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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otimização do processo de produção e caracterização da vacina celular contra Streptococcus pneumoniae. / Optimization of the production process and characterization of Streptococcus pneumoniae whole cell vaccine.

Campos, Ivana Barros de 08 December 2014 (has links)
S. pneumoniae é um patógeno de grande impacto em saúde pública e vacinas comerciais têm cobertura limitada e alto custo. Como alternativa, desenvolveu-se uma vacina celular de baixo custo, cuja produção envolve apenas a separação das bactérias do caldo e sua inativação. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados processos descontínuo, descontínuo alimentado e contínuo com reciclo de células, cuja produção de biomassa foi 3 vezes maior que a do descontínuo. Vacinas obtidas nos 3 processos foram utilizadas em ensaios de imunização de camundongos e induziram níveis similares de IgG e IL-17A. Anticorpos ligaram-se e induziram a deposição de moléculas do sistema complemento sobre a superfície do pneumococo. Ademais, induziram fagocitose de diferentes cepas encapsuladas da bactéria. Camundongos imunizados foram protegidos contra sepse após aspiração da cepa virulenta WU2. Portanto, o processo contínuo com reciclo permitiu a obtenção de maior número de doses sem alterar a qualidade da vacina e o ensaio opsonofagocítico poderia ser utilizado como potencial correlato de proteção. / S. pneumoniae is a pathogen of great impact on public health and commercially available vaccines have limited coverage and high cost. As alternative, a low-cost whole cell vaccine was developed, whose production involves only the cell separation and inactivation. In this work, we evaluated batch, fed-batch and continuous cultivation with cell recycle. The biomass production was 3-fold higher in continuous process than batch. Vaccines obtained from these 3 processes were used to immunize mice and all vaccines induced comparable levels of IgG and IL-17A. Antibodies were able to bind and induce deposition of complement onto pneumococcal surface, besides to induce phagocytosis of several encapsulated pneumococcal strains in opsonophagocytic assays. Immunized mice were protected from fatal aspiration-sepsis using the virulent pneumococcal strain WU2. Therefore, the continuous process with cell recycle yielded a higher number of doses without altering the quality of the vaccine and opsonophagocytic assay could be used as a potential correlate of protection.

Otimização do processo de produção e caracterização da vacina celular contra Streptococcus pneumoniae. / Optimization of the production process and characterization of Streptococcus pneumoniae whole cell vaccine.

Ivana Barros de Campos 08 December 2014 (has links)
S. pneumoniae é um patógeno de grande impacto em saúde pública e vacinas comerciais têm cobertura limitada e alto custo. Como alternativa, desenvolveu-se uma vacina celular de baixo custo, cuja produção envolve apenas a separação das bactérias do caldo e sua inativação. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados processos descontínuo, descontínuo alimentado e contínuo com reciclo de células, cuja produção de biomassa foi 3 vezes maior que a do descontínuo. Vacinas obtidas nos 3 processos foram utilizadas em ensaios de imunização de camundongos e induziram níveis similares de IgG e IL-17A. Anticorpos ligaram-se e induziram a deposição de moléculas do sistema complemento sobre a superfície do pneumococo. Ademais, induziram fagocitose de diferentes cepas encapsuladas da bactéria. Camundongos imunizados foram protegidos contra sepse após aspiração da cepa virulenta WU2. Portanto, o processo contínuo com reciclo permitiu a obtenção de maior número de doses sem alterar a qualidade da vacina e o ensaio opsonofagocítico poderia ser utilizado como potencial correlato de proteção. / S. pneumoniae is a pathogen of great impact on public health and commercially available vaccines have limited coverage and high cost. As alternative, a low-cost whole cell vaccine was developed, whose production involves only the cell separation and inactivation. In this work, we evaluated batch, fed-batch and continuous cultivation with cell recycle. The biomass production was 3-fold higher in continuous process than batch. Vaccines obtained from these 3 processes were used to immunize mice and all vaccines induced comparable levels of IgG and IL-17A. Antibodies were able to bind and induce deposition of complement onto pneumococcal surface, besides to induce phagocytosis of several encapsulated pneumococcal strains in opsonophagocytic assays. Immunized mice were protected from fatal aspiration-sepsis using the virulent pneumococcal strain WU2. Therefore, the continuous process with cell recycle yielded a higher number of doses without altering the quality of the vaccine and opsonophagocytic assay could be used as a potential correlate of protection.

Immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae polysaccharide vaccination and antigen-selected B cells in highly susceptible individuals

Leggat, David Jason 20 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Einfluss von "Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide" und "Substance P" auf die mRNA-Expression und Freisetzung von Zytokinen aus zerebralen Endothelzellen bei Kostimulation mit Pneumokokkenzellwänden

Sehmsdorf, Ute-Stephani 22 October 2001 (has links)
Die bakterielle Meningitis (BM) ist trotz antibiotischer Therapie eine Erkrankung mit einer hohen Mortalität und Morbidität. Kopfschmerzen und Meningismus sind Hauptsymtome und ein klinischer Hinweis für die Aktivierung trigeminaler Fasern. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu prüfen ob die freigesetzten Neuropeptide einen proinflammatorischen Effekt auf zerebrale Endothelzellen, einen wesentlichem Bestandteil der Blut-Hirn-Schranke haben. Wir verwendeten primär kultivierte zerebrale Kapillarendothelzellen (BMEC) der Ratte und als Stimulus Neuropeptide und/oder Pneumokokkenzellwände (PCW). Beide Neuropeptide, CGRP mehr als SP, verstärken den Effekt von PCW auf die mRNA Expression und Freisetzung von TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10 und MIP-2 aus den BMEC. CGRP und SP haben nur eine geringe Wirkung. PCW regulieren die Dichte der CRLR (CGRP1-R) bzw. NK-1 Rezeptoren und erklären damit die kostimulatorische Wirkung. Zudem untersuchten wir den Effekt von PCW und/oder CGRP auf die Adrenomedullin (AM)- Synthese. AM ist ein vasodilatorisch wirkendes Peptid, dass vorwiegend in Endothelzellen konstitutiv gebildet wird und am CRLR Rezeptor wirkt. PCW und CGRP verstärken die Synthese von AM. Mit dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass PCW zur Hochregulation von Neuropeptidrezeptoren führt und CGRP und SP über diese Rezeptoren einen modulatorischen Effekt auf die Zytokinproduktion in BMEC haben. Ein genaues Verständnis dieser Interaktionen könnte die Entwicklung immunmodulatorischer Interventionen und damit eine Verbesserung der Prognose der bakteriellen Meningitis bewirken. / Despite antibiotic treatment bacterial meningitis is still associated with a high mortality and morbidity. Headache and meningismus as key symptoms, provide clear evidence for the activation of trigeminal nerve fibers. Aim of the study was to test whether the released neuropeptides have a proinflammatory effect in cerebral endothelial cells the major compartment of the blood brain barrier. We used primary brain microvascular endothelial cells of the rat (BMEC) which were stimulated with CGRP, SP and/or pneumococcal cell walls (PCW). Both neuropeptides CGRP more than SP enhanced PCW-induced mRNA expression and the release of TNF-alpha, IL-1-beta, IL-6, IL-10 and MIP-2. Neuropeptides alone were not able to induce these cytokines. PCW upregulate the density of CRLR receptor and regulate the NK-1 receptor and therefore may explain the costimulatory effect. Furthermore the effect of PCW and/or CGRP on adrenomedullin synthesis in BMEC was investigated. Adrenomedullin is a vasodilatatory peptide, which is constitutivly produced by endothelial cells and act on the CRLR receptor. PCW as well as CGRP enhance the synthesis of AM. Our data suggest that PCW upregulate neuropeptide receptors and modulate via these specific receptors the cytokine production. A detailed understanding of these interactions may open new immunmodulatory interventions and therefore may contribute to a better prognosis of bacterial meningitis.

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