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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mécanisme des hormones anorexigènes régulant la prise alimentaire au niveau du nerf vague / Mechanisms of action of satiating gut peptides in the regulation of food intake through vagal afferent pathways

Ronveaux, Charlotte 06 January 2015 (has links)
Le tractus gastro-intestinal, interface initiale pour la détection, la digestion et l'absorption des nutriments, joue un rôle critique dans la régulation de l'homéostasie énergétique. Les signaux qui proviennent du tractus gastro-intestinal sont nécessaires au contrôle de la fonction intestinale et de la régulation de la prise alimentaire. Les neurones afférents vagaux (NAV) sont une voie importante via laquelle les informations sur les nutriments ingérés atteignent le système nerveux central pour influencer ces deux fonctions. Les NAVs expriment les récepteurs pour la plupart des peptides régulateurs libérés par l'intestin impliqués dans la régulation de la prise alimentaire et du poids corporel. Cette thèse porte sur le rôle de deux peptides de l'intestin, la leptine et le glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), qui agissent au niveau des NAVs pour inhiber la prise alimentaire. Tout d'abord, nous expliquons le mécanisme d'action du GLP-1 sur les NAVs. La satiété induite par le GLP-1 nécessite un état post-prandial ; les données confirment que le statut nutritionnel régule la localisation du GLP-1R du cytoplasme vers la membrane des cellules neuronales. De plus, la ghréline et son récepteur GHSR1, exprimés par les NAVs, sont impliqués dans la régulation de la translocation du GLP-1R. Deuxièmement, ’utilisation de souris knockout pour le recepteur a la leptine sur les NAVs nous a permis de montrer l’importance de ce recepteur dans la physiopathologie de l’obésité et de l’hyperhagie. En effet, ces souris KO présentent un phénotype obésogène. L'obésité et ses conséquences sur la santé sont des problèmes majeurs de santé dans le monde entier. Les traitements efficaces de prévention ou de l'obésité sont limités. Nos résultats ont apporté des connaissances sur le mécanisme du GLP-1 et sur la signalisation de la leptine au niveau es NAVs. Comprendre la physiologie de la régulation de la prise alimentation est impératif dans le développement des traitements non-invasifs contre l’obésité. / As the initial interface for nutrient sensing, digestion and absorption, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract plays a critical role in the regulation of energy homeostasis. Information that arises from the GI tract is key to normal physiological responses controlling gut function and regulating food intake. Vagal afferent neurons (VAN) are a major pathway by which information about ingested nutrients reaches the central nervous system to influence GI function and food intake behavior. VAN express receptors for many of the regulatory peptides released from the gut that are involved in regulation of food intake and body weight. This dissertation addresses the role of two gut peptides, leptin and glucagon-like peptide-1, acting at the level of VAN, to inhibit food intake. First, the mechanism of action of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) on VAN is addressed. GLP-1-induced satiation requires a postprandial state; the data support that feeding changes the localization of GLP-1Rs from the cytoplasm to the neuronal cell membrane. Further, ghrelin and its receptor GHSR1 expressed by VAN is involved in regulating GLP-1 receptor translocation. Second, the importance of leptin receptor expression by VAN in the development of hyperphagia and obesity was demonstrated by selective knockout of the leptin receptor (LepR) in VAN; mice express an obesogenic phenotype. Obesity and its resultant health consequences are a major worldwide health problem. Effective or preventative treatments for obesity are limited. Our findings have filled the gap in our knowledge of the mechanism of GLP-1 and leptin signaling on VAN. Understanding the physiology regulating feeding behavior is imperative in developing non-invasive anti-obesity treatments.

Interaction entre la douleur viscérale et la douleur pariétale chez le rat et effet des anesthésiques locaux sur chacune de ces deux composantes / Interactions Between Visceral And Parietal Pain In Rats And Local Anesthetics Effects On Each Of These Two Pain Components

Kfoury, Toni 23 November 2015 (has links)
La douleur abdominale post chirurgicale reste une douleur difficile à gérer. Cette douleur présente 2 composantes : (1) une composante pariétale liée à l’agression des muscles de la paroi abdominale et du péritoine pariétal et (2) une composante viscérale liée à l’agression du péritoine viscérale et des viscères. La douleur pariétale est bien systématisée, elle correspond à des métamères bien identifiés. Par contre la douleur viscérale est souvent mal localisée, irradiée ou transférée à un site cutané. Les AL administrés par l’intermédiaire d’un cathéter d’infiltration pariétal, d’un bloc de la paroi abdominale ou par voie systémique montrent une efficacité clinique dans l’analgésie post opératoire d’une chirurgie abdominale. Cependant le mécanisme d’action des AL en fonction de leurs voies d’administration n’est pas bien élucidé. Le but de nos études est d’explorer l’effet des AL sur les deux composantes de la douleur abdominale dans un modèle animal en fonction de leur voie d’administration. Nous avons réalisé 3 études expérimentales :1-Dans l’étude 1 nous avons comparé l’effet de la ropivacaïne administrée par voie systémique ou par un cathéter pré péritonéal sur la douleur pariétale et viscérale dans un modèle de laparotomie chirurgicale chez le rat.. 2-Dans l’étude 2 nous avons validé un bloc de la paroi abdominale chez le rat.. 3-Dans l’étude 3 nous avons comparé l’effet de la bupivacaïne par voie systémique à l’effet obtenu par l’administration de la bupivacaïne par un bloc de la paroi abdominale. Nous avons également comparé l’effet des Al par voie systémique à une vagotomie chimique préventive. L’ensemble de ces travaux montrent que lors d’une laparotomie, les AL sont efficaces dans le traitement de la nociception aussi bien par voie systémique que par voie locorégionale. Nous avons démontré qu’un bloc de la paroi abdominale, ainsi qu’une infiltration pré péritonéale diminuaient la transmission de la nociception viscérale vers le SNC par action directe sur les terminaisons nerveuses pariétales. De plus, lors d’une laparotomie, l’administration systémique d’AL montre une efficacité dans l’inhibition de la transmission de la nociception viscérale vers le SNC associée à un effet anti inflammatoire local et systémique supérieure à celui d’une administration locorégionale. / The abdominal post surgical pain has two components : (1) a parietal component due toaggression of the abdominal wall muscles and the parietal peritoneum and (2) a visceralcomponent due to aggression of the visceral peritoneum and viscera. Parietal pain is welllocalized; it corresponds to identified dermatomes. Otherwhise, visceral pain is often badlylocalized. Local anesthetics injected through a parietal catheter of infiltration, an abdominal wall blockor by a systemic administration show clinical efficiency in post operative analgesia afterabdominal surgery. However, the action mechanisms of local anesthetics according to theiradministration route are not well clarified. The purpose of our studies is to explore localanesthetics effect on both components of the abdominal pain in an animal model according totheir administration route.In this purpose we realized three experimental studies :1- In the first study, we compared the effect of systemic administration or through a preperitoneal catheter of ropivacaïne on parietal and visceral pain in a model of surgicallaparotomy in the rat. 2- In the second study, we established a block of the abdominal wall in the rat. 3- In the third study, parietal and peritoneal inflammation were induced by carrageenaninjection in the abdominal wall or in the peritoneal cavity in the rat according to theexperimental group. Then, we compared the effect of a systemic administration of bupivacaïneto its administration by an abdominal wall block. Furthermore, the systemic effect of localanesthetics was compared to a preventive chemical vagotomy. These works showed that during laparotomy, local anesthetics are effective in thetreatment of the nociception as well as by systemic or locoregional administration. We showedthat an abdominal wall block as well as a pre peritoneal administration decreased thetransmission of the visceral nociception towards the central nervous system by direct action onthe parietal nerve endings. Furthermore, during a laparotomy, systemic administration of localanesthetics inhibited the transmission of visceral nociception towards the central nervoussystem associated with a local and systemic anti inflammatory effects. This anti inflammatoryeffect was higher than that what we showed by locoregional administration of bupivacaïne.

Sur la modélisation physique et numérique du changement de phase interfacial lors d'impacts de vagues / Physical and numerical modeling of interfacial phase change during wave impacts

Ancellin, Matthieu 30 March 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre du stockage de Gaz Naturel Liquéfié (GNL) dans des réservoirs flottants, tels que les méthaniers, les contraintes imposées à la cuve par le ballotement de la cargaison doivent être quantifiées. La plupart des études expérimentales ou numériques actuelles ne prennent pas en compte la possibilité de changement de phase entre le GNL et sa vapeur lors d'un impact du liquide sur la paroi. L'objectif de cette thèse est l'ajout de ce phénomène physique dans un code de mécanique des fluides numérique pour la simulation de l'impact d'une vague déferlante sur une paroi.Dans ce but, un état de l'art des différentes modélisations possibles du changement de phase en mécanique des fluides est présenté. Il a été choisi de modéliser le changement de phase entre le liquide et le gaz à une interface franche sans hypothèse d'équilibre thermodynamique à l'interface. Un système hyperbolique de lois de conservation incluant le changement de phase interfacial hors-équilibre est présenté.Deux approches sont utilisées pour la résolution numérique de ce système. La première utilise un modèle de mélange pour décrire les mailles contenant l'interface liquide-vapeur. Dans la seconde méthode, l'interface est reconstruite et évolue de manière lagrangienne. Les deux approches sont basées sur un schéma volume fini de type Roe.L'enjeu de la simulation numérique du changement de phase interfacial est la capacité du code à gérer un rapport de densité loin de 1 et une chaleur latente élevée, qui entrainent respectivement de fortes variations de pression et de température à l'interface. L'aspect thermique est le phénomène limitant dans le cadre de la simulation d'impacts de vagues avec changement de phase. Seule une fine couche limite thermique autour de l'interface tend à revenir à l'équilibre thermodynamique liquide vapeur, ce qui limite l'effet quantitatif du changement de phase. / In the context of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) transportation in floating tanks, such as in LNG carriers, the constraints imposed by the sloshing of the liquid cargo on the tank have to be estimated. Most experimental and numerical studies until now do not take into account the possibility of phase change between the LNG and its vapor during the impact of liquid on the wall. The goal of this thesis is to include this physical phenomenon into a CFD code for the simulation of a breaking wave impact on a wall.A state of the art of the different modelisations of phase change in fluid mechanics is thus presented. This work focus on the modeling of phase change between the liquid and the gas at a sharp interface, without any equilibrium hypothesis. An hyperbolic system of balance laws including non-equilibrium interfacial phase change is presented.Two approaches are used to solve numerically this system. The first one relies on a mixture model for the description of the finite volume cells containing the interface, whereas in the second approach the interface is reconstructed and evolves in a lagrangian way. Both methods are based on a Roe-type finite volume scheme.The challenge of the numerical simulation of interfacial phase change is the capacity of the code to deal with density ratio far from 1 and high latent heat, as the lead to high temperature and pressure variations at the interface. The thermal aspect is the limiting phenomenon in the frame of wave impact simulation with phase change. Only a thin boundary layer around the interface tends to return to thermodynamical equilibrium, thus limiting the quantitative effect of phase change.

Déterminants de la demande d'électricité des ménages au Vietnam entre 2012 et 2016 / Exploring the determinants of household electricity demand in Vietnam in the period 2012–16

Nguyen, Hoai-Son 24 June 2019 (has links)
Pays en développement avec une demande d’électricité croissante, le Vietnam a instauré la tarification progressive de l’électricité résidentielle. La fixation du tarif de l’énergie est toujours une question délicate, entre gestion de la demande, lutte contre la pauvreté, effets sur l’inflation, besoins d’investissement pour assurer la sécurité énergétique et le développement des technologies vertes. Cette action nécessite une maîtrise très profonde du comportement des consommateurs ainsi que la demande des ménages. La thèse a pour but d’explorer les facteurs qui impactent la demande d’électricité Vietnamienne au niveau résidentielle en se basant sur : les prix, les revenus, la démographie (comprenant la taille et la composition des foyers) et les vagues de chaleur. Les données de « pool et panel » sont collectées à partir des trois micro enquêtes sur le niveau de vie des foyers vietnamiens en 2012, 2014, 2016.Cette thèse estime économétriquement la demande d’électricité des ménages. Elle innove sur deux points de méthode.Premièrement, elle utilise les données individuelles issues des enquêtes nationales, avec le détail de la structure des tarifs et des factures d’électricité des ménages répondants. Cela dépasse donc les limites de beaucoup de recherches passées qui étaient basées soit sur données nationales agrégées, soit sur données individuelles mais avec une quantité et un prix imputés, soit sur données individuelles avec le détail de la structure des tarifs et des factures d’électricité mais au niveau régional seulement. Cette innovation est possible car le marché de l’électricité au Vietnamien est monopolistique, avec un seul vendeur – Electricité de Vietnam (EVN), à qui le gouvernement commande d’utiliser une grille tarifaire homogène pour tout le pays.Deuxièmement, la thèse propose une nouvelle façon d’explorer l’impact des hautes températures sur la demande d’électricité. La méthode propose d’ajouter une variable muette qui représente l’occurrence d’une vague de chaleur. Cette variable est complémentaire de la notion « Degrés-jours de refroidissement » qui représente la température dans la plupart des études précédentes.Les conclusions principales sont que: (i) Les ménages réagissent aux prix marginaux, la demande est élastique par rapport au prix. (ii) Il existe un seuil de revenu à partir duquel la consommation d'électricité des foyers augmente quand le revenu augmente : la consommation d'électricité des foyers ayant ce revenu peut être considérée comme le niveau de besoin fondamental, un seuil de pauvreté pour l’électricité. (iii) La progressivité de la tarification ne pénalise pas les familles nombreuses : le tarif progresse moins vite que les d’économies d'échelle des dépenses d'électricité. (iv) Nous n’observons pas d’effet de la composition du foyer en termes enfants / adultes / personnes âgés sur la dépense d'électricité. (v) Les vagues de chaleur - un phénomène lié au changement climatique - impactent la demande d’électricité et devraient être mieux prises en compte dans l’estimation de la demande. / As a developing country with surging demand in electricity, Vietnam has implemented demand-side management in the residential electricity market, such as increasing block tariffs to balance the tension between energy security and the development of clean technology. The implementation of demand-side management requires a deep understanding of customer behaviors and household demand. The thesis aims to explore the factors impacting on Vietnamese residential electricity demand in the period of 2012–16. The exploration focuses on four main factors: prices, income, demographics (including household size and composition), and heatwaves. The data are a pool data set and a panel data set which have been constructed from the three rounds of the micro survey Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) in 2012, 2014 and 2016.The thesis has two novel points in estimating household electricity demand function.First, it uses micro survey data at national level, with detailed tariff structures and private electricity billing. In the past, researches have often used national aggregate data or national micro survey data with imputed quantity or price. Researches that use micro survey data with detail tariff schedules and electricity bills are often at a regional level rather than at a national level due to the absence of national data on tariff structures. The residential electricity market in Vietnam is a monopoly with a single seller, Vietnam Electricity (EVN). Electricity tariff schedules are proposed by EVN and set by the Government and are thus uniform in national scale. This provides a chance to estimate demand function from national micro survey data, with full detail of electricity prices and billings.Second, the thesis proposes a new way to capture the impact of high temperature on electricity demand. That is, to include an additional dummy variable to represent the extreme distribution of temperature. The additional dummy variable is a complement to the concept of cooling degree days which is a popular representation of temperature in previous researches.The estimate results lead to five main conclusions. (i) Households do respond to marginal prices and demand is elastic to price. (ii) There exists an income threshold from which household electricity consumption increases as income increases. The electricity consumption of households in the income group is the reference level of electricity poverty threshold. (iii) The increasing block tariff does not cancel out economies of scale in electricity expenditure of households. (iv) There is no difference in electricity expenditure across children, adults and elders. (v) Heatwaves – a climate change related phenomenon – do have impacts on electricity demand and need to be addressed carefully in estimating electricity demand in the future.

RETHINKING THE CRYSTAL PALACE. Adaptive reuse of an abandoned warehouse

COLLINETTI, SIMONE January 2020 (has links)
This Master Thesis work is about the rebirth of a warehouse, once part of Innocenti S.p.A. Located in the district of Lambrate, Milano, the factory used to cover an area of nearly 800.000 sqm back in the Nineties, it nowadays presents itself as a fragmented scenario. This work aims to be a testimony of the past, by first showing all the available official materials that were recovered right before everything shut down. As a second part, it suggests a proposal for one of the most iconic buildings left to a state of complete abandonment and self extinction: the warehouse now known as the Crystal Palace because of its present conditions. Accepting the conditions of one thing and enhancing them in a programmatic way, is probably a solution for dealing with our industrial archaeology, for an innovative, engaging and sustainable approach. An extension of the already existing park finds a new place under the original roof structure. In order to integrate the project in the surrounds from a sociological point of view, the community will be provided with new spaces for exhibition galleries and, moreover, the city of Milano will benefit of the first botanical garden in history.

Indirectness in Vietnamese Newspaper Commentaries: A Pilot Study

Tran, Thai T. 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

« L'illusion de l'amour n'est pas l'amour trouvé » : Camp and queer desire in Jacques Demy's Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, and Peau d'âne

Finch, Frank Frederick 03 November 2020 (has links)
Jacques Demy's Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (1964), Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967), and Peau d'âne (1970), though quite popular with the public at their time of release and continuing to leave an aesthetic stamp on contemporary cinema, have been received by some critics and viewers in general as pure contrivance with little edification. This thesis puts forward, however, that such interpretations of these Demy musicals as primarily saccharine, superficial, and light miss the elemental melancholy belied by the charming varnish. Here, the three are unified as a triptych that thematizes and aestheticizes lack and desire in ways that can speak directly to the queer viewer. This thesis first situates the films among criticism from the 1960s to the present, opening a discourse on the potential for diverse political and aesthetic readings of Demy's work that continues to the present queer reading. Through a method of narratological close reading, I unify the three films as a triptych, each a variation on themes of isolation, absence, and amorous lack. Jean-Pierre Berthomé's Jacques Demy et les raciness du rêve (1982) is a rich resource in presenting these three seemingly distinct films as a totality. Once justified for study as a triptych, my thesis presents a queer reading of the films' ostensibly heterosexual narrative structures. With the buttressing of the queer theory of Harold Beaver, Andrew Ross, and Michael Koresky, among others, this chapter demonstrates how the narratives of longing Demy crafts can speak to the queer viewer and transcend a heterosexual framework. Finally, my thesis moves beyond narrative to another continuity, the aesthetic of camp present throughout the triptych. Through an exploration of the interconnectivity of camp, gender performance, and seduction, drawing on scholars Susan Sontag, Judith Butler, and Jean Baudrillard, respectively, the aesthetic of Demy's triptych is situated in a queer sensibility. Catherine Deneuve, Demy's "princesse idéale," is read as the reification of this sensibility in her potent performance of gender at the confluence of masculine and feminine qualities, as well as the ideal tabula rasa onto which the queer viewer's desire and longing can be projected. Ultimately, the triptych's reconciliation of the visually confectionary and the narratively somber is celebrated, as it points to a victory over tragedy through affective agency. / Master of Arts / Jacques Demy's Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (1964), Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967), and Peau d'âne (1970), French musicals from a masterful director of the New Wave movement in cinema, have been generally received positively by the public, and especially by gay viewers. Yet, these Demy films have been met with a range of skepticism to derision by some critics and even by a number of Demy's contemporaries. The three films' narratives concern a nascent romance thwarted by the Algerian War and economic demands, potential amorous encounters prevented by missed connections and arbitrary social barriers, and a flight from incestuous demands and its consequences of isolation and ridicule, respectively. Though these narratives are fundamentally melancholic, they are aestheticized through kaleidoscopic colors, virtuosic dancing, and the beautiful music scores of Michel Legrand. This thesis reexamines these films as a triptych that, considered together, thematizes lack and desire in a way that can speak directly to the queer viewer. Areas of overlap between the filmic narratives and the queer experience in the West are excavated and explored to demonstrate how the films can carry intimate signification to sexual minorities, as well as other marginalized identities. Finally, the particular and continuous aesthetic of the three films is studied as a queer sensibility embodied by the star of all three, Catherine Deneuve. The ability of this triptych to transcend a singular heterosexual interpretation and to heighten its effects on the viewer through a tension of form and content is celebrated.

Décrire la misère et instrumentaliser l'aide : la construction d'un discours sur soi et sur les femmes musulmanes du Maghreb dans le journal féministe La Française (1906-1940)

Desruisseaux, Eliane 12 November 2023 (has links)
L'hebdomadaire La Française est le journal du féminisme réformiste en France et est publié 1906 à 1940. Pendant cette période, les collaboratrices et collaborateurs du journal accordent de plus en plus d'intérêt et d'espace médiatique à la situation des femmes musulmanes de la colonie algérienne et des protectorats tunisien et marocain. Au fil de critiques littéraires, de petits billets ou de longs articles d'information, les féministes impliquées dans la rédaction de La Française créent un discours monolithique au sein duquel les femmes maghrébines sont décrites comme étant d'éternelles victimes, autant des hommes de leur entourage que des coutumes locales et religieuses. En parallèle, les féministes de France créent aussi un discours sur soi et dépeignent les Françaises comme les seules à pouvoir venir en aide à leurs « sœurs musulmanes » et, logiquement, comme étant nécessaires à l'entreprise coloniale et à la « mission civilisatrice » de leur pays. / The weekly La Française is France's reformist feminism's journal and is published from 1906 to 1940. During that period, the journal's collaborators put more and more interest and mediatic space on Muslim women from the Algerian colony and from Tunisian and Moroccan protectorates. Over literary reviews or long informational articles, feminists implicated in La Française's writing create a monolithic discourse within which Maghrebi women are portrayed as eternal victims from Muslim men around then, as well as from local and religious traditions. At the same time, French feminists also create a discourse on oneself in which French women are portrayed as the only ones who can help their "Muslim sisters" and as being necessary for the colonial enterprise and for the "civilizing mission" of their country.

Développement d’un modèle de simulation déterministe pour l’étude du couplage entre un écoulement atmosphérique et un état de mer / Development of a deterministic numerical model for the study of the coupling between an atmospheric flow and a sea state

Cathelain, Marie 04 January 2017 (has links)
La physique de la couche limite atmosphérique en domaine océanique est principalement régie par les processus couplés liés au vent, à l’état de mer local, et à des effets de flottabilité. Leur compréhension reste néanmoins parcellaire et leurs descriptions théoriques et stochastiques sont pour le moins lacunaires, lorsqu’elles ne sont tout simplement pas mises à mal par les rares observations. Dans un contexte d’exploitation croissante de la ressource éolienne offshore, la mise en place de méthodes numériques visant à une description plus fine des propriétés turbulentes de cette couche limite sera une étape déterminante dans la réduction des coûts et l’optimisation des structures pour des rendements de récupération d’énergie améliorés. Ainsi, un outil numérique a été mis en place afin d’étudier le couplage entre un écoulement atmosphérique et l’état de mer. Un code Large-Eddy Simulation massivement parallèle pour la simulation des écoulements atmosphériques incompressibles développé par P. Sullivan au National Center for Atmospheric Research est couplé à un code spectral d’états de mer non-linéaires développé au Laboratoire de recherche en Hydrodynamique, Energétique et Environnement Atmosphérique. De nombreuses configurations de vents et d’états de mer sont modélisées. On montre que les lois semi empiriques souvent utilisées pour représenter la distribution verticale de la vitesse moyenne du vent sont une bonne approximation dans les situations où un petit état de mer est soumis à un fort vent. Néanmoins, dans le cas de houles très rapides se propageant dans des zones de faible vent, la création d’un jet de vent par la houle invalide ces lois semi-empiriques. / Modelling the dynamic coupling of ocean-atmosphere systems requires a fundamental and quantitative understanding of the mechanisms governing the windwave interactions: despite numerous studies, our current understanding remains quite incomplete and, in certain conditions, sparse field observations contradict the usual theoretical and stochastic models. Within the context of a growing exploitation of the offshore wind energy and the development of met ocean models, a fine description of this resource is a key issue. Field experiments and numerical modelling have revealed that atmospheric stability and wave effects, including the dynamic sea surface roughness, are two major factors affecting the wind field over oceans. A numerical tool has been implemented in order to study the coupling between an atmospheric flow and the seastate. A massively parallel large-eddy simulation developed by P. Sullivan at the National Center for Atmospheric Research is then coupled to a High-Order Spectral wave model developed at the Hydrodynamics,Energetics & Atmospheric Environment Laboratory in Ecole Centrale de Nantes. Numerous configurations of wind and sea states are investigated. It appears that, under strongly forced wind conditions above a small sea state, the semi-empirical laws referred to as standards in the international guidelines are a good approximation for the vertical profile of the mean wind speed. However, for light winds overlying fast-moving swell, the presence of a wave induced wind jet is observed, invalidating the use of such logarithmic laws.


08 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese relaciona os debates sobre modernidade, cultura e revolução na perspectiva das representações do corpo violado e sexualizado, e explora as repercussões de tais debates na chamada temporada política do Japão pós II Guerra Mundial. Especificamente, a análise se detém na problematização das esquerdas revolucionárias pelo cinema de Oshima Nagisa (1932-2013), reconhecido como mentor do Nuberu Bagu (a nouvelle vague japonesa), e de Wakamatsu Koji (1936-2012) e Adachi Masao (1939-), da vertente erótica/pornográfica Pinku eiga. Cineastas cuja produção foi orientada pela fusão de política, sexo e violência, e marcada pelo ativismo dos movimentos pró-democracia a partir dos anos 1950 — suplantado no início dos 1970, quando o país se converteu em uma potência econômica mundial. O debate sobre a aporia da modernidade japonesa, fundado na persistência de vestígios agonizantes pré-capitalistas em uma sociedade capitalista, produziu diversas narrativas antagônicas no decorrer do século XX. Dentre elas, a que refutava a subordinação cultural ao Ocidente deu respaldo ao imperialismo ultranacionalista na guerra que dilapidou o país. Em decorrência do processo de democratização e desmilitarização durante a ocupação do Japão pelos EUA (1945-1952), e dos conflitos que vieram com sua consecutiva reversão, as discussões sobre a modernidade se multiplicaram no conturbado pós-guerra. A abolição dos poderes políticos do imperador Hirohito, que foi levado a abdicar publicamente de sua condição divina e a assumir-se como simples mortal, foi a mais impactante das mudanças realizadas no período. Ao declarar a derrota do país e a sua carnalidade, o imperador implodia a força do Kokutai, o corpo-nação, que organizava todo o sistema simbólico nipônico. Nos primeiros anos da ocupação, escritores como Sakaguchi Ango (1906-1955) e Tamura Taijuro (1911-1983), referências da literatura carnal na cultura subterrânea kasutori, exaltavam o corpo carnal (nikutai) como contraposição ao corpo-nação (Kokutai). De fato, a literatura carnal foi uma das diversas expressões do pós-guerra que, em dissonantes abordagens, reverenciaram o nikutai e o shutaisei. Nela, a decadência e a imoralidade eram defendidas como base para uma apreensão mais realista da precariedade humana, para a construção de uma nova ética, subjetiva e autônoma (shutaisei), e como condição para o acesso ao moderno. O filósofo político Maruyama Masao (1914-1996), um dos mais conhecidos modernistas defensores da ética do shutaisei, posicionava a literatura carnal, no entanto, na contramão de um Japão democrático e culto (ou moderno), já que as representações sensuais e violentas expressavam justamente a natureza que deveria ser superada. Isto é, as abordagens da sexualidade, da crueldade e da perversão, embora reivindicassem o moderno (ou a recusa da autoridade do Kokutai), remetiam à sensibilidade nativa pré-moderna. O que sugere que a aporia da modernidade na desintegração do pós-derrota era expressa na ambiguidade da apreensão política do shutaisei. Noção que seria central na formação do sujeito político vinculado aos movimentos pró-democracia e na expressão das vanguardas artísticas dos anos 1950 ao início dos 1970. / [en] This thesis relates the debates about modernity, culture and revolution in the perspective of the depictions of the violated and sexualized body, and explores the repercussions of such debates in what became known as the political season of Japan after World War II. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the problematization of the revolutionary left factions by the films of Oshima Nagisa (1932-2013), recognized as mentor of the Nuberu Bagu (Japanese New Wave), of Wakamatsu Koji (1936-2012) and of Adachi Masao (1939-), from the Pinku eiga (Pink Film) genre, which dealt with the erotic and the pornographic. Filmmakers whose production was driven by the fusion of politics, sex and violence, and marked by the activism of pro-democracy movements beginning in the 1950s — supplanted in the early 1970s, when the country became a world economic power. The debate about the aporia of Japanese modernity, based on the persistence of agonizing pre-capitalist vestiges in a capitalist society, produced several antagonistic narratives throughout the twentieth century. Among them, that which refuted the cultural subordination to the West gave support to the ultranationalist imperialism in the war that squandered the country. As a result of the process of democratization and demilitarization during the US occupation of Japan (1945-1952), and the conflicts that came with its subsequent reversal, discussions of modernity multiplied in the troubled post-war period. The abolition of the political powers of the emperor Hirohito, who was led to publicly abdicate his divine condition and declare himself a mere mortal, was the most shocking of the changes made in the period. In declaring the defeat of the country and his carnality, the emperor imploded the power of the Kokutai, the nation-body, which organized the entire Japanese symbolic system. In the early years of the occupation, writers such as Sakaguchi Ango (1906-1955) and Tamura Taijuro (1911-1983), exponents of carnal literature in the kasutori underground culture, exalted the carnal body (nikutai) as a counterpoint to the nation-body (Kokutai). In fact, carnal literature was one of several postwar expressions, which, in dissonant approaches, revered nikutai, and the concept of shutaisei. In it, decadence and immorality were defended as the basis for a more realistic apprehension of human precariousness, for the construction of a new ethics, subjective and autonomous (shutaisei), and as a condition for access to the modern. The political philosopher Maruyama Masao (1914-1996), one of the best-known modernists who defended the ethics of shutaisei, posited carnal literature, however, against a democratic and cultured (or modern) Japan, since the sensual representations and violent ones expressed precisely the nature that should be overcome. That is, the approaches to sexuality, cruelty and perversion, while claiming the modern (or the refusal of the Kokutai s authority), referred back to the pre-modern native sensibility. This suggests that the aporia of modernity in the disintegration of post-defeat was expressed in the ambiguity of the political apprehension of the shutaisei. This notion would be central to the formation of the political subject linked to the pro-democracy movements and the avant-garde art expressions from the 1950s to the early 1970s.

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