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The rational psychology of perfect being theology : towards a new Islamic hermeneuticsAhmed, Babar January 2010 (has links)
Some of the attributes of a perfect being (e.g. first cause, necessary being, intelligent creator) are established on the basis of theological arguments such as the cosmological and the teleological. At the deepest level, these theological arguments are based on principles of rational psychology such as simplicity and sufficient reason. Moreover, belief that the perfect being is the moral omnipotent God is an act of trust and thus based on the rational psychology of trust. Theists in the Abrahamic tradition subscribe to first cause/necessary being/intelligent creator theology and must therefore remain faithful to any psychological principles (simplicity, sufficient reason, trust) that are the rational grounds for believing in the existence of their God. But such faithfulness results in a deep tension within Judeo-Christian theism. For example, a Christian theist who believes in the Trinity must at the same time remain faithful to the principle of simplicity that rejects the Trinity. Because simplicity is the rational basis for the deeply cherished attributes of the Christian God (first cause/necessary being/intelligent creator), it is argued that faithfulness to psychological principles such as simplicity discipline Christian theistic belief, in particular the belief in the Trinity. Examples of this nature offer a framework for a similar disciplining of Islamic hermeneutics on the basis of rational psychology. Muslim interpreters tend not to systematically engage in the philosophy of religion, and for this reason do not explicitly articulate the psychological principles that gave them their theistic Muslim identity. As a result, they deviate from such principles when it comes time to interpret the original sources of Islam (Quran and Sunna). Consistency is one of the demands of rationality, and it is inconsistent to assume principles in arriving at a theistic Muslim identity and then subsequently fail to apply those principles consistently to the task of textual interpretation.
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Immediate effect of two myofascial interventions on navicular position, great toe extension and balance measures in asymptomatic subjects with pronation : placebo controlledPuttergill, Jeff January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Background:
Myofascial therapies are widely researched with regards to their effects on pain, disability and range of motion. The benefits of such therapies are attributed to the mechanical changes that myofascial therapies are proposed to have on the fascial and myofascial structures. Breakthrough imaging and laboratory techniques, have allowed the in vivo study of these structures, resulting in new hypotheses regarding the roles that connective tissues might play in proprioception.
The purpose of this investigation was to assess the effects of two myofascial therapies, in terms of immediate changes in navicular pronation, great toe extension measurements and balance tests, as indicated by the postural stability (eyes open and closed) and limits of stability tests. Pre-, post-intervention analysis was used to determine if there were significant changes between the groups.
The myofascial interventions aimed to reduce myofascial restriction and adhesions, within the plantar and crural fasciae’s of individuals with bilateral pronation.
The study recruited 45 subjects with bilateral pronation (2 or more degrees) and randomly allocated them into a placebo ultrasound, ischaemic compression or myofascial release group. Each subject underwent a case history, physical examination, foot, ankle and knee regional examinations, as well as screened for contraindications. A blinded assistant examiner helped measured and record the baseline measurements for navicular position and great toe extension, using a standard two arm goniometer. The researcher then tested participants for postural stability (eyes open, eyes closed) and limits of stability, on the Biosway Portable Balance System. Subjects were then examined and treated bilaterally, for myofascial restrictions in the foot, lower leg and ankle, related or unrelated to the pronation present. Pre- and post-intervention measurements were recorded within a 20 minute window immediately before and after the relevant intervention.
Statistical Analysis:
Repeated measures ANOVA testing was used to compare the rate of change (between pre- and post-intervention measurements) amongst the three groups, and a p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Post hoc Bonferroni adjusted tests were done to compare all pair wise groups, as well as identify trends between groups.
Results and Discussion:
The data showed that both myofascial groups, significantly improved in postural stability (eyes closed) overall, post hoc testing showed the ischaemic compression group (p=0.004) and myofascial release group (p=0.031), compared to changes in the placebo ultrasound group.The overall changes were predominantly found in the anterior-posterior axes, with significant improvements in ischaemic compression (p=0.007) and myofascial release group (p=0.053) axes compared to placebo.
For the other outcome variables, statistically significant treatment effects were not consistant bilaterally between the groups. Significant (p=0.051) time*group differences for changes in right navicular position. Post hoc testing revealed a borderline significant (p=0.056) improvement in pronation for the myofascial release group in comparison to the ischaemic compression group, which on average got worse. With regards to passive non-weight bearing great toe extension left, significant (p=0.067) improvements for the ischaemic compression group were shown compared to placebo, although this was not consistent for all the great toe extension tests. A borderline significant (p=0.059) time*group effect for postural stability (eyes open) medial-lateral test was obtained. Post hoc Bonferroni adjusted testing showed a non-significant (p=0.063) correlation between the myofascial release group and placebo ultrasound group.
The results of this study, rejects the Null hypothesis for changes in balance measurements and suggests that both myofascial interventions had a significant positive outcome for postural stability, compared to placebo. The postural stability (eyes closed) test gave an indication of positive or negative changes in centre of pressure displacement, about the centre of gravity. It is noted that the sham ultrasound, used as a placebo intervention may have produced a treatment effect and is therefore not a reliable placebo measure for this type of investigation. / M
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L'âge, un motif autorisé de discrimination? : étude critique des effets conjugués des articles 10 de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne et 15 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés comme obstacles à la protection contre la discrimination fondée sur l'âgeBeaudoin, Marie-Hélène 05 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)" / Le présent mémoire soulève divers questionnements face au traitement
singulier qu'a reçu l'âge en tant que motif prohibé de discrimination, sous la Charte
des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec et la Charte canadienne des droits et
libertés. Ainsi, nous verrons que même si la discrimination fondée sur l'âge n'est pas
à strictement parler « autorisée », elle est néanmoins souvent jugée acceptable.
Tout d'abord, nous procéderons à une revue générale et synthétique des
notions de discrimination et de droit à l'égalité, telles qu'elles sont prévues par les
articles 10 de la Charte québécoise et 15 de la Charte canadienne.
Ensuite, nous évoquerons un certain nombre de limites législatives qui ont
été apportées à ces droits et qui peuvent constituer des obstacles importants dans la
lutte effective contre la discrimination fondée sur l'âge.
Enfin, nous nous permettrons de faire quelques réflexions critiques, afin de
souligner comment la perspective particulière qu'ont adoptée les juges dans l'étude
des questions relatives à la discrimination fondée sur l'âge a pu introduire un certain
nombre d'incohérences au sein de la logique plus générale qui se dégage de
l'ensemble de la jurisprudence portant sur le droit à l'égalité. / The present Master's Thesis raises questions regarding the singular treatment
to which "age" has been subjected as a prohibited ground of discrimination, under the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom and the Quebec Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. We will see that even though age discrimination is not strictly
"authorised", it is nonetheless often held to be acceptable.
First, we will synoptically review the concepts of discrimination and equality
which emanate from section 10 of the Quebec Charter and section 15 of the Canadian
Then, we will identify a certain number of legislative limits which affect
these rights, and may constitute significant obstacles in the effective fight against age
Finally, we will allow ourselves to advance sorne critical thoughts,
highlighting how the peculiar perspective thatjudges have taken in age discrimination
matters has introduced non sequiturs in the overall logic that can be drawn from the
more general equality jurisprudence.
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Essays on effects of policy interventions in the realm of food standards, trade, and the German labour marketEhrich, Malte 24 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Spontaneous Abortions Among U.S. Occupationally Exposed Radiologic TechnologistsTavel, Jason S 01 January 2016 (has links)
Radiologic Technologists exposed to continuous low dose radiation may have an increased risk for spontaneous abortions. Although the federally mandated radiation dose limit to the developing fetus of an occupational worker is 5mSv, well below the documented threshold of 100mSv, some studies have suggested an increased risk for spontaneous abortions in occupationally exposed females. The effects of exposure to low levels of radiation are difficult to discern from the usual occurrence and are limited in the literature because of the large sample size needed to achieve statistical power. This study contains data from 152,439 self-reported pregnancies and possesses the appropriate sample size to assess the risk of spontaneous abortions incident to radiologic technologists who maintain fetal radiation dose levels within federal guidelines.
This non-experimental retrospective designed study uses data from the United States Radiologic Technologist Study (USRTS). The USRTS began in 1982 as a joint effort between the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT),UniversityofMinnesotaand the National Cancer Institute to study the radiation effects from low-dose occupational exposure. This longitudinal study follows more than 90,000 current and former technologists through periodic surveys and contains a sufficient sample size to overcome statistical power concerns.
The provided data included the order and outcome of each self-reported pregnancy as well as the year of each live birth. The data were therefore manipulated to provide a likely gestational interval for both a reported live birth and spontaneous abortion. After calculating the spontaneous abortion rate for the final sample, a binary logistic regression was performed to determine if levels of estimated fetal radiation dose are associated with predicting the odds of a reported spontaneous abortion. A linear regression analysis was then performed to assess the relationship between the calculated odds ratios of a reported spontaneous abortion as a function of estimated fetal radiation dose, specifically to determine the significance of the linear relationship
The overall spontaneous abortion incidence to the cohort reporting at least one live birth or spontaneous abortion was 14.8%, lower than the reported national incidence of 15-20%. Using up to 1mSv as the reference fetal radiation dose category, the odds ratios of a spontaneous abortion for 1-2mSv, 2-3mSv, 3-4mSv and 4-5mSv were calculated as 1.57, 1.82, 2.11 and 2.15 respectively. This increase in odds was linear with estimated fetal radiation dose as demonstrated by the significant regression equation (F=29.93, p = .01) and an R2 of 0.9089.
By demonstrating an increased risk at levels of radiation as low as natural background, and further demonstrating the risk increases linearly with radiation dose, the Linear Non-Threshold Theory appears to be the more likely risk model for predicting spontaneous abortions in lieu of the belief that a 100mSv threshold must first be exceeded for a radiation induced spontaneous abortion to occur. Application of this model demonstrates the risk of a spontaneous abortion is twice as likely in occupational workers whose fetal radiation doses are closer to the maximum allowable limit of 5mSv compared with those who maintain fetal radiation doses below 1mSv.
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Lhůty pro vyměření daně / Time-limits for tax assessmentČervinková, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
77 Abstract The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the current tax administration regulation with respect to the time-limits of tax assessment. The reason for my research is the fact that a new tax administration code came in force recently where lot of interpretational conclusions were codified. Due to the fact that the previously in force Act No. 337/1992 Coll., as subsequently amended, Code of Tax Procedure was prepared and approved in the hectic nineties of the last century, it has been suffering of several shortcomings. Some of its terms were not defined properly, some articles were not completely clear. Because this was an undesirable situation with a vast potential to negatively affect rights of its recipients, the code had to be completed and interpreted both by the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Administrative Court. These were the main reasons for the development of a completely new code instead of just another amendment. In the summer 2009 after long lasting discussions, the code was finally approved by the Czech legislation as the Act. No. 280/2009 Coll., Code of Tax Administration. The purpose of this paper is to determine how the main task was accomplished; this is whether the new code guarantees higher level of regulatory certainty for the tax administration recipients - above all for...
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Resource limiting and accounting facility for FreeBSD / Resource limiting and accounting facility for FreeBSDTomori, Rudolf January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the implementation of the Linux cgroups subsystems responsible for limiting CPU time and disk I/O throughput. Apart from the Linux cgroups approach, an overview and short analysis of other possible approaches to the problem of limiting CPU time and disk I/O throughput is presented. Based on the analysis, the thesis proposes an extension to the resource limit- ing and accounting framework racct/rctl in the FreeBSD kernel. Our prototype implementation of this extension provides features that enable the administrators and privileged users to define disk I/O throughput limits and relative CPU time limits for a particular process, user or FreeBSD jail.
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Essays in Behavioral Finance / Essais en FinanceBenamar, Hedi 04 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste en trois chapitres distincts. Dans le premier chapitre, je teste l'hypothèse selon laquelle le format d'affichage de l'information financière affecte les décisions des investisseurs individuels. Je montre qu'un affichage plus efficace permet aux individus de mieux gérer leurs ordres à cours limité en minimisant le risque de sélection adverse encouru en utilisant ces ordres. Cela suggère que les investisseurs individuels ont une rationalité limitée. Dans le second chapitre, je teste si les stratégies de trading apporteuses de liquidité peuvent générer des profits, après coûts de transactions, pour les traders actifs qui les implémentent. Je montre que seuls les individus situés dans le plus haut décile de performance peuvent battre le marché de façon persistante en utilisant des stratégies hautement contrariantes qui nécessitent l'utilisation massive d'ordres à cours limité. Les limites-à-l'arbitrage semblent expliquer ce phénomène. Dans le troisième chapitre, j'étudie les stratégies des individus autour des annonces de résultats. Je montre que les allers-retours qui sont implémentés un jour avant une annonce génèrent en moyenne des profits plus élevés et sont plus courts en durée que ceux implémentés en temps normal. Les individus clôturent leurs positions gagnantes le jour de l'annonce, ce qui peut ralentir l'ajustement des prix suite à l'annonce. / This thesis is made of three distinct chapters. In the first chapter, I test whether the display format of financial information matters for the individual investor. I find that a more efficient information display allows investors to increase returns on their limit orders, because it becomes easier for them to mitigate the risk of adverse selection when trading with those orders. My findings suggest that retail investors have bounded rationality. In the second chapter I test whether liquidity provision to the market can be a profitable strategy, after fees, for active retail investors. I find that only individuals ranked in the top decile of performance can persistently beat the market using highly contrarian limit order strategies. Limits-to-arbitrage seem to explain why these top retail investors exploit trading opportunities before other more sophisticated arbitrageurs. In the third chapter, I study the retail trading strategies around stock earnings announcements. I find that round-trips started one day before an announcement are more profitable and much shorter in duration than those started during the non-announcement period. Retails reverse their winning trades on the event date, which can slow down the adjustment of prices to new information.
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Developing accident-speed relationships using a new modelling approachImprialou, Maria-Ioanna January 2015 (has links)
Changing speed limit leads to proportional changes in average speeds which may affect the number of traffic accident occurrences. It is however critical and challenging to evaluate the impact of a speed limit alteration on the number and severity of accidents due primarily to the unavailability of adequate data and the inherent limitations of existing approaches. Although speed is regarded as one of the main contributory factors in traffic accident occurrences, research findings are inconsistent. Independent of the robustness of their statistical approaches, accident frequency models typically use accident grouping concepts based on spatial criteria (e.g. accident counts by link termed as a link-based approach). In the link-based approach, the variability of accidents is explained by highly aggregated average measures of explanatory variables that may be inappropriate, especially for time-varying variables such as speed and volume. This thesis re-examines accident-speed relationships by developing a new accident data aggregation method that enables improved representation of the road conditions just before accident occurrences in order to evaluate the impact of a potential speed limit increase on the UK motorways (e.g. from 70 mph to 80 mph). In this work, accidents are aggregated according to the similarity of their pre-accident traffic and geometric conditions, forming an alternative accident count dataset termed as the condition-based approach. Accident-speed relationships are separately developed and compared for both approaches (i.e. link-based and condition-based) by employing the reported annual accidents that occurred on the Strategic Road Network of England in 2012 along with traffic and geometric variables. Accident locations were refined using a fuzzy-logic-based algorithm designed for the study area with 98.9% estimated accuracy. The datasets were modelled by injury severity (i.e. fatal and serious or slight) and by number of vehicles involved (i.e. single-vehicle and multiple-vehicle) using the multivariate Poisson lognormal regression, with spatial effects for the link-based model under a full Bayesian inference method. The results of the condition-based models imply that single-vehicle accidents of all severities and multiple-vehicle accidents with fatal or serious injuries increase at higher speed conditions, particularly when these are combined with lower volumes. Multiple-vehicle slight injury accidents were not found to be related with higher speeds, but instead with congested traffic. The outcomes of the link-based model were almost the opposite; suggesting that the speed-accident relationship is negative. The differences between the results reveal that data aggregation may be crucial, yet so far overlooked in the methodological aspect of accident data analyses. By employing the speed elasticity of motorway accidents that was derived from the calibrated condition-based models it has been found that a 10 mph increase in UK motorway speed limit (i.e. from 70 mph to 80 mph) would result in a 6-12% increase in fatal and serious injury accidents and 1-3% increase in slight injury accidents.
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A in-divisibilidade dos territórios estaduais no Brasil: os projetos de desmembramento, subdivisão e incorporação de UFs: novos estados e territórios federais frente à manutenção dos atuais estados / The in-divisility of the states territories in Brazil: the proposals of the partition, subdivision and merger of Federal Units: new states and federal territories opposite the current statesPires, Warley Pereira 16 September 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise muito importante acerca dos limites estaduais, do Federalismo e Federalismo Brasileiro, bem como das propostas de redivisão ou reorganização territorial do Brasil e dos movimentos emancipacionistas estaduais que objetivam a fusão ou criação de novos Estados e Territórios Federais no país. A criação dessas novas unidades federadas enfrenta grande oposição das forças políticas estaduais vigentes, que no seio dessas disputas políticas, econômicas, sociais e culturais evidencia-se um embate emblemático entre a divisibilidade e indivisibilidade dos territórios estaduais no Brasil. O objetivo principal desta obra é analisar como isso tem acontecido ao longo da história brasileira, especialmente nas últimas três décadas, notadamente tendo como marco a Constituição de 1988. Sendo assim, a questão principal é: diante da possibilidade assegurada pela Constituição de 1988 de ocorrer o desmembramento, incorporação e subdivisão de unidades federadas, quais são as possibilidades reais disso ocorrer? Outros questionamentos também são importantes para se entender este quadro pol í t ico- ter r i tor ial , como por exemplo: É possível conseguir alterar os limites internos no Brasil? Teríamos limites estaduais realmente fixos e perpétuos em razão da grande dificuldade em mudá-los? Por que isso ocorre? E por que mudá-los? Que interesses se escondem por trás das forças políticas que pregam a redivisão do território brasileiro ou de determinados Estados? Quais os interesses daqueles que se opõem a qualquer tipo de revisão dos territórios estaduais ou daqueles lutam pela separação? Quem são os atores desse processo? Qual o posicionamento da população sobre a questão? Quais são os principais obstáculos à redivisão do território nacional? Com base na bibliografia consulta e nas considerações elaboradas acerca das possibilidades de criação de novas unidades federadas no Brasil, observa-se uma tendência nas últimas décadas à manutenção da unidade dos territórios estaduais graças aos entraves constitucionais, às questões políticas, econômicas e culturas envolvidas no processo de desmembramento, subdivisão e incorporação dos atuais Estados-membros da Federação brasileira. / This thesis presents a very important analysis about the state limits, the Federalism and the Brazilian Federalism, as well as the proposals for Brazil\'s revision or territorial reorganization and the state emancipation movements to merger or the creation of new states and federal territories in the country. The creation of these new federal units faces a major opposition from the current state political force, where in the core of these political, economic, social and cultural disputes highlights a symbolic clash between divisibility and indivisibility of the state territories in Brazil. The main goal of this work is to analyze how it has happened throughout the Brazilian history, especially in the last three decades, and having as an important mark the Constitution of 1988. Thus, the main question is: as the Constitution of 1988 allows the partition, subdivision and annexation of federated units, what are the real possibilities of this happening? Other questions are also important to understand this issue, such as: is it possible changing the internal limits in Brazil? Are State limits really \"fixed and perpetual\" because of the great difficulty in changing them? Why? And why try to change these limits? What are the interests behind the political forces that advocate revision of the Brazilian territory or a revision in determined states? What are the interests of those who block any kind of review of state territories or those who are fighting for separation? Who are the actors in this process? What is the opinion of the population about this issue? What are the main obstacles to the further revision of this country? Based on the literature consulted and the considerations elaborated on the possibilities of creating new federal units in Brazil, we observe the tendency in recent decades to support or keep up the state unity because the constitutional barriers, the political, economic and cultural questions involved in the process of partition, subdivision and annexation of current states members of the Brazilian Federation.
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