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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stegljud i två moderna universitetsbyggnader med trästomme : en utvärdering av enkätundersökningar och mätningar / Impact sound in two modern university buildings with wooden lightweight structure : an evaluation of questionnaires and measurements

Bengtsson, Maja January 2011 (has links)
Denna avhandling behandlar stegljudet i två trähus på campus i Växjö. Staden lyfts ofta fram som en bra förebild inom miljö- och klimatfrågor. Det kommunala fastighetsbolag som äger, förvaltar och bygger universitetets byggnader är intresserade av dessa frågor när nya hus ska byggas. De två senast byggda husen är byggda med trästomme, som anses vara ett bra miljöval. Framtida hus förväntas även de byggas med trästomme. Dessvärre lyfts ofta problem angående akustiken upp i hus med trästomme. Ett av de befintliga husen på universitetsområdet sägs ha problem med stegljud och fastighetsägaren vill att detta potentiella problem bör förbättras för framtida byggnader. Syftet med denna studie är att konstatera hur akustiken i en framtida universitetsbyggnad med trästomme bör uppfattas och vilka stegljudskrav som bör ställas på byggnaden för att upplevelsen ska vara tillfredställande. För att få den kunskap utförs en enkätundersökning och stegljudsmätningar av de befintliga husen för att kartlägga vad som uppfattas som en tillfredsställande ljudmiljö. / This thesis deals with the impact sound of two wooden buildings on the campus site in Växjö. The city is highlighted frequently as a good model on environmental and climate issues. The municipal real estate company that owns, manages and builds the university's buildings, is interested in these issues when building new houses. The two most recently built houses are constructed with wooden frames, which is considered a good environmental choice. Future house is also expected to be built with wooden frames. Unfortunately problems due to acustics are often raised. One of the existing houses at the university are said to have problems with its impact sound and the property owner want this potential problem to be improved for future buildings. The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge from two existing wooden houses in the area. To do this a survey investigating how the acoustics of the buildings are perceived is compared with measurement of impact sound measurements.

Undersökning av relationen mellan stegljudsnivå och vibrationer : En forskningsstudie i samarbete med Derome Hus AB och Acouwood AB

Bülow, Jakob, Johansson, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Impact sound can be caused, for example, by children jumping and playing or by other types of mechanical contact with the structure. Insufficient impact sound insulation in lightweight timber structures is a recurring issue and is of great importance for the overall quality assessment of residential buildings. Impact sound is a complex topic that, together with a lack of understanding in the industry, often results in contractors building first and testing later. This methodology often leads to costly measures at the end of the construction process.  In recent years, much research has been conducted to investigate the impact sound problem in lightweight timber structures, but few studies have focused on the relationship between impact sound level and vibration, which is investigated in this study. Through field measurements of impact sound and vibration in three different buildings, information was expected to be obtained on how the design of floors and joints can affect the impact sound insulation. The purpose of obtaining this information was to simplify the evaluation of buildings' final construction. A conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that insufficient impact sound insulation is expected to be due to lower damping in the joints. With greater damping in the joints, the evaluation of the final design can be simplified, as the transmission paths are limited to mainly through the floor. / Stegljud kan uppstå genom barns hopp och lek eller vid annan typ avmekanisk kontakt med stommen. Bristande stegljudsisolering i lättaträkonstruktioner är ett återkommande problem och är av stor betydelse förden totala kvalitetsbedömningen av bostäder. Stegljudsproblematik är ettkomplext ämne som tillsammans med en bristande förståelse i branschen,ofta resulterar i att entreprenörer bygger först och testar senare. Dennametodik leder inte sällan till kostsamma åtgärder i byggprocessensslutskede.Under senare år har mycket forskning bedrivits i syfte att utredastegljudsproblematiken i lätta träkonstruktioner, men få studier har fokuseratpå relationen mellan stegljudsnivå och vibrationer, som undersöks i dennastudie. Genom fältmätningar av stegljud och vibrationer i tre olikabyggnader, förväntades information erhållas kring hur utformning avbjälklag och knutpunkter kan påverka stegljudsisoleringen. Syftet med attinhämta denna information var att förenkla värderingen av byggnadersslutgiltiga konstruktion.En slutsats som kan dras från studien är att bristande stegljudsisoleringförväntas bero på lägre dämpning i knutpunkterna. Med större dämpning iknutpunkterna kan värderingen av slutlig konstruktion förenklas, detta dåtransmissionsvägarna begränsas till i huvudsak genom bjälklaget.

Correlation between measured and perceived impact sound in schools

Burwall, Anton January 2022 (has links)
This project investigated the correlation between measured impact sound insulation and perceived walking sound annoyance in schools. The correlation was tested by performing standardized impact sound insulation measurements for different floor structures and comparing the measurement results with subjective perception of recorded walking for the same floor structures. Subjective perception of walking sound was evaluated by performing listening tests based on the recorded walking sounds. Five structures were tested, four different CLT structures and one concrete structure. The objective was to determine the significance of the frequencies below 100 Hz for perceived walking sound annoyance and to investigate whether the inclusion of frequencies below 100 Hz in the evaluation of impact sound insulation would improv the correlation between measured and perceived impact sound. The results from the listening tests showed that the rated walking sound annoyance for the structures did not correlate to the structures’ measured impact sound insulation. For example, the structure with the worst impact sound insulation was not rated the worst from the listening tests. Improvements to the correlation between measured and perceived impact sound were seen when the impact sound insulation was evaluated from 25 Hz, but the correlation was still not fully satisfactory.

En jämförelsestudie mellan olika ljudisoleringsmaterial i träbjälklag ur ett miljöperspektiv / Comparative research between different sound insulation materials in timber floors from an environmental perspective

Anwia Shlimon, Atrn, Al Jazar, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The building industry has a big environmental impact. The timber construction can reduce the impact of the industry because timber is an environmentally friendly material. One of the biggest problems with lightweight construction is sound insulation. The aim of this report is to study two floor construction with different sound insulation materials from an environmental perspective. The materials that will be studied in this report are sand and macadam. The aim of the report is to create a clear comparison between these floor layers and to suggest an improvement proposal. Method: The methods that have been used in the report are literature studies, life-cycle assessment, document analysis and interview. The LCA, document analysis and literature studies are the starting point, based on these methods, the first two questions in this paper will be answered. Using the interview was able to conduct information for the last question. Findings: This study has shown that sand has a less environmental impact than what macadam has. The improvement proposal that has been suggested in this study is using sawdust with sand as sound insulations layer. Decreasing the amount of sand in floors can have a positive effect on the environment. Implications: As a conclusion of this paper, it is proven that sand as a sound insulation material is more favorable for the environment than the macadam. The reason is caused by the process of extracting macadam. The process is more complicated and more energy demanding. Another conclusion is that reducing the amount of sand and replacing the missing amount with sawdust can reduce the environmental impact and increase the sound insulation ability. A recommendation for similar papers more abilities could be included in the analysis to provide a more including and fair result. Limitations: This paper is limited to investigate sound insulation materials combined with CLT-slabs exclusively. The methods which have been used provided relevant data to help this paper create conclusions. The goal was to create an all-around answer so that the result could be applicable in other analysis. Keywords: LCA, sand, macadam, lightweight construction, impact sound insulation, environment.

Analyse modale de sons d'impact par méthodes haute résolution pour la catégorisation perceptive des matériaux.

Sirdey, Adrien 09 July 2013 (has links)
Faire le lien entre la morphologie d'un signal sonore et certains de ses attributs perceptifs est une étape capitale dans l'élaboration d'un synthétiseur proposant un contrôle intuitif. Certains aspects de cette morphologie peuvent être caractérisés au moyen de "descripteurs acoustiques". Lorsqu'ils sont choisis judicieusement, ces descripteurs permettent de classer des signaux dans des catégories ayant un sens perceptif ; ceci permet d'établir un lien entre morphologie et perception. Dans le travail présenté ici, on s'intéresse en particulier à la catégorisation perceptive de sons d'impact.La plupart des descripteurs considérés ici se construisent à partir d'une modélisation paramétrique du signal. Dans notre cas, la modélisation la plus appropriée semble être la décomposition en somme de sinusoïdes amorties. Une estimation stable et rigoureuse des paramètres du modèle étant essentielle au calcul des descripteurs, on se penche sur la comparaison de plusieurs méthodes de décomposition. Il ressort que la méthode à haute résolution ESPRIT semble la plus indiquée, mais qu'elle ne peut pas être utilisée sous sa forme classique. On propose donc différentes adaptations. En particulier, on s'intéresse à l'application d'ESPRIT dans des repères de Gabor. En outre, on propose des méthodes pour maximiser le caractère parcimonieux de la décomposition.On étudie finalement un cas d'application concret : à partir d'une banque de sons enregistrés en chambre anéchoïque résultant d'impacts sur divers objets du quotidien, on évalue la pertinence d'un ensemble de descripteurs pour la catégorisation en fonction du matériau perçu. / Linking an audio signal morphology with some of its perceptual attributes is a key step when elaborating a intuitively controlled synthesizer. Some of these morphology aspects can be characterized using "acoustical descriptors". When chosen wisely, descriptors can allow a classification of audio signals in categories which are perceptually relevant ; in such cases, this approach establishes a link between morphology and perception. The present work focuses on the perceptual categorization of impact sounds.Most of the descriptors proposed here are computed using a parametrized description of the signal. Here, the most appropriate parametrization seems to be a decomposition in exponentially damped sinusoids. A robust and stable estimation of the model parameters being essential to the computation of relevant descriptors, different parametrization methods are described and compared. From these comparisons, it appears that the high-resolution method ESPRIT is the most appropriate, but that it cannot be applied in its classical form. Several adaptations are therefore investigated. In particular, the application of ESPRIT in Gabor frames is considered. Besides, a method is proposed in order to minimize the number of components necessary for a satisfactory decomposition.Finally, a concrete application is addressed : from an impact sounds bank recorded in an anechoic chamber, elaborated with a wide range of everyday-life objects, the relevance of several acoustical descriptors for the perceptual categorization of the perceived material is investigated.

Jämförelse av stegljudsisolering mellan tre olika bjälklagstyper / Comparison of the impact sound insulation between three different joist systems

Wiktor Windblixt, Ida, Karlsson, Maria January 2019 (has links)
I en byggnad kan ljud och vibrationer från steg spridas och dessa ljud kan störa de människor som vistas i byggnaden. Stegljudsisoleringsförmågan hos ett bjälklag beror på hur det är konstruerat och hur hög styvhet och massa bjälklaget har. I detta arbete undersöks stegljudsisoleringen hos tre bjälklagstyper. Dessa är monterade i befintliga byggnader, belägna i Växjö och ägda av fastighetsbolaget Videum.   Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka vilket av de tre bjälklagstyperna som är bäst lämpat att ha i en kontors- eller universitetsbyggnad, med avseende på akustik. Vidare var syftet att undersöka vilket av dessa tre bjälklag som avskärmar stegljud i horisontalled mest effektivt. Målet med arbetet har varit att genomföra en standardiserad stegljudsmätning och en enkätundersökning för att kunna fastställa vilket av de undersökta bjälklagen som har bäst stegljudsisolering. Data från dessa undersökningar har analyserats och beräknats.   Resultatet från stegljudsmätning och enkätundersökning visar att det bjälklag som avskärmar stegljud bäst är KL-träskiva med betongpågjutning. De undersökta bjälklagskonstruktionerna inklusive anslutningar till väggar är inte helt jämförbara och därför bör det nämnas att resultaten avser konstruktionslösningen som helhet och inte enbart själva bjälklaget. / Sound and vibration which originate from footsteps can spread in a building and may disturb the people who residence it. Ability to insulate impact sound varies depending on how the joists system is designed and how high its stiffness and mass are. In this thesis the impact sound insulation of three different joists systems will be examined. The joists systems are installed in existing buildings located in Växjö, Sweden and owned by the real estate company Videum.   The purpose of the thesis was to examine which of the three different joists systems that is most suitable for office- and university buildings, concerning acoustics. Furthermore, the purpose was to examine which of the joists systems that has the best ability to sequester impact sound horizontally. The goal with the thesis was to perform a standardized impact sound insulation measurement and a survey to determine which of the joists systems that has the best impact sound insulation. All data was analyzed and calculated.   The results show that the CLT board with a concrete layer reduces the impact sound most efficiently. However, it should be mentioned that the designs of the objects are not fully comparable and therefore the results relate to the entire design including the wall floor connection, rather than to the joists systems alone.

Resíduos de poli (tereftalato de etileno) e de pneu na confecção de pisos flutuantes para o isolamento do ruído de impacto / Poly (ethylene-terephthalate) and tyre residues in floating floors for impact sound insulation

CARVALHO, Maria Luiza de Ulhoa 21 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:01:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao maria luiza.pdf: 3132447 bytes, checksum: e48de2cde6494677cafaf830a4ead4f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-21 / The demographic growth has created a gain in urban solid waste that deteriorates the citizen s quality of life. High buildings represent the main way for accommodations in big cities for these growing urban populations. However, impact sound insulation has shown itself quite poor. In order to propose an alternative way of minimization to the two problems, residue generation and impact noise, this study aimed to investigate the viability of using poly (ethylene-terephthalate) - PET and rubber tire residues for impact sound insulation in floating floors. Plates of 1 m² with thickness of 1.5 and 2.5 cm to 1:4 and 1:5 (ciment:residue) ratios were molded for the acoustic experiments, as well as portable mortar slabs covered with high and popular quality floor coverings. The main methods used were ISO 140-7 (1998) for measuring the standardized impact sound pressure level, L nT, in one-third-octave bands and ISO 717-2 (1996) to calculate the weighted standardized impact sound pressure level, L nT,w. Both residues presented high sound insulation in relation to their references. It was observed that the results for the PET specimen were superior to those of the rubber tires residue. However, the results among the residues presented different tendencies as their ratio changed. While the impact sound insulation of the rubber tires samples decreased with the increase of residue, PET samples presented more insulation with residue increase. Another observed factor was that the high quality floor covering presented a significant superior impact sound isolation compared to the popular floor covering. Considering all results, it is possible to conclude that the use of the studied residues in floating floors contributes to impact sound insulation / O crescimento demográfico mundial tem criado um aumento na geração de resíduos sólidos urbanos e deteriorado a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. As edificações altas se apresentam como a principal forma de acomodação da crescente população nas cidades, no entanto, o conforto sonoro em relação ao ruído de impacto tem se mostrado precário. Com o intuito de propor uma alternativa de minimizar ambos os problemas, a geração de resíduos e o ruído de impacto, a presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo estudar a viabilidade de uso dos resíduos de poli (tereftalato de etileno) - PET e do pneu inservível na confecção de pisos flutuantes no isolamento do ruído de impacto. Placas de 1 m² com traço 1:4 e 1:5 (cimento:resíduo) nas espessuras de 1,5 e 2,5 cm foram moldadas para realizar os ensaios acústicos, assim como placas de argamassa armada revestida com cerâmica popular e de alto padrão. As principais metodologias utilizadas foram a ISO 140-7 (1998) para obter o nível de pressão sonora de impacto padronizada por bandas de terças de oitavas, L nT, e a ISO 717-2 para ponderar o valor único do nível de pressão sonora de impacto padronizado e ponderado, L nT,w. Ambos resíduos apresentaram isolamento superior em relação às respectivas referências. Observou-se que o isolamento do ruído de impacto das amostras com PET foi superior às com pneu. No entanto, os resultados entre os resíduos apresentaram tendências diferentes com a mudança do traço. Enquanto que o isolamento das amostras do pneu decaiu com o acréscimo do resíduo, as amostras com PET tiveram um ganho maior com o aumento do resíduo. Outro fator observado foi que o contrapiso com cerâmica de alto padrão apresentou um efeito significativo do isolamento em relação à cerâmica popular. Em vista de todos os resultados pode se concluir que é viável a utilização dos resíduos estudados na confecção de pisos flutuantes para o isolamento do ruído de impacto

Low Frequency Impact Sound in Timber Buildings : Simulations and Measurements

Olsson, Jörgen January 2016 (has links)
An increased share of construction with timber is one possible way of achieving more sustainable and energy-efficient life cycles of buildings. The main reason is that wood is a renewable material and buildings require a large amount of resources. Timber buildings taller than two storeys were prohibited in Europe until the 1990s due to fire regulations. In 1994, this prohibition was removed in Sweden.     Some of the early multi-storey timber buildings were associated with more complaints due to impact sound than concrete buildings with the same measured impact sound class rating. Research in later years has shown that the frequency range used for rating has not been sufficiently low in order to include all the sound characteristics that are important for subjective perception of impact sound in light weight timber buildings. The AkuLite project showed that the frequency range has to be extended down to 20 Hz in order to give a good quality of the rating. This low frequency range of interest requires a need for knowledge of the sound field distribution, how to best measure the sound, how to predict the sound transmission levels and how to correlate numerical predictions with measurements.     Here, the goal is to improve the knowledge and methodology concerning measurements and predictions of low frequency impact sound in light weight timber buildings. Impact sound fields are determined by grid measurements in rooms within timber buildings with different designs of their joist floors. The measurements are used to increase the understanding of impact sound and to benchmark different field measurement methods. By estimating transfer functions, from impact forces to vibrations and then sound pressures in receiving rooms, from vibrational test data, improved possibilities to correlate the experimental results to numerical simulations are achieved. A number of excitation devices are compared experimentally to evaluate different characteristics of the test data achieved. Further, comparisons between a timber based hybrid joist floor and a modern concrete floor are made using FE-models to evaluate how stiffness and surface mass parameters affect the impact sound transfer and the radiation.     The measurements of sound fields show that light weight timber floors in small rooms tend to have their highest sound levels in the low frequency region, where the modes are well separated, and that the highest levels even can occur below the frequency of the first room mode of the air. In rooms with excitation from the floor above, the highest levels tend to occur at the floor levels and in the floor corners, if the excitation is made in the middle of the room above. Due to nonlinearities, the excitation levels may affect the transfer function in low frequencies which was shown in an experimental study. Surface mass and bending stiffness of floor systems are shown, by simulations, to be important for the amount of sound radiated.     By applying a transfer function methodology, measuring the excitation forces as well as the responses, improvements of correlation analyses between measurements and simulations can be achieved / <p>Opponent:Kari, Leif, Professor</p><p>Handledare: Linderholt, Andreas, Lektor</p><p>ProjektProWoodSilent Timber BuildUrban TranquilityBioInnovation FBBB</p><p>Forskningsfinansiär: KK-stiftelsen</p><p>Delarbeten:</p><p>1. Low frequency measurements of impact sound performance in light weight timber frame office buildings</p><p>2. Low frequency sound pressure fields in small rooms in wooden buildings with dense and sparse joist floor spacings</p><p>3. Low Frequency Force to Sound Pressure Transfer Function Measurements Using a Modified Tapping Machine on a Light Weight Wooden Joinst Floor4. Impact evaluation of a thin hybrid wood based joist floor</p>

Low Frequency Impact Sound in Timber Buildings : Simulations and Measurements

Olsson, Jörgen January 2016 (has links)
An increased share of construction with timber is one possible way of achieving more sustainable and energy-efficient life cycles of buildings. The main reason is that wood is a renewable material and buildings require a large amount of resources. Timber buildings taller than two storeys were prohibited in Europe until the 1990s due to fire regulations. In 1994, this prohibition was removed in Sweden.     Some of the early multi-storey timber buildings were associated with more complaints due to impact sound than concrete buildings with the same measured impact sound class rating. Research in later years has shown that the frequency range used for rating has not been sufficiently low in order to include all the sound characteristics that are important for subjective perception of impact sound in light weight timber buildings. The AkuLite project showed that the frequency range has to be extended down to 20 Hz in order to give a good quality of the rating. This low frequency range of interest requires a need for knowledge of the sound field distribution, how to best measure the sound, how to predict the sound transmission levels and how to correlate numerical predictions with measurements.     Here, the goal is to improve the knowledge and methodology concerning measurements and predictions of low frequency impact sound in light weight timber buildings. Impact sound fields are determined by grid measurements in rooms within timber buildings with different designs of their joist floors. The measurements are used to increase the understanding of impact sound and to benchmark different field measurement methods. By estimating transfer functions, from impact forces to vibrations and then sound pressures in receiving rooms, from vibrational test data, improved possibilities to correlate the experimental results to numerical simulations are achieved. A number of excitation devices are compared experimentally to evaluate different characteristics of the test data achieved. Further, comparisons between a timber based hybrid joist floor and a modern concrete floor are made using FE-models to evaluate how stiffness and surface mass parameters affect the impact sound transfer and the radiation.     The measurements of sound fields show that light weight timber floors in small rooms tend to have their highest sound levels in the low frequency region, where the modes are well separated, and that the highest levels even can occur below the frequency of the first room mode of the air. In rooms with excitation from the floor above, the highest levels tend to occur at the floor levels and in the floor corners, if the excitation is made in the middle of the room above. Due to nonlinearities, the excitation levels may affect the transfer function in low frequencies which was shown in an experimental study. Surface mass and bending stiffness of floor systems are shown, by simulations, to be important for the amount of sound radiated.     By applying a transfer function methodology, measuring the excitation forces as well as the responses, improvements of correlation analyses between measurements and simulations can be achieved / ProWood / Silent Timber Build / Urban Tranquility / BioInnovation FBBB

Predikce zvukoizolačních vlastností dělicích stavebních konstrukcí a zabezpečení akustické pohody v interiéru budov / PREDICTION SOUND INSULATION PROPERTIES DIVIDER BUILDING STRUCTURES AND SECURITY ACOUSTIC COMFORT INSIDE BUILDINGS

Berková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the properties of soundproof partition structures in the low-frequency sound at impact sound insulation and security of acoustic comfort inside buildings. The prediction of impact sound is a simulation laboratory measurements of impact sound. The work is based on the occurrence of frequent complaints of inhabitants of residential homes for subjectively poor impact sound insulation of horizontal dividing structures, whose top layer is formed laminate. Although these structures conform in terms of impact sound insulation in accordance with the requirements of CSN 73 0532: 2010, residents complain about the subjective perception of the sounds of lower frequencies. A noise with a distinctive character of sound at low frequencies has been proved by measuring the spectral analysis and evaluation of sound pressure levels caused by the movement of persons roof construction to the floor. On the measurement and evaluation carried out in accordance with the measurement and evaluation of noise in non-working environment can be related requirement under the Regulation No. 272/2011 Coll. "On the protection of health from the adverse effects of noise and vibration." Occupational noise limits for protected buildings interior space do not apply to noise from ordinary use of the apartment. Under current legislation, the problem is in the Czech Republic at present insoluble. Therefore, this work explores ways evaluation of impact sound and delivery is determined conclusions. With the low-frequency impact sound insulation is also related to the latter part of this dissertation, where the computing program ANSYS (version 14.0) is simulated laboratory measurements of impact sound insulation of the real structure. The paper presents the results of simulation, and the sound pressure level in the receiving room to třetinooktávového band 630 Hz. These results are compared with measured values modeled in the laboratory.

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