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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

GGLL: um gerador de analisadores sintáticos para gramáticas gráficas LL(1) / GGLL: an parser generator for graph grammars LL(1)

Pinto, Tasso Tirapani Silva 19 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como fulcro o desenvolvimento de um gerador de analisadores sintáticos do tipo top-down para gramáticas LL(1) com entrada gráfica da gramática, bem como uma comparação do mesmo com outros geradores em uso no mercado. Como resultado foi obtido um gerador totalmente funcional, e foi mostrado como ele é superior aos outros analisadores. São descritos detalhes da implementação e foi elaborado um manual de uso do sistema implementado em Java independente de ambientes de programação. / This thesis has as its main goal the development a parser generator using top-down syntax analysis for LL(1) grammars. Its input is a graph grammar. A comparison with available parser generators is also presented. As a result a fully executable generator, and the fact that it is superior to the other generators was demonstrated. This work contains details of the implementation, and presents a users manual of the system, which was implemented in Java. The system is independent of programming environments.

Copolímeros estatísticos biodegradáveis de epsilon-caprolactona e L,L-dilactídeo - síntese, caracterização e propriedades. / Biodegradable statistical copolimers of epsilon-caprolactone e L,L-lactide - synthesis, caracterization and properties.

Castro, Maria Leonora de 07 April 2006 (has links)
Copolímeros de e-caprolactona e l,l-dilactídeo têm sido investigados com a finalidade de desenvolver materiais biodegradáveis para aplicações médicas. As sínteses dos homopolímeros e copolímeros de epsilon-caprolactona e l,l-dilactídeo por abertura de anel e polimerização em massa transcorreram a 120oC sob atmosfera de nitrogênio, usando o octanoato de estanho como iniciador. A composição dos copolímeros variou de 5,90% a 97,30% em massa de l,l-dilactídeo. As massas molares dos polímeros sintetizados foram determinadas por viscosimetria capilar e cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC). A composição dos copolímeros foi determinada por RMN de 13C. As propriedades térmicas e mecânicas foram avaliadas por DSC e DMTA. O grau de cristalinidade e as fases cristalinas dos copolímeros foram determinados por difração de raios X (WAXS). Foram observadas altas taxas de conversão de monômeros para os homopolímeros e para os copolímeros Co60 ao Co90 (taxas de 70-80%). Os homopolímeros e copolímeros sintetizados apresentaram altas massas molares (M w até 106.500 g/mol para os copolímeros) e moderada polidispersidade (1,50). As análises de RMN de 13C demonstraram a predominância da formação de copolímeros estatísticos e a ausência da transesterificação durante a polimerização em massa. As propriedades dinâmico-mecânicas foram fortemente dependentes da estrutura cristalina e do grau de cristalinidade dos copolímeros. Os copolímeros sintetizados apresentaram propriedades mecânicas variando do flexível ao rígido termoplástico. Os copolímeros com composição próxima a equimolar (Co30 ao Co40) apresentaram os mais baixos graus de cristalinidade (13 a 15%) e, por conseqüência, apresentaram maior taxa de degradação (20% em 408 horas para o Co40), em comparação com os demais copolímeros. / Copolymers of epsilon-caprolactone with l,l-lactide have been investigated in order to develop biodegradable materials for medical applications. The synthesis of homopolymers and copolymers of e-caprolactone with l,l-lactide by ring-opening bulk polymerization was performed using stannous octoate as initiator at 120 ºC under nitrogen atmosphere. The copolymers composition was varied from 5.90 to 97.30 % in mass of l,l-lactide. The molecular weight of synthesized polymers were determined by viscometry and GPC. The copolymers composition was determined by 13C NMR. Thermal and mechanical properties have been evaluated by DSC and DMTA. The degree of crystallinity and the crystalline phase of copolymers were determined by WAXS. High conversion was observed for homopolymers and copolymers Co60 to Co90 of l,l-lactide (70-80%). The homopolymers and copolymers presented hight molecular weight (M w up to 106,500 g/mol for copolymers) and low polydispersivity (1,50). The analyses by 13C- NMR spectroscopy have shown the predominance of statistical copolymers formation and the transesterification reaction did not occur during the bulk polymerization. Thermal and mechanical properties were dependent on the crystalline phase and of the degree of crystallinity. The synthesized copolymers presented mechanical properties from rubbery to stiff thermoplastics. The copolymers with equimolar composition presented low degree of crystallinity (13 ? 15%) and higher degradation (20% during 408 hours for Co40).

Den lärande organisationen och Försvarsmakten : En studie rörande teoretisk anknytning / The learning organization and the Swedish armed forces : A study regarding theoretical connection

Sjöström, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Arbetet syftar till att analysera Förvarsmaktens övergripande process rörande erfarenhetshantering ifallet Kosovo mellan 2007 och nutid samt granska hur denna process tar sin utgångspunkt i organisationsteori och metod. Detta är de ingångsvärden som använts i den intervjustudie som genomförts. I denna studie kan två organisationsmodeller påvisas i tidsspannet som arbetet behandlat, en med början 2007 och en senare som i skrivande stund är under implementering, dessa har i olika grad påvisat kopplingar till modellrapporten från FOI 1998. Metodrapporten i sig baseras på Sarv respektive Garvin´s tankar om lärande organisationer och dess bakomliggande tankar är därför genomskinliga. Det teoretiska materialet ger fyra utgångspunkter för analys, mål, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande. Under dialog och mål finns få anknytningspunkter till FOI´s modell, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande å andra sidan påvisar tydligt att tankar mot detta funnit men brister i implementeringeni modellen. För att vidare sammanfoga modellen och dessa tankar anser författaren att tydligare direktiv, styrningar och förklaringar behövs. Författaren påtalar även behovet av vidare forskning på området och specifikt hur processen ser ut efter att den nya organisationsmodellen till fullo implementerats i organisationen.</p> / <p>The study aims to analyse the Swedish Armed Forces process for lessons learned, as it was in Kosovobetween 2007 and present date and examine whether this process is based on organizational theory or not. These were the initial values for the interviews that followed. In answers from the interviews, two organizational models can be found within the given time span, one beginning in 2007 and the later one is as of now being implemented. These models have shown a varying degree of connection to the model developed by FOI in 1998. The model itself is based on the organizational theories of Sarv and Garvin and its ideas can therefore be seen as translucent. The theoretical material gives us four starting points for analysis, dialogue, goal orientation, flexibility and dynamics and finally participation. Under the headings dialogue and goal orientation there are few connecting factors to the FOI model, under the headings flexibility and dynamics and participation on the other hand there are clearly formed thoughts surrounding these issues but the writer found shortcomings in the implementations of these. In order to further merge the model and these bulletpoints the author believes that clearer directives, guidance and explanations are needed. The author also highlights the need for further research within this field to show the outcome of the implementation of the new organizational model.</p>

Den lärande organisationen och Försvarsmakten : En studie rörande teoretisk anknytning / The learning organization and the Swedish armed forces : A study regarding theoretical connection

Sjöström, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att analysera Förvarsmaktens övergripande process rörande erfarenhetshantering ifallet Kosovo mellan 2007 och nutid samt granska hur denna process tar sin utgångspunkt i organisationsteori och metod. Detta är de ingångsvärden som använts i den intervjustudie som genomförts. I denna studie kan två organisationsmodeller påvisas i tidsspannet som arbetet behandlat, en med början 2007 och en senare som i skrivande stund är under implementering, dessa har i olika grad påvisat kopplingar till modellrapporten från FOI 1998. Metodrapporten i sig baseras på Sarv respektive Garvin´s tankar om lärande organisationer och dess bakomliggande tankar är därför genomskinliga. Det teoretiska materialet ger fyra utgångspunkter för analys, mål, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande. Under dialog och mål finns få anknytningspunkter till FOI´s modell, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande å andra sidan påvisar tydligt att tankar mot detta funnit men brister i implementeringeni modellen. För att vidare sammanfoga modellen och dessa tankar anser författaren att tydligare direktiv, styrningar och förklaringar behövs. Författaren påtalar även behovet av vidare forskning på området och specifikt hur processen ser ut efter att den nya organisationsmodellen till fullo implementerats i organisationen. / The study aims to analyse the Swedish Armed Forces process for lessons learned, as it was in Kosovobetween 2007 and present date and examine whether this process is based on organizational theory or not. These were the initial values for the interviews that followed. In answers from the interviews, two organizational models can be found within the given time span, one beginning in 2007 and the later one is as of now being implemented. These models have shown a varying degree of connection to the model developed by FOI in 1998. The model itself is based on the organizational theories of Sarv and Garvin and its ideas can therefore be seen as translucent. The theoretical material gives us four starting points for analysis, dialogue, goal orientation, flexibility and dynamics and finally participation. Under the headings dialogue and goal orientation there are few connecting factors to the FOI model, under the headings flexibility and dynamics and participation on the other hand there are clearly formed thoughts surrounding these issues but the writer found shortcomings in the implementations of these. In order to further merge the model and these bulletpoints the author believes that clearer directives, guidance and explanations are needed. The author also highlights the need for further research within this field to show the outcome of the implementation of the new organizational model.

Rôle du peptide LL-37 dans le cancer du sein : son interaction avec la membrane plasmique stimule l'entrée de calcium et la migration cellulaire par l'activation des canaux ioniques TRPV2 et BKCa / Role of the LL-37 peptide in breast cancer : stimulation of calcium entry and cell migration through the TRPV2 and BKCa channels by its interaction with the plasma membrane

Gambade, Audrey 18 December 2015 (has links)
Le peptide antimicrobien LL-37 a été retrouvé surexprimé dans différents types de cancer et plus particulièrement dans le cancer du sein dans lequel il est associé au développement des métastases. Nous avons observé, in vitro, que la migration de trois lignées cancéreuses mammaires est augmentée par le peptide LL-37 et son énantiomère (D)-LL-37, excluant la fixation du peptide à un récepteur protéique. Sur les cellules cancéreuses mammaires MDA-MB-435s, le peptide se fixe à la membrane plasmique et diminue sa fluidité. La microscopie électronique localise LL-37 dans les cavéoles et à la surface de structures impliquées dans la migration cellulaire, les pseudopodes. LL-37 induit une entrée de calcium via le canal TRPV2 dont l’activité est augmentée par son recrutement dans les pseudopodes. Ce recrutement est dépendant de l’activation de la voie de signalisation PI3K/AKT induite par LL-37. L’entrée de calcium via TRPV2 est potentialisée par l’activation du canal potassique BKCa, localisé aussi dans les pseudopodes. Des ARN interférents contre TRPV2 inhibent à 70% la migration induite par LL-37, donnant un rôle prépondérant à ce canal dans les effets pro-migratoire du peptide. La fixation du peptide LL-37 aux membranes des cellules cancéreuses et l’activation de canaux ioniques constituent un nouvel axe de recherche pour comprendre le rôle du peptide dans la progression tumorale. / The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 is overexpressed in several types of cancer, among which breast cancer were it is associated with metastasis development. Our experiments on three mammary cancer cell lines have shown that LL-37 increases cell migration. Both its natural (L)-form and its (D)-enantiomer are equally active, excluding a specific binding to a protein receptor. On the MDA-MB-435s cell line, LL-37 attaches to plasma membrane and reduces its fluidity. Electron microscopy localized LL-37 on the surface of pseudopodia, structures implicated in cell migration, and in caveolae. LL-37 induces calcium entry via the TRPV2 channel, which is recruited to pseudopodia. Recruitment depends on activation of PI3K/AKT signaling induced by LL-37. Calcium entry via TRPV2 is potentiated by activation of the BKCa potassium channel also located in pseudopodia. TRPV2 suppression by RNA interference results in 70% reduction of cell migration induced by LL-37, attributing a crucial role of this channel to the promigratory effects of the peptide. Binding of LL-37 to cancer cell membranes and in consequence the activation of ion channels constitutes a novel research field to understand its role in tumor progression.

Copolímeros estatísticos biodegradáveis de epsilon-caprolactona e L,L-dilactídeo - síntese, caracterização e propriedades. / Biodegradable statistical copolimers of epsilon-caprolactone e L,L-lactide - synthesis, caracterization and properties.

Maria Leonora de Castro 07 April 2006 (has links)
Copolímeros de e-caprolactona e l,l-dilactídeo têm sido investigados com a finalidade de desenvolver materiais biodegradáveis para aplicações médicas. As sínteses dos homopolímeros e copolímeros de epsilon-caprolactona e l,l-dilactídeo por abertura de anel e polimerização em massa transcorreram a 120oC sob atmosfera de nitrogênio, usando o octanoato de estanho como iniciador. A composição dos copolímeros variou de 5,90% a 97,30% em massa de l,l-dilactídeo. As massas molares dos polímeros sintetizados foram determinadas por viscosimetria capilar e cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC). A composição dos copolímeros foi determinada por RMN de 13C. As propriedades térmicas e mecânicas foram avaliadas por DSC e DMTA. O grau de cristalinidade e as fases cristalinas dos copolímeros foram determinados por difração de raios X (WAXS). Foram observadas altas taxas de conversão de monômeros para os homopolímeros e para os copolímeros Co60 ao Co90 (taxas de 70-80%). Os homopolímeros e copolímeros sintetizados apresentaram altas massas molares (M w até 106.500 g/mol para os copolímeros) e moderada polidispersidade (1,50). As análises de RMN de 13C demonstraram a predominância da formação de copolímeros estatísticos e a ausência da transesterificação durante a polimerização em massa. As propriedades dinâmico-mecânicas foram fortemente dependentes da estrutura cristalina e do grau de cristalinidade dos copolímeros. Os copolímeros sintetizados apresentaram propriedades mecânicas variando do flexível ao rígido termoplástico. Os copolímeros com composição próxima a equimolar (Co30 ao Co40) apresentaram os mais baixos graus de cristalinidade (13 a 15%) e, por conseqüência, apresentaram maior taxa de degradação (20% em 408 horas para o Co40), em comparação com os demais copolímeros. / Copolymers of epsilon-caprolactone with l,l-lactide have been investigated in order to develop biodegradable materials for medical applications. The synthesis of homopolymers and copolymers of e-caprolactone with l,l-lactide by ring-opening bulk polymerization was performed using stannous octoate as initiator at 120 ºC under nitrogen atmosphere. The copolymers composition was varied from 5.90 to 97.30 % in mass of l,l-lactide. The molecular weight of synthesized polymers were determined by viscometry and GPC. The copolymers composition was determined by 13C NMR. Thermal and mechanical properties have been evaluated by DSC and DMTA. The degree of crystallinity and the crystalline phase of copolymers were determined by WAXS. High conversion was observed for homopolymers and copolymers Co60 to Co90 of l,l-lactide (70-80%). The homopolymers and copolymers presented hight molecular weight (M w up to 106,500 g/mol for copolymers) and low polydispersivity (1,50). The analyses by 13C- NMR spectroscopy have shown the predominance of statistical copolymers formation and the transesterification reaction did not occur during the bulk polymerization. Thermal and mechanical properties were dependent on the crystalline phase and of the degree of crystallinity. The synthesized copolymers presented mechanical properties from rubbery to stiff thermoplastics. The copolymers with equimolar composition presented low degree of crystallinity (13 ? 15%) and higher degradation (20% during 408 hours for Co40).

GGLL: um gerador de analisadores sintáticos para gramáticas gráficas LL(1) / GGLL: an parser generator for graph grammars LL(1)

Tasso Tirapani Silva Pinto 19 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como fulcro o desenvolvimento de um gerador de analisadores sintáticos do tipo top-down para gramáticas LL(1) com entrada gráfica da gramática, bem como uma comparação do mesmo com outros geradores em uso no mercado. Como resultado foi obtido um gerador totalmente funcional, e foi mostrado como ele é superior aos outros analisadores. São descritos detalhes da implementação e foi elaborado um manual de uso do sistema implementado em Java independente de ambientes de programação. / This thesis has as its main goal the development a parser generator using top-down syntax analysis for LL(1) grammars. Its input is a graph grammar. A comparison with available parser generators is also presented. As a result a fully executable generator, and the fact that it is superior to the other generators was demonstrated. This work contains details of the implementation, and presents a users manual of the system, which was implemented in Java. The system is independent of programming environments.

Regulated Grammars: Concepts, Properties and Applications / Regulated Grammars: Concepts, Properties and Applications

Bednář, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá regulovanými gramatikami. Zavádí nové modifikace existujících regulovaných gramatik. Pro tyto modifikace zavádí metody syntaktické analýzi. Diskutuje problémy determinismu v definici gramatik. Studuje sílu nově uvedených modifikací aplikovaných na regulárně regulované gramatiky.

Síntese e caracterização do copolímero tribloco anfifílico biodegradável poli(L, L-lactídeo-stat-e-caprolactona)-bloco-poli(óxido de etileno)-bloco-poli(L, L-lactídeo-stat-e-caprolactona). / Synthesis and characterization of triblock anfiphilic biodegradable copolymer poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone).

Lili, Zhao 09 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a síntese e propriedades do copolímero poli(l,l-lactídeo-stat-e-caprolactona)-bloco-poli(óxido de etileno)-bloco-poli(l,l-lactideostat-e-caprolactona). Poli(óxido de etileno) de massa molar 20.000 u.m.a. e poli(óxido de etileno) modificado, preparado a partir de poli(glicol etilênico) de massa molar 4.000 u.m.a., foram selecionados para o processo da síntese. A reação foi feita pela polimerização por abertura de anel em massa a 120ºC usando octoanato de estanho como iniciador. A composição química de cada amostra foi determinada com auxílio de RMN-1H e RMN-13C e suas propriedades mecânicas foram verificadas e comparadas utilizando análises térmicas como DMTA, DSC, TG e a aplicação da MEV como análise complementar. A observação pelas fotos de MOLP permitiu a visualização do comportamento de nucleação dos copolímeros e as características de sua cristalinidade. Seu grau de cristalinidade e as fases cristalinas foram identificados por difração de raios X (WAXS). A biocompatibilidade do material também foi examinada pela cultura de células. Os resultados de caracterização indicam o sucesso da copolimerização, as propriedades elastoméricas e, sua não citotoxidade comprovaram a possibilidade do uso destes copolímeros como biomateriais. Contudo, o tempo prolongado de reação e baixa incorporação do monômero lactídeo ainda são questões a serem melhoradas para a viabilização do copolímero como material de implante na área biomédica. / This work includes the study of the synthesis and characterization of the copolymer poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone)-b-PEG-b-poly(l,l-lactide-stat-e-caprolactone). Poly (ethylene oxide) with molar weight 20.000 and poly(ethylene oxide) modified, prepared from poly(ethylene oxide) with molar weight 4000 have been selected for this synthesis process. The reaction was done by ring-opening bulk polymerization, using stannous octoate as initiator at 120ºC. The chemical composition of samples were determined by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR and their mechanical properties were verified using thermal analyses like DMTA, DSC and TG. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was applied as a complementary analysis. The pictures of polarizing optical microscopy showed us the copolymer\'s nucleation behaviors and their respective crystallization. The degrees of crystallinity and phase of copolymers were determined by WAXS. The biocompatibility of the copolymer was examined by cell cultivation test. The result of these analyses above indicated the success of synthesis. Their rubbery properties and non-toxicity allowed their application as biomaterial. However, the long reaction time and low incorporation of monomer of lactide might to be improved to increase its potential use in biomedical area in the future.

Etude de l'impact de la protéine antimicrobienne humaine hCAP18/LL-37 sur le cancer du sein / Study on the impact of the human antimicrobial peptide hCAP18/LL-37 in the breast cancer

Zreika, Sami 15 December 2011 (has links)
Le peptide hCAP18/LL-37, une partie de la défense immunitaire innée, a maintenant été reconnu comme multifonctionnelle pour les cellules eucaryotes. Nos études démontrent sa contribution au développement du cancer, montrant qu'il est surexprimé dans la plupart des tumeurs mammaires humaines, active la signalisation la famille de ERBB et augmente le potentiel métastatique des cellules cancéreuses du sein. Notre comparaison des deux lignées du cancer du sein n'a pas révélé de récepteurs communs, mais une structure peptidique identiques mais de chiralité différente est pré requis pour le peptide dans toutes ses activités. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que LL-37 active indirectement des récepteurs transmembranaires en se liant à la membrane cellulaire. Des peptides tronqués dérivés de LL-37 inhibent ses activités et peuvent aider à concevoir une future thérapie anticancéreuse. / The peptide hCAP18/LL-37, part of the innate immune defense, has now been recognized as multifunctional for eukaryotic cells. Our studies demonstrate its contribution to cancer development, showing that it is overexpressed in most human breast tumors, activates ERBB signaling and increases the metastatic potential of breast cancer cells. Our comparison on two breast cancer lines did not reveal any common receptors but identical structural prerequisites for the peptide in all its activities. We hypothesize that LL-37 indirectly activates transmembrane receptors by attaching to the cellular membrane. Truncated derivatives inhibit its activities and may help to design a future anticancer therapy.

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