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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistematiza??o de experi?ncias na implanta??o de sistemas agroflorestais no dom?nio da Mata Atl?ntica / Experiences systematization in the establishment of agroforestry systems at the Atlantic Forest domain

SPINELLI, Bernardo Milward de Azevedo 19 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-05T19:03:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Bernardo Milward de Azevedo Spinelli.pdf: 2468118 bytes, checksum: 8b86d55b4fe024e0a43e7aca610af976 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-05T19:03:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Bernardo Milward de Azevedo Spinelli.pdf: 2468118 bytes, checksum: 8b86d55b4fe024e0a43e7aca610af976 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-19 / The Brazilian New Forestry Law establishes a farmer?s commitment with environmental adequacy of its properties. The Permanent Preservation Areas, currently used in the properties with crops and pastures in many cases need to a restauration techniques. The new law allows the exploration of agroforestry systems (AFS) even in areas of permanent preservation, since do not mischaracterize the native preexisting vegetation either not being detrimental to environmental function to protecting water springs, erosion protection and increasing biodiversity. This study aimed to systematize the author's personal experiences with agroforestry systems in the Atlantic Forest domain regions and show different techniques and implantation strategies and management of agroforestry systems that can be employed day to day by farmers, especially the small family farmer. The different AFS deployed were based on biodiversity and plant succession, with low use of inputs and capital resources. The structure of the recommended systems was grounded on labor, family labor, in multistrata systems and the use of common plants in each location with high biomass production potential to enhance nutrient cycling. On average, more than 30 species were introduced in each AFS and the issues related to the choice of species to plant recognizing the soil quality from indicator plants were discussed. In addition, how to plan and distribute the plants in agroforestry designs were also described in detail. The best ways of how to plant and manage, with pruning, different species in biodiverse agroforestry systems included in this dissertation were presented from about 20 years of the author's experience in order to assist all those interested in working with this theme. / O Novo C?digo Florestal estabelece o compromisso por parte dos produtores rurais com a adequa??o ambiental de suas propriedades. As ?reas de Preserva??o Permanente, hoje utilizadas nas propriedades para cultivos agr?colas e pastagens, em muitos casos necessitar?o ser recuperadas. A nova lei permite a explora??o de sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) at? mesmo em ?reas de preserva??o permanente, desde que n?o descaracterize a cobertura vegetal nativa existente e nem prejudique a fun??o ambiental da ?rea, protegendo nascentes, combatendo a eros?o e aumentando a biodiversidade. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo sistematizar experi?ncias pessoais do autor com sistemas agroflorestais em regi?es de dom?nio da Mata Atl?ntica, mostrando diferentes t?cnicas e estrat?gias de implanta??o e manejo de SAFs que podem ser empregadas no dia a dia dos produtor rural, principalmente, do pequeno agricultor familiar. Os diferentes SAFs implantados foram baseados na biodiversidade e sucess?o vegetal, com baixo uso de insumos e recursos de capital. A estrutura dos sistemas preconizados foi alicer?ada na m?o-de-obra familiar, em multiestratos, na utiliza??o de plantas comuns em cada localidade com potencial de produ??o de biomassa, para intensificar a ciclagem de nutrientes. Em m?dia mais de 30 esp?cies eram introduzidas em cada SAF e as quest?es relacionados com a escolha das esp?cies, onde plantar reconhecendo a qualidade do solo a partir de plantas indicadoras foram abordadas. Al?m disso, como planejar e distribuir as plantas em desenhos agroflorestais tamb?m foram processos detalhadamente descritos. As melhores formas de como plantar e manejar, com podas, as diferentes esp?cies nos SAFs biodiversos constam desta disserta??o e foram apresentados a partir de cerca de 20 anos de experi?ncia do autor com intuito de auxiliar todos aqueles interessados em trabalhar com tem?tica.

Prairie of mine(s): engaging with the remnants of extractive processes

Baxter, Shannon D. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Prairie of Mine(s) explores the incorporation of cultural and historical elements within the reclamation of a post-industrial mining landscape in the South Saskatchewan prairie. Reclamation solely by ecological methods often fails to recognize the industrial processes and people that altered the landscape. This project utilizes experiential, cultural, and historical elements within the reclamation of mining lands to shed light on a part of our history that is frequently overlooked and draw attention to actions made on the earth everyday in order for us to live comfortably. / October 2008

Šilutės rajono melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklė / Condition Of Reclaimed Lands And Reclamation Constructions In Šilutė District

Kondrotavičius, Mindaugas 15 June 2010 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas drenažo sistemų eksploatacijos efektyvumas. Darbą sudaro – įvadas, 5 skyriai, išvados ir rekomendacijos, naudotos literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 56 puslapiai kompiuteriu spausdinto teksto, įskaitant 6 lenteles ir 37 paveikslus. Naudotos literatūros sąrašą sudaro – 34 šaltiniai. Nepriklausomybės metais, skiriant melioracijos darbams mažiau lėšų, melioracijos statinių būklė palaipsniui blogėjo. Pagal 2009 metų duomenis, Šilutės rajone nusausintų žemių iš viso yra 85113,90 ha, o nusausintas drenažu plotas sudaro 68352,30 ha, valstybei nuosavybės teise priklausančių melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių balansinė vertė – 283902,773 tūkst. Lt. Žemės ūkio gamyba ir jos našumas tiesiogiai priklauso nuo melioracijos sistemų būklės, nes ji vyksta nusausintose žemėse, todėl būtina atsižvelgti į šio sektoriaus konkurencingumą rinkos sąlygomis bei Šilutės rajono ir bendrą Lietuvos žemės ūkio plėtrą, todėl tikslinga išanalizuoti melioruotų žemių inventorizacijos darbus ir nustatyti svarbiausius rodiklius, aktualius dabar ir ateityje naudojant melioruotą žemę ir melioracijos statinius. Šiai dienai esamų melioracijos statinių vidutinis amžiaus vidurkis siekia 35 metus. Žemės savininkai neturi lėšų tinkamai naudoti ir prižiūrėti melioracijos statinius, todėl jų techninė būklė sparčiai blogėja. Melioracijos statiniai teikia naudą žemdirbiams, kaimo gyventojams ir visai mūsų visuomenei. Nenorintis ar nepajėgiantis savo žemėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the final work of master studies, we analyze efficiency of operating of drainage systems. The work consists of introduction, 5 chapters, conclusions and recommendations, a list of references. This makes 56 pages of printed text, including 6 tables and 37 pictures. Thirty -four references have been used. During the years of independence, with less means being assigned for land reclamation works, the technical state of land reclamation structures gradually became worse. According to the data of 2009, the drained area of land in Šilutė district consists of 85113,90 hectares (ha), of which 68352,30 ha are drained by drainage systems. The balance value of reclaimed lands and reclamation constructions owned by the state is 283902,773 Lt. Production of agriculture and its fertility is directly influenced by the condition of reclamation systems because drained lands are where cultivation occurs. Therefore it‘s necessary to consider land reclamation for its effect on competitiveness in the market and development of agriculture in Šilutė region and Lithuania. Thus, it is useful to analyze inventory works of reclaimed lands and determine the most important indicators, which are actual now and for the future, while using reclaimed land and reclamation constructions. The average age of presently used reclamation constructions is up to 35 years. The owners of lands do not have enough money to use and maintain reclamation constructions properly, so their condition becomes worse very fast... [to full text]

Prairie of mine(s): engaging with the remnants of extractive processes

Baxter, Shannon D. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Prairie of Mine(s) explores the incorporation of cultural and historical elements within the reclamation of a post-industrial mining landscape in the South Saskatchewan prairie. Reclamation solely by ecological methods often fails to recognize the industrial processes and people that altered the landscape. This project utilizes experiential, cultural, and historical elements within the reclamation of mining lands to shed light on a part of our history that is frequently overlooked and draw attention to actions made on the earth everyday in order for us to live comfortably.

Prairie of mine(s): engaging with the remnants of extractive processes

Baxter, Shannon D. 15 September 2008 (has links)
Prairie of Mine(s) explores the incorporation of cultural and historical elements within the reclamation of a post-industrial mining landscape in the South Saskatchewan prairie. Reclamation solely by ecological methods often fails to recognize the industrial processes and people that altered the landscape. This project utilizes experiential, cultural, and historical elements within the reclamation of mining lands to shed light on a part of our history that is frequently overlooked and draw attention to actions made on the earth everyday in order for us to live comfortably.

Rekultivace území zasažených těžbou a jejich možné začlenění do projektu komplexní pozemkové úpravy / Recultivation of Areas Damaged by Mining and Their Implemantation into the Project of Land Consolidation

FIALOVÁ, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis studies deal with landscape restoration after mining. At the beginning of work there are briefly summarize types of reclamation, their main period and the criteria for selection of right type. The diploma thesis focus on land reclamation after uranium mining and the practical part is made on the territory call "Rožná", which is located in "Kraj Vysočina". In this work, there is also chapter in which we evaluate a possibility involving areas after reclamation in land consolidation. This part is focused to the territorial system of ecological stability.

É possível reverter a degradação do solo provocada pela mineração de bauxita por meio da restauração florestal? / Is it possible to reverse soil degradation caused by bauxite mining through forest restoration?

Denise Teresinha Gonçalves Bizuti 16 November 2016 (has links)
A mineração é uma das atividades antrópicas mais impactantes aos recursos naturais, e que pode afetar profundamente a resiliência dos ecossistemas em função do elevado nível de degradação do solo e da paisagem. Diante disso, muitas áreas mineradas não são efetivamente recuperadas a ponto de restabelecer parte relevante da biodiversidade e dos serviços ambientais perdidos com a mineração. No entanto, novos métodos de restauração ecológica têm gerados resultados promissores mesmo em situações de degradação tão intensa como as de mineração, o que permitiria rever os níveis mínimos de qualidade ambiental exigidos de áreas que foram mineradas e que precisam passar por um processo de recuperação como forma de mitigação dos impactos causados e cumprimento de demandas legais de compensação ambiental. Assim, o objetivo geral desse estudo é avaliar a recuperação física, química e microbiológica do solo em áreas de mineração de bauxita em processo de recuperação ambiental. Avaliamos inicialmente a restauração do solo em minas de bauxita localizadas em Poços de Caldas-MG, tendo como objetivo contextualizar a melhoria do solo através de vários parâmetros químicos, físicos e microbiológicos em áreas recém-mineradas, em restauração de diferentes idades e remanescentes de floresta nativa. Encontramos que a restauração florestal foi eficiente em desencadear um processo de recuperação do solo, que resultou no restabelecimento, em poucos anos, de características químicas, físicas e microbiológicas já bem similares às do ecossistema de referência. Em seguida, avaliamos a recuperação dos teores de fósforo no solo pela restauração de florestas tropicais em minas de bauxita, e obtivemos como principais resultados a recuperação de importantes frações de P no solo, parte relevante da produção de serapilheira e da estrutura da floresta ao longo da trajetória sucessional nas jovens áreas restauradas após a mineração. A restauração ecológica mostrou-se capaz de restaurar rapidamente importantes atributos do solo, evidenciando o potencial da abordagem de restauração ecológica para mitigar os impactos ambientais negativos da mineração. Dessa maneira, destaca-se que políticas públicas voltadas para a mitigação de danos ambientais causados pela mineração podem exigir níveis mais elevados de qualidade ambiental em áreas de recuperação de minas, protegendo os interesses coletivos envolvidos na mediação de interesses entre empresas e sociedade. / Mining is one of the human activities with the highest impact in natural resources. It can profoundly affect the resilience of ecosystems due to the high level of soil degradation and landscape alteration. Thus, many mined areas are not effectively recovered enough to restore important part of biodiversity and ecosystem services lost. However, new ecological restoration methods showed promising results even in such intense degradation situations such as mining. Thus, it is needed to review the minimum levels of environmental quality required for areas that have been mined and need to recovered to mitigate the impacts and compliance with legal demands of environmental compensation. Thus, the general objective of this study is to evaluate the physical, chemical and microbiological soil in bauxite mining areas under ecological restoration. We initially evaluated soil restoration in bauxite mines located in the county of \"Poços de Caldas\", aiming to contextualize soil improvement through various chemical, physical and microbiological parameters in newly mined areas, restoration of different ages and remaining native forest. We found that forest restoration was effective in triggering a soil recovery process, which resulted in the recuperation, in a few years, of the chemical, physical and microbiological characteristics already very similar values to the references. We then evaluated the recovery of soil phosphorus for the restoration of tropical forests in bauxite mines, and obtained as main results the recovery of important fractions of soil P, litter production and forest structure along the successional trajectory in young restored areas after mining. Ecological restoration proved to be able to quickly restore important soil properties, showing the potential of ecological restoration approach to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of mining. Thus, it is emphasized that public policies to mitigate environmental damage caused by mining may require higher levels of environmental quality in mining recovery areas, protecting the collective interests involved in the mediation of interests between business and society.

Financial Analysis of Restoring Sustainable Forests on Appalachian Mined Lands for Wood Products, Renewable Energy, Carbon Sequestration, and Other Ecosystem Services

Aggett, Jonathan Edward 21 January 2004 (has links)
Public Law 95-87, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), mandates that mined land be reclaimed in a fashion that renders the land at least as productive after mining as it was before mining. In the central Appalachian region, where prime farmland and economic development opportunities for mined land are scarce, the most practical land use choices are hayland/pasture, wildlife habitat, or forest land. Since 1977, the majority of mined land has been reclaimed as hayland/pasture or wildlife habitat, which is less expensive to reclaim than forest land, since there are no tree planting costs. As a result, there are now hundreds of thousands of hectares of grasslands and scrublands in various stages of natural succession located throughout otherwise forested mountains in the U.S. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for understanding/calculating the economic implications of converting these reclaimed mined lands to forests under various silvicultural regimes, and to demonstrate the economic/decision-making implications of an incentive scheme on such a land use conversion. The economic feasibility of a range of land-use conversion scenarios was analyzed for both mixed hardwoods and white pine, under a set of low product prices and under a set of high product prices. Economic feasibility was based on land expectation values. Further, three types of incentive schemes were investigated: 1) lump sum payment at planting (and equivalent series of annual payments), 2) revenue incentive at harvest and 3) payment based on carbon volume. Mixed hardwood LEVs ranged from -$2416.71/ha (low prices) to $3955.72/ha (high prices). White pine LEVs ranged from -$2330.43/ha (low prices) to $3746.65/ha (high prices). A greater percentage of white pine scenarios yielded economically feasible land-use conversions than did the mixed hardwood scenarios, and it seems that a conversion to white pine forests would, for the most part, be the more appealing option. It seems that, for both mixed hardwoods and white pine, it would be in the best interests of the landowner to invest in the highest quality sites first. For a conversion to mixed hardwood forests, a low intensity level of site preparation seems economically optimal for most scenarios. For a conversion to white pine forests, a medium intensity level of site preparation seems economically optimal for most scenarios. Mixed hardwoods lump sum payments, made at the time of planting, ranged from $0/ha to $2416.71/ha (low prices). White pine lump sum payments, made at the time of planting, ranged from $0/ha to $2330.53/ha (low prices). Mixed hardwoods benefits based on an increase in revenue at harvest, ranged from $0/ha to $784449.52/ha (low prices). White pine benefits based on an increase in revenue at harvest ranged from $0/ha to $7011.48/ha (high prices). Annual mixed hardwood benefits, based on total stand carbon volume present at the end of a given year, ranged from $0/ton of carbon to $5.26/ton carbon (low prices). White pine benefits based on carbon volume ranged from $0/ton of carbon to $18.61/ton of carbon (high prices). It appears that, for white pine scenarios, there is not much difference between incentive values for lump sum payments at planting, revenue incentives at harvest, and total carbon payments over a rotation. For mixed hardwoods, however, it appears that the carbon payment incentive is by far the cheapest option of encouraging landowners to convert land. / Master of Science

Áreas legais de preservação (APP e RL) do Município de Engenheiro Coelho-SP: distribuição espacial e situação sócio-econômica visando um plano de intervenção / Legally protected areas from Engenheiro Coelho municipality: spatial distribution and social-economic condition aiming an intervention plan

Costa, Francisca Pinheiro da Silveira 20 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho realizou o levantamento das áreas de APP (Área de Preservação Permanente) e das áreas de RL (Reserva Legal) do município de Engenheiro Coelho - SP e alguns aspectos sobre a situação sócio-econômica dos proprietários rurais, partindo da hipótese de que as informações geográficas e sócio-econômicas podem ser úteis para guiar um plano de intervenção prático e viável, que proporcione ao município a otimização ao cumprimento legal em relação a estas áreas. A metodologia empregada envolveu a elaboração e aplicação de questionários, com a finalidade de obter dados suficientes para traçar parâmetros sobre os aspectos sociais e econômicos, relacionando-os com a aceitabilidade no momento da implantação de um plano de intervenção ambiental local. O uso de geoprocessamento da área e a elaboração de mapas através de SIG (Sistema de Informação Geográfica) foram fundamentais para conhecer a realidade do município em relação às áreas de preservação em cada propriedade, identificando-as e localizando as áreas com passivos de cobertura florestal. Para a adequação dessas áreas foi levado em consideração de critérios legais, para a recomposição da APP e RL, sendo que a RL foi estabelecida para facilitar a criação de corredores ecológicos. A área total de APP do município corresponde a 9,96% da área total. Deste total 7,73% apresentaram uso inadequado com a legislação ambiental. Vários locais aparecem com uso agrícola ou até mesmo construção de imóvel. A RL para a região é de 20%, mas somente 4,41% está com cobertura vegetal, restando 15,59% para ser reflorestado adequadamente. Adequar estes locais ajuda no cumprimento da legislação, na diminuição da fragmentação e perda dos ecossistemas naturais. Espera-se que as informações diagnosticadas neste estudo sejam relevantes para o poder público municipal, estadual e federal, planejar e executar ações concretas para a adequação das áreas de preservação permanente de sua responsabilidade no município de Engenheiro Coelho-SP; bem como criar subsídios e incentivos aos proprietários rurais. Ao realizar ações de reflorestamento ou conservação das áreas, espera-se também que haja parcerias entre as instâncias pública, privadas e educacionais do município, e que outros trabalhos surjam em conseqüência deste. / The research was based on an inventory of the legally protected areas from Engenheiro Coelho municipality (State of São Paulo, Brazil) and the social-economic condition of the rural population to guide a practical and feasible intervention plan aiming the adjustment to legal requirements. The methods were based on field surveys with questionnaires to build an empirical database of social and economic information that were related to the acceptance of an environmental adjustment plan. The use of geotechnologies resulting in Geographic Information System based maps was fundamental for the identification of the environmental standard of each rural property allowing the identification of areas that should be protected by natural forests and were used for other proposes. Legal criteria were considered for the adjustment plan of riparian forests (APP) and legal reserves (RL). RL were recommended to maximize the establishment of ecological corridors between the forest fragments. The APP corresponded to 9.96 % of the municipalities area. From these, 7.73 % didnt conform to legislation, i.e. were not covered by forests. Agricultural land use and even construction sites were observed in APP. The legal area of RL for this region is 20 %, but only 4.41 % was covered with forests, remaining 15.59 % to be reclaimed by natural forest plantations. The more adequate use of these land according environmental legislation contributes to reduce landscape patchiness and fragmentation and the lost of natural ecosystems. We hope that this academic information is useful to allow the municipal, state and federal governments plan and put into practice concrete actions to adjust legally protected areas of their responsibility in the municipality of Engenheiro Coelho; and also reinforce financial subsidy to encourage the rural land holders. The resulting reclamation and conservation actions may encourage cooperation among private, educational and public stakeholders bringing to new initiatives in the environmental sector.

The impact of the Land Restitution Programme on the livelihood of rural communities : a case study of Ga-Makgato Community in Limpopo Province of South Africa

Mandiwana, Tshamano Donald January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2014 / This study aimed to assess the impact of the Land Restitution Programme on the livelihoods of the rural communities of Ga-Makgato village in the Molemole Municipality, Limpopo Province. As a basis of assessment, the primary and secondary data were collected and analysed. Electronic and non-electronic sources were used to collect secondary data while primary data were collected through pre-tested questionnaires. The study found that both males and females who are 38 in number participate in the land restitution programme. Of this number, 8% was found to be the youth, while the elderly and adults population of the beneficiaries of the CPA constitute 92%. Females constitute 47%, while the percentage of their male counterparts stood at 53%. In terms of the level of literacy, 11% of the total number of beneficiaries could not read or write and this is a serious concern of this study. Analysis of number of jobs created was also carried out. It was found in this study that the CPA managed to create on 38 jobs. In as far as income generating ability of the CPA is concerned, R1,5million was generated during the period under review. Of this amount, R710 000-00 came from the sales of Nguni cattle while the Bonsmara generated R650 000- 00. The following challenges were established in this study, i.e., lack of sufficient grazing space, lack of access to adequate funding, lack of technical and financial management skills, lack of sufficient government support, lack of access to adequate water sources, lack of access to markets, high electricity bills and lack of proper record keeping systems. 4 The following recommendations are provided:  The CPA should review the lease agreement;  LEDA should in consultation with other financial institutions assist the CPA in accessing funding;  The Department of Agriculture should provide the CPA with technical assistance;  The Department of Water Affairs and Agriculture should ensure supply of water and infrastructure;  The Department of Agriculture and LEDA should provide the beneficiaries of the CPA with market infrastructure and information;  The Molemole Local Municipality should provide subsidy for electricity bills; and  Policy makers should consider implementation of the job creation model provided in this study. If these policies can be successfully implemented, the land restitution programme in the Capricorn District, particularly at Ga-Makgato and surrounding villages, can become a major strategy for improving the livelihoods of the rural poor.

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