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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Writing exile : Fulvio Tomizza

Deganutti, Marianna January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the unusual phenomenon of exile from a frontier land, as it is explored by the work of the Istrian writer Fulvio Tomizza. It deals with the diaspora from Istria, a territory at the intersection of different civilizations – the Italian and the Croat-Slovenian – which has historically shaped a mixture of cultures and languages, remarkable for its hybridity. The massive exile which took place at the end of the Second World War, after the redefinition of the Italo-Yugoslav border, presents original features which, by taking advantage of the narrative tool, overturn traditional parameters attributed to exile. Focusing on Fulvio Tomizza’s novels Materada, La ragazza di Petrovia and L’albero dei sogni, and also on some of his most significant essays, I will seek to outline the specific traits that typify the detachment from one’s own native country. In particular, I shall suggest that identity and idioms are called into question even before characters have left their homeland. In addition, exile begins with a clarification of characters’ sense of belonging, which inevitably leads them to split, making the choice of whether to abandon the home country even more complicated. Once abroad, characters will develop a deep sense of estrangement, dictated by the impossibility of fitting into any other context, which will eventually drive them to a double, parallel, unsuccessful exile. In order to investigate fully the characteristics of Fulvio Tomizza’s exile, I will employ some linguistic postulates to examine the bilingualism and diglossia of the origins. The theoretical approaches of Edward Said, Sigmund Freud and Julia Kristeva will be used to inform my analysis of the more subtle mechanisms which rule exile, starting with doubleness and examining the dynamics which commonly characterize the exilic experience, including those in relation to the elaboration of the narrative itself. The novelty of this work lies in its approach to exile without preconceived arguments, which run the risk of limiting the analysis of the topic, and in the exploration of the most crucial aspects of a frontier land shaken by a territorial redefinition. This thesis also aims to reallocate the figure of Fulvio Tomizza, who has as yet not been investigated in any significant manner, most often being neglected or misunderstood. The aim is also to highlight one of the most European writers of the Italian second Novecento and his relationship with Eastern European languages and literatures.

Langue nationale et plurilinguisme en Tanzanie : une ethnographie des pratiques chez les Hehe d’Iringa / National language and plurilingualism in Tanzania : an ethnography of the practices among the Hehe of Iringa

Gernez, Nathaniel 08 June 2017 (has links)
Cette étude se propose d’aborder, par l’ethnographie, les pratiques plurilingues des Hehe, une population vivant dans la région d’Iringa située sur les hautes terres du sud de la Tanzanie. Ce pays d’une grande diversité linguistique a forgé son unité nationale sur la promotion et l’idéologisation d’une langue particulière, le kiswahili. L’idéologie linguistique dominante qui découle de cette histoire singulière, déconsidère les langues locales et occulte la réalité des pratiques plurilingues du quotidien. D’où le projet d’interroger les choix linguistiques et le recours à l’alternance codique (principalement entre le kihehe et le kiswahili, plus rarement l’anglais) dans deux villages de la région d’Iringa : à L’École, primaire et secondaire, à l’Église, catholique et protestante, dans une radio locale, au centre d’un village, chez des particuliers, au sein d’un groupe de jeunes et dans des bars d’alcool artisanal. L’analyse de ces interactions permet d’appréhender les dynamiques concurrentielles en termes de prestige et de sphères d’usage, entre le kihehe, le kiswahili et l’anglais ; de même, elle révèle par touches successives différents aspects des représentations linguistiques de nos interlocuteurs, leur attachement affectif aux langues, ainsi que la possibilité d’un positionnement identificatoire « entre les langues » mobilisé à la fois par la maîtrise du kiswahili et du kihehe. En ce sens, la présente thèse propose une contribution d’anthropologie linguistique à la question du plurilinguisme, visant à en renouveler l’approche. / This study proposes to access the plurilingual practices of the Hehe, a population that lives in the Iringa region located on the Southern Highlands of Tanzania through ethnographic research. This country possesses a great linguistic diversity and has built its national unity from promoting and ideologising one specific language: Kiswahili. The dominant linguistic ideology that stems from this singular history undermines the local languages and conceals the reality of day-to-day plurilingual practices. Hence the project to question linguistic choices and code-switching (mainly between Kihehe and Kiswahili, less frequently English) in two villages of the Iringa region and more specifically in School, primary and secondary, Church, catholic and protestant, a local radio station, at a village center, at private homes, among a group of young people, and in homemade alcool bars. The analysis of these interactions allows for an understanding of the competitive dynamics in terms of prestige and field of uses between Kihehe, Kiswahili and English; likewise, it reveals through successive steps different aspects of the linguistic representations of our interlocutors, their emotional attachment to languages, as well as the possibility of an identifiying position “between languages” activated by the mastery of both Kiswahili and Kihehe. Within this context, the present thesis proposes a linguistic anthropology contribution towards the question of plurilingualism with a view to renewing how it can be approached.

„Aber jetzt tu ich ein bisschen mélanger“ : Kommunikationsstrategien bei mehrsprachigen Kindern im reziprok-immersiver Kindergarten sowie der ersten und zweiten Klasse der Primarschule FiBi (Filière bilingue) in Biel (Schweiz) / Les stratégies communicatives d'enfants plurilingues scolarisés dans le milieu réciproque-immersif de la Filière bilingue à Bienne (Suisse) durant leur école enfantine et leurs 1ère et 2e années d'école primaire / Communication strategies utilised by plurilingual pupils in the two-way immersion program Filière bilingue in Bienne (Switzerland) from kindergarten to the end of Year 2 of primary school

Ross, Kristel 13 September 2017 (has links)
Le projet Filière Bilingue (FiBi), qui a débuté à Bienne (Suisse) en août 2010, est un programme réciproque-immersif destiné aux élèves à partir de lʼécole enfantine. Cet enseignement leur permet de se plonger dans un monde bilingue (suisse-allemand et français), puis plurilingue (allemand, suisse-allemand et français). Ayant donc à se mouvoir dans des situations exolingues, les enfants doivent sʼappuyer sur des stratégies communicatives pour pouvoir interagir avec leurs interlocuteurs tout au long de la journée. Dans le cadre dʼun enseignement réciproque-immersif, ces stratégies communicatives vont constituer un élément fixe lors des interactions entre enfants et enseignants d’une part, et entre les enfants eux-mêmes d’autre part. Notre travail de recherche a pour objectif de mettre en évidence le développement de ces outils communicatifs de huit sujets de sexe féminin pendant les quatre ans entre l'école enfantine et la 2ème année d'école primaire. Les interviews guidées, qui constituent notre corpus, ont toutes été filmées, puis transcrites avec EXMARaLDA. Les stratégies communicatives observées dans les interviews guidées ont ensuite été codées au moyen du logiciel MAXQDA. Elles peuvent être classifiées en dix catégories principales : les stratégies d'évitement, d'alternance linguistique, d'imitation, d'exploration, de coopération, d'appel, de compensation, de transfert, ainsi que non verbales et paraverbales et paraphrastiques. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence des changements dans l’utilisation des stratégies communicatives au fil du processus d'apprentissage de la langue cible dans la complexité, la variété, la combinaison (utilisation simultanée) de plusieurs stratégies communicatives, l'utilisation consciente, ainsi que dans la fonction. / The project Filière bilingue (FiBi), which has been running since 2010, is a two-way immersion program by way of Swiss German, German and French starting at kindergarten in the city of Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. In these bilingual classes are both German and French speaking pupils confronted with both languages from the beginning of their schooling. Therefore, communication strategies are developed, not only between pupils, but also between the pupils and the teacher. The following research study focuses on various communication strategies utilised by eight female pupils over a period of four years, namely from kindergarten to the end of Year 2 of primary school. Through the FiBi project, five semi-structured interviews were taken and then transcribed with the software EXMARaLDA. Subsequently, these transcriptions were coded according to the communication strategy used via the software MAXQDA. From the analysed data, ten types of observed communication strategies were categorised: avoidance/omission, code switching, imitation, guessing, appeal for assistance, retrieval, nonverbal and para-verbal communication, paraphrasing, approximation, and transferring. The research has shown that as the pupils’ competence in the target language increases, so does the complexity, frequency, function, intertwining, and the consciousness use of the communication strategies.

Réalités, situations, rôles, statuts des langues arabe et française en Algérie : étude phonétique et syntaxique / Realities, situations, roles, status of Arabic and French languages in Algeria : phonetic and syntactic study

Besbas, Fatima Zohra 31 March 2017 (has links)
Le contexte algérien est fait de plusieurs langues en contact, dont les interactions varient suivant les situations géographiques, socio-culturelles et socio-économiques observées. Leur coexistence/leur concurrence créent des situations d’enseignement/apprentissage complexes et particulières, dont l’étude précise est nécessaire pour que l’école algérienne puisse tirer parti de la richesse du plurilinguisme, car actuellement le plurilinguisme est la règle et le monolinguisme est l’exception. Cela dit, il est à noter que l’arabe standard moderne tout comme le français ne constituent nullement la langue maternelle du locuteur algérien même si l’on retrouve ces deux langues dans des domaines multiples et variés comme les média, l’administration, l’économie, les sciences…néanmoins un conflit existe et perdure, ce sont les parlers du quotidien, les idiomes locaux, régionaux qui dominent dans ce pays et qui influent sur ce processus d’enseignement/apprentissage des deux langues . / The algerian context is composed of several languages in contact, of which the interactions varie according to the geographical locations, sociocultural and socio-economic observed. Their coexistence/their competition create sophisticated and particular situations of teaching and learning. Their precises studies are necessary so that the algerian school takes advantage of the richness of the plurilingualism, because currently the plurilingualism is the rule and the monolingualism is the exception. However, it should be noted that neither modern standard arabic nor french constitute the mother tongue of any algerian speaker even if one finds these two languages in multiple and varied fields such as the media, the administration, the economy, sciences… nevertheless a conflict exists and continues : it is a matter of the daily speeches, the local and regional idioms which dominate in this country with their influence on the process of teaching and learning these two languages .

VARFÖR GÖR DE PÅ DETTA VISET? : Kommunikativa praktiker i flerspråkig undervisning med svenskt teckenspråk som medierande redskap

Allard, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Applying a human rights perspective on plurilingualism as a national as well as a transnational concern, with a focus on the interaction taking place in foreign language teaching and learning practices at a Swedish Special Needs School for pupils with deafness or impaired hearing, the overall aim of this study is to describe and discuss this interaction in performative terms, i.e. in terms of what is said by whom, to whom, why, and with what consequences. Although extensive research has already been carried out within the field of plurilingualism, for example from linguistic, sociological and political points of departure, research on plurilingualism with regard to foreign language teaching and learning interaction in Swedish sign language contexts has been largely missing. The ambition of this work, therefore, is to add to the diversity of research on plurilingualism. It is also hoped that this work will contribute to the debate in educational politics concerning a human rights perspective on plurilingualism, especially with regard to modern European languages as a transnational issue. Methodologically, an ethnographic approach has been employed to document, by means of two video cameras in combination with field notes, the practices of communication emerging from teacherstudent interaction. Using notions from Conversational Analysis and alongside established conventions of sign language transcription, a model of transcription was designed for the specific purpose of describing, in detail, the plurilingual interaction where Swedish sign language is used as a mediating tool. Three lessons in English and four lessons – or lesson extracts – in Spanish, at secondary level in a Special Needs School for pupils with deafness or impaired hearing, have been documented and analysed. The analyses were carried out in two different steps, one describing and one discussing the results of the empirical investigation. The institutionally formalised interaction observed appears to have contributed to the heavy dominance of the teacher, and of the IRE sequence used during the lessons, to a much greater extent than students’ deafness or impaired hearing. Although the aims and objectives of the curricular texts intended for these students, as well as for hearing ones, are expressed in communicative terms – for example, learning to read texts of relatively high complexity, or developing writing skills for communication across linguistic boundaries – almost all the lessons that were investigated concerned the translation of isolated words into sign language, often taken out of their English or Spanish context. Nonetheless, the students took part in the classroom interaction when protesting, joking, asking questions and helping each other. Thus, the teacher dominance noted does not imply suppression, but rather a tendency on the part of the teacher to underestimate the students, as well as reflecting a selective tradition within foreign language teaching and learning practices in a general Swedish school context. However, when viewed from a human rights perspective on future plurilingual European citizens, using their language skills to reach out into the world for mutual understanding, the students involved in the language teaching and learning interaction observed in this study may hardly be expected to reach out across linguistic boundaries, at least not as a result of the language education they have experienced.

Familles plurilingues : transmission et apprentissage des langues et des cultures. La diaspora tchèque en France, en Russie et en Croatie. / Plurilingual families : transmission and learning of languages and cultures. The Czech diaspora in France, in Russia and in Croatia.

Gruntova, Blanka 03 March 2018 (has links)
Articulée autour de la notion de « famille plurilingue », caractérisée - de même qu’un individu plurilingue - par un répertoire linguistique varié et pas nécessairement équilibré, l’étude soulève les questions de transmission des pratiques plurilingues ainsi que de leur développement dans les institutions de diffusion des langues, notamment dans le milieu diasporique tchèque. Tandis que les familles, développant un comportement transnational, orientent leur politique linguistique familiale de plus en plus consciemment vers la valorisation de leur capital plurilingue et (pluri)culturel, les structures diasporiques restent inscrites dans la perspective nationale. Perçues en tant qu’ambassadeurs de la langue-culture minoritaire dans le pays de leur action, elles envisagent l’apprentissage des langues et des cultures à partir du contexte monolingue. Le nationalisme méthodologique, appuyé dans le cas tchèque sur la politique d’émancipation de la langue et de la culture tchèques lors de la constitution de l’identité étatique, ne favorise pas le développement d’une didactique du plurilinguisme. La recherche s’inscrit dans une démarche sociodidactique, au croisement de didactique des langues et de la sociolinguistique. Elle prend comme terrain la diaspora tchèque dans trois pays (France, Croatie, Russie) et s’appuie sur un corpus mixte d’entretiens semi-directifs, de discours institutionnels et d’observation participante. / Articulated around the notion of “plurilingual family”, which is characterized – as well as a plurilingual individual – by a varied and not necessarily balanced linguistic repertoire, this study raises the questions of the transmission of plurilingual practices as well as their development in the institutions in charge of spreading languages, especially in the Czech diaspora background. While families, developing their transnational behaviour, head their family linguistic policies more and more consciously towards the promotion of their plurilingual capital, the diaspora institutions remain in line with a national perspective. Perceived as ambassadors of the minority language-culture in the country where they act, they view the learning of languages and cultures from their monolingual context. The methodological nationalism which, in the Czech case, is based on the political emancipation of the Czech language and culture during the constitution of the state identity, is holding up the development of a didactic of plurilingualism.This research is based on a sociodidactic approach, at the crossing of the language didactic and sociolinguistics. Its field is the Czech diaspora in three countries (France, Croatia, Russia) and it relies on a mixed corpus of semi-directive interviews, institutional speeches and participant observation.

Multilingualism in a nutshell - a study of pupil´s and teacher’s perceptions of multilingualism 
in Sweden

Velibasic, Adisa, Ekberg Blackby, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Due to globalization, diversity in the Swedish classrooms is common. This study sets out to examine the pupil’s and teacher’s perspectives of multilingualism in Sweden and how it effects English language learning. Although, a majority consider multilingualism to be an asset in language learning, many still believe that children mix the languages together and become confused. There seems to be no unanimous answer to whether or not multilingualism aids in learning an additional language. Therefore, this study aims to examine positive and negative effects of monolingualism and multilingualism in English language learning in Sweden. More specifically, the aim is to explore whether or not multilingualism aids pupil´s in speaking English as a Foreign Language. The question “What effects does multilingualism have in Year 1 - 3 EFL students’ speaking skill?” was formulated. The research for this qualitative study included interviews of six teachers and four pupil´s, combined with observations of different classrooms in the south of Sweden. The results indicate that both pupil´s and teachers view multilingualism as an advantage to language learning.

Teachers’ Perceptions of the Use of Translanguaging within English Education in Grades 4-6

Grenner, Cajsa, Hagelin Jönsson, Niri January 2020 (has links)
This degree project aims to explore, in the context of translanguaging, teachers' perceptionsof the use of pupils’ first language within English as a second language education inSweden. Following a review of the concept of translanguaging from a historic andpedagogical perspective, teachers’ views on the roles of their pupils’ first and secondlanguages as reported in international research, recent research pertaining to teachers'perceptions and pedagogical methods within translanguaging is highlighted. Results from amethodological triangulation examination of data emanating from a survey, interviews andclassroom observations show that: even though the term translanguaging is relativelyunknown, teacher respondents use translanguaging as a method within ESL education inSweden; a majority of teachers value their English-use higher than their use of the pupils’first language, but are not averse to using translanguaging when deemed appropriate; and amore positive attitude is displayed towards the pupils use of their first language, but the useof English is preferred.

Place et images des langues étrangères dans les bibliothèques municipales françaises : un cas pour les sciences de l'information. / Place and status of foreign languages in the French public libraries : a case for information sciences

Lhuillier, Laurence Marion 14 September 2012 (has links)
Issu d'une pratique professionnelle consacrée à l'offre en langues étrangères dans une bibliothèque municipale, ce travail de recherche questionne le positionnement de l'institution, basée sur le principe d'égalité d'accès au service public de la lecture, alors que celle-ci cherche à enrayer la baisse de sa fréquentation et celle du nombre de ses inscrits à une époque caractérisée par l'accroissement des mouvements migratoires et l'augmentation conséquente du plurilinguisme. La problématique s'attache aux transformations des pratiques et des représentations des professionnels dans les bibliothèques municipales métropolitaines induites par l'introduction d'une offre en langues étrangères, en questionnant les notions de public, d'information et de positionnement institutionnel. Une première enquête quantitative vise à établir le nombre d'établissements concernés par cette offre singulière et la taille de celle-ci en volume et en valeur ; une seconde enquête qualitative s'attache à l'analyse des propos recueillis lors d'entretiens en face à face avec des professionnels, des non usagers des bibliothèques et des élus dont dépendent ces établissements. Les résultats montrent des bibliothèques nombreuses à proposer ce type d'offre, les faibles volumes et valeurs de celle-ci. Ils soulignent une méconnaissance des publics cibles comme de leurs attentes, le bouleversement des pratiques et des représentations professionnelles engendré par la prise en compte du critère inhabituel de la langue des usagers et des documents, la transformation du positionnement des bibliothécaires, des publics et de l'institution finalement peu investie dans le champ des langues étrangères. Ils montrent que cette question déborde les pouvoirs décisionnels des professionnels, interpelle ceux de la tutelle territoriale et de l'Etat. Ils ne permettent pas de déterminer si l'évolution de cette offre singulière relève plus de l'ombre d'un développement ou d'un développement dans l'ombre. / Initiated and informed by years of professional experience dedicated to providing foreign language resources in a French public library, this research questions the positioning of the library as an institution anchored in the principle of equal access to public service, in the context of a decline in both attendance and enrolment as well as that of increased international migration and multilingualism. The argument focuses on the transformation of practice and professional representation generated by the introduction of foreign language material in France's municipal libraries and questions the notions of “general public,” “information,” and “institutional positioning.” A quantitative survey assesses the size of the phenomenon. The qualitative survey analyses observations collected during face-to-face interviews with professionals, with non-library users as well as with elected representatives responsible for overseeing public libraries. Results reveal a real, albeit limited evolution: while numerous libraries now provide resources in foreign languages, such offers remain small in terms of both volume and value. They also highlight a lack of understanding of the nature and expectations of target audiences, the disruption of professional practice and representation generated by the acknowledgment of language as one of the criteria to shape the offer of resources, the transformation of the positioning of public librarians, of audiences and, more generally, of an institution not yet substantially involved in the field of foreign languages. In conclusion, the results show that this question goes beyond the sole decision-making power of public libraries themselves and falls more broadly in the remit of territorial and national authorities. Whether the development of foreign language resources in French public libraries is merely a passing shadow or, on the contrary, a significant evolution remains to be determined.

Autor, narrador e discurso: uma leitura da obra O crime do padre Amaro

Raquel Silva Soares 30 March 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo evidenciar o plurilingüismo presente na obra O crime do padre Amaro, de Eça de Queirós, à luz das idéias elaboradas pelo teórico russo Mikhail Bakhtin, defensor do princípio de que todo e qualquer discurso é isento de neutralidade e impregnado de intencionalidade. Embasado pelas teorias dialógica e polifônica, este trabalho realiza uma investigação das vozes manifestadas na narrativa, procurando contornos reveladores da palavra de outrem. O presente estudo examina as possíveis intenções do autor ao utilizar a voz de seu narrador para mascarar seu discurso irônico e satírico, expondo suas críticas através de um discurso que se sobrepõe ao discurso original. Na obra analisada, Eça apresenta um entrelaçar de vozes originadas de diferentes esferas, onde proliferam discursos que refletem a visão anticlerical, cientificista e reformista do autor. Estes discursos, quando instaurados pelo narrador, ganham efeitos que, na ficção, tecem uma leitura da realidade. Nesta perspectiva, esta análise revela que por meio de um discurso inovador, muito distanciado da tradição clássica literária, Eça de Queirós propõe uma escrita na qual não se esgotam as possibilidades, pois há muito a ser desvendado neste imenso entrelaçar de vozes / This paper aims to show the pluringualism in the work O crime do padre Amaro, by Eça de Queirós, based on Mikhail Bakhtins theories, who defends that every and any discourse is exempt from neutrality and full of intentions. Inspired by the dialogical and polyphonic theories, this paper will investigate the multiple voices in the narrative, searching for revealing characteristics from different speeches. The study intends to analyze authors possible intentions when using the narrators voice to mask his own ironic and satirical discourse, presenting all his criticism through a discourse that overlaps the original one. The author presents in his work voices from different spheres, where authors anticlericalism, scientificism and reformism are reproduced. These discourses, when produced by the narrator, make effects that, in the fiction, build the reality. From this perspective, this analysis shows that through an innovative discourse, distant from the classical literary tradition, Eça de Queirós proposes a writing with endless possibilities, since there are many other voices to be revealed

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