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Le khap tai dam, catégorisation et modèles musicaux. Étude ethnomusicologique chez les Tai des hauts plateaux du Laos / The Khap Tai Dam, categorisation and musical models. Ethnomusicological Study among Tai Populations in the Highlands of LaosLissoir, Marie-Pierre 27 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le chant khap de l’ethnie des Tai Dam du Laos à partir de la notion de modèle musical. Abordé au travers du concept de la pertinence, son principal objectif est la mise en lumière des compétences liées au chant, c’est-à-dire des connaissances abstraites nécessaires à l’interprétation et la catégorisation du chant. Fil rouge de ce travail, c’est au départ de la notion de modèle que sont construits les différents chapitres. Partant d’une considération d’ordre musical, sont mis au jour les mécanismes de transmission du chant, les rapports entre tons parlés et chantés, ainsi que les différents mécanismes de catégorisation musicale et identitaire. La thèse montre l’imbrication de chacun de ces aspects et la pertinence de la mobilisation de plusieurs disciplines dans la réalisation de cette recherche : musicologie, anthropologie et linguistique. C’est dans une perspective intégrant les points de vue étiques et émiques et par le développement d’une méthodologie adaptée aux particularités du sujet que sont discutés les différents axes de la recherche. / This research studies the singing named khap of Tai Dam ethnic group in Laos, through the notion of musical model. Its main objective, approached with the concept of relevance, is the highlight of the competences linked to the singing, that is to say the abstract knowledge needed for the interpretation and the categorisation of the singing. The principle of musical model is the common theme of this research, and is the starting point of every chapter. Starting from musical considerations, the PhD highlights the mechanisms of musical transmission, the relationships between spoken and musical tones, as well as the different mechanisms of musical categorisation and identity categorisation. This work shows the interweaving of every of those aspects and the relevance of using different disciplines: musicology, anthropology and linguistic. The different lines of this work are approached with a perspective mobilising etic and emic perspectives and by the development of a methodology adapted to the specificities of the topic.
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Standards für die beruflichen Lehrkräfte in Laos P.D.R: Gestaltungsansätze für die Anpassung der beruflichen Lehreraus- und -weiterbildungKhammounty, Bounseng 12 October 2011 (has links)
Innovationen in der Berufsschullehrraus- und -weiterbildung sind wichtige und anspruchsvolle Vorhaben. Durch eine verbesserte Qualifizierung der Lehrenden an berufsbildenden Schulen sollen die Jugendlichen in ihrer Berufsausbildung verlässlicher befähigt werden, fachliche, soziale und andere Kompetenzen für die Arbeitswelt und auch andere gesellschaftliche Bereich zu erwerben und wirkungsvoll anzuwenden (vgl. Ursula, Seite 5).
Im Kontext der Diskussion um Standards für die Lehrerausbildung spielen Standards für das erziehungswissenschaftliche Studium eine besonders wichtige Rolle, weil dieses in besonderer Weise an Kompetenzen für den späteren Lehrerberuf ausgerichtet sein soll. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die folgenden Ausführungen zu Fragen der Standards für das erziehungswissenschaftliche Studium angestellt (vgl. Tulodziecki 2006, S. 51).
Als die Vocational Teacher Training Division (VTTD), Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos im Verlauf des Akademisierens der technischen Lehrerausbildung 2004 den Auftrag erhielt, das Studium des beruflichen Lehrer für die Berufsschulen als 1. Phase der Berufsschullehrerausbildung mit Bachelor-Abschluss durchzuführen, stieß diese neue universitäre Aufgabe auf manche Widerstände. Denn mussten kurzfristig Studienpläne entworfen sowie Stundenpläne koordiniert und organisiert werden.
Die VTTD wurde am 23. März 2004 als Vocational Teacher Training Unit (VTTU) vom Ministry of Education (MoE) genehmigt. Herr Vixay VANKHAM leitete damals die VTTU, stellte insgesamt vier Angestellte ein und gründete am 10. Februar 2005 die Vocational Teacher Training Division. Im Laufe des Entwicklung der VTTD hat Dr. Rolf GENNRICH, Direktor of Lao-German Programme on Human Resource Development for Market Ecomony (HRDME), diesen Prozess unterstützt. Als Experte der Berufs- und beruflichen Lehrerausbildung trug Prof. Dr. Hanno HORTSCH maßgeblich zur Entwicklung des Framework, des Modells und des Konzepts der beruflichen Lehrerausbildung in Laos bei und besuchte das Land im März 2001, im Januar 2003, im May 2005 und im März 2007. Als lokaler Experte ist Herr Bounseng KHAMMOUNTY, jetziger Head of Vocational Teacher Training Division zuständig.
Die VTTD wird zukünftig zu einem Vocational Teacher Department (VTD) weiterentwickelt. Anstatt Dr. Rolf GENNRICH wird Herr Peter POZORSKI (GTZ) die Entwicklung weiter unterstützen und (siehe Kapitel 2), den Prozess der Stabilisierung der Berufsschullehrerausbildung nach der Untersuchung der „Standards für berufliche Lehrkräfte in Laos P.D.R- Gestaltungsansätze für die Anpassung der beruflichen Lehreraus- und –weiterbildung“ begleiten. Generell sollten bei den theoretischen Überlegungen und den praktischen Maßnahmen die Komplexität der Lehrerausbildung insgesamt, die vorhandenen wechselseitigen Abhängigkeiten und die Notwendigkeiten zu Kooperation und Koordination bei den beteiligten Institutionen beachtet werden.
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La transformation récente des modes de vie des populations montagnardes au Laos : le cas de la province de Luang NamthaDubé, Lucie 17 April 2018 (has links)
Au Laos, l'agriculture itinérante sur brûlis est utilisée principalement par des groupes ethniques montagnards. Au cours des 30 dernières années, l'augmentation de la population et la mise en oeuvre de politiques gouvernementales ont contribué à transformer le mode de vie de ces populations. Plusieurs programmes se rejoignent sur deux objectifs : la sédentarisation et une tentative d'améliorer les conditions de vie. Cette recherche multiscalaire étudie la transformation des modes de vie des populations montagnardes de la province de Luang Namtha. La première partie dresse le portrait évolutif de la pratique de l'agriculture itinérante sur brûlis en Asie du Sud-Est. Plusieurs indices témoignent du recul généralisé de cette pratique. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la vérification de l'hypothèse selon laquelle la mise en place des aires protégées contribue à la marginalisation de certains groupes de la population. En observant l'évolution des réseaux socio-économiques, il n'est pas possible de conclure pour l'instant qu'il y a eu une telle marginalisation.
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Importance of non timber forest products on the economy of rural household: a study in northern Laos. / 非建築用森林產品對農村家庭經濟的重要性: 老撾北部的研究 / Fei jian zhu yong sen lin chan pin dui nong cun jia ting jing ji de zhong yao xing: Laowo bei bu de yan jiuJanuary 2010 (has links)
Sunil, K.C. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 210-224). / Abstracts in English and Chinese; appendix iv also in Laos language. / ABSTRACT --- p.I / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.IV / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.VI / LIST OF TABLES --- p.IX / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.XII / LIST OF MAPS --- p.XIII / ABBREVIATIONS --- p.XIV / Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- NTFPs and Poverty: a nexus --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3 --- NTFPs and economic inequality --- p.5 / Chapter 1.4 --- Spatial Distinction and NTFPs --- p.7 / Chapter 1.5 --- Problem statement --- p.9 / Chapter 1.5.1 --- "Laos,NTFPs, Poverty and Conservation" --- p.10 / Chapter 1.5.2 --- Research questions and assumptions --- p.13 / Chapter 1.5.3 --- Justification for study and research objectives --- p.14 / Chapter 1.6 --- Organization of the research --- p.15 / Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- REVIEW OF LITERATURES AND THEORETICAL APPROACH… --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2 --- Review of literatures --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- NTFPs in Global Studies --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Studies in Laos --- p.26 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Studies in Bokeo --- p.30 / Chapter 2.3 --- Household Economic model --- p.30 / Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- STUDY AREA AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY --- p.37 / Chapter 3.1 --- Study Area --- p.37 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Bio-Physical setting --- p.37 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Social and Settlement Structure --- p.39 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- Household economy --- p.41 / Chapter 3.1.4 --- Forest policy and land tenure --- p.42 / Chapter 3.2 --- Selection of study location --- p.43 / Chapter 3.3 --- Method of data collection --- p.44 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Primary data collection --- p.45 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Secondary data collection --- p.49 / Chapter 3.4 --- Data Analysis --- p.49 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Description of variables in the study --- p.50 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Statistical analysis --- p.50 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- SOCIOECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC DISTINCTION IN THE SWIDDEN FARMING UPLAND AND THE SEDENTARIZED FARMING LOWLAND --- p.53 / Chapter 4.1 --- Household demography in upland and lowland --- p.53 / Chapter 4.2 --- Household economy --- p.56 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Agriculture --- p.56 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Animal Husbandry --- p.61 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Off-farm Income --- p.64 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- NTFP Income --- p.66 / Chapter 4.2.5 --- Total household cash income --- p.67 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- SPATIAL DISTINCTION AND NTFP DEPENDENCY --- p.69 / Chapter 5.1 --- Dependency of NTFPs on different geographical location --- p.69 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Uses of NTFPs --- p.69 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- Allocation of time and labor for NTFP collection --- p.74 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- NTFP cash income --- p.76 / Chapter 5.1.4 --- NTFPs income distribution in different geographic location --- p.80 / Chapter 5.1.5 --- Level of NTFPs dependency in different geographical locations --- p.82 / Chapter 5.1.6 --- Relation between income from NTFPs and other sources of cash income --- p.87 / Chapter 5.2 --- Result of Regression models --- p.88 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Linear regression model of NTFPs income in the upland --- p.89 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Linear regression model of NTFPs Income in the lowland --- p.90 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Linear regression model of NTFP dependency in the upland --- p.92 / Chapter 5.2.4 --- Linear regression model of NTFP dependency in the lowland --- p.94 / Chapter 5.3 --- Conclusion --- p.96 / Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- INCOME INEQUALITY AND HOUSEHOLDS' DEPENDENCY ON NTFPS IN THE UPLAND --- p.99 / Chapter 6.1 --- Economic groups in the upland and the lowland --- p.99 / Chapter 6.2 --- Socio-economic characteristics households of different economic groups in the upland --- p.101 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Household demography --- p.101 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- Household economy among economic groups in the upland --- p.101 / Chapter 6.3 --- Dependency on NTFPs of different economic groups in the upland --- p.108 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- Labor and time allocation for the collection of the NTFPs --- p.109 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- NTFP cash income --- p.111 / Chapter 6.3.3 --- NTFPs income distribution in different economic groups --- p.116 / Chapter 6.3.4 --- Level of NTFPs dependency in different economic groups in the upland --- p.118 / Chapter 6.3.5 --- Relation between income from NTFPs and other sources of cash income --- p.120 / Chapter 6.4 --- Result of regression models --- p.122 / Chapter 6.4.1 --- Linear regression model of NTFP income for different economic groups --- p.122 / Chapter 6.4.2 --- Linear regression model of NTFP dependency in different economic groups --- p.124 / Chapter 6.5 --- Conclusion --- p.128 / Chapter CHAPTER 7 --- ECONOMIC INEQUALITY AND HOUSEHOLDS' DEPENDENCY ON NON TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS IN THE LOWLAND --- p.131 / Chapter 7.1 --- Socio-economic characteristics households of different economic groups in the lowland --- p.131 / Chapter 7.1.1 --- Household demography --- p.131 / Chapter 7.1.2 --- Household economy of different economic inequality groups in the lowland --- p.133 / Chapter 7.2 --- Dependency on NTFPs of different economic groups in the lowland --- p.139 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- Allocation of time and labor for collecting NTFPs in different economic group --- p.140 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- Total NTFP cash income --- p.143 / Chapter 7.2.3 --- NTFPs income distribution in different economic groups --- p.151 / Chapter 7.2.4 --- Level of NTFPs dependency in different economic groups in the lowland --- p.153 / Chapter 7.2.5 --- Relationship between income from NTFPs and other sources of cash income --- p.155 / Chapter 7.3 --- Result of Regression models --- p.156 / Chapter 7.3.1 --- Linear regression model of NTFP income for different economic groups --- p.157 / Chapter 7.3.2 --- Linear regression model of NTFP dependency in different economic groups --- p.160 / Chapter 7.4 --- Conclusion --- p.163 / Chapter CHAPTER 8 --- "DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND PRACTICAL RELEVANCE" --- p.167 / Chapter 8.1 --- Discussions --- p.167 / Chapter 8.1.1 --- NTFP dependency on geographical location --- p.167 / Chapter 8.1.2 --- NTFPs dependency of different economic groups in the swidden farming upland --- p.171 / Chapter 8.1.3 --- NTFPs dependency of different economic groups in the sedentarized farming lowland --- p.173 / Chapter 8.1.4 --- NTFP dependency and various demographic and socio-economic variables --- p.175 / Chapter 8.1.5 --- Reflection on Methodology used and recommendation for future research --- p.180 / Chapter 8.2 --- Conclusion --- p.183 / Chapter 8.2.1 --- NTFP dependency in the swidden farming upland and the sedentarized farming lowland --- p.183 / Chapter 8.2.2 --- NTFP dependency on different economic groups in the swidden farming upland region --- p.185 / Chapter 8.2.3 --- NTFP dependency on different economic groups in the swidden farming lowland regions --- p.187 / Chapter 8.2.4 --- Overall conclusion --- p.190 / Chapter 8.3 --- Implication of the research --- p.191 / Chapter 8.3.1 --- "Cash income from NTFPs, conservation, poverty reduction and policy" --- p.191 / Chapter 8.3.2 --- "NTFPs, Swidden farming and LFA" --- p.193 / APPENDICES --- p.194 / Appendix I: Indicators for wealth ranking in the upland and lowland villages --- p.194 / Appendix II: List of different categories of NTFPs used in the study area --- p.195 / Appendix III: Exhaustive list of variables used in the study areas --- p.200 / Appendix IV: Household survey questionnnaire --- p.203 / REFERENCES --- p.210
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Estimating site occupancy for four threatened mammals in southeastern LaosTilker, Andrew 18 September 2014 (has links)
The tropical forests of Indochina harbor a suite of globally threatened tropical mammal species. These species are difficult to detect, and subsequently understudied. Noninvasive camera trapping was used to survey terrestrial mammals from a protected area in southeastern Lao PDR (Xe Sap National Protected Area). The presence-absence of four mammals (mainland serow Capricornis milneedwardsii, muntjac Muntiacus spp., macaque Macaca spp., and wild pig Sus scrofa) was modeled in an occupancy framework thereby accounting for detection probabilities. Our goals were to establish baseline occupancy data to assist with biological monitoring and to better understand the factors influencing the distribution of the target species. Naïve occupancy, or the proportion of sites at which the target species was detected, was 0.58 for muntjac, 0.55 for macaque, 0.38 for wild pig, and 0.30 for serow. True occupancy estimates (Ψ ± SE) from top-ranked models was 0.79 ± 0.21 for macaque, 0.74 ± 0.13 for muntjac, 0.51 ± 0.13 for wild pig, and 0.48 ± 0.18 for serow. The results underscore the importance of accounting for imperfect detection rates when studying rare or elusive species. I included two site covariates (forest type and distance to nearest village) in the occupancy models. Estimating occupancy as a function of site covariates improved model performance and provided insight into landscape-level factors that affect species occurrence. In the top-ranked models, serow occupancy was higher in hill evergreen forest (HEGF) than semi-evergreen forest (SEGF). Muntjac occupancy was higher in areas further from villages. Macaque occupancy was higher in areas closer to villages. Wild pig occupancy was higher in areas further from villages and in HEGF. I recommend using an occupancy framework to analyze occurrence data for difficult-to-study tropical mammal species. The results highlight the importance of Xe Sap NPA for large mammal conservation in the region. / text
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Développement, modernité et relocalisation : étude de cas de la zone focale de la Namma, district de Long, province de Louang Namtha LaosDaviau, Steeve January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Human resource development in Laos. : An explorative study on teachers’ opinions about human resource development in the National University of Laos.Nordin, Erika, Öberg, Helena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns human resource development (HRD) and educational reform in Laos which is one aspect of poverty eradication in Laos. The thesis aim to describe, understand and analyze how HRD is constructed in policies and among teachers at the National University of Laos (NUOL) and what possibilities and constraints they connect to it. To find answers to these questions we have analyzed national policy documents and interviewed teachers with PhD degrees at NUOL. Educational reform was initiated after the declaration of the Lao People Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) independency in 1975 and with the help of donor organizations efforts have continuously been made to raise the quality of education in Lao PDR in order to improve skills among the population.Our findings show that in policy HRD is constructed as poverty reduction, meeting international standards and educational development. The respondents have described that HRD can be achieved through staff development, student-centered learning method, development of skills through international cooperation and relevant educational equipment. The biggest constraint according to the respondents is lack of money. After that comes lack of knowledge, inadequate equipment and low incentives for teachers. The main possibilities described are that NUOL is in a position to spread information about education and material to other education institutions; that textbooks are more readily available and that it is getting easier to apply for scholarships for studies abroad.
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Grounding of a 230 kV Transmission line over a Limestone Ridge : A case study in Lao P.D.RGrubbström, Emma January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is a case study of a 230 kV transmission line in Lao P.D.R. Grounding of electrical systems is essential for safety and reliability of the system. Several standards are developed for designing a grounding system when building new facilities but it is harder to find references when it is an expansion of an old system or when the area for grounding is inferior. The transmission line is routed over a high resistive limestone ridge, where the requirements from the design standard can not be fulfilled. During normal conditions, each tower can be properly grounded to earth with ground electrodes, but in this case the resistivity of the solid rock is too high. By studying different shield wires of different materials and improve the down lead conductor in each side of the mountain, a suitable solution can be found. The importance of grounding, general description of grounding techniques and the risks for human and equipment due to an electrical fault is also presented in this thesis.
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Factors Affecting Low Birth Weight at Four Central Hospitals in Vientiane, Lao PDRViengsakhone, Louangpradith, Yoshida, Yoshitoku, Md., Harun-Or-Rashid, Sakamoto, Junichi 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Nutritional composition of aquatic species in Laotian rice field ecosystems : possible impact of reduced biodiversity /Nurhasan, Mulia. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Master's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.
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