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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of the Relative Effectiveness of Certain Courses in Improving Language Processes

Hoessel, Virginia 01 January 1942 (has links) (PDF)
In the Stockton Junior College it is common practices that the freshmen who have passed the English matriculation examination are allowed to make their own selection of courses in either the field of English or in the field of speech; those who have failed to pass the Subject A examination are obliged to enroll is a Laboratory English course in which special emphasis is given to increasing the affective use of English skills. Probably, Laboratory English i conceded to accomplish this most effectively or this obligation would not exist. Is this factually trust.

Interpretable natural language processing models with deep hierarchical structures and effective statistical training

Zhaoxin Luo (17328937) 03 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The research focuses on improving natural language processing (NLP) models by integrating the hierarchical structure of language, which is essential for understanding and generating human language. The main contributions of the study are:</p><ol><li><b>Hierarchical RNN Model:</b> Development of a deep Recurrent Neural Network model that captures both explicit and implicit hierarchical structures in language.</li><li><b>Hierarchical Attention Mechanism:</b> Use of a multi-level attention mechanism to help the model prioritize relevant information at different levels of the hierarchy.</li><li><b>Latent Indicators and Efficient Training:</b> Integration of latent indicators using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and reduction of computational complexity with Bootstrap sampling and layered training strategies.</li><li><b>Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Translation:</b> Extension of the model to translation tasks, including a novel pre-training technique and a hierarchical decoding strategy to stabilize latent indicators during generation.</li></ol><p dir="ltr">The study claims enhanced performance in various NLP tasks with results comparable to larger models, with the added benefit of increased interpretability.</p>

The Impact of Collaborative Talk During Writing Events In a First Grade Classroom: A Qualitative Case Study

Kaiser, Brigette A. 11 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Improving information gathering for IT experts. : Combining text summarization and individualized information recommendation.

Bergenudd, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Information gathering and information overload is an ever growing topic of concernfor Information Technology (IT) experts. The amount of information dealt withon an everyday basis is large enough to take up valuable time having to scatterthrough it all to find the relevant information. As for the application area of IT,time is directly related to money as having to waste valuable production time ininformation gathering and allocation of human resources is a direct loss of profitsfor any given company. Two issues are mainly addressed through this thesis: textsare too lengthy and the difficulty of finding relevant information. Through the useof Natural Language Processes (NLP) methods such as topic modelling and textsummarization, a proposed solution is constructed in the form of a technical basiswhich can be implemented in most business areas. An experiment along with anevaluation session is setup in order to evaluate the performance of the technical basisand enforce the focus of this paper, namely ”How effective is text summarizationcombined with individualized information recommendation in improving informationgathering of IT experts?”. Furthermore, the solution includes a construction of userprofiles in an attempt to individualize content and theoretically present more relevantinformation. The results for this project are affected by the substandard quality andmagnitude of data points, however positive trends are discovered. It is stated thatthe use of user profiles further enhances the amount of relevant articles presentedby the model along with the increasing recall and precision values per iteration andaccuracy per number of updates made per user. Not enough time is spent as for theextent of the evaluation process to confidently state the validity of the results morethan them being inconsistent and insufficient in magnitude. However, the positivetrends discovered creates further speculations on if the project is given enough timeand resources to reach its full potential. Essentially, one can theoretically improveinformation gathering by summarizing texts combined with individualization.

Tammerfors som svensk språkö:en etnografisk studie av språkpolicy som praktiker, processer och val i svenska rum i det inre av Finland

Kingelin-Orrenmaa, Z. (Zea) 24 September 2019 (has links)
Abstract In my thesis, I have studied Tampere as a Swedish language island from a sociolinguistic perspective with Bernard Spolsky’s approach to language sociology as the theoretical framework. By language policy I mean language planning efforts and various forms of both conscious and unconscious linguistic practices which become visible as practices in everyday life on different levels of society. Of all the approximately twenty Swedish clubs, associations and institutions in Tampere, I have focused on two important spaces, namely the institutions Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors (the Swedish school) and Tammerfors svenska församling (the Swedish congregation). The aim of the study is to find out what kinds of practices, processes and choices are negotiated in these language island communities. I examine the communities both on an institutional and an individual level. My goal is to describe the kind of a language policy the institutions and individuals create and apply in their daily activities. The study is descriptive and aims to illustrate the sociocultural reality of the Swedish language on both the macro and micro levels in a Finnish-speaking majority context. In the study, I have applied triangulation on the levels of both method and material. I have used various types of data such as questionnaires, field notes, documents, written works, webpages and thematic interviews due to the varying types of the institutions and focus groups. The different materials studied required the application of both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. In the case of open questions and thematic interviews I have applied content analysis, leading to a process of abstraction. The results of the study show that the Swedish institutions Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors and Tammerfors svenska församling have over the course of time gone through a change in language policy. This has led to the application of varied linguistic practices in everyday life. Characteristic for the language policy in the Swedish school in the 2010s is language awareness and openness. Characteristic for both institutions studied is interaction between language maintenance efforts and continuous accommodation between Swedish and Finnish in various communicative practices. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjassani olen tutkinut Tamperetta ruotsalaisena kielisaarekkeena kielisosiologisesta perspektiivistä käyttämällä teoreettisena viitekehyksenä Bernard Spolskyn kolmea kielipoliittista komponenttia. Kielipolitiikalla tarkoitan tietoisia kielen suunnitteluun liittyviä panostuksia sekä erilaisia tietoisia ja tiedostamattomia kielellisiä toimintoja, jotka näyttäytyvät erilaisina arjen käytäntöinä yhteiskunnan eri tasoilla. Runsaasta kahdestakymmenestä ruotsinkielisestä kerhosta, yhdistyksestä ja instituutiosta olen tarkastellut kahta merkittävää ruotsinkielistä tilaa, nimittäin Tampereen ruotsalaista koulua (Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors) ja Tampereen ruotsalaista seurakuntaa (Tammerfors svenska församling). Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia kielellisiä käytänteitä, prosesseja ja valintoja näissä kielisaarekeyhteisöissä muodostuu. Tarkastelen yhteisöjä instituution ja yksilön tasolla. Kiinnostukseni kohteena on se, millaista kielipolitiikkaa sekä instituutiot että yksilöt luovat ja soveltavat päivittäisessä toiminnassaan. Tutkimus on deskriptiivinen ja sen tarkoituksena on kuvailla ruotsinkielistä sosiokulttuurista todellisuutta makro- ja mikrotasolla suomenkielisessä enemmistökontekstissa. Olen soveltanut tutkimuksessa sekä menetelmä- että aineistotriangulaatiota. Tutkimuskohteiden erilaisuudesta johtuen olen käyttänyt tutkimusaineistoina kyselylomakkeita, kenttämuistiinpanoja, asiakirjoja, kirjallisia teoksia, verkkosivuja ja teemahaastatteluja. Aineistot edellyttivät sekä kvantitatiivisten että kvalitatiivisten analyysimenetelmien käyttöä. Avoimiin kysymyksiin sekä teemahaastatteluihin olen soveltanut sisällönanalyysiä ja abstrahointia. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että ruotsalaiset instituutiot Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors ja Tammerfors svenska församling ovat kielipolitiikan näkökulmasta tarkasteltuina muuttuneet aikojen saatossa. Tämä on johtanut vaihteleviin kielellisiin käytänteihin, joita arjessa sovelletaan. Kielitietoisuus ja avoimuus ovat ominaisia piirteitä Svenska samskolanin kielipolitiikalle 2010-luvulla. Tunnusomaista molemmille instituutioille on vuorovaikutus, joka vallitsee yhtäältä kielen säilyttämiseen liittyvien panostusten ja toisaalta erilaisissa viestinnällisissä tilanteissa tapahtuvan ruotsin ja suomen kielen akkommodaation välillä. / Abstrakt I denna avhandling har jag granskat Tammerfors som svensk språkö i ett språksociologiskt perspektiv enligt Bernard Spolskys tre komponenter av språkpolicy som teoretisk referensram. Med språkpolicy avser jag medvetna språkplaneringsinsatser och olika former av både medvetna och omedvetna språkliga handlingar som avtecknas som praktiker i vardagen på olika nivåer i samhället. Av de ett drygt tjugotal svenska klubbar, föreningar och institutioner har jag lagt fokus på två betydande svenska rum, nämligen institutionerna Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors och Tammerfors svenska församling. Mitt syfte är att utreda vad som är kännetecknande för de språkliga praktiker, processer och val som konstrueras i dessa språkögemenskaper. Dels studerar jag gemenskaperna som institutioner och dels individerna. Jag är intresserad av hurdan språkpolicy institutionerna och individerna skapar och tillämpar i sin dagliga verksamhet. Forskningen är deskriptiv och syftar således till att beskriva den sociokulturella verkligheten gällande svenska språket på makro- och mikronivå i en finskspråkig majoritetskontext. I undersökningen har jag tillämpat både metod- och materialtriangulering. På grund av institutionernas och fokusgruppernas olika karaktär har jag använt mig av olika delmaterial som frågeformulär, fältanteckningar, handlingar, skriftliga verk, webbsidor och temaintervjuer. Det varierande materialet gav upphov till tillämpning av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa analysmetoder. På de öppna frågorna har jag tillämpat innehållsanalys som jag också använt i analysen av temaintervjuerna där jag tillämpat abstrahering. Undersökningsresultaten visar att de svenska institutionerna, Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors och Tammerfors svenska församling har förändrats genom tiderna i fråga om språkpolicy som lett till varierande språkliga praktiker som tillämpas i verksamheten. Svenska samskolans språkpolicy på 2010-talet präglas av språkmedvetenhet och öppenhet. Kännetecknande för båda institutionerna är ett samspel mellan å ena sidan språkbevarande insatser och å andra sidan ackommodation mellan finska och svenska i olika kommunikativa praktiker.

The linguistic and cognitive mechanisms underlying language tests in healthy adults : a principal component analysis

Bresolin Goncalves, Ana Paula 04 1900 (has links)
Pour un processus d’évaluation linguistique plus précis et rapide, il est important d’identifier les mécanismes cognitifs qui soutiennent des tâches langagières couramment utilisées. Une façon de mieux comprendre ses mécanismes est d’explorer la variance partagée entre les tâches linguistiques en utilisant l’analyse factorielle exploratoire. Peu d’études ont employé cette méthode pour étudier ces mécanismes dans le fonctionnement normal du langage. Par conséquent, notre objectif principal est d’explorer comment un ensemble de tâches linguistiques se regroupent afin d’étudier les mécanismes cognitifs sous-jacents de ses tâches. Nous avons évalué 201 participants en bonne santé âgés entre 18 et 75 ans (moyenne=45,29, écart-type= 15,06) et avec une scolarité entre 5 et 23 ans (moyenne=11,10, écart-type=4,68), parmi ceux-ci, 62,87% étaient des femmes. Nous avons employé deux batteries linguistiques : le Protocole d’examen linguistique de l’aphasie Montréal-Toulouse et Protocole Montréal d’Évaluation de la Communication – version abrégé. Utilisant l’analyse en composantes principales avec une rotation Direct-oblimin, nous avons découvert quatre composantes du langage : la sémantique picturale (tâches de compréhension orale, dénomination orale et dénomination écrite), l'exécutif linguistique (tâches d’évocation lexicale - critères sémantique, orthographique et libre), le transcodage et la sémantique (tâches de lecture, dictée et de jugement sémantique) et la pragmatique (tâches d'interprétation d'actes de parole indirecte et d'interprétation de métaphores). Ces quatre composantes expliquent 59,64 % de la variance totale. Deuxièmement, nous avons vérifié l'association entre ces composantes et deux mesures des fonctions exécutives dans un sous-ensemble de 33 participants. La performance de la flexibilité cognitive a été évaluée en soustrayant le - temps A au temps B du Trail Making Test et celle de la mémoire de travail en prenant le total des réponses correctes au test du n-back. La composante exécutive linguistique était associée à une meilleure flexibilité cognitive (r=-0,355) et la composante transcodage et sémantique à une meilleure performance de mémoire de travail (r=.0,397). Nos résultats confirment l’hétérogénéité des processus sous-jacent aux tâches langagières et leur relation intrinsèque avec d'autres composantes cognitives, tels que les fonctions exécutives. / To a more accurate and time-efficient language assessment process, it is important to identify the cognitive mechanisms that sustain commonly used language tasks. One way to do so is to explore the shared variance across language tasks using the technique of principal components analysis. Few studies applied this technique to investigate these mechanisms in normal language functioning. Therefore, our main goal is to explore how a set of language tasks are going to group to investigate the underlying cognitive mechanisms of commonly used tasks. We assessed 201 healthy participants aged between 18 and 75 years old (mean = 45.29, SD = 15.06) and with a formal education between 5 and 23 years (mean = 11.10, SD =4.68), of these 62.87% were female. We used two language batteries: the Montreal-Toulouse language assessment battery and the Montreal Communication Evaluation Battery – brief version. Using a Principal Component Analysis with a Direct-oblimin rotation, we discovered four language components: pictorial semantics (auditory comprehension, naming and writing naming tasks), language-executive (unconstrained, semantic, and phonological verbal fluency tasks), transcoding and semantics (reading, dictation, and semantic judgment tasks), and pragmatics (indirect speech acts interpretation and metaphors interpretation tasks). These four components explained 59.64% of the total variance. Secondarily, we sought to verify the association between these components with two executive measures in a subset of 33 participants. Cognitive flexibility was assessed by the time B-time A score of the Trail Making Test and working memory by the total of correct answers on the n-back test. The language-executive component was associated with a better cognitive flexibility score (r=-.355) and the transcoding and semantics one with a better working memory performance (r=.397). Our findings confirm the heterogeneity process underlying language tasks and their intrinsic relationship to other cognitive components, such as executive functions.

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