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La Transgression dans Dracula de Stoker et Frankenstein de Shelley : infection du corps et de l'esprit humainsLaporte, Céline January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Work-life interaction among Afrikaans speaking secondary school educators in the North West Province : a phenomenological study / Chenell BuysBuys, Chenell January 2006 (has links)
In contemporary society, work and home represent the two most significant domains in the life
of a working individual. In order to help an individual live optimally, the work and personal life
domains must no longer be regarded as separate domains, but as highly interrelated. The work
and personal life domains must influence each other in a positive way to assist the individual in
his daily responsibilities at work and in his personal life. A high proportion of employed
workers, however, have serious difficulties in combining obligations in their work and personal
lives. Educators are one of the occupations that may find it difficult to integrate their work and
personal life.
The objectives of this research were to determine how Afrikaans-speaking educators experienced
Work-Personal Life Interaction (WPLI), to determine the domains in Afrikaans-speaking
educators' lives that could interact with one another, to determine the main antecedents and
consequences of WPLI for Afrikaans-speaking educators and to investigate which strategies
Afrikaans-speaking educators used to deal with WPLI issues. A non-probability purposive
voluntary sample (N = I I) of Afrikaans-speaking secondary school educators was used from the
North West Province (in the Potchefstroom and Promosa areas). A qualitative design from a
phenomenological approach was used to determine educators' experience of WPLI. Content
analysis was used to analyse, quantify and interpret the research data.
The results indicated that educators experienced certain aspects in their work environment and
personal lives as demanding. Certain dimensions were identified in both their work and personal
lives. As a result of a demanding work environment, they experienced time and strain-based
conflict between their work and personal lives. However, it was found that educators possessed
various factors that facilitated their WPLI and strategies they used to deal with WPLI issues.
Recommendations were made for the organisation and for future research. / Thesis (M.Comm. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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The Increasing Prevalence of Smaller Fish in Highly Exploited Fisheries: Concerns, Diagnosis and Management Solutions.Spencer, Stephen 06 1900 (has links)
A decline in the size of fish within a population is concerning. Large-sized fish are ecologically important and valued for social and economic reasons. Following widespread collapses from angling overharvest, the densities of Walleyes Sander vitreus in Albertas lakes increased rapidly with large-minimum-size limits. Anglers were unhappy, however, as catch rates increased (>1 Walleyes*hour-1) but fish remained small and did not exceed the minimum size limit. The two alternate explanations for the small, yet old Walleyes were either compensatory growth because of high density (stunting) or size-selective mortality (overfishing). Size-selective mortality has evolutionary consequences. Paradoxically, the management solutions for these problems are in opposition (more harvest versus less harvest), and a wrong diagnosis could exacerbate the problem. I used nested hypotheses, and implemented active adaptive management at several Alberta lakes, to diagnose the causal mechanism creating the small fish problem. For inferences on the source of the mortality, I analysed backcalculated growth rates from pelvic fins. Walleyes that had fast-growth to an early maturity, and then subsequent slow-growth, had greater survival. This hockey stick-shaped growth allows for successful reproduction while the Walleyes remain below the minimum size limit, avoiding harvest. Using changes to sport fishing regulations, I then modified angler effort and harvest at four different Alberta lakes to increase or decrease size-selective harvest and Walleye densities. I found that size-selective mortality from angling rapidly truncated the population-size structure. With concerns of evolutionary consequences because of evidence of size selective harvest, I used an age- and size-structured, single-species model, parameterized with data from Albertas Walleye fisheries, to evaluate the selectiveness of various management regulations. I found that the 50-cm minimum size limit used to recover Albertas Walleye populations did indeed select for the hockey stick life history, although this regulation allowed for sustainable populations (>5 Walleyes*hectare-1) and angler effort up to 16 angler-hours*ha-1*year-1. The optimal regulation to reduce life history selection and allow for population sustainability was a 40-50 cm harvest-tag regulation. This regulation reversed the selection for the hockey stick life history, yet produced sustainable fish densities and allowed angler effort up to 30 angler-hours*ha-1*year-1. However, increasing angler-noncompliance reduced the sustainability of this regulation. / Wildlife Ecology and Management
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : Fysiska, Psykiska, Sociala och Sexuella komplikationer - En LitteraturstudieMessa, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige år 2012 gjordes 28 000 anmälningar av misshandel mot kvinnor över 18 år. Våld i nära relationer utövas vanligast av en man mot en kvinna. Det finns fysiskt, psykiskt, sexuellt och socialt våld som negativt påverkar kvinnan på olika sätt. Varje år tvingas 12 000 -14 000 kvinnor i Sverige att uppsöka sjukvård till följd av skador som uppstått när de utsatts för våld i nära relation. Syfte: Att undersöka hur kvinnors liv påverkas utav mäns våld i nära relationer genom att identifiera vilka de fysiska, psykiska, sociala och sexuella komplikationer detta resulterar i. Metod: En litteraturstudie där inkluderade vetenskapliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskats. Artiklarnas resultat har sedan analyserats och presenterats i fyra huvudteman utifrån frågeställningen. Huvudresultat: Enligt litteraturstudiens resultat ansågs det psykiska våldet och dess konsekvenser vara värst för kvinnan. De komplikationer som förekommer mest frekvent är att kvinnan drabbas av psykiska tillstånd såsom ångest (42-91%), depression (64-76%), posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (19-86%) och att kvinnan är ekonomiskt begränsad (22-86%) samt känner rädsla (42-70%), skam (36-79%) och förtvivlan (14-63%). Slutsats: Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer bidrar till negativa hälsokonsekvenser för den våldsutsatta kvinnan både, fysiskt, psykiskt, socialt och sexuellt. Kvinnorna skuldbelade sig själva för våldet och skämdes för situationen vilket gjorde att de undanhöll att berätta om våldet för någon och lät bli att söka hjälp. Detta visar att identifieringen, bemötandet och behandlingen av våldsutsatta kvinnor kan bli bättre. Genom att vårdpersonal får möjlighet till mer utbildning och kunskap i våld i nära relationer kan detta arbetet förbättras. / Background: In Sweden in 2012 were 28,000 complaints of abuse against women over 18 years. Domestic violence is exercised frequently by a man against a woman. There are physical, psychological, sexual and social violence that negatively affect women in different ways. Every year, 12,000 -14,000 women in Sweden seek medical help as a result of injury incurred of domestic violence. Aim: To examine how women's lives are affected by male violence in intimate relationships by identifying the physical, psychological, social and sexual complications. Method: A literature review, were included articles reviewed and quality determined. Articles results were then analyzed and presented in four main themes based on the issue. Main results: According to the result of the literature study, psychological violence and its consequences was the worst for the woman. The complications that occur most frequently is that women suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety (42-91%), depression (64-76%), post-traumatic stress disorder (19-86%) and that the woman are economic limited (22-86%) and feels fear (42-70%), shame (36-79%) and despair (14-63%). Conclusion: Men's violence against women in intimate relationships contribute to negative health consequences for the abused woman both physically, mentally, socially and sexually. The women were blaming themselves for the violence and were ashamed of the situation. That made them not to tell anyone about the violence and did not seek help. This shows that the identification and treatment of abused women can be better. By giving the medical staff more education and knowledge of domestic violence, the work can be improved.
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O corpo-limite / BodylimitSara Panamby Rosa da Silva 25 January 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A pesquisa Corpolimite parte do discurso de onde a fisicalidade e experiência informe do corpo que atravessa camadas, dos rituais de passagem às políticas urbanas, cria complexidades e zonas desestabilizantes que revelam saberes via percepção e sentidos através da experiência poética em carne-viva. Partindo da perspectiva das modificações corporais no contexto das transformações extremas (como tatuagens, piercings, escarificação, implantes e suspensão corporal) o trabalho traça um percurso errático acerca das práticas de corpo que borram fronteiras, abrem fissuras e desviam, criando novos caminhos poéticos, novos jogos de significação. Baseando-se numa escrita poética e biográfica, o texto mistura imagem e palavra de forma a elaborar uma trama das complexidades envolvidas nos processos descritos. Trabalhando no campo da Performance Art e da Body Art o discurso arte-vida é permanente, trazendo à tona traços da vida cotidiana. Estes rastros transbordam e jorram pelo texto que é carne, matéria viva deste corpo de papel / Bodylimit is a study based on a discourse in which both the physicality and the amorphous experiences of the body as it crosses through layers of situations ranging from rites of passage to urban policies create complexities and zones of destabilization that reveal different forms of knowledge through sense perception and through a poetic experience felt in living flesh. Viewing body modification within the context of extreme transformations (such as tattoos, piercings, scarification, implants, and suspension), the research traces an erratic path through physical practices that blur borders and open fissures and detours to create new poetic paths and new games of signification. Utilizing a poetic and autobiographical writing style, the text mixes images and words to elaborate a web based on the complexities involved in the physical processes it describes. The study situates itself in the fields of Performance Studies and Body Art, in which the discourse of art-life is a permanent phenomenon that brings traces of quotidian life to the forefront of the text. These traces spill and overflow throughout the flesh-text, which is the living material in this body of paper
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A inserção da Guiné-Bissau na União Econômica e Monetária Oeste Africana (UEMOA) : limites e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico do país (1997-2013)Rodrigues, Julio January 2016 (has links)
Um dos aspectos mais importantes da nova realidade internacional é a tendência à formação de blocos regionais. A criação dos blocos ao redor do mundo representa uma estratégia de promoção do desenvolvimento para os países da periferia e, sobretudo, para os Estados africanos que são caracterizados por uma história peculiar de marginalização, países com pobreza e miséria dramáticas, ciclos de instabilidades política e militar, sequelas de séculos de explorações promovida por diversas potências. Como forma de resolver parte dos problemas que afetam o continente, os dirigentes africanos acreditam na integração econômica e política como uma das alternativas. Tratando-se dos países do oeste africano, a integração possibilita uma coordenação conjunta na solução dos problemas internos da região e nos desafios da globalização. O objetivo desta tese é de analisar a inserção da Guiné-Bissau na UEMOA. Neste sentido, o trabalho se propõe responder duas perguntas: em que medida a UEMOA pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento econômico e social guineense e quais são as vantagens e as desvantagens da Guiné-Bissau na UEMOA. Ele parte da hipótese de que a referida união é bastante útil para o país lusófono na medida em que oferece um enorme suporte na sua política monetária e fiscal, sem falar na abertura de novos mercados, embora o ciclo da instabilidade política tenha se constituído num dos principais obstáculos para o desempenho guineense no bloco. Ressalta-se que o presente trabalho foi construído com base nas consultas de diversas obras bibliográficas, e também, durante a construção desta tese, viajamos para o referido país que constitui objeto do nosso estudo, onde obtivemos alguns dados primários através do contato que tivemos com diversos dirigentes do país ligado ao tema. Entretanto, conclui-se que a inserção da Guiné na UEMOA aconteceu de forma precipitada sem que houvesse estudos aprofundados. Embora o país, por um lado, tenha alcançado um dos objetivos que é de estabilizar os preços ou controlar a inflação, assim como encontrou, na união, uma importante fonte de financiamento, o BOAD (Banque Ouést Africaine de Dévelopment), para desenvolver, reabilitar e modernizar as suas infraestruturas. Por outro lado, o desempenho guineense naquele bloco tem sido afetado pelo ciclo de instabilidades que tem dificultado a elaboração de uma estratégia que permitiria a obtenção de ganhos, seja por via do comércio internacional ou pela captação do investimento estrangeiro; com isso, o país se tornou dependente dos seus parceiros do bloco. / One of the most important aspects of the new international reality is the tendency to form regional blocks. The creation of blocks around the world is a development promotion strategy for the periphery countries and, especially to the African states, which are characterized by a peculiar history of marginalization, countries with dramatic poverty and misery, cycles of political and military instabilities, consequences of centuries of explorations promoted by many colonial powers. As a way to solve part of problems that affect the continent, African leaders, believe in economic and political integration as one of the alternatives. Concerning West African countries, the integration enables to joint coordination in solving the internal problems of the region and the challenges of globalization. This thesis aims to analyze the inclusion of Guinea-Bissau in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). Thus, the work aims to answer two questions: to what extent WAEMU can contribute to economic and social development of Guinea-Bissau, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of Guinea-Bissau in the WAEMU. It starts from the assumption that such union is very useful for the Portuguese-speaking country, once it offers a huge support in its monetary and fiscal policy, not to mention the opening of new markets, although the cycle of political instability has been one of the main obstacles to Guinea-Bissau performance in the block. It is noteworthy that this work was done in the basis of research in various literature works, and during the construction of this thesis, we traveled to the country, which is the object of our study, where we obtained some primary data through the contact we had with several leaders of the country related to the subject. However, it is concluded that the inclusion of Guinea - Bissau in WAEMU happened rashly without in depth studies. Although the country on one hand, has achieved one of its goals to stabilize prices and control inflation, as found in union an important source of funding, the BOAD (Banque Ouest Africaine de Development) to develop, rehabilitate and modernize its infrastructure. On the other hand, the performance of Guinea-Bissau in the block has been affected by the instabilities cycle that has hampered the development of a strategy that would allow the development gains, either through international trade or through the capture of foreign investment; with this, the country became dependent on its partners in the block.
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On the derivation of non-local diffusion equations in confined spacesCesbron, Ludovic January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the derivation of non-local diffusion equations from kinetic models with heavy-tailed equilibrium in velocity. We are particularly interested in confining the kinetic equations and developing methods that allow us, from the confined kinetic models, to derive confined versions of non-local diffusion equations.
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På det berömda håret : En genusstudie om sexuella praktiker och sexualbrott samt gränserna däremellanLjungdahl, Karina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om maskuliniteten som norm kan understödja kvinnors sexuella utsatthet och tänja på gränserna mellan sexuella praktiker och sexualbrott. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ design där tre stycken parintervjuer ägde rum med totalt sex unga kvinnor mellan 18-21 år, bosatta i Stockholms län. Det insamlade materialet analyserades utifrån ett genusteoretiskt maktperspektiv, där maskuliniteten bedömdes vara högst i genushierarkin och därmed norm. Materialet transkriberades och analyserades sedan via meningskoncentrering som redovisades med hjälp av teman. Resultatet visade att maskuliniteten framstod som överordnad samt att maktasymmetrin sannolikt kan påverka unga kvinnors sexuella praktiker på skilda sätt. Vidare framkom att maskuliniteten tycks fungera som normsättare, hos vilken femininiteten söker godkännande. Föreställningarna kring den underordnade femininiteten visade att kvinnor tenderar att ställa upp på vissa sexuella praktiker för att framstå som den ideala kvinnan. Även att maskuliniteten som norm understödjer mannens rätt att tjata sig till sex samt legitimt övertala kvinnor till specifika sexuella akter. Maskuliniteten som norm bedöms således kunna påtvinga kvinnan en paradoxal roll, då femininiteten både tycks sträva efter sexuell frigörelse samt en acceptans av samhället och den överordnade hierarkin.
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Limites na educação infantil : as representações sociais de pais e professores / Children and the construction of limits : mothers and teachers’ social representationAraujo, Greicy Boness de January 2007 (has links)
A educação de crianças tem gerado inquietações na atualidade e observa-se que pais e professores demonstram dificuldades para delimitar seus papéis e ações no que se refere à colocação de limites. Tendo como referencial teórico a Teoria das Representações Sociais, este estudo investigou as representações de mães e professoras sobre limites no desenvolvimento infantil com o objetivo de compreender como estas se relacionam com as práticas educativas. O estudo contou com a participação de 14 mães e 8 professoras de educação infantil de escolas particulares de Porto Alegre. A entrevista narrativa e a análise de conteúdo foram utilizadas, respectivamente, como procedimentos de coleta de dados e análise. Os resultados indicaram a representação de limites, preferentemente, como fronteiras a serem respeitadas em prol da moralidade. O uso do diálogo é um recurso presente nas narrativas das mães e professoras, assim como a necessidade de tolerância. Mães e professoras demonstram muitas dúvidas, culpas e inseguranças que repercutem no desenvolvimento dos limites das crianças. As professoras atribuem a responsabilidade da falta de limites às famílias. Já as mães não percebem a escola como uma aliada na educação das crianças. / Nowadays, children’s education is generating apprehension in parents and teachers who show difficulties in delimiting their roles and actions when related to the placing of limits. Based on the Theory of Social Representations, the present study investigated the social representations of mothers and teachers about limits in children’s development with the aim of understanding how these representations relate with educational practices. Fourteen mothers and eight teachers of private preschools of Porto Alegre participated in the study. Narrative interviews and content analysis were used respectively as procedures of data collection and data analysis. Results indicated the representation of limits mainly as barriers to be respected in favor of morality. The use of dialogue is a resource used in the narratives of mothers and teachers as well as the need for tolerance. Mothers and teachers show many doubts, guilt and lack of security that reflect in children’s development of limits. Teachers attribute the lack of limits to families and mothers do not consider school as an allied in children’s education.
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Thermodynamic approach to biogas productionMuvhiiwa, Ralph Farai 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation determines theoretical targets for producing biogas. Calculations were based on the relationship between the mass of substrate used (assumed to be glucose) versus the amount and composition of gas produced. Methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide were considered as gases produced by biogas processes. The calculations undertaken to determine the production rates and environmental targets of the biogas production system were based on mass and energy balances as well as the second law of thermodynamics. These were applied to determine the limits of performance of the process. These limits are important due to the fact that they cannot be exceeded even if we genetically engineer organisms or change the equipment design or operation. Combining the results enabled us to plot an attainable region that showed the achievable composition of the gas as well as the minimum work and energy requirements for biogas production. It shows that the process is hydrogen and enthalpy (heat) limited. Furthermore the results show that a maximum of 3 moles of methane per mole of glucose are produced sustainably which in turn produces a large heat load of 142 kJ/mol of glucose. / Physics / M. Sc. (Physics)
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