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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Piezoelektrisk energiskördning för oregelbundna lågfrekventa rörelser / Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting for Irregular Low Frequency Motions

Bogren, Oliver, Olofsson, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Energiskördning är idag ett växande område och är framstående sett till hållbarhetsaspekterna. Vibrationsbaserad sådan har blivit allt populärare där man kan utnyttja mekanisk energi från olika källor till att generera elektrisk energi. Piezoelektricitet fungerar enligt denna princip och piezoelektrisk energiskördning har varit ett område som fler och fler utnyttjar på grund av dess effektivitet, exempelvis till trådlösa sensornätverk. Ett krav på att piezoelektrisk energiskördning ska fungera optimalt är att vibrationerna sker med en satt frekvens utan större variation, ofta i väldigt höga frekvenser. Syftet med detta projekt är att anpassa denna teknik till mänskliga rörelser vilket kan göra den mer användbar och ett tänkt ändamål kan vara ett demonstrationsexempel för oregelbundna rörelser vid låga frekvenser, precis som mänskliga rörelser. Utmaningen lägger därmed i att utveckla en piezoelektrisk energiskördare som har ett frekvensområde inom mänskliga rörelsers frekvenser på 4 till 7 Hertz, där effektiviteten fortfarande kan vara hög. Detta har beprövats med vibrationsplatta. Vad som observerades var att med flera piezoelektriska material på konsolbalkar i kolfiber av olika dimensioner med olika vikter längst ut, uppstod ett frekvensområde inom mänskliga området med höga spänningar. För att göra det möjligt behövdes vikterna ha en stor massa av upp till hundratals gram så att resonansfrekvenserna kunde vara inom nämnt frekvensområde. Då piezoelektriska material ger en växelspänning, måste spänningen likriktas. Detta gjordes med två olika gränssnitt med ett mönsterkort tillverkat för vardera. Dessa gränssnitt är ett klassiskt som helt enkelt likriktar spänningen, medan den andra, Parallel Synchronized Switch Harvesting on the Inductor (P-SSHI), ska maximera spänningen och effekten. Det visade sig att det inte blev lika lyckat som planerat. Det klassiska gränssnittet gav en likspänning som var nästan lika hög som den inmatade växelspänningen medan det inte gällde för P-SSHI. / Today energy harvesting is an area on the rise and is outstanding in regards to the environmental aspects. Vibration based energy harvesting has become popular where it uses mechanical energy from different sources to produce electrical energy. Piezoelectricity operates according to this principle and piezoelectric energy harvesting has been an area more are using because of its efficiency, with applications such as wireless sensor networks. One demand for piezoelectric energy harvesting to work optimally is that the vibration source must have a well known frequency with minor deviations and this in usually very high frequencies. The purpose of this thesis is to adapt this technology to human motions which could make it even more useful and a proposed usage is a demo product for irregular motions of low frequency, just like human motions. The challenge is hence to create a piezoelectric energy harvester which has a frequency range within the human motions’ frequencies of 4 to 7 Hertz, where the efficiency still could be high. This has been tested using a vibration exciter. What was noticed was that with multiple piezoelectric materials on cantilever beams of carbon fibre with different dimensions and tip masses, a frequency range within human range with high voltages could be created. To make this possible, the masses needed to have a significant mass of up towards hundreds of grams in order for the resonance frequencies to be within the stated frequency range. As the piezoelectric materials provide an AC voltage, the voltage needs to be rectified. This was done with two different interfaces with a PCB created for each. These interfaces are a classic one which simply rectifies the voltage, while the other, Parallel Synchronized Switch Harvesting on the Inductor (PSSHI), is supposed to maximize the voltage and power. This did not turn out to be as successful as predicted. The classical interface delivered a DC voltage almost as much as the provided AC voltage while the P-SSHI interface did not.

Virtualisation de la mesure d’exposition du public général au champ magnétique basse fréquence dans le domaine de l’automobile / Virtualization of measurement of the general public exposure to low frequency magnetic field in automotive domain

Magued, Michael 13 March 2018 (has links)
L’exposition des personnes aux champs électromagnétiques est une problématique majeure de société qui touche le domaine de l’automobile. Le développement de la technologie des véhicules électriques et hybrides nécessite la prise en compte de la problématique d’exposition aux ondes dès la phase même de la conception.Le travail présenté dans ce document s’intéresse principalement à l’exposition aux champs magnétiques basse fréquence (BF) marqués par les effets non thermiques de stimulation électriques. Dans cette gamme fréquentielle, les sources principales des risques d’exposition sont les modules de la chaîne de traction qui sont souvent situés à proximité des passagers. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de virtualiser la mesure évaluant l’exposition aux champs magnétiques BF, jusqu’ici réalisée par un testeur de niveau d’exposition commercial, afin d’être capable de faire une levée de risque d’exposition, en amont, sans entraîner de surcoût au constructeur. Ceci est réalisé en virtualisant l’instrument de mesure.Nous consacrons d’abord notre étude à la compréhension de la mesure d’évaluation d’exposition et du fonctionnement du champmètre Narda ELT-400 utilisé chez notre constructeur automobile pour mesurer l’indice d’exposition. Ainsi, nous détaillons les différentes définitions et méthodes de calcul de l’indice d’exposition du public général aux champs magnétiques BF. Enfin, nous présentons des applications de l’utilisation du champmètre sur des cas de mesure en statique et en dynamique.La deuxième partie de l’étude traite de la construction du prototype virtuel permettant de modéliser la mesure d’indice d’exposition aux champs magnétiques BF réalisée par le champmètre Narda ELT-400. Pour ce faire, nous développons et optimisons dans un premier temps le modèle de la sonde triaxiale du champmètre sous FEKO permettant de positionner et d’orienter la sonde selon le choix de l’utilisateur. Ensuite le champ magnétique rayonné par la sonde virtuelle est traité pour obtenir une mesure virtuelle de l’induction magnétique détectée par la sonde et de l’indice d’exposition.La troisième partie est consacrée à la validation du modèle complet sur des cas réels de mesures effectuées sur des pinces manuelles de soudage par points en comparant les résultats du prototype virtuel à ceux mesurés. La validation du modèle est réalisée dans trois cas d’étude différents correspondant à des profils de champ différents, des fréquences différentes dans la gamme BF et à des formes de signal différentes.Dans la dernière partie de notre étude, une approche stochastique de simulation est proposée en appliquant la méthode de Monte-Carlo, basée sur un grand nombre de tirages aléatoires. Cette méthode permet d’étudier la dispersion des résultats due à l’imprécision plausible de positionnement et d’orientation commise par l’opérateur de la sonde. Cette méthode est appliquée à différentes distances de sources rayonnantes élémentaires. Les résultats principaux de cette partie portent sur le lien entre l’homogénéité du champ au point investigué et la variabilité de la mesure virtuelle autour de ce point suite à l’imprécision commise. / Exposure to electromagnetic fields is a major issue in society that affects the automotive domain. The development of electric and hybrid vehicles technology requires the consideration of the issue of exposure since the conception stage.The work presented in this paper is mainly concerned with exposure to low-frequency (LF) magnetic fields distinguished with non-thermal electric stimulation effects. In this frequency range, the main sources of exposure risks are the powertrain elements often located close to the passengers.The main objective of this thesis is to virtualize the measurement assessing exposure to LF magnetic fields, hitherto performed by a commercial exposure level tester, to be able to minimize exposure risks, a priori, without incurring additional costs to the manufacturer. This is realized by virtualizing the measuring instrument.We focus first on understanding the exposure evaluation measurement and on the operation of the ELT-400 Narda field meter used at our automobile manufacturer to measure the exposure index. Thus, we show the different definitions and methods of calculating exposure index of the general public to LF magnetic fields. Finally, we present applications of the use of the field meter on measuring cases in statistic and dynamic states.The second part of the study is consecrated to the construction of the virtual prototype to model the measurement of the exposure index to LF magnetic fields performed by Narda field meter ELT-400. To do this, first we develop and optimize the model of the field meter’s triaxial probe in FEKO to position and orient the probe as selected by the user. Then the magnetic field radiated by the virtual probe is processed to obtain a virtual measurement of the magnetic induction detected by the probe and of the exposure index.The third part of the study deals with the validation of the whole model on real cases of measurements done over manual spot welding clamps by comparing the virtual prototype results with those measured. The model validation is performed in three different case studies corresponding to different field profiles, different frequencies in LF domain and different forms of signal.In the last part of our study, a stochastic simulation approach is proposed by applying the Monte-Carlo Method based on a large number of random draws. This method allows studying the dispersion of results due to the plausible imprecise positioning and orientation committed by the operator of the probe. This method is applied at different distances from elementary radiating sources. The main results of this part focus on the link between the field homogeneity at the investigated point and the variability of the virtual measurement around this point due to the inaccuracy committed.

From the observation of UHECR signal in [1-200] MHz to the composition with the CODALEMA and EXTASIS experiments / De l’observation du signal radio des RCUHE dans [1-200] MHz à la composition avec les expériences CODALEMA et EXTASIS

Escudie, Antony 27 September 2019 (has links)
Malgré la découverte des rayons cosmiques il y a plus de cent ans, de nombreuses questions restent aujourd’hui sans réponse : que sont les rayons cosmiques, comment sont-ils créés et d’où viennent-ils ? Depuis 2002, l’instrument CODALEMA, basé sur le site de l’Observatoire de radio-astronomie de Nançay, étudie les rayons cosmiques d’ultra haute énergie (RCUHE, au delà de 1017 eV) qui arrivent dans l’atmosphère terrestre. Leur faible flux rend impossible une détection directe à ces énergies. Ces rayons cosmiques vont cependant interagir avec les atomes de l’atmosphère, engendrant une cascade de particules secondaires chargées communément appelée gerbe de particules, détectable depuis le sol, et dont on va extraire des informations sur le rayon cosmique primaire. L’objectif est de remonter aux caractéristiques du primaire ayant engendré la gerbe de particules, donc de déterminer sa direction d’arrivée, sa nature et son énergie. Lors du développement de la gerbe, les particules chargées en mouvement engendrent notamment l’émission d’une impulsion de champ électrique très brève, que CODALEMA détecte au sol avec des antennes radio dédiées, sur une large bande de fréquences (entre 1 et 200 MHz). L’avantage majeur de la radio-détection est sa sensibilité au profil complet de la gerbe et son cycle utile proche des 100 %, qui pourrait permettre d’augmenter le nombre d’évènements détectés à très haute énergie, et donc de mieux contraindre les propriétés des RCUHE. Au fil des ans, des efforts importants ont été consacrés à la compréhension de l’émission radio-électrique des grandes gerbes de particules dans la gamme [20-80] MHz mais, malgré certaines études menées jusqu’aux années 90, la bande [1-10] MHz est restée inutilisée pendant près de 30 ans. L’une des contributions de cette thèse porte sur l’expérience EXTASIS, adossée à CODALEMA, qui vise à ré-investiguer cette bande et à étudier la contribution dite de ”mort subite”, impulsion de champ électrique créé par les particules de la gerbe lors de leur arrivée et de leur disparition au sol. Nous présentons la configuration instrumentale d’EXTASIS, composée de 7 antennes basses fréquences exploitées dans [1.7-3.7] MHz, couvrant environ 1 km2. Nous rapportons l’observation, sur 2 ans, de 25 évènements détectés en coïncidence par CODALEMA et EXTASIS et estimons un seuil de détection de 23±4 μV/m à partir de comparaisons avec des simulations. Nous rapportons également une forte corrélation entre l’observation du signal basse fréquence et le champ électrique atmosphérique. L’autre contribution majeure de cette thèse porte sur l’étude du champ électrique émis par les gerbes et l’amélioration des performances du détecteur dans la bande [20-200] MHz. Nous proposons dans un premier temps une méthode de calibration des antennes de CODALEMA en utilisant l’émission radio de la Galaxie. Nous investiguons aussi plusieurs algorithmes de réjection de bruit afin d’améliorer la sélectivité des évènements enregistrés. Nous présentons ensuite une méthode de reconstruction des paramètres du rayon cosmique primaire, mettant en oeuvre des comparaisons combinant des informations de polarisation et fréquentielles entre les données enregistrées et des simulations, nous menant enfin à une proposition de composition en masse des rayons cosmiques détectés. / Despite the discovery of cosmic rays there are more than one hundred years ago, many questions remain unanswered today: what are cosmic rays, how are they created and where do they come from ? Since 2002, the CODALEMA instrument, located within the Nançay Radio Observatory, studies the ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR, above 1017 eV) arriving in the Earth atmosphere. Their low flux makes it impossible to detect them directly at these energies. These cosmic rays, however, will interact with the atoms of the atmosphere, generating a cascade of secondary charged particles, commonly known as extensive air shower (EAS), detectable at ground level, and from which we will extract information on the primary cosmic ray. The objective is to go back to the characteristics of the primary that generated the EAS, thus to determine its direction of arrival, its nature and its energy. During the development of the shower, these charged particles in movement generate a fast electric field transient, detected at ground by CODALEMA with dedicated radio antennas over a wide frequency band (between 1 and 200 MHz). The major advantage of radio-detection is its sensibility to the whole profile of the shower and its duty cycle close to 100 %, which could increase the number of events detected at very high energy, and thus to better constrain the properties of the RCUHE. Over the years, significant efforts have been devoted to the understanding of the radio emission of extensive air shower (EAS) in the range [20-80] MHz but, despite some studies led until the nineties, the[1-10] MHz band has remained unused for nearly 30 years. One of the contributions of this thesis concerns the EXTASIS experiment, supported by the CODALEMA instrument, which aims to reinvestigate the [1-10] MHz band and to study the so-called ”sudden death” contribution, which is the expected impulsive electric field created by the particles at their arrival and their disappearance on the ground. We present the instrumental set up of EXTASIS, composed of 7 low frequency antennas exploited in [1.7-3.7] MHz, covering approximately 1 km2. We report the observation, over 2 years, of 25 low-frequency events detected in coincidence by CODALEMA and EXTASIS and estimate a detection limit of 23±4 μV/m from comparisons with simulations. We also report a strong correlation between the observation of the low frequency signal and the atmospheric electric field. The other major contribution of this thesis concerns the study of the electric field emitted by the EAS and the improvement of the detector’s performances in the [20-200] MHz band. First, we propose a calibration method for CODALEMA antennas using the radio emission of the Galaxy. We are also investigating several noise rejection algorithms to improve the selectivity of recorded events. We then present a method for reconstructing the parameters of the primary cosmic ray, implementing systematic comparisons combing polarization and frequency information between the recorded data and simulations, leading finally to a proposal for a mass composition of cosmic rays detected.


Couturier, Nicholas H. 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Low Frequency Impact Sound in Timber Buildings : Simulations and Measurements

Olsson, Jörgen January 2016 (has links)
An increased share of construction with timber is one possible way of achieving more sustainable and energy-efficient life cycles of buildings. The main reason is that wood is a renewable material and buildings require a large amount of resources. Timber buildings taller than two storeys were prohibited in Europe until the 1990s due to fire regulations. In 1994, this prohibition was removed in Sweden.     Some of the early multi-storey timber buildings were associated with more complaints due to impact sound than concrete buildings with the same measured impact sound class rating. Research in later years has shown that the frequency range used for rating has not been sufficiently low in order to include all the sound characteristics that are important for subjective perception of impact sound in light weight timber buildings. The AkuLite project showed that the frequency range has to be extended down to 20 Hz in order to give a good quality of the rating. This low frequency range of interest requires a need for knowledge of the sound field distribution, how to best measure the sound, how to predict the sound transmission levels and how to correlate numerical predictions with measurements.     Here, the goal is to improve the knowledge and methodology concerning measurements and predictions of low frequency impact sound in light weight timber buildings. Impact sound fields are determined by grid measurements in rooms within timber buildings with different designs of their joist floors. The measurements are used to increase the understanding of impact sound and to benchmark different field measurement methods. By estimating transfer functions, from impact forces to vibrations and then sound pressures in receiving rooms, from vibrational test data, improved possibilities to correlate the experimental results to numerical simulations are achieved. A number of excitation devices are compared experimentally to evaluate different characteristics of the test data achieved. Further, comparisons between a timber based hybrid joist floor and a modern concrete floor are made using FE-models to evaluate how stiffness and surface mass parameters affect the impact sound transfer and the radiation.     The measurements of sound fields show that light weight timber floors in small rooms tend to have their highest sound levels in the low frequency region, where the modes are well separated, and that the highest levels even can occur below the frequency of the first room mode of the air. In rooms with excitation from the floor above, the highest levels tend to occur at the floor levels and in the floor corners, if the excitation is made in the middle of the room above. Due to nonlinearities, the excitation levels may affect the transfer function in low frequencies which was shown in an experimental study. Surface mass and bending stiffness of floor systems are shown, by simulations, to be important for the amount of sound radiated.     By applying a transfer function methodology, measuring the excitation forces as well as the responses, improvements of correlation analyses between measurements and simulations can be achieved / <p>Opponent:Kari, Leif, Professor</p><p>Handledare: Linderholt, Andreas, Lektor</p><p>ProjektProWoodSilent Timber BuildUrban TranquilityBioInnovation FBBB</p><p>Forskningsfinansiär: KK-stiftelsen</p><p>Delarbeten:</p><p>1. Low frequency measurements of impact sound performance in light weight timber frame office buildings</p><p>2. Low frequency sound pressure fields in small rooms in wooden buildings with dense and sparse joist floor spacings</p><p>3. Low Frequency Force to Sound Pressure Transfer Function Measurements Using a Modified Tapping Machine on a Light Weight Wooden Joinst Floor4. Impact evaluation of a thin hybrid wood based joist floor</p>

Characterization of Chronic Focal Recurrent Seizures by Iron Chloride

Eldeeb, Kerolous 26 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Behavior of a Full-Scale Pile Cap with Loosely and Densely Compacted Clean Sand Backfill under Cyclic and Dynamic Loadings

Cummins, Colin Reuben 16 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A series of lateral load tests were performed on a full-scale pile cap with three different backfill conditions, namely: with no backfill present, with densely compacted clean sand in place, and with loosely compacted clean sand in place. In addition to being displaced under a static loading, the pile cap was subjected to low frequency, small displacement loading cycles from load actuators and higher frequency, small displacement, dynamic loading cycles from an eccentric mass shaker. The passive earth pressure from the backfill was found to significantly increase the load capacity of the pile cap. At a displacement of about 46 mm, the loosely and densely compacted backfills increased the total resistance of the pile cap otherwise without backfill by 50% and 245%, respectively. The maximum passive earth pressure for the densely compacted backfill occurred at a displacement of approximately 50 mm, which corresponds to a displacement to pile cap height ratio of 0.03. Contrastingly passive earth pressure for the loosely compacted backfill occurred at a displacement of approximately 40 mm. Under low and high frequency cyclic loadings, the stiffness of the pile cap system increased with the presence of the backfill material. The loosely compacted backfill generally provided double the stiffness of the no backfill case. The densely compacted backfill generally provided double the stiffness of the loosely compacted sand, thus quadrupling the stiffness of the pile cap relative to the case with no backfill present. Under low frequency cyclic loadings, the damping ratio of the pile cap system decreased with cap displacement and with increasing stiffness of backfill material. After about 20 mm of pile cap displacement, the average damping ratio was about 18% with the looser backfill and about 24% for the denser backfill. Under higher frequency cyclic loadings, the damping ratio of the pile cap system was quite variable and appeared to vary with frequency. Damping ratios appear to peak in the vicinity of the natural frequency of the pile cap system for each backfill condition. On the whole, damping ratios tend to range between 10 and 30%, with an average of about 20% for the range of frequencies and displacement amplitudes occurring during the tests. The similar amount of damping for different ranges of frequency suggests that dynamic loadings do not appreciably increase the apparent resistance of the pile cap relative to slowly applied cyclic loadings.


Toprani, Sheela C. 12 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Malmmineralogisk undersökning av Pb-, Zn-, Cu- och Ag-förande kvartsgångar i Värmskogsområdet, mellersta Värmland

Nysten, Christina January 2013 (has links)
Abstract Polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag-Au-Sb-As-Bi-Cd-Te-Se-Ge…) quartz veins occur in an area from Eidsvoll in southeastern Norway to west of LakeVänern in southwestern Sweden. They most likely formed during the waning stage of the c. 1 Ga Sveconorwegian orogeny. In Värmskog parish, Värmland county, several mineralized quartz veins of different types are known. Of these, three of the larger vein deposits, Vegerbol, Karlsbol and Södra Gärdsjön, have been investigated. Despite a history of mining activities (mostly for silver) and exploration from the mid-1800s up until the present day, details about their ore mineralogy have remained essentially unknown. In order to classify and characterize them better, the present study was undertaken. The main ore minerals in the veins are galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite sensu lato and pyrite. Additionally, this investigation showed the occurrence of an array of silver-bearing phases such as argentian tetrahedrite to freibergite, native silver, polybasite, pyrargyrite, jalpaite, aguilarite, cervelleite, hessite and matildite. These are the main and accessory silver carriers in the studied deposits. Gold (argentiferous) was also found, as well as the nickel-cobalt sulphide siegenite.    The silver contents of the tetrahedrites may vary within one deposit, ranging from tetrahedrite sensu stricto to freibergite. A weak positive correlation occurs between silver and iron in the tetrahedrites. Cadmium was found both in the tetrahedrites and in the sphalerites. Many sphalerites, however, are very pure ZnS. The complex accessory ore mineralogy, including native gold as well as tellurium and selenium-bearing phases (Vegerbol), makes these vein deposits comparable to mineralized veins to the west and southwest of the Värmskog area.    Combining mineralogical and textural observations with previous studies, the vein mineralizations most likely formed during a change in tectonic regime, in recurrently active brittle structures, at temperatures ranging from c. 350 down to below 100°C. The occurrence of pyrite and hematite and the lack of pyrrhotite and magnetite points to an oxidizing ore-forming environment with relatively high sulphur activity.    Finally, in order to assess the possibility of connecting two of the mined vein systems, VLF (Very Low Frequency) electromagnetic measurements were performed across the strike of a possible continuation between the Vegerbol and Karlsbol deposits. The VLF survey showed a significant anomaly where such a continuation was to be expected, thus indicating an overall strike length of at least 1 km for that vein system. / Sammanfattning Polymetalliska (Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag-Au-Sb-As-Bi-Cd-Te-Se-Ge…) kvartsgångar förekom­mer inom ett område från Eidsvoll, Norge i norr, till sydväst om Vänern i Sverige. De tros ha bildats under den svekonorvegiska orogenesens (ca 1 Ga) slutskede. I Värmskogs socken, Värmland, förekommer mineraliserade kvartsgångar av flera olika typer. Bland dessa har tre undersökts med avseende på malmmineralogi. Dessa kallas för Vegerbol, Karlsbol och Södra Gärdsjön, och de har brutits i huvudsak på silver. Trots att brytning och prospekteringsarbeten pågått från 1800-talet fram till i dag har det saknats detaljerade mineralogiska beskrivningar över fyndigheterna. Denna studie har genomförts för att bättre kunna karakterisera och klassificera dessa mineralis­eringar. Huvudmalmmineral vid dessa förekomster är blyglans, zinkblände, koppar­kis, pyrit och för Södra Gärdsjön även tetraedrit. Denna undersökning har påvisat förekomsten av silverförande faser som silverhaltig tetraedrit till freibergit, gediget silver, polybasit, jalpait, aguilarit, cervelleit, hessit och matildit, vilka utgör både huvudsakliga och accessoriska silverbärare i de undersökta förekomsterna. Guld (silverhaltigt) har också hittats, samt ett Ni-Co-förande mineral, siegenit.    Silverinnehållet i tetraedriterna varierar inom en och samma förekomst, några analyser har givit freibergitsammansättningar. En svag positiv korrelation finns mellan silver och järnhalt i tetraedrit. Kadmium förekommer både i tetraedrit och i zinkblände. Många zinkbländen består dock av rent ZnS. Förekomsten av relativt komplexa accessoriska mineral inklusive guld och Se-Te-faser (Vegerbol) visar att dessa gångar är jämförbara med liknande förekomster väster och sydväst om Värmskogs­området.    Genom att sammanföra data från denna undersökning med sådana från tidigare studier gjorda på gångarna kan man anta att de bildats vid vid en förändring av den tektoniska miljön, i upprepat aktiva spröda strukturer och vid temperaturer mellan ungefär 350 till under 100 °C. Förekomsten av pyrit och hematit samt avsaknad av magnetkis och magnetit tyder på att malmbildningen skett under oxiderade förhållan­den och relativt hög svavelaktivitet.      Elektromagnetiska mätningar i VLF-bandet (Very Low Frequency) utfördes tvärs över den förmodade strykningsriktningen för en möjlig fortsättning av gången mellan Karlsbol och Vegerbol. Mätningarna gav en tydlig anomali där en sådan fortsättning kan förväntas vilket skulle kunna betyda att det finns en sammanhängande mineralisering med ca 1 kilometers längd.

Caractérisation basse fréquence et simulation physique de transistors bipolaires hétérojonction en vue de l'analyse du bruit GR assisté par pièges / Low frequency characterization and physical simulation of heterojunction bipolar transistors for the analysis of the noise GR assisted by traps

Al Hajjar, Ahmad 19 May 2016 (has links)
Ce travail présente le développement d’un banc de mesure thermique, pour la mesure : de réseaux I (V), d’impédance basse fréquence et de bruit basse fréquence des composants semi-conducteurs. Le banc de mesure de bruit BF est composé d’un amplificateur de tension faible bruit, d’un amplificateur transimpédance, d’un analyseur FFT et d’un support thermique. Ce banc a permis d’extraire les sources de bruit en courants équivalentes aux accès du transistor pour différentes densités de courant et à différentes températures. Dans le but de calculer l’énergie d’activation et la section de capture des pièges grâce à la localisation des fréquences de coupures de bruit GR dans la technologie du TBH InGaP/GaAs. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié le bruit basse fréquence dans le transistor InGaP/GaAs et les jonctions base émetteur, base collecteur et la résistance TLM par le moyen de simulation physique et de mesure de densité spectrale de puissance de bruit basse fréquence. Grâce à ces mesures, nous avons pu extraire les sources de bruit internes locales commandées et non commandées. Cette extraction nous a permis de calculer les énergies d’activations, les sections de capture et de valider la simulation physique. / This work presents the development of a thermal test bench for I(V) characteristics, for low frequency impedance and for low frequency noise of semiconductor components. This thermal bench for low frequency noise measurement is composed of a low-noise voltage amplifier, a low-noise transimpedance amplifier, an FFT vector signal analyzer and a thermal chuck. This measurement bench has allowed to extract the current noise sources equivalent to the access transistor at different current densities and at different temperatures. In order to calculate the activation energy and the capture cross section of traps thanks to the localization of the cutoff frequency of GR noise in HBT InGaP / GaAs technology. Secondly, we studied the low frequency noise in the transistor InGaP / GaAs and the differents junctions: emitter base, collector base and the base represented by the TLM resistance using physical simulations and measurements of low-frequency noise power spectrum density. Using this measurements, we extract the controlled and not controlled local internal noise sources. The extraction has allowed us to calculate the activation energy, the capture cross sections and validate the physical simulation.

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