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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

reInterpret deIndustrial Dominion Bridge

Bonnetta, Elizabeth M. 21 January 2008 (has links)
This project explores a reinterpretation process of a deindustrial site through landscape architecture. By using the industrial process to guide the formation of the landscape, spaces, and experiences, a semi-abandoned industrial site is transformed into a cultural park. The purpose of the project is to articulate the intriguing qualities of a deindustrial site and respond to them through a design process that is sensitive to the history and character of the site, while allowing contemporary uses and experiences to evolve.

reInterpret deIndustrial Dominion Bridge

Bonnetta, Elizabeth M. 21 January 2008 (has links)
This project explores a reinterpretation process of a deindustrial site through landscape architecture. By using the industrial process to guide the formation of the landscape, spaces, and experiences, a semi-abandoned industrial site is transformed into a cultural park. The purpose of the project is to articulate the intriguing qualities of a deindustrial site and respond to them through a design process that is sensitive to the history and character of the site, while allowing contemporary uses and experiences to evolve.

The neural bases of consciousness in the healthy and in the pathological brain / Les corrélates neuronales de la conscience chez les sujets sains et les patients atteints de lésions cérébrales traumatiques

Corazzol, Martina 21 December 2017 (has links)
L'étude de la conscience est un sujet d'investigation fascinant avec un large champ d'applications et d'implications. Les processus de la conscience peuvent être divisés en deux composantes indépendantes quoiqu'intimement liées : l'état conscient et le contenu conscient. L'état conscient correspond aux processus de variation de la vigilance, tandis que le contenu conscient fait référence aux expériences sensorielles perçues et manipulées dans un espace conscient. Bien que la conscience soit un élément essentiel de la cognition humaine, qui conditionne ce que les gens vivent et peuvent se remémorer, la légitimité et le bien-fondé de l'analyse scientifique et rigoureuse des corrélats neuronaux de la conscience soulèvent encore des débats houleux. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, j'utilise un célèbre paradigme de conflit sensorimoteur pour identifier des corrélats neuronaux de l'émergence de la conscience. Les travaux initiés par Torstein Nielsen (Nielsen 1963) ont démontré que la majorité des traitements sensorimoteurs s'effectuent sans nécessiter une analyse consciente. L'émergence de phénomènes conscients apparaissant à partir d'un seuil subjectif de conflit sensori-moteur appelé point d'égalité subjective. A partir d'enregistrements électroencéphalographiques, effectués chez une population de sujets adultes, il est possible d'identifier des sources d'activités corticales indépendantes des intensités des stimulations sensorielles expérimentées et spécifiques de l'émergence d'une sensation perçue consciemment. Ainsi, j'ai pu démontrer que le précuneus était une structure centrale dans les processus qui transforment un conflit sensorimoteur en une expérience consciente. J'ai également étudié ce phénomène d'un point de vue développemental en examinant les performances comportementales et des enregistrements EEG recueillies chez l'enfant. Bien que le moment de la correction du mouvement et la qualité du tracé de la trajectoire étaient similaires aux données mesurées chez les sujets adultes, le seuil de conscience motrice s'est montré plus élevé et l'activité du cortex pariétal n'a pas été retrouvée. En revanche, l'aire motrice supplémentaire a été identiée comme un corrélat important de l'émergence d'une sensation consciente d'un conflit sensorimoteur chez l'enfant. Dans une seconde partie, mes travaux ont été consacrés à l'hypothèse audacieuse qu'une stimulation électrique du nerf vague pourrait modifier l'état de conscience d'un patient se trouvant dans un état végétatif depuis 15 ans. Nous rapportons les effets bénéfiques observés après cette thérapeutique expérimentale au niveau comportemental, clinique et neurophysiologiques. Les enregistrements EEG et les méthodes de mesure de connectivité fonctionnelle m'ont permis d'observer chez ce patient une augmentation du partage d'informations corticales particulièrement importante dans les régions pariétales. L'effet de la stimulation a été également confirmé par d'autres méthodes. L'imagerie métabolique a montré une augmentation généralisée de l'activité corticale et sous-corticale et les évaluations cliniques par la CRS-R ont montré une amélioration de l'état de conscience corrélée aux observations électroencéphalographiques. Ces changements induits par la stimulation du nerf vague sont prometteurs car les modifications cérébrales observées sont caractéristiques de l'amélioration des états de conscience chez les patients gravement cérébrolésés. L'ensemble de ces résultats suggèrent que le lobe pariétal constitue à la fois un corrélat important de l'état de conscience et du contenu conscient, faisant de cette région une composante essentielle de l'émergence de la conscience. De plus, nos résultats préliminaires suggèrent que la conscience peut être, au moins partiellement, restaurée. Cette découverte ouvre de toutes nouvelles perspectives pour le futur des recherches en neurosciences où, l'hypothèse d'une modulation de la plasticité cérébrale avait été oubliée / The study of consciousness is a fascinating topic of investigation with a wide field of applications and implications. Consciousness processes can be divided into two orthogonal though intimately linked components: the conscious state, that is the state of vigilance or arousal, and the conscious content which refers to the external inputs perceived and manipulated in a conscious space. Although consciousness represents the most important human dimension where people's personal events are continuously experienced and remembered, it is somewhat surprising that its underlying neural processes still sparks lot of debates. In the first part of this PhD thesis, I took advantage from a well-known sensorimotor conflict paradigm, the Nielsen task, to investigate the neural correlates of the emergence of consciousness. Starting from the principle that much of motor processing occurs outside of awareness, I adapted the Nielsen paradigm to neurally investigate how the perception of a motor conflict in healthy subjects smoothly shifted along the unaware/aware state (i.e. point of subjective equality). Using EEG recordings, I then identify the brain sources which I consider the neural fingerprint of awareness. I found that the precuneus was critical for bringing the sensorimotor conflict into awareness. I also investigated this issue from a developmental perspective by examining the performance of healthy children. Although the timing of movement correction and the quality of movement trajectory in children was similar to adult subjects, motor awareness was shifted towards higher perception thresholds while parietal cortex activity was not found. Rather, children's response to conflict awareness was linked to SMA. After having addressed the topic of awareness in this first part, I will focus more on the second component, wakefulness. Usually these two components evolve together, however there are some pathological states in which they can be dissociated. It is the case for vegetative state patients who experience a state of wakefulness without awareness. In the second part of the thesis, I investigated the challenging hypothesis of a potential return to a conscious state, in a patient lying in a vegetative state for 15 years, after vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). We report beneficial effects of VNS including improved behavioural responsiveness and reinforced brain connectivity patterns as key signs of increased consciousness. The results showed an increase of information sharing a measure of functional connectivity particularly prominent across centro-posterior regions. Converging findings, coming from different methods, showed that VNS promoted the spread of cortical signals and metabolism which we found correlated with behavioural improvement as measured with the CRS-R scale. The VNS-induced changes are promising since they seem to follow an already known connectivity pattern characterizing state of consciousness improvements. Taken together, these findings indicate that the parietal lobe constitutes the neural correlate of both state and content-specific consciousness and suggest that this region is a "hot zone" for its emergence. Moreover, our first findings in a vegetative state patient also suggest that consciousness can be potentially repaired, thus opening the way to a new avenue of research in a domain where brain plasticity was underestimated

Une nouvelle génération d'écrivains sardes. Entre langue italienne et "limba" : les formes et les raisons d'une caractérisation régionale / A new generation of contemporary Sardinian writers in between Italian and limba : forms and reasons for a regional characterization / Una nuova generazione di scrittori sardi. Tra lingua italiana e «limba». : le forme e le ragioni di una caratterizzazione regionale

Nieddu, Laura 30 March 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'étudier le phénomène littéraire défini comme la «nouvelle vague sarde», et plus particulièrement les formes et les raisons du mélange linguistique sarde/italien, qui caractérisent les œuvres des écrivains sardes publiées entre 1995 et 2010. A travers une analyse diachronique et synchronique de la littérature de la Sardaigne nous voulons montrer qu'on ne peut pas parler d'une vraie nouveauté ni d'une tendance unitaire telle qu'on puisse parler d’une «vague». En effet, cette «renaissance littéraire sarde» correspond à l'exploit simultané de quelques auteurs, qui profitent d'un climat de forte vitalité, au niveau national, des langues régionales, mais, surtout, d'une nouvelle liberté expressive, inaugurée par les romans de Sergio Atzeni au milieu des années 1990. Même s'il existe des différences remarquables parmi les formes et les effets liés au mélange linguistique utilisé dans les romans pris en examen, cette caractéristique du panorama littéraire contemporain sarde met en évidence une attention spéciale, de la part des auteurs, pour la langue parlée sur l'île dans les époques racontées, qu'il s'agisse du sarde ou de l'italien régional sarde. De plus, le choix du mélange de sarde et d’italien souligne la valeur attribuée aux formes expressives typiques de la Sardaigne, dans le cadre d'une représentation des particularités et des problématiques internes, liées aux relations entre le progrès et la tradition. / This thesis aims to study the literary phenomenon called «Sardinia nouvelle vague» and more particularly the forms and reasons of linguistic mixture between Sardinian and Italian, which characterize the works of Sardinian writers published between 1995 and 2010. Through a diachronic and synchronic study of Sardinian literature we want to show that we are not talking about something new. In fact, the "Sardinian literary renaissance" is the exploit of some authors who take advantage of a climate of strong national vitality, of regional languages, but, above all, a new freedom of expression, inaugurated by the works of Sergio Atzeni in the mid 90s. Despite significant differences in the forms and effects of mixture of language used in novels examined, this feature of the contemporary Sardinian literary scene marks a special attention by the authors to the language spoken on the island in different eras portrayed, whether it's Sardinian, regional Sardinian or Italian. Moreover, the choice of the mix of Sardinian and Italian emphasizes the value attributed to the forms of expression typical of Sardinia as part of a representation of the peculiarities and internal issues, related to the relationship between progress and tradition.

Immigration et insertion professionnelle : le cas des Haïtiens arrivés au Québec après le tremblement de terre de 2010

Amazan, Winie 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Neurčité dovětky v angličtině a v češtině / General extenders in English and in Czech

Novotný, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Pervasive in spontaneous informal conversation, general extenders (GEs) are vague multiword expressions (e.g. or something (like that), and stuff (like that) vs. nebo něco (takovýho), a tak(ový věci)) that have been shown to fulfil a number of communicative functions, ranging from propositional to expressive. But while the English extenders have received a lot of meticulous attention in nearly four decades of research, the corresponding Czech constructions remain largely overlooked (perhaps with the exception of Tárnyiková 2009 and Novotný & Malá 2018). The current study aims to (1) present a wide range of English and Czech GE forms (collected using the method of collocational frames (Aijmer 2015) and then categorised according to structural similarities, thus suggesting possible GE patterns); and (2) examine their communicative functions in contemporary English and Czech as represented in comparable corpora of informal spoken discourse (Spoken BNC2014 and ORAL2013, respectively). Relying extensively on functional frameworks introduced in previous research (e.g. Overstreet 1999, 2014), this study confirms what has been known about English GEs and investigates the degree of applicability to the respective Czech constructions. A close qualitative analysis of some of the collected GE forms (in total,...

Sítios saturados : intervenções em vazios urbanos

Martins, Elisa Toschi January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho dedica-se à temática da intervenção através de projetos desenvolvidos a partir de preexistências e relacionados à apropriação de espaços abandonados: vazios urbanos. Abordam-se questões relacionadas à paisagem urbana e à inserção de edifícios icônicos como estratégias de requalificação e potencialização de contextos existentes, agregando novos programas e complexidades. Aos fragmentos teóricos acerca do tema, sobrepõe-se o desafio de estudar as dinâmicas da cidade contemporânea e os confrontamentos e sobreposições entre concepções de cidade moderna e tradicional. Entre as obras relevantes ao estudo, foram selecionados três projetos do escritório paulista Brasil Arquitetura e três projetos do escritório suíço Herzog & de Meuron para compor os contextos nacionais e internacionais respectivamente. Os estudos de caso são contextualizados por um panorama de obras a fim de ressaltar a importância e a pertinência do tema. Propõe-se uma aproximação entre os projetos selecionados considerando a interação destes com a identidade histórica e a memória urbana, evidenciando-se o conceito de lugar. A pesquisa sugere o reconhecimento da arquitetura como ferramenta de intervenção no existente, sem, entretanto, analisar critérios e procedimentos intervencionistas. Assim, investiga-se as relações entre teoria e a prática projetual considerando-se a produção recente e novos conceitos propostos pela sobreposição de camadas do construído. / This study comprises the theme of intervention through projects developed based on preexistences and associated with the appropriation of abandoned spaces: urban voids. It deals with issues related to urban landscape and to the incorporation of iconic buildings as strategies of requalification and potentiality of existing contexts, adding new programs and complexities. To the theoretical fragments regarding the theme, it is added the challenge of studying contemporary city dynamics and the confrontations and overlappings between modern and traditional city concepts. Among the pertinent works to this study, three projects from the São Paulo-based office, Brasil Arquitetura, and three projects from the Swiss-based office, Herzog & de Meuron, were selected to compose the national and international contexts, respectively. The case studies are contextualized by a panorama of works in order to highlight the importance and relevance of the subject. It is proposed an approach between the projects selected taking into account their interaction with the historical identity and the urban memory, evidencing the concept of place. This study suggests the acknowledgment of architecture as a tool of intervention on the existing context without, however, analyzing interventionist criteria and procedures. Therefore, it investigates the relationship between theory and design practice considering the recent architectural production and new concepts proposed by superposition of layers of built.

IRM fonctionnelle chez le rat : défis méthodologiques / Functional MRI of the rat : a Methodological Challenge

Reyt, Sébastien 09 November 2012 (has links)
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf ) permet de détecter sur le cerveau entier des activations neuronales en réponse à un stimulus, par le biais de l'observation des modifications hémodynamiques occasionnées. En particulier, l'IRMf est un outil de choix pour l'étude des mécanismes de la stimulation cérébrale profonde et de la stimulation du nerf vague qui sont encore mal connus. Cependant, cette technique n'est pas facilement utilisable chez l'homme en raison des problèmes de sécurité vis-à-vis de l'action des champs magnétiques intenses utilisés en IRM au niveau des électrodes implantées. Les développements méthodologiques chez l'animal sont donc nécessaires. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est l'étude des mécanismes à distance de la stimulation du système nerveux central et périphérique par IRMf chez le rat. Nous présentons dans un premier temps les séquences IRM rapides utilisées en IRMf, comme l'Echo-Planar Imaging multishot, permettant d'imager le cerveau entier en 1 à 2 secondes seulement, ainsi que les différents problèmes posés par l'utilisation de ces séquences, comme les artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique. Le couplage des séquences développées durant cette thèse avec des mesures électrophysiologiques a notamment permis l'imagerie des réseaux épileptiques chez le rat. Dans un second temps, nous développons les problèmes posés par la préparation animale, particulière en IRMf de par le fait que le couplage neurovasculaire doit être préservé sous anesthésie afin de préserver les activations neuronales. Après comparaison avec les anesthésies à l'isoflurane et la kétamine, nous avons déduit que la médétomidine constituait un anesthésique de choix pour l'IRMf du rongeur, et précisons le protocole de préparation animale utilisé pour l'imagerie. De plus, les électrodes utilisées en stimulation intracérébrale induisent des artefacts importants en imagerie, et des électrodes constituées de matériaux amagnétiques sont nécessaires. Nous expliquons pourquoi nous avons choisi des électrodes en carbone, et présentons le protocole de fabrication utilisé. Nous avons ensuite validé ces développements méthodologiques par des expériences d'IRMf de challenges hypercapniques et de stimulation de la patte chez le rat. Puis nous avons conduit une étude IRMf approfondie des mécanismes d'action de la stimulation du nerf vague, en s'intéressant à la distinction entre activations neuronales et effets cardiovasculaires confondants par modélisation causale dynamique. Nous présentons aussi des résultats en IRMf de la stimulation électrique intracérébrale chez le rat. Plusieurs cibles ont été stimulées (noyau géniculé dorso-latéral, gyrus dentelé, striatum et thalamus), et des activations ont été obtenues à distance de l'électrode, conformément aux connaissances actuelles sur les connexions neuroanatomiques de ces noyaux. Ainsi, nous avons mis au point et validé l'IRMf du rat et son application à la stimulation électrique du système nerveux périphérique et central. / Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can detect neuronal activations in the entire brain, in response to a stimulus, through the observation of subsequent hemodynamic changes. In particular, fMRI is a good tool for studying the mechanisms of deep brain stimulation and vagus nerve stimulation, which are still poorly understood. However, this technique is not readily usable in humans because of safety concerns towards the action of the strong magnetic fields used in MRI on implanted electrodes. Indeed, methodological developments in animals are needed. The main goal of this thesis is to study the mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous system stimulation in rats by fMRI. First, fast MRI sequences used in fMRI are exposed, such as multishot Echo-Planar Imaging, allowing to image the entire brain in a couple of seconds. Various imaging problems posed by these sequences, such as magnetic susceptibility artifacts, are also presented. These sequences, developed during this thesis, associated with electrophysiological measurements, allowed imaging of epileptic networks in the rat. Secondly, animal preparation is developped, as it is peculiar in fMRI : neuronal activations, as well as neurovascular coupling, must be preserved under anesthesia. Compared to anesthesia by isoflurane and ketamine, it was concluded that medetomidine was an anesthetic of choice for fMRI of the rodent, and the protocol used for animal preparation for imaging is specified. Furthermore, the electrodes used in deep brain stimulation induce significant artifacts in MRI images, and electrodes made of amagnetic materials are needed. Our choice of carbon electrodes is explained, and the manufacturing protocol used is exposed. These methodological developments were then validated in fMRI experiments of hypercapnic challenges and forepaw stimulation. Finally, an fMRI experiment studying mechanisms of action of vagus nerve stimulation was conducted, focusing on the distinction between neuronal activations and confounding cardiovascular effects by dynamic causal modeling. Also, results on fMRI of deep brain stimulation in rats are presented. Several targets were stimulated (dorsolateral geniculate nucleus, dentate gyrus, striatum and thalamus), and activations were obtained at a distance from the electrode. Results were in accordance with current knowledge on neuroanatomical connections of these nuclei. Thus, we developed and validated fMRI of the rat and its application to electrical stimulation of peripheral and central nervous system.

Incorporando dados espaciais vagos em data warehouses geográficos: a proposta do tipo abstrato de dados vaguegeometry

Carniel, Anderson Chaves 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:06:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6327.pdf: 10668384 bytes, checksum: 806ac414d43596c366d93b4bfc0febe0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-09 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / A data warehouse is a solution for organizing and storing multidimensional data related to decision-making processes in companies, generating a historical, highly voluminous, subject-oriented and nonvolatile database. A geographic data warehouse (GDW) additio¬nally to the conventional data storage (i.e. numeric and alphanumeric data), stores spatial data as attributes in dimension tables or as measures in fact tables, storing data represented by geometries. Points, lines and polygons are examples of spatial data types. While spatial data currently stored in GDWs are crisp, i.e., they have exact location in the space, strict interiors and well-defined boundaries, geographic applications have required the storage of vague spatial data, which have inaccurate location, inexact interiors or uncertain bounda¬ries. This Master s research aims at incorporating vague spatial data to GDWs. More speci¬fically, we propose and implement a new abstract data type (ADT) called VagueGeometry to represent vague spatial data in the Spatial Database Management System (SDBMS) Post- greSQL/PostGIS. The proposal of the ADT VagueGeometry encompasses the issue of phy¬sical storage for vague spatial data, which are complex and can have several disjoint parts. It also focuses on definitions of operations to handle vague spatial objects, such as vague topological predicates and its operators. Experimental evaluations were conducted in order to assess the performance of the ADT VagueGeometry in comparison to available solutions, such as implementation of vague topological predicates utilizing existing operations of the PostGIS. The proposed ADT VagueGeometry shown reductions in query processing with vague topological predicates from 81.63% to 90.34% in spatial databases and reductions from 92.46% a 95.20% in GDW environments. This Master s project, therefore, advances in the state of art in GDWs to study this gap in the literature. Additionally, fuzzy models to represent vague spatial data was also studied, and as a result, a preliminary proposal of a ADT, called as FuzzyGeometry, was also developed. / Um data warehouse é uma solução para a organização e o armazenamento de dados mul-tidimensionais relacionados a tomada de decisão estratégica em empresas, constituindo um banco de dados histórico, volumoso, orientado ao assunto e não volátil. Um data warehouse geográfico (DWG) adicionalmente ao armazenamento de dados convencionais (tais como dados numéricos e alfanuméricos), armazena dados espaciais como atributos em tabelas de dimensão ou como medidas em tabelas de fatos, ou seja, armazena dados representados por meio de geometrias. Pontos, linhas e polígonos são exemplos de dados espaciais armazena¬dos. Enquanto estes dados armazenados atualmente em DWGs sao crisp, ou seja, possuem localização, interiores e fronteiras bem definidas, aplicações geográficas tem demandado o armazenamento de dados espaciais vagos, os quais possuem localização, interiores ou fronteiras incertas. Esta pesquisa de mestrado visa incorporar dados espaciais vagos em DWGs. Mais especificamente, foi proposto e implementado um novo tipo abstrato de dados (TAD), denominado VagueGeometry, para representar dados espaciais vagos no Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados (SGBD) PostgreSQL com a extensão espacial PostGIS. A proposta do TAD VagueGeometry engloba a proposta de uma forma de armazenamento interna para os dados espaciais vagos, os quais são complexos e podem possuir diversas partes disjuntas. Isso também inclui a definição de operações para manipular objetos espa¬ciais vagos, tais como os relacionamentos topológicos vagos e seus operadores. Avaliações experimentais foram conduzidas para medir o desempenho do TAD VagueGeometry frente a soluções existentes, tal como a implementação de predicados topológicos vagos reuti¬lizando operações existentes do PostGIS. A proposta do TAD VagueGeometry apresentou reduções no tempo de processamento de predicados topológicos vagos de 81,63% a 90,34% em bancos de dados espaciais e reduções de 92,46% a 95,20% em ambientes de DWG. Este trabalho, portanto, avança no estado da arte em DWGs de forma a preencher essa lacuna existente na literatura. Adicionalmente, modelos fuzzy para representação dos dados espa¬ciais vagos também foram estudados e uma proposta preliminar de um TAD, denominado FuzzyGeometry, também foi desenvolvida.

Sítios saturados : intervenções em vazios urbanos

Martins, Elisa Toschi January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho dedica-se à temática da intervenção através de projetos desenvolvidos a partir de preexistências e relacionados à apropriação de espaços abandonados: vazios urbanos. Abordam-se questões relacionadas à paisagem urbana e à inserção de edifícios icônicos como estratégias de requalificação e potencialização de contextos existentes, agregando novos programas e complexidades. Aos fragmentos teóricos acerca do tema, sobrepõe-se o desafio de estudar as dinâmicas da cidade contemporânea e os confrontamentos e sobreposições entre concepções de cidade moderna e tradicional. Entre as obras relevantes ao estudo, foram selecionados três projetos do escritório paulista Brasil Arquitetura e três projetos do escritório suíço Herzog & de Meuron para compor os contextos nacionais e internacionais respectivamente. Os estudos de caso são contextualizados por um panorama de obras a fim de ressaltar a importância e a pertinência do tema. Propõe-se uma aproximação entre os projetos selecionados considerando a interação destes com a identidade histórica e a memória urbana, evidenciando-se o conceito de lugar. A pesquisa sugere o reconhecimento da arquitetura como ferramenta de intervenção no existente, sem, entretanto, analisar critérios e procedimentos intervencionistas. Assim, investiga-se as relações entre teoria e a prática projetual considerando-se a produção recente e novos conceitos propostos pela sobreposição de camadas do construído. / This study comprises the theme of intervention through projects developed based on preexistences and associated with the appropriation of abandoned spaces: urban voids. It deals with issues related to urban landscape and to the incorporation of iconic buildings as strategies of requalification and potentiality of existing contexts, adding new programs and complexities. To the theoretical fragments regarding the theme, it is added the challenge of studying contemporary city dynamics and the confrontations and overlappings between modern and traditional city concepts. Among the pertinent works to this study, three projects from the São Paulo-based office, Brasil Arquitetura, and three projects from the Swiss-based office, Herzog & de Meuron, were selected to compose the national and international contexts, respectively. The case studies are contextualized by a panorama of works in order to highlight the importance and relevance of the subject. It is proposed an approach between the projects selected taking into account their interaction with the historical identity and the urban memory, evidencing the concept of place. This study suggests the acknowledgment of architecture as a tool of intervention on the existing context without, however, analyzing interventionist criteria and procedures. Therefore, it investigates the relationship between theory and design practice considering the recent architectural production and new concepts proposed by superposition of layers of built.

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