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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of Phosphorus Starvation on Metabolism and Spatial Distribution of Phosphatidylcholine in Medicago truncatula Wild-Type and PDIL3 Genotypes

Dokwal, Dhiraj 08 1900 (has links)
Symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation (SNF) occurs in specialized organs called nodules after successful interactions between legume hosts and rhizobia. Within nodule cells, N-fixing rhizobia are surrounded by plant-derived symbiosome membranes, through which the exchange of nutrients and ammonium occurs between bacteria and the host legume. Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient, and N2-fixing legumes have a higher requirement for P than legumes grown on mineral N. First, I investigated the impact of P deprivation on wild-type Medicago truncatula plants. My observations that plants had impaired SNF activity, reduced growth, and accumulated less phosphate in P-deficient tissues (leaves, roots and nodules) is consistent with those of similar previous studies. Galactolipids decreased with increase in phospholipids in all P-starved organs. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization–mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) of phosphatidylcholine (PC) species in nodules showed that under low P environments distributions of some PC species changed, indicating that membrane lipid remodeling during P stress is not uniform across the nodule. Secondly, a metabolomics study was carried out to test the alterations in the metabolic profile of the nodules in P-stress. GC-MS based untargeted metabolomics showed increased levels of amino acids and sugars and decline in amounts of organic acids in P deprived nodules. Subsequently, LC-MS/MS was used to quantify these compounds including phosphorylated metabolites in whole plant. My findings showed strong drop in levels of organic acids and phosphorylated compounds in P deprived leaves with moderate reduction in P deprived roots and nodules. Moreover, sugars and amino acids were elevated in whole plant under P deprivation. Finally, the last project of my thesis involved studying the response of PDIL3 (Phosphate Deficiency-Induced LncRNA-3) a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) mutant under severe P stress. PDIL3 is known to regulate Pi-deficiency signaling and transport in M. truncatula (Wang et al., 2017). My results confirmed that in P starvation, pdil3 plants showed better shoot growth, accumulated more phosphate in shoots, had impaired SNF and less rhizobial occupancy in nodules than WT. Subsequently, MALDI–MS imaging was used to spatially map and compare the distribution of phosphatidylcholine (PC) species in nodules of pdil3 and WT in P-replete and P-depleted conditions. Several PC species showed changes in distributions in pdil3 nodules compared to WT in both P sufficient and P deprived conditions. These data suggest that PDIL3's role is not just suppression of the Pi transporter, but it may also influence P partitioning between shoots and nodulated roots, meriting further investigation.

Детекција биоактивних супстанци одабраних врста гљива рода Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) и њихова биолошка активност / Detekcija bioaktivnih supstanci odabranih vrsta gljiva roda Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) i njihova biološka aktivnost / Detection of bioactive substances selected fungal species of the genus Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) and their biological activity

Rašeta Milena 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;У оквиру ове докторске дисертације испитан је хемијски састав и биолошке активности ЕtOH, H<sub>2</sub>Oи CHCl<sub>3&nbsp;</sub> екстраката четири врсте гљива рода<em> Ganoderma</em>&nbsp; (Basidiomycota):&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum,&nbsp; G. lucidum,G. pfeifferi,&nbsp; G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; са територије Војводине.Хемијски састав анализираних врста је одређен<br />применом: ААЅ методе (састав макро-&nbsp; имикроелемената у сувим остацима гљива) и LC-MS/MS технике (квантитативни састав фенолних једињења и флавоноида) при чему је детектовано 12 једињења. Спектрофотометријским методама је одређен садржај протеина, шећера, укупних фенола и флавоноида, код којих је највећи садржај протеина утврђен за ЕtOH екстракте&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum&nbsp; </em>и&nbsp; <em>G. pfeifferi</em>. Испитивања биолошких активности екстраката обухватила су: одређивање<span id="cke_bm_779S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>&nbsp; in vitro</em><span id="cke_bm_779E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; и&nbsp;<em> in vivo</em> антиоксидантне, антимикробне, антиинфламаторне, антипролиферативне и антијабето<span id="cke_bm_780E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>гене&nbsp;&nbsp; aктивности.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Антиоксидантна активност (способност неутрализације слободних радикала и редукциони потенцијал) је одређена спектрофотометријским методама, при којој су најбољу активност остварили Н<sub>2</sub>О екстракти&nbsp;<em> G</em>. <em>applanatum.</em> Антимикробнa активност&nbsp; анализираних екстраката одређена је испитивањем антибактеријског, антифунгалног и антивиралног потенцијала где се издвојила<em> G. pfeifferi</em> врста. Антиинфламаторни потенцијал EtOH и&nbsp; CHCl<sub>3 </sub>екстраката одређен је<em>&nbsp; ex vivo&nbsp;</em> методом мерењем способности инхибиције продукције медијатора инфламације&nbsp; (продукти&nbsp; метаболизма арахидонске киселине) при којој су бољу активност испољили CHCl<sub>3</sub> екстракти.</p><p>Ефекат EtOH и H<sub>2</sub>O екстраката врста рода Ganoderma&nbsp;&nbsp; на раст MCF ћелијске линије испитан је MTT тестом, а посебно су се издвојили&nbsp; EtOH&nbsp; екстракти врста после 72h.</p><p>Остварена антидијабетогена активност EtOH и Н<sub>2</sub>О екстраката врста&nbsp; <span id="cke_bm_795S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>G. pfeifferi&nbsp; </em><span id="cke_bm_795E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>и&nbsp;<em> G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; код алоксан-индукованог&nbsp;<em> D. mell<span id="cke_bm_796E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>itus-a&nbsp;</em> на&nbsp; експерименталним&nbsp; животињама&nbsp; праћена je регенерацијом&nbsp; &szlig;- ћелија&nbsp; Лангерхансових острваца панкреаса. Као потенцијални нефро-&nbsp; и&nbsp; хепатопротективни агенси се издвајају екстракти<em>&nbsp; G. resinaceum.</em></p><p>Сумарно, укупни биопотенцијал анализираних врста рода&nbsp; Ganoderma&nbsp; на основу спроведених анализа хемијске&nbsp;&nbsp; kарактеризације и биолошке активности упућује&nbsp; на&nbsp; могућност њихове потенцијалне примене као нутрацеутика и додатака исхрани, у будућности уз неопходност додатних микохемијских истраживања ових врста, посебно терпеноида и полисахарида, као и других биолошких активности као што је неуропротективна.</p> / <p>&nbsp;U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitan je hemijski sastav i biološke aktivnosti EtOH, H<sub>2</sub>Oi CHCl<sub>3&nbsp;</sub> ekstrakata četiri vrste gljiva roda<em> Ganoderma</em>&nbsp; (Basidiomycota):&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum,&nbsp; G. lucidum,G. pfeifferi,&nbsp; G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; sa teritorije Vojvodine.Hemijski sastav analiziranih vrsta je određen<br />primenom: AAЅ metode (sastav makro-&nbsp; imikroelemenata u suvim ostacima gljiva) i LC-MS/MS tehnike (kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja i flavonoida) pri čemu je detektovano 12 jedinjenja. Spektrofotometrijskim metodama je određen sadržaj proteina, šećera, ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, kod kojih je najveći sadržaj proteina utvrđen za EtOH ekstrakte&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum&nbsp; </em>i&nbsp; <em>G. pfeifferi</em>. Ispitivanja bioloških aktivnosti ekstrakata obuhvatila su: određivanje<span id="cke_bm_779S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>&nbsp; in vitro</em><span id="cke_bm_779E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; i&nbsp;<em> in vivo</em> antioksidantne, antimikrobne, antiinflamatorne, antiproliferativne i antijabeto<span id="cke_bm_780E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>gene&nbsp;&nbsp; aktivnosti.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Antioksidantna aktivnost (sposobnost neutralizacije slobodnih radikala i redukcioni potencijal) je određena spektrofotometrijskim metodama, pri kojoj su najbolju aktivnost ostvarili N<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakti&nbsp;<em> G</em>. <em>applanatum.</em> Antimikrobna aktivnost&nbsp; analiziranih ekstrakata određena je ispitivanjem antibakterijskog, antifungalnog i antiviralnog potencijala gde se izdvojila<em> G. pfeifferi</em> vrsta. Antiinflamatorni potencijal EtOH i&nbsp; CHCl<sub>3 </sub>ekstrakata određen je<em>&nbsp; ex vivo&nbsp;</em> metodom merenjem sposobnosti inhibicije produkcije medijatora inflamacije&nbsp; (produkti&nbsp; metabolizma arahidonske kiseline) pri kojoj su bolju aktivnost ispoljili CHCl<sub>3</sub> ekstrakti.</p><p>Efekat EtOH i H<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakata vrsta roda Ganoderma&nbsp;&nbsp; na rast MCF ćelijske linije ispitan je MTT testom, a posebno su se izdvojili&nbsp; EtOH&nbsp; ekstrakti vrsta posle 72h.</p><p>Ostvarena antidijabetogena aktivnost EtOH i N<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakata vrsta&nbsp; <span id="cke_bm_795S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>G. pfeifferi&nbsp; </em><span id="cke_bm_795E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>i&nbsp;<em> G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; kod aloksan-indukovanog&nbsp;<em> D. mell<span id="cke_bm_796E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>itus-a&nbsp;</em> na&nbsp; eksperimentalnim&nbsp; životinjama&nbsp; praćena je regeneracijom&nbsp; &szlig;- ćelija&nbsp; Langerhansovih ostrvaca pankreasa. Kao potencijalni nefro-&nbsp; i&nbsp; hepatoprotektivni agensi se izdvajaju ekstrakti<em>&nbsp; G. resinaceum.</em></p><p>Sumarno, ukupni biopotencijal analiziranih vrsta roda&nbsp; Ganoderma&nbsp; na osnovu sprovedenih analiza hemijske&nbsp;&nbsp; karakterizacije i biološke aktivnosti upućuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; mogućnost njihove potencijalne primene kao nutraceutika i dodataka ishrani, u budućnosti uz neophodnost dodatnih mikohemijskih istraživanja ovih vrsta, posebno terpenoida i polisaharida, kao i drugih bioloških aktivnosti kao što je neuroprotektivna.</p> / <p>Whitin this doctoral thesis the chemical composition and biological activity of EtOH, H<span id="cke_bm_699S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_699E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O and CHCl<sub>3 </sub>extracts of four fungal species which belong to genus<em> Ganoderma&nbsp;</em> (phylum Basidiomycota)<span id="cke_bm_700E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>:&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum,&nbsp; G. lucidum,&nbsp; G. pfeifferi,&nbsp; G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; were determinated. The samples were collected from different localities in Vojvodina. Chemical characterization included: AAS methods (compositon of macro- and&nbsp; microelements in d.w. of fungi) and LC-MS/MS technique (quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds and flavonoids) wherein the 12 selected phenolic compounds were detected. The total proteins, sugars, phenolics and flavonoids content were&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; determined using spectrophotometric methods. The highest protein content was determined in EtOH extracts of<span id="cke_bm_707S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em> G. applanatum&nbsp; </em><span id="cke_bm_707E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>and <em>G. pfeifferi</em>&nbsp; species. In order to assess the biological potential, the in vitro&nbsp; and in vivo antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antidiabetic activities of the extracts were investigated.<span id="cke_bm_708E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><br />&nbsp;&nbsp; The antioxidant activity (the ability of neutralizing free radicals and reduction potential) estimated byspectrophotometric methods. The highest&nbsp;&nbsp; antioxidant potential was noticed in H<sub>2</sub>O extracts of&nbsp; <em>G. applanatum.</em> Evaluation of antimicrobial activity included the estimation of antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity, whereby the&nbsp; species&nbsp;<em> G. pfeifferi&nbsp;</em> showed the highest potential The anti-inflammatory activity of EtOH and&nbsp; CHCl<sub>3</sub>&nbsp; extracts was determined by&nbsp; ex vivo&nbsp; method measuring the ability of production inhibition of inflammation mediators&nbsp; (products of arachidonic acid metabolism), where the CHCl<sub>3</sub>&nbsp; extracts were exhibited better activity.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; The effect of EtOH and H<sub>2</sub>O extracts of<em>&nbsp; Ganoderma</em> species on the growth of the cell line MCF-7, has been examined using MTT assay (stand out ethanolic extracts of analyzed species after 72h incubation period).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Achieved antidiabetic activity of EtOH and H<sub>2</sub>O extracts o<em>f<span id="cke_bm_725S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span> G. pfeifferi<span id="cke_bm_725E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; </em>an<em>d G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; at alloxan-i<span id="cke_bm_726E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>nduced D. mellitus in experimental animals was followed by regeneration of&nbsp; cells of Langerhans pancreatic islets. Extracts of&nbsp;<em> G.&nbsp;&nbsp; resinaceum&nbsp;</em> were allocated as a potential nephro- and&nbsp; hepatoprotective agents.<br />In summary, the overall biological potential of the analyzed species of the genus&nbsp; <em>Ganoderma</em>&nbsp; based on results for chemical and biological characterization indicate that they could be used&nbsp; as a nutraceuticals and food supplements in the future, with further the necessity of additional mycochemical investigation (especially terpenoids and polysaccharides) and other biological activity such as neuroprotective.</p>

Биолошка активност и хемијски састав аутохтоних врста гљива Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 и Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001 / Biološka aktivnost i hemijski sastav autohtonih vrsta gljiva Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 i Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001 / Biological activity and chemical composition of autochthonous mushroom species Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 and Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001

Tešanović Kristina 20 September 2017 (has links)
<p>У оквиру ове докторске дисертације испитана је биолошка активност екстраката плодних тела и потопљених култура (мицелије и филтрата) аутохтоних врста гљива <em>Coprinus comatus</em> и<em> Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Такође, испитан је&nbsp; метаболизам фосфата мицелија обе врсте употребом нуклеарно магнетне резонантне спректроскопије (<sup>31</sup>Р NMR), утицај ванадијума на метаболизам фосфата као и идентификација облика ванадата присутних у ћелији мицелије (<sup>51</sup>V NMR). Утврђена је антирадикалска и антиоксидативна активност&nbsp; етанолних,метанолних и водених екстраката гљива при чему су се екстракти потопљених култура издвојили по антирадикалској, а екстракти плодних тела по антиоксидативној активности. Екстракти потопљених култура истакли су се и у погледу антибактеријске активности, где се као најпотентнији показао&nbsp; хлороформски екстракт филтрата потопљене културе<em> C. comatus</em>. Такође, етанолни екстракт филтрата потопљене културе <em>C. comatus</em> показао се као најпотентнији у анти-ацетилхолинестеразној активности у односу на&nbsp; конвенционални лек донепезил. Испитан је и утицај екстраката на вијабилност ћелијских линија HepG2 (хумане хепатома ћелије) и Rin-5F (&szlig; ћелије панкреаса пацова).</p><p>Спектрофотометријским методама одређен је укупан садржај фенола и флавоноида у већини анализираних екстраката.</p><p>LC/MS идентификацијом и квантификацијом фенолних киселина уочена је разлика између фенолних једињења присутних у плодном телу, мицелији и филтрату потопљене културе. Екстракти потопљених култура бележе већи број и већи садржај једињења. Укупан садржај протеина одређен само у воденим екстрактима, а укупан садржај угљених хидрата у полисахаридним екстрактима.Употребом Фуријеве инфрацрвене спектроскопске методе (FTIR) детектоване су везе између угљених хидрата&nbsp; присутних у полисахаридним екстрактима, а планарном&nbsp; хроматографијом показано је да екстракти плодног тела и филтрата врсте <em>С. truncorum</em>, као и екстракт плодног тела врсте <em>C</em>. <em>comatus</em>, садрже велику&nbsp; количину D-глукозе, док екстракт мицелије <em>C. truncorum</em>, баш као и екстракти филтрата и мицелије <em>C. comatus</em>, садрже највише галактозе. Квалитативном и квантитативном елементарном анализом (ААS) утврђен је виши садржај&nbsp; калијума и гвожђа у анализираним узорцима. GC-МS идентификацијом и квантификацијом масних киселина указано је на значајно присуство линолне киселине код обе врсте.&nbsp;<br />Како за аутохтону врсту&nbsp; <em>C.truncorum </em>постоји мало података у литератури, подаци о њеном хемијском саставу могу се сматрати иновативним.<br />Компаративним прегледом биолошке активности и хемијског састава екстраката плодног тела и мицелије и филтрата (потопљених култура) указано је да су анализирани екстракти извори биоактивних супстанци са медицинским потенцијалом, а потопљене културе датих гљива представљају атрактивне кандидате за даља биотехнолошка истраживања.</p> / <p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitana je biološka aktivnost ekstrakata plodnih tela i potopljenih kultura (micelije i filtrata) autohtonih vrsta gljiva <em>Coprinus comatus</em> i<em> Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Takođe, ispitan je&nbsp; metabolizam fosfata micelija obe vrste upotrebom nuklearno magnetne rezonantne sprektroskopije (<sup>31</sup>R NMR), uticaj vanadijuma na metabolizam fosfata kao i identifikacija oblika vanadata prisutnih u ćeliji micelije (<sup>51</sup>V NMR). Utvrđena je antiradikalska i antioksidativna aktivnost&nbsp; etanolnih,metanolnih i vodenih ekstrakata gljiva pri čemu su se ekstrakti potopljenih kultura izdvojili po antiradikalskoj, a ekstrakti plodnih tela po antioksidativnoj aktivnosti. Ekstrakti potopljenih kultura istakli su se i u pogledu antibakterijske aktivnosti, gde se kao najpotentniji pokazao&nbsp; hloroformski ekstrakt filtrata potopljene kulture<em> C. comatus</em>. Takođe, etanolni ekstrakt filtrata potopljene kulture <em>C. comatus</em> pokazao se kao najpotentniji u anti-acetilholinesteraznoj aktivnosti u odnosu na&nbsp; konvencionalni lek donepezil. Ispitan je i uticaj ekstrakata na vijabilnost ćelijskih linija HepG2 (humane hepatoma ćelije) i Rin-5F (&szlig; ćelije pankreasa pacova).</p><p>Spektrofotometrijskim metodama određen je ukupan sadržaj fenola i flavonoida u većini analiziranih ekstrakata.</p><p>LC/MS identifikacijom i kvantifikacijom fenolnih kiselina uočena je razlika između fenolnih jedinjenja prisutnih u plodnom telu, miceliji i filtratu potopljene kulture. Ekstrakti potopljenih kultura beleže veći broj i veći sadržaj jedinjenja. Ukupan sadržaj proteina određen samo u vodenim ekstraktima, a ukupan sadržaj ugljenih hidrata u polisaharidnim ekstraktima.Upotrebom Furijeve infracrvene spektroskopske metode (FTIR) detektovane su veze između ugljenih hidrata&nbsp; prisutnih u polisaharidnim ekstraktima, a planarnom&nbsp; hromatografijom pokazano je da ekstrakti plodnog tela i filtrata vrste <em>S. truncorum</em>, kao i ekstrakt plodnog tela vrste <em>C</em>. <em>comatus</em>, sadrže veliku&nbsp; količinu D-glukoze, dok ekstrakt micelije <em>C. truncorum</em>, baš kao i ekstrakti filtrata i micelije <em>C. comatus</em>, sadrže najviše galaktoze. Kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom elementarnom analizom (AAS) utvrđen je viši sadržaj&nbsp; kalijuma i gvožđa u analiziranim uzorcima. GC-MS identifikacijom i kvantifikacijom masnih kiselina ukazano je na značajno prisustvo linolne kiseline kod obe vrste.&nbsp;<br />Kako za autohtonu vrstu&nbsp; <em>C.truncorum </em>postoji malo podataka u literaturi, podaci o njenom hemijskom sastavu mogu se smatrati inovativnim.<br />Komparativnim pregledom biološke aktivnosti i hemijskog sastava ekstrakata plodnog tela i micelije i filtrata (potopljenih kultura) ukazano je da su analizirani ekstrakti izvori bioaktivnih supstanci sa medicinskim potencijalom, a potopljene kulture datih gljiva predstavljaju atraktivne kandidate za dalja biotehnološka istraživanja.</p> / <p>The biological activity of extracts of basidiocarps (fruiting bodies)&nbsp; and submerged cultures (mycelium and filtrate) of autochthonous mushroom species&nbsp; <em>Coprinus comatus</em> and&nbsp; <em>Coprinellus truncorum&nbsp;</em> was examined. Furthermore, the metabolism of phosphate&nbsp; of mycelia&nbsp; of both types was studied using nuclear magnetic&nbsp; resonance spectros-copy ( <sup>31</sup> R NMR), the influence of vanadium on phosphate metabolism and the identification of vanadate oxidation states present in the mycelia cell ( <sup>51</sup> V NMR). The antiradical and antioxidant activity of methanolic, ethanolic and water fungal extracts was determined. Extracts of submerged cultures achieved the best anti- radical activity while fruit body extracts showed the best antioxidant activity. Extracts of submerged cultures also highlighted in terms of antibacterial activity, where the chloroform extract of the submerged culture&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>&nbsp; showed as the most potent. Also, the ethanolic extract of the submerged culture of<em>&nbsp; C. comatus</em>&nbsp; was found to be most relevant in anti-acetylcholinesterase activity&nbsp; compared with&nbsp; the conventional donepezil drug. The influence of extracts on the viability of cell lines HepG2 (human hepatocytes cells) and Rin-5F (&szlig; pancreatic cells of the rat) was also examined.</p><p>Spectrophotometric methods determined the total con-tent of phenol and flavonoids in most of the analyzed extracts.</p><p>The LC/MS identification and quantification of phenolic acids revealed the difference between the phenolic compounds present in the fruiting body, mycelium, and the submerged culture filtrate. Extracts of submerged cultures record a greater number and higher content of compounds.</p><p>The total content of proteins determined only in water extracts&nbsp; and the total content of&nbsp; carbohydrates in poly-saccharide extracts. Using the Fourier infrared spectro-scopic method (FTIR), the links between the sugar pre-sent in the&nbsp; polysaccharide extracts were detected, and planar chromatography showed that the extracts&nbsp; of the fruiting body and the filtrate of type<em>&nbsp; C. truncorum</em>, as well as the extract of the fruiting body of the species&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>, contain a large amount of D-glucose, while the extract of the&nbsp;<em> C</em>. <em>truncorum</em>&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; and&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; of&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>, contain the most galactose. GC-MS identification and quantification of fatty acids indicated a significant presence of linoleic acid in both species, while qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis (AAS) has determined a higher content of potas-sium and iron in the analyzed samples. Since there is no data in the literature for the autochtho-nous species&nbsp;<em> C</em>. <em>truncorum</em>, the studies on its chemical composition can be considered advanced аs innovative. A comparative review of the biological activity and the chemical composition of the extracts of the fruiting body and&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; and filtrates&nbsp; of&nbsp; medium of&nbsp; submerged cultures&nbsp; indicated that the extracts were analyzed by sources of bioactive substances with medical potential, and the submerged cultures of these mushrooms are attractive candidates for biotechnological research.</p> / <p>В рамках данной работы была исследованна биологическая активность экстракта плодородных тел и погружонных видов култур (мицелии и филтрата) автотоных видов грибов <em>Coprinus comatus</em> и <em>Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Также, исследованн метаболизм фосфата обеих видов&nbsp; мицелий с помощью ядерного магнитного резонанса спектроскопии (<sup>31</sup>Р ЯМР), влияние на содержание ванадия в метаболизме фосфата, а также идентификация формы ванадата присущего в клеток мицеллий (<sup>51</sup>V ЯМР). Установленная антирадикальная и антиоксидантная активность метанольных, этанольных и водных экстрактов гриб, причём выделяются экстракты погружённых культур по антирадикальной активности и&nbsp; экстракты плодородных тел по антиоксидантной активности.</p><p>Экстракты погружённых культур выделялись и в плане антибактериальной активности, причем,&nbsp; наиболее мощным из филтратов показался экстракт хлороформа погруженной культуры <em>C. comatus.</em> А также этанольный экстракт филтрата погружённой культуры<em> C. comatus</em> оказался найболее мощным в анти-ацетихолинестеразной активностипо сравнению с традиционным лекарством донепезилом. Было исследовано и влияние экстрактов на виябильность клеток линий&nbsp;&nbsp; HepG2 (гуманые хепатома клетки) и Rin-5F (&szlig; клетки поджелудочной железы крыс).<br />Методом спектрофотометрии определена совокупность фенола и флавоноида в большинстве проанализированных экстрактах.<br />С помощью ЛС ̸МС идентификации и квантификации фенолных кислот была замечена разница между соединениями фенола, присущих в плодородном теле, и мицелии, и филтрата погружённой культуры. Экстракты погружённых культур отражают больше количество и более высокое содержание соединений.<br />Общее содержание белков выделен только в водяных экстрактах, и общее содержание углеводов в полисахаридных экстрактах. Используя инфракрасный метод спектроскопии Фурия (ИКМСФ) были обнаружены связи между сахарами, присущими в полисахаридных экстрактах, а планарной хромотографиой было показано, что экстракты плодородного тела и филтратов вида <em>С. truncorum</em>,&nbsp; а&nbsp; также и экстракты плодородного тела вида <em>C. comatus</em> содержат большое количество D-глюкозы, в то время как экстракт мицелии <em>C. truncorum,</em> именно как и экстракт фильтрата и мицелии <em>C. comatus</em>, содержат больше всего галактозы.<br />GC-МS идентификацией и квантификацией жирных кислот показано значительное наличие линолевой кислоты у обоих видах. А качественным и квантитативным элементарным анализом установленно большее содержание калиума и железа в анализированых шаблонах.<br />Из-за того, что для автохтонного вида <em>C. truncorum</em> практически не было данных в литературе, данные о её химическом составе можно считать прогрессивным и инновационным.<br />Сравнительный анализ биологической активности и химического состава экстрактов плодородного тела и мицелии и фильтрат (погружённых культур) показаывает, что проанализированные экстракты &mdash; источники биологически активных веществ с медицинским потенциалом, и погружённые культуры данных гриб являются привлекательными кандидатами для биотехнологических исследований.</p>

Entwicklung und Validierung eines Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) für die Quantifizierung von Carbamazepin in Abwasser, Oberflächenwasser und Trinkwasser

Bahlmann, Arnold 17 April 2013 (has links)
Ein kompetitiver ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay) für den Nachweis von Carbamazepin (CBZ) mit einer Bestimmungsgrenze von ca. 30 ng/L wurde entwickelt und validiert. Dieser in Gewässern häufig auftretende anthropogene Marker wurde anschließend in einer Vielzahl an Proben aus Abwässern, Oberflächengewässern und Trinkwässern nachgewiesen. Der ELISA zeigte eine exzellente Präzision und erbrachte in allen Matrizes geringfügig höhere Analysenergebnisse als die Referenzmethode HPLC-MS/MS. Die beständige Überbestimmung der CBZ-Konzentration in Höhe von ca. 7 % konnte auf die Präsenz von Cetirizin und geringen Mengen des persistenten Metaboliten 10,11 Epoxy¬carbamazepin (EP-CBZ) zurückgeführt werden. Die Bindungseigenschaften des verwendeten Antikörpers wurden anhand der Kreuz¬reaktivi¬täten von 37 Substanzen eingehend untersucht. Nach Kopplung von Flüssig¬chromato¬graphie und ELISA konnte das strukturell nicht mit CBZ verwandte Anti¬histaminikum Cetirizin als Kreuzreaktand identifiziert werden. Der störende Einfluss dieses Kreuz¬reaktanden auf den CBZ-ELISA konnte nach einer Änderung des pH-Wertes im Proben¬puffer minimiert werden. Die pH-abhängige Selektivitätssteuerung ermöglichte überdies die Entwicklung eines Dual-Analyt-Immunoassays für die parallele Bestimmung von CBZ und Cetirizin. Darüber hinaus wurden die Metaboliten EP-CBZ, DiOH-CBZ, 2-OH-CBZ, 3-OH-CBZ und 10 OH-CBZ in Abwasser, Oberflächenwasser und Trinkwasser quantifiziert. DiOH-CBZ erwies sich als ähnlich persistent wie CBZ und wurde in besonders hohen Konzentrationen gefunden. Außerdem wurden mehrere weitere bislang nicht identifizierte Abbauprodukte von CBZ gefunden. Da weder Probenvorbereitung noch Probenanreicherung erforderlich sind, ist der Test schnell und kostengünstig durchführbar. Die für den Test nötigen Probenvolumen sind mit weniger als 1 mL sehr gering. Diese Eigenschaften erlauben ein Hochdurchsatzscreening und machen die Methode interessant für den Einsatz im Gewässermonitoring. / A competitive ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) for the quantitation of carbamazepine (CBZ) was developed and validated. A limit of quantitation (LOQ) of ca. 30 ng/L allowed for the quantitation of CBZ in many samples from wastewater, surface water and drinking water. The method was found to be excellently precise, but it displayed slightly higher results than obtained by the reference method liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The nearly constant overestimation of 7 % could be attributed to the presence of small amounts of cetirizine and the persistent metabolite 10,11 epoxy¬carbamazepine (EP-CBZ). The binding properties of the antibody were studied by determining the cross-reactivities of 37 compounds. Hyphenating liquid chromatography to ELISA led to the discovery of the cross-reactive antihistamine cetirizine that shares no obvious structural similarity with CBZ. The bias caused by cetirizine was eliminated by changing the pH value of the sample buffer. Moreover, the antibody’s pH-dependent selectivity enabled a dual-analyte immunoassay for the parallel determination of CBZ and cetirizine. Furthermore, the metabolites EP-CBZ, DiOH-CBZ, 2-OH-CBZ, 3-OH-CBZ and 10-OH-CBZ were quantified in wastewater, surface water and drinking water. DiOH-CBZ showed the highest concentrations of all analaytes investigated and was found to be equally persistent as CBZ. In addition, several further degradation products of CBZ were found that could not be identified. The ELISA allowed the detection of diurnal and seasonal fluctuations of analyte concentrations in wastewater and surface water. The anthropogenic marker CBZ enabled to trace wastewater from the source to the receiving waters. Since neither sample pretreatment nor enrichment is necessary, the method is very fast and cost-effective. Only a small sample volume (less than 1 mL) is needed making this ELISA an appropriate high-throughput screening tool for environmental monitoring.

Immunochemical and chromatographic methods for two anthropogenic markers of contamination in surface waters / caffeine and coprostanol

Carvalho, Jose Joao 08 December 2011 (has links)
Koffein (1,3,7-Trimethylxanthin) und Coprostanol (5beta-cholestan-3beta-ol) wurden im Berliner Oberflächenwasser nachgewiesen. Ihre Konzentrationen korrelierten mit dem Verunreinigungsgrad der Proben, was nahelegt, dass sie sich als Marker für menschliche Aktivität eignen. Bemerkenswerterweise wurde Koffein in jeder einzelnen Oberflächenwasserprobe oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze von 0,025 µg/L gefunden. Um Oberflächenwasserproben in größeren Serien zu untersuchen, war die Entwicklung zweier neuer Methoden erforderlich: ein Immunoassay, basierend auf einem monoklonalen Antikörper für Koffein und eine dispersive flüssig-flüssig Mikroextraktionsmethode (DLLME), gefolgt von Flüssigkeitschromatographie gekoppelt mit Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (LC-MS/MS) für Coprostanol. Der entwickelte Koffein-Immunoassay zeigt die beste je erhaltene Nachweisgrenze für Koffein (0,001 µg/L), erlaubt Hochdurchsatz-Analysen und erfordert keine Probenvorbereitung. Der Assay wurde auch erfolgreich für die Messung von Koffein in Getränken, Haarwaschmitteln, Koffeintabletten und menschlichem Speichel angewendet. Antikörper gegen Coprostanol sind nicht kommerziell erhältlich. Eine neue Strategie Anti-Coprostanol-Antikörper zu generieren wurde erarbeitet, die eine analoge Verbindung – Isolithocholsäure (ILA) – als Hapten verwendet, mit der eine Gruppe von Mäusen immunisiert wurde. Ein polyklonales Anti-ILA-Serum wurde produziert, welches Coprostanol bindet, aber die niedrige Affinität erlaubte nicht den Aufbau eines Immunoassays, der die Messung von Umweltkonzentrationen des Anayten (im Bereich ng/L) zulässt. Spezifische Anti-ILA-Immunglobuline G wurden auch in den Faeces der Mäuse gefunden. Coprostanol wurde in den Wasserproben durch die Verwendung einer neuentwickelten LC-MS/MS-Methode unter APCI-Ionisation (atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation) gemessen. Konzentrationen oberhalb von 0,1 µg/L wurden nach Voranreicherung der Probe mittels DLLME bestimmt. / Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) and coprostanol (5beta-cholestan-3beta-ol) were detected in samples of Berlin’s surface water. Their concentrations correlated with the contamination status of the samples, suggesting their usefulness as markers of human activity. Remarkably, caffeine concentrations were always well above the limit of quantitation of 0.025 µg/L. In order to screen surface water samples in larger series, the development of two novel methods was required: a monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay for caffeine and a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) method, followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for coprostanol. The caffeine immunoassay developed shows the best analytical limit of detection (LOD) obtained so far for caffeine (0.001 µg/L), allows high-throughput analysis, and does not require sample pre-treatment. The assay was also successfully employed to measure caffeine in beverages, shampoos, caffeine tab-lets, and human saliva. Antibodies to coprostanol are not commercially available. A new strategy to generate anti-coprostanol antibodies was elaborated using an analogous com-pound as hapten – isolithocholic acid (ILA) – and immunizing a group of mice. A polyclonal anti-ILA serum was produced, which binds coprostanol but the low affinity did not permit setting up an immunoassay to measure environmental concentrations of the analyte (in the range of ng/L). Specific anti-ILA immunoglobulin G were also found in the faeces of the immunized mice. Coprostanol was quantified in the water samples using a newly developed LC-MS/MS method using atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI). Concentrations above 0.1 µg/L were determined after sample preconcentration using DLLME. This extraction method also proved to be successful for enrichment of coprostanol-related compounds such as cholesterol, cholestanol, cholestanone, ergosterol, and stigmasterol.

Surface-Engineered Magnetic Nanoparticles for Sample Preparation and Analysis of Proteins and Peptides

Pirani, Parisa 15 May 2015 (has links)
Sample preparation as an essential step in mass spectrometry-based analysis, plays a critical role in proteomics studies. Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have been widely used in protein and peptide sample preparation due to their magnetic properties, biocompatibility, easy synthesis and surface functionalization. MNPs loaded with analyte or analyte modification reagent can be easily separated from the reaction medium by an externally applied magnetic field. The small size of MNPs provides high analyte loading and extraction capacity. Additionally, MNP can be decorated with different functional groups to achieve selective modification or extraction of analyte. In this study we have utilized silica coated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4@SiO2 MNPs) for protein and peptide sample preparation. Fluorescence-based methods were utilized for quantitative and qualitative characterization of N-hydrosucccinimidyl (NHS) ester groups on the surface of Fe3O4@SiO2 MNPs. Fluorophore Dansylcadaverine was conjugated to NHS ester functional groups. Fluorometric measurement of cleaved dansylcadaveine was employed to determine the number of NHS ester groups per MNPs that was found to be 2.6 × 102 and 3.4 × 103for 20 nm and 100 nm Fe3O4@SiO2 MNPrespectively. The efficiency of labeling native bovine serum albumin (BSA) by NHS ester coated Fe3O4@SiO2 MNPs was also explored in terms of maximizing the number of MNPs conjugated per BSA molecule or maximizing the number of BSA molecules conjugated per each MNP. Lysine residues of apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) on the surface of intact human low density lipoprotein (LDL) were labeled by NHS ester modified Fe3O4@SiO2 MNPs in aqueous solvents at room temperature. The MNP labeledapoB-100 was treated by SDS to remove lipids and then digested using trypsin. Tryptic peptides were eluted from MNPs by cleaving disulfide linkage between labeled peptides and MNPs. LC-MS/MS analysis found 28 peptides containing labeled lysine residues. These lysine residues should be on the solvent exposed surface of LDL since the large size of MNPs prevents contact of the labeling reagent to those lysines embedded inside the structure of LDL. TCEP- immobilized Fe3O4@SiO2MNPs were fabricated and utilized for reduction of disulfide bonds in bovine pancreas insulin and two different cyclic peptides. Disulfide bonds were efficiently cleaved at room temperature in both organic and aqueous solvents confirmed by LC-MS/MS analysis of reduced/alkylated protein and peptides. Disulfide reduction and alkylation reactions was performed in one step and the reducing agent was simply separated from peptide and protein solution by magnetic separation.

Monitoring anti-infectives and antibiotic resistance genes : with focus on analytical method development, effects of antibiotics and national perspectives

Khan, Ghazanfar Ali January 2012 (has links)
Antibiotics are biologically active and are globally used in humans and animal medicine for treatment and in sub-therapeutic amounts as growth promoters in animal husbandry, aquaculture and agriculture. After excretion, inappropriate disposal and discharge from drug production facilities they enter into water bodies either as intact drugs, metabolites or transformed products. In water environments they promote development of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) which could serve as a reservoir and be horizontally transferred to human-associated bacteria and thus contribute to AR proliferation. Measurement of antibiotics has been revolutionized with the usage of solid phase extraction (SPE) for enrichment followed by Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). On-line SPE coupled to LC-MS/MS has the advantages of high sample throughput, low sample preparation time and minimal solvent utilization.  Constructed wetlands (CWs) are potential alternatives to conventional treatment plants to remove organic pollutants. A study at Plönninge, Halmstad was performed to assess the impact of bacterial community pattern and development of resistance in spiked (n=4) and control (n=4). CWs were spiked with antibiotics at environmentally relevant concentrations continuously for 25 days. Shannon Index (H’) were used to determine the bacterial diversity and real-time PCR detected and quantified antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) sulI, tetA, tetB, erm, dfrA1, qnrS and vanB and class 1 integrons intI1. No significant differences in bacterial compositions or in ARGs or integron concentrations could be discerned between exposed and control wetlands. A study conducted in Northern Pakistan showed that the antibiotic levels in most studied rivers were comparable to surface water measurements in unpolluted sites in Europe and the US. However, high levels of antibiotics were detected in the river in close vicinity of the 10 million city Lahore, e.g. 4600 ng L−1 sulfamethoxazole. Highest detected levels were at one of the drug formulation facilities, with measured levels up to 49000 ng L−1 of sulfamethoxazole for example. The highest levels of ARGs detected, sul1 and dfrA1, were directly associated with the antibiotics detected at the highest concentrations, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. In the study in UK, sewage epidemiology surveillance is used to measure the oseltamivir carboxylate (OC), metabolite of oseltamivir (parent drug) in twenty four time proportional hourly influent samples from two WWTPs and then back-calculations were made to assess the compliance of drug.  Predicted users of oseltamivir, based on measured OC in waste water, ranged from 3-4 and 120-154 people for the two WWTP catchments, respectively, which are consistent with the projected use from national antiviral allocation statistics, 3-8 and 108-270, respectively. Scenario analysis suggests compliance was likely between 45-60% in the study regions.

Analyse simultanée des hormones stéroïdiennes et leurs formes chimiques dans les matrices d'eau et d'urine par SPE-LC-MS/MS en ligne

Clemente Naldi, Amanda 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The cytotoxic effects of malondialdehyde on human lung fibroblast cells

Yates, Sally A. January 2015 (has links)
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a mutagenic and carcinogenic product of lipid peroxidation which has also been found at elevated levels in smokers. MDA reacts with nucleic acid bases to form pyrimidopurinone DNA adducts, of which 3-(2-deoxy-β-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl)pyrimidol[1,2-α]purin-10(3H)-one (M1dG) is the most abundant and has been linked to smoking. Mutations in the TP53 tumour suppressor gene are associated with half of all cancers. This research applied a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the toxic effects of MDA on the human lung fibroblasts MRC5, which have an intact p53 response, and their SV40 transformed counterpart, MRC5 SV2, which have a sequestered p53 response. Both cell lines were treated with MDA (0-1000 µM) for 24 and 48 h and subjected to a variety of analyses to examine cell proliferation, cell viability, cellular and nuclear morphology, apoptosis, p53 protein expression, DNA topography and M1dG adduct detection. For the first time, mutation sequencing of the 5’ untranslated region (UTR) of the TP53 gene in response to MDA treatment was carried out. The main findings were that both cell lines showed reduced proliferation and viability with increasing concentrations of MDA, the cell surface and nuclear morphology were altered, and levels of apoptosis and p53 protein expression appeared to increase. A LC MS-MS method for detection of M1dG adducts was developed and adducts were detected in CT-DNA treated with MDA in a dose-dependent manner. DNA appeared to become more fragmented with increasing MDA concentration, and the number of mutations in the 5’ UTR region of the TP53 gene also increased. The majority of mutations observed were insertions, compared to lung cancer mutation data where the majority were G to T transversions. This was unexpected, suggesting that tobacco smoke compounds have a different role in mutagenesis than endogenous lipid peroxidation. Thus, MDA has been found to have a clear effect on human lung fibroblasts at both the cellular and DNA level.

LC-MS/MS-Bestimmung von Kokzidiostatika in Futtermittel und Ei

Bodi, Dorina 12 June 2014 (has links)
Kokzidiostatika werden in der Kleintiermast als Futtermittelzusatzstoffe zur Vorbeugung der Kokzidiose eingesetzt. Die Verwendung der Wirkstoffe ist in der Europäischen Union gesetzlich geregelt und unterliegt der amtlichen Lebens- und Futtermittelkontrolle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Methoden zur flüssigchromatographisch tandem-massen¬spektro¬metrischen (LC-MS/MS-) Bestimmung von Kokzidiostatika in Futtermitteln und in Ei entwickelt. Durch Bestandteile des Probenmaterials traten Störungen des Analytsignals auf. Die Untersuchung solcher Matrixeffekte ist in der pharmazeutischen und der Pestizidanalytik üblich. Zu Matrixeffekten bei der LC-MS/MS-Analytik in Futtermitteln gibt es kaum Daten. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war daher die Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf Matrixeffekte bei der Analyse von Kokzidiostatika. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde eine Methode zur Bestimmung von Verschleppungen von Kokzidiostatika in Futtermittel für Nichtzieltierarten entwickelt und validiert. Weitere LC-MS/MS-Methoden wurden zur Bestimmung Maduramicins in Futtermittel, Eiweiß und Eigelb optimiert. Diese wurden zur wurden zur Untersuchung des Übergangs des Kokzidiostatikums aus dem Futtermittel in das Ei benötigt. Dazu wurde eine Fütterungsstudie mit Legehennen durchgeführt. Futtermittel mit drei Konzentrationen von Maduramicin bis zum Höchstgehalt in Futtermittel für Nichtzieltierarten wurden hergestellt und je einer Gruppe von Legehennen verabreicht. Das aufgenommene Maduramicin ging ausschließlich ins Eigelb über, es ergab sich eine Carry-over-Rate von 8 %. Der für Eier festgelegte Höchstgehalt von 2 µg/kg wurde überschritten, obwohl die Konzentrationen Maduramicins in den verfütterten Futtermitteln unterhalb des Höchstgehaltes für Futtermittel lagen. Als Folge dieser Ergebnisse wurde der Maduramicin-Höchstgehalt in Ei auf 12 µg/kg angepasst. Der in Verordnung (EG) Nr. 124/2009 festgelegte Höchstgehalt wurde durch die Verordnung (EU) 610/2012 geändert. / Prevention of coccidosis by anticoccidial feed additives is of great economic importance in poultry farming. Application of these substances is regulated by European law and is a matter of official feed and food control requiring appropriate determination methods for coccidiostats. In this study, liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS-) methods for the quantification of coccidiostats in feed and eggs were developed. The influence of the sample material resulted in poor method performance. These matrix effects are intensively investigated in other analytical fields like drug or pesticide analysis. In contrast, there are limited data concerning matrix effects in LC-MS/MS analysis in feedingstuffs. This study therefore focussed on the systematic investigation of factors influencing matrix effects during analysis of coccidiostats. The findings were implemented in the development and validation of a method for the determination of cross-contamination levels of authorized coccidiostats in feed for non-target animals. This method was optimized for the determination of the anticoccidial feed additive maduramicin in feed, egg white, and egg yolk for a carry-over study. By means of the conducted feeding trial with laying hens the carry-over of maduramicin from feed into eggs was comprehensively characterized. Three feedingstuffs containing different levels of maduramicin up to the maximum tolerable level in non-target animal feed were prepared and fed to groups of ten laying hens. Maduramicin is exclusively transferred into egg yolk, and a carry-over rate into whole eggs of 8 % was calculated. Although the applied diets were in compliance with the maximum level in feed, resulting concentrations in whole eggs exceeded the maximum level in eggs. As a consequence of these findings, the maximum permitted level of maduramicin in eggs was adapted to 12 µg/kg. The maximum level assigned by Regulation (EC) No. 124/2009 was amended in Regulation (EU) 610/2012.

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