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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de variabilidade genética e química em cunila spicata Benth

Albuquerque, Marcos Roberto 21 December 2004 (has links)
Cunila spicata Benth. é uma planta aromática e medicinal utilizada popularmente no sul do Brasil como béquica, peitoral e sudorífera, e que apresenta comprovada atividade antiviral e anticonvulsiva. C. spicata é uma das 12 espécies sul-americanas do gênero Cunila (Lamiaceae) sendo encontrada em banhados e borda de mata de galeria no sul do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai. Dentro deste contexto, no presente trabalho foi avaliada a variabilidade genética e química de populações de C. spicata coletadas nas regiões nordeste e sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul, com vistas a formação de bancos de germoplasma, determinação de estratégias de preservação e uso sustentável. Os marcadores ISSR e RAPD mostraram-se eficientes na determinação de variabilidade genética desta espécie, permitindo a identificação de todas as populações e indivíduos avaliados. As populações de C. spicata caracterizam-se como grupos geneticamente estruturados. Entretanto, não foi constatada formação de agrupamentos dentro da espécie, nem relação entre as distâncias genéticas e geográficas, ou entre as populações originarias das duas regiões geográficas amostradas. Por outro lado, a análise da composição dos óleos essenciais das 10 populações permitiu separar as mesmas em dois quimiotipos caracterizados por elevada concentração de α-terpineol/limoneno, e linalol, respectivamente. As populações da região sudeste enquadraram-se dentro do quimiotipo linalol, enquanto as da região nordeste no quimiotipo α-terpineol/limoneno. A relação geográfica e química é indicativa da existência de pressão de seleção quanto ao tipo de óleo essencial da região de ocorrência. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq. / Cunila spicata Benth. is a medicinal and aromatic plant popularly used in South Brazil as bequic, expectorant and sudiriferous, and that has confirmed antiviral and anti-convulsive activities. C. spicata is one of the 12 South-American species of the genus Cunila( Lamiaceae) been currently found in swamps and borders of gallery forests in South Brazil, North Argentina and Uruguay. In this context, the present work aimed to evaluate the genetic and chemical variability of C. spicata populations collected at the northeast and southeast regions of Rio Grande do Sul, to subside the construction of a germplasm bank, to determine conservation strategies, and to develop a sustainable use of this species. ISSR and RAPD markers proved to be efficients for the determination of the genetic variability of this species, allowing the identification of all the populations and individuals. C. spicata populations were characterized as genetically structured groups. However, clusters within the species were not evident, and no relations were detected between geographic and genetic distances, or between populations of the two regions. Conversely, the analysis of essential oil composition allowed the populations in two chemotypes, characterized by high concentration of α-terpineol/limonene, and linalool, respectively. The populations of the southeast region belong to the linalool chemotype, and those from the northeast region to the a-terpineol/limonene chemotype. This geographical and chemical relation is indicative of different selection pressures in the two regions.

Crescimento, composição fitoquímica e efeito genotóxico do óleo essencial em alecrim (rosmarinus officinalis l.) sob diferentes períodos de salinidade / Growth, phytochemical composition and genotoxic effect of rosemary essential oil (rosmarinus officinalis l.) under different periods of salinity.

Pinheiro, Suany Maria Gomes 16 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Rosmarinus officinalis L. is a species that has stood out for its intense popular use, the main product the essential oil. The work was ainmed determine the effect of sa-linity on the biomass period, content, yield, phytochemical composition and genotoxi-city of essential oil of rosemary.Dois experiments sheets were simultaneously per-formed between June 3, 2014 to December 12, 2015, the experiments were per-formed in the department of Plant Science at the Federal University of Santa Maria. In the first experiment, the control (T1) was employed in a nutrient solution with elet-rical conductivity (EC) of 1.0 dSm-1 and the other four treatments (T2, T3, T4, T5) was used with a nutrient solution conductivity electric 5,0 dSm-1. T2 plants were submitted to the salt solution for a period of 140 days after planting (DAP) in T3 to 150 in the 160 T4 and T5 to 170 DAP. All plants were collected on 12 December 2014 complet-ing a period of 190 days. The period in which the plants remained under saline condi-tions before the collection was 50, 40, 30 and 20 days in T2, T3, T4 and T5, respec-tively. In the second experiment it was also compared four periods of salinity (CE 5.0 dSm-1) and control (CE 1.0 dSm- 1). The planting was done on the same day of the experiment I and the supply of saline solution began on the same day of the first trial, but the harvest was delayed in order to increase the periods in which the plants re-mained in saline conditions. All plants were collected on 12 February 2015. Thus, the salinity period before the collection was 110, 100, 90 and 80 days for treatments T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively. In both experiments the experimental design was ran-domized with five replications. The Extraction of oil from the leaves by hydrodistilla-tion in Clevenger was performed and then performed gas chromatography. The es-sential oil was evaluated for antiproliferative and genotoxic effects in cells of Allium Cepa at a concentration of 0.20 % for the oil of plants grown in different periods of salinity collected at 190 after planting. The biomass production data and essential oil were subjected to analysis of variance with polynomial regression and other data were compared by Scott-Knott test (p <0.05). The results showed that the salinity period through a nutrient solution with electrical conductivity of 5 dS m-1 linearly re-duces biomass, content and essential oil yield of rosemary plants in soilless culture. The major compounds of the essential oil were camphor, 1.8 cineol, verbenone, α-pinene and β-myrcene. And this in turn was not genotoxic nor showed significant an-tiproliferative effect, except that obtained from the plants that remained for a longer period of exposure to salinity, which inhibited cell division of Allium Cepa. / Rosmarinus officinalis L. é uma espécie que tem se destacado pelo seu intenso uso popular, tendo como principal produto o óleo essencial. O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito do período de salinidade sobre a fitomassa, teor, rendimento, composição fitoquímica e genotoxicidade do óleo essencial das folhas de alecrim. Dois experimentos foram realiza-dos simultaneamente no período entre 3 de junho de 2014 a 12 de dezembro de 2015, os experimentos foram realizados no Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal da Santa Maria. No experimento I, na testemunha (T1) foi empregada uma solução nutritiva com condutividade elétrica (CE) de 1,0 dSm-1 e nos demais quatro tratamentos (T2,T3,T4,T5) foi empregada uma solução nutritiva com condutividade elétrica de 5,0 dSm-1. Em T2 o fornecimento da solução salina foi iniciado aos 140 dias após o plantio (DAP), em T3 aos 150, em T4 aos 160 e em T5 aos 170 DAP. Todas as plantas foram coletadas no dia 12 de dezembro de 2014 completando um período de 190 dias. O período no qual as plantas permaneceram sob condições salina antes da coleta foi de 50, 40, 30 e 20 dias em T2, T3, T4 e T5, respectivamente. No experimento II também foram utilizados quatro perío-dos de salinidade (CE de 5,0 dSm-1) e a testemunha (CE de 1,0 dSm-1). O plantio foi feito no mesmo dia do experimento I e o fornecimento da solução salina iniciou-se nos mesmos dias do experimento I, porém a colheita foi retardada de forma a aumentar os períodos nos quais as plantas permaneceram em condições salinas. Todas as plantas foram coletadas no dia 12 de fevereiro de 2015. Dessa forma, o período de salinidade antes da coleta foi de 110, 100, 90 e 80 dias nos tratamentos T2, T3, T4 e T5, respectivamente. Em ambos os experi-mentos o delineamento experimental empregado foi casualizado, com cinco repetições. Foi realizada extração de óleo das folhas por hidrodestilação em Clevenger e posteriormente realizada cromatografia gasosa. Os óleos essenciais foram avaliados quanto aos efei-tos antiproliferativo e genotóxico em células de Allium cepa L. na concentração de 0,20 % para o óleo das plantas cultivadas nos diferentes períodos de salinidade coletadas aos 190 depois do plantio. Os dados de produção de fitomassa e rendimento de óleo essencial foram submetidos à análise de variância com regressão polinomial e os demais dados foram com-parados pelo teste Scott-Knott (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram que o período de salini-dade através de uma solução nutritiva com condutividade elétrica de 5 dS m-1 reduz linear-mente a fitomassa, teor e rendimento de óleo essencial de plantas de alecrim em cultivo sem solo. Os compostos majoritários do óleo essencial foram cânfora,1,8 cineol, verbenona, α-pineno e β-mirceno. E esse, por sua vez não se mostrou genotóxico e nem apresentou efeito antiproliferativo significativo, com exceção daquele obtido a partir das plantas que permaneceram por um maior período de exposição à salinidade, que inibiu a divisão celular de Allium cepa.

Chemical transformations and phytochemical studies of bioactive components from extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis L

Okoh, Omobola Oluranti January 2010 (has links)
Variations in the yield, chemical composition, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties of the essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis L. cultivated in Alice, Eastern Cape of South Africa over a period of 12 months using the solvent-free microwave extraction and traditional hydrodistillation methods were evaluated. The GC-MS analyses of the essential oils revealed the presence of 33 compounds with 1,8-cineole, a-pinene, camphor, verbenone, bornyl acetate and camphene constituting about 80 percent of the oils throughout the period of investigation, with the solvent-free microwave extraction method generally yielding more of the major components than the hydrodistillation method. Each of the major components of the oils varied in quantity and quality of yield at different periods of the year. The method of extraction and time of harvest are of importance to the quantity and quality of essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis. Higher amounts of oxygenated monoterpenes such as borneol, camphor, terpene- 4-ol, linalool, a-terpeneol were present in the oil of SFME in comparison with HD. However, HD oil contained more monoterpene hydrocarbons such as a-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, myrcene, a-phellanderene, 1,8-cineole, trans- β-ocimene, γ-teprinene, and cis-sabinene hydrate than SFME extracted oil. Accumulation of monoterpene alcohols and ketones was observed during maturation process of Rosmarinus leaves. Quantitative evaluation of antibacterial activity, minimum inhibitory concentration values were determined using a serial microplate dilution method. The essential oils obtained using both methods of extraction were active against all the bacteria tested at a concentration of 10 mg mL-1. The minimum inhibitory concentrations for the SFME extracted oils ranged between 0.23 and 1.88 mg mL-1, while those of the HD extracted oils varied between 0.94 and 7.5 mg mL-1, thus suggesting that the oil obtained by solvent free microwave extraction was more active against bacteria than the oil obtained through hydrodistillation. The antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of the obtained oils were tested by means of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH+) assay and β- carotene bleaching test. In the DPPH+ assay, while the free radical scavenging activity of the oil obtained by SFME method showed percentage inhibitions of between 48.8 percent and 67 percent, the HD derived oil showed inhibitions of between 52.2 percent and 65.30 percent at concentrations of 0.33, 0.50 and 1.0 mg mL-1, respectively. In the β-carotene bleaching assay, the percentage inhibition increased with increasing concentration of both oils with a higher antioxidant activity of the oil obtained through the SFME than the HD method. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was used to analyze the chemical composition of the extracts using three eluent solvent systems of varying polarities i. e. CEF, BEA and EMW and sprayed with vanillin-sulfuric acid. The chemical composition of the different extracts was similar with the exception of methanol and water extracts which had only one or two visible compounds after treating with vanillin-spray reagent. To evaluate the number of antibacterial compounds present in the fractions, bioautography was used against two most important nosocomial microorganisms. S. aureus (Gram positive) and E. coli (Gram negative). Nearly all the crude serial extraction fractions contained compounds that inhibited the growth of E. coli. The hexane extract had the most lines of inhibition followed by ethyl acetate. Bioassay-guided fractionation against E. coli was used to isolate antibacterial compounds. The largest number of antibacterial compounds occurred in the hexane fraction. Furthermore we tried to complete the characterization by extracting and studying other biologically important plant metabolites such as phenolic compounds to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of Rosmarinus extracts.

Chemical isolation and electro-chemical characterization of antidiabetic compounds from selected South African lamiaceae plant species

Etsassala, Ninon Geornest Eudes Ronauld January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Diabetes mellitus (DM), being one of the most common metabolic disorders with an elevated morbidity and mortality rate around the world. It is characterised by deficiency in insulin secretion or degradation of secreted insulin. Many internal and external factors such as oxidative stress, obesity and sedentary lifestyle among others have been suggested as the major causes of these cell alterations. Diabetes I and II are the most common types of diabetes. Treatment of type I requires insulin injection, while type II can be managed using different synthetic antidiabetic agents. However, their effectiveness is limited as a result of low bioavailability, high cost of drug production, and unfavourable side effects. There is a great need to develop alternative and more active antidiabetic drugs from natural sources. Natural products are a well-known source for the discovery of new scaffold for drugs discovery, and South Africa is one of the most important megaflora with high percentage of endemism. / 2023-12-01

Evaluation of Septoria galeopsidis Westd. as a bioherbicide for hemp-nettle (Galeopsis tetrahit L.)

Gadoury, Hélène January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Anti-Diabetic Potentials of Phenolic Enriched Chilean Potato and Select Herbs of Apiaceae and Lamiaceae Families

Saleem, Fahad 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The incidence of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases is increasing at a worrisome rate globally. Diabetes mellitus is known to occur due to high blood glucose levels, caused by defects in insulin levels. Adult on-set type II diabetes, which is closely associated with obesity, is reported to be 90-95% of all diabetic cases and linked to diet and lifestyle factors. A large population of the developed and developing countries is now being effected by this epidemic. Natural sources of phenolic antioxidants and inhibitors of digestive enzymes from food sources have potential for low cost dietary management of type II diabetes. Therefore, the main focus of this study was to evaluate, develop and design effective dietary strategies based on a combination of Chilean potatoes and herb synergies for the management of hyperglycemia and hypertension linked to type II diabetes. Antioxidant, antihypertensive and anti-hyperglycemic potentials of Chilean potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum L.), herbs from the Apiaceae (Dill, Ajowan, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander and Anise) and Lamiaceae (Sage and Marjoram) families were evaluated, with a goal to target a new dietary management strategy for early stages of type II diabetes through lowering of hyperglycemia and related complications of hypertension The results indicated a high correlation between total phenolic content and total antioxidant activity in several Chilean potato varieties evaluated, which indicates that certain phenolic compounds may be responsible for high antioxidant activity. Also, certain varieties of Chilean potato had antihypertensive potentials, with ACE inhibition upto 88%. The -glucosidase inhibition relevant for hyperglycemia management for Apiaceae family ranged upto 50% (Dill) for aqueous extracts. A high correlation (r = 0.86) was observed between -glucosidase inhibition and total phenolic content for aqueous extracts of all species investigated in the Apiaceae family. A high rosmarinic acid activity was observed in aqueous extracts of Lamiaceae family, which ranged upto 39.7 mg/g of sample dry weight (DW). This suggests that high phenolic content and associated antioxidant activity found in sage and marjoram is dominated by rosmarinic acid. High enzyme inhibitory activities, reflecting in vitro anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hypertensive potentials indicates that consumption of these food sources in our diet would prove to be beneficial towards our health. Further in vivo studies for type II diabetes-linked functionalities of these natural sources of antioxidants and inhibitors would confirm the human health benefits achieved through dietary intake.

Léčivé rostliny z čeledi hluchavkovitých (Lamiaceae) a jejich využití v mezipředmětovém vztahu biologie - chemie / Healing plants from labiate family (Lamiaceae) and their usage in cross subjects relationship between biology and chemistry

Musilová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Healing plants from labiate family (Lamiaceae) and their usage in cross subjects relationship between biology and chemistry. The presented diploma work deals with healing plants. It is mainly focused on cross subjects of chemistry and the usage of theory in practical life. Theoretical part of this work consists of an overview of selected races. It's aim is mainly to present substance content of these plants, specific effects and wide usage. The usage of important characteristic features of this family in teaching and proposals how to classify this topic as a learning subject at primary schools and grammar schools is the further content of this work. Practical part is a result of questionnaire research, which should give us some information about how teachers at secondary schools work with this topic in practical lessons. The final outcome of practical part are six practical activities that teachers can use while teaching, mainly at high schools. Further learning material contains four presentations in PowerPoint and six worksheets which relate to laboratory and practical exercises. Final outcome of the work is information about this family set to a compact text and further visions for didactic use in teaching.

Plantes médicinales du Burundi et maladies infectieuses: enquête ethnobotanique et activités antibactériennes directe et indirecte de composés isolés de Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A. J. Paton (Lamiaceae)

Ngezahayo, Jeremie 01 December 2016 (has links)
Les pathologies infectieuses, maladies causées par certains micro-organismes pathogènes parmi les bactéries, les virus, les champignons et les protozoaires, sont à l’origine des taux de mortalité et de morbidité élevés enregistrés surtout dans les pays en voie de développement où la majorité de la population n’a pas les moyens d'accéder aux soins de santé. Les résistances des micro-organismes aux antimicrobiens, observées actuellement dans la pratique médicale moderne, constituent un autre grand problème lié au traitement de ces maladies. Elles constituent l’une des menaces de santé les plus sérieuses et peuvent frapper n’importe qui dans le monde. Face à ces fléaux, il est urgent de découvrir de nouveaux agents antimicrobiens qui pourraient, éventuellement, présenter de nouveaux mécanismes d'action. Une bonne part des plantes utilisées en médecines traditionnelles contiennent des composants antimicrobiens utiles contre les infections et qui peuvent aider dans la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses liées à l’antibiorésistance. C’est dans cette optique que nous avons mené une enquête ethnobotanique sur les plantes médicinales utilisées contre les infections microbiennes en médecine traditionnelle Burundaise. Nous en avons inventorié 155 et sélectionné 5 d'entre elles (Justicia subsessilis Oliv. (Acanthaceae); Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A. J. Paton (Lamiaceae), Virectaria major (Schum.) Verdc. (Rubiaceae), Pavetta ternifolia (Oliv.) Hiern (Rubiaceae), et Stomatanthes africanus (Oliv. & Hiern) R. M. King & H. Rob. (Asteraceae)) pour en étudier la composition phytochimique et les propriétés biologiques. Les extraits de ces plantes ont été évalués notamment pour leurs effets antibactériens direct (bactéricide ou bactériostatique) et indirect (modulation des mécanismes de résistance qui augmente ou restaure l’activité des antibiotiques sur des souches résistantes). Les cinq plantes retenues ont montré une activité antibactérienne, justifiant ainsi leur usage contre les infections microbiennes en médecine traditionnelle Burundaise et, plus particulièrement, l’espèce Platostoma rotundifolium, dont les extraits ont montré des effets antibactériens directs et indirects sur des souches sensibles et résistantes. Les extraits de Platostoma rotundifolium ont également présenté des effets sur l’expression de gènes (lasB et rhlA) impliqués dans le quorum sensing, et sur la formation du biofilm de Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. En vue d’isoler et identifier les molécules responsables de ces différentes activités, l’extrait acétate d’éthyle (le plus actif) de Platostoma rotundifolium a été soumis à un fractionnement bioguidé. Celui-ci a permis d’isoler neuf composés qui ont été identifiés comme étant les acides ursolique, corosolique, tormentique, hyptadiénique, et 2α, 3α, 19β-trihydroxyurs-12-èn-28-oïque (isolé pour la première fois lors de ce travail et auquel nous avons donné le nom d’acide jérémique), le squalène, le cassipourol, le β-sitostérol et l’α-amyrine. Toutes ces molécules sont isolées pour la première fois de Platostoma rotundifolium. Les trois premiers composés ont présenté un effet bactéricide sur les souches bactériennes sensibles et résistantes, tandis que les trois derniers ont montré une action inhibitrice significative de l’expression de gènes (lasB et rhlA) impliqués dans le quorum sensing et de la formation de biofilm de Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Toutes ces molécules actives peuvent constituer une voie dans la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses et l’antibiorésistance; nous pouvons conclure que les données issues d’une enquête ethnobotanique sur les savoirs et les savoir-faire des guérisseurs traditionnels sont très importantes, surtout lorsqu’elles sont exploitées jusqu’à la détermination des principes actifs responsables d'une activité pharmacologique donnée. / Infectious pathologies are diseases caused by the transmission of some pathogenic microorganisms among bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. They drive the high mortality and morbidity rates recorded especially in developing countries, where the majority of the population cannot afford to access health care. The antimicrobial resistances currently observed in modern medical practice represent another major problem in the treatment of these diseases. These resistances are one of the most serious population health threats and can strike anyone in the world. It has thus become urgent to discover new antimicrobial agents that could possibly have novel mechanisms of action.Many plants used in traditional medicines against infections harbor useful antimicrobial components that can help in the fight against infectious diseases and antibiotic resistances. In this context, we conducted an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in Burundian traditional medicine to treat microbial infections. We inventoried 155 herbs from which 5 (Justicia subsessilis Oliv. (Acanthaceae); Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A. J. Paton (Lamiaceae), Virectaria major (Schum.) Verdc. (Rubiaceae), Pavetta ternifolia (Oliv.) Hiern (Rubiaceae), and Stomatanthes africanus (Oliv. & Hiern) R. M. King & H. Rob. (Asteraceae) were selected for phytochemical screening and biological assays. The extracts of these plants were evaluated for their antibacterial effects, direct (bacteriostatic or bactericidal) and indirect (inhibition of resistance mechanisms by increasing or restoring the activity of antibiotics against resistant strains). All the selected plants species have shown antibacterial activity, justifying their use against microbial infections in Burundian traditional medicine, and more particularly Platostoma rotundifolium, whose extracts showed direct and indirect antibacterial effects on susceptible and resistant (MRSA) strains. The extracts from Platostoma rotundifolium also presented inhibitory effects on the expression of genes involved in quorum sensing, lasB and rhlA, as well as on biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1.In order to isolate and identify the molecules responsible for these activities, the ethyl acetate extract (most active) from Platostoma rotundifolium was submitted to bioguided fractionation. This led to the isolation of nine compounds that were identified as ursolic acid, corosolic acid, tormentic acid, hyptadienic acid and 2α, 3α, 19β-trihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid (isolated for the first time during this work and that was named jeremic acid), squalene, cassipourol, β-sitosterol and α-amyrin. All these molecules were isolated for the first time from Platostoma rotundifolium. The first three compounds showed a bactericidal effect on sensitive and resistant strains of bacteria, while the last three showed significant inhibitory effects on the expression of two QS genes (lasB and rhlA), and on biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. All these active molecules can be a lead in the fight against antibiotic resistance; and we can conclude that the data from an ethnobotanical survey of the knowledge and skills of traditional healers are very important, especially when they are exploited until the determination of the active ingredients responsible for a specific pharmacological activity. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Pharmacie) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Morfologia, funcionamento e influência de fatores exógenos no sistema secretor de óleo em espécies vegetais com ênfase no papel do citoesqueleto no processo de secreção

Tozin, Luiz Ricardo dos Santos. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Tatiane Maria Rodrigues / Resumo: A morfologia, histoquímica e ultraestrutura dos tricomas glandulares têm sido estudadas em muitas espécies vegetais. Entretanto, alguns aspectos têm sido pouco abordados, como o envolvimento do citoesqueleto na morfologia e funcionamento glandular. Estudo recente demonstrou a relação entre a predominância de filamentos de actina e microtúbulos em células secretoras e a composição da secreção em tricomas glandulares. Além disso, pesquisas têm comprovado o envolvimento dos elementos do citoesqueleto na origem e manutenção dos tricomas tectores em plantas, sem informações para os tricomas glandulares. Sabe-se que o funcionamento do citoesqueleto está relacionado com a disponibilidade do cálcio, sendo que baixas concentrações desse íon podem prejudicar processos modulados por microtúbulos e actina. Apesar da presença de tricomas glandulares representar um caráter constitutivo em diversas espécies vegetais, fatores exógenos podem influenciar o desenvolvimento e o funcionamento glandular. Estudos têm mostrado que o ataque de herbívoros induz a formação de tricomas glandulares, levando a produção de substâncias com potencial repelente ou inseticida. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram investigar o papel do citoesqueleto na morfogênese e funcionamento de tricomas glandulares e no transporte lipídico em células secretoras de óleo, além de investigar a influência da herbivoria no desenvolvimento e funcionamento de tricomas glandulares. Foram estudadas duas espécies de Lamiaceae (Hyptis v... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The morphology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of glandular trichomes have been studied in many plant species. However, some aspects have been poorly approached, such as the involvement of the cytoskeleton on the gland morphology and functioning. Recent study demonstrated a relation between the predominance of actin filaments and microtubules in secretory cells and the secretion composition in glandular trichomes. In addition, researches have proven the involvement of the cytoskeletal elements in the origin and maintenance of non-glandular trichomes in plants, with no information for glandular trichomes. It is known that the cytoskeleton functioning is related with calcium availability and that low concentration of this ion can harm process modulated by actin filaments and microtubules. Despite the presence of glandular trichomes is a constitutive character in several plant species, exogenous factors can influence their development and functioning. Studies have showed that herbivore attacks induce the glandular trichomes formation, leading to the production of substances with repellent and insecticide potential. This work aimed to investigate the role of cytoskeleton in the glandular trichome morphogenesis and functioning, and in the lipid transport in oil secretory cells, in addition to investigate the influence of herbivory in the glandular trichomes formation and functioning. We studied two Lamiaceae species (Hyptis villosa and Ocimum gratissimum) and the model species ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Obtenção de derivados químicos de produtos naturais empregando catálise convencional e enzimática

Silva, Maria de Lourdes e January 2012 (has links)
202 f. / Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-03-27T15:07:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Maria de Lourdes Completa.pdf: 1276547 bytes, checksum: ab45e41c0f73a5e85be2b1a246cbdb9e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Hilda Fonseca(anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-06-05T16:01:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Maria de Lourdes Completa.pdf: 1276547 bytes, checksum: ab45e41c0f73a5e85be2b1a246cbdb9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-05T16:01:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Maria de Lourdes Completa.pdf: 1276547 bytes, checksum: ab45e41c0f73a5e85be2b1a246cbdb9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Os triterpenos são extensamente distribuídos na natureza, principalmente no reino vegetal, pois se acredita que uma de suas funções fisiológicas nos vegetais seja de defesa química contra patógenos e herbívora. Podem ser encontrados na forma livre, como glicosídeos ou ainda derivados esterificados. Os ácidos oleanólico, betulínico e ursólico são os triterpenos ácidos mais comuns de ocorrência em vegetais e, possuem atividades antitumorais conhecidas. Este trabalho descreve um levantamento da ocorrência dessas substâncias e obtenção de derivados a partir deles e de ácidos graxos comuns. Os ácidos betulínico, ursólico e oleanólico, isolados das partes aéreas de Eriope blanchetii (Lamiaceae), foram submetidos a diferentes reações de esterificação obtendo-se assim 12 derivados esterificados na posição C-3. Tanto as substâncias isoladas quanto os derivados triterpênicos foram caracterizados por técnicas espectroscópicas no IV, RMN de 1H e 13C. Os derivados foram submetidos a testes de atividade antioxidante, letalidade frente Artemia salina e atividade antimicrobiana. Além disso, o ácido o-metoxicinâmico e ácido oleico foram submetidos a esterificação com etanol e metanol empregando-se Novoenzyme, comparando-se o rendimento do produto da reação a temperatura ambiente e sob irradiação de microondas / Salvador

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