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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Control and function of two ferrochelatase isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana

Fan, Tingting 18 March 2019 (has links)
Die Tetrapyrrol-Biosynthese der Pflanzen ist ein hoch konservierter Prozess, indem sich die Häm- und Chlorophyllsynthese gemeinsame Syntheseschritte von der 5-Aminolävulinsäure (ALA)- bis hin zur Protoporphyrin IX (Proto)-Bildung teilen. Zur Hämsynthese sind in Arabidopsis thaliana zwei Isoformen der Ferrochelatase (FC) vorhanden, welche die Insertion von Eisenionen in Proto katalysieren. In dieser Arbeit wurden fc1 und fc2 Mutanten analysiert und für Komplementationsversuche mit nativen und modifizierten FC1/FC2-Sequenzen genutzt. Die in der fc1-2 Mutante gestörte Embryonalentwicklung infolge des FC1 Mangels konnte durch Expression eines pFC1::FC1 Genkonstruktes komplementiert werden. Die Expression von FC2 unter dem FC1 Promoter (pFC1::FC2) konnte die fc1-2 Mutante unter Standard-Wachstumsbedingungen vollständig komplementieren, jedoch nicht unter Salzstress. Zusätzlich zu den Komplementationsversuchen der fc1 Mutanten wurde auch eine fc2 Null-Mutante zur Expression der beiden genomischen FC Sequenzen herangezogen, um die spezifischen Funktionen der FC2-Varianten zu untersuchen. Während die pFC1FC2 (fc2/fc2) Pflanzen unter Dauerlicht eine vollständige Komplementation zeigten, konnte unter Kurztagbedingungen nur eine partielle Komplementation beobachtet werden. Versuche geben erste wichtige Hinweise, dass auch FC2 an der Regulation der ALA-Synthese infolge ihrer Interaktion mit PORB beteiligt ist. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass der Häm- und der Chlorophyllzweig eine gemeinsame Regulation der ALA-Synthese teilen, um das Gleichgewicht der TBS zu wahren. Neben der Funktion der FC2 in der Regulation der TBS konnte die vorliegende Arbeit ebenfalls die Rolle der FC2 in der Assemblierung der PSII-LHCII Superkomplexe offenlegen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen, dieser Studie können Modelle für die funktionale Verteilung der beiden FC-Isoformen in unterschiedlichen Geweben und Entwicklungsstadien, sowie die Funktionen in verschiedenen biologischen Prozessen postuliert werden. / In plants, heme and chlorophyll synthesis share the common synthetic steps from 5- aminolevulinic acid (ALA) formation to Protoporphyrin IX (Proto) production in the conserved Tetrapyrrole biosynthesis (TBS) pathway. Arabidopsis thaliana utilizes two ferrochelatses (FC) to catalyse the insertion of ferrous iron into Proto to yield heme. In this study, the fc1 and fc2 defective mutants have been re-analysed and used for complementation tests with expression of a native or modified FC1/FC2 sequence. The pFC1FC1 (fc1/fc1) complementation plants confirmed that the defective embryo maturation in homozygous fc1-2 seeds is attributed to a lack of FC1. Expression of FC2 under the FC1 promoter contributed to a full complementation of fc1-2 under standard growth conditions, but not under salt stress. A fc2 null mutant has been used to express the two FC genomic sequences to substantiate the specific functions of FC2. Expression of FC2 under its own promoter was able to rescue fc2-2 mutants under both SD and CL conditions. However, pFC2FC1 (fc2/fc2) plants showed a partial complementation under SD condition. Via multiple interaction assays and mutant analyses, this thesis uncovered a mechanism of FC2 action on ALA synthesis regulation via interaction of FC2 and PORB. The results indicate that both branches of heme and chlorophyll synthesis share a common regulation to balance the TBS pathway. Apart from a role of FC2 involved in the regulation of TBS pathway, the presented study also revealed FC2 function in the assembly of the PSII-LHCII supercomplexes. Based on all the results obtained in this study, the functional distribution models of the two FC in different tissues and development stages, as well as diverse biological processes, have been proposed. In addition, to which extent that FC1/FC2 could compensate the function of the other isoform has been discussed.

Studying nonlinear optical properties of the plant light-harvesting protein LHCII

Schubert, Axel 11 May 2004 (has links)
Ultraschnelle Energietransferprozesse zwischen den Anregungszuständen organischer Pigmentmoleküle in photosynthetischen Lichtsammelkomplexen gehören zu den schnellsten bisher untersuchten biologischen Ereignissen. Diese Vorgänge wurden insbesondere auch für den Haupt-Antennenkomplex der höheren Pflanzen (LHCII) beobachtet, der mehr als die Hälfte des pflanzlichen Chlorophylls (Chl) bindet (5 Chl b und 7 Chl a pro Monomer). Offenbar ist dieser Pigment-Protein-Komplex entscheidend für Regulationsmechanismen verantwortlich, die eine schnelle Adaptation des Photosyntheseapparats an wechselnde Licht- bedingungen ermöglichen. Die Struktur von LHCII ist mit einer Auflösung von 3.4 Å bekannt und erlaubt (im Prinzip) die Berechnung des Anregungsenergietransfers auf Basis eines Förster-Mechanismus. In diesem Zusammenhang gibt es jedoch noch zahlreiche ungeklärte Fragen, die vor allem die Orientierung der Pigmente zueinander sowie deren mögliche starke (exzitonische) Wechselwirkung betreffen. Allerdings sind konventionelle spektroskopische Methoden nicht geeignet, diese Merkmale ausreichend aufzuklären. Aus diesem Grund wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, inwieweit neuere laserspektroskopische Methoden wie die nichtlineare Polarisationsspektroskopie in der Frequenzdomäne (NLPF) zur Ermittlung unbekannter Parameter beitragen können. Anfänglich ergaben sich besonders Fragen der Anwendbarkeit der NLPF auf solche hoch- komplexen Untersuchungsobjekte sowie der Signifikanz eventuell erzielbarer Ergebnisse. Aufbauend auf einer parallel verfaßten Dissertation zu theoretischen Aspekten der NLPF- Methode [1] wurde daher ein vereinfachtes System modelliert, das die Heterogenität der individuellen Chl(e) im LHCII widerspiegelt. Die gewonnenen Resultate ließen vermuten, daß die reine Simulation von NLPF-Spektren nicht ausreicht, um eindeutige Aussagen über die Molekülparameter zu gewinnen. Um den benötigten zusätzlichen Erkenntnisgewinn zu erreichen, wurden daher Paralleluntersuchungen mit anderen laserspektroskopischen Methoden (nichtlineare Absorption mit fs-Pulsen, intensitätsabhängige NLPF, Einzelmolekülspektroskopie, Tieftemperatur-NLPF) sowie mit in vitro rekonstituierten Protein-Mutanten durchgeführt. Als Ergebnis konnte die Subbstruktur der Qy- Absorptionsbande der ersten angeregten Zustände der Chl(e) für LHCII ausreichend beschrieben werden. Darüber hinaus ergaben sich Aussagen zu exzitonischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen bestimmten Chl(en), die unter anderem Einfluß auf das Energie- transferverhalten haben. Diese zusätzlichen Untersuchungen erlaubten letztendlich eine Modellierung der bei Raum- temperatur an LHCII gemessenen NLPF-Spektren. Neben dem dabei implizit gewonnenen Verständnis der nichtlinearen optischen Eigenschaften im Bereich der Qy-Absorption ließen sich so Aussagen über bestimmte Modellparameter, besonders über die Orientierung von Übergangsdipolmomenten, ableiten. Abschließend wurde die Auswirkung der Erkenntnisse auf das Verständnis der Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen für intra- und inter-komplexen Energietransfer erläutert. / Ultra-fast excitation energy transfer (EET) between excited states of organic pigment molecules in photosynthetic antenna complexes belongs to the fastest observed biological processes. Such EET phenomena has been studied to a large extent for the main light- harvesting complex of the higher plants (LHCII), which appears to play an exceptional role for the regulatory function (i.e. light adaptation) of the plant photosynthetic apparatus. The structure of this pigment-protein complex harboring more than 50 % of the total chlorophyll (Chl) content is known with 3.4 Å resolution and reveals the binding sites of 5 Chl b and 7 Chl a per monomeric unit. Based on this structure analysis, EET calculations are (in principle) available on the molecular level under the assumption of Förster-type transfer. However, several molecular features like mutual pigment orientations and electronic interactions between their transition dipoles are still rather uncertain. Since conventional spectroscopic techniques can hardly reveal the corresponding parameters, this work was aimed at the evaluation of newly introduced laser spectroscopic techniques with respect to these questions. In the beginning, suitability and significance of the method when applied to highly complicated structures like pigment-protein complexes were studied by modeling heterogeneous, LHCII-like absorption systems in NLPF experiments. Based on recent improvements in the NLPF theory by a parallel theoretical investigation [1], these simulations clarified the sensitivity of the NLPF method on numerous physical parameters. As a major consequence, unambiguous evaluations of NLPF measurements appear to require substantial additional information about the investigated system. Accordingly, several supplementary methods like nonlinear absorption (using fs-pulses), intensity-dependent NLPF, single- molecule spectroscopy, and NLPF at low temperatures were employed. These investigations revealed unique information about excitonic interaction between certain Chl(s), including implications for the overall EET scheme. The sub-structure model for the Qy-absorption region of LHCII was further essentially improved by the analysis of reconstituted proteins with selectively modified Chl binding residues in the amino-acid sequence. The sum of all complementary investigations allowed finally the evaluation of room temperature NLPF measurements of trimeric LHCII. Due to the unique selectivity of the spectra to individual transition-dipole directions, several orientation parameters have been obtained. Under this point of view, the NLPF method has indeed revealed a high potential as compared to conventional techniques like circular dichroism spectroscopy. Moreover, the understanding of nonlinear phenomena in the Qy-absorption region of LHCII as a consequence of molecular interaction provides further knowledge for the application of other nonlinear optical experiments. Concluding, implications of the obtained results for the structure-function relationship of intra- and inter-complex EET were elucidated.

The Small Cab-like Proteins in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

Hernández-Prieto, Miguel Angel January 2009 (has links)
The Small Cab-like Proteins (SCPs) in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 accumulate in cells grown under different stress conditions. Genes coding for SCPs have been found in all sequenced organisms performing oxygenic photosynthesis and even in the genomes of cyanophages. Deletion of multiple scp genes in Synechocystis resulted in mutants with severely impaired growth and altered pigment content. These findings indicate the importance of SCPs in photosynthesis; however, their specific function is not well understood. SCPs share a chlorophyll-binding motif with the plant light harvesting complex, suggesting that they bind chlorophyll. Here I describe my findings, which unambiguously show that SCPs are able to bind chlorophyll in vitro. Although they affect both the stoichiometric ratio of Photosystem I to II and chlorophyll stability, they do not seem to be directly involved in non-photochemical quenching. I was able to reveal the location of the SCPs within the cyanobacterial cell: in stressed cells they attach to Photosystem II in the thylakoid membrane. Furthermore, I revealed the presence of another light-harvesting like (Lil)/SCP protein in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The gene, slr1544, codifying for this newly characterised LilA protein, co-transcribes together with scpD and also appears to bind to Photosystem II during stress.

Exciton Simulations Of The Optical Properties Of Several Photosynthetic Light-harvesting Complexes

Iseri, Erkut Inan 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The work presented in this thesis was aimed to investigate the structure-function relationship of several photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Complexes (LHCs) including Chlorophyll Protein 29 (CP29) and Light-Harvesting Complex II (LHCII) of green plants, and Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex of green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. Based on the exciton calculations, a model was proposed to the electronic excited states (EES) of both CP29 and LHCII complexes by incorporating a considerable part of the current information offered by structure determination, mutagenesis analysis and spectroscopy in the modeling. The essential parameters for characterizing the excited states, Qy dipole orientations and site energies were assigned by suggesting a model that can explain both the key features of the linear (polarized) absorption spectra and the time scales of the energy transfer processes in CP29 and LHCII. The idea of offering structural information through setting connection between the spectroscopy and the spectral simulations were supported by the presented results on CP29 and LHCII. New spectroscopic measurements (absorption, linear dichroism (LD) and circular dichroism), carried out at 4 K on the FMO complex were presented, and also the LD spectrum was corrected for the degree of orientation of the sample, in order to provide comparison of not only the shape but also the size of the simulated and experimental spectra. The EES structure of the FMO complex was studied by simulating the measured optical spectra with more realistic model than the previously applied models. Simulations have been carried out with a computer program based on exciton model, which includes inhomogeneous, homogeneous and lifetime broadenings explicitly.

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