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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architecture and Programming Model Support for Reconfigurable Accelerators in Multi-Core Embedded Systems / Architecture et modèle de programmation pour accélérateurs reconfigurables dans les systèmes embarqués multi-coeurs

Das, Satyajit 04 June 2018 (has links)
La complexité des systèmes embarqués et des applications impose des besoins croissants en puissance de calcul et de consommation énergétique. Couplé au rendement en baisse de la technologie, le monde académique et industriel est toujours en quête d'accélérateurs matériels efficaces en énergie. L'inconvénient d'un accélérateur matériel est qu'il est non programmable, le rendant ainsi dédié à une fonction particulière. La multiplication des accélérateurs dédiés dans les systèmes sur puce conduit à une faible efficacité en surface et pose des problèmes de passage à l'échelle et d'interconnexion. Les accélérateurs programmables fournissent le bon compromis efficacité et flexibilité. Les architectures reconfigurables à gros grains (CGRA) sont composées d'éléments de calcul au niveau mot et constituent un choix prometteur d'accélérateurs programmables. Cette thèse propose d'exploiter le potentiel des architectures reconfigurables à gros grains et de pousser le matériel aux limites énergétiques dans un flot de conception complet. Les contributions de cette thèse sont une architecture de type CGRA, appelé IPA pour Integrated Programmable Array, sa mise en œuvre et son intégration dans un système sur puce, avec le flot de compilation associé qui permet d'exploiter les caractéristiques uniques du nouveau composant, notamment sa capacité à supporter du flot de contrôle. L'efficacité de l'approche est éprouvée à travers le déploiement de plusieurs applications de traitement intensif. L'accélérateur proposé est enfin intégré à PULP, a Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Processing-Platform, pour explorer le bénéfice de ce genre de plate-forme hétérogène ultra basse consommation. / Emerging trends in embedded systems and applications need high throughput and low power consumption. Due to the increasing demand for low power computing and diminishing returns from technology scaling, industry and academia are turning with renewed interest toward energy efficient hardware accelerators. The main drawback of hardware accelerators is that they are not programmable. Therefore, their utilization can be low is they perform one specific function and increasing the number of the accelerators in a system on chip (SoC) causes scalability issues. Programmable accelerators provide flexibility and solve the scalability issues. Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architecture consisting of several processing elements with word level granularity is a promising choice for programmable accelerator. Inspired by the promising characteristics of programmable accelerators, potentials of CGRAs in near threshold computing platforms are studied and an end-to-end CGRA research framework is developed in this thesis. The major contributions of this framework are: CGRA design, implementation, integration in a computing system, and compilation for CGRA. First, the design and implementation of a CGRA named Integrated Programmable Array (IPA) is presented. Next, the problem of mapping applications with control and data flow onto CGRA is formulated. From this formulation, several efficient algorithms are developed using internal resources of a CGRA, with a vision for low power acceleration. The algorithms are integrated into an automated compilation flow. Finally, the IPA accelerator is augmented in PULP - a Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Processing-Platform to explore heterogeneous computing.

Desenvolvimento de sequências de pulso de eco de spin de baixa potência para RMN on-line / Low-power Spin echo pulse sequences to NMR online

Andrade, Fabiana Diuk de 20 May 2011 (has links)
A Ressonância Magnética Nuclear em baixa resolução (RMN-BR) vem sendo aplicada no controle e certificação de qualidade na indústria. Para acelerar e automatizar as análises tem sido proposto o uso de RMN online, com carreamento de amostras por uma esteira. Apesar do grande potencial, as metodologias utilizadas podem provocar o aquecimento da amostra, causando erros nas medidas, além de reduzir a vida útil do equipamento. Assim, nesse trabalho de doutorado foram desenvolvidas sequências de eco de spin para medidas de RMN-BR online utilizando baixa potência de RF (radiofrequência), baseadas nas técnicas CP, Carr-Purcell, e CPMG, Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill, utilizando baixos ângulos de refocalização, LRFA (Low Refocusing Flip Angle). Observou-se que LRFA de 45&deg; (CPMG45) pode fornecer valores de tempo de relaxação transversal (T2) com erros inferiores a 5% em campos magnéticos (B0) com homogeneidade equivalente a largura de linha de &Delta;&nu; &le; 15 Hz. Em B0 menos homogêneos (&Delta;&nu; &ge; 100 Hz), a escolha dos LRFA deve considerar a redução do sinal e o aumento de T2, que se torna dependente do tempo de relaxação longitudinal (T1). CP90 produz ecos entre os pulsos de refocalização que decaem para valores mínimos dependente de T2* (constante de tempo do Decaimento Livre da Indução). O sinal obtido por CP90 aumenta de valores mínimos para o regime de estado estacionário (EE) com constante de tempo T* = 2T1T2/(T1+T2) e amplitude MCP90 = M0T2/(T1+T2), a mesma constante e a mesma amplitude observada para o sinal de Precessão Livre em Onda Contínua (CWFP - Continuous Wave Free Precession), por isso foi denominada CP-CWFP. A principal vantagem de CP-CWFP ocorre para amostras com T1 ~ T2. CP-CWFP apresenta um decaimento abrupto da amplitude do sinal antes de aumentar e alcançar o EE. Essa diferença na amplitude torna o ajuste de T* menos dependente da razão sinal/ruído, sendo mais eficiente que CWFP para medidas de T1 e T2 em B0 baixos, onde T1 e T2 tendem a ter valores similares. No método de alternância de fase (AF) em CPMG90AF (y\'/-y\') e CP90AF (x\'-x\') os sinais entraram num EE, nesse caso CPMG90AF e CP90AF tiveram comportamentos similares ao CP-CWFP, sendo mais uma alternativa para obtenção de T1 e T2. Para CPMG, a redução do ângulo de refocalização para 90&deg; equivale a uma redução de 75% da potência incidida na amostra. CP-CWFP pode ser uma técnica mais robusta para análises em espectrômetros de RMN de bancada em controle de qualidade industrial, com B0 < 0,5 T (20 MHz) e em ferramentas de RMN utilizadas em poços de petróleo com B0 ~ 0,05 T (2 MHz). As análises por métodos estatísticos demonstraram que CPMG e CPMG90, CWFP e CP-CWFP apresentam alta correlação entre si, demonstrando que uma técnica pode substituir a outra nas análises online de sementes oleaginosas. / Low Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (LR-NMR) has been applied in quality control and certification in industry. To speed up the analysis the online NMR has been proposed. Despite LR-NMR online potential, some problems related to equipment overload occurs. It is due to methodologies used that can cause an increase in sample temperature and consequently errors in measurements as well reduction on equipment durability. Thus, Carr-Purcell, CP and Meiboom-Gill, CPMG using low refocusing flip angles (LRFA) were developed. It was observed that LRFA as low as 45&deg; (CPMG45) can provide transverse relaxation time values (T2) with errors below 5% for homogeneous field (&Delta;&nu; &le; 15Hz). For a less homogeneous magnetic field (&Delta;&nu; &ge; 100 Hz) the choice of the LRFA has to take into account the reduction in the intensity of the CPMG signal and the increase in the time constant of the CPMG decay that also becomes dependent on longitudinal relaxation time (T1). The Carr-Purcell (CP) pulse sequence, with LRFA, produces echoes midway between refocusing pulses that decay to a minimum value dependent on T2* (Free Induction Decay time constant - FID). When &tau; &gt; T2*, the signal increased to reach a Steady-State Free Precession regime (SSFP) after the minimum value and was composed of FID signal after each pulse and an echo, before the next pulse. CP90 signal increased from the minimum value to the steady-state regime with a time constant (T*) = 2T1T2/(T1+T2), identical to the time constant observed Continuous Wave Free Precession (CWFP). The Steady-State amplitude obtained with CP90 (MCP90) = M0T2/(T1+T2) was identical to CWFP. Therefore, this sequence was named CP-CWFP because it is a CP sequence that produces results similar to the CWFP. However, CP-CWFP is a better sequence than CWFP for measuring the longitudinal and transverse relaxation times in single scan, when the sample exhibits T1 ~ T2. When phase alternation is applied in CPMG90AF (y\'/-y\') e CP90AF (x\'-x\') the signal reaches a Steady-State. CPMG90AF and CP90AF showed similar behavior to CP-CWFP, so one more alternative method to measure T1 and T2. Therefore, the T2 measurements can be performed with 90&deg; refocusing pulses (CPMG90), which use only 25% of the RF power used in conventional CPMG. This reduces the heating problem in the probe and reduces the power deposition in the samples. The CP-CWFP sequence can be a useful method in low-resolution NMR and can be widely used in the agriculture, food and petrochemical industries because those samples tend to have similar relaxation times in low magnetic fields.

Avaliação da resistência adesiva à dentina tratada pela terapia fotodinâmica em dente bovino / Evaluation of the bond strength to dentin treated by photodynamic therapy in bovine tooth

Bernal Rodriguez, Christian Giancarlo 17 January 2017 (has links)
A Terapia fotodinâmica (TF) é uma técnica que combina a ativação de um fotossensibilizador por luz na presença de oxigênio, produzindo radicais que induzem a morte celular dos microrganismos. Esta terapia vem sendo usada para reduzir a quantidade de microrganismos sendo um potencial antimicrobiano nos tecidos cariados em um processo restaurador direto, evitando assim o processo de cárie recidivante que pode acontecer quando não se promove a eliminação dos restos de microrganismo remanescentes após a utilização dos instrumentos rotatórios. O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar a resistência de união de dois sistemas adesivos (condicionamento total e autocondicionante), sobre a superfície de dentina bovina, após tratamento com terapia fotodinâmica. Foi feito ensaio de microcisalhamento com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência de união. Para a realização da terapia fotodinâmica foi usado azul de metileno a 0,01% e duas fontes de luz diferentes, laser vermelho (660 nm) e LED (645-630 nm), com parâmetros já testados em estudos anteriores e, atualmente, utilizados na clinica odontológica. Para avaliar a resistência de união foi utilizado ensaio mecânico de microcisalhamento e, para isso, se utilizou sessenta discos de dentina, obtidos a partir de sessenta incisivos centrais bovino íntegros. Após o desgaste da dentina, as amostras foram dividas aleatoriamente em 6 grupos, sendo n=10 para o ensaio de microcisalhamento (G1: adesivo autocondicionante Single Bond Universal (USB) sem PDT, G2: PDT com laser + USB, G3: PDT com LED + USB; G4: adesivo de condicionamento total com Adper Single Bond 2 (ASB) sem PDT; G5: PDT com laser + ASB¸ G6: PDT com LED + ASB). Em cada amostra foram confeccionados 03 cilindros de resina composta, os quais foram submetidos à avaliação de microcisalhamento (1 mm/min); após armazenamento em saliva artificial por 24 horas. Após este teste, as amostras foram levadas em lupa estereoscópica (40x) para análise do padrão de fratura. Os resultados do teste de resistência de união foram tabulados e submetidos ao teste ANOVA dois fatores (adesivo e tratamento) e Tukey adotando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Quanto à resistência de união, não houve diferença significativa entre os 6 grupos analisados. Houve predominância de padrão de fratura do tipo adesiva. Com base nos resultados e nos parâmetros de irradiação utilizados neste estudo, pode-se concluir que não existe alteração na força de adesão da resina na dentina hígida após tratamento com PDT. / Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a technique that combines the activation of a photosensitizer by light in the presence of oxygen, producing radicals that induce cell death of the microorganisms. This therapy has been used to reduce the amount of microorganisms being an antimicrobial potential in the decayed tissues in a direct restorative process, thus avoiding the process of recurrent caries that can happen when the elimination of remaining remains of microorganism after the use of the instruments is not promoted. The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the bond strength and morphology of the hybrid layer of two adhesive systems (Self-etch and total etch) on the bovine dentin surface, after treatment with photodynamic therapy. A micro-shear test was performed in order to evaluate the bond strength. To perform the photodynamic therapy, 0.01% methylene blue and two different light sources, red laser (660 nm) and LED (645-630 nm) were used, with parameters already tested in previous studies and currently used in the dental clinic. In order to evaluate the bond strength, a microshear bond strenght test was used. For this purpose, sixty dentin disks were obtained from sixty complete central incisors. After dentin wear, the samples were randomly divided into 6 groups, with n = 10 for the micro bond strenght test (G1: Self-etch adhesive, single bond Universal (USB) without PDT, G2: PDT with laser + USB, G3: PDT with LED + USB; G4: total etch adhesive Single Bond 2 (ASB) without PDT; G5: PDT with laser + ASB¸ G6: PDT with LED + ASB). In each sample, 03 cylinders of composite resin were made, which were submitted to the evaluation of micro-shear strenght test (1 mm / min); after storage in artificial saliva for 24 hours. After this test, the samples were taken in a stereoscopic magnifying glass (40x) for analysis of the fracture pattern. The results of the Microshear bond strength test were tabulated and submitted to ANOVA two-factor test (adhesive and treatment) and Tukey adopting a significance level of 5%. Regarding the bond strength, there was no significant difference between the 6 groups analyzed. There was a predominance of an adhesive type fracture pattern. Based on the results and the irradiation parameters used in this study, it can be concluded that there is no alteration in the adhesion strenght of the resin in a healthy dentin after treatment with PDT.

Efeitos da radiação ionizante e eventos singulares em circuitos analógicos de baixo e ultra baixo consumo

Fusco, Daniel Alves January 2016 (has links)
Esse trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre os efeitos de radiação em circuitos analógicos de baixa e ultra baixa potência e tensão, identificando as fragilidades destes circuitos (e das respectivas técnicas de projeto) quando aplicados em ambientes radioativos, como, por exemplo, os circuitos em satélites, e em equipamentos de instalações nucleares. Foram realizados estudos de caso, via simulação elétrica utilizando o software HSPICE, considerando os efeitos de degradação elétrica correspondentes a doses de radiação acumulada de até 500krad(Si), além de eventos singulares considerando circuitos de baixa tensão e potência projetados para a tecnologia IBM (GF) de 130nm. Pôde-se observar que o uso de transistores de óxido mais fino, apesar de afetar negativamente o consumo estático, é recomendado para as aplicações estudadas, devido a menor sensibilidade à radiação. Ainda, foi discutido o aumento dos caminhos de fuga de corrente devido ao uso de layout distribuído. Possibilidades e estratégias de mitigação foram discutidas. Por fim, obteve-se um conjunto de sugestões e informações para auxiliar o projetista de circuitos de baixo consumo a obter soluções robustas à radiação. / This work studies the radiation effects in low-power and ultra-low power analog circuits, identifying the fragility of such circuits (and associated design techniques) when employed in radioactive environments, as for example, in satellites and nuclear facilities. Case studies were carried out using HSPICE software for electrical simulation of cumulative radiation effects, corresponding to doses up to 500krad(Si), as well as for single events simulation. We showed that, the use of thin oxide (core) MOSFETS, though increasing the static consumption, is recommended for the studied applications, because they are less sensitive to radiation. Then, we discussed the increase of current leakage paths by the distributed layout style. Mitigation strategies were also discussed. Finally, we obtained a set of suggestions and information to guide the designers of low power analog circuits towards obtaining radiation robust solutions.

Efeitos da irradiação com laser de baixa potência nas glândulas salivares submandibulares de ratas diabéticas induzidas por estreptozotocina / Low-power laser irradiation effects in submandibular glands of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

Fukuoka, Cintia Yuki 15 June 2016 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus (DM) pode levar à disfunção das glândulas salivares. A ativação do receptor de produtos finais de glicosilação avançada e de seus ligantes tem sido reportado em várias doenças crônicas, entre estas, a diabetes e suas complicações. Este estudo analisou a expressão do RAGE, proteína do grupo de alta mobilidade B1 (HMGB1) e de produtos de glicosilação avançada (AGE), bem como os efeitos da irradiação com laser de baixa potência (ILBP) em glândulas salivares submandibulares (GSMs) de ratas diabéticas. Ratas Wistar com 12 semanas de vida foram divididas em 3 grupos: controle (C), diabético (D) e diabético com laser (DL). A indução de DM nos grupos D e DL foi realizada com injeção intraperitoneal de estreptozotocina 60 mg/kg de peso corporal, no 1° dia experimental. No 29°dia, os animais do grupo DL receberam a ILBP (660 nm, 70 mW, 20 J/cm² e 0,56 J por ponto), aplicado no total de quarenta pontos cobrindo a área correspondente as GSMs, e os seus efeitos foram avaliados 24 h após a irradiação (eutanásia). As análises de parâmetros metabólicos, histológicos e de marcadores de inflamação, apoptose e proliferação foram realizadas. Nossos achados mostram que a ILBP diminuiu a glicemia das ratas diabéticas irradiadas, melhorando a resistência à insulina (HOMA-IR), sensibilidade à insulina (HOMA-IS) e função de células beta (HOMA-?). Em GSM, o DM parece aumentar a expressão do eixo HMGB1/AGE/RAGE, possivelmente associado à ativação do fator de transcrição nuclear kappa B (NF?B). A ILBP reduziu os marcadores de inflamação, HMGB1 e TNF-? em GSM de ratas diabéticas, e parece regular a expressão de proteínas relacionadas à proliferação e à apoptose, pela via do AMP cíclico, parcialmente mediado por proteína kinase regulada por sinais extracelulares. No entanto, mais estudos são necessários para melhor entender os efeitos do laser neste tecido. / Diabetes (DM) can lead to dysfunction of the secretory capacity in salivary glands. Since the activation of the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) and its ligands has been suggested to participate in chronic disorders, such as diabetes and its complications. This study analyzed the expression of RAGE, high mobility group box protein B1 (HMGB1) and advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) were evaluated, as well as the effects of low-power laser irradiation (ILBP), in diabetic submandibular glands (GSM). Wistar rats 12 weeks-old were divided in three groups: control (C), diabetic (D) and diabetic with laser (DL). The D and DL rats were intraperitoneally injected with streptozotocin 60 mg/kg, in the 1st experimental day. On the 29° day, the DL rats received the ILBP (660 nm, 70 mW, 20 J/cm² e 0,56J per point), with a total of forty points covering the GSMs area, its effects were evaluated 24h after irradiation (euthanasia). Metabolic parameters, histology and the inflammatory, apoptosis and proliferation markers were evaluated. Our findings show that ILBP reduced the blood glucose levels of the irradiated diabetic rats, improving their insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), insulin sensitivity (HOMA-IS) e beta cell function (HOMA-?). In GSM, DM seems to upregulate the expression of HMGB1/AGE/RAGE axis, possibly associated with the activation of the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF?B). The ILBP reduced the inflammatory markers HMGB1 and TNF-? in diabetic GSM, and seems to regulate the expression of proteins related to proliferation and apoptosis, by cyclic AMP pathway, partially mediated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase. However, more studies are necessary to better understand the laser effects on this tissue.

Estudo do efeito analgésico do laser de baixa potência na mialgia dos músculos mastigatórios: estudo clínico randomizado duplo-cego / Study of low power laser analgesic effect in myalgia of the masticatory muscles: Clinical randomized double-blind

Sabrina Araujo Pinho Costa 07 July 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou a eficácia do laser de baixa potência (LBP) e do placebo no tratamento da mialgia dos músculos mastigatórios. Sessenta pacientes (média de idade de 38,83 anos ± 14,2) com mialgia dos músculos mastigatórios foram selecionados e alocados em 2 grupos, de forma randomizada: Grupo A: pacientes que foram submetidos à aplicação de laser de baixa potência (LBP) na primeira fase e à aplicação de laser placebo na segunda fase e Grupo B: pacientes que foram submetidos à aplicação de laser placebo na primeira fase e à aplicação de LBP na segunda fase. O laser e o placebo foram aplicados pontualmente nos músculos masseter e temporal bilateralmente. A presença e intensidade de dor espontânea (através da escala visual analógica - EVA), dor à palpação (através do algômetro de pressão) e máxima abertura bucal (com paquímetro) foram mensurados. Os dados foram analisados usando os testes Exato de Fisher, teste t e de Mann-Witney, adotando-se p<0,05 como nível de significância. Melhoras estatisticamente significativas foram encontradas para os fatores dor espontânea, dor à palpação total e dor no masseter direito na análise intragrupo e entre grupos. Não foram encontrados efeitos residuais diferentes em nenhum dos indicadores ao compararmos os grupos que receberam ou não o laser. Apenas o masseter direito apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa quando foi comparada a ordem das aplicações nos grupos que receberam primeiro o laser e depois o placebo versus o grupo que recebeu primeiro o placebo e depois o laser. Esse resultado indica que não existem diferenças entre a ordem de aplicação do laser. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que houve uma melhora significativa na dor medida através da escala de pontos álgicos nos pacientes que receberam o laser, entretanto a auto avaliação de dor medida pelo EVA não foi estatisticamente diferente. Os efeitos residuais e de ordem também não foram estatisticamente significativos. / This study evaluated the effectiveness of low power laser (LBP) and placebo in the treatment of myalgia of the masticatory muscles. Sixty patients (average age of 38.83 years ± 14.2) with myalgia of the masticatory muscles were selected and allocated into 2 groups randomly: Group A: patients who underwent low-power laser application (LBP) in the first phase and the application of laser placebo in the second phase and Group B: patients who were submitted to laser placebo in the first phase and the implementation of LBP in the second phase. The laser and the placebo were applied punctually in the masseter and temporalis muscles bilaterally. The presence and intensity of spontaneous pain (by visual analogue scale - VAS), pain on palpation (through pressure algometer) and maximal mouth opening (with caliper) were measured. Data were analyzed using the Fisher Test, T test and Mann-Whitney, adopting p <0.05 significance level. Statistically significant improvements were found for spontaneous pain, pain on palpation and complete pain in the right masseter in the intra-group analysis and between groups. There were no different residual effects in any of the indicators when comparing the groups with or without the laser. Just the right masseter showed a statistically significant difference when compared with the order of applications in the groups that received first laser and then the placebo versus the group that received placebo first and then the laser. This result indicates that there are no differences between the laser application order. The results suggests that there was a significant improvement in pain measured by the scale of nociceptive points in patients who received the laser, though the self assessment of pain measured by VAS was not statistically different. Residual and order effects were not statistically significant.

All-inkjet-printed low-voltage organic thin-film transistors

Jiang, Chen January 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents the development of all-inkjet-printed low-voltage organic thin-film transistors. Organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs), taking advantage of low-temperature printability, mechanical flexibility, and multi-functionality, are promising for a wide range of emerging applications such as wearable electronics. Printed OTFTs provide great benefits in fabrication cost reduction, but they need a very high operating voltage and exhibit severe instability during storage and operation in ambient environment. In this study, all-inkjet-printed OTFTs with a low operating voltage of less than 3 V are demonstrated through reducing trap density in the fabricated devices. The transistors use 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene as the semiconductor, poly(4-vinylphenol) as the dielectric, silver as the electrodes, and CYTOP as the encapsulation. Several aspects of physical and chemical properties of polymer dielectrics are studied to achieve this goal, including cross-linking, wetting, and moisture affinity. Through the careful selection of device architecture and control of the inkjet-printing processes, the semiconductor-dielectric interface trap density of the fabricated OTFTs is significantly reduced. The applicability of this approach to different materials is also investigated and confirmed, including polyvinyl cinnamate as the dielectric, 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene as the semiconductor, and anisole as the solvent for semiconductor inks. Based on the investigation of different materials, the characteristics and parameters of all-inkjet-printed OTFTs are optimised, demonstrating an ultra-steep subthreshold of 60.2 mV/decade approaching the theoretical limit and a low operating voltage of 1 V. In order to explore their feasibility in real-world applications, the stability of all-inkjet-printed OTFTs is investigated and the factors of instability are analysed. Based on these findings, the stability of the fabricated device is improved, such that the threshold voltage shift is less than 0.1 V in ambient environment storage for 3 months and operation for 1 hour. The electrical characteristics of OTFTs in the subthreshold regime are studied for analogue circuit design. Based on the developed low-voltage stable transistors, an ultra-low-power (< 1 nW) high-gain (> 200 V/V) amplifier is presented and utilised to detect electrophysiological signals from the human body.

Estudo do efeito analgésico do laser de baixa potência na mialgia dos músculos mastigatórios: estudo clínico randomizado duplo-cego / Study of low power laser analgesic effect in myalgia of the masticatory muscles: Clinical randomized double-blind

Costa, Sabrina Araujo Pinho 07 July 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou a eficácia do laser de baixa potência (LBP) e do placebo no tratamento da mialgia dos músculos mastigatórios. Sessenta pacientes (média de idade de 38,83 anos ± 14,2) com mialgia dos músculos mastigatórios foram selecionados e alocados em 2 grupos, de forma randomizada: Grupo A: pacientes que foram submetidos à aplicação de laser de baixa potência (LBP) na primeira fase e à aplicação de laser placebo na segunda fase e Grupo B: pacientes que foram submetidos à aplicação de laser placebo na primeira fase e à aplicação de LBP na segunda fase. O laser e o placebo foram aplicados pontualmente nos músculos masseter e temporal bilateralmente. A presença e intensidade de dor espontânea (através da escala visual analógica - EVA), dor à palpação (através do algômetro de pressão) e máxima abertura bucal (com paquímetro) foram mensurados. Os dados foram analisados usando os testes Exato de Fisher, teste t e de Mann-Witney, adotando-se p<0,05 como nível de significância. Melhoras estatisticamente significativas foram encontradas para os fatores dor espontânea, dor à palpação total e dor no masseter direito na análise intragrupo e entre grupos. Não foram encontrados efeitos residuais diferentes em nenhum dos indicadores ao compararmos os grupos que receberam ou não o laser. Apenas o masseter direito apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa quando foi comparada a ordem das aplicações nos grupos que receberam primeiro o laser e depois o placebo versus o grupo que recebeu primeiro o placebo e depois o laser. Esse resultado indica que não existem diferenças entre a ordem de aplicação do laser. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que houve uma melhora significativa na dor medida através da escala de pontos álgicos nos pacientes que receberam o laser, entretanto a auto avaliação de dor medida pelo EVA não foi estatisticamente diferente. Os efeitos residuais e de ordem também não foram estatisticamente significativos. / This study evaluated the effectiveness of low power laser (LBP) and placebo in the treatment of myalgia of the masticatory muscles. Sixty patients (average age of 38.83 years ± 14.2) with myalgia of the masticatory muscles were selected and allocated into 2 groups randomly: Group A: patients who underwent low-power laser application (LBP) in the first phase and the application of laser placebo in the second phase and Group B: patients who were submitted to laser placebo in the first phase and the implementation of LBP in the second phase. The laser and the placebo were applied punctually in the masseter and temporalis muscles bilaterally. The presence and intensity of spontaneous pain (by visual analogue scale - VAS), pain on palpation (through pressure algometer) and maximal mouth opening (with caliper) were measured. Data were analyzed using the Fisher Test, T test and Mann-Whitney, adopting p <0.05 significance level. Statistically significant improvements were found for spontaneous pain, pain on palpation and complete pain in the right masseter in the intra-group analysis and between groups. There were no different residual effects in any of the indicators when comparing the groups with or without the laser. Just the right masseter showed a statistically significant difference when compared with the order of applications in the groups that received first laser and then the placebo versus the group that received placebo first and then the laser. This result indicates that there are no differences between the laser application order. The results suggests that there was a significant improvement in pain measured by the scale of nociceptive points in patients who received the laser, though the self assessment of pain measured by VAS was not statistically different. Residual and order effects were not statistically significant.

Système avancé de cryptographie pour l'internet des objets ultra-basse consommation / An innovative lightweight cryptography system for Internet-of-Things ULP applications

Bui, Duy-Hieu 17 January 2019 (has links)
L'Internet des objets (IoT : Internet-of-Things) a été favorisé par les progrès accélérés dans les technologies de communication, les technologies de calcul, les technologies de capteurs, l'intelligence artificielle, l'informatique en nuage et les technologies des semi-conducteurs. En générale, l'IoT utilise l'informatique en nuage pour traitant les données, l'infrastructure de communication (y compris l’Internet) et des nœuds de capteurs pour collecter des données, de les envoyer de l'infrastructure du réseau à l’Internet, et de recevoir des commandes pour réagir à l'environnement. Au cours de ses opérations, l'IoT peut collecter, transmettre et traiter des données secrètes ou privées, ce qui pose des problèmes de sécurité. La mise en œuvre des mécanismes de sécurité pour l'IoT est un défi, car les organisations de l’IoT incluent des millions de périphériques intégrés à plusieurs couches, chaque couche ayant des capacités de calcul et des exigences de sécurité différentes. En outre, les nœuds de capteurs dans l'IoT sont conçus pour être des périphériques limités par une batterie, avec un budget de puissance, des calculs et une empreinte mémoires limités pour réduire les coûts d’implémentation. L'implémentation de mécanismes de sécurité sur ces appareils rencontre même plus de défis. Ce travail est donc motivé pour se concentrer sur l’implémentation du cryptage des données afin de protéger les nœuds et les systèmes de capteurs IoT en tenant compte du coût matériel, du débit et de la consommation d’énergie. Pour commencer, un crypto-accélérateur de chiffrement de bloc ultra-basse consommation avec des paramètres configurables est proposé et implémenté dans la technologie FDSOI ST 28 nm dans une puce de test, qui est appelée SNACk, avec deux modules de cryptographie : AES et PRESENT. L’AES est un algorithme de cryptage de données largement utilisé pour l’Internet et utilisé actuellement pour les nouvelles propositions IoT, tandis que le PRESENT est un algorithme plus léger offrant un niveau de sécurité réduit mais nécessitant une zone matérielle beaucoup plus réduite et une consommation très bas. Le module AES est une architecture de chemin de données 32 bits contenant plusieurs stratégies d'optimisation prenant en charge plusieurs niveaux de sécurité, allant des clés 128 bits aux clés 256 bits. Le module PRESENT contient une architecture à base arrondie de 64 bits pour optimiser son débit. Les résultats mesurés pendant cette thèse indiquent que ce crypto-accélérateur peut fournir un débit moyen (environ 20 Mbits/s au 10 MHz) tout en consommant moins de 20 µW dans des conditions normales et une sous-pJ d’énergie par bit. Cependant, la limitation du crypto-accélérateur réside dans le fait que les données doivent être lues dans le crypto-accélérateur et réécrites en mémoire, ce qui augmente la consommation d'énergie. Après cela, afin de fournir un haut niveau de sécurité avec une flexibilité et une possibilité de configuration pour s’adapter aux nouvelles normes et pour atténuer les nouvelles attaques, ces travaux portent sur une approche novatrice de mise en œuvre de l’algorithme de cryptographie utilisant la nouvelle SRAM proposée en mémoire. Le calcul en mémoire SRAM peut fournir des solutions reconfigurables pour mettre en œuvre diverses primitives de sécurité en programmant les opérations de la mémoire. Le schéma proposé consiste à effectuer le chiffrement dans la mémoire en utilisant la technologie Calcul en Mémoire (In-Memory-Computing). Ce travail illustre deux mappages possibles de l'AES et du PRESENT à l'aide du calcul en mémoire. / The Internet of Things (IoT) has been fostered by accelerated advancements in communication technologies, computation technologies,sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and semiconductor technologies. In general, IoT contains cloud computing to do data processing, communication infrastructure including the Internet, and sensor nodes which can collect data, send them through the network infrastructure to the Internet, and receive controls to react to the environment. During its operations, IoT may collect, transmit and process secret data, which raise security problems. Implementing security mechanisms for IoT is challenging because IoT organizations include millions of devices integrated at multiple layers, whereas each layer has different computation capabilities and security requirements. Furthermore, sensor nodes in IoT are intended to be battery-based constrained devices with limited power budget, limited computation, and limited memory footprint to reduce costs. Implementing security mechanisms on these devices even encounters more challenges. This work is therefore motivated to focus on implementing data encryption to protect IoT sensor nodes and systems with the consideration of hardware cost, throughput and power/energy consumption. To begin with, a ultra-low-power block cipher crypto-accelerator with configurable parameters is proposed and implemented in ST 28nm FDSOI technology in SNACk test chip with two cryptography modules: AES and PRESENT. AES is a widely used data encryption algorithm for the Internet and currently used for new IoT proposals, while PRESENT is a lightweight algorithm which comes up with reduced security level but requires with much smaller hardware area and lower consumption. The AES module is a 32-bit datapath architecture containing multiple optimization strategies supporting multiple security levels from 128-bit keys up to 256-bit keys. The PRESENT module contains a 64-bit round-based architecture to maximize its throughput. The measured results indicate that this crypto-accelerator can provide medium throughput (around 20Mbps at 10MHz) while consumes less than 20uW at normal condition and sub-pJ of energy per bit. However, the limitation of crypto-accelerator is that the data has to be read into the crypto-accelerator and write back to memory which increases the power consumption. After that, to provide a high level of security with flexibility and configurability to adapt to new standards and to mitigate to new attacks, this work looks into an innovative approach to implement the cryptography algorithm which uses the new proposed In-Memory-Computing SRAM. In-Memory Computing SRAM can provide reconfigurable solutions to implement various security primitives by programming the memory's operations. The proposed scheme is to carry out the encryption in the memory using the In-Memory-Computing technology. This work demonstrates two possible mapping of AES and PRESENT using In-Memory Computing.


Selvakumaran, Dinesh Kumar 01 January 2018 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices that are connected through the Internet to exchange the data for intelligent applications. Though IoT devices provide several advantages to improve the quality of life, they also present challenges related to security. The security issues related to IoT devices include leakage of information through Differential Power Analysis (DPA) based side channel attacks, authentication, piracy, etc. DPA is a type of side-channel attack where the attacker monitors the power consumption of the device to guess the secret key stored in it. There are several countermeasures to overcome DPA attacks. However, most of the existing countermeasures consume high power which makes them not suitable to implement in power constraint devices. IoT devices are battery operated, hence it is important to investigate the methods to design energy-efficient and secure IoT devices not susceptible to DPA attacks. In this research, we have explored the usefulness of a novel computing platform called adiabatic logic, low-leakage FinFET devices and Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) Logic-in-Memory (LiM) architecture to design energy-efficient and DPA secure hardware. Further, we have also explored the usefulness of adiabatic logic in the design of energy-efficient and reliable Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) circuits to overcome the authentication and piracy issues in IoT devices. Adiabatic logic is a low-power circuit design technique to design energy-efficient hardware. Adiabatic logic has reduced dynamic switching energy loss due to the recycling of charge to the power clock. As the first contribution of this dissertation, we have proposed a novel DPA-resistant adiabatic logic family called Energy-Efficient Secure Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic (EE-SPFAL). EE-SPFAL based circuits are energy-efficient compared to the conventional CMOS based design because of recycling the charge after every clock cycle. Further, EE-SPFAL based circuits consume uniform power irrespective of input data transition which makes them resilience against DPA attacks. Scaling of CMOS transistors have served the industry for more than 50 years in providing integrated circuits that are denser, and cheaper along with its high performance, and low power. However, scaling of the transistors leads to increase in leakage current. Increase in leakage current reduces the energy-efficiency of the computing circuits,and increases their vulnerability to DPA attack. Hence, it is important to investigate the crypto circuits in low leakage devices such as FinFET to make them energy-efficient and DPA resistant. In this dissertation, we have proposed a novel FinFET based Secure Adiabatic Logic (FinSAL) family. FinSAL based designs utilize the low-leakage FinFET device along with adiabatic logic principles to improve energy-efficiency along with its resistance against DPA attack. Recently, Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ)/CMOS based Logic-in-Memory (LiM) circuits have been explored to design low-power non-volatile hardware. Some of the advantages of MTJ device include non-volatility, near-zero leakage power, high integration density and easy compatibility with CMOS devices. However, the differences in power consumption between the switching of MTJ devices increase the vulnerability of Differential Power Analysis (DPA) based side-channel attack. Further, the MTJ/CMOS hybrid logic circuits which require frequent switching of MTJs are not very energy-efficient due to the significant energy required to switch the MTJ devices. In the third contribution of this dissertation, we have investigated a novel approach of building cryptographic hardware in MTJ/CMOS circuits using Look-Up Table (LUT) based method where the data stored in MTJs are constant during the entire encryption/decryption operation. Currently, high supply voltage is required in both writing and sensing operations of hybrid MTJ/CMOS based LiM circuits which consumes a considerable amount of energy. In order to meet the power budget in low-power devices, it is important to investigate the novel design techniques to design ultra-low-power MTJ/CMOS circuits. In the fourth contribution of this dissertation, we have proposed a novel energy-efficient Secure MTJ/CMOS Logic (SMCL) family. The proposed SMCL logic family consumes uniform power irrespective of data transition in MTJ and more energy-efficient compared to the state-of-art MTJ/ CMOS designs by using charge sharing technique. The other important contribution of this dissertation is the design of reliable Physical Unclonable Function (PUF). Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) are circuits which are used to generate secret keys to avoid the piracy and device authentication problems. However, existing PUFs consume high power and they suffer from the problem of generating unreliable bits. This dissertation have addressed this issue in PUFs by designing a novel adiabatic logic based PUF. The time ramp voltages in adiabatic PUF is utilized to improve the reliability of the PUF along with its energy-efficiency. Reliability of the adiabatic logic based PUF proposed in this dissertation is tested through simulation based temperature variations and supply voltage variations.

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