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Cellules solaires avec absorbeur II - VI nanostructuré : matériaux et propriétés / Extremely thin absorber “eta” solar cells with nanostructured II-VI absorber : materials and propertiesSalazar, Raùl 19 November 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’élaborer des méthodes peu chères pour produire desmatériaux semi-conducteurs pouvant entrer dans la fabrication de cellules solaires de type"eta" (extremely thin absorber). Ces cellules sont constituées d’une couche extrêmement fined’un adsorbeur inorganique dont la bande interdite est situé entre 1.1 et 1.8 eV placée entredeux nanostructures transparentes l’une de type n et l’autre de type p et dont les bandesinterdites doivent être supérieurs à 3.3 eV. Une couche compacte et des nanofils de ZnO ontété préparés en mode galvanostatique. Les dimensions des nanofils ont été contrôlées à l’aidede la couche compacte et de la densité du courant appliqué. La photosensibilisation desnanofils par des couches uniformes de CdS, CdSe et CdTe préparée par la méthode SILAR(Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction) a été étudiée. Les propriétés de cescouches ont été améliorées par recuit et traitement chimique. En ce qui concerne les finescoquilles de CdTe deux autres méthodes de sensibilisation ont été également étudiées : la CSS(Close Spaced Sublimation) et les QDs (Quantum Dots). La première méthode conduit à unfaible recouvrement alors que la seconde produit un matériau mal défini optiquement. Leshétérostructures formées sur les nanofils ont été complétées par une couche de CuSCN, unsemi-conducteur de type p, préparée par trois méthodes différentes. L’influence de lamorphologie de ces couches sur les propriétés des cellules eta a été étudiée. Les filmspréparés par électrodéposition et SILAR sont plus rugueux que ceux obtenus parimprégnation et leur conductivité est moins bonne. Les hétérostructures (avec CdS et CdSecomme absorbeurs) ont été testées dans une cellule photoélectrochimique et les rendementsobtenus (jusque 2%) montrent une amélioration certaine des propriétés de ces matériauxpréparée par SILAR-modifiée ainsi que des interfaces ZnO/absorbeur. La qualité desmatériaux obtenus par SILAR montre qu’aujourd’hui on peut s’attendre à une Renaissance decette technique. / The development of semiconducting materials for the extremely thin absorber (eta)solar cell using cheap and scalable methods was the main objective of this work. The eta-solarcell is composed of all inorganic materials consisting of an extremely thin layer of absorbingmaterial (1.1 <Eg< 1.8 eV) sandwiched between nanostructured transparent electron and holeconductors (Eg ≥ 3.3 eV). Compact and defect free ZnO thin film and nanowires (NWs) wereprepared galvanostatically. The ZnO nanowire dimensions were controlled with the ZnO seedlayer or the applied current density. The photosensitization of the ZnO nanowires withconformal layers of CdS, CdSe and CdTe prepared by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption andReaction (SILAR) was studied. The improvement of the absorber structural and opticalproperties by annealing and chemical treatment was achieved. The Close Spaced Sublimation(CSS) and Quantum Dot (QD) sensitization were also used for CdTe thin shell deposition,while the first method produced low coverage, the second resulted in better coverage but withnot optimal optical features. The ZnO NW/absorber heterostructure was completed with ahole conducting CuSCN layer. The influence of the CuSCN layer (prepared by three methods)morphology on the eta-solar cell performance is discussed. Electrodeposited and SILARprepared films exhibited rougher surfaces than that by the Impregnation technique (whichaffects the electrical conductivity). The ZnO/absorber core/shell heterostructures were alsotested in a photoelectrochemical cell. The recorded efficiencies (up to 2 %) for the case ofCdS and CdSe photosensitizers demonstrated an improvement of the ZnO/absorber interfacesand the material quality achieved by the modified-SILAR technique. These results let us toconsider that today a Renascence of the SILAR method is happening.
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Lättläst i olika texttyper : En jämförande studie av lättlästa texter på Centrum för lättlästEricson, Marie January 2010 (has links)
Det lättlästa språket undersöks inom tre olika texttyper på Centrum för lättläst. Texttyperna är tidningen 8 SIDOR, böcker från LL-förlaget samt samhällsinformation (broschyrer) från Lättläst-tjänsten. Syftet är att ta reda på hur texttypen påverkar den lättlästa texten. Texterna undersöks när det gäller ordnivå, meningsnivå och textbindning. Undersökningen visar att det finns ett tydligt lättläst koncept. Men det finns också stora skillnader, både mellan texttyperna och mellan enskilda texter. Den allra största skillnaden mellan de tre olika enheterna är, förutom när det gäller grad av variation inom texttypen, hur man använder det frasanpassade radfallet. Tidningen 8 SIDOR använder det inte alls, och i LL-förlagets böcker används det på lite olika sätt av olika författare eller bearbetare. Den enda enhet som genomgående jobbar med radfallet är Lättläst-tjänsten.
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Mechanisms and Biological Costs of Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial PeptidesLofton Tomenius, Hava January 2016 (has links)
The global increasing problem of antibiotic resistance necessarily drives the pursuit and discovery of new antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) initially seemed like promising new drug candidates. Already members of the innate immune system, it was assumed that they would be bioactive and non-toxic. Their common trait for fundamental, non-specific mode of action also seemed likely to reduce resistance development. In this thesis, we demonstrate the ease with which two species of pathogenic bacteria, the gram-negative Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium), and the gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), can gain increased tolerance and stable resistance to various AMPs. By serially passaging each bacterial species separately under increasing AMP selection pressure we observed increasing AMP tolerance. Resulting in independent bacterial lineages exposed to four different AMPs (including a two-AMP combination) that exhibited 2 to 16-fold increases in MIC. Substantial cross-resistance between the AMPs was observed. Additionally, the S. aureus mutants were found to be cross-resistant to human beta-defensins 1, 2, 3, and 4. The LPS molecule, with mutations in the waaY, pmrB and phoP genes, was the principal target for S. typhimurium resistance development. The main target for S. aureus remained elusive. Reduced membrane potential was a common change for two of the mutants, but not for the others. All sequenced mutants had one or more mutations in various stress response pathways. Fitness of the resistant mutants was assayed by growth rate analysis and in vitro virulence factor testing (e.g. survival response to bile, superoxide, acidic pH). Furthermore an in vivo survival/virulence test involving a mouse competition experiment (S. typhimurium) and sepsis model (S. aureus) was performed. In the absence of AMPs there was often little or no fitness reduction in the mutants. Our results suggest that AMP resistance mechanisms do not irrevocably weaken either species with regard to virulence characteristics or survival within the host. In light of these findings, we suggest that the progression of therapeutic use of AMPs should proceed with great caution since otherwise we might select for AMP resistant mutants that are more resistant to our innate host defenses and thereby potentially more virulent.
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Dynamiken in der Gruppenbildung der Kurden durch nationalstaatliche Prozesse / Eine politikethnologische Betrachtung Irakisch-Kurdistans / Dynamics in the Formation of Groups through Nation-Building-Processes in the case of the Kurds / A political social-anthropoligist approach to Iraqi KurdistanJasberg, Jennifer 16 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Qualitätsmanagement in der Jugend- und Sozialhilfe / Literaturanalytische und empirische Studien / Quality management in child welfare and social security services / Review of literature and empirical studiesGerull, Klaus-Peter 11 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Topoisomerase ll-a e Her-2 em tumores malignos de mama e de ovárioMano, Max Senna January 2006 (has links)
Introdução. O receptor epidérmico humano 2 (Her-2) e a topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) são dois marcadores biológicos importantes, ambos tendo um valor prognóstico e preditivo potencial em pacientes com tumores sólidos. A amplificação dos genes Her- 2 e T2A são eventos independentes, embora o último seja mais frequente em tumores com amplificação do Her-2 (34-90%), do que em tumores sem amplificação do Her-2 (5-10%). Existe uma melhor correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 no câncer de mama (CM) do que em outros tumores. No entanto, no CM, a correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A tem sido inconsistente, e existe uma carência de tais dados em outros tipos de tumores. A expressão da proteína T2A tem mostrado uma boa correlação com o índice de proliferação tumoral, particularmente no CM. Objetivos. Artigo 1: Sintetizar o conhecimento atual sobre a importância dos marcadores Her-2 e T2A nos tumores sólidos. Artigo 2: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, a correlação entre estas variáveis e a correlação entre as variáveis e estágio clínico, em amostras de câncer de ovário (CO) fixadas em parafina. Artigo 3: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação da T2A, assim como a correlação entre esta variável e a expressão da proteína T2A e do marcador de proliferação celular Ki-67, em amostras de CM fixadas em parafina, mostrando uma amplificação do Her-2. Métodos. Artigo 1: Os dados foram identificados através de busca em bases de dados eletrônicas (medline), livros de resumos de congressos e referências de artigos de revisão e originais. Artigo 2: 73 amostras de CO foram testadas para amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e T2A, por hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) e imuno-histoquímica (IHC), respectivamente. Artigo 3: 103 amostras de CM, com amplificação do Her-2, foram testadas para amplificação do gene T2A (por FISH) e superexpressão das proteínas T2A e Ki-67 (por IHC). Resultados. Artigo 2: Com base nos pontos de corte >1.5 e >2 (relação cópias/CEP17), as taxas de amplificação do Her-2 foram 15/64(23.4%) e 8/64(12.5%), versus 16/64(25%) e 5/64(7.8 %) para a T2A. Encontramos somente 3/72(4.2%) casos de superexpressão do Her-2(3+), contra 15/70(21.4%) para a T2A (marcagem em >10% das células). Foi observada uma modesta correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A (p= 0.01) e uma forte correlação entre amplificação da T2A e do Her-2, quando analisados como variáveis contínuas (p<0.001). A amplificação da T2A correlacionou-se com estágio FIGO avançado (p= 0.02). Artigo 3: Uma amplificação do gene T2A foi observada em 36.9%(38/103) dos casos. Os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 (número de cópias) não se correlacionaram com a amplificação da T2A. A porcentagem média de células positivas para a T2A (por IHC) foi de 5% e 10%, para casos T2A não-amplificados e amplificados, respectivamente. Uma correlação fraca, mas ainda significativa, foi observada entre amplificação do gene T2A e porcentagem de células T2A-positivas por IHC (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02); a correlação entre estas duas variáveis foi mais forte em tumores Ki-67 positivos. Conclusões. Artigo 2 : A avaliação da amplificação e da superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, por FISH e IHC, respectivamente, é realizável em amostras de CO. Foi observada uma boa correlação entre a amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A, mas a correlação entre amplificação do gene e superexpressão da proteína foi fraca para ambos marcadores. As taxas de amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A são mais elevadas quando não é realizada correção para o número de cópias do CEP17. Parece existir uma boa correlação entre amplificação da T2A e estágio clínico avançado. Estudos adicionais serão necessários para determinar o melhor ponto de corte para estes marcadores. Artigo 3: Contrariamente ao Her-2, a amplificação do gene T2A não parece necessariamente levar à superexpressão da proteína no CM. Outros fatores, como o índice de proliferação celular, podem interferir na síntese da proteína T2A. Embora a maioria dos casos de aberrações do gene T2A ocorram em tumores Her-2 positivos, os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 não se correlacionaram com a amplificação do gene T2A. / Background. The human epidermal receptor 2 (Her-2) and topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) are two important biomarkers, with potential prognostic and predictive value in patients with solid tumours. Her-2 and T2A gene amplification are separate events, although the latter is more frequently seen in Her-2 amplified (34-90%) than in Her-2 non-amplified (5-10%) tumours. There is a better correlation between Her-2 amplification and protein overexpression in breast cancer (BC) than in other tumour types. Nevertheless, there is a doubtful correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression in BC, with virtually no data available in other tumour types. In BC, the expression of the T2A protein has shown a good correlation with tumour proliferation rate. Objectives. Article 1: To summarise the available literature on Her-2 and T2A in solid tumours. Article 2: To investigate the prevalence of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, the correlation between these variables and with clinical stage, in paraffin-embedded samples of ovarian cancer (OC). Article 3: To investigate the prevalence of T2A amplification, as well as the correlation between this variable and the expression of T2A protein and the proliferation marker Ki-67, in paraffinembedded samples of Her-2 amplified BC. Methods. Article 1: The data were identified through search in electronic databases (medline), abstract books and references from review and original articles. Article 2: 73 samples of OC were tested for Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC), respectively. Article 3: 103 samples of Her-2 amplified BC were tested for T2A amplification (by FISH) and overexpression (by IHC), and Ki-67 expression (by IHC). Results. Article 2: Based on cut-offs of ≥1.5 and ≥2 (ratio copies/CEP17), amplification rates for Her-2 were 15/64(23.4%) and 8/64(12.5%) versus 16/64(25%) and 5/64(7.8%) for T2A. We found only 3/72(4.2%) cases of Her-2 overexpression(3+) versus 15/70(21.4%) for T2A (staining in >10% of the cells). There was a modest correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression (p=0.01) and a strong correlation between T2A and Her-2 amplification when these markers were analysed as continuous variables (p<0.001). T2A amplification significantly correlated with advanced FIGO stage (p=0.02). Article 3: T2A gene amplification was observed in 36.9%(38/103) of the Her-2 amplified samples. Her-2 amplification level (i.e. copy number) was not predictive of T2A amplification. The median percentage of T2A positive cells for T2A non-amplified and amplified cases were 5% and 10%, respectively. A weak but still significant correlation was observed between T2A gene amplification level and percentage of positively stained cells (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02), the observed correlation being higher in patients with positive staining for Ki-67. Conclusions. Article 2: The assessment of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression by FISH and IHC, respectively, is feasible in OC samples. There was a good correlation between Her-2 and T2A gene amplification, but the correlation between gene amplification and protein overexpression was poor for both markers. Amplification rates were higher in the absence of correction for the number of copies of the CEP17. Finally, we found a good correlation between T2A amplification and advanced disease stage. Further studies should aim to determine the optimal cut-offs for these markers. Article 3: Contrary to Her-2, T2A gene amplification does not always lead to protein overexpression in BC. Other factors, especially tumour proliferation rate, may interfere with the T2A protein status. Although the majority of the cases of T2A gene aberrations are seen in Her-2 positive tumours, the level of Her-2 amplification does not predict for T2A amplification.
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Topoisomerase ll-a e Her-2 em tumores malignos de mama e de ovárioMano, Max Senna January 2006 (has links)
Introdução. O receptor epidérmico humano 2 (Her-2) e a topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) são dois marcadores biológicos importantes, ambos tendo um valor prognóstico e preditivo potencial em pacientes com tumores sólidos. A amplificação dos genes Her- 2 e T2A são eventos independentes, embora o último seja mais frequente em tumores com amplificação do Her-2 (34-90%), do que em tumores sem amplificação do Her-2 (5-10%). Existe uma melhor correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 no câncer de mama (CM) do que em outros tumores. No entanto, no CM, a correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A tem sido inconsistente, e existe uma carência de tais dados em outros tipos de tumores. A expressão da proteína T2A tem mostrado uma boa correlação com o índice de proliferação tumoral, particularmente no CM. Objetivos. Artigo 1: Sintetizar o conhecimento atual sobre a importância dos marcadores Her-2 e T2A nos tumores sólidos. Artigo 2: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, a correlação entre estas variáveis e a correlação entre as variáveis e estágio clínico, em amostras de câncer de ovário (CO) fixadas em parafina. Artigo 3: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação da T2A, assim como a correlação entre esta variável e a expressão da proteína T2A e do marcador de proliferação celular Ki-67, em amostras de CM fixadas em parafina, mostrando uma amplificação do Her-2. Métodos. Artigo 1: Os dados foram identificados através de busca em bases de dados eletrônicas (medline), livros de resumos de congressos e referências de artigos de revisão e originais. Artigo 2: 73 amostras de CO foram testadas para amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e T2A, por hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) e imuno-histoquímica (IHC), respectivamente. Artigo 3: 103 amostras de CM, com amplificação do Her-2, foram testadas para amplificação do gene T2A (por FISH) e superexpressão das proteínas T2A e Ki-67 (por IHC). Resultados. Artigo 2: Com base nos pontos de corte >1.5 e >2 (relação cópias/CEP17), as taxas de amplificação do Her-2 foram 15/64(23.4%) e 8/64(12.5%), versus 16/64(25%) e 5/64(7.8 %) para a T2A. Encontramos somente 3/72(4.2%) casos de superexpressão do Her-2(3+), contra 15/70(21.4%) para a T2A (marcagem em >10% das células). Foi observada uma modesta correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A (p= 0.01) e uma forte correlação entre amplificação da T2A e do Her-2, quando analisados como variáveis contínuas (p<0.001). A amplificação da T2A correlacionou-se com estágio FIGO avançado (p= 0.02). Artigo 3: Uma amplificação do gene T2A foi observada em 36.9%(38/103) dos casos. Os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 (número de cópias) não se correlacionaram com a amplificação da T2A. A porcentagem média de células positivas para a T2A (por IHC) foi de 5% e 10%, para casos T2A não-amplificados e amplificados, respectivamente. Uma correlação fraca, mas ainda significativa, foi observada entre amplificação do gene T2A e porcentagem de células T2A-positivas por IHC (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02); a correlação entre estas duas variáveis foi mais forte em tumores Ki-67 positivos. Conclusões. Artigo 2 : A avaliação da amplificação e da superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, por FISH e IHC, respectivamente, é realizável em amostras de CO. Foi observada uma boa correlação entre a amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A, mas a correlação entre amplificação do gene e superexpressão da proteína foi fraca para ambos marcadores. As taxas de amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A são mais elevadas quando não é realizada correção para o número de cópias do CEP17. Parece existir uma boa correlação entre amplificação da T2A e estágio clínico avançado. Estudos adicionais serão necessários para determinar o melhor ponto de corte para estes marcadores. Artigo 3: Contrariamente ao Her-2, a amplificação do gene T2A não parece necessariamente levar à superexpressão da proteína no CM. Outros fatores, como o índice de proliferação celular, podem interferir na síntese da proteína T2A. Embora a maioria dos casos de aberrações do gene T2A ocorram em tumores Her-2 positivos, os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 não se correlacionaram com a amplificação do gene T2A. / Background. The human epidermal receptor 2 (Her-2) and topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) are two important biomarkers, with potential prognostic and predictive value in patients with solid tumours. Her-2 and T2A gene amplification are separate events, although the latter is more frequently seen in Her-2 amplified (34-90%) than in Her-2 non-amplified (5-10%) tumours. There is a better correlation between Her-2 amplification and protein overexpression in breast cancer (BC) than in other tumour types. Nevertheless, there is a doubtful correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression in BC, with virtually no data available in other tumour types. In BC, the expression of the T2A protein has shown a good correlation with tumour proliferation rate. Objectives. Article 1: To summarise the available literature on Her-2 and T2A in solid tumours. Article 2: To investigate the prevalence of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, the correlation between these variables and with clinical stage, in paraffin-embedded samples of ovarian cancer (OC). Article 3: To investigate the prevalence of T2A amplification, as well as the correlation between this variable and the expression of T2A protein and the proliferation marker Ki-67, in paraffinembedded samples of Her-2 amplified BC. Methods. Article 1: The data were identified through search in electronic databases (medline), abstract books and references from review and original articles. Article 2: 73 samples of OC were tested for Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC), respectively. Article 3: 103 samples of Her-2 amplified BC were tested for T2A amplification (by FISH) and overexpression (by IHC), and Ki-67 expression (by IHC). Results. Article 2: Based on cut-offs of ≥1.5 and ≥2 (ratio copies/CEP17), amplification rates for Her-2 were 15/64(23.4%) and 8/64(12.5%) versus 16/64(25%) and 5/64(7.8%) for T2A. We found only 3/72(4.2%) cases of Her-2 overexpression(3+) versus 15/70(21.4%) for T2A (staining in >10% of the cells). There was a modest correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression (p=0.01) and a strong correlation between T2A and Her-2 amplification when these markers were analysed as continuous variables (p<0.001). T2A amplification significantly correlated with advanced FIGO stage (p=0.02). Article 3: T2A gene amplification was observed in 36.9%(38/103) of the Her-2 amplified samples. Her-2 amplification level (i.e. copy number) was not predictive of T2A amplification. The median percentage of T2A positive cells for T2A non-amplified and amplified cases were 5% and 10%, respectively. A weak but still significant correlation was observed between T2A gene amplification level and percentage of positively stained cells (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02), the observed correlation being higher in patients with positive staining for Ki-67. Conclusions. Article 2: The assessment of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression by FISH and IHC, respectively, is feasible in OC samples. There was a good correlation between Her-2 and T2A gene amplification, but the correlation between gene amplification and protein overexpression was poor for both markers. Amplification rates were higher in the absence of correction for the number of copies of the CEP17. Finally, we found a good correlation between T2A amplification and advanced disease stage. Further studies should aim to determine the optimal cut-offs for these markers. Article 3: Contrary to Her-2, T2A gene amplification does not always lead to protein overexpression in BC. Other factors, especially tumour proliferation rate, may interfere with the T2A protein status. Although the majority of the cases of T2A gene aberrations are seen in Her-2 positive tumours, the level of Her-2 amplification does not predict for T2A amplification.
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Topoisomerase ll-a e Her-2 em tumores malignos de mama e de ovárioMano, Max Senna January 2006 (has links)
Introdução. O receptor epidérmico humano 2 (Her-2) e a topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) são dois marcadores biológicos importantes, ambos tendo um valor prognóstico e preditivo potencial em pacientes com tumores sólidos. A amplificação dos genes Her- 2 e T2A são eventos independentes, embora o último seja mais frequente em tumores com amplificação do Her-2 (34-90%), do que em tumores sem amplificação do Her-2 (5-10%). Existe uma melhor correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 no câncer de mama (CM) do que em outros tumores. No entanto, no CM, a correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A tem sido inconsistente, e existe uma carência de tais dados em outros tipos de tumores. A expressão da proteína T2A tem mostrado uma boa correlação com o índice de proliferação tumoral, particularmente no CM. Objetivos. Artigo 1: Sintetizar o conhecimento atual sobre a importância dos marcadores Her-2 e T2A nos tumores sólidos. Artigo 2: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, a correlação entre estas variáveis e a correlação entre as variáveis e estágio clínico, em amostras de câncer de ovário (CO) fixadas em parafina. Artigo 3: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação da T2A, assim como a correlação entre esta variável e a expressão da proteína T2A e do marcador de proliferação celular Ki-67, em amostras de CM fixadas em parafina, mostrando uma amplificação do Her-2. Métodos. Artigo 1: Os dados foram identificados através de busca em bases de dados eletrônicas (medline), livros de resumos de congressos e referências de artigos de revisão e originais. Artigo 2: 73 amostras de CO foram testadas para amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e T2A, por hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) e imuno-histoquímica (IHC), respectivamente. Artigo 3: 103 amostras de CM, com amplificação do Her-2, foram testadas para amplificação do gene T2A (por FISH) e superexpressão das proteínas T2A e Ki-67 (por IHC). Resultados. Artigo 2: Com base nos pontos de corte >1.5 e >2 (relação cópias/CEP17), as taxas de amplificação do Her-2 foram 15/64(23.4%) e 8/64(12.5%), versus 16/64(25%) e 5/64(7.8 %) para a T2A. Encontramos somente 3/72(4.2%) casos de superexpressão do Her-2(3+), contra 15/70(21.4%) para a T2A (marcagem em >10% das células). Foi observada uma modesta correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A (p= 0.01) e uma forte correlação entre amplificação da T2A e do Her-2, quando analisados como variáveis contínuas (p<0.001). A amplificação da T2A correlacionou-se com estágio FIGO avançado (p= 0.02). Artigo 3: Uma amplificação do gene T2A foi observada em 36.9%(38/103) dos casos. Os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 (número de cópias) não se correlacionaram com a amplificação da T2A. A porcentagem média de células positivas para a T2A (por IHC) foi de 5% e 10%, para casos T2A não-amplificados e amplificados, respectivamente. Uma correlação fraca, mas ainda significativa, foi observada entre amplificação do gene T2A e porcentagem de células T2A-positivas por IHC (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02); a correlação entre estas duas variáveis foi mais forte em tumores Ki-67 positivos. Conclusões. Artigo 2 : A avaliação da amplificação e da superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, por FISH e IHC, respectivamente, é realizável em amostras de CO. Foi observada uma boa correlação entre a amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A, mas a correlação entre amplificação do gene e superexpressão da proteína foi fraca para ambos marcadores. As taxas de amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A são mais elevadas quando não é realizada correção para o número de cópias do CEP17. Parece existir uma boa correlação entre amplificação da T2A e estágio clínico avançado. Estudos adicionais serão necessários para determinar o melhor ponto de corte para estes marcadores. Artigo 3: Contrariamente ao Her-2, a amplificação do gene T2A não parece necessariamente levar à superexpressão da proteína no CM. Outros fatores, como o índice de proliferação celular, podem interferir na síntese da proteína T2A. Embora a maioria dos casos de aberrações do gene T2A ocorram em tumores Her-2 positivos, os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 não se correlacionaram com a amplificação do gene T2A. / Background. The human epidermal receptor 2 (Her-2) and topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) are two important biomarkers, with potential prognostic and predictive value in patients with solid tumours. Her-2 and T2A gene amplification are separate events, although the latter is more frequently seen in Her-2 amplified (34-90%) than in Her-2 non-amplified (5-10%) tumours. There is a better correlation between Her-2 amplification and protein overexpression in breast cancer (BC) than in other tumour types. Nevertheless, there is a doubtful correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression in BC, with virtually no data available in other tumour types. In BC, the expression of the T2A protein has shown a good correlation with tumour proliferation rate. Objectives. Article 1: To summarise the available literature on Her-2 and T2A in solid tumours. Article 2: To investigate the prevalence of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, the correlation between these variables and with clinical stage, in paraffin-embedded samples of ovarian cancer (OC). Article 3: To investigate the prevalence of T2A amplification, as well as the correlation between this variable and the expression of T2A protein and the proliferation marker Ki-67, in paraffinembedded samples of Her-2 amplified BC. Methods. Article 1: The data were identified through search in electronic databases (medline), abstract books and references from review and original articles. Article 2: 73 samples of OC were tested for Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC), respectively. Article 3: 103 samples of Her-2 amplified BC were tested for T2A amplification (by FISH) and overexpression (by IHC), and Ki-67 expression (by IHC). Results. Article 2: Based on cut-offs of ≥1.5 and ≥2 (ratio copies/CEP17), amplification rates for Her-2 were 15/64(23.4%) and 8/64(12.5%) versus 16/64(25%) and 5/64(7.8%) for T2A. We found only 3/72(4.2%) cases of Her-2 overexpression(3+) versus 15/70(21.4%) for T2A (staining in >10% of the cells). There was a modest correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression (p=0.01) and a strong correlation between T2A and Her-2 amplification when these markers were analysed as continuous variables (p<0.001). T2A amplification significantly correlated with advanced FIGO stage (p=0.02). Article 3: T2A gene amplification was observed in 36.9%(38/103) of the Her-2 amplified samples. Her-2 amplification level (i.e. copy number) was not predictive of T2A amplification. The median percentage of T2A positive cells for T2A non-amplified and amplified cases were 5% and 10%, respectively. A weak but still significant correlation was observed between T2A gene amplification level and percentage of positively stained cells (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02), the observed correlation being higher in patients with positive staining for Ki-67. Conclusions. Article 2: The assessment of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression by FISH and IHC, respectively, is feasible in OC samples. There was a good correlation between Her-2 and T2A gene amplification, but the correlation between gene amplification and protein overexpression was poor for both markers. Amplification rates were higher in the absence of correction for the number of copies of the CEP17. Finally, we found a good correlation between T2A amplification and advanced disease stage. Further studies should aim to determine the optimal cut-offs for these markers. Article 3: Contrary to Her-2, T2A gene amplification does not always lead to protein overexpression in BC. Other factors, especially tumour proliferation rate, may interfere with the T2A protein status. Although the majority of the cases of T2A gene aberrations are seen in Her-2 positive tumours, the level of Her-2 amplification does not predict for T2A amplification.
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Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of Incompressible Flow and Mixing in Continuous MicroreactorsD'Orazio, Antonio 23 April 2021 (has links)
Continuous milli-scale and micro-scale structures such as FlowPlate® microreactors have emerged as a promising element of process intensification due to their inherently effective rates of mass and heat transfer. These microfluidic devices have proven to be a preferred solution in place of energy-intensive batch processes for certain pathways of fine chemical and pharmaceutical synthesis, most notably fast reactions taking place on the scale of milliseconds to seconds. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become an increasingly valuable tool in the field of microreactor design and optimization for its ability to locally map complex fluid flow patterns and resolve microscopic scales of reactive mixing that are challenging to characterize experimentally. The primary objective of this research was thus to develop and validate a mathematical model for the simulation of chaotic flow and homogeneous mixing in continuous microreactors. The model needed to be versatile enough to handle transition between flow regimes within a given reactor as well as the coexistence of both chaotic and laminar flow patterns in the micromixing elements that comprise said reactors. This was successfully achieved through the implementation of a k-ω SST (shear-stress transport) turbulence model that accounts for the impact of small-scale temporal and spatial fluctuations generated in the micromixer geometries studied herein; be it a liquid-liquid mixer (LLM), a serpentine (SZ) or a tangential (TG) mixer. In a first CFD study, the computational predictions were validated based on excellent agreement with experimental pressure loss (R^2 > 0.997) and residence time distribution (RTD) data (R^2 > 0.97) in several LL microreactors at Reynolds numbers ranging from 210 to 2140. Furthermore, the local velocity distribution and streamlines were mapped across the 3D domain of these reactors and it was discovered, based on the emergence of advective recirculation zones and turbulent dispersion, that a drastic change in flow behaviour occurred in these mixing elements at a Reynolds number of about 640. The interspacing of LLM elements with straight microchannels proved to be a suitable approach to modulating pressure loss while concurrently maintaining the chaotic secondary flow patterns generated from the mixers. In a second CFD study, the impact of micromixer geometry on the local velocity fields and advective transport performance was investigated both from a macromixing and micromixing perspective. Like the LLM, the SZ and TG mixers conferred chaotic secondary flow patterns at characteristic Reynolds numbers between 500 and 1000. As such, it was concluded that it would be ideal to operate these mixers at water flow rates of at least 30 ml/min. Contour plots of the velocity magnitude coupled with the computation of RTD showed that the SZ virtually mimics a plug-flow profile over a volume of 77 mm3 or greater at 50 g/min. The RTD of the LLM and TG resembles that of a mixed flow pattern given that approximately 65-80% of their fluid volume is occupied by recirculation zones. As such, it required 65 LLMs in series (3105 mm3) and 80 TGs (1142 mm3) to approach the same pattern as 10 SZs (77 mm3) from a macromixing perspective. Micromixing time distributions (MTD) were also characterized by locally computing the decay time of small-scale segregation (t_SSS) as a function of flow rate, wherein higher flow rates generated lower characteristic mixing times. The TG and LLM conferred the broadest range of mixing times, spanning nearly four orders of magnitude in the range of [0.02 ms, 10 ms], whereas the SZ generated a much narrower MTD ranging between [0.024 ms, 0.69 ms]. Finally, the impact of geometry and flow conditions on reaction yield was assessed by characterizing the extent of a finite-rate reaction relative to an infinitely fast reaction taking place in parallel. The calculated yield for the competitive-parallel reaction scheme showed that the second Damköhler number (Dall) computed based on the mean tSSS provides useful information about whether the process will be limited by the intrinsic rate of reaction or by the rate of mass transfer, even though the reaction process is controlled by a combination of the RTD as well as loss of LSS and SSS. It was concluded that the change in MTD as a function of power dissipation should coincide with the reaction yield response, and that any deviation in that relationship is because of macroscopic blending of reactants in the entrance region.
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Begravningsplatsers språkliga landskap : En Linguistic Landscape-studie om flerspråkighet bortom dödenWillemsen, Cornelis Gerardus January 2021 (has links)
De språkliga val som görs i den allmänna skyltningen på en (semi-)offentlig plats berättar någonting om rådande uppfattningar om språk i ett visst sammanhang. De språkliga val som görs på en begravningsplats avslöjar något om vilka saker som anses vara viktiga för såväl den avlidna som de närstående. Forskning om språkliga landskap, det vill säga om skyltar och inskriptioner i ett avgränsat område, kan bidra till att blottlägga dessa ideologier. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur olika språk synliggörs i Skogskyrkogårdens språkliga landskap samt vilka språkideologier om flerspråkighet som manifesteras i detta landskap. För att uppnå detta syfte tillämpar jag en sociosemiotisk multimodal analys på mitt material. Materialet är tvådelat: dels analyseras begravningsplatsens allmänna skyltar och inskriptioner, dels skyltar och inskriptioner som tillhör enskilda gravar i det ortodoxa gravkvarteret. Den språkliga variationen är betydligt större på skyltar och inskriptioner som tillhör enskilda gravar än Skogskyrkogårdens allmänna skyltning. Detta beror på olika föreställningar om mottagaren utifrån olika språkideologier såsom modersmålsideologin, ideologin om postmodern flerspråkighet, ideologin om språkhierarkier, ett land ett språk-ideologin och ideologin om ett språks kulturvärde, som alla manifesteras eller utmanas i Skogskyrkogårdens språkliga landskap.
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