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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Analysis ex vivo biomechanics of two methods of osteosynthesis of pelvis in dogs / Thermographic printing in the detection of lameness in dogs

Garcia, érika Fernanda Villamayor 20 December 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Thermography is a non-invasive imaging diagnostic technique that records thermal patterns generated by infrared emission of heat from the body surface based on the local cutaneous perfusion. These thermal patterns are converted and displayed on a color map. In horses, since the 60s have been used for the detection of various orthopedic injuries and, in recent years studies in dogs have been published. Locomotion is the process by which the animal moves from one geographic location to another. The study of locomotion is essential to establish methods for treating disorders of the locomotor apparatus. Examination of the gait is the first step for the diagnostic in the evaluation of a patient with claudication. The aim of this study was to establish the thermal patterns of the paw prints of dogs with lameness compared to healthy dogs. It was verified also if there are differences in the temperature of paw print of the lame limb versus normal limb of normal dog and weight bearing limb of lame dog versus normal limb of normal dog. It was used 14 dogs with unilateral pelvic limb lameness due to rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (lame limb versus weight bearing limb) and 14 healthy dogs (right limb versus left limb). Thermographic images of the paw print were made after the dog remained in an orthostatic position on foam mat for 30 seconds. It was analyzed average temperatures and thermal patterns. Gait analysis was performed on a force platform in the same position to measure the peak vertical force (PVF). It was calculated mean, standard deviation, percentage of average, and asymmetry index for this variable of the gait. There were no significant differences in the temperature of the paw print between groups. Analysis of the pattern of thermal images showed 80% success in differentiating lame limb versus weight bearing limb (abnormal group) and 100 % in the identification of the same thermal pattern between right limb compared to the left limb (normal group). The mean of the PVF showed 10.0 % difference in normal dogs and 72.4 % in abnormal dogs. Analysis of asymmetry index showed 5 % in the normal group and 36.2 % in the abnormal group. It is conclude that the thermal paw print can be successfully used as an additional tool for the detection of the pelvic limb lameness in dogs. / Termografia é uma técnica não invasiva de diagnósticos por imagem, que registra padrões térmicos gerados pela emissão infravermelha de calor da superfície corporal baseado na perfusão cutânea local. Estes padrões térmicos são convertidos e visualizados em um mapa de cores. Em equinos, desde os anos 60 têm sido utilizada para a detecção de várias lesões ortopédicas e, nos últimos anos, estudos em cães têm sido publicados. A locomoção é o processo pelo qual o animal se move de uma posição geográfica para outra. O estudo da locomoção é essencial para estabelecer métodos de tratamento de desordens do aparato locomotor. Exame da marcha representa o primeiro passo para o diagnóstico na avaliação de um paciente com claudicação. O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer o padrão da impressão termográfica da pegada de cães com claudicação comparada a cães saudáveis. Verificou-se também se há diferenças na temperatura da pegada de membro claudicante versus membro normal de cão normal e membro que suporta o peso de cão claudicante versus membro normal de cão normal. Foram utilizados 14 cães com claudicação unilateral do membro pélvico devido à ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial (membro claudicante versus membro que suporta o peso) e 14 cães saudáveis (membro direito versus membro esquerdo). As imagens termográficas das pegadas foram feitas após o cão permanecer em posição ortostática sobre tapete de espuma durante 30 segundos. Foram analisados padrões térmicos de imagens e médias de temperatura. Análise da marcha foi realizada em plataforma de força na mesma posição para medir o pico de força vertical (PFV). Calculou-se média, desvio padrão, porcentagem da média e índice de assimetria para esta variável da marcha. Não houve diferença significativa na temperatura da pegada entre os grupos. Análises do padrão térmico das imagens mostraram sucesso de 80 % na diferenciação do membro claudicante contra o membro que suporta o peso (grupo anormal) e de 100% na identificação do mesmo padrão térmico entre o membro direito em relação ao esquerdo (grupo normal). A média do PFV mostrou 10,0% de diferença nos cães normais e 72,4% nos cães anormais. Análise de índice de assimetria mostrou 5% no grupo normal e 36,2% no grupo anormal. Conclui-se que a impressão termográfica da pegada pode ser utilizada com sucesso como ferramenta complementar para a detecção de claudicação dos membros pélvicos em cães.

EFICÁCIA DE TRÊS TÉCNICAS ANESTÉSICAS NA DOR LIGADA AO CASCO EM EQUINOS / Effectiveness of three local digital anesthetic technics in horses with hoof pain

Dau, Stéfano Leite 19 February 2016 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the navicular bursa (NB), distal interphalangeal joint (DIJ) and deep digital flexor tendon sheath anesthesia (DDFTS) in horses with hoof pain. The effect of navicular bone and DIJ radiographic lesions on the block efficacy was also evaluated. Criterion of inclusion was a lameness improvement of 70% or higher until 15 minutes ( ) after palmar digital nerve (PDN) block. Based on that, fifteen horses with grade III forelimb lameness were selected. Blocks were performed separately in different trials with a minimum of 8-hour interval between each one. The first trial started with the PDN block, and the NB, DIJ and DDFTS anesthesia were conducted randomly among trials 2, 3 and 4. Moreover, the influence of exercise over lameness intensity was evaluated by trotting horses in a fifth trial without any block. The objective assessment of each trial was performed before, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 60 after each block. The radiographic exam was performed at the NB trial. Horses were grouped according to degree of improvement, or by radiographic lesions, and an exact Fisher s test was used to compare frequencies with significance of p<0.05. NB and DIJ anesthesia presented similar effect at improvement rates of 50% or higher. However, NB was more effective in improve lameness above 70% at 10 (p=0.03). The highest improvement means for NB was at 5 (70.88%) and 10 (72.33%), and at 15 (58.76%) and 20 (56.17%) for DIJ anesthesia. The DDFTS block was less effective than NB and DIJ when evaluating lameness improvement above 50% or 70%. DIJ anesthesia was inferior to PDN block in ameliorate lameness more than 50 and 70% up to 20 minutes. The highest means of improvement for DDFTS block was at 5 (25.22%) and 10 (26.42%), and better responses were observed in horses with DDFT effusion. The exercise demonstrated low interference in reducing lameness since no improvement above 50% was observed, and additionally seven (46.66%) horses increased lameness intensity overtime. Navicular bone and DIJ lesions were observed in 40% of the horses, and in 53.33% horses had lesions identified only on the navicular bone. No difference on efficacy was observed when grouped horses according to radiographic lesions. NB and DIJ anesthesia showed improvement means above 50% until 30 . Objective assessment of hoof anesthesia technics demonstrated that NB and DIJ have similar efficacy in reducing hoof lameness and both technics were superior to the DDFTS block. The selection of hoof blocks order should be based on a thorough clinical examination, since it allows selection of pertinent blocks for each case. Moreover, hoof blocks should always start from the most to the least specific block and if possible carry them at different times. / O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do bloqueio da bursa do navicular (NB), articulação interfalangeana distal (AID) e bainha do tendão flexor digital profundo (BTFDP) em cavalos com dor ligada ao casco. Avaliou-se, também, a influência de alterações radiológicas no osso navicular e/ou na AID na resposta dos bloqueios. A melhora superior a 70%, até 15 minutos ( ) após o bloqueio do nervo palmar digital (BNPD), foi o critério de inclusão para este estudo. Assim, 15 equinos com claudicação grau III (AAEP, 1991) em um dos membros torácicos foram selecionados. Os bloqueios avaliados foram realizados em turnos separados com um intervalo mínimo de oito horas entre cada um. Sendo que no primeiro turno era realizado o BNPD, e os bloqueios da BN, AID e BTFDP foram distribuídos aleatoriamente entre os turnos 2, 3, e 4. A influência do exercício foi avaliada trotando os cavalos em um quinto turno após o último bloqueio. As avaliações objetivas foram realizadas antes, e aos 5 ,10 , 15 , 20 , 30 e 60 após cada bloqueio. O estudo radiológico completo do casco foi realizado junto com o bloqueio da BN. Os cavalos foram agrupados de acordo com grau de melhora, ou com o tipo de lesão, e o teste exato de Fischer com significância de 5% utilizado para comparar frequencias de animais com melhora superior a 50% e 70%. Os bloqueios da BN e AID não apresentaram diferença quando avaliado animais com melhora acima de 50%, porém o bloqueio da BN foi superior (p=0.03) ao da AID aos 10 , considerando uma melhora maior de 70%. Os maiores percentuais de melhora do bloqueios da BN foram aos 5 (70.88%) e 10 (72,33%), e para a AID aos 15 (58.76%) e 20 (56.17%). O bloqueio da BTFDP foi inferior ao da BN e da AID tanto para melhora da claudicação acima de 50% quanto para 70%. O bloqueio da AID apresentou uma melhora inferior ao BNDP até os 20 . Os maiores percentuais de melhora da anestesia da BTFDP foram 5 (25.22%) e 10 (26.42%), e equinos com as melhores respostas apresentavam algum grau de efusão na BTFD durante o exame clínico. O exercício não proporcionou melhora superior a 50% para nenhum dos equinos, porém, sete (46.66%) aumentaram a intensidade da claudicação. Observou-se lesões no osso navicular e AID em 40% do cavalos, e 53.33% apresentaram alterações apenas no osso navicular. Não houve diferença na eficácia dos bloqueios ao longo do tempo, quando agrupado os animais de acordo com as lesões radiológicas. O bloqueio da BN, AID apresentaram médias superiores a 50% até os 30 . Na análise objetiva, a anestesia da BN e AID apresentam eficácia semelhante e foram superiores ao da BTFDP em reduzir a intensidade da claudicação em equinos com dor ligada ao casco. A seleção da ordem dos bloqueios anestésicos deve ser baseada a partir de um exame clínico completo, pois ele permite a seleção dos bloqueios mais pertinente para cada caso. Além disso, sempre deve-se se optar pelo bloqueio mais específico e se possível realiza-los em momentos diferentes.

Pulsed-Wave-Dopplersonographie an der Zehe von gesunden und an Pododermatitis circumscripta erkrankten Kühen der Rasse Deutsch Holstein

Müller, Hendrik 17 June 2020 (has links)
Einleitung Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates haben bei Milchkühen eine hohe wirtschaftliche Bedeutung sowie enorme Auswirkungen auf das Tierwohl. Etwa 90 % der Lahmheiten beim Rind werden durch Klauenerkrankungen hervorgerufen. Die Ursachen dieser Klauenerkrankungen sind multifaktoriell und umfassen tier- und umweltassoziierte Faktoren. Die Pododermatitis aseptica diffusa ist eine der wichtigsten Ursachen für die Entstehung von umschriebenen Klauenlederhautentzündungen. In ihrer Pathogenese spielen Veränderungen der Zehendurchblutung eine zentrale Rolle. Die Pulsed-Wave (PW)-Dopplersonographie ist eine nicht invasive Technik zur Beurteilung des Blutflusses an Gefäßen und zur Untersuchung der Durchblutung von Organen. Jedoch liegen keine PW-Dopplersonographischen Untersuchungen an der Zehe des Rindes in der Literatur vor. Ziele der Untersuchungen Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, die Zehendurchblutung bei Rindern, die an einer Pododermatitis circumscripta solearis oder parietalis litten, im Milchviehbetrieb zu erfassen. Dazu wurde in einem ersten Schritt die Methodik der PW-Dopplersonographie an der Zehe der Hintergliedmaßen von gesunden Kühen etabliert. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden Blutflussmerkmale an den Hintergliedmaßen lahmer Kühe, die an einer Pododermatitis circumscripta solearis oder parietalis litten, erfasst, um Auswirkungen der Entzündung sowie weiterer als relevant erscheinender Einflussfaktoren für die Zehendurchblutung zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden In der Publikation 1 wurden 22 gesunde Deutsch Holstein Kühe einbezogen. Die Versuchstiere wurden im Betrieb einer klinischen Untersuchung inklusive einer Lahmheitsbeurteilung sowie einer Klauenpflege aller Gliedmaßen unterzogen. Am zweiten Versuchstag wurde eine sonographische Untersuchung beider Hintergliedmaßen am stehenden Tier durchgeführt. Zur sonographischen Untersuchung wurde das MyLab One (Esaote Deutschland GmbH) mit einem Linearschallkopf (10 MHz) ohne Vorlaufstrecke verwendet. Mittels Brightness(B)-Mode wurden Weichteilgewebe, synoviale Einrichtungen und Blutgefäße distal des Tarsus untersucht. In der Arteria (A.) interdigitalis wurde der Blutfluss mittels PW-Dopplersonographie beurteilt. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte mit dem Programm MyLap Desk auf einem Laptop. In die Publikation 2 wurden 33 lahme und 11 gesunde Deutsch Holstein Kühe einbezogen. Die lahmen Kühe litten an einer superfiziellen bis profunden Pododermatitis an der Außenklaue einer Hintergliedmaße. Die klinische und sonographische Untersuchung erfolgte wie in der Publikation 1 beschrieben. Für die statistische Bearbeitung der Daten wurde die procedure mixed (SAS, Version 9.4) verwendet. Ergebnisse In den Publikationen 1 und 2 konnte an 112 von 132 Hintergliedmaßen bei 66 Kühen ein auswertbares PW-Doppler-Signal gemessen werden. Bei 17 der 20 nicht auswertbaren Hintergliedmaßen lag nur eine mäßige B-Mode-Bildqualität vor. Die lahmen Kühe trippelten bei der sonographischen Untersuchung mehr als die gesunden Kühe. Blutflusskurventypen mit einem niedrigen peripheren Gefäßwiderstand liegen vor allem an den Hintergliedmaßen lahmer Kühe und Kurventypen mit einem hohen Widerstand am häufigsten bei gesunden Kühen vor. Lahme Kühe haben im Vergleich zu nicht-lahmen Kühen einen erhöhten Gefäßdurchmesser (D) und eine gesteigerte Blutflussrate (BF) sowie enddiastolische Blutflussgeschwindigkeit. Es bestehen keine Unterschiede zwischen der betroffenen Gliedmaße und der Gegengliedmaße lahmer Kühe. Ein numerisch höherer D, eine höhere BF sowie maximale systolische und maximale mittlere Blutflussgeschwindigkeit liegen bei Kühen mit einer mittelgradigen Lahmheit vor. Schlussfolgerungen Die PW-Dopplersonographie in Kombination mit dem in der Studie verwendeten Untersuchungsgang ist für die Messung des Blutflusses in der A. interdigitalis an den Hintergliedmaßen des Rindes sehr gut geeignet. Sowohl die bei den Kühen gefundenen Blutflusskurvenprofile als auch die quantitativen Blutflussmerkmale sind mit Werten von Pferden vergleichbar. Es liegt eine gesteigerte Durchblutung an den betroffenen Zehen und denen der Gegengliedmaße von lahmen Kühen im Vergleich zu gesunden Kühen vor. Nicht nur das Vorliegen einer umschriebenen Klauenlederhautentzündung, sondern auch ihr zeitlicher Verlauf, die Auswirkungen einer aktivierten Entzündungskaskade, das Vorliegen einer chronischen Klauenrehe und vor allem die Gewichtsbelastung und die Gewichtsverschiebung zwischen den Hintergliedmaßen müssen in die Beurteilung des digitalen Blutflusses einbezogen werden. Die erstmalig an der Rinderzehe ermittelten Blutflussdaten stellen eine gute Grundlage für weitere Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Klauenrehe-Pathogenese dar.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1 2 Literaturübersicht 3 2.1 Pododermatitis aseptica diffusa beim Rind 3 2.1.1 Definition 3 2.1.2 Symptomatik 3 Klinisches Stadium 3 Akute Form 3 Subakute Form 4 Chronische Form 4 Subklinisches Stadium 5 2.1.3 Ätiologie 5 Fütterung 5 Zusammenhang zwischen Fütterung und Dysfunktion des Blutgefäßsystems der Zehe 5 Kohlenhydrate 7 Proteine und Aminosäuren 9 Lipide 10 Spurenelemente 10 Kupfer 10 Zink 10 Mangan 11 Selen 11 Vitamine 11 Biotin 11 Vitamine A, D, E 12 Toxine 12 Bewertung der Versorgung mit Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen und Vitaminen für die Klauengesundheit 12 Mechanische Faktoren 13 Digitales Fettpolster 13 Hypertrophie der Außenklaue an den Hintergliedmaßen 14 Dünne Sohlen 14 Hormonelle Veränderungen während der Transitphase 15 Haltung 17 2.1.4 Pathogenese 18 2.1.5 Reheassoziierte Klauenlederhautentzündungen 19 2.2 Anatomie des Blutgefäßsystems beim Rind 20 2.2.1 Arterien der Hintergliedmaße 20 Arterien am Ober- und Unterschenkel 20 Arterien an Mittelfuß und Zehen 21 Plantares System 21 Dorsales System 21 2.2.2 Venen der Hintergliedmaße 21 Venen am Ober- und Unterschenkel 21 Venen an Mittelfuß und Zehen 22 Plantares System 22 Dorsales System 22 2.2.3 Blutgefäßsystem der Klauen 23 Arterien 23 Venen 23 Arterio-venöse Anastomosen 24 2.3 Bildgebende Verfahren zur Darstellung des Gefäßsystems 24 2.3.1 Allgemein 24 2.3.2 Brightness Mode Sonographie 25 Prinzip 25 Allgemeine Anwendung an der Gliedmaße 25 Spezielle Anwendung zur Untersuchung des Blutgefäßsystems an der Gliedmaße distal des Tarsus 26 2.3.3 Pulsed-Wave-Dopplersonographie 27 Prinzip 27 Merkmale 29 Allgemeine Anwendung 30 Anwendung an der Gliedmaße 30 2.3.4 Weitere bildgebende Verfahren 33 Angiographie 33 Prinzip 33 Anwendung an der Gliedmaße 34 Szintigraphie 34 2.4 Zusammenfassende Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Literaturstudium 35 3 Publikation 1 37 4 Publikation 2 47 5 Diskussion 59 5.1 Auswahl des Messpunktes und Messbarkeit des Blutflusses 59 5.2 Verhalten 60 5.3 Gliedmaßenstellung 60 5.4 Qualitative Blutflussmerkmale 61 5.5 Quantitative Blutflussmerkmale 62 6 Zusammenfassung 66 7 Summary 68 8 Literaturverzeichnis 70 9 Danksagung 96 / Introduction Diseases of the locomotor system in dairy cattle have a huge economic and welfare importance. Nearly 90 % of lameness in cattle is caused by claw disease. The reasons are multifactorial and include animal as well as environmental factors. Claw horn disruption is the main cause for the development of claw horn lesions. Changes in the blood circulation of the toes play an essential role in their pathogenesis. Pulsed-Wave (PW)-Doppler ultrasonography is a non-invasive technique to evaluate the flow in blood vessels and to examine the blood circulation of an organ. However, there have not been any PW-Doppler ultrasonographical investigations for the bovine limb in the literature yet. Aims The objective of this investigation is to measure the blood flow of the toes in dairy cattle suffering from sole ulcer or white line disease in dairy farms. In a first step the PW-Doppler ultrasonography was established at the toe of hindlimbs in healthy dairy cattle. In a second step blood flow variables in the hindlimbs of lame cows affected by a sole ulcer or white line disease were recorded to evaluate the consequence of inflammation as well as to examine further factors seem to influence the blood flow of the toes. Material and Methods Twenty-two German Holstein cows were included in the first publication. The cows were examined clinically in the farm including an evaluation of the lameness score as well as a claw trimming of all limbs. One day after an ultrasonography was performed in standing position in both hind limbs. For the examination a MyLabOne (Esaote Deutschland GmbH) with a linear transducer without a standoff pad was used. Soft tissue, synovial structures and blood vessels distal of the tarsal region were examined by using a Brightness (B)-mode ultrasonography. In the interdigital arteria the blood flow was measured by PW-Doppler ultrasonography. The analysis of the data was carried out by the program MyLabDesk on a laptop. The second publication included 33 lame and 11 healthy German Holstein cows. The lame cows suffered from a superficial too profound sole ulcer or white line disease at the outer claw of one hind limb. The clinical and ultrasonographical examination took place analogically to the first publication. For the statistical analyses the MIXED procedure (SAS, version 9.4) was used. Results Combining both publications in 112 of 132 hindlimbs a usable PW-Doppler signal was generated. Seventeen of the 20 not usable signals the B-mode quality was moderate. During the ultrasonography lame cows pattered their limbs more often than healthy cows. Blood flow profiles with a low peripheral resistance are more common in the hindlimbs of lame cows and profiles with a high peripheral resistance are most frequent in healthy cows. Lame cows have a higher vessel diameter (D), blood flow rate (BF) and end-diastolic blood flow velocity compared to healthy cows. There was no difference in the affected compared to the opposite limbs of lame cows. A numerical higher D, BF as well as maximum systolic and maximum time-averaged mean blood flow velocity occurred in moderate lame cows compared to mild lame cows. Conclusions The PW-Doppler ultrasonography is well suited for the evaluation of the blood flow in the bovine interdigital artery at the hindlimbs. The observed blood flow profiles as well as quantitative blood flow parameters are comparable to data in horses. There is an increased blood circulation in the affected and the opposite limb of lame cows compared to healthy cows. Not only the existence of the claw horn lesions but also their chronological progress, the influence of the inflammatory cascade, the availability of chronic claw horn disruption and especially weight bearing and weight shifting between hindlimbs have to be considered in the assessment of the blood flow of toes. The for the first-time generated blood flow parameters provide a good basis for further investigations in the topic of claw horn disruption pathogenesis.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1 2 Literaturübersicht 3 2.1 Pododermatitis aseptica diffusa beim Rind 3 2.1.1 Definition 3 2.1.2 Symptomatik 3 Klinisches Stadium 3 Akute Form 3 Subakute Form 4 Chronische Form 4 Subklinisches Stadium 5 2.1.3 Ätiologie 5 Fütterung 5 Zusammenhang zwischen Fütterung und Dysfunktion des Blutgefäßsystems der Zehe 5 Kohlenhydrate 7 Proteine und Aminosäuren 9 Lipide 10 Spurenelemente 10 Kupfer 10 Zink 10 Mangan 11 Selen 11 Vitamine 11 Biotin 11 Vitamine A, D, E 12 Toxine 12 Bewertung der Versorgung mit Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen und Vitaminen für die Klauengesundheit 12 Mechanische Faktoren 13 Digitales Fettpolster 13 Hypertrophie der Außenklaue an den Hintergliedmaßen 14 Dünne Sohlen 14 Hormonelle Veränderungen während der Transitphase 15 Haltung 17 2.1.4 Pathogenese 18 2.1.5 Reheassoziierte Klauenlederhautentzündungen 19 2.2 Anatomie des Blutgefäßsystems beim Rind 20 2.2.1 Arterien der Hintergliedmaße 20 Arterien am Ober- und Unterschenkel 20 Arterien an Mittelfuß und Zehen 21 Plantares System 21 Dorsales System 21 2.2.2 Venen der Hintergliedmaße 21 Venen am Ober- und Unterschenkel 21 Venen an Mittelfuß und Zehen 22 Plantares System 22 Dorsales System 22 2.2.3 Blutgefäßsystem der Klauen 23 Arterien 23 Venen 23 Arterio-venöse Anastomosen 24 2.3 Bildgebende Verfahren zur Darstellung des Gefäßsystems 24 2.3.1 Allgemein 24 2.3.2 Brightness Mode Sonographie 25 Prinzip 25 Allgemeine Anwendung an der Gliedmaße 25 Spezielle Anwendung zur Untersuchung des Blutgefäßsystems an der Gliedmaße distal des Tarsus 26 2.3.3 Pulsed-Wave-Dopplersonographie 27 Prinzip 27 Merkmale 29 Allgemeine Anwendung 30 Anwendung an der Gliedmaße 30 2.3.4 Weitere bildgebende Verfahren 33 Angiographie 33 Prinzip 33 Anwendung an der Gliedmaße 34 Szintigraphie 34 2.4 Zusammenfassende Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Literaturstudium 35 3 Publikation 1 37 4 Publikation 2 47 5 Diskussion 59 5.1 Auswahl des Messpunktes und Messbarkeit des Blutflusses 59 5.2 Verhalten 60 5.3 Gliedmaßenstellung 60 5.4 Qualitative Blutflussmerkmale 61 5.5 Quantitative Blutflussmerkmale 62 6 Zusammenfassung 66 7 Summary 68 8 Literaturverzeichnis 70 9 Danksagung 96

Entwicklung eines Bildverarbeitungssystems zur Überwachung des Locomotion Scoring in Milchviehbetrieben

Dieckmann, Sarah 15 April 2019 (has links)
Ein System zur automatischen Erfassung der Klauengesundheit von Milchkühen kann durch möglichst frühzeitige präventive und kurative Eingriffe sowohl das Tierwohl steigern als auch ökonomische Verluste minimieren. Ziel war die Entwicklung eines automatischen Systems, dass mittels 3D Sensordaten die Rückenkrümmung einer Kuh erfassen kann und einen entsprechenden Locomotion Score ausgibt. In dieser Studie wurden von August bis Dezember 2016 auf einem Milchviehbetrieb mit Boxenlaufstallhaltung 200 Kühe der Rasse Deutsche Holstein automatisch von einem System nach Verlassen des Melkstandes erfasst. Das System bestand aus zwei RFID-Antennen zur Tiererkennung, einem 3D Sensor zur Lahmheitsbeurteilung und zwei 2D Kameras zur visuellen Bonitur und Validierung. Anhand der 2D Videos wurde nach der Methode von SPRECHER et al. (1997) für 1489 Datensätze ein Locomotion Scores vergeben. Im 2,5D-Tiefenbild wurden zunächst die Hüfthöcker als höchste, äußerste Punkte im Bild identifiziert. Ausgehend von einer Verbindungslinie zwischen den Hüfthöckern, wurde die Wirbelsäule als Polylinie der höchsten Punkte in Richtung Bildanfang ermittelt. Im 3D-Raum wurde dann an die gefundene Rückenlinie ein Kreis approximiert, dessen Radius umgekehrt proportional zur Krümmung des Kuhrückens ist. Der Vergleich der visuell vergebenen und der automatisch gemessenen Scores ergab für das Modell mit fünf Stufen eine Übereinstimmung von 59 % und für das Modell mit drei Stufen 65 %. Die Korrelation nach Spearman (rs = 0,73) zeigte einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen den berechneten und den visuellen Scores. Mit einer Genauigkeit von 82 % wurden 96 % der lahmen Kühe auch als lahm erkannt. Die größte Übereinstimmung wurde für den Locomotion Score 2 erreicht (80 %). In dieser Arbeit wurde ein automatisches System entwickelt, welches durch die Berechnung der Krümmung der Rückenlinie insbesondere beginnende Lahmheiten sehr gut erkennen kann. / A system for automatic detection of lameness in dairy cows can increase animal welfare as well as minimize economic losses through early preventative and curative treatments. The aim of this study was to develop an automatic system that uses 3D sensor data to detect the spine curve of a cow and generate a corresponding locomotion score. In the present study 200 German Holstein cows housed in a free stall barn were recorded via an automatic system after leaving the milking parlour from August to December 2016 on a dairy farm. The system consisted of two RFID-antennas, a 3D depth camera for automatic lameness detection and two standard 2D cameras for visual classification and validation. An amount of 1,489 2D sets of data were locomotion scored according to the method of SPRECHER et al. (1997). Locomotion Score 1 was used to score a healthy cow and Locomotion Score 2 – 5 for lameness with increasing severity. In the analysis five levels (score 1 – 5) as well as three levels (score 1, 2, and ≥ 3) were compared. In the 2.5D depth image the hip joints were identified as the highest, outermost points in the image. Starting from a connection line between the hip joints, the spine was determined as a polyline of the highest points in anterior direction. On the 3D surface, a circle was approximated to the detected back line whose radius is inversely proportional to the curvature of the cow´s back. A comparison of the visually assigned and automatically detected scores showed a 59 % match of the five-level model and 65 % for the three-level model. The Spearman correlation (rs = 0.73) showed a clear correlation between the calculated and the visual scores. With an accuracy of 82 %, 96 % of lame cows were identified as lame. The highest agreement was reached for locomotion Score 2 (80 %). In the present study an automatic system was developed, which can recognize in particular beginning lameness by calculating the curvature of the back.


LIMA, Ingrid Rios 07 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:07:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Ingrid_Lima2.pdf: 1990693 bytes, checksum: 94c6742e78564bd3d1e8df861cc1c96c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-07 / Radiographic evaluation has been done lately as important diagnosis recourse for bovine locomotor injuries. However the scarcity of study in this area has made difficult the veterinary s performance. The aim of the study was to use radiographic exams to help in the characterization of the most important bone injuries that compromise bovine digit, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joint as well as relate radiographic findings to lameness sings and the presence of feet injuries. Participate in this study fifty male bovines (Zebu x European), confined, carrying locomotor alterations, with or without digital alteration, from the state of Goiás. All the animals were evaluated about the locomotion score the moment they arrived, and 112 days latter at the end of the confinement. After the slaughter, the four member distal extremities were collected (n=200) and evaluated about clinic and radiographic alterations. Claudication was found out in 86% of the animals. The locomotion scores were distributed as fallowing: 14% had score 1, 20% score 2, 52% score 3 and 14% score 4. The comparison between two moments, arrival and end of the confinement, demonstrated the aggravation of the locomotion score during the period the animals were confined. Only 29,5% from the extremities evaluated presented digital injuries. From these, 40,7% were classified as mixture, 32,2% septic pododermatitis, 11,9% interdigital dermatitis, 8,5% horn erosion and 68% as digital dermatitis. According to the radiographic evaluation 25,5% of the extremities presented some kind of digital alteration. The main injuries were distributed in joint degenerative disease (27,5%), osteitis (19,6%), periostitis (15,7%), septic arthritis in distal interphalangeal joint (11,8%), calcification off deep flexor tendon (7,8), calcification of the extensor tendon (5,9%), fracture in chip, ankylosis of joint and calcification of the proximal insertions of the cruciate ligaments (3,9% each one). The results showed relation between the presence of lameness and digital injuries with the radiographic alterations observed in the digits, however this relation was not found in the radiographic alterations of the fisis from metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints. We concluded that the locomotion score, associated to characterization of the podal injuries and the radiographic examination, helped in the diagnosis of lameness and that there is a relation among lameness, pedal injuries and radiographic alterations. It also showed that the confinement may be a determinating factor to the development of fiseal dysplasia in bovines, however, for better comprehension of the illness more radiographic studies that go along with the animal growth must be carried out / A avaliação radiográfica vem sendo aplicada, nos últimos anos, como importante meio de diagnóstico das desordens locomotoras de bovinos. Entretanto a escassez de estudos nessa área tem dificultado a atuação dos profissionais buiatras. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar o exame radiográfico para auxiliar a caracterização das principais lesões ósseas que comprometem os dígitos e as articulações metacarpo e metatarso-falangeana de bovinos, assim como relacionar os achados radiográficos aos sinais clínicos de claudicação e à presença de lesões podais. Foram utilizados 50 bovinos machos, cruzados manejados em sistema semi intensivo, portadores de alterações locomotoras, com ou sem lesões digitais, provenientes do Estado de Goiás. Todos os animais foram avaliados, quanto ao escore de locomoção no momento de chegada, e 112 dias depois no momento de saída do confinamento Após o abate foram colhidas as quatro extremidades distais (n=200), as mesmas foram avaliadas quanto a alterações clínicas e radiográficas. Quanto à avaliação de claudicação verificou-se que esteve presente em 86% dos animais, sendo os escores de locomoção assim distribuídos: 14% apresentavam escore 1, 20% escore 2, 52% escore 3 e 14% escore 4. A comparação entre o dois momentos, chegada e saída do confinamento, demonstrou que houve piora (p = 0,003) no escore de locomoção dos animais, durante o período em que permaneceram confinados. Em relação às 200 extremidades avaliadas apenas 29,5% apresentaram lesões digitais. Destas, 40,7%, foram classificadas como mistas, 32,2% pododermatite séptica, 11,9% dermatite interdigital, 8,5% erosão de talão e 6,8% classificadas como dermatite digital. Na avaliação radiográfica 25,5% das extremidades avaliadas apresentaram algum tipo de alteração nos dígitos. As principais lesões foram distribuídas entre doença degenerativa articular (27,5%), osteíte (19,6%), periostite (15,7%), artrite séptica da articulação interfalangeana distal (11,8%), calcificação do tendão flexor profundo (7,8%), calcificação do tendão extensor (5,9%), fratura em chip, artrite anquilosante e calcificação do ligamento cruzado proximal (3,9% cada uma). Os resultados demonstraram que houve relação entre a presença de claudicação e de lesões digitais com as alterações radiográficas observadas nos dígitos, entretanto essa mesma relação não esteve presente nas alterações radiográficas observadas nas fises das articulações metacarpo e metatarso-falangeanas. Conclui-se que o escore de locomoção, associado à caracterização das lesões podais e ao exame radiográfico auxiliou no diagnostico de claudicação e que existe relação entre, claudicação, lesões podais e alterações radiográficas e que o confinamento pode ser um fator determinante para o desenvolvimento das lesões de displasia fiseal em bovinos, entretanto para a melhor compreensão dessa enfermidade é necessário a realização de estudos radiográficos que acompanhem o animal durante seu crescimento

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