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Injection mechanisms in Laser Wakefield AccelerationKoschitzki, Christian 02 May 2017 (has links)
Die Beschleunigung von Elektronen im Wechselwirkungsbereich hochintensiver Laserfelder mit einem Plasma wird als mögliche Alternative zu konventionellen Radiofrequenz basierten Beschleunigerkonzepten gehandelt. Die gezeigten Experimente sind die ersten Versuche zur Laser getriebenen Elektronenbeschleunigung am Max Born Institut. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konzentriere ich mich auf kontrollierte Injektion und es werden zwei verschiedene Methoden gezeigt. Die erste demonstrierte Variante einer stimulierten Injektion ist die Ionisationsinjektion, welche typischerweise zu einem kontinuierlichen Elektroneneinfang über einen ausgedehnten Bereich entlang der Propagation des Lasers führt. Die injizierten Elektronen werden dadurch über unterschiedliche Längen beschleunigt, was zu einem breiten Energiespektrum des beschleunigten Eletronenpaketes führt. Die zweite untersuchte Injektionsmethode basiert auf einem Überschallphänomen, welches eine quasi-instantane Injektion ermöglicht. Wird ein Überschall-Gasfluß durch eine scharfe Kante gestört, bildet sich ein scharfer Dichteübergang, bekannt als Schock Front, durch welchen eine Injektion stimuliert werden kann. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Machzahl der Düse bzw. die Übergangshöhe der Schock Front dazu benutzt werden können, die injizierte Ladungsmenge zu kontrollieren. Eine Erhöhung der Ladungsmenge ist dabei mit einer Erhöhung der Energiebreite verknüpft. Es wurden Elektronenstrahlen demonstriert mit weniger als 2% Energiebreite bei einer Maximalenergie von 300MeV und 5 pC Ladung. Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl bei Shock-Front Injektion als auch bei Ionisationsinjektion die emittierte Ladung pro Energieintervall und Raumwinkel konstant blieb, bei einem Wert von (0.021+-0.001) pC/MeV/mrad^2. Dass sowohl eine kontinuierliche als auch eine instantane Injektion dieselbe Korrelation zwischen Ladung, Divergenz und Energiebreite aufweisen, lässt darauf schließen, dass es sich um eine Eigenschaft der Plasmawelle selbst handelt. / The acceleration of electrons in intense laser fields interacting with a plasma is widely considered as a possible alternative to conventional RF-based accelerator concepts. The presented measurements are the first demonstration of Laser Wakefield Acceleration at the Max Born Institut and a setup was build to perform the described experiments. This thesis focuses on controlled injection and two different methods will be compared. The first method of stimulated injection, presented in this thesis, is ionization injection, which typically causes electron trapping over an extended laser propagation distance. As electrons become injected at different positions, electrons will be accelerated over different distances, yielding a wide energy spread in the emitted electron beam. The second stimulated injection method utilizes a supersonic phenomenon called shock front to stimulate a quasi-instantaneous injection. When a supersonic gas flow is disturbed by a sharp edge, a shock front is created and injection is stimulated at the crossing of the propagating laser pulse and the shock-front region. It is found that the Mach number of the flow or the density transition in the shock front respectively, can be used to tune the total charge injected. This increase in total charge comes at the expense of an increased energy spread. Electron beams are demonstrated with an energy spread of less than 2% at peak energies of 300MeV with 5 pC of charge. For the ionization injection as well as for the shock-front injection it is found, that the charge per energy interval and solid angle is constant and amounts to (0.021+-0.001) pC/MeV/mrad^2 for all observed electron beams. The continuous injection and the quasi-instantaneous injection yield the same correlation between charge, divergence and energy spread. This implies that this correlation is a property of the wakefield structure itself.
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Beam diagnostics for the Texas Petawatt Laser Wakefield Acceleration ProjectBedacht, Stefan 20 September 2010 (has links)
An overview of the beam diagnostics for the laser wakefield acceleration project at the Texas Petawatt Laser facility is presented. In this experiment, short and intense laser pulses of 165 fs and up to 190 J will be used to accelerate electrons up to the GeV energy range using laser wakefield acceleration.
The density variation of the plasma generated in a helium gas cell will be measured with different optical detection systems such as frequency domain holography. Spectra of the transmitted laser beam and optical transition radiation will yield information about the energy transfer to the plasma and the energy of the electrons, respectively. In addition, a calorimeter will measure accelerated electron energies.
Prior to the final experiment, preliminary frequency shift measurements and simulations on optical transition radiation were performed. / text
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Progress towards a demonstration of multi-pulse laser Wakefield acceleration and implementation of a single-shot Wakefield diagnosticDann, Stephen John David January 2015 (has links)
An ongoing experiment is described to demonstrate the principle of multi-pulse laser wakefield acceleration, in which a plasma wakefield is resonantly excited by a train of laser pulses, spaced by the plasma wavelength. Particle-in-cell simulations of the initial single-pulse experimental setup are presented, in order to calculate the expected signal. Preliminary results are presented and future plans, based on work done so far, are discussed. Part of this work involves the implementation of a single-shot wakefield diagnostic - frequency-domain holography, which records the phase shift caused by passage of a probe pulse through the plasma. This implementation is described in detail, along with the associated analysis procedure. Practical difficulties encountered while implementing the diagnostic are discussed, along with possible ways of mitigating them in the future. A method is presented by which the noise level in the resulting phase measurements can be predicted, much more accurately than any previously published method for this technique. Methods of generating pulse trains for use in future multi-pulse laser wakefield acceleration experiments are presented. These include techniques proposed for use in this demonstration experiment, as well as one intended for use in a dedicated high-efficiency, high repetition-rate, multi-pulse driver laser. This last method, based on programmable pulse shaping using a spatial light modulator, requires a suitable mask to be computed based on the parameters of the required pulse train; an algorithm is described to perform this computation.
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Optimal beam loading in a nanocoulomb-class laser wakefield acceleratorCouperus, Jurjen Pieter 20 November 2018 (has links)
Laser plasma wakefield accelerators have seen tremendous progress in the last years, now capable of producing electron beams in the GeV energy range. The inherent few-femtoseconds short bunch duration of these accelerators leads to ultra-high peak-currents. Reducing the energy spread found in these accelerators, while scaling their output to hundreds of kiloampere peak current would stimulate the next generation of radiation sources covering high-field THz, high-brightness X-ray and -ray sources, compact free-electron lasers and laboratory-size beam-driven plasma accelerators. At such high currents, an accelerator operates in the beam loaded regime where the accelerating field is strongly modified by the self-fields of the injected bunch, potentially deteriorating key beam parameters. However, if appropriately controlled, the beam loading effect can be employed to improve the accelerator’s performance, specifically to reduce the energy spread.
In this thesis the beam-loading effect is systematically studied at a quasi-monoenergetic nanocoulomb-class laser wakefield accelerator. For this purpose, a tailored scheme of the self-truncated ionisation injection process is introduced for the non-linear bubble regime. This scheme facilitates stable and tunable injection of high-charge electron bunches within a short and limited time-frame, ensuring low energy spread right after injection. Employing a three millimetres gas-jet acceleration medium and a moderate 150 TW short pulse laser system as driver, unprecedented charges of up to 0.5 nC within a quasi-monoenergetic peak and energies of ~0.5 GeV are achieved. Studying the beam loading mechanism, it is demonstrated that at the optimal loading condition, i.e. at a specific amount of injected charge, performance of the accelerator is optimised with a minimisation of the energy spread. At a relative energy spread of only 15%, the associated peak current is around 10 kA, while scaling this scheme to operate with a petawatt driver laser promises peak-currents up to 100 kA.
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Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulatorsDebus, Alexander 17 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation.
Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide.
In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser.
The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).
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Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulators / Brilliante Strahlungsquellen durch Laser-Plasma Beschleuniger und optische UndulatorenDebus, Alexander 15 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich in Experiment und Theorie mit Laser-Plasma beschleunigten Elektronen und optischen Undulatoren zur Erzeugung von brillianter Synchrotronstrahlung. Zum ersten Mal wird experimentell nachgewießen, dass laserbeschleunigte Elektronenpulse kürzer als 30 fs sind. Ferner werden solche Elektronenpulse erstmalig in einem Demonstrationsexperiment durch einen magnetischen Undulator als Synchrotronstrahlenquelle genutzt.
Aufbauend auf diesen experimentellen Erkenntnissen, sowie umfangreichen numerischen Simulationen zur Thomsonstreuung, werden die theoretischen Grundlagen einer neuartigen Interaktionsgeometrie für Laser-Materie Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Diese neue, in der Anwendbarkeit sehr allgemeine Methode basiert auf raum-zeitlicher Laserpulsformung durch nichtlineare Winkeldispersion wie diese durch VLS- (varied-line spacing) Gitter erzeugt werden kann und hat den Vorteil nicht durch die Fokussierbarkeit des Lasers (Rayleighlänge) begrenzt zu sein. Zusammen mit laserbeschleunigten Elektronen ermöglicht dieser traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) benannte Ansatz neuartige, nur auf optischer Technologie basierende Synchrotronstrahlenquellen mit Zentimeter bis Meter langen optische Undulatoren. Die hierbei mit existierenden Lasern erzielbaren Brillianzen übersteigen diese bestehender Thomsonquellen-Designs um 2-3 Größenordnungen.
Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse weisen weit über die Grenzen der vorliegenden Arbeit hinaus. Die Möglichkeit Laser als Teilchenbeschleuniger und auch optischen Undulator zu verwenden führt zu bauartbedingt sehr kompakten und energieeffizienten Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen. Die hieraus resultierende monochromatische Strahlung hoher Brillianz in einem Wellenlängenbereich von extremen ultraviolett (EUV) zu harten Röntgenstrahlen ist für die Grundlagenforschung, medizinische Anwendungen, Material- und Lebenswissenschaften von fundamentaler Bedeutung und wird maßgeblich zu einer neuen Generation ultrakurzer Strahlungsquellen und freien Elektronenlasern (FELs) beitragen. / This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation.
Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide.
In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser.
The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).
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Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulatorsDebus, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation.
Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide.
In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser.
The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).
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Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulatorsDebus, Alexander 18 April 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich in Experiment und Theorie mit Laser-Plasma beschleunigten Elektronen und optischen Undulatoren zur Erzeugung von brillianter Synchrotronstrahlung. Zum ersten Mal wird experimentell nachgewießen, dass laserbeschleunigte Elektronenpulse kürzer als 30 fs sind. Ferner werden solche Elektronenpulse erstmalig in einem Demonstrationsexperiment durch einen magnetischen Undulator als Synchrotronstrahlenquelle genutzt.
Aufbauend auf diesen experimentellen Erkenntnissen, sowie umfangreichen numerischen Simulationen zur Thomsonstreuung, werden die theoretischen Grundlagen einer neuartigen Interaktionsgeometrie für Laser-Materie Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Diese neue, in der Anwendbarkeit sehr allgemeine Methode basiert auf raum-zeitlicher Laserpulsformung durch nichtlineare Winkeldispersion wie diese durch VLS- (varied-line spacing) Gitter erzeugt werden kann und hat den Vorteil nicht durch die Fokussierbarkeit des Lasers (Rayleighlänge) begrenzt zu sein. Zusammen mit laserbeschleunigten Elektronen ermöglicht dieser traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) benannte Ansatz neuartige, nur auf optischer Technologie basierende Synchrotronstrahlenquellen mit Zentimeter bis Meter langen optische Undulatoren. Die hierbei mit existierenden Lasern erzielbaren Brillianzen übersteigen diese bestehender Thomsonquellen-Designs um 2-3 Größenordnungen.
Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse weisen weit über die Grenzen der vorliegenden Arbeit hinaus. Die Möglichkeit Laser als Teilchenbeschleuniger und auch optischen Undulator zu verwenden führt zu bauartbedingt sehr kompakten und energieeffizienten Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen. Die hieraus resultierende monochromatische Strahlung hoher Brillianz in einem Wellenlängenbereich von extremen ultraviolett (EUV) zu harten Röntgenstrahlen ist für die Grundlagenforschung, medizinische Anwendungen, Material- und Lebenswissenschaften von fundamentaler Bedeutung und wird maßgeblich zu einer neuen Generation ultrakurzer Strahlungsquellen und freien Elektronenlasern (FELs) beitragen. / This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation.
Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide.
In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser.
The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).
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