Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constrain"" "subject:"3dstrain""
1451 |
Ekokardiografi: jämförelse av erfarenhetens betydelse vid mätningar av strain och strain rate i vänster kammare / Echocardiography: a comparison of the significance of experience when measuring strain and strain rate in the left ventricleBaker, Sinan, Alcharif, Odai January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ekokardiografi har en betydande roll i diagnostisering av vänster kammare. Genom undersökning av segmentell och global longitudinell strain samt strain rate kan regional och global kinetik bedömas. Vid kontraktion och relaxation deformeras myokardiet varvid segmentell strain mäter deformationen av respektive segment uttryckt i procent medan strain rate mäter hastigheten av deformationen. Genom summering av medelvärdet från alla segment erhålls global longitudinell strain. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att jämföra ultraljudbaserade segmentell och global strain samt strain rate i vänster kammare. Jämförelse har gjorts mellan mätningar utförd av erfaren biomedicinsk analytiker samt mindre erfarna biomedicinska analytikerstudenter. Metod: Kvantitativ studie där 10 testpersoner undersökts ekokardiografiskt. Bildtagningen och mätresultaten insamlades med Siemens Acuson SC2000. Sammanställning av insamlade mätvärden gjordes på Microsoft Excel och Microsoft Word i diagram och tabeller. För jämförelse av strain segmentellt och globalt samt strain rate har analysmetoden Related-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test använts. Resultat: Resultatet visade enbart en statistisk signifikant skillnad (p <0,05) vid segmentell strain i basala segmenten i apikala projektioner mellan erfaren biomedicinsk analytiker och student 1. Konklusion: Datamaterialet är inte tillräckligt för att kunna generalisera resultatet till en större population. Det behövs fortsatta studier inom området för att dra en mer säkerställd slutsats. / Background: Echocardiography has a major role for assessment of the left ventricle. By using segmental and global longitudinal strain and strain rate both regional and global kinetics can be assessed. Segmental strain measures deformation of the myocardium as strain rate measures the velocity of the deformation. By summing the average from all segments, global longitudinal strain is obtained. Purpose: To compare heart ultrasound-based segmental and global strain and strain rate in the left ventricle. Comparisons have been made between experienced biomedical laboratory scientist and less experienced biomedical laboratory scientist’s students. Method: Quantitative study were 10 test subjects have been examined echocardiographically. Imaging and measurements were collected with Siemens Acuson SC2000. Compilation of collected measurements were made on Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word in charts and tables. For comparison of segmental and global strain and strain rate the analysis method Related-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test were used. Result: The result shows only one statistically significant difference (p <0.05) of segmental strain in the basal segments of apical projections between experienced biomedical laboratory scientist and student 1. Conclusion: The data material is not enough to generalize the result to a larger population. Further studies are needed to draw a more secure conclusion.
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Estudo comparativo da deformação a frio e da resistência à corrosão nos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos AISI 201 e AISI 304. / Comparative study of the cold deformation and corrosion resistance of AISI 201 and AISI 304 austenitic stainless steels.Viviane Lima de Morais 24 June 2010 (has links)
A crescente demanda de aplicações de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos e a constante pressão para redução de custo nas empresas siderúrgicas, devido à alta volatilidade no custo do níquel, resultaram em novos desenvolvimentos de aços da série 200. Esta nova classe de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos contém elevados teores de manganês e nitrogênio em substituição ao elemento níquel. A justificativa para a realização deste trabalho é a escassez de estudos comparativos entre aços inoxidáveis austeníticos da série 200 e série 300 disponíveis na literatura em relação ao comportamento da transformação de fase induzida pela deformação e da resistência à corrosão. Os principais fatores que afetam a microestrutura no endurecimento por deformação são: a energia de defeito de empilhamento, composição química, temperatura, grau, taxa e modo de deformação. Realizou-se uma análise crítica e adequação dos conceitos de níquel e cromo equivalente para os aços AISI 201 e AISI 304. Amostras desses aços foram solubilizadas, laminadas e racionadas em diferentes condições para caracterização microestrutural com o auxílio de técnicas de microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios X, ferritoscópio e microdureza. Curvas de endurecimento em função do grau de deformação, fração volumétrica de martensita em função do grau de deformação, assim como a evolução microestrutural e sua respectiva identificação de fase com o grau de deformação foram resultados obtidos deste trabalho. Em geral, aumentando a deformação plástica a frio, maior é a dureza para ambos os aços e maior é a fração volumétrica de martensita induzida por deformação. O aço AISI 201 é mais susceptível a transformação de fase do que o aço AISI 304 devido a sua menor EDE. Ensaios eletroquímicos de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica e polarização potenciodinâmica anódica foram realizados para avaliação da resistência a corrosão e para avaliar o comportamento da repassivação. Ambos os aços apresentaram comportamento similares quanto à resistência à corrosão, além de apresentarem potenciais de corrosão da ordem de 10-8 A/cm², típico de materiais passivos. / The continuous increase in the application demand of austenitic stainless steels and the constant pressure for cost reduction in the steelmaking industry, due to the high instability of nickel price, has conduced to new developments of the AISI 200 series steels. This new austenitic stainless steel series employes high manganese and nitrogen contents in substitution to nickel. The reason of this work is the lack of comparative studies in the literature between austenitic stainless steels of 200 and 300 series relative to the martensite strain induced phase transformation and its corrosion resistance. The main factors that affect microstructure on strain-hardening are: stacking fault energy, chemical composition, temperature, strain and strain rate. A critical analysis of the concept related to the nickel and chrome equivalents for the AISI 201 and AISI 304 steels has been carried out. Samples of these steels were heat treated and cold rolled to different strains for subsequent microstructural evaluation using equipments such as optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, microhardness and ferritoscope. Strain hardening versus strain, martensite volume fraction versus strain, as well as microstructure evolution and its respective phase identification with strain are some of the main results obtained in this study. In general, increasing the strain hardening, the higher will be the hardness of both stainless steels and higher is the induced martensite volume fraction. The AISI 201 steel presented higher susceptibility to induced phase transformation in comparison to the AISI 304 steel due to its lower stacking fault energy. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and anodic potenciodynamic polarization were the techniques used in this work to evaluate the corrosion resistance and passivation behavior respectively. Both steels presented similar corrosion resistance, apart from presenting a corrosion potential of about 10-8 A/cm² , which is typical for passivated materials.
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Implementação e caracterização da resposta dinâmica de transdutores de deformação e temperatura a fibras ópticas baseados em redes de Bragg. / Implementation and characterization of the dynamic response of temperature and strain transducers based on optical fiber Bragg gratings.Gleison Elias da Silva 12 September 2011 (has links)
Essa dissertação de mestrado é dedicada ao estudo, desenvolvimento e caracterização da resposta dinâmica de transdutores de deformação mecânica e de temperatura baseados em grades de Bragg inscritas em fibras ópticas (FBG). Como não se encontram referências diretas na literatura da área sobre a caracterização da resposta dinâmica de sensores de temperatura e deformação a FBG, percebeu-se a importância de realizar um trabalho com ênfase nesse aspecto. O desenvolvimento de transdutores FBG de deformação e de temperatura com resposta dinâmica rápida é de grande importância, já que as grades de Bragg são afetadas, de maneira intrínseca, simultaneamente pelas duas grandezas e que existe um amplo leque de aplicações em que uma delas, ou ambas, variam rapidamente. Nesses casos, diferenças em termos de tempos de resposta entre os sensores utilizados para medição de deformação e os usados para compensação de temperatura podem acarretar em erros significativos nas medidas, o que pode até inviabilizar o uso dos sensores a grades de Bragg em tais aplicações. Este trabalho apresenta um compêndio da teoria da tecnologia das FBG para aplicação em sensores ópticos de deformação e de temperatura. Buscando contribuir para o domínio das técnicas de fabricação de sensores a FBG no Brasil, também são apresentados os resultados experimentais da utilização de grades de Bragg inscritas em fibras ópticas fabricadas no laboratório da Subdivisão de Sensores (EFO-S), da Divisão de Fotônica do Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEAv) do Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aeroespacial (CTA), como elementos sensores em ensaios de deformação e de temperatura. Os resultados de caracterizações, tanto de FBG produzidas no IEAv quanto de sensores de deformação e de temperatura comerciais das empresas Micron Optics e Fiber Sensing, foram obtidos por meio de três interrogadores diferentes e são comparados e apresentados neste trabalho. Em uma análise realizada dos resultados apresentados de sensores a FBG, utilizados para medição de temperatura e de deformação mecânica em alguns arranjos experimentais, foram observados comportamentos dinâmicos não lineares que apresentam-se como um obstáculos a serem vencidos para a viabilização da aplicação desta técnica à medição desses parâmetros quando os mesmos são rapidamente variáveis. / This dissertation is devoted to the study, development and characterization of the dynamic response of mechanical strain and temperature transducers based on Bragg gratings inscribed in optical fibers (FBG). Since there are no direct references in the literature on the characterization of the dynamic response of FBG based temperature and strain sensors, it was realized the importance of conducting a study with emphasis on this aspect. The development of FBG strain and temperature transducers with fast dynamic response is of great importance, since the Bragg gratings are intrinsically and simultaneously affected by the two quantities and there is a wide range of applications in which one or both quantities vary rapidly. In such cases, differences in response times between the sensors used for measurement of strain and used for temperature compensation can result in significant errors, which may even preclude the use of FBG sensors in such applications. This work presents a compendium of the theory related to FBG technology for application in optical strain and temperature sensors. Seeking to master the techniques of manufacture of the FBG sensors in Brazil, experimental results from the use of FBG manufactured in the laboratory of Sensors Subdivision (EFO-S), of Photonics Division of Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv) of General Command for Aerospace Technology (CTA) as sensor elements in strain and temperature trials are also presented. The results of both characterizations, of FBG produced in IEAv and strain and temperature commercial sensors, produced by Micron Optics and Fiber Sensing manufacturers, were obtained from three different interrogators and are compared and presented in this paper. In an analysis of the results of FBG sensors used for measuring temperature and mechanical deformation in some experimental arrangements, nonlinear dynamic behaviors were observed. Such behaviors present themselves as an obstacle to be overcome to achieve the feasibility of applying this technique to measurement of these parameters when they are rapidly changing.
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Efeitos da temperatura de laminação na formação e na reversão de martensita induzida por deformação no aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 304L. / Effects of the rolling temperature on the formation and on the reversion of strain induced martensite in a AISI 304L stainless steel.Gomes, Tiago Evangelista 14 February 2012 (has links)
Objetivo principal desta dissertação foi verificar os efeitos da temperatura de laminação na formação de martensita induzida por deformação e na sua posterior reversão da martensita para austenita no aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 304L. O estudo foi predominantemente microestrutural e para análise e caracterização foram utilizadas as técnicas de microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios X, medidas de dureza Vickers e medidas de fases ferromagnéticas por ferritoscopia. As amostras foram inicialmente solubilizadas a 1100 ºC por uma hora, visando a dissolução de uma pequena quantidade residual de ferrita encontrada nas amostras na condição como recebida, depois laminadas em diferentes temperaturas, determinando-se curvas de endurecimento por deformação e de formação de martensita induzida por deformação em função do grau de deformação. Em seguida, foram realizados pré-recozimentos a 600 ºC, favorecendo apenas a reversão da martensita para austenita, de maneira que não ocorresse a recristalização. A quantidade e a temperatura de deformação apresentaram forte influência na quantidade de martensita formada, no endurecimento por deformação e na cinética de amolecimento durante o recozimento. Os pré-tratamentos realizados a 600 ºC causaram acentuada reversão da martensita, algum amolecimento e pequeno efeito no tamanho de grão recristalizado durante o posterior recozimento a 600 ºC. / The main objective of the present dissertation was to verify the effects of the rolling temperature on the formation of strain induced martensite and in its subsequent martensite reversion to austenite in a AISI 304L stainless steel. The study was predominantly microstructural and, for the analysis and characterization, several techniques have been used, namely optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Vickers hardness measurements and magnetic phase measurements, using the ferritoscope. The samples were initially solution annealed at 1100 ºC for one hour, aiming at the dissolution of a small quantity of the residual -ferrite found in the samples in the as-received condition; then rolling was performed at different temperatures, evaluating strain hardening and the strain induced martensite as a function of strain. Following, pre-annealing treatments at 600 ºC have been performed, favoring only the martensite to austenite reversion, in a way that no recrystallization would occur. Strain and temperature had a strong influence on the amount of formed martensite, on the strain hardening and on the softening kinetics during annealing. The pre-annealing treatments at 600 ºC caused an accentuated effect on the martensite reversion, some softening and a small effect on the recrystallized grain size during the subsequent annealing at 600 ºC.
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An Active Study of a Roller Coaster Project in Asia.Bridges, Robert Leamon 08 May 2010 (has links)
A roller coaster manufacturer became aware that improperly heat treated track couplings were sent to a construction site for assembly. Concerns were that suspect couplings might not meet the engineering specifications and could be vulnerable to sudden failure. A testing company in Oak Ridge, TN that specializes in in-situ and laboratory mechanical testing was contacted by the manufacturer for help in this endeavor. The construction company elected to enlist a local testing firm to perform field tests on the components instead of the company in Oak Ridge. The test methods used are incapable of providing quantitative results that could be measured to the engineering specifications, making it unlikely to identify anything but the worst material conditions. This study is an example that the need for accurate analysis is very important. The manufacturer reported that 60 couplings were replaced, but it is presently unknown how many should have been replaced.
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Méthodes éléments finis mixtes robustes pour gérer l’incompressibilité en grandes déformations dans un cadre industriel / Robust mixed finite element methods to deal with incompressibility in finite strain in an industrial frameworkAl-Akhrass, Dina 27 January 2014 (has links)
Les simulations en mécanique du solide présentent des difficultés comme le traitement de l'incompressibilité ou les non-linéarités dues aux grandes déformations, aux lois de comportement et de contact. L'objectif principal de ce travail est de proposer des méthodes éléments finis capables de gérer l'incompressibilité en grandes déformations en utilisant des éléments de faible ordre. Parmi les approches de la littérature, les formulations mixtes offrent un cadre théorique intéressant. Dans ce travail, une formulation mixte à trois champs (déplacements, pression, gonflement) est introduite. Dans certains cas, cette formulation peut être condensée en formulation à deux champs. Cependant, il est connu que le problème discret obtenu par une approche éléments finis de type Galerkin n'hérite pas automatiquement de la condition de stabilité “inf-sup” du problème continu : les éléments finis utilisés, et notamment les ordres d'interpolation doivent être choisis de sorte à vérifier cette condition de stabilité. Cependant, il est possible de s'affranchir de cette contrainte en ajoutant des termes de stabilisation à la formulation EF Galerkin. Cette approche permet entre autres d'utiliser des ordres d'interpolation égaux. Dans ce travail, des éléments finis stables de type P2/P1 sont utilisés comme référence, et comparés à une formulation P1/P1, stabilisée soit avec une fonction bulle, soit avec une méthode VMS (Variational Multi-Scale) basée sur un espace sous-grille orthogonal à l'espace EF. Combinées à un modèle grandes déformations basé sur des déformations logarithmiques, ces approches sont d'abord validées sur des cas académiques puis sur des cas industriels. / Simulations in solid mechanics exhibit difficulties as dealing with incompressibility or nonlinearities due to finite strains, constitutive laws and contact. The basic motivation of our work is to propose efficient finite element methods capable of dealing with incompressibility in finite strain context, and using low order elements. Among the approaches in the literature, mixed formulations offer an interesting theoretical framework. In this work, a three-field mixed formulation (displacement, pressure, volumetric strain) is investigated. In some cases, this formulation can be condensed in a two-field formulation. However, it is well-known that the discrete problem given by the Galerkin finite element technique, does not inherit the “inf-sup” stability condition from the continuous problem: the finite elements used, and in particular the interpolation orders must be chosen so as to satisfy this stability condition. However, it is possible to circumvent it, by adding terms stabilizing the FE Galerkin formulation. The latter approach allows the use of equal order interpolation. In this work, stable finite elements of type P2/P1 are used as reference, and compared to a P1/P1 formulation, stabilized with a bubble function, or with a VMS method (Variational Multi-Scale) based on a sub-grid-space orthogonal to the FE space. Combined to a finite strain model based on logarithmic strain, these approaches are first validated on academic cases and then on industrial cases.
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Mechanochemical Reactions and Strengthening in Epoxy-Cast Aluminum Iron-Oxide MixturesFerranti, Louis, Jr. 02 November 2007 (has links)
This investigation is focused on the understanding of mechanical and chemical reaction behaviors of stoichiometric mixtures of nano- and micro-scale aluminum and hematite (Fe2O3) powders dispersed in epoxy. Epoxy-cast Al+Fe2O3 thermite composites are an example of a structural energetic material that can simultaneously release energy while providing structural strength. The structural and energetic response of this material system is investigated by characterizing the mechanical behavior under high-strain rate and shock loading conditions. The mechanical response and reaction behavior are closely interlinked through deformation characteristics. It is, therefore, desirable to understand the deformation behavior up to and beyond failure and establish the necessary stress and strain states required for initiating chemical reactions.
The composite s behavior has been altered by changing two main processing parameters; the reactants particle size and the relative volume fraction of the epoxy matrix. This study also establishes processing techniques necessary for incorporating nanometric-scale reactants into energetic material systems. The mechanochemical behavior of epoxy-cast Al+Fe2O3 composites and the influence of epoxy volume fraction have been evaluated for a variety of loading conditions over a broad range of strain rates, which include low-strain rate or quasistatic loading experiments (10-4 to 10-2 1/s), medium-strain rate Charpy and Taylor impacts (103 to 104 1/s), and high-strain rate parallel-plate impacts (105 to 106 1/s). In general, structural strength and toughness have been observed to improve as the volume fraction of epoxy decreases, regardless of the loading strain rate regime explored. Hugoniot experiments show damage occurring at approximately the same critical impact stress for compositions prepared with significantly different volume fractions of the epoxy binder phase. Additionally, Taylor impact experiments have indicated evidence for strain-induced chemical reactions, which subject the composite to large shear accompanied by temperature increase and associated softening, preceding these reactions.
Overall, the work aims to establish an understanding of the microstructural influence on mechanical behavior and chemical reactivity exhibited by epoxy-cast Al+Fe2O3 materials when exposed to high stress and high-strain loading conditions. The understanding of fundamental aspects and the results of impact experiment measurements provide information needed for the design of structural energetic materials.
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Optimization of mechanical properties and manufacturing techniques to enable shape-memory polymer processingVoit, Walter Everett 20 November 2009 (has links)
This research investigates the synthesis and manufacture of shape-memory polymer (SMP) systems for use in biomedical and commodity applications. The research centers on improving the mechanical properties of thermoset acrylate copolymers with memory properties at reasonable cost through various design and manufacturing techniques: high-strain polymer synthesis and radiation crosslinking. The research assesses combinations of linear monomers and a low density of crosslinker to characterize new functional materials and optimize emerging mechanical properties such as the glass transition temperature (Tg) and rubbery modulus (ER). Exploring materials with large recoverable strains, a model copolymer of photo-polymerized methyl acrylate (MA), isobornyl acrylate and crosslinker bisphenol A ethoxylate dimethacrylate was shown to strain above 800%, twice the previously published value for SMPs, and recover fully. In the quest to maximize fully recoverable strains, a new hybrid molecule nicknamed Xini, which serves as both an initiator and a crosslinker, was also theorized, synthesized, polymerized into SMP networks and characterized.
In the past, thermoset SMPs were made into complex shapes using expensive top-down techniques. A block of polymer was made and custom machining was required to craft complex parts. This prohibited devices in cost-competitive commodity application spaces. This research has proposed and validated a new method for accurately tuning the thermomechanical properties of network acrylates with shape-memory properties: Mnemosynation, eponymously named for the Greek goddess of memory. This novel manufacturing process imparts long term 'memory' on an otherwise amorphous thermoplastic material utilizing radiation-induced covalent crosslinking, and can be likened to Vulcanization, which imparts strength on natural rubber utilizing sulfur crosslinks. Adjustment of ER in the range from below 1 MPa to above 13 MPa has been demonstrated. ER was tailored by varying both radiation dose between 5 and 300 kGy and crosslinker concentration between 1.00 and 25.0 wt%. Tg manipulation was demonstrated between 23 ˚C and 70 ˚C. Mnemosynation combines advances in radiation grafting and acrylic SMP synthesis to enable both traditional plastics processing (blow molding, injection molding, etc.) and control of thermoset shape-memory properties.
Combining advances in both high strain polymer synthesis and radiation crosslinking, a new paradigm in SMP composites manufacture-namely, that materials can be designed to enhance strain capacity at moderate stress, rather than maximum strength-was established. Various fibers with very different mechanical properties were impregnated with SMPs and thermo-mechanically assessed to develop an understanding of the technical parameters necessary to craft self-adjusting, multi-actuated, SMP-fiber composite orthopedic casts. This exploration syncs with the overarching aim of the research, which is to understand the fundamental scientific drivers necessary to enable new devices mass-manufactured from acrylate copolymers and optimize their emerging mechanical properties.
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Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Belastungssteuerung im Krafttraining durch Kombination verschiedener Methoden der trainingsbegleitenden Leistungsdiagnostik / Examination of the optimization of the strain diagnostic in weighttraining through combination of different methods of the trainingperformance diagnosisLottmann, Amke 03 July 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Betono senėjimo koeficiento, prognozuojant valkšnumo deformacijas, lyginamoji analizė / Concrete aging coefficient in predicting creep strain comparative analysisMarcinkevičius, Tomas 25 June 2014 (has links)
Betono senėjimo koeficientas – tai pagrindinis rodiklis, kuris įvertina betono įtempių kitimą per laiką prognozuojant gežbetoninių elementų įlinkius, įtemptojo gelžbetonio armatūros nuostolius dėl betono valkšnumo ir t.t. Senėjimo keoficieno faktiškai neįmanoma gauti analitine forma iš Volterra integrodiferencialinės lygties, todėl jam yra taikomos skaitiniu būdu gautų rezultatų aproksimacijos arba tiesiog jis imamas apytiksliai lygus 0,8 nediferencijuojant tokių faktorių, kaip betono amžius, stebėjimo laikas, betono stirprumas, armaturos kiekis ir t.t.
Baigiamajame magistro darbe atlikta įvairių autorių pasiūlytų empirinių betono senėjimo koeficiento formulių analizė. Nustatytos betono senėjimo koeficiento empirinių formulių kitimo ribos ir jų legitimumas tikslioms, skaitiniu būdu gautoms senėjimo koeficiento reikšmėms. Darbe, taikant vidutinių ekvivalentinių įtempių ir deformacijų metodą (ASSA), yra analitiškai išvestas koeficientas, leidžiantis įvertinanti armatūros įtaką gelžbetoniniam elementui, apkrautam pastovia per laiką jėga priklausomai nuo betoninio elemento, apkrauto nekintamu laiko atžvilgiu poslinkiu (grynosios relaksacijos uždavinys). Atlikta armavimo koeficiento įtakos betono senėjimo koeficientui analizė, gauti rezultatai palyginti su tiksliomis reikšmėmis bei EC-2 rekomenduojama viena reikšme - 0,8.
Darbe suformuluotas senėjimo koeficiento neapibrėžtumo įvertinimo stochastinis uždavinys. Atlikta parametrų analizė, siekiant nustatyti kiekvieno jų įtaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The coefficient of aging is the major parameter accounting for the stress evolution in time in deflection analysis of reinforcement concrete elements and specification for losses of pre-stress due to concrete creep. This parameter cannot be derived analytically from Volterra's integro-differential equation and numerical solution is always feasible. Hence, the empirical formula to fit the numerically-based results for the coefficient of aging can be found in literature on the matter. In particular, the code Ec-2 uses a only one value for this coefficient equal to 0.8 neglecting the influence of concrete strength, its age, quantity of reinforcement, time of consideration, etc., and it is cleat that such attempt is quite scarce.
Thereby, in the master's thesis, the analysis of various approximate relationships for the coefficient of aging found in literature is considered. Here, a legitimacy of these relations is defined in terms of numerically-based results and the error bounds is determined. The analytical derivation of factor specifying the conversion from a pure relaxation test of plain concrete to the reinforced concrete element is demonstrated via an average strain stress approach (ASSA). The influence of reinforcement quantity on the coefficient of aging is considered comparing the numerical values, EC-2 based value of 0.8 and values defined by empirical relations. Also, the stochastic formulation to define the uncertainties of coefficient of aging related to variation... [to full text]
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