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Energetická koncepce ČR -- uhlí jako nejvýznamnější domácí energetický zdroj / Energy Conception of Czech Republic - coal as the most important domestic energy resourceLepeltová, Radka January 2008 (has links)
The state energy conception sets the direction in energy industry and outlines main instruments and trends in this area. The priority of the state energy conception is to reach energy security of the country, which can be ensured by more energy resources of the fuel mix. The main component of the domestic energy mix is brown coal, which is mostly used in brown coal electric works for generating electric energy and heat. Coal mining is and was one of the main elements of Czech Republic's national industry, but there are also negative ecological impacts connected with coal winning. Further coal mining is restricted by so-called territorial ecological limits for brown coal mining that protect the environment and community against the mining consequences. Many of the brown coal supplies can, however, also in future represent an important energy resource, which will enable security, production independence and price availability of energy. At work is further explanation of the limits and progress of breaking the limits. Other energy resources are nuclear energy and renewable energy resources, whose importance rises and which contribute to a balanced energy mix.
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Prowling the meanings : Anne Carson's 'Doubtful Forms' and 'The Traitor's Symphony'Thorp, Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
This thesis uses four works by the contemporary Canadian poet Anne Carson (born 1950) to argue that it is in the embracing of failure and difficulty that modern poetics may negotiate formal erosion and the limits of language. The introduction addresses Carson’s divisive reputation, and uses two separate criticisms of her poetic skill to delineate her liminal position in the modern poetic landscape, and therefore demonstrate her potential as a valuable framework for discussing innovative form. Via an examination of the criticisms of Robert Potts and David Solway, I argue that Carson is neither high priestess of postmodernism nor a collagist of poorly produced forms. This illuminates two points: one, that she occupies a space outside several modern ideologies of poetic authenticity, expression and form, and two, that this position can be effectively used to interrogate those ideologies and investigate new possibilities for poetic creativity. In Chapter 1, Nox, Carson’s elegy for her brother Michael, is argued to experiment with traditional elegy form – but not in a mode that wholly follows Jahan Ramazani’s famous framing of 20th century elegy form as traumatically fractured. Nox is shown not to be merely subversive, but also interrogative of its own formal tradition, embracing the inherent contradiction within elegy: that absence could be rendered as presence, that a living, flawed language could make the dead speak. From this contradiction, I argue, Nox creates a solution: it occupies a position of formal non-forming, a return to the state of poesis, refusing to emerge as a completed poem or retreat into fragmentation but instead occupying a liminal space of continual creation. In the second chapter, this preoccupation with elegy’s paradox is shown to be part of a greater theme within Carson’s work. The failures of language in Carson are elucidated with reference to the sceptical 19th-century theorist Fritz Mauthner. Mauthner is argued to be the best theorist for the thesis’s framework because of his belief in the possibilities of language’s resurrection as a valid communicative medium. Through three texts, “By Chance The Cycladic People”, The Glass Essay and Just For The Thrill, Carson’s interrogation of this hope is shown to produce creativity from difficulty, creating monstrous form-combinations to render the silence beyond language’s limits as poetically productive. Carson’s texts, in their struggle with failure and their obsessive doubt, can be used to construct several means of negotiating the limits of form and the inherent fallibility of language. The conflict between the drive for authentic expression and the perceived failure of expressive mediums is one of the defining features of both Carson’s work and modern poetry in general. However, it is by inhabiting and challenging the fraught areas at the edge of meaning that poetry of the 21st century can, in the words of Carson’s influence Samuel Beckett, try again, fail again, fail better. Synopsis: The Traitor’s Symphony is an experimental novel in three voices, set in an unspecified totalitarian state known only as the Regime at some point in the twentieth century. It follows the career of David, a young composer who rises from tortured outcast to celebrated Regime talent through scheming, moral ambiguity, and a deal with the Professor, a translator and populist radio pundit. David trades the sexual attentions of Dion, a beautiful but brain-damaged boy, for the Professor’s help in rising through the ranks of the Regime’s musical system. The voices of the Professor and his doctor wife Anne, who have just lost their newborn son, alternate with David’s as the bargain binds them together in disaster. The narrative is inspired by the lives of collaborationist composers in various 20th century states, including Dmitri Shostakovich and Carl Orff, but is not focussed on any one figure. Instead, it takes various elements of their experience - the state apparatus of approval, the minute observation of ‘doctrine’ in musical content, and the humiliation and blacklisting of composers who did not produce acceptable content - as the starting point for a narrative exploring the complex relationship between art, artists and the modern totalitarian state. Research in this area was shaped by Alex Ross’s The Rest Is Noise: listening to the twentieth century (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007) and the work of Michael Kater, most notably Composers of the Nazi era: eight portraits (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), and supplemented by archival work in the Stasimuseum and Bundesbeauftragten in Berlin. More broadly, the novel focusses on the difficulties of grief, love and survival in totalitarian environments. Its setting, the Regime, was created by combining elements of daily life under the Stalinist Terror, The Democratic Republic Of North Korea, and Nazi and Stasi Germany, drawing on sources including Anna Akhmatova’s poetry and Chol-Hwan Kang’s The Aquariums Of Pyongyang (New York: Basic Books, 2001). The Regime’s embedded paranoia, hyper-vigilance, rigorous propaganda, regulated femininity, cult-like leader worship and brutal reprisal for non-conforming citizens are constructed from these historical precedents. Each of the three voices is stylised as a poetic form, as a method of expressing the repression of the individual and the culture of fear in the Regime’s system. This formal dimension draws on modernist literature in its use of language as expression of identity, but also on Wittgensteinian doubt that true communication could ever exist between such personal webs of meaning. Both David and Anne must actively suppress their private pain, he the agony of torture and burden of being labelled a traitor, she the disorienting grief of her son’s death and the loss of her husband’s love. Their inner emotional states are reflected in the forms of their vocals: David’s fractured voice, with its distressed percussive rhythm, is the voice of a musician physically and mentally smashed, while Anne’s blank, frantic segments express the dislocation of her foreignness and the gulf that grief has created in her marriage. The Professor, in contrast, begins the novel in supreme command of language, with brief breaks into sensual chaos as the only manifestation of his hidden mourning. The vocal shifts reflect and form the narrative progression.
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Analýza dopadů zavedení limitního opatření na náklady na předvolební kampaně politických stran / Analysis of the impact of the act which limits the election expenses of the political partiesŠimůnková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
The mail goal of this work is to provide enough arguments, on which basis we can come to a conclusion if an act about limits on election costs of political parties in the Czech Republic could bring a positive effect. The work compares data on economic activities of political parties in the Slovak Republic with political parties in the Czech Republic. Experts on election costs define some interest groups which can benefit from this law. These groups include large and small parties, incumbents and challengers parties. The work does not neglect the analysis of non-governmental organizations that have attempted to monitor the implementations, effects and loopholes of such a law. The conclusion brings the finding that the voters may be influenced by a number of important factors, such as political and social situation in the country, by the well prepared and carried out campaign i.e. it is also found out that election costs does not play such an important role that is assigned to them. Regulation in the form of an upper limit of election expenses can be considered as another marketing tool that is used to obtain political party voters.
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Aplikace limitů pro finanční aktiva v pojišťovnictví / Application of limits on financial assets in insuranceVencbauerová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to clarify the main principle, existence and application of investment limits in insurance industry which are restricting investment activities of insurance companies (pension companies). The thesis contains structure of financial allocation of reserves and investment limits for these financial instruments. The practical part of the thesis outlines applying the investment limits on fictional portfolio of insurance company. In the thesis there can also be found description of regulatory limits of particular funds managed by pension company within II. and III. pillar. Another part of the thesis focuses on introducing actual structure of balance sheet of insurance company and pension company and also concentrates on analysing structure of their assets. One of the final part of the diploma thesis involves comparison of calculations of capital requirement for transformed fund before and after change of risk weight for particular types of financial instruments. The main benefit of the thesis is to show how important are financial assets for operation of innsurance companies and how the monitoring of financial limits works in insurance company. The conclusion of this thesis is to explain and clarify the application of investment limits on financial instruments which are contained in fictional portfolio of insurance company (transformed fund for example).
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Regionalization of public service with an emphasis on fire serviceNewcombe, Gerald M. 01 January 1982 (has links)
No description available.
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Applications des limites de structures combinatoires en géométrie et en théorie des graphes / Applications of limits of combinatorial structures in geometry and graph theoryDe Joannis de Verclos, Rémi 20 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de problèmes liés à la théorie des limitesd'objets combinatoires, une récente théorie qui a permis de tisserdes liens entre différents domaines tels que la combinatoire,l'analyse, la géométrie ou la théorie de la probabilité.Cette thèse applique des méthode venant de cette théorie à des problèmesde combinatoire extrémale.Dans un premier chapitre, je développe une théorie des limites d'objetsappelés emph{types d'ordre}, un objets qui encode des configurationsd'ensembles de points du plan. Le type d'ordre d'un ensemble de pointssuffit à caractériser de nombreuses propriétés essentielles de cet ensemblede point comme, par exemple, son enveloppe convexe.Je montre qu'une limite de type d'ordre peut être représentée par un objetanalogue à un graphon à valeurs O ou 1.Je fais ensuite le lien entre limites de type d'ordre et la distributionnaturelle de limite de type d'ordre obtenue par l’échantillonnage de pointsdu plan suivant une certaine probabilité.De cette manière, toute probabilité sur le plan engendre une limite de typed'ordre. Je montre d'une part que cette correspondance n'est pas surjective-c'est à dire qu'il existe des limites de type d'ordre ne venant pas de probabilitédu plan- et j'étudie d'autre part son injectivité.Je montre que si le support d'une mesure de probabilité est assez gros, par exemple siil contient une boule ouvert, alors la limite que cette mesure engendre suffit à caractériser cette mesure à une transformation projective près.Un second chapitre traite de test de propriété.Un testeur de propriété est un algorithme aléatoire permettant de séparerles objets ayant une certaine propriété des objet à distance au moins εde l'avoir, au sens de la distance d'édition.Ce domaine donne des algorithmes extrêmement rapides, et en particulierdes algorithmes dont la complexité ne dépends pas de la taille de l'entréemais seulement du paramètre de précision ε.Un résultat fondamental de cet domaine pour les graphes montré par Alonet Shapira est le suivant : toute classe de graphe héréditaire possède un teltesteur.Cette thèse contribue à la question suivante :Quelles classes de graphes possède un testeur dont la complexité est unpolynôme en 1/ε ?Je montre qu'en particulier la classe des graphes d'intervales possède un teltesteur.La théorie des algèbres de drapeaux est un outil étroitement lié aux limites degraphes denses qui donne une méthode pour démontrer des bornes sur certainsparamètres combinatoires à l'aide d'un ordinateur.Dans un troisième chapitre, je présente un programme écrit durant ma thèsequi implémente cette méthode.Ce programme fonctionne comme une bibliothèque pour calculer dans les algèbresde drapeaux, manipuler des inégalités sur les drapeaux ou encoder des problèmesd'optimisations par une instance de programme semi-défini positif qui peutensuite être résolu par un solveur externe.Ce programme est en particulier utilisé pour obtenir un nouvelle borne pour le cas triangulaire de la conjecture de Caccetta-Häggkvist. / This thesis is focused on problems related to the theory of combinatorial limits.This theory opened links between different fields such asanalysis, combinatorics, geometry and probability theory.In this thesis, we apply ideas coming from this framework toproblems in extremal combinatorics.In a first chapter we develop a theory of limits for emph{order types},a geometrical object that encodes configuration of a set of points in theplane by the mean of the orientations of their triangles.The order type of a point set suffices to determine many of its properties,such as for instance the boundary of its convex hull.We show that the limit of a converging sequence of order typescan be represented by random-free object analogous to a graphon.Further, we link this notion to the natural distributions of order typesarising from the sampling of random points from some probability measureof the plane.We observe that in this mean, every probability measure gives rise to a limitof order types.We show that this map from probability measure on the plane to limit oforder type is not surjective.Concerning its injectivity,we prove that if a measure has large enough support, for instance if its supportcontains an open ball, the limit of order types the measure generatessuffices to essentially determine this measure.A second chapter is focused on property testing.A tester is a randomized algorithm for distinguishing between objects satisfyinga property from those that are at some distance at least εfrom having itby means of the edition distance.This gives very efficient algorithms, and in particular algorithms whosecomplexity does not depend on the size of the input but only on the parameter ε.For graphs, it has been shown by Alon and Shapira that every hereditary propertyhas such a tester.We contribute to the following question :which classes of graphs have a one-sided property tester with a number of queries that is a polynomial in 1/ε ?We give a proof that the class of interval graphs has such a tester.The theory of flag algebras is a framework introduced by Razborovclosely related to dense limit of graphs, that gives a way to systematicallyderive bounds for parameters in extremal combinatorics.In a third chapter we present a program developed during my Phd.that implements this method.This program works as a library that can compute flag algebras,manipulate inequalities on densities and encode the optimization of some parameterin a semi-definite positive instance that can be given to a dedicated solverto obtain a bound on this parameter.This program is in particular used to obtain a new bound forthe triangle case of the Caccetta-Häggkvist conjecture.
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Právo na obhajobu v trestním řízení a jeho limity / The Right of Defence in the Criminal Proceedings and its LimitsMacháčková, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
The Right of Defence in the Criminal Proceedings and its Limits Abstract The thesis deals with one of the fundamental human rights of a person againts whom the criminal proceeding is being conducted, namely the right of defence and its limits in the criminal proceedings in the Czech Republic, because only by exercising the right of defence as a partial element of the right to a fair trial, it is possible to achieve a fair and lawful decision in the matter. The first chapter of the thesis deals not only with the national legislation on the legal and constitutional level, but also with the enshrinement of the right of defence in the international human rights agreements, specifically in the European Convention of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and in the regulations of the European Union. The next part of the thesis discusses the various components of the right of defence which include material defence, formal defence including the compulsory defence and the duty of the authorities participating in the criminal proceedings. The chapter is further supplemented by all important rights of the accused which can be exercised within the various stages of the criminal proceedings, including, for example the accused's right to comment on all facts which he is accused of,...
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Technologie odstranění oxidů síry (SOx) ze spalin pro velká spalovací zařízení / Technology to remove sulfur oxides (NOx) from flue gases for large combustion plantsHrubý, Radomír January 2020 (has links)
In the specified large combustion plant, fuel with a large content of sulfur is burned. The current desulfurisation method is not able to meet the new emission limits, therefore it is necessary to design an adequate desulphurisation method. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis contains a description of the legislation related to emission limits for large combustion plants and an analysis of individual technological methods of desulphurization together with a description of the relevant sorbents. The practical part of the work contains a design of dry conditioned sorption with the using of a calcium-based sorbent. The basic technological and structural design is designed together with the spatial solution and dispositional solution of the whole technology.
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Výroba dílce hydroformováním a její optimalizace / Part Manufacturing by Using Hydroforming and Its OptimizationChrz, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The thesis presents an analysis and optimization of the manufacturing process of a part using the technology of parallel hydroforming. Two circular blanks made of DC01 steel with a thickness of 1 mm serve as a semi-manufactured part. In one of the blanks, the supply of the forming medium is constructed using Flowdrill technology. Subsequently, the two blanks are laser welded together and then formed. Numerical simulation using PAM-STAMP software was used to analyse the manufacturing process. This analysis provided information on wall thinning, deformation size, critical points on the product and springback. The numerical simulation was verified on the basis of comparison with an experiment. The criterion for verification was the course of the thickness of the part. Based on the results of the simulation, an optimization is performed in the thesis. It consists in determining the minimum required pressure of the forming medium for pressing the part, particularly for different distances between the two formed sheets.
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Hodnocení plynných výpustí / Assessment of emissions into the atmosphereFialová, Lada January 2008 (has links)
In my master thesis I focus on evaluation of gas emissions from the Nuclear Power Station (NPS) Dukovany. My goal is to judge a fulfilment of czech legislative demands and Euratom “Commison recommendation on standartised information on radioactive airborne and liquid discharges into the environment form nuclear power reactors in normal operation” by operator of the NPS Dukovany. I give an acount of resources of gas radioaktive waste in the NPS Dukovany, methods of their cleaning and monitoring in air-conditioning systems in the NPS. Moreover, I sumarize czech legislative demands on monitoring of gas emissions from nuclear power stations and valide decisions of State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) for discharges of radionuclids from NPS Dukovany into environment, where autorised limits for gas emissions into atmosphere are set. In the folowing part of the thesis, I describe separate elements bound for monitoring of gas emissions, including technical parameters of individual measuring instruments. Sumary of radioactive emissions to athmosphere during 2007 and sumary of emissions within last 10 years are also included. Finaly, I deal with an analysis on the fulfilment of Euratom Commission demands for monitoring of gas emissions in the NPS Dukovany and I evaluate imperfections to be found during the proces of monitoring of gas emissions from the NPS Dukovany and I make some recommendatios for their correction and improvement of the monitoring. In conclusion, the NPS Dukovany fulfils demands of the czech legislation and decisions of SONS in the field of monitoring of gas emissions into atmosphere. The NPS Dukovany is aware of above mentioned imperfections and focuses on up-dating of measuring instruments in the course of investments, which are under preparation.
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