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Zplyňování drcených dřevotřísek / Gasification of hammer-milled chipboardHniličková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This Master Thesis is about the Gasification of hammer-milled chipboard. The opening part is about general theory of bio-mass gasification and the gasification machines. Next there is a chapter about the products which are included in the gas after gasification and the methods, how to remove them from the gas. This thesis is about gasification legislative acts and novels too. The main body of the thesis is about the experimental gasification in Biofluid 100 machine. This machine is located in the Fakulty of Mechanical Engineering in Brno. There were the samples of gases and tars collected during the gasification. From this samples was made the analysis. Then the mass content BTEX, n-alkans and PAHs.According the process of experiments was set the procedure of gasification. Finally there was a evaluation of the chipboard gasification made.
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Computerized dynamic posturography in ballet dancersVenter, Marike January 2016 (has links)
Balance is the ability to maintain an individual’s centre of mass over his or her base of support while standing. Ballet dancers have better balance than non-dancer control groups as they presented with better sensory-motor integrative skills when required to maintain a given posture for a longer period. To evaluate functional balance abilities, assessing individuals with above average balance abilities may provide valuable information about function. The balance of trained ballet dancers (N1) was investigated by comparing Sensory Organisaiton Test (SOT), Motor Control Test (MCT) and Limits of Stability (LOS) test results to matched non-trained individuals (N2). A quasi-experimental and two group design was used. Ten matched trained ballet dancers (N1) and 10 untrained individuals were included in the study. Trained ballet dancers (N1) had an average of 16.6 (± 4.24) years of experience, while non-trained individuals (N2) had none. No significant dufferences in demographic data was present between groups. Both groups reflected good overall balance and similar sensory organization. No differences in reflex latencies and weight symmetry of the left or right leg was present. Trained ballet dancers (N1) reflected higher response strength for medium forward translations (p.05) with the left leg, indicating poorer amplitude scaling in response to platform translations than those of non-trained individuals (N2). In non-trained individuals (N2), there was less variation in the response strength between legs. Research indicated that stretch reflex amplitude was attenuated as load stability was reduced. Co-contraction was also heightened as stability was reduced, but not enough to oppose the induced instability, probably due to feed-forward strategies instead of rapid involuntary feedback. Trained ballet dancers (N1) were able to extend further out of their Centre of Pressure (COP) than non-trained individual (N2) during forward (p<.05) and right forward (p<.05) movements. It was concluded that that for forward and right forward movements, ballet dancers used the feedback they received during the movements better than non-trained individuals (N2), resulting in a better awareness of where to go in space and how to reach that position after a subsequent attempt. This difference may be as a result of continuous training. Ballet training exercises can be used to rehabilitate individuals with impaired limits of stability. Further studies should be done on exactly which ballet training exercise results in increased limits of stability. / Mini Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / MCommunication Pathology / Unrestricted
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Problematika tzv. hate speech v kontextu svobody projevu / The issue of so-called hate speech in the context of freedom of speechChvátalová, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
The issue of so called hate speech in the context of freedom of speech Abstract This thesis titled The issue of so-called hate speech in the context of freedom of speech deals with the legal regulation of hate speech at the international and national level. The thesis contains a comprehensive analysis of legal instruments regulating hate speech in civil, anti-discrimination, administrative and criminal law. This thesis combines the theoretical basis of hate speech regulation with practical knowledge about the applicability of individual legal norms and is supplemented by relevant case law of the Czech courts and the European Court of Human Rights. The aim of this work is to describe the phenomenon of hate speech, provide an analysis of legal instruments regulating hate speech and also to analyse legal arguments for hate speech regulation. The thesis attempts to find the boundary between protected speech and speech that is unprotected by the international and constitutional framework of freedom of speech protection, by means of an analysis of individual court decisions. The thesis also contains a critical reflection of the current legal framework of hate speech regulation and suggests possible variants of legislative changes in the future. The thesis is structured into five chapters. The first part...
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Emisní limity jako právní nástroj ochrany životního prostředí / Emission limits as a legal instrument for the environmental protectionMísař, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with comprehensive analysis of emission limits which is one of the most important instruments of environment protection. The purpose of this diploma thesis is description and analysis of emission limits in protection of fundamental environmental compartments and in some cases also demonstration of its functioning on practical examples. The text of this diploma thesis is divided into six chapters. Firstly, this thesis provides a general characteristic of fundamental concepts, which creates a basis for all following parts of this diploma thesis. Further follows three chapters devoted to in detail description and analysis of emission limits in certain environmental compartment, whereas firstly there is always introduced its past and present progress. Further follows international, EU and national sources of law with evaluation. These two parts are followed by the third part which deals with in detail analysis of specifics and process of determination of emission limits values and eventually monitoring and evaluation of pollutants levels released by polluter. In conclusion of all these three chapters there is comprehensively summarized partial problematics and author's considerations about possible shortcomings in areas of achievable improvement. Last sixth chapter is...
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Integration eines Antidoping-Informationsmoduls in VETIDATA und Bewertung der Antidoping-Bestimmungen am Beispiel von AlkaloidenHertzsch, Robert 23 May 2018 (has links)
Im Pferdesport kann es heutzutage durch die starke Verbesserung der Sensitivität der eingesetzten Nachweismethoden bereits durch die Aufnahme von mit dopingrelevanten Stoffen kontaminiertem Futter zu positiven Anti-Doping-Proben kommen. Dies trifft insbesondere für Alkaloide zu. Wird nach dem tiermedizinisch begründeten Einsatz von Arzneimitteln bei Sportpferden keine ausreichende Frist beachtet, können auch hierdurch Fälle unabsichtlichen Dopings auftreten.
Ziele der Untersuchung:
Erstes Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die zur Verhinderung unabsichtlichen Dopings nach Arzneimittelanwendung durch den Tierarzt benötigten Informationen in den webbasierten Veterinärmedizinischen Informationsdienst für Arzneimittelanwendung, Toxikologie und Arzneimittelrecht (VETIDATA) zu integrieren. Dafür sollten insbesondere die Regel der Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereinigung e.V. (FN) und des Weltpferdesportverbandes Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) berücksichtigt werden. Die International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) hat im Jahr 2014 Rückstandshöchstmengen für die Kontrolle bestimmter dopingrelevanter Futtermittel-kontaminanten festgelegt. Die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung und Validierung der International Residue Limits (IRL) der Alkaloide Atropin, Scopolamin, Morphin, Koffein und Theophyllin war das zweite Ziel dieser Untersuchung.
Material und Methoden:
Zunächst wurde in VETIDATA ein Anti-Doping-Informationsmodul integriert. Zur Speicherung der für die Informationsanzeige benötigen Daten wurden Datenbanktabellen entwickelt und mit dem VETIDATA-System verknüpft. Zur Anzeige der Information wurde anschließend ein Prototyp der Darstellungslogik mit der Programmiersprache PHP erstellt. Dieser diente als Grundlage für die Aufnahme des Anti-Doping-Informationsmoduls in die Webseite von VETIDATA. Zur Bewertung der IRLs der untersuchten Alkaloide wurde eine systematische Metaanalyse durchgeführt. Zuerst wurden die Literaturdatenbanken PubMed, Web of Science, CABI und die Publikationsdatenbanken der deutschsprachigen veterinärmedizinischen Fakultäten und Hochschulen nach potentiell relevanten Veröffentlichungen durchsucht. Nach Anwendung von Inklusionskriterien, die z.B. Alter, Tierart, verabreichten Stoff und dessen Dosis, Applikationsweg und Angaben zu pharmakokinetischen Parametern in den Publikationen berücksichtigten, wurden die für diese Arbeit geeigneten Studien identifiziert und anschließend die darin enthaltenen pharmakokinetischen Daten extrahiert. Die Parameter Clearance, Verteilungsvolumen und Halbwertszeit wurden statistisch auf das Vorliegen einer Normalverteilung geprüft und der jeweilige Mittelwert, das 95%-Konfidenzintervall sowie die Standardabweichung wurden berechnet. Dosis-Urinkonzentrationsverhältnisse wurde mittels linearer Regressionsanalysen untersucht. Diese Daten dienten als Grundlage für die Berechnung geeigneter Grenzwerte mithilfe von in der Literatur beschriebenen Methoden.
Das erstellte Anti-Doping-Informationsmodul beinhaltet Angaben zum Status von 863 Wirkstoffen nach den Regeln der FEI und der FN. Diese umfassen alle in Deutschland in für Pferde zugelassenen Arzneimitteln enthaltenen wirksamen Substanzen sowie alle weiteren bei nicht von der Lebensmittelgewinnung ausgeschlossenen Pferden nach geltendem Recht anwendbaren Stoffe. Diese Informationen können vom Nutzer auf VETIDATA an unterschiedlichen Stellen abgerufen werden und sind direkt mit den für Pferde zugelassenen Tierarzneimitteln verknüpft. Für die Durchführung der Metaanalyse der IRLs wurden 1173 potentiell nutzbare Studien in der Literatur identifiziert. Nach Anwendung der Inklusionskriterien konnten Daten aus 42 Studien in die Metaanalyse inkludiert werden. Diese erlaubten eine statistische Untersuchung pharmakokinetischer Parameter für Morphin, Theophyllin und Koffein, nicht aber für Atropin und Scopolamin. Eine lineare Regressionsanalyse der Dosis-Urinkonzentrationsverhältnisse war bei Scopolamin und Koffein möglich. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen erlaubten in Verbindung mit nicht statistisch bearbeiteten Daten aus den inkludierten Studien die Anwendung einer Methode zur IRL-Bewertung von Atropin und Scopolamin, von zwei Methoden für Morphin und Theophyllin und von drei Methoden für Koffein. Dabei zeigte sich, dass von den untersuchten Stoffen nur die IRLs von Atropin und Theophyllin in geeigneter Höhe festgelegt wurden, um positive Dopingbefunde durch die Aufnahme von geringgradig kontaminierten Futtern zu verhindern. Die IRLs von Morphin, Theophyllin und Koffein sind geeignet, das Bestehen eines relevanten pharmakologischen Effekts nach systemischer Anwendung dieser Stoffe auszuschließen, was für Atropin und Scopolamin aufgrund der mangelhaften Datenlage nicht sicher beurteilt werden konnte. Ein eventuell vorhandener pharmakologischer Effekt nach lokaler Anwendung kann durch die IRLs von Atropin und Scopolamin nicht sicher ausgeschlossen werden. Die Eignung des IRL von Morphin für diesen Zweck wurde als fraglich beurteilt, während diese Fragestellung für Koffein und Theophyllin nicht relevant war. Das Fehlen eines IRL für den aus Koffein bzw. Theophyllin gebildeten aktiven Metaboliten Paraxanthin wurde als erheblicher Mangel am bestehenden IRL-System erkannt.
Die Integration des Anti-Doping-Informationsmoduls in VETIDATA ermöglicht Tierärzten einen einfachen und schnellen Zugang zu den für die Arzneimittelanwendung bei Sportpferden benötigten Informationen. Das IRL-System der IFHA erfüllt in seiner aktuellen Form nicht alle Anforderungen, die im Sinne eines fairen und dopingfreien Pferdesports zu stellen sind. Geeignete Änderungen an diesem System könnten eine Verbesserung der Einschätzung für Koffein und Theophyllin ermöglichen. Systematische Mängel des IRL-Systems erfordern einen strukturell anderen Ansatz zur Kontrolle der auch lokal wirksamen Stoffe Atropin, Scopolamin und Morphin.
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Modeling stochastic reaction-diffusion via boundary conditions and interaction functionsAgbanusi, Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka 24 September 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we study two stochastic reaction diffusion models - the diffusion limited reaction model of Smoluchowski, and a second approach popularized by Doi. Both models treat molecules as points undergoing Brownian motion. The former represents chemical reactions between two reactants through the use of reactive boundary conditions, with two molecules reacting instantly upon reaching the boundary of a properly embedded open set, termed the reaction region (or more generally some fixed lower dimensional sub-manifold). The Doi model uses reaction potentials, supported in the reaction region, whereby two molecules react with a fixed probability per unit time, λ, upon entering the reaction region.
The problem considered is that of obtaining estimates for convergence rates, in λ, of the Doi model to the Smoluchowski model. This problem fits into the theory of singular perturbation or optimization, depending on which reactive boundary conditions one considers, and we solve it - at least for the bimolecular reaction with one stationary target.
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Measures of reading comprehension: The effects of text type and time limits on students' performance.Falke, Lisa G. 12 1900 (has links)
Although the importance of reading comprehension is generally recognized, a better understanding of the factors influencing measurement of reading comprehension may impact the ability to assess strengths and deficits. The current study examined the effects of text type and time limits on the rate of students' performance across four common assessments of reading comprehension. Results showed similarities between performance with narrative and expository texts and across time limit conditions for all of the assessments. In terms of comparing across reading comprehension assessments, the findings are limited by the differences in the response channels and stimulus conditions of each assessment. The results have implications for the development of measurement systems and the assessment of reading comprehension.
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Essays in Applied Environmental EconomicsZhu, Yining January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays in the field of applied environmental economics. The first two essays study the effect of daily ambient temperature on police officer behavior. Police officers often exercise substantial discretion when making highly consequential decisions, which can lead to unfair and arbitrary law enforcement. In the first chapter, I exploit daily ambient temperature as a source of transitory, high-frequency shocks and examine how it affects an officer’s decision whether to discount a driver’s speeding penalty in Florida. I find that a 1-standard-deviation increase in temperature lowers the driver’s probability of receiving a lenient ticket by 2%. In addition, using traffic monitoring data and crash reports, I do not find evidence of decreased police effort or increased reckless driving on hot days. I show that the reduction in leniency is disproportionally borne by white drivers, who on average benefit more from officer leniency.
In addition, I find that newly hired officers become less affected by temperature as they accumulate more experience on the job. The first chapter shows that daily ambient temperature has a significant effect on police officers’ professional performance. Inspired by this result, in the second chapter I study the effect of temperature on officers’ online expressed sentiment. Mood changes caused by temperature could be a potential mechanism for officers’ behavioral changes observed in the first chapter. To study this question, I obtained messages posted on an online police forum that is popular among Florida police departments. I find that a 1-standard-deviation increase in temperature leads to a 3.5% increase in the use of profanity. In addition, higher temperature has a negative but nonlinear relationship with expressed sentiment. I also find limited evidence of a change in forum activity or discussion topics on relatively hot days, which suggests that these results are likely to be driven by temperature’s effect on officers’ mood. Taken together, the first two chapters highlight the sensitivity of law enforcement behavior to transitory shocks such as environmental conditions.
The third chapter, which is joint work with Xinming Du, explores the impact of the 2018 China- U.S. trade war on air pollution in China. Since the Chinese economic data is heavily censored, we take air pollution as a proxy for measuring economic activity. Using city-industry level trade data, we construct a Bartik-style trade war exposure measure for cities in China and compare the pollution trajectory of cities in the top quartile of our measure to those in the bottom quartile under a difference-in-difference design. In addition, to test whether local governments relaxed their enforcement of environmental policies in response to the trade war, we look at whether firms changed their tendency of polluting in the dark during the trade war. Our analysis finds a negative but small and not robust effect of the U.S. tariffs on China’s air quality and no effect of the Chinese retaliatory tariffs. In addition, we find no impact on disguised pollution behaviors of local firms. We conclude that the trade war had minimal effect on China’s economic activity.
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Generalizations of the Mandelstam-Tamm Quantum Speed LimitHörnedal, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
Quantum speed limits are lower bounds on the evolution time for quantum systems. In this thesis, we consider closed quantum systems. We investigate how different principal bundles offers a geometrical method for obtaining generalizations of the Mandelstam-Tamm quantum speed limit for mixed states. We look at three different principal bundles from which we derive two already known quantum speed limits, the Uhlmann and Andersson QSLs, and one which is new, the Grassmann QSL. We also investigate the tightness of these quantum speed limits and how they compare with each other.
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Účinek přístrojové lymfatické drenáže dolních končetin na posturální stabilitu u pacientů s jednostranným lymfedémem / The effect of instrumental lymphatic drainage of the lower limbs on postural stability in patients with unilateral lymphedemaNechvátalová, Klára January 2021 (has links)
Title: The effect of instrumental lymphatic drainage of the lower limbs on postural stability in patients with unilateral lymphedema. Aims: The main aim of this study is to asses the effect of instrumental lymphatic drainage on the static and dynamic postural stability in people with unilateral lymphedema of the lower extremities. Summary: The study was done in October 2020. Due to the epidemiological situation around the Covid-19 pandemic, 13 probands aged 30-80 years were included in the study. The circumferences of the lower limbs were measured before and after the application of instrumental lymphatic drainage. The postural stability of the probands was tested on the ProKin252 posturograph with the following tests: Stability Compared Double Stance, Limits of Stability and Balance Both Feet. Measurements by these tests were performed before and after instrumental lymphatic drainage intervention, which lasted 50 minutes. Lower limb circumference results were written into recording sheets and test results were downloaded from the patient's file in PDF format. Final data were processed using LibreOffice Calc and SciPy library tools. To calculate differences, the following statistical methods were used: Shapiro-Wilk test, Student's T-test and Wilkoxon paired sequence test. We used Fisher's exact...
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