en selfvertroue opbou deur personeelontwikkeling. Sodoende word onderwysers bemagtig om die nuwe veranderinge in die klaskamer te omhels. Die skoolhoof speel ʼn sterk rol in die vestiging van hierdie 21ste eeu klaskamers en moet dus ʼn instruktiewe rol aanneem. Hierdie navorsingsprojek ondersoek wat presies hierdie instruktiewe rol van die skoolhoof behels in die ondersteuning van onderwysers om hul toe te rus vir 21ste eeu klaskamers. Hierdie navorsingsprojek is gebaseer op ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp, gegrond op die konstruktivistiese paradigma in die vorm van ʼn fenomenologiese studie. Deur gebruik te maak van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, het die navorser gepoog om uit te vind hoe die skoolhoof van elke skool wat besoek is, 21ste eeu klaskamers beskou en oor watter vaardighede en kennis ʼn skoolhoof as onderrigleier moet beskik om onderwysers in 21ste eeu klaskamers te vestig. Die navorser het van ʼn doelbewuste steekproef gebruik gemaak om geskikte kandidate te identifiseer wat kennis dra oor die vestiging van 21ste eeu klaskamers by hul eie skole. Betroubaarheid van die data is verseker deur die versameling en interpretasie daarvan. Die data is deur die navorser getranskribeer en later ontleed. Na analise is die data geïnterpreteer en dan in geskikte navorsings sub-vrae ingedeel. Die bevinding was dat elke kandidaat grondige kennis aangaande die eienskappe en kenmerke van 21ste eeu klaskamers het. Baie van die hoofde vervul ʼn sterk instruktiewe rol in hul skool en beskik oor die nodige eienskappe en vaardighede om ʼn omgewing te skep waarin onderwysers met bevoegdheid 21ste eeu vaardighede en kennis in hul klaskamers kan toepas. In meeste van die skole wat besoek is, is 21ste eeu klaskamers besig om pos te vat. Dit is ook duidelik dat die teorie van 21ste eeu klaskamers baie meer op die voorgrond is by sommige van die skole wat besoek is, as wat die praktiese toepassing daarvan is. In sommige van die skole wat besoek is, is ʼn leerfilosofie wat alle 21ste eeu kenmerke omvat geïmplementeer. Daar is ʼn kontinuum waarop elke skool geplaas kan word wat aandui dat nie een skool op dieselfde vlak in hul implementering van 21ste eeu vaardighede en kennis in hul onderwyspedagogie is nie. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

The use of questioning as a teaching strategy : a case study of Social Studies in grade seven / Gebruik van vraagstelling as 'n onderrigstrategie : 'n gevallestudie van Sosiale Wetenskappe in graad 7 / Kusetjentiswa kwekubuta njengelisu lekufundzisa : sifundvo sekuhlola se-Social Studies kulibanga 7

Vilakati, Phumzile Patience 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This study explored teachers’ effective use of questioning as a teaching strategy in Social Studies in grade seven within a primary school in the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland). The advent of free primary education has brought about large class sizes, but the desire to produce quality education persists. The literature distilled in the study showed that, although a considerable body of studies has established that questioning in the classroom helps direct learning, many teachers fail to utilise it as such. Those who endeavour to use it succeed in engaging their learners, and this results in teaching effectiveness and good outcomes for their learners. The study employed the interpretive paradigm because of the in-depth nature of the investigation. It therefore was a qualitative study that used observation and in-depth semi-structured interviews to gather data and attain the objectives of the study. It was a case study in which four Social Studies teachers took part. Observations were made for at least for 60 minutes in each classroom. Field notes were taken and later analysed. Individual interviews were conducted with the teachers. The results of the study showed that teachers did not use questions to direct teaching and learning, and had no knowledge of the concept of wait time. They also said that they had not been taught questioning strategies in their pre- service teacher training. This was consistent with the literature. Though research shows that questioning promotes effective teaching, the studies reviewed indicated that few teachers use it as an instructional tool. The implications derived from the present study are therefore that pre-service teacher training has to be improved to cater for such important topics as classroom questioning. Also to be improved is further professional development. There is a significant need for action at the macro- and micro-levels of the educational system towards improvement. The actions at the micro-level will be determined by diligent policies designed and executed at that level, that is, the level of the school. / Hierdie studie verken onderwysers se benutting van vraagstelling as onderrigstrategie in Sosiale Studies in Graad 7 by ʼn primêre skool in die koninkryk Eswatini (voorheen Swaziland). In weerwil daarvan dat gratis primêre onderrig groot klasse tot gevolg het, moet gehalteonderwys steeds nagestreef word. Volgens die literatuur wat geraadpleeg is, toon talle studies dat vraagstelling in die klas regstreekse leer bevorder. Onderwysers wat vrae aan leerders stel, gee doeltreffend onderwys omdat hulle leerders betrek, en sodoende ʼn goeie uitkoms behaal. Desondanks pas min onderwysers hierdie strategie toe. Op grond van die aard van hierdie ondersoek, is ʼn vertolkende paradigma gevolg. In hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is data deur waarneming en halfgestruktureerde onderhoude ingesamel. Elke klas is vir minstens 60 minute waargeneem en veldaantekeninge is gemaak wat later ontleed is. Vier onderwysers wat Sosiale Studies onderrig, was deel van die gevallestudie. ʼn Onderhoud is met elkeen gevoer. In hierdie studie is bevind dat die onderwysers geen vrae in die klas gestel het nie. Hulle het ook nie die begrip van wagtyd geken nie, aangesien hulle nooit in vraagstellingstrategieë opgelei is nie. Dit verklaar bevindings in die literatuur dat min onderwysers vraagstelling in die klas gebruik. Vraagstelling moet dus deel van onderwysers se opleiding uitmaak. Hierbenewens moet die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers aandag geniet. Voorts is dit noodsaaklik dat die onderwysstelsel op sowel mikro- as makrovlak verbeter word. Ingryping op mikrovlak sal deur die uitvoering van beleid op skoolvlak bepaal word. / Lesifundvo sihlose kusebentisa ngemphumelelo inchubo yekubuta njengelisu lekufundzisa ku-Social Studies kuLibanga 7 ngekhatsi kwesikolwa semabanga laphasi Eswatini (lebeyatiwa ngeSwaziland ngaphambilini). Kufika kwemfundvo yamahhala yemabanga laphasi kwente kwekutsi emaklasi agcwale kakhulu, kodvwa sifiso sekukhicita imfundvo leyikhwalithi siyachubeka. Ilitheretja lebuyeketiwe esifundvweni ikhombisa kwekutsi, nanobe umtimba lobantana wetifundvo utfole kwekutsi inchubo yekubuta eklasini isita kucondzisa kufundza, bothishela labanyenti bayehluleka kukusebentisa ngendlela lefanele. Laba labetama kukusebentisa bayaphumelela ekumbandzakanyeni bafundzi babo, futsi loku kuholela ekufundziseni ngemphumelelo kanye nemiphumela lemihle kubafundzi babo. Lesifundvo sisebentise umcondvo lohumushako ngesizatfu seluhlobo lolujulile lwekuphenya. Ngako-ke bekusifundvo sebunyenti lapho kusetjentiswe khona kubuka kanye nekubuta lokungakahleleki ngalokuphelele lokujulile kugcogca idatha kanye nekutfola tinjongo tesifundvo. Kuhlanganyele bothishela labane beSocial Studies kulesifundvo sekuhlola. Luhlelo lwekubuka lwentiwe lokungenani imizuzu lengema-60 eklasini ngalinye. Kutsatfwe emanotsi futsi ahlatiywa ngemuva kwesikhatsi. Kubutwe bothishela ngamunye. Imiphumela yesifundvo ikhombisa kwekutsi bothishe abakasebentini imibuto kucondzisa kufundzisa nekufundza, futsi bebangenalwati ngemcondvo wesikhatsi sekulindza. Baphindze baphawula kwekutsi abakafundzisiswa emasu ekubuta ekucecesheni kwabo kwangaphambi kwekufundzisisa. Loku bekufanana ngelitheretja. Nanobe lucwaningo lukhombisa kwekutsi kubuta kugcugcutela kufundzisa ngemphumelelo, letifundvo letibuyeketiwe tikhombisa kwekutsi bothishela labambalwa bakusebentisa njengelithuluzi lekuyalela. Imiphumela letfolwe kulesifundvo samanje kutsi kucecesha kwabothishela kwangaphambi kwekufundzisa kumele kwentiwencono kute kufake tihloko letifana nekubuta eklasini. Loku lokumele kwentiwencono kuchubeka ngekutfutfukiswa kwalobucwepheshe. Kunesidzingo lesikhulu sesinyatselo etigabeni letincane kakhulu nasetigabeni letincane teluhlelo lwemfundvo ngasekwentenincono. Letinyatselo esigabeni lesincane titawuncunywa nguletinchubomgomo letihlelwe futsi tasetjentiswa kuleso sigaba, lekusigaba sesikolo. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)

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