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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Supply-demand analysis of energy metabolism in Lactococcus lactis under anaerobic conditions

Jordaan, Sandra 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The interests in understanding the metabolic processes of microbial systems are numerous. The interest in the species Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) lies in applications to the food industry and in studies comparing the metabolism of related organisms. The aim of this study was to perform in vivo supply-demand analysis on anaerobically fermenting L. lactis. This was done by perturbing both the supply and demand pathways, then measuring glycolytic flux (by means of 13C NMR spectroscopy) and intracellular ATP/ADP (by means of 31P NMR spectroscopy) at steady state – where the central metabolite, ATP, is produced at the same rate as it is consumed and its concentration thereby remains constant. The L. lactis reference strain MG1363 was supplemented with glucose and analysed “online” by 13C-NMR under anaerobically-fermentative conditions. The rates of glucose consumption and lactate production were determined from this 13C flux. Due to experimental difficulties with the online detection of 31P (possibly due to the low biomass yield and the choice of growth medium), ATP/ADP levels had to be determined offline: from the same batch cultures as the 13C samples, fermentations were performed and halted at time points when the cells had attained a steady state. These fermentation cultures were then subjected to cell lysis and centrifugation in order to extract intracellular metabolites. These cell extracts were analysed offline by 31P NMR in order to determined levels of phosphate metabolites, specifically ATP and ADP. Perturbation of the supply pathway was achieved by utilising a genetically modified strain (the CS8 strain with over-expressed las operon) and comparing it to the reference strain MG1363. This resulted in a slight increase in ATP/ADP, but also yielded a slightly reduced flux, which is contrary to expectations from a mutant with over expressed glycolytic enzymes. The demand pathway was perturbed by two methods: 1) utilisating a genetically modified strain (the BK1506 strain with over-expressed F1-ATPase) and comparing it to the reference strain MG1363, and 2) by treating wild-type MG1363 with sodium acetate and comparing flux and ATP/ADP values to the untreated wild-type. Sodium acetate dissociates in the cytoplasm and causes dissipation of the transmembrane proton motive force, which is re-established by upregulation of membrane-bound H+-translocating ATPases. While the use of genetically modified strains provided only one flux-vs-ATP/ADP data point to compare to the wild-type (not sufficient for complete supply-demand analysis), the treatment of the wild type with uncoupler yielded several data points where flux and ATP/ADP values differed according to the concentration of uncoupler added. The CS8 strain demonstrated a 19 % reduced glucose flux (24 % reduced lactate flux) with respect to the wild type MG1363. The BK1506 strain demonstrated a 72 % increase in glucose flux (33 % increase in lactate flux) with respect to the wild type. The treatment with 2 mM acetate resulted in a 72 % increase in glucose flux (123 % increase in lactate flux), whereas treatment with 4 mM acetate resulted in a 107 % and a 126 % increase in glucose and lactate fluxes, respectively. The treatment with different concentrations of acetate provided several data points with corresponding flux and ATP/ADP, enabling the calculation of the elasticity coefficient of the supply pathway to changes in ATP/ADP (εsupply ) which was found to be -5.6 and -6.3 for glucose and lactate, respectively. ATP/ADP The elasticity coefficient was high compared with values obtained in similar studies on other organisms. Considering that at steady state the supply and demand fluxes are equal, the high supply elasticity (which is easier to measure), when incorporated into control coefficient summation theorems, gives the indication that: 1) a greater amount of control may reside in the ATP demand pathway (the elasticity of which is more difficult to determine experimentally, but which may well be lower than the supply elasticity), and 2) ATP/ADP homeostasis is good, as indicated by a high elasticity of the supply pathway to ATP/ADP. This study represents a basis for further supply-demand analysis with non-growing batch cultures of L. lactis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is groot belangstelling daarin om die metaboliese prosesse van mikrobiese sisteme beter te verstaan. Die belang van die spesie Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) lê beide in die toepassing in die voedselbedryf en in studies wat die metabolisme van verskeie organismes vergelyk. Die doel van hierdie studie was om in vivo vraag-aanbod analise uit te voer op anaerobies-fermenterende L. lactis. Dit was gedoen deur beide die aanbod en vraag reaksie-blokke te moduleer en dan die glikolitiese fluksie (d.m.v. 13C KMR spektroskopie) en die intrasellulêre ATP/ADP (d.m.v. 31P KMR spektroskopie) in ’n bestendige toestand te meet (wanneer die sentrale metaboliet, ATP, teen dieselfde tempo geproduseer en verbruik word en sy konsentrasie daardeur konstant bly). Die L. lactis verwysing-stam MG1363 is met glukose aangevul en 13C fluksie is aanlyn onder anaerobies-fermenterende kondisies gemeet. Die tempo van glukose verbruik en laktaat produksie is vanaf die 13C fluksie bereken. Eksperimentele probleme met die aanlyn bepaling van 31P (dalk as gevolg van lae biomassa en/of die keuse van groeimedium) moes ATP/ADP vlakke af-lyn indirek bepaal word: fermentasies van dieselfde lot-kulture as die 13C monsters is opgestel en by sekere tydpunte gestop wanneer ‘n bestendige toestand bereik was (waar ATP/ADP konstant bly). Hierdie fermenterende kulture is blootgestel aan sel-lise en sentrifugasie om intrasellulêre metaboliete te onttrek. Dié sel-ekstrakte is deur 31P KMR geanaliseer om die vlakke van fosfaat metaboliete, spesifiek ATP en ADP, te bepaal. Die aanbod blok is gemoduleer deur gebruik te maak van ‘n geneties-gemodifiseerde stam (die CS8 stam met ‘n ooruitgedrukte las operon) en met die verwysing stam MG1363 te vergelyk. Dié gemuteerde stam het ’n effense toename in ATP/ADP getoon, maar het gelyktydig ook ’n afname in glikolitiese fluksie getoon, wat onverwags is vir ’n stam met ooruitgedrukte glikolitiese ensieme. Die vraag blok is met twee metodes gemoduleer: 1) deur gebruik te maak van ‘n geneties-gemodifiseerde stam (die BK1506 stam met ‘n ooruitgedrukte F1-ATPase), en 2) deur die wildetipe MG1363 met natrium asetaat te behandel en daardeur ATP verbruik van biomassa produksie te ontkoppel en die vraag na ATP te vermeerder. Daarna word die fluksie en ATP/ADP waardes met die onbehandelde wildetipe vergelyk. Natrium asetaat dissosieer in die sitoplasma en verswak die transmembraan elektriese potensiaal, wat dan weer versterk word deur membraan-gekoppelde H+-ATPase ensieme wat protone uit die sitoplasma uit pomp. Terwyl die gebruik van geneties-gemodifiseerde stamme net een fluksie-tot-ATP/ADP datapunt voorsien om met die wildetipe te vergelyk (wat nie voldoende is vir totale vraag-aanbod analise nie), het die behandeling van die wildetipe met ontkoppelaar meerdere datapunte voorsien waar fluksie en ATP/ADP waardes verskil volgens die konsentrasie van ontkoppelaar wat bygevoeg is. Die CS8 stam het ’n 19 % verminderde glukose fluskie getoon, asook ’n 23 % verminderde laktaat fluksie, in vergelyking met die wilde tipe MG1363. Die BK1506 stam het ’n 73 % toename in glukose fluskie getoon, asook ’n 34 % toename in laktaat fluksie, in vergelyking met die wilde tipe. Behandeling met 2 mM natrium asetaat het ’n 64 % toename in glukose fluksie veroorsaak, sowel as ’n 124 % toename in laktaat fluksie, en behandeling met 4 mM natrium asetaat het 108 % toename in glukose fluksie en 127 % toename in laktaat fluskie veroorsaak. Behandeling met verskillende konsentrasies natrium asetaat het genoeg data punte (fluksies met toepaslike ATP/ADP waardes) verskaf om die berekening van elastisiteits-koëffisiënt van die aanbod reaksie-blok tot veranderinge in ATP/ADP (εsupply ) te bereken. Die waardes was -5.6 vir glukose fluksie en -6.3 vir laktaat fluksie. ATP/ADP Die elastisiteits koëffisiënt was relatief hoog in vergelyking met waardes wat in soorteglyke studies op ander organismes bepaal is. Aangesien die fluksies van die aanbod en vraag reaksie blokke by ’n bestendige toestand dieselfde tempo het, kan die hoë waarde van die aanbod elastisiteits-koëffisiënt (wat die makliker een is om te meet) na die volgende afleidings lei: 1) meer kontrole mag in die ATP verbruikende reaksie-blok geleë wees (die elastisiteits-koëffisiënt is moeiliker om eksperimenteel te bepaal maar mag wel laer as die aanbod-elastisiteit wees), en 2) ATP/ADP homeostase word goed gehandhaaf, soos aangetoon deur die hoë aanbod-elastisiteit. Hierdie studie dien as ’n basis vir verdere vraag-aanbod analise in nie-groeiende L. lactis lot-kulture.

Catabolism of Amino acids to Volatile Fatty Acids by <em>Lactococcus lactis</em>

Ganesan, Balasubramanian 01 May 2005 (has links)
Lactic acid bacteria are essential as flavor producers of cheese and fermented products. They are capable of catabolizing aromatic, branched chain, and sulfur amino acids to flavor compounds. During cheese ripening the numbers of lactococcal colonies decrease, but lactococci survive without replication in culture. This prompted an investigation into possible mechanisms of catabolism of branched chain amino acids into branched chain fatty acids and the physiological relevance of amino acid catabolism to the bacteria. We hypothesized that lactococci catabolize branched chain amino acids to branched chain fatty acids during nonculturability. Lactococci, lactobacilli, and brevibacteria catabolized both branched chain amino acids and keto acids into branched chain fatty acids. Lactococci survived carbohydrate-limited conditions for over 4 yrs. Their survival was represented by maintaining intracellular ATP, enzyme activity, membrane integrity, capability of ATP- and PMF-dependent substrate transport, transcription, and catabolism of amino acids to fatty acids. Assays conducted with NMR spectroscopy coupled with in silico analysis showed that branched chain substrates are catabolized via keto acids, HMG-CoA, and acetyl-CoA to branched chain fatty acids. A short list of candidate genes was identified for the pathway by gene expression analysis coupled to NMR analysis. The expression of these genes and the presence of the related catabolites were identified in long-term starved cultures of nonculturable lactococci. This verified that catabolism of branched chain amino acids to branched chain fatty acids occurred during the nonculturable state only and in conditions of carbohydrate deprivation. The pathway also facilitated fixation of carbon by lactococci, revealing the mechanism of survival of lactococci over 4 yrs in culture without the addition of external carbon sources. Between strains the availability of carbohydrate and acid stress played significant roles in modulating their ability to produce branched chain catabolites. The ability of lactococci to catabolize branched chain amino acids during sugar starvation represents a shift in carbon catabolic routes. The identified pathway also represented a balance between catabolism and anabolism, suggesting that the bacteria were in a homeostatic state during nonculturability. We accepted the hypothesis that nonculturable lactococci catabolized branched chain amino acids to branched chain fatty acids during starvation./p>

Influence of Carbohydrate Starvation on the Culturability and Amino Acid Utilization of Lactococcus lactis

Stuart, Mark R. 01 May 1999 (has links)
Lactococci are widely used in the cheese industry as a starter culture. Starter cultures face carbohydrate starvation due to the absence of a fermentable carbohydrate in the cheese curd after pressing. Starvation leads to a decreased ability to synthesize ATP, generate a proton motive force, and accumulate nutrients necessary to maintain viability. The aim of this work was to investigate the culturability of lactococci grown with and without lactose in a chemically defined medium, and to define the metabolic changes that occur during carbohydrate starvation. Lactose metabolism provided energy for logarithmic phase growth and greater cell density in L. lactis ssp. lactis ML3 and L. lactis ssp. cremoris S2. However, the rate of lactose metabolism was strain dependent in that L. lactis ssp. lactis 11454 did not metabolize lactose as rapidly as did ML3 and S2. In the absence of lactose the cells became nonculturable on agar. In addition to becoming nonculturable, the aminopeptidase and lipase/ esterase activity became nonmeasurable after 21 d, and cellular metabolism was altered because of carbohydrate starvation. Nevertheless, the cells remained viable for up to 42 d in spent media as measured by fluorescent viability stains and intracellular ATP content. Fluorescent viability staining demonstrated that the cells maintained an intact cell membrane to contain their DNA, as well as to contain enzymes and ATP necessary to maintain viability and metabolic activity. With the addition of arginine to the basal medium, the survival time, cell number, and ATP concentration increased. Amino acids, including arginine, provided energy after carbohydrate exhaustion. At the onset of lactose exhaustion, the extracellular concentrations of arginine, glycine/valine, glutamate, and glutamine decreased in the media when energy was present for their transport. There was a significant increase in serine and methionine concentrations in the spent media over the same time period. These data indicated lactococci remained viable and metabolically active, but were nonculturable in response to carbohydrate starvation. Additionally, amino acids are in a dynamic state during carbohydrate starvation, and utilization of amino acids, such as arginine and serine, could facilitate lactococcal cells in maintaining viability in harsh environments such as ripening cheese.

Influence of Commercial Starter Media on Biochemical Characteristics of <em>Lactococcus lactus</em>

DeVries, Norman Bart 01 May 1999 (has links)
Five strains of Lactococcus lactis were inoculated individually into six commercial bulk set growth media, 11% non-fat dry milk (NDM), and Elliker's broth. After growth in each medium the strains were tested for rate of acid production, and activities of proteinase, aminopeptidase, and lipase/esterase. Growth in commercial starter media significantly influenced acid production rate (P = 0.040), aminopeptidase activity (P < 0.0001), and lipase/esterase activity (P < 0.0001) . For selected strain/media combinations, the duration of induced aminopeptidase and lipase/esterase activity was followed. The chosen strains were grown in selected commercial bulk set media, reinoculated into 11% NDM, and enzyme activity was examined for five successive generations. During growth in 11% NDM, aminopeptidase and lipase/esterase activity began high and appeared to decrease after approximately two generations, as compared to the control. This study demonstrated that it is possible to select specific starter and media combinations to produce a bacterial phenotype that might not change before the cheese is pressed, thereby trapping bacteria with an altered phenotype within the cheese matrix.

Immune response and protection against Streptococcus pyogenes after vaccination with Lactococcus lactis that expresses conserved region of M6 protein

Mannam, Praveen 04 June 2003 (has links)
Most pathogens gain access to their host through mucosal surfaces. It is therefore desirable to develop mucosal vaccines that elicit an immune response to prevent this crucial first step in infection. Current mucosal vaccines are live attenuated strains of pathogens. More recent efforts have focused on the use of recombinant non-pathogenic gram-positive bacteria as live vaccine delivery vectors. Here I have tested the potential of Lactococcus lactis to be used as a vaccine vector. A recombinant strain of L. lactis has been constructed which expresses and displays on its surface the C repeat region (CRR) of the M6 protein of Streptococcus pyogenes. I show that nasal vaccination of mice with this strain elicited strong salivary IgA and serum lgG response. These responses protected mice against a nasal challenge with S. pyogenes. Subcutaneous vaccination with the same strain of L. lactis produced a strong serum lgG response, but no salivary lgA response. Subcutaneous vaccination did not protect the mice against nasal infections when the mice were challenged with S. pyogenes. The immune response and protection afforded by concomitant vaccination by both nasal and subcutaneous routes were better that that seen in nasal vaccination alone. This study shows that an effective vaccine against S. pyogenes is possible using L. lactis as a vaccine vector. It also opens up the potential of L. lactis to be used in the development of vaccines to other mucosal infections. / Graduation date: 2004

The isolation of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris from nature with probes for 16S ribosomal RNAs

Salama, Maysoon 03 May 1993 (has links)
Graduation date: 1993

Modification de la composition lipidique membranaire chez les bactéries lactiques en conditions de stress : étude du rôle physiologique des Acides Gras Cycliques chez deux modèles : oenococcus oeni ATCC-BAA1163 et Lactococcus lactis MG1363

To, Thi Mai Huong 17 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les résultats obtenus dans ce travail ont permis de démontrer que chez les deux bactéries lactiques modèles, L. lactis subsp. cremoris et O. oeni, la transcription du gène cfa, codant pour la Cfa synthase, est stimulée lorsque les cellules entrent en phase stationnaire de croissance ou lorque que les cellules sont cultivées en conditions de stress (milieu acide ou présence d'éthanol dans le milieu). Le rôle des CFA a pû être appréhendé par l'analyse physiologique comparative de la souche parentale L. lactis subsp. cremoris et du mutant Δcfa généré chez cette souche. Les forts pourcentages de survie obtenus chez les souches cultivées à pH 5,0, puis subissant un stress acide (pH 3,0), prouvent que la cyclopropanation des acides gras insaturés n'est pas indispensable à la survie de L. lactis subsp. cremoris en conditions de stress acide. En outre, les données d'anisotropie de fluorescence démontrent que la présence de CFAs membranaires ne permet pas de réguler le niveau de fluidité membranaire, en particulier avec les souches cultivées en présence d'éthanol, où une fluidification membranaire est observée dans tous les cas. L'hypothèse d'un équilibre entre les acides palmitoléique / cis-vaccénique / lactobacillique pour réguler la fluidité membranaire chez L. lactis subsp. cremoris est avancée. L'étude du rôle physiologique des CFA chez O. oeni nécessite l'expression du gène cfa de la bactérie en système hétérologue. Les résultats obtenus confirment la fonctionnalité du gène chez la bactérie hôte L. lactis subsp. cremoris, cependant la cyclisation du précurseur acide cis-vaccénique, reste partielle chez la souche mutante complémentée. Un travail de caractérisation biochimique in vitro de l'enzyme Cfa synthase de O. oeni a donc été entrepris afin d'expliquer la faible efficacité de l'enzyme de O. oeni chez la bactérie hôte. Les travaux réalisés ont permis la surproduction et la purification de l'enzyme. Une technique de mesure d'activité in vitro a été également développée. Une stratégie d'expression du gène cfa de O. oeni en système hétérologue dans la bactérie hôte E. coli BL21 Star a permis la surpoduction d'une protéine d'environ 45 kDa, en accord avec la masse moléculaire théorique de la Cfa synthase de O. oeni. A partir de l'extrait protéique, une purification a été réalisée par chromatographie d'affinité sur colonne d'agarose nickel. Les tests d'activité enzymatique in vitro ont pu été réalisés. La température optimale de l'enzyme est de 35,8°C. Son pH optimal est de 5,6. Même en se plaçant dans les conditions physico-chimiques optimales de l'enzyme, nous constatons que la cyclisation in vitro de l'acide cis-vaccénique issu des phospholipides membranaires du mutant L. lactis subsp. cremoris Δcfa reste partielle. Ceci induit une détermination expérimentale de valeurs de KM et Vmax largement supérieures aux données citées dans la littérature. La différence, entre les deux bactéries modèles, de nature et de répartition des phospholipides membranaires pourrait expliquer l'action partielle de la Cfa synthase de O. oeni.

Lizocimo sukeliami bakterijų apvalkalėlio pažeidimai ir Lactococcus lactis ląstelių atsakas į juos / Response of lactococcus lactis to cell envelope damage caused by lysozyme

Solopova, Ana 25 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe tirtas gramteigiamųjų ir gramneigiamųjų bakterijų atsakas į natyvaus ir katalitiškai neaktyvaus lizocimo bei jo 9 aminorūgščių katijoninio peptido sukeltus ląstelės apvalkalo pažeidimus. Panaudojant potenciometrinius metodus, buvo nustatyta, kad šie junginiai sukelia viduląstelinio K+ ištekėjimą iš L. lactis, B. subtilis ir P. aeruginosa ląstelių ir dalinę jų citoplazminės membranos depoliarizaciją, tačiau natyvus, kaitintas lizocimas ir 9a peptidas skirtingai veikia L. lactis apvalkalėlio laidumą. Peptidas bei kaitintas lizocimas sukelia staigesnį K+ jonų ištekėjimą ir membranos įtampos sumažėjimą nei natyvus lizocimas. Peptido sukeliamas K+ jonų ištekėjimas yra grįžtamas. Taip pat buvo įvertintas įvairių mutantinių L. lactis padermių jautrumas lizocimui. Pastebėta, kad kuo padermė atsparesnė lizocimui, tuo vėliau prasideda K+ jonų ištekėjimas iš šios padermės ląstelių. Pasitelkus DNR mikrogardelių metodą, buvo tiriamas lizocimo bei peptido poveikis L. lactis MG1363 bei &#916;oppA ląstelių genų raiškos pokyčiams. Nustatyta, jog peptidu ir lizocimu veiktose ląstelėse iššaukiama dvikomponentės valdymo sistemos CesSR raiška ir sukeliamas nuo SpxB priklausomas ląstelių atsparumas lizocimui. Gauti rezultatai rodo, jog lizocimas ir 9a peptidas sukelia kiek skirtingus L. lactis transkriptomo pokyčius: lizocimas savitai skatina nuo N-deacetilazės priklausomo atsparumo mechanizmo įsijungimą, taip pat skiriasi OpuA sistemą koduojančių genų raiška. / We used potenciometric measurments to investigate the response of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to cell envelope stress, caused by native and heat-inactivated lysozyme and lysozyme-derived 9 amino acid peptide. It was found that these antimicrobial compounds induce leakage of K+ outside the cells of L. lactis, B. subtilis and P. aeruginosa and cause partial depolarization of bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. We observed different response of L. lactis cells to these compounds – peptide and heat-inactivated lysozyme cause more rapid efflux of K+ ions than native lysozyme. Peptide has a reversible effect on K+ leakage. Sensitivity of different mutant strains of L. lactis to lysozyme was studied. It was shown that more resistant the strain is, the later the leakage of K+ ions is induced by lysozyme. To investigate the genome-wide response of L. lactis MG1363 and &#916;oppA strains to lysozyme and 9 a.a. peptide, changes of gene expression after challenging cells with these antimicrobial compounds were analysed using DNA microarrays. It was estimated, that lysozyme and lysozyme-derived 9a.a. peptide induce CesSR system and SpxB-mediated response. It was also shown that L. lactis response to 9a.a. peptide and lysozyme differs. Lysozyme specifically induces PgdA-mediated resistance mechanism. Changes of expression of OpuA system in lysozyme and peptide treated cells are also different.

Characterization And Identification Of Bacteriocins From Two Lactococcus Lactis Subsp. Lactis Strains

Akcelik, Oya 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT CHARACTERIZATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF BACTERIOCINS FROM TWO LACTOCOCCUS LACTIS SUBSP. LACTIS STRAINS Ak&ccedil / elik, Oya M.S., Department of Biotechnology In this study, bacteriocins from two L. lactis subsp. lactis isolates of Turkey origin designated OC1 and OC2, respectively, were characterized and identified. The activity spectra of the bacteriocins were determined by using different indicator bacteria including Listeria, Bacillus and Staphylococcus spp. Bacteriocins were tested for their sensitivity to different enzymes, heat treatments and pH values. Loss of bacteriocin activities after &amp / #61537 / -amylase treatment suggested that they form aggregates with carbohydrates. Molecular masses of partially purified bacteriocins were determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. PCR amplification was carried out with different primers for the detection of structural genes of lactococcal bacteriocins. As a result of these studies, the two bacteriocins were characterized as nisin and lacticin 481, respectively. Association of the bacteriocin production with plasmid DNA was examined by using acriflavine as a plasmid curing agent. Plasmid profiles of the wild type and its non-bacteriocin producing mutants were determined by using the alkali lysis method followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. The genetic nature of industrially important characteristics of Lactococcus lactis strains were investigated through gene transfer studies via conjugation. According to the results of plasmid curing and conjugal transfer trials, it was concluded that in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis OC1 strain a 39,7 kb plasmid is responsible for nisin production, lactose fermentation and proteolytic activity. In Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis OC2 strain, on the other hand, a 16 kb plasmid appeared to be responsible for lacticin 481 production and lactose fermentation.

Strukturbiologische Charakterisierung des ABC-Transporters LmrA aus L. lactis und des Substratbindeproteins EhuB aus S. meliloti

Hanekop, Nils. Unknown Date (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2006--Frankfurt (Main).

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