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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miljonprogrammet - Lönsamt? : Lönsamheten i att renovera hyresbostäder från miljonprogrammet? / Million Program - Profitable?

Kavak, Hoda, Zeino, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
År 1965 till år 1975 var den tid i Sverige då bostadsproduktionen var som störst. Det är denna period som kallas för ”miljonprogrammet”. Idag brukar man räkna på att bostäderna från miljonprogrammet utgör en tredjedel av dagens bostäder.  Idag har över 50 år passerat sedan miljonprogrammet sattes igång. Därför har frågan kring renovering av bostäderna tagits upp. Beståndet är idag i behov av upprustningar på grund av skärpta samhällskrav, sociala faktorer, behovet av marknadsanpassning och tekniska brister. Problemet är att staten inte längre kan bidra till finansiering av ombyggnader eller renoveringar vilket har lett till bostadspolitiska frågor.  Syftet med studien är att göra en lönsamhetsutredning för renoveringarna som erfordras för dagens eftersatta miljonprogramsområden i allmännyttiga bostadsbolag. För att kunna bedöma lönsamheten utfördes investeringskalkyler av renovering i ett miljonprogramsbestånd från Kungälvsbostäder. Dessutom använde man sig av litteraturstudier och intervjuer för att komplettera studien.  Beräkningarna utfördes utifrån  fyra olika scenarion där en totalrenovering samt en renovering som bara innefattar arbeten i lägenheterna jämfördes med två olika hyror. Kalkylerna visar att renoveringsarbetena för en totalupprustning är en ren förlustaffär. På grund av de höga byggpriserna och de låga hyresintäkterna så blir det svårt att täcka över de kostnader som uppstår i samband med renoveringen av denna byggnad. En förutsättning för att bostadsföretag skall kunna utföra totalrenoveringar i sitt bestånd från miljonprogrammet är att man har varierat bestånd av bostäder och lokaler i alla åldrar. De bostäder som är i bra skick och som byggdes innan år 2006 är de som bidrar till finansiering av projekt som inte är lönsamma såsom renoveringsprojekt. / Year 1965 to 1975 was a time in Sweden when building production was on it highest point. This period is called the "Millions Homes Program”. It is believed that buildings from the Millions Homes Program make up one-third of today's housing stocks in Sweden. Now 50 years has passed since the Millions Homes Program was started. Since it has been 50 years since the program started the issue of renovation of the housing has been actualized. The stock is today in need of upgrades because of  sharpened social requirements, social factors, the need for market adaptation and technical defects. The problem is that the state no longer can contribute to the financing of reconstruction or renovation, which has led to housing policy issues. The purpose of the study is to make a profitability study for the renovations required for today's deprived Millions Homes Program areas in public housing companies.  In order to assess profitability, investment calculations were preformed out of renovation in a Millions Homes Program financial aid from Kungälvsbostäder. In addition, literature studies and interviews were used to complete the study. The calculations were performed based on four different scenarios. Total renovation and renovation involving only the work in the apartments were compared to two different rents. The estimates show that the renovation work for a total refurbishment is a pure loss business. Due to the high building prices and the low rental income, it will be difficult to cover the costs incurred in the renovation of these buildings. A prerequisite for companies to be able to perform total refurbishments in their stocks from the environmental program is that stocks have been varied at all ages. The homes that are in good condition and built before 2006 are those that help finance projects that are not profitable as renovation projects.

CBA of environmental projects within hydropower

Lindberg, Julia, Hagman, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Hydropower is a fundamental pillar in the Swedish energy system and accounts for a large part of the Swedish electricity production. The regulation power is also essential for balancing the grid load.  Fortum is one of the leading energy companies within hydropower and Klarälven is a river with high importance, where Fortum owns and operates nine powerplants. These power plants constitute a barrier for the wild salmonids in Klarälven, which need to migrate upstream to reach their spawning area. Since the 1930s, the spawning salmonids have been trapped and transported upstream by lorry. After the spawning period, the smolts and kelts, i.e. the juvenile and spawned salmonids, have to migrate downstream. Due to the lack of fishways, they are forced to pass the eight remaining power plants. This, together with predation, entails a high mortality rate. Two independently performed studies indicates on survival rates of 16 % and 30 %. To stabilize the wild salmonid population, the downstream survival must increase, and a proposed solution is to implement a downstream trap-and-transport solution. This trap implementation could be a step towards the environmental adaptation of hydropower and a part of the action plan proposed in June 2016, during the Agreement on Swedish energy policy. To find the most cost-beneficial environmental measure, a socio-economic assessment method can be used. A Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a commonly used socio-economic method, which evaluates the benefits and costs during the entire project lifetime. Energiforsk has, within the project FRAM-KLIV, developed a CBA tool that aims to simplify the socio-economic evaluation. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether the CBA tool can be used in future permit processes to prioritize between different project proposals to find the most beneficial environmental improvements. In order to evaluate the tool, it was to be applied on the trap-and-transport project in Edsforsen to evaluate the possibility of a socio-economic profitability. Also, the concepts and theory behind CBA was to be analysed and the suitability of translating environmental consequences into monetary values was to be evaluated. In the analysis of Edsforsen, 13 scenarios were developed. The first scenario served as a basis for the other scenarios, which were created as a sensitivity analysis. The result of the CBA showed a large socio-economic benefit and the most important parameter was identified as people’s willingness to pay for an increase of the wild salmonid stock in Klarälven. In the CBA, this parameter had a high uncertainty, as it was based on a survey performed for another project in another part of Sweden. It was found that in order for the socio-economic result to be positive, all households in Sweden must be willing to pay at least 35 SEK. As a complement to the CBA result, an evaluation regarding the marginal cost per fish was performed and an interval of 50-580 SEK per smolt was obtained. However, the calculations were based on several uncertainties and the interval should therefore be interpreted as a guideline rather than a precise result. It was concluded that in situations when a socio-economic analysis is required, and when it is possible to express consequences in monetary values, the method of CBA is appropriate. It is also a suitable methodology for evaluations of large projects, as it provides a comprehensible overview of the costs and the benefits. Despite the criticism directed towards CBA regarding uncertainties and its anthropogenic perspective, it could be concluded that using CBA as a socio-economic assessment method provides a perspicuous and quantitative result. Thus, the usage of CBA in prioritization processes of different environmental measures can be highly useful. Energiforsk’s CBA tool provides a framework with guidelines that can be highly useful and accelerate the analysis process. However, the performance of the tool version used in this thesis was not fully satisfactory due to a few malfunctions. The tool is still under development and it is likely that these errors will be adjusted in future versions. If the malfunctions in the tool would be adjusted, it could become useful for authorities, companies and other actors that wants to evaluate hydropower related environmental measures or when prioritizing between different project proposals to find the most beneficial environmental improvements in future permit processes.

Cost Evaluation of Seismic Load Resistant Structures Based on the Ductility Classes in Eurocode 8 / Kostnadsbedömning av konstruktioner påverkade av jordbävningslaster utifrån duktilitetsklasserna i Eurokod 8

Drivas, Georgios Valdemar January 2014 (has links)
Most people do not associate Scandinavia with seismic activity and earthquakes; however, there is in fact seismic activity in the region. Although in comparison with southern Europe the return periods of earthquakes with large magnitudes are quite long, itis critical to consider earthquake impact when designing structures. Earthquake impact is difficult to predict, but building standards provide guidance to safely designstructures based on statistical and empirical data specific to regional conditions andcircumstances. Crucial for the final impact and response of a structure is not only theground acceleration, but also the ground type, which can amplify seismic vibrationsand ultimately cause unfortunate damage to the structural elements. Since 2010 Eurocode 8, the European standards for seismic design has been in effectfor building structures in Norway. The main difference with the application of thestandards in Norway compared to Southern Europe is the choice between elastic andductile design in some cases. Presumably, the same design regulations are applicablefor design of structures in Sweden, because parts of Sweden share similar conditionsas in Norway. This master thesis examines the results of selecting between elastic andductile design based on an arbitrary finite element model, and ultimately, presentsthe differences in cost efficiency in both quantitative and qualitative measures. In the arbitrary structure that is analyzed, the lateral bearing system contains a concrete wall shaft. In order to evaluate profitability, the cost development of reinforcement in the walls, is analyzed based on ground acceleration and ductility class. Thestudy ultimately implies a breaking point when structures in ductility class mediumare more cost efficient than structures in ductility class low and vice versa, with thecondition that the governing lateral force is the seismic vibration and that the normalized axial force is less than 15% / Skandinavien förknippas inte i första hand med seismisk aktivitet och jordbävningar.I regionen förekommer seismisk aktivitet, dock är returperioderna för jordbävningarmed stor magnitud förhållandevis lång i relation till södra Europa. Jordbävningslasterär svåra att förutse, men byggnormerna vägleder till säkert utformande och dimensionering mot dess påverkan, baserat på statistiska och empiriska data för regionala förutsättningar och omständigheter. En avgörande faktor för konstruktioners inverkan och respons är inte endast markaccelerationen utan även marktypen som kanförstärka de seismiska vibrationerna och eventuellt orsaka skada på byggnader. I Norge används sedan 2010 de europeiska normerna för jordbävningsdimensionering, Eurokod 8. Den väsentliga skillnaden jämfört med utförandet av konstruktioneri södra Europa är att valet mellan elastiska och duktila utformanden ges i vissa fall.Hypotetiskt kan samma normer användas för dimensionering av byggnader i Sverige,eftersom vissa regioner i Sverige har samma förutsättningar som i Norge. I detta examensarbete undersöks valet mellan elastisk och duktil dimensionering medhjälp av finita element modellering av en godtycklig konstruktion samt en jämförelseav de två fallen som slutligen leder till en analys av kostnadseffektiviteten, både kvantitativt och kvalitativt. Det horisontella bärsystemet i den använda modellen är ett schakt bestående av betongväggar. För att kunna uppskatta lönsamheten analyseras kostnadsutvecklingenav armeringsinnehållet, beroende av markacceleration och duktilitetsklass. Studienhar resulterat i definitionen av en brytpunkt som anger när dimensionering enligtduktilitetsklass medium är effektivare än dimensionering enligt duktilitetsklass lågoch vice versa, under förutsättning att jordbävningslasten är dimensionerande ochden normaliserade axialkraften är lägre än 15%.

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