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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μορφολογική εξέταση του ρηματικού συστήματος του κερκυραϊκού ιδιώματος

Αυλωνίτη, Στυλιανή-Ζαΐρα Π. 29 August 2008 (has links)
Η παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διατριβή έχει ως στόχο τη μελέτη του ρηματικού συστήματος του κερκυραϊκού ιδιώματος και τη διερεύνηση των ιδιαιτεροτήτων του. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο της εργασίας παρατίθενται ιστορικά στοιχεία των οποίων η αναφορά έχει στόχο να διαφωτίσει τους σταθμούς εκείνους της ιστορίας της Κέρκυρας που τη διαφοροποιούν από την υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα και που έχουν ορατό αντίκτυπο γενικότερα στη μορφολογία του τοπικού ιδιώματος και συγκεκριμένα στη ρηματική μορφολογία. Ο εκτεταμένος δανεισμός από τη διάλεκτο της Βενετίας, εκτός του ότι άφησε ανεξίτηλα τα σημάδια του στο τοπικό λεξιλόγιο εμπλουτίζοντάς το, είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την εισαγωγή νέων μορφημάτων, θεμάτων και προσφυμάτων, η δυναμική παρουσία των οποίων έχει συντελέσει κατά ένα μέρος ακόμα και στην αναδιάρθρωση του συστήματος των κλιτικών τάξεων. Από την άλλη μεριά, ο ερχομός πληθυσμών από την υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα και η εγκατάστασή τους στα χωριά της Κέρκυρας συνέτεινε στον περιορισμό της διάδοσης των δανείων στην ύπαιθρο χώρα και στην εδραίωση πιθανόν κάποιων «καθαρών» ελληνικών στοιχείων. Δεδομένου ότι οι διάλεκτοι/ τα ιδιώματα που απέχουν αρκετά από τον εθνικό κορμό π.χ. τα ποντιακά και οι διάλεκτοι των ελληνόφωνων χωριών της Κάτω Ιταλίας (Mackridge, 1997) συνήθως ακολουθούν μια κάπως ανεξάρτητη γλωσσική πορεία, δεν είναι περίεργο το γεγονός ότι η Κέρκυρα, λόγω της γεωγραφικής της θέσης, παρουσιάζει πολλές ιδιαιτερότητες στο τοπικό ιδίωμα, όπως π.χ. η διάσωση και η αδιάκοπη χρήση αρχαιοελληνικών ρηματικών τύπων στην θέση των αντίστοιχων νεοελληνικών. Στη συνέχεια από το τρίτο κεφάλαιο και εξής επιχειρείται μια αμιγώς μορφολογική ανάλυση των γλωσσικών δεδομένων. Δεχόμενη τη διάκριση των ρημάτων σε κλιτικές τάξεις που προτείνει η Ralli (1988), θα εξετάσω τις ιδιαιτερότητες που εμφανίζει το κλιτικό παράδειγμα στο κερκυραϊκό ιδίωμα και τις αποκλίσεις του από την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική. Στηριζόμενη στην ανάλυση της Ralli (2005) σχετικά με το ρόλο της θεματικής αλλομορφίας ως προς τη διαμόρφωση του κλιτικού παραδείγματος και την επακόλουθη τάση για ομαλοποίηση του συστήματος, θα εξετάσω τον τρόπο με τον οποίο λειτουργεί η θεματική αλλομορφία στο κερκυραϊκό ιδίωμα και τις επιπτώσεις που έχει στο ρηματικό σύστημα, εξετάζοντας την τάση για αναδόμηση του συστήματος των κλιτικών τάξεων (4ο κεφάλαιο). Στο 5ο κεφάλαιο, θα αναφερθούμε στο ιδιαίτερο φαινόμενο της υποχρεωτικής αύξησης στους παρελθοντικούς χρόνους που εμφανίζονται στο ρηματικό σύστημα του κερκυραϊκού ιδιώματος. Το επόμενο κεφάλαιο είναι αφιερωμένο στην Παραγωγή. Αφου παρουσιαστούν τα συνήθη παραγωγικά επιθήματα, θα γίνει μια εκτενής αναφορά στο δάνειο επίθημα –αρω που παρουσιάζει ιδιαίτερα υψηλή παραγωγικότητα. Τέλος, στο παράρτημα της εργασίας, αναφέρομαι στις γραπτές πηγές που χρησιμοποίησα για να συλλέξω τα απαραίτητα γλωσσικά δεδομένα. / The main aim of this master thesis is to investigate the particularities that are observed in the dialect of Corfu concerning the verbal system. The corfiot dialect is a member of the Ionian Sea dialects in Greece. Due to its historical background, the island of Corfu has followed a separate route, which influences dramatically the spoken language until today and differentiates it from Standard Modern Greek. This master thesis is orientated to morphological analysis. It is divided into six chapters. The first two chapters are introductory and afford information about the historical background, emphasizing on the extended borrowing coming from the dialect of Venice, and the main discernible dialectal characteristics of the today spoken language in Corfu. The next four chapters are dedicated to morphological analysis. Having noticed the main divergencies that are observed in the inflectional paradigm in the local dialect, I will examine the factors that play a crucial role in the formation of the corfiot inflectional paradigm. Having taken into serious consideration the proposal of Ralli (1988) concerning the verbal classification according to which the allomorphic pattern that verbs present classifies them into two main classes, and the proposal of Ralli (2005) referring to the way that the allomorphic pattern determines the reconstruction of the system of inflectional classes (functioning as an inflectional class demarcator), I will try to apply these proposals to my linguistic data coming from the Corfiot verbal system. Furthermore, having ended the morphological analysis for the trends that are visible and concern Inflection, I will examine the obligatory presence of the verbal augment in the corfiot dialect. In the sixth chapter, I will make some comments on the productivity of several derivational suffixes and I will focus my interest on the extremely productive derivational suffix –aro (which has italian origin). At the end of this master thesis, there is an extended appendix, in which I refer to the written material on which I based my morphological analysis.

Prosodie et contact de langues : le cas du système tonal du français centrafricain / Prosody and language contact : the tonal system in central african french

Bordal Steien, Guri 16 November 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est d’apporter une contribution aux recherches portant sur les effets prosodiques du contact de langues à travers l’étude du système prosodique du français centrafricain, une variété de français ayant émergé suite au contact avec une langue africaine à densité tonale maximale, le sango. La République centrafricaine est un pays extrêmement multilingue. Entre 60 et 100 langues y sont parlées, outre les deux langues officielles que constituent le sango – lingua franca, et le français – langue principale de l’enseignement et de l’administration publique. Dans la capitale, Bangui, le sango est la langue parlée d’ordinaire dans la vie quotidienne, tandis que le français s’utilise essentiellement dans des contextes professionnels. Cette étude se base sur des enregistrements de parole spontanée de 12 locuteurs francophones de Bangui. Des analyses acoustiques montrent que l’intonation du français centrafricain partage des caractéristiques communes avec le sango. La majorité de mots ont des patrons tonals qui restent inchangés quel que soit leur place dans l’énoncé, et chaque syllabe porte un ton. Le système se distingue ainsi considérablement du système intonatif du français européen où la courbe mélodique est contrainte au niveau post-lexical et dépend entre autres de facteurs rythmiques, syntaxiques et pragmatiques. La conclusion principale de cette étude est que le français centrafricain se classifie d’un point de vue typologique comme une langue à tons lexicaux. Il ressort que le système prosodique du français centrafricain est plus proche de celui du sango et que de celui du français européen. Les faits mis au jour dans cette thèse montrent que la prosodie peut changer de façon fondamentale dans une situation de contact de langue. / This study is concerned with prosody and language contact. The fact that language contact induces change is well documented, but few studies focus on the prosodic effects of contact-induced change. The aim of this study is to provide a case study of the prosodic system of the contact variety Central African French, which has emerged from the contact between French and the African tone language, Sango.The Central African Republic is a multilingual country with between 60 to 100 different regional languages spoken within its borders in addition to two official languages, the lingua franca Sango and French. French has been the main language of education and of public administration since colonial times. In the capital Bangui, Sango is the most used language in everyday communication whereas French is spoken in professional contexts. This study is based on recordings of spontaneous speech of 12 French-speaking informants from Bangui. Acoustic analyses of the recordings show that the prosody of Central African French shares with Sango some fundamental characteristics: most words have fixed tonal patterns independently of their position in the sentence and every syllable carries a static tone. This system greatly differs from the system of European varieties of French, where the sentence melody is determined at the post-lexical level and depends on factors such as rhythm, syntax and pragmatics. The main conclusion of this study is that Central African French may be classified as a tone language and thus is endowed with a prosodic system that is closer to Sango than to European French. This finding suggests that intonation might change radically in contact situations ; the change is not only superficial but concerns the underlying system.

Contacts de langues (italien, sicilien, arabe) : le cas du journal italien Simpaticuni (Tunis, 1911-1933) / Language contact (Italian, Sicilian, Arabic) : the case of the Italian newspaper Simpaticuni (Tunis, 1911-1933)

Zlitni, Mériem 18 November 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une mise en lumière des aspects linguistiques relatifs aux phénomènes de contacts entre locuteurs arabophones et locuteurs appartenant à la communauté sicilienne de Tunisie à travers l’étude d’une chronique particulière, éditée dans le journal italien Simpaticuni (1911-1933). L’un des objectifs de cette recherche est l’analyse du tissu linguistique du corpus dans le but de déterminer la nature véritable de cette langue. Cela se traduit par l’identification des particularités phono-graphiques, morphologiques, syntaxiques et lexicologiques de la langue employée, et par la recherche de la sicilianité des textes en déterminant le degré de dialectalité. Puis, nous examinons les mots empruntés à l’arabe tunisien afin d’en analyser le fonctionnement et la modalité d’insertion dans le tissu syntaxique des chroniques et d’en définir la typologie. S’agit-il de référents à des objets quotidiens ? D’insertions pragmatiques? Quelle est la signification de ces choix ? Enfin, étant donné la nature dialogale de nos textes, nous étudions les variétés en interaction, travail qui permettra d’interpréter la présence des emprunts à l’arabe dans le discours. La numérisation exhaustive d’une rubrique particulière du Simpaticuni a pour objectif d’élargir la quête lexicologique des auteurs qui ont travaillé sur ce journal. / In this thesis, we propose to highlight the linguistic aspects relating to languages in contact, more particularly between Arabic and Sicilian speakers of Tunisia, through the study of a particular column, published in the Italian newspaper Simpaticuni (1911-1933). One of the issues of this research is to analyses the linguistic base of the corpus, aiming at determining the real nature of this language. In this respect we describe the phonographic, morphological, syntactical and vocabulary features of this language, and measure in what extent the given texts are of a Sicilian nature according to their dialectal degree. We then gather the words borrowed from Tunisian Arabic in order to study their function and the way they occur inside the syntactic structure of the columns, and therefore define their typology. Would they refer to daily objects? Or to pragmatic inclusions? What do these choices mean? Finally, given the speech nature of our texts, we study the varieties in interaction, which will enable us to understand why some words have been borrowed from Arabic. Digitising the whole particular column of the Simpaticuni will enhance the glossary collection undertaken by other scholars who previously worked on this newspaper.

Identités linguistiques perçues : quelques localités des "vallées vaudoises" du Piémont occidental (Italie). / Perceived linguistic identities : some localities in the Vaud Valleys of the Western Piedmont (Italy).

Gally, Silvia 27 October 2017 (has links)
Ce sujet de recherche propose une description de quelques variétés linguistiques à tradition orale du Piémont occidental italien, selon les approches de la dialectologie perceptuelle et de la géolinguistique descriptive. Les variétés choisies comme objet d’analyse se situent dans la province de Turin, en bordure et au sein même des vallées piémontaises étiquetées comme « valles vaudoises » : Val Cluson et Val Germanasca (Val Saint Martin). L’aire que nous considérons est caractérisée par un contact linguistique marqué par une forte identité culturelle entre les parlers gallo-romans (minorités linguistiques, de type occitan provençal) et italo-romans (de type pédémontans) : ces variétés ne bénéficient pas d’une position paritaire ni d’un point de vue politico-administratif, ni dans la conscience des locuteurs qui entretiennent avec les quatre types linguistiques, i.e. l’italien (régional et moyen), les variétés occitanes et pédémontanes, ainsi que le français, une relation complexe. Nous avons relevé les processus variationnels (phonétiques et lexicaux) qui semblent marquer l’identité linguistique des locuteurs dans cet espace plurilingue, en tenant compte des perspectives, objective et subjective (perception des locuteurs quant à la variation linguistique de l’aire), diachronique et synchronique, dans l’examen des systèmes linguistiques choisis, très peu pris en considération par la littérature dialectologique récente. Cette double perspective permet également de clarifier la trajectoire de processus de changement phonétique qui impactent la restructuration des systèmes de ces vallées. / The thesis focuses on a description of four dialectal varieties (gallo-italian and gallo-romance) of the Western Piedmont (Italy) by adopting several linguistic approches, perceptual dialectology's and geolinguistics' ones. The géographical area is caracterized by a linguistic variation and a language contact, marked by a high degree of linguistic identity between gallo-romance (occitan) and gallo-italian (pedemontans) dialects : these varieties do not benefit of the same position by political and social points of view, nor in the awareness of the speakers.

"Story o dvou jazycích." Gramatický rozbor a analýza vnitrovětného přepínání kódů mezi nizozemštinou a angličtinou / Grammatical description and analysis of intrasentential codeswitching between Dutch and English

Rezková, Iva January 2014 (has links)
in English This dissertation deals with one form of language contact in today's Dutch: the 'intrasentential codeswitching' between Dutch and English. The term 'intrasentential codeswitching' refers to such a bilingual situation in which the two languages have unequal roles: the so called matrix language (here: Dutch) determines the grammatical structure of codeswitching, and the so called embedded language (here: English) provides elements of various length which are inserted/embedded into the matrix frame. The definition of codeswitching which sees the phenomenon as a kind of insertion is based on Myers-Scotton's theories (1992, 2001, 2005) introduced in Matrix Language Frame Model (MLF-model). It is a structural model based on neuro- and psycho-linguistic research of language formation. The outcome of the research is a formulation of a set of grammatical hypotheses and principals which explain the codeswitching structure and which the author declares to be universally applicable to all language pairs. In this research, the Dutch-English codeswitching has been examined from a grammatical point of view. The research material consists of a written corpus, which contains 430 examples of Dutch-English mixed sentences. First of all, a morphological and syntactical analysis of the corpus has been...

Topodinâmica da variação do português gaúcho em áreas de contato intervarietal no Mato Grosso

Figueiredo, Carla Regina de Souza January 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, como no resto do mundo, o estudo de variedades diatópicas da língua tradicionalmente se pautou em pesquisas topostáticas, em que se privilegiou a fala de indivíduos nascidos e criados na localidade, portanto falantes de uma variedade mais conservadora e reveladora de um estágio “anterior, original” da língua. A combinação de critérios como o processo de povoamento, a antiguidade e o grau de isolamento de um lugar em relação a outros mais dinâmicos para determinar os pontos de observação de estudos desta natureza, tornou-se assim uma prática dominante. Contrariamente, o estudo de comunidades “jovens”, de formação recente, moldadas pelo fluxo migratório da população e, deste modo, locus de contatos linguísticos variados (entre línguas distintas e/ou entre variedades de uma mesma língua), parecem ter sido ignoradas pela pesquisa, durante muito tempo. O norte do Mato Grosso, onde se desenvolve esta tese, é um exemplo dessa tendência da pesquisa, daí a escolha do tema, a Topodinâmica da variação do português gaúcho em áreas de contato intervarietal no Mato Grosso, buscar preencher essa lacuna. São objetivos deste estudo 1) descrever o comportamento linguístico de migrantes gaúchos e de seus descendentes em contato com outras variedades regionais da língua portuguesa, a fim de 2) averiguar em que medida as relações sócio-econômico-culturais implicaram a manutenção, variação ou mudança de marcas linguísticas da variedade do português rio-grandense desses migrantes. Para tanto, correlacionaram-se diferentes dimensões de análise, em especial as dimensões diatópica, diageracional, diastrática, diassexual, diafásica, diarreferencial e contatual. O estudo desenvolveu-se em três localidades de pesquisa caracterizadas fundamentalmente pela topodinâmica da língua e dos falantes: Porto dos Gaúchos (MT01), Sinop (MT02) e Sorriso (MT03). Estes pontos configuram-se em uma extensão do processo histórico de ocupação do Oeste de Santa Catarina e Sudoeste do Paraná, como atestam Schaefer (1985) e Souza (2008). Criados entre as décadas de 1950 e 1980, esses lugares foram colonizados a partir da implementação de Empresas Privadas responsáveis por estabelecer núcleos urbanos com condições básicas que assegurassem tanto o desenvolvimento econômico do “Novo Eldorado” quanto a acolhida dos migrantes provenientes, sobretudo, da região Sul do Brasil. Em certo sentido, o perfil sócio-cultural dos colonos migrantes dessa área coincidiu com o dos informantes do Atlas Linguístico-Etnográfico da Região Sul do Brasil (ALERS). Pode-se, por isso, hipotetizar que a fala registrada pelo ALERS se aproxima da fala dos migrantes sulistas pioneiros estabelecidos nesses pontos. Sendo assim, os dados do ALERS constituem uma base de comparação importante da topodinâmica do português falado na matriz de origem e na área de chegada, no norte do Mato Grosso. Na elaboração do questionário aplicado na pesquisa de campo desta tese foram utilizadas, em grande parte, perguntas feitas pelo ALERS. A seleção de informantes considerou as dimensões diassexual (masculino vs. feminino), diastrática (Ca - alfabetizados com até o ensino médio completo vs. Cb - com nível superior) e diageracional (GI - jovens de 18 a 36 anos vs. GII - idosos acima de 50 anos). Já a constituição do corpus, um conjunto de variáveis linguísticas em diferentes níveis (fonético-fonológicos, semântico-lexicais e morfossintáticos) correlacionadas com dimensões extralinguísticas (dados sociológicos referentes aos informantes e às localidades) e a análise se pautou em princípios teórico-metodológicos da geolinguística pluridimensional e contatual e de outras disciplinas afins, como a sociologia da linguagem. A apreciação dos dados aponta diferentes fatores para a manutenção da variedade linguística inventariada no Sul do Brasil, tais como: o papel socioeconômico dos sulistas na região norte mato-grossense, a transmissão entre gerações dessa variedade, os recursos midiáticos e a gênese da criação histórica de cada localidade pesquisada. A covariação entre as formas [+RS] e as [-RS] são mais evidentes no nível lexical, enquanto os casos de mudança se manifestam, sobretudo, na fala dos informantes jovens no nível fonético. / In Brazil, as in the rest of the world, the study of diatopics varieties of language traditionally was based on topostatics research, which have privileged the speech of people born and raised in some locallity, so speakers of a more conservative and revealing variety of a stage "previous, original " of language. The combination of criteria as the settlement process, the age and the degree of isolation of a place in relation to others more dynamic to determine the points of observational studies of this nature, become a dominant practice. In contrast, the study of "young" communities, recently formed, shaped by migration of the population and thus locus of varied linguistic contact (between different languages and / or between varieties of the same language) seem to have been ignored by search for a long time. The northern Mato Grosso, where it develops this thesis, one example of this trend research, hence the choice of subject, the Topodinamics of gaúcho Portuguese on intervarietal contact areas at Mato Grosso), seek to fill this gap. The objectives of this study are 1) to describe the linguistic behavior of gauchos migrants and their descendants in contact with other regional varieties of the Portuguese language in order to 2) determine how much the social, economic and cultural relations involved in the maintenance, variation or change of language marks of the variety of Portuguese Rio-Grandense's migrants. Therefore, correlated analysis in different dimensions, especially the diatopic, diagenerational, diastratic, diasexual, diaphasic, diareferential and contactual. The study was developed in three research locations fundamentally characterized by topodinamics from language and speakers: Porto dos Gauchos (MT01), Sinop (MT02) and Sorriso (MT03). These points were configured as extension of the historical process of occupation of the West of Santa Catarina and Paraná Southwest, as evidenced by Schaefer (1985) and Souza (2008). Created between the 1950s and 1980s, these places were colonized from the implementation of Private Companies responsible for establishing urban centers with basic conditions that would ensure both the economic development of the "New Eldorado" as the reception of migrants coming mainly from the region southern of Brazil. In some sense, the socio-cultural profile of migrant settlers of this area coincided with the informants og Language-Ethnographic Atlas of Southern Brazil (ALERS). We can therefore hypothesize that speech recorded by ALERS approaches the speech of southern migrants pioneers set out in those points. Thus, the ALERS data are an important basis of comparison of topodinamics of spoken Portugueses in the source array and arrival area in northern Mato Grosso. In preparing the questionnaire applied in the field research of this thesis, were used largely, questions asked by ALERS. The choice of informants has considered the diassexual dimensions (male vs. female), diastratic (Ca - literate up to complete high school vs. Cb - with higher education) and diagenerational (GI – young people from 18-36 years vs. GII - elderly above 50 years). The corpus formation has considered a set of linguistic variables at different levels (phonetic-phonological, lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic) correlated to extra-linguistic dimensions (sociological data related to informants and locations) and was analyzed from the theoretical and methodological principles of pluridimensional geolinguistics and contactual and other related disciplines such as sociology of language. The data assessment points out different factors for the linguistic diversity maintenance inventoried in southern region of Brazil, such as the socioeconomic role of southerners in the north of Mato Grosso, the intergenerational transmission of this variety, the media resources and the genesis of historical creation of each studied area. The covariance between the "gaucho" and "non-gaucho" forms are more evident on the lexical degree, while cases of change are manifested primarily in the speech of young informants in phonetic and morphosyntactic degrees.

Francouzské lexikální výpůjčky v italštině - diachronní pohled / Lexical borrowings from French into Italian - a diachronic view

HLAVOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The diachronic view what was the development of French loan words in the Italian language is the main subject of this thesis and it´s focused on all French loan words in the Italian language with first occurrences documented from the 12th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The thesis is divided in two parts. The firts one is comprised of the theoretical introduction to the language contact that results in the possibility of language enriching by foreign language material that loan words should also be. The next chapter deals with the comprehensive overview of all French loan words from their first documented occurrances in the Italian language to the beginning of the 20th century. All the chapter is focused on the information providing the language contact between both languages, French and Italian one. In the second part, there are analysis of limited number of loan words because of high total sum of all occurrences so the final number of analised loan words is reduced and delimited by the 19th century. All these selected French loan words are analyzed according to various criterions that are for example the classification in word classes or the classification of adaptation. Finally, the occurences of selected loan words are analysed in detail comparing occurrances extracted from two different Italian corpuses. To outline a diachronic perspective on the language contact between the French and Italian language since teh first loan words documented in the Italian language to the beginning of the 20th century is the aim of this thesis. The other aim is to confirm the theoretical assumption that completely adapted lexical loan words predominate what is given by the character of the analysed sample, all done on the basis on detailed analysis.

Topodinâmica da variação do português gaúcho em áreas de contato intervarietal no Mato Grosso

Figueiredo, Carla Regina de Souza January 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, como no resto do mundo, o estudo de variedades diatópicas da língua tradicionalmente se pautou em pesquisas topostáticas, em que se privilegiou a fala de indivíduos nascidos e criados na localidade, portanto falantes de uma variedade mais conservadora e reveladora de um estágio “anterior, original” da língua. A combinação de critérios como o processo de povoamento, a antiguidade e o grau de isolamento de um lugar em relação a outros mais dinâmicos para determinar os pontos de observação de estudos desta natureza, tornou-se assim uma prática dominante. Contrariamente, o estudo de comunidades “jovens”, de formação recente, moldadas pelo fluxo migratório da população e, deste modo, locus de contatos linguísticos variados (entre línguas distintas e/ou entre variedades de uma mesma língua), parecem ter sido ignoradas pela pesquisa, durante muito tempo. O norte do Mato Grosso, onde se desenvolve esta tese, é um exemplo dessa tendência da pesquisa, daí a escolha do tema, a Topodinâmica da variação do português gaúcho em áreas de contato intervarietal no Mato Grosso, buscar preencher essa lacuna. São objetivos deste estudo 1) descrever o comportamento linguístico de migrantes gaúchos e de seus descendentes em contato com outras variedades regionais da língua portuguesa, a fim de 2) averiguar em que medida as relações sócio-econômico-culturais implicaram a manutenção, variação ou mudança de marcas linguísticas da variedade do português rio-grandense desses migrantes. Para tanto, correlacionaram-se diferentes dimensões de análise, em especial as dimensões diatópica, diageracional, diastrática, diassexual, diafásica, diarreferencial e contatual. O estudo desenvolveu-se em três localidades de pesquisa caracterizadas fundamentalmente pela topodinâmica da língua e dos falantes: Porto dos Gaúchos (MT01), Sinop (MT02) e Sorriso (MT03). Estes pontos configuram-se em uma extensão do processo histórico de ocupação do Oeste de Santa Catarina e Sudoeste do Paraná, como atestam Schaefer (1985) e Souza (2008). Criados entre as décadas de 1950 e 1980, esses lugares foram colonizados a partir da implementação de Empresas Privadas responsáveis por estabelecer núcleos urbanos com condições básicas que assegurassem tanto o desenvolvimento econômico do “Novo Eldorado” quanto a acolhida dos migrantes provenientes, sobretudo, da região Sul do Brasil. Em certo sentido, o perfil sócio-cultural dos colonos migrantes dessa área coincidiu com o dos informantes do Atlas Linguístico-Etnográfico da Região Sul do Brasil (ALERS). Pode-se, por isso, hipotetizar que a fala registrada pelo ALERS se aproxima da fala dos migrantes sulistas pioneiros estabelecidos nesses pontos. Sendo assim, os dados do ALERS constituem uma base de comparação importante da topodinâmica do português falado na matriz de origem e na área de chegada, no norte do Mato Grosso. Na elaboração do questionário aplicado na pesquisa de campo desta tese foram utilizadas, em grande parte, perguntas feitas pelo ALERS. A seleção de informantes considerou as dimensões diassexual (masculino vs. feminino), diastrática (Ca - alfabetizados com até o ensino médio completo vs. Cb - com nível superior) e diageracional (GI - jovens de 18 a 36 anos vs. GII - idosos acima de 50 anos). Já a constituição do corpus, um conjunto de variáveis linguísticas em diferentes níveis (fonético-fonológicos, semântico-lexicais e morfossintáticos) correlacionadas com dimensões extralinguísticas (dados sociológicos referentes aos informantes e às localidades) e a análise se pautou em princípios teórico-metodológicos da geolinguística pluridimensional e contatual e de outras disciplinas afins, como a sociologia da linguagem. A apreciação dos dados aponta diferentes fatores para a manutenção da variedade linguística inventariada no Sul do Brasil, tais como: o papel socioeconômico dos sulistas na região norte mato-grossense, a transmissão entre gerações dessa variedade, os recursos midiáticos e a gênese da criação histórica de cada localidade pesquisada. A covariação entre as formas [+RS] e as [-RS] são mais evidentes no nível lexical, enquanto os casos de mudança se manifestam, sobretudo, na fala dos informantes jovens no nível fonético. / In Brazil, as in the rest of the world, the study of diatopics varieties of language traditionally was based on topostatics research, which have privileged the speech of people born and raised in some locallity, so speakers of a more conservative and revealing variety of a stage "previous, original " of language. The combination of criteria as the settlement process, the age and the degree of isolation of a place in relation to others more dynamic to determine the points of observational studies of this nature, become a dominant practice. In contrast, the study of "young" communities, recently formed, shaped by migration of the population and thus locus of varied linguistic contact (between different languages and / or between varieties of the same language) seem to have been ignored by search for a long time. The northern Mato Grosso, where it develops this thesis, one example of this trend research, hence the choice of subject, the Topodinamics of gaúcho Portuguese on intervarietal contact areas at Mato Grosso), seek to fill this gap. The objectives of this study are 1) to describe the linguistic behavior of gauchos migrants and their descendants in contact with other regional varieties of the Portuguese language in order to 2) determine how much the social, economic and cultural relations involved in the maintenance, variation or change of language marks of the variety of Portuguese Rio-Grandense's migrants. Therefore, correlated analysis in different dimensions, especially the diatopic, diagenerational, diastratic, diasexual, diaphasic, diareferential and contactual. The study was developed in three research locations fundamentally characterized by topodinamics from language and speakers: Porto dos Gauchos (MT01), Sinop (MT02) and Sorriso (MT03). These points were configured as extension of the historical process of occupation of the West of Santa Catarina and Paraná Southwest, as evidenced by Schaefer (1985) and Souza (2008). Created between the 1950s and 1980s, these places were colonized from the implementation of Private Companies responsible for establishing urban centers with basic conditions that would ensure both the economic development of the "New Eldorado" as the reception of migrants coming mainly from the region southern of Brazil. In some sense, the socio-cultural profile of migrant settlers of this area coincided with the informants og Language-Ethnographic Atlas of Southern Brazil (ALERS). We can therefore hypothesize that speech recorded by ALERS approaches the speech of southern migrants pioneers set out in those points. Thus, the ALERS data are an important basis of comparison of topodinamics of spoken Portugueses in the source array and arrival area in northern Mato Grosso. In preparing the questionnaire applied in the field research of this thesis, were used largely, questions asked by ALERS. The choice of informants has considered the diassexual dimensions (male vs. female), diastratic (Ca - literate up to complete high school vs. Cb - with higher education) and diagenerational (GI – young people from 18-36 years vs. GII - elderly above 50 years). The corpus formation has considered a set of linguistic variables at different levels (phonetic-phonological, lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic) correlated to extra-linguistic dimensions (sociological data related to informants and locations) and was analyzed from the theoretical and methodological principles of pluridimensional geolinguistics and contactual and other related disciplines such as sociology of language. The data assessment points out different factors for the linguistic diversity maintenance inventoried in southern region of Brazil, such as the socioeconomic role of southerners in the north of Mato Grosso, the intergenerational transmission of this variety, the media resources and the genesis of historical creation of each studied area. The covariance between the "gaucho" and "non-gaucho" forms are more evident on the lexical degree, while cases of change are manifested primarily in the speech of young informants in phonetic and morphosyntactic degrees.

A grammar of Gawraǰū Gūrānī

Bailey, Denise 18 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Language Contact and Language Boundaries in Prehispanic Cajamarca / Contactos y fronteras de lenguas en la Cajamarca prehispánica

Andrade Ciudad, Luis 10 April 2018 (has links)
A small lexicon of traditional weaving (telar de cintura), collected in Agallpampa (Otuzco, La Libertad) offers evidence against the idea of any linguistic identity being shared between the area of the now extinct Culle language, and the Cajamarca Valley. Yet, such a link is supported by the isolation of a grammatical element, traced to the Culle language in both areas: diminutive suffix –ash–, as in cholasho ‘young little man’ and chinasha ‘young little woman’. These contrasting data shed new light on a discussion begun by Torero (1989) about the existence of particular languages in the central Cajamarca area (languages Den and Cat); and continued by Adelaar with Muysken (2004), who suggest that cases of lexical community between the Culle geographical nucleus and indigenous words of Cajamarca Quechua, which cannot be traced back to Quechua idiomatic sources, suggest that a Culle substratum holds for the Cajamarca Valley. This paper argues that, in order to solve this apparent paradox, it is necessary to focus on this issue in terms of linguistic strata: i.e., different stages of idiomatic hegemony before Quechua and Spanish were established in the region. The oldest stratum would be associated with Den, and the more recent, albeit still prior to the Quechua and Spanish periods, would be Culle. Based upon archaeological research in the area and on the recent association of Cajamarca Quechua with the Huari expansion (Adelaar 2012), I suggest that the chronological distance between both strata must be deep, since Culle would have been established in the region long before the Northern Huari expansion took place. Nonetheless, the existence of Quechua-Den mixed toponyms precludes this hypothesis being applied to the whole Cajamarca territory, especially its southwest area (Contumazá). / Un breve repertorio léxico del telar de cintura, recogido en Agallpampa (Otuzco, La Libertad), aporta evidencia contraria a la idea de que existió identidad idiomática entre la zona de emplazamiento de la extinta lengua culle y el valle de Cajamarca, en el departamento del mismo nombre. En cambio, abona a favor de esta propuesta la identificación de un elemento gramatical atribuible al culle en ambas zonas: el sufijo diminutivo –ash–, como en cholasho ‘muchachito’ y chinasha ‘muchachita’. Este contraste constituye una ilustración del debate abierto por Torero (1989) sobre la existencia de idiomas indígenas particulares en las provincias centrales cajamarquinas (las lenguas den y cat) y continuado por Adelaar, con la col. de Muysken (2004), quien ha planteado que los ejemplos de comunidad léxica entre el núcleo de la zona culle y las palabras indígenas del quechua cajamarquino que no pueden ser atribuidas al fondo idiomático quechua sugieren la existencia de un sustrato culle en el valle de Cajamarca. Este artículo argumenta que para resolver esta aparente paradoja, es necesario pensar en términos de estratos lingüísticos, es decir, en diferentes etapas de hegemonía idiomática previas a la presencia del quechua y del castellano en dicho territorio. El estrato más antiguo correspondería al fondo idiomático den, mientras que el posterior, previo al advenimiento del quechua y el castellano, correspondería al culle. Partiendo de la investigación arqueológica realizada en la zona y de la reciente atribución del quechua cajamarquino a la avanzada huari (Adelaar 2012), se sostiene que la separación temporal entre ambos estratos debió de ser prolongada, ya que el culle tendría que haberse asentado en la zona mencionada antes de la expansión norteña de Huari. Sin embargo, la existencia de toponimia mixta quechua-den previene contra la posibilidad de generalizar esta hipótesis al territorio cajamarquino en su conjunto, especialmente al sector sureño occidental (Contumazá).

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