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Spéciation de l’arsenic dans les produits de la pêche par couplage HPLC/ICP-MS. Estimation de sa bioaccessibilité en ligne et applications à d'autres éléments traces métalliques d'intérêt / Speciation of arsenic in seafood by HPLC/ICP-MS. Estimation of its bioaccessibility online and applications to other trace metallic elements of interestLeufroy, Axelle 02 April 2012 (has links)
L'arsenic est un élément présent dans tous les compartiments de l'environnement, et les produits de la pêche représentent une source majeure d'exposition à l'arsenic par le biais de l'alimentation. Même s'il n'existe pas à ce jour de législation sur les teneurs en arsenic dans les aliments en France, les agences gouvernementales évaluent généralement les risques liés à la présence d'arsenic dans les produits de la pêche en se basant essentiellement sur la concentration totale de l'élément, sans tenir compte des différentes espèces présentes ni de leur bioaccessibilité. Par conséquent, le développement de méthodes d'analyse de spéciation revêt un intérêt particulier dans le cadre de l'évaluation des risques. La première partie de ce mémoire présente des informations générales sur les propriétés de l'arsenic, son occurrence dans les différents compartiments de l'environnement et sa toxicité, ainsi qu'une étude bibliographique des méthodes analytiques existantes pour étudier la spéciation de l'arsenic dans les matrices alimentaires, en particulier les produits de la pêche (extraction et séparation/détection). Les différentes approches pour l'évaluation de sa bioaccessibilité et de celle d'autres éléments traces métalliques d'intérêt sont également présentées. La deuxième partie de ces travaux porte sur la validation d'une méthode d'analyse de spéciation des principales espèces d'arsenic dans les produits la pêche (As(III), MA,DMA, As(V), AsB, TMAO, AsC) par couplage entre la chromatographie d'échange d'ions (IEC) et la spectrométrie de masse à plasma induit (ICP-MS) après extraction assistée par micro-ondes (MAE). L'évaluation des performances analytiques de la méthode, les contrôles qualités internes et externes mis en place et les différentes applications, en particulier les données d'occurrence des différentes espèces d'arsenic dans les produits de la pêche les plus consommés par la population française sont présentés et discutés. Dans la troisième partie, la bioaccessibilité maximale de l'arsenic et d'autres éléments d'intérêt est estimée à l'aide d'une méthode de lixiviation en ligne (impliquant la mesure en temps réel par ICP-MS de la fraction libérée par les différents fluides digestifs artificiels). La combinaison de ce procédé avec la méthode d'analyse de spéciation validée permet ainsi d'estimer la bioaccessibilité des différentes espèces d'arsenic. / Arsenic is an element present in all compartments of the environment, and seafood constitutes a major source of exposure to arsenic through human consumption. Although there is currently no legislation on arsenic in food in France, government agencies generally assess the safety of food items based solely on the total concentration of the element, without taking into account its different species or their bioaccessibility. Therefore, the development of speciation analysis methods is particularly relevant in the context of risk assessment. The first part of this thesis focuses on the properties of arsenic, its occurrence in the different compartments of the environment and its toxicity, and a literature review of existing analytical methods to study the speciation of arsenic in food matrices, especially seafood products (extraction and separation / detection). Different approaches for evaluating its bioaccessibility and that of other trace metals of interest are also presented.The second part of this work concerns the validation of a speciation analysis method for major arsenic species in seafood (As (III), MA, DMA, As (V), AsB, TMAO, AsC) by coupling ion exchange chromatography (IEC) with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after microwave-assisted extraction (MAE). Evaluation of the analytical performance of the method, internal and external quality controls in place and applications of the method, particularly occurrence data of arsenic species in seafood most consumed by the French population are presented and discussed. In the third part, the maximum bioaccessibility of arsenic and other elements of interest is assessed using a continuous leaching method (involving the real-time measurement by ICP-MS of the fraction released by the different artificial digestive fluids). By coupling this leaching method with the above validated speciation analysis method, the bioaccessibility of different arsenic species is also assessed.
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Contribution à l'étude de la séparation/extraction et à l'identification des composés du nickel et du vanadium dans un brut pétrolier / Contribution to the study of the separation / extraction and identification of nickel and vanadium compounds in a crude oil / Contribución al estudio de la separación / extracción e identificación de compuestos de V y Ni en el crudoGascon, German 11 December 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse sur le fractionnement des produits pétrolier a pour but de mieux caractériser certaines espèces métalliques, principalement le Nickel et le Vanadium. Dans un premier temps, ils ont permis de démontrer que les composés contenant du V et Ni présents dans ces matrices complexes sont essentiellement concentrés dans les fractions les plus polaires, à savoir, les résines et les asphaltènes. En ce qui concerne les composés soufrés, on a constaté qu'ils se concentrent dans les fractions résines et les aromatiques. Il a également été constaté que la teneur en composés contenant du V et Ni qui précipite avec les asphaltènes est linéairement lié au paramètre de solubilité du solvant utilisé pour la précipitation. Et pour des solvants aux paramètres de solubilité proche de 16 MPa0.5, le pourcentage d’asphaltènes soluble est augmenté. On conclut que le pourcentage réel des asphaltènes présents dans un brut est égal au pourcentage d'asphaltènes insolubles, plus un pourcentage d’asphaltènes soluble. On a constaté que ces types d’asphaltènes ont une distribution de poids moléculaire similaire à celle des asphaltènes insolubles, et non un poids moléculaire plus faible. En ce qui concerne la distribution des poids moléculaires des composés du V présents dans les échantillons évalués, au moins trois grandes distributions de poids moléculaires ont été identifiées. Il s’agit des composés de « high molecular weight », « medium molecular weight » et « low molecular weight ». Sur ces distributions, nous trouvons que les composés contenant du V, Ni et S sont, dans les asphaltènes, prédominant dans la fraction HMW et sont caractéristiques des composés nanoagrégés. En ce qui concerne les composés de type MMW, ils ont été observés dans une plus grande proportion dans les maltènes. Il est à noter la présence de composés de type HMW avec les maltènes, ce qui pour les raisons exposées ci-dessus, peut être considérée comme une preuve incontournable de la présence d’asphaltènes soluble dans les maltènes. A propos des méthodes de séparation développées, il a été possible de séparer les différentes distributions de poids moléculaires initialement identifiées chez les maltènes et les asphaltènes. Pour les maltènes, il a été possible d’extraire les différents composés contenant du V et Ni en fonction de leur poids moléculaire HMW, LMW et MMW. Cette extraction a été réalisé en utilisant des extractions liquide-liquide des maltènes dissous dans de l'heptane avec de l’ACN pour extraire les composés à bas poids moléculaire, suivie par une extraction avec du DMF pour extraire des composés MMW. La fraction restante des maltènes est composés surtout de composés HMW.Pour les asphaltènes, 11 solvants ont été évalués pour l'extraction des composés contenant du V et du Ni. Le profil des composés extraits a permis de séparer jusqu'à 4 distributions différentes de poids moléculaire avec du ACN, de l’acétone et du DMF utilisés séquentiellement. En ce qui concerne les composés de HMW, la fraction insoluble après extraction au DMF a un poids moléculaire plus élevé que la fraction soluble. Pour l'influence de la concentration sur la présence des composés contenant du Ni et V de HMW, il a été démontré que même dilué 40.000 fois, une solution asphaltènes (à 25 mg / L) contient toujours des composés de HMW et donc des nanoaggregat d’asphaltènes. Quant à la caractérisation des fractions extraite, seule la fraction correspondant aux poids moléculaires faibles (LMW) a été étudiée. La détermination de la distribution du poids moléculaire par spectrométrie de masse FT ICR MS et la comparaison du chromatogramme par GPC ICP MS suggère que ces composés contenant du V et du Ni présent dans la fraction LMW sont des métalloporphyrines libre avec des structures brutes assez simples. Ces travaux vont permettre d’ouvrir la voie à une caractérisation plus approfondie des différentes fractions obtenus et ainsi de permettre une meilleure connaissance des pétroles lourds. / This PhD work were mainly dedicated to the fractionation of crude oil and petroleum products in order to better caracterize metals compounds (mainly V and Ni) in these complex matrices. It was determined that V and Ni compounds present in the crude oils and residues are concentrated mainly in their more polar fractions, that is to say, resins and asphaltenes. Concerning sulfur compounds, it was found that they are concentrate in the resins and aromatics fractions. All these results were similar to reported in the literature.It was also found the content of V and Ni compounds that precipitate together with the asphaltenes depends linearly of solubility parameter of solvent used for the precipitation of asphaltenes, so, for solvents with solubility parameters close to 16 MPa0.5, the percentage of asphaltene soluble increases. So it can be concluded the true percentage of asphaltenes present in the crude oil is equal to the percentage of insoluble asphaltenes plus the percentage of soluble asphaltenes. For this type of asphaltenes, it was found that they have a molecular weight distribution very similar to insoluble asphaltenes, and not a lower molecular weight, as originally thought (Speight and Mitchell, 1973).With respect to the distribution of molecular weights for the V compounds present in the samples evaluated, at least three molecular weight distributions were identified. Those were identified as compounds with high molecular weight (HMW), medium molecular weight (MMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) following the nomenclature previously reported in the literature. (Desprez et al., 2014).On these distributions, we has found that compounds of V, Ni and S with HMW predominate in the asphaltenes, which is characteristic of nanoaggregate compounds. With respect to the compounds with MMW, these were observed in a greater proportion in maltenes. It should be noted the presence of compounds with HMW in all maltenes evaluated, which for the reasons discussed above, can be considered an unavoidable evidence of the presence of soluble asphaltenes.With respect to the separation/extraction methods developed, it was possible to separate the different distributions of molecular weights initially identified in maltenes and asphaltenes. In the case of maltenes, for the first time in the literature it was possible to extract the various compounds of V and Ni present in these according to their molecular weight. For the separation in maltenes, liquid-liquid extractions on maltene dissolved in heptane were developed. So, with ACN, it has been possible to extract LMW compounds, while extractions with DMF allowed extracting MMW compounds, staying in the remaining maltene mostly compounds with HMW.For the asphaltene extraction, 11 solvents were evaluated. The study of profile obtained to each extract and remanent, allowed to pose a separation scheme that enabled to get up to 4 different molecular weight distributions. These were obtained with ACN, Acetone and DMF used sequentially. It is important to mention it was found that the insoluble fraction gotten with DMF had the highest molecular weight, even in comparison with the HMW asphaltenes soluble in DMF.With respect to the influence of the concentration on the aggregated compounds, it was found that this does not influence on the presence of compounds with HMW. Nanogregate were found in a solution of asphaltenes diluted 40,000 times (25 mg / L).Regarding the characterization of the extracted fractions, only the fraction corresponding to low molecular weights was studied. Determination of the molecular weight distribution by mass spectrometry and comparison of the GPC ICP MS chromatogram with a porphyrin standards, suggests that these V and Ni compounds present in LMW fraction has a structures quite simple. A deeper characterization will be presented in later work. / Se determinó que los compuestos de V y Ni presentes en los crudos y residuos evaluados se concentran principalmente en su fracciones más polares, es decir, resinas y asfaltenos. Con respecto a los compuestos de azufre, se encontró que los mismos se concentran en las resinas y aromáticos. Todos estos resultados fueron similares a lo reportado en la literatura. Igualmente se encontró que el contenido de compuestos de V y Ni que precipitan junto con los asfaltenos depende linealmente del parámetro de solubilidad del solvente usado para la precipitación de los asfaltenos, así para solventes con parámetros de solubilidad cercanos a 16 MPa0.5, el porcentaje de se asfalteno soluble incrementa, por lo que se puede concluir que el porcentaje verdadero de asfaltenos presente en el crudo es igual al porcentaje de asfaltenos insoluble más el porcentaje de asfaltenos solubles. Sobre este tipo de asfaltenos, se encontró que los mismos poseen una distribución de pesos moleculares muy similar a la de los asfaltenos insolubles, y no un peso molecular mucho menor, como se pensaba en un principio. Con respecto a la distribución de pesos moleculares para los compuestos de V presentes en las muestras evaluadas, se identificaron al menos tres grandes distribuciones de pesos moleculares. Las mismas se identificaron como compuestos con alto peso molecular o high molecular weight (HMW en inglés), medio peso molecular o medium molecular weight (MMW en inglés) y bajo peso molecular o low molecular weight (LMW por sus siglas en inglés) siguiendo la nomenclatura reportada previamente en la literatura. Sobre estas distribuciones, encontramos que en los asfaltenos predominan compuestos de V, Ni y S con HMW, el cual es característicos de compuestos agregados. Con respecto a los compuestos con MMW, estos fueron observados en mayor proporción en los maltenos. Es de hacer notar la presencia de compuestos con HMW en todos los maltenos evaluados, la cual por las razones antes expuestas, puede ser considerada una evidencia ineludible de la presencia de asfaltenos solubles. Con respecto a los métodos de separación desarrollados, fue posible la separación de las diferentes distribuciones de pesos moleculares inicialmente identificadas en los maltenos y asfaltenos. En el caso de los maltenos, por primera vez en la literatura fue posible separar los diversos compuestos de V y Ni en función de su peso molecular en HMW, MMW y LMW. La separación si hizo empleando extracciones líquido-líquido a maltenos disueltos en heptano con acetonitrilo para la extracción de compuestos con LMW, seguido de extracciones con dimetilformamida para la extracción de compuestos con MMW, quedando en el malteno remanente de la extracción, mayoritariamente compuestos con HMW. Para los asfaltenos, se evaluaron hasta 11 solventes en la extracción de compuestos de V y Ni. El perfil de los compuestos extraídos, permitió separar hasta 4 distribuciones de pesos moleculares diferentes con ACN, acetona y DMF usados secuencialmente. Con respecto a los compuestos con HMW, se encontró que la fracción insoluble con DMF presenta un mayor peso molecular que los asfaltenos con HMW solubles en estos. Con respecto a la influencia de la concentración en la determinación de compuestos con HMW la caracterización de los compuestos de V y Ni, los mismos fueron determinados aun en una solución de asfaltenos diluida 40.000 veces (25 mg/L). En lo referente a la caracterización de las fracciones separadas, solo fue estudiada inicialmente la fracción correspondiente a bajos pesos moleculares. En la misma, la determinación de la distribución de pesos moleculares por espectrometría de masa y la comparación en el cromatograma por GPC-ICP MS de estándares porfirínicos, sugiere que estos compuestos de V y Ni con LMW son metaloporfirinas simples presentes en el crudo con estructuras bastantes sencillas. Una caracterización más profunda será presentada en trabajo posteriores para esta y las demás fracciones.
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Enregistrement des variations climatiques par les éléments traces dans les spéléothèmes / Trace element speleothem record of climatic variations from speleothemsBourdin, Clément 17 September 2012 (has links)
Les spéléothèmes (concrétions carbonatées se formant dans les zones karstiques) sont des archives paleo-climatiques reconnues, dont l’intérêt majeur est de pouvoir être datées précisément par la méthode Uranium-Thorium. En revanche, les traceurs traditionnellement utilisés pour reconstruire les climats passés à partir de ces objets géologiques ne sont pas directement quantifiables en termes de paramètres climatiques comme la température moyenne, ou la quantité de précipitation. Les variations des concentrations en éléments traces contenus dans les spéléothèmes ont pu être relié dans certains sites aux changements climatiques passés, mais des doutes existent sur la robustesse de leur signal au sein d’une même grotte et entre différents sites.Nous nous sommes appliqués à déterminer les variations au cours des 50 000 dernières années de plusieurs catégories d’éléments (alcalino-terreux, uranium, et terres rares) dans des stalagmites de deux grottes situées dans le sud de la France (les grottes de Villars en Dordogne et de Chauvet en Ardèche), par spectrométrie ICP-MS. Les spéléothèmes sélectionnés ont déjà été datés et ont enregistré les variations paleo-environnementales à travers les isotopes stables de la calcite. Trois périodes d’étude caractérisées par des changements particuliers sont étudiées: le stade isotopique 3 de la dernière période glaciaire (~50-30 ka), la dernière déglaciation (~20-10 ka) et la fin de l’Holocène (~2-0 ka).Le signal des variations des alcalino-terreux à Villars pendant le stade isotopique 3 est significatif et robuste. La variabilité du strontium notamment, qui provient de processus hydrologiques intra-karst, suit les événements climatiques rapides enregistrés dans l’hémisphère Nord. D’autre part, le comportement de nombreux éléments traces pendant la déglaciation est similaire entre les grottes de Villars et de Chauvet. Enfin, des changements du couvert végétal sont probablement à l’origine des changements synchrones enregistrés par les éléments traces et les isotopes stables de la calcite au cours des deux derniers millénaires à Villars.Par ailleurs, l’étude des coefficients de partition des alcalino-terreux, de l’uranium et des terres rares dans des conditions variées montre l’importante de la variabilité inter-site de leur partitionnement. / Calcareous deposits forming within caves, also known as speleothems, have become acknowledged paleoclimatic archives. One of their main interests is that they can be absolutely dated by Uranium-Thorium methods. However, traditionally used speleothem climatic proxies cannot be directly translated into environmental variables such as the mean annual temperature or the amount of annual rainfall. In some contexts, the variations of trace element concentrations in speleothem calcite could be linked to past climatic changes, but the robustness of trace element signals between speleothems of the same or nearby caves is still questionable.We determined by ICP-MS the concentrations of several families of chemical elements (alkaline-earth metals, uranium, rare-earth elements) in stalagmites from two caves located in Southern France (Villars cave in Dordogne and Chauvet Cave in Ardèche) spanning the last 50,000 years. The selected speleothems had already been dated and their stable isotope profiles had proven to record paleoenvironmental fluctuations occurring during three separate periods: the Marine Isotopic Stage 3 or MIS 3 (~50-30 ka), the Last Deglaciation (~20-10 ka), and the end of the Holocene (~2-0 ka).Variations of alkaline-earth metals recorded in two stalagmites from Villars Cave during MIS 3 are significant and robust. Notably, Sr concentrations follow the rapid climatic changes recorded in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, several trace elements behave similarly during the Last Deglaciation in the Villars and the Chauvet Cave. Finally, changes of the vegetation cover above the cave are likely to have caused the synchronous fluctuations of the trace element and stable isotope contents that happened during the last two thousand years in Villars speleothems.Lastly, the partition coefficients of alkaline-earth metals, uranium and rare-earth elements were measured in different sites and conditions and proved to be very site-dependent.
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Desenvolvimento de metodologias utilizadas nas áreas de salvaguardas e forense nuclear baseadas na técnica LA-HR-ICP-MS / Development of methodologies used in Nuclear Safeguards and Nuclear Forensic based on LA-HR-ICP-MS techniqueMarin, Rafael Coelho 14 November 2013 (has links)
A amostragem ambiental por esfregaço ou swipe samples é uma metodologia que vem sendo empregada rotineiramente pela Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA) para verificar se os Estados signatários do Acordo de Salvaguardas estão realizando atividades nucleares não declaradas. A análise dessas amostras ambientais é complementar aos procedimentos de salvaguardas convencionais para a verificação das informações cedidas pelos Estados. Neste trabalho, foi descrita uma metodologia que visa a fortalecer os processos de salvaguarda nuclear e da ciência forense nuclear no país. A proposta é estudar e avaliar a técnica de ablação à laser acoplada a um espectrômetro de massa de alta resolução com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado (LA-HR-ICP-MS Laser Ablation High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), como técnica alternativa para a análise das amostras de esfregaço. Adicionalmente, foram empregadas outras técnicas complementares (atividade radioativa, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva) com o intuito de garantir maior segurança ao processo de inspeção de salvaguardas e investigações forenses nucleares. A precisão, medida através do desvio padrão relativo (DPR),dos resultados obtidos para as razões isotópicas 234U/238U, 235U/238U e 236U/238U do padrão analisado (CRM -125A) para a medida do fator de discriminação de massa foram, respectivamente, 1,3 %, 0,2 % e 7,6 %. Já as incertezas percentuais (u %), que também contemplam o DPR das medições, variaram de 3,5 % a 29,8 % para as medições da razão isotópica 235U/238U e de 16,6 % a 42,9 % para a razão isotópica 234U/238U. Esses valores mostraram-se compatíveis com outros estudos que utilizaram a mesma técnica para análise de amostras reais coletadas em uma instalação nuclear. As amostras coletadas apresentaram nível de enriquecimento que variou de (2,3 ± 0,7) % (amostra 3 corredor de acesso à instalação) a (17,3 ± 2,8) % (amostra 18 bancada de recuperação de UF4). A partir da coleta de amostras nesses diversos pontos, desde a entrada da instalação até a bancada em que se manuseia o urânio enriquecido, foi possível detectar diversos níveis de enriquecimento no isótopo 235U. / Environmental sampling performed by means of swipe samples is a methodology frequently employed by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to verify if the signatory States of the Safeguards Agreements are conducing unauthorized activities. Swipe samples analysis is complementary to the Safeguards ordinary procedures used to verify the information given by the States. In this work it was described a methodology intending to strengthen the nuclear safeguards and nuclear forensics procedures. The proposal is to study and evaluate the laser ablation high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-HR-ICP-MS) technique as an alternative to analyze the real-life swipe samples. The precision achieved through the standard(CRM -125A)measurements, represented by the relative standard deviation (RSD), was respectively 1.3 %, 0.2 % e 7.6 %for the 234U/238U, 235U/238U e 236U/238Uisotopes ratios. The percent uncertainties (u %), which covers the RSD, ranged from 3.5 % to 29.8 % to the 235U/238U measurements and from 16.6 % to 42.9 % to the 234U/238U isotope ratio. These results were compatible with former studies performed by the LA-HR-ICP-MS that analyzed real-life swipe samples collected at a nuclear facility. Swipe samples collected from several points of the nuclear facility presented enrichment level ranging from (2.3 ± 0.7) % (sample 3) to (17.3 ± 2.8) % (sample18). They also allowed detecting different enrichment levels within the facility.
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[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um
método analítico
para determinação simultânea de elementos na faixa de
concentração de traços
em óleos através das técnicas de espectrometria de massas
espectrometria de emissão ótica (ICPOES), ambas com
acoplado, após procedimento de digestão em equipamento de
mineralização que
trabalha sob altas temperaturas (300 °C) e pressões (100
bar). A digestão dos
petróleos foi realizada em frascos fechados de quartzo de
volume de 90 mL
utilizando-se uma mistura de ácido nítrico e peróxido de
concentrado, de elevada pureza. Foram avaliadas as
melhores condições de
digestão dos petróleos, possíveis interferentes
resultantes das matrizes formadas
durante o processo de digestão e as condições
para a determinação
simultânea dos elementos de interesse. O teor de carbono
residual foi
determinado para avaliar a extensão do processo de
digestão e possíveis
interferências em ambas às técnicas utilizadas. O efeito
da concentração residual
de ácido nítrico na intensidade dos sinais analíticos foi
estudado, bem como o
desempenho de diferentes padrões internos para corrigi-
Curvas analíticas
com lineariadades r2 > 0,999 foram obtidas para a maioria
do elementos
determinados e limites de detecção (LDM-3(sigma)): < 1 (mi)
para Sb, Be, Cr, Co,
Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Hg, Ni, Ag, Na, Sr, Ti, V, Zn, ETR,
EGP, e na faixa de 1 a
10 (mi)g kg-1, para Al, Ba, Cd, Pb, K, Se. O método foi
validado através da
quantificação de elementos certificados nas amostras de
referência NIST 1634c e
NIST 1084a, obtendo-se repetitividades e exatidões
melhores que 5% para a
maioria deles. / [en] An analytical procedure was developed for the
determination of trace
elements in crude oil by inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICPMS)
and inductively coupled plasma optical emission
spectrometry (ICPOES) after
sample digestion in a high pressure asher system operating
at 100 bar and a
temperature of 300 °C. Wet digestion was performed in
closed quartz vessels of
90 mL volume using high purity nitric acid and hydrogen
peroxide. Best
conditions for the digestion of petroleum samples were
studied and possible
interferences caused by the resulting matrix were
evaluated, as well as best
measuring conditions for the analytes of interest.
Residual carbon content was
determined in order to assess the completeness of
digestion and interferences
caused by this element in both techniques. The effect of
residual acid
concentration on the analytical signals were studied, as
well as the performance of
different internal standards for its correction. Linear
analytical curves (r2 >0.999)
were obtained and method detection limits (MDL - 3(sigma))
(mi)g kg-1 for Sb, Be,
Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Hg, Ni, Ag, Na, Sr, Ti, V, Zn,
ETR, EGP, and in the
range of 1 to 10 (mi)g kg-1 for Al, Ba, Cd, Pb, K and Se
obtained. Method
validation was performed by quantification of certified
elements in two standard
reference materials (NIST: 1634c; 1084a) resulting in
repeatabilities and
accuracies of better than 5 % for most of the elements
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Caracterização química, física e isotópica de U3Si2 para fins forenses nucleares / Chemical, physical and isotopic characterization of U3Si2, for nuclear forensics purposesDaniele Scarpim Rosa 29 August 2011 (has links)
No início dos anos 90, os primeiros indícios do tráfico ilícito de materiais nucleares e radioativos foram observados principalmente na região européia. Uma década marcada por inúmeros casos de apreensão desse tipo de material. Como resultado, esses atos passaram a ser alvo de investigações criminais forenses, desenvolvendo-se a partir daí, a ciência forense nuclear. No Brasil não há registros oficiais do tráfico ilícito de material nuclear, entretanto, é amplamente conhecida a extração e o transporte ilegal de materiais geológicos radioativos, assim como a apreensão de fragmentos de materiais utilizados como blindagem de fontes radioativas. Uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na ciência forense nuclear consiste no estabelecimento de bancos de dados de materiais nucleares. Esses documentos devem conter o maior número possível de informações sobre as características físicas, químicas e nucleares do material apreendido, permitindo a identificação de sua origem, processo de fabricação ou mesmo a idade (age). Assim, se estabelecem padrões de composição característicos de cada material, denominados assinaturas químicas (chemical finger print). Nesse trabalho foi adotado o protocolo forense nuclear seguindo as três etapas de avaliação sugeridas pela Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA) na identificação da origem de Siliceto de urânio (U3Si2). Realizaram-se ensaios de caracterização física, química e isotópica dos materiais em estudo e compararam-se os dados com aqueles obtidos para outros compostos de urânio (Tetrafluoreto de urânio, UF4; óxidos de urânio, UO2 e U3O8; tricarbonato de amônio e uranila, TCAU) estabelecendo-se uma assinatura característica para cada um. A partir dos resultados foi possível classificar os compostos por grupos de origem, uma vez que são provenientes de diferentes processos de fabricação e/ ou origem. Demonstrou-se também a importância da criação e manutenção de um banco de dados nuclear na investigação de um evento forense nuclear. / In the early 1990´s, the first illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials was observed mainly in Europe. A decade marked by numerous cases of seizures of these materials. As a result, these events have become the subject of criminal forensic investigations and develop from there, nuclear forensics. In Brazil there are no illicit trafficking official records of nuclear material, however, is widely known the extraction and illegal transportation of radioactive geological materials, and the materials pieces attachment used as shielding for radioactive sources. One of the main tools used in nuclear forensics is the nuclear materials databases establishment. These documents must contain the most information as possible about the physical, chemical and nuclear material seized, allowing the identification of their origin, manufacturing process or age. Thus, it sets characteristic composition standards of each material, called \"chemical signatures (chemical finger print). In this work nuclear forensic protocol was adopted as well as the three stages of assessment suggested by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in identifying the origin of uranium silicide (U3Si2). Assays were performed in order to make physical, chemical and isotopic characterization of the studied materials and compared the data with those obtained for other uranium compounds (Uranium tetrafluoride, UF4; uranium oxide, UO2 and U3O8; Yellow cake) by establishing a characteristic signature for each one. Through the assays the uranium compounds were classify by origin groups, as far as they are from different manufactured process and/ or origin. It was also possible to show the importance of a nuclear forensic database during an investigation of a nuclear forensic event.
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Determinação macro e microelementos em adoçantes dietéticos por ICP OES / Determination macro and microelements in dietetic sweetener by ICP OESPorfirio, Darilena Monteiro 16 June 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo foi determinado o conteúdo de metais em adoçantes dietéticos de mesa, consumidos por um número crescente de pessoas preocupadas em manter a forma física e restringir o nível calórico da dieta havendo ou não recomendação médica. Foram coletadas 26 amostras de adoçantes dietéticos distribuídos no mercado de São Paulo, em uma grande variedade de apresentações, produtos, composições e marcas. Como a composição é dependente da produção, esta análise é indispensável ao controle da qualidade e relevante à saúde do consumidor. A Espectrometria de Emissão Óptica com Fonte de Plasma Indutivamente Acoplado (ICP OES) com vista axial, mostrou-se adequada determinação dos macronutrientes Na, K, Ca, Mg e dos microelementos essenciais Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, Mn e Se, dos potencialmente tóxicos AI, Ni, As, Cd e Pb em adoçantes sólidos e líquidos, atendendo as exigências da legislação brasileira. Assim, foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre as determinações utilizando as metodologias clássicas de pré-tratamento da amostra, como o resíduo de cinzas, a dissolução ácida com aquecimento por microondas com o procedimento sem tratamento prévio das amostras, visando facilitar a análise, uma vez que esta é a etapa que mais consome tempo e esforços. A determinação simultânea do espectro favoreceu a análise, uma vez que 74 comprimentos de onda puderam ser selecionados sem aumento no tempo ou no custo de análise, auxiliando na seleção de 36 linhas analíticas mais adequadas (livre de interferências) à determinação sem tratamento prévio da amostra. Nenhuma amostra de adoçante excedeu o valor recomendado para o somatório dos contaminantes inorgânicos (Aspartame < 10 µg g-1 e Sacarina < 20 µg g-1). No entanto, 6 marcas de adoçantes em pó excederam o valor limite da legislação para As (1,0 µg g-1), excederam o valor para Cr total (0,1 µg g-1) e 2 marcas de adoçante líquido excederam o valor para Ni (0,1 µg g-1). Mostrando que os adoçantes em pó apresentam (≈5 µg g-1) níveis maiores de metais potencialmente tóxicos que os adoçantes líquidos (≈2,O µg mL-1). / The metal content in artificial sweetener usually consumed by a growing population concerned to keep body shape and to restrict the diet caloric content, by medical recommendation or not, was measured. The samples were 26 artificial sweeteners available at São Paulo\'s market, under different forms, and several suppliers, with various sweetener composition, and brands. Because the composition depends on manufacture factors, this analysis is mandatory for quality control and relevant for the user health. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission with axial view has demonstrated to be an appropriated technique to determine the macronutrient content, such as Na, K, Ca, Mg and essential microelements such as Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, Mn and Se, besides the potentially toxic elements such as AI, Ni, As, Cd and Pb in solid and liquid sweeteners in accordance with to the Brazilian regulation. It was also performed a comparative study of the sample preparation methodology, using classical sample pretreatment, such as burning to ashes, and acid dissolution with microwave heating and a procedure without prior sample treatment (dissolution and/or convenient dilution), aiming at facilitating the analysis of dietetic sweetener because this step is the most time and labor consuming. The analysis was simplified using the simultaneous spectra acquisition, once 74 wavelengths were selected without time or cost increase, and helping the identification of 36 appropriate analytical lines (free from interferences) to apply to the samples determination without prior treatment. None sweetener exceeded the recommended value of inorganic contaminant (for aspartame samples the value was below 10 µg g-1 and for saccharine samples that was below 20 µg g-1). However, 6 brands of artificial sweetener in powder exceeded the legislation limit value for As (1.0 µg g-1), and other 7 brands exceeded the Cr recommended maximum value (0.1 µg g-1). Other 2 brands of Iiquid sweetener exceeded the Ni recommended maximum value. Therefore, for ali samples, the artificial sweetener in powder presented higher levels of potentially toxic metais (≈5µg g-1) than those in a Iiquid presentation (≈2.0 µg mL-1).
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Estudo de métodos para determinação total, fracionamento e análise de especiação elementar em fertilizantes base orgânica / Methods development for total elements determination, fractionating and speciation analysis on organic fertilizersAlbuquerque, Luiza Gimenes Rodrigues 08 December 2017 (has links)
A aplicação de fertilizantes aos solos é frequente devido à atual demanda mundial pela produção de alimentos e às projeções feitas para o futuro. Fertilizantes orgânicos têm sido uma opção amplamente explorada devido ao seu preço, possibilidade de reuso de resíduos agriculturais e urbanos, além do caráter sustentável. Podem ser provenientes de diversas origens como lodo de esgoto, estercos e restos de animais e vegetais submetidos a processos de compostagem. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido método para determinação elementar total em fertilizantes orgânicos, substratos e condicionadores de solo, e realizados estudos de fracionamento e análise de especiação em fertilizante orgânico. Assim, foi realizada a caracterização geral das amostras com fracionamento por tamanho de partícula, análises dos teores de C e N, difração de Raios-X e determinação elementar total. Para este último, foi desenvolvido método de digestão assistida por radiação micro-ondas, com análise por ICP OES. O procedimento foi otimizado para diferentes misturas ácidas, as quais foram avaliadas quanto aos erros relativos para diversos elementos em CRM de lodo de esgoto, utilizando PCA como ferramenta estatística. A mistura escolhida, constituída por 3 mL HNO3 + 1 mL HBF4 + 2 mL H2O, foi utilizada para digestão das amostras. Apenas a concentração total não traz informações a respeito da mobilidade e disponibilidade dos elementos, então estudos de fracionamento elementar também foram realizados. Na primeira abordagem foi executado fracionamento por tamanho de partícula, no qual foi observado que quanto menor o tamanho de partícula menor o teor de C e maior o teor de N, e maior a concentração de micronutrientes e contaminantes (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn), indicando que estes elementos podem estar mais associados a frações com mais características inorgânicas e maior teor de humificação (dado pela razão C/N). A segunda abordagem refere-se à associação dos elementos com diferentes componentes da matriz seguindo o procedimento de extração sequencial do BCR e extrações em etapa única para avaliar a mobilidade, sendo os extratos analisados por ICP-MS. O elemento Cr mostrou baixa mobilidade e bioacessibilidade. Cu está associado, principalmente, à fração orgânica da matriz, porém também pouco móvel. Fe e Pb também apresentaram baixa mobilidade e associados, principalmente, a óxidos da amostra. Mn e Zn mostraram alta mobilidade, sendo também associados a matéria orgânica e aos óxidos. A análise de especiação dos extratos obtidos foi realizada por SEC-ICP-MS, de modo a investigar a associação dos elementos extraídos com ácidos húmicos e fúlvicos. Nenhum sinal de Cr estava relacionado com a matéria orgânica, enquanto que os elementos Cu, Fe e Pb mostraram associação com ácidos húmicos. Mn apresentou espécies associadas a ácidos fúlvicos, enquanto que o Zn, não está associado a espécies orgânicas. / Fertilizers are frequently applied to soils due to actual global food demand and its future projections. Organic fertilizers have been extensively employed due to its price, as a reuse possibility to agricultural and urban wastes, and its sustainable character. They can be prepared from various sources, such as sewage sludge, manure and plants and animal scraps, submitted to composting process. In this work, it was developed a total elements determination method, as well as fractionating studies and speciation analysis of organic fertilizer. Thus, organic fertilizer samples were generally characterized using particle size fractionating, C and N content analysis, X-Ray diffraction and total elements determination. To the last, it was developed a sample preparation method by microwave-assisted digestion and ICP OES analysis. Digestion procedure was optimized using various acid mixtures, which were evaluated due to its relative errors related to sewage sludge CRM values, using PCA as a statistical tool. The chosen acid mixture constituted of 3 mL HNO3 + 1 mL HBF4 + 2 mL H2O was applied to samples digestion and their total elements determination. As total concentration is not enough to predict elements mobility and bioavailability, fractionation studies were conducted. The first approach was the particle size fractionation, were it was observed that the smaller the particle size the higher the micronutrients and contaminants concentration (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn), along with lower C contents and higher N contents, indicating that these elements are associated with inorganic fractions, or with highly humified compounds (due to the lower C/N ratio). A second approach refers to elements association with various matrix components, using BCR and single-step extraction procedures to investigate elements mobility and bioavailability, with ICP-MS analysis of extracts. Cr was poorly mobile and bioavailable. Cu was bound to organic fraction, but also poorly mobile and bioavailable. Fe and Pb were also weakly mobile, and were mostly associated with oxides on matrix. Mn and Zn were greatly mobile and bioavailable, and were also mainly associated with oxides on matrix. Speciation analysis of extract was performed by SEC-ICP-MS, investigating elements association with humic and fulvic acids on previous extracts. Cr could not be associated with any humic substance, as expected with previous extractions results. Cu, Fe and Pb had identifiable species associated with humic acids, while Mn was associated with fulvic acids. Zn, even though high mobile, was not associated with any organic species.
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Estudo de métodos para determinação total, fracionamento e análise de especiação elementar em fertilizantes base orgânica / Methods development for total elements determination, fractionating and speciation analysis on organic fertilizersLuiza Gimenes Rodrigues Albuquerque 08 December 2017 (has links)
A aplicação de fertilizantes aos solos é frequente devido à atual demanda mundial pela produção de alimentos e às projeções feitas para o futuro. Fertilizantes orgânicos têm sido uma opção amplamente explorada devido ao seu preço, possibilidade de reuso de resíduos agriculturais e urbanos, além do caráter sustentável. Podem ser provenientes de diversas origens como lodo de esgoto, estercos e restos de animais e vegetais submetidos a processos de compostagem. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido método para determinação elementar total em fertilizantes orgânicos, substratos e condicionadores de solo, e realizados estudos de fracionamento e análise de especiação em fertilizante orgânico. Assim, foi realizada a caracterização geral das amostras com fracionamento por tamanho de partícula, análises dos teores de C e N, difração de Raios-X e determinação elementar total. Para este último, foi desenvolvido método de digestão assistida por radiação micro-ondas, com análise por ICP OES. O procedimento foi otimizado para diferentes misturas ácidas, as quais foram avaliadas quanto aos erros relativos para diversos elementos em CRM de lodo de esgoto, utilizando PCA como ferramenta estatística. A mistura escolhida, constituída por 3 mL HNO3 + 1 mL HBF4 + 2 mL H2O, foi utilizada para digestão das amostras. Apenas a concentração total não traz informações a respeito da mobilidade e disponibilidade dos elementos, então estudos de fracionamento elementar também foram realizados. Na primeira abordagem foi executado fracionamento por tamanho de partícula, no qual foi observado que quanto menor o tamanho de partícula menor o teor de C e maior o teor de N, e maior a concentração de micronutrientes e contaminantes (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn), indicando que estes elementos podem estar mais associados a frações com mais características inorgânicas e maior teor de humificação (dado pela razão C/N). A segunda abordagem refere-se à associação dos elementos com diferentes componentes da matriz seguindo o procedimento de extração sequencial do BCR e extrações em etapa única para avaliar a mobilidade, sendo os extratos analisados por ICP-MS. O elemento Cr mostrou baixa mobilidade e bioacessibilidade. Cu está associado, principalmente, à fração orgânica da matriz, porém também pouco móvel. Fe e Pb também apresentaram baixa mobilidade e associados, principalmente, a óxidos da amostra. Mn e Zn mostraram alta mobilidade, sendo também associados a matéria orgânica e aos óxidos. A análise de especiação dos extratos obtidos foi realizada por SEC-ICP-MS, de modo a investigar a associação dos elementos extraídos com ácidos húmicos e fúlvicos. Nenhum sinal de Cr estava relacionado com a matéria orgânica, enquanto que os elementos Cu, Fe e Pb mostraram associação com ácidos húmicos. Mn apresentou espécies associadas a ácidos fúlvicos, enquanto que o Zn, não está associado a espécies orgânicas. / Fertilizers are frequently applied to soils due to actual global food demand and its future projections. Organic fertilizers have been extensively employed due to its price, as a reuse possibility to agricultural and urban wastes, and its sustainable character. They can be prepared from various sources, such as sewage sludge, manure and plants and animal scraps, submitted to composting process. In this work, it was developed a total elements determination method, as well as fractionating studies and speciation analysis of organic fertilizer. Thus, organic fertilizer samples were generally characterized using particle size fractionating, C and N content analysis, X-Ray diffraction and total elements determination. To the last, it was developed a sample preparation method by microwave-assisted digestion and ICP OES analysis. Digestion procedure was optimized using various acid mixtures, which were evaluated due to its relative errors related to sewage sludge CRM values, using PCA as a statistical tool. The chosen acid mixture constituted of 3 mL HNO3 + 1 mL HBF4 + 2 mL H2O was applied to samples digestion and their total elements determination. As total concentration is not enough to predict elements mobility and bioavailability, fractionation studies were conducted. The first approach was the particle size fractionation, were it was observed that the smaller the particle size the higher the micronutrients and contaminants concentration (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn), along with lower C contents and higher N contents, indicating that these elements are associated with inorganic fractions, or with highly humified compounds (due to the lower C/N ratio). A second approach refers to elements association with various matrix components, using BCR and single-step extraction procedures to investigate elements mobility and bioavailability, with ICP-MS analysis of extracts. Cr was poorly mobile and bioavailable. Cu was bound to organic fraction, but also poorly mobile and bioavailable. Fe and Pb were also weakly mobile, and were mostly associated with oxides on matrix. Mn and Zn were greatly mobile and bioavailable, and were also mainly associated with oxides on matrix. Speciation analysis of extract was performed by SEC-ICP-MS, investigating elements association with humic and fulvic acids on previous extracts. Cr could not be associated with any humic substance, as expected with previous extractions results. Cu, Fe and Pb had identifiable species associated with humic acids, while Mn was associated with fulvic acids. Zn, even though high mobile, was not associated with any organic species.
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Le marquage des peptides avec des métaux et détection par MS et l'optimisation des procédures de l'extraction de métalloprotéin dans les échantillons biologiques à des fins de protéomique / Peptide labeling with metals using MS detection and optimization of metalloprotein extraction procedures in biological samples with proteomic purposesLyrio Tenorio Correia, Carolina 10 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a développé une nouvelle méthode pour l'identification et la quantification des peptides, par l'optimisation de certaines stratégies disponibles appropriées pour le marquage des peptides avec des métaux lanthanide, une séparation par nano-HPLC et détection UV, et suivi par MALDI MS. Tout d'abord, les peptides ont été marqués avec les trois métaux lanthanides différents et un réactif fonctionnel - DOTA. Les résultats montrent que la réaction de transformation en dérivé à l'aide du réactif chélateur DOTA-NHS-ester a été efficace pour des peptides individuels et des mélanges de peptides, vérifiées à partir de la relation m/z obtenue par MALDI MS. L'application optimisée d’un complexe (Cytochrome C digest) a montré des résultats comparables à ceux obtenus avec des peptides modèles. En parallèle, nous avons effectué l’optimisation pour la purification de métalloprotéine dans la bile de poisson, qui est signalée entant que biomarqueurs de contamination métallique de l'environnement. Des procédures différentes (différents moments de centrifugation et différentes températures de traitement thermique) et les agents (DTT, β-mercaptoéthanol et TCEP) réduisant ont été apliqués pour purifier les MT isolées de la bile et du foie des poissons (Oreochromis niloticus). Des analyses spectrophotométriques ont été utilisées pour quantifier les échantillons de MT, et le gel SDS-PAGE a été utilisé pour évaluer qualitativement les différents résultats de la procédure. Chaque procédure a en suíte été évaluée statistiquement, une méhtode des surfaces de réponse a été appliquée. Les MT de la bile semblent être plus adéquate pour la surveillance de l'environnement en ce qui concerne l'exposition récente à des xénobiotiques qui peuvent influer sur l'expression protéomique et metalloproteomique de cette matrice biologique. Une procédure d’exposition à des métaux dans le laboratoire a montré que les métaux étaient significativement importante pour l’évaluation de la contamination à partir de la quantification de MT, selon le traitement de données par une techinique de réseau neural. / This work developed a new method for the identification and quantification of peptides, by optimizing some of the available strategies suitable for labeling peptides with lanthanide metals with subsequent separation by nano-HPLC with UV detection, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). First, peptides were labeled with the three different lanthanide metals using a functional DOTA-based reagent. The results demonstrate that the derivatization reaction using the chelating reagent DOTA-NHS-ester was effective for single peptides and peptide mixtures, verified from the m/z relation obtained by MALDI MS. The application of the optimized method in a more complex matrix (Cytochrome C digest) showed results comparable to those obtained with model peptides. In parallel, environmental analyses were conducted, by performing the standardization of metalloprotein purification in fish bile, since this matrix has been reported as a biomarker for environmental metal contamination. Different procedures (varying centrifugation times and heat-treatment temperatures) and reducing agents (DTT, β-mercaptoethanol and TCEP) were applied to purify MT isolated from fish (Oreochromis niloticus) bile and liver. Spectrophotometrical analyses were used to quantify the resulting MT samples, and SDS-PAGE gels were used to qualitatively assess the different procedure results. Each procedure was then statistically evaluated. A response surface methodology was applied for bile samples, in order to further evaluate the responses for this matrix. In an environmental context, biliary MT was lower than liver MT, and, bile MT seems to be more adequate in environmental monitoring scopes regarding recent exposure to xenobiotics that may affect the proteomic and metalloproteomic expression of this biological matrix. A procedure for exposure to metals in the laboratory showed that some metals are significantly important for the assessment of contamination from the quantification of MT, according to the data processing by atifical neural network (ANN).
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