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Hodnocení růstu a management druhu Phellodendron amurense Rupr. na k.ú. Kostomlaty nad LabemDanzer, Martin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Hodnocení dřevin a jejich management v přírodní rezervaci Bartošovický luhBršťák, Petr January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Stanovení ohroženosti pozemků vodní erozí na vybraném územíVlčková, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of land vulnerability by water erosion in the area of Luh water stream. The area is located next to the Březník and Kuroslepy village in the Vysočina region. Part of the thesis is also the suggestion of the suitable soil protection measures based on the computed analysis. The first part of the thesis consists of the literature review of selected topic and the characteristics of the study area. The second part of the thesis consists of the methodology of the land vulnerability evaluation applied by the "Universal Soil Loss Equation" (USLE Equation) from authors Wishmeier and Smith. Individual factors of the USLE Equation and final result of the analytical process (long-term average annual soil loss) were calculated in ArcGIS software, LS converter software and USLE2D software. Databases ZABAGED(R), BPEJ and DIBAVOD were used as the input data. Subsequently the results visualization into several thematic maps and analytical evaluation (discussion) was done.
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Projekt řešení navrhovaného interakčního prvku v EVL Valtrovický luh v k.ú. ValtroviceSochor, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to compare the design of large pools in the plan of joint facilities of the KoPÚ municipality of Valtrovice with the proposal of small pools (my proposal) and zero variation. Assessing their positive and negative aspects and evaluating the most optimal proposal. The territory is located in the Natura 2000 system, as EVL Valtrovický luh, so nature conservation interests is very important. Another objective was the creation of a project of the pool, which is enclosed in the form of project documentation. The most suitable solution of the three variants seems to be a variant of small pools, especially in terms of protection of nature and landscape, increasing biodiversity and preserving the original loose tree vegetation. The variation of the large pools was assessed as inappropriate especially from point of view the protection of nature, ecology and technical parameters of the design. Zero variant does not suit the territorial plan and the interests of the municipality that proposes to establish a wetland here.
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Identification Of The Transcriptional Co-Repressor Complex And Its Functions In Arabidopsis thalianaShrestha, Barsha 16 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Šíření invazních druhů podél lesních komunikací v nížinném luhuBarinová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the spread of invasive plant species in lowland floodplain of the lower Podyjí in connection with a network of roads and other factors that are important for the incidence of non-native plants. The first, theoretical part deals with the history of the study area and the characteristics of natural conditions. Also deals with management of the area. The second part focuses on methodology, analysis of data and evaluation of results. Thesis also tries to find an connection among usage of the area by human and a spread of invasive species. Thesis includes an attachment that contains all the data that could not be added to main work.
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Construction of Fuzzy Queues陳奕至, Chen,Yi-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 模糊等候,最佳化。 / Queueing models for analyzing the possible delay of tasks have
been studied for past several decades. Since then, the average
time spent in the system and the average time spent in queue have become two of the most fundamental quantities describing a
queueing system's behavior. In additional to the delay of tasks,
we consider the satisfaction of customers affected by several
factors in system. Since the satisfaction reflects the arrival rate and service rate, the arrival rate and the service rate seem more close to the fuzzy sets. We construct a fuzzy queueing model and introduce an optimization problem of a fuzzy queue. The objective of this optimization problem is to present an approach that analyzes the model and decide the optimal number of servers while minimizing the total cost which is a fuzzy set. As a result, we provide a solution procedure to compute the required performance measure in a service-oriented environment.
Keywords: Fuzzy Queue, Optimization
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清代「路、佐」制度下的鄂倫春人 / The Oroncon's People under Luh-Tzuoo system in Ching dyansty鄧琪瑛, Deng, Chyi-Ing Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 鄂倫春人族源追溯及其與相關集團之融合
第一節 「鄂倫春」名稱考證: 主要從"oroncon"(鄂倫春)一音來探究它的內涵與清政權外力介入的決定性影響。
第二節 鄂倫春族源追溯: 筆者根據語言對比及從整個東北文化大環境著手的結果,認為鄂倫春人的族源應當歸屬在"女真"比較合理。
第三節 鄂倫春人與"新滿洲"及"索倫部": 筆者將透過清廷的內徙編旗與"索倫部"三者經濟互補關係,來瞭解鄂倫春人是如何融入這些相關集團。並藉由鄂倫春人及鄂溫克人的人類群體遺傳學調查來證實他們有共同的族源。
第二章 「路、佐」制度與鄂倫春人之關係
第一節 "布特哈總管衙門"與鄂倫春人之關係: 將對「路、佐」的來源作一番探討, 並對"布特哈總管衙門"的設立與目的作一說明。
第二節 "雅法罕鄂倫春人"之收編與設官建署:筆者根據檔案資料掌握了清廷收編的目的與經過。
第三節 鄂倫春人與貢貂:"墨凌阿鄂倫春人"和"雅法罕鄂倫春人"的貢貂方式並不相同,然而在這樣的一個媒介之下,卻使得他們與外界有更多接觸的機會, 進而改變原有的生活方式。
第三章 「路、佐」制度下鄂倫春社會之發展與變化
第一節 傳統游獵經濟的內涵與特性: 筆者主要從鄂倫春人的生態環境著手,這種形態的文化特質,具有相當穩定的氏族組織結構,但由於對大自然的絕對依賴,亦有其局限性。
第二節 原始氏族組織結構的鬆動與消亡: "佐領"的設立逐漸取代了鄂倫春社會的"穆昆達"(氏族長), 使得鄂倫春人漸漸掙脫原本以血緣關係為維繫的氏族組織。
第三節 生產力提高與私有制確立: 槍支、馬匹等生產原料的得,促使鄂倫春社會生產力提高,而原本平均分配的範圍也愈來愈趨縮小,慢慢演變的結果,勢必造成個人私有制的發達。
第四節 諳達入境與商品交換: 清廷廢除了"官方諳達"之,"私人諳達"繼之而起,這正代表著鄂倫春社會已從集體交換進入到個體交換。
第五節 棄獵歸農與雇傭關係:農業經濟的出現,帶給鄂倫春人全新的社會關係, 其社會內部亦產生了大土地經營者。但總的來說,鄂倫春社會在清廷外力的作用下,其生產結構並沒有突破性的改變,游獵經濟仍然是主要的生存模式。
第四章 「路、佐」制度之得失
第一節 「路、佐」制度之成效與缺失:筆者對清廷收編"雅法罕鄂倫春人"的既定目標及終極目標進行了一番評估,並與俄國收籠的方式相互作比較。
第二節 「路、佐」制度之影響:本節採取綜合性的探討,對「施」者-清廷影響「受」者-鄂倫春人, 提出國家認同與民族形成的看法。
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