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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude et mise au point de méthodes de mesures non destructives permettant de caractériser les paramètres critiques de l'adhésion sur structures collées / Study and development of non-destructive methods to characterize the critical parameters on bonded structures

Baudot, Alice 08 January 2015 (has links)
L’engouement pour le collage structural est important dans l’aéronautique. Actuellement, il n’existe pas de méthode de contrôle non destructive de l’adhésion dans un assemblage collé. Les méthodes de CND usuelles peuvent détecter au mieux des défauts majeurs de type décollement ou absence de colle. L’objectif de la thèse est donc de déterminer un indicateur ultrasonore en lien avec le niveau d’adhésion et la tenue structurale des assemblages collés.La première étape a consisté en l’élaboration d’éprouvettes étalons à adhésions variables de forme cisaillement simple. Trois traitements de surface différents ont été définis afin d’obtenir trois niveaux de force à rupture et donc trois niveaux d’adhésion distincts. Des cartographies détaillées du joint de colle sont obtenues par ultrasons. A l’issue des essais mécaniques les faciès de rupture sont analysés. Des contrôles supplémentaires par micro-tomographie X ont été réalisés. L’ensemble de ces essais ont permis de valider l’obtention d’éprouvettes homogènes et de niveaux d’adhésion maîtrisé. Un système expérimental spécifique a été réalisé pour développer des mesures d’acoustoélasticité qui permettent l’étude des variations locales de champ des contraintes. Pendant une sollicitation mécanique de type cisaillement simple, les variations de temps de vol dans l’aluminium en mode pulse-écho des éprouvettes sont analysées. Le dispositif est d’abord validé sur une éprouvette d’aluminium. Puis, il est démontré que sur une éprouvette de cisaillement simple, les bords d’un défaut, lieu de concentration de contraintes, sont visibles. Les simulations numériques réalisées donnent les mêmes tendances / The enthusiasm for structural bonding is important in aeronautic. Currently there is no method to test non-destructively the adhesion in a bonded assembly. The usual NDT methods can detect the most common defects like delamination or disbond. The aim of this thesis is to determine an ultrasonic indicator related to the level of adhesion and the structural strength of bonded assemblies.The first step was the development of calibrated samples. The specimens are single lap shear joints. Three different surface treatments have been developed to obtain three different levels of ultimate tensile strength and therefore three distinct levels of adhesion. Detailed cartographies of the adhesive joint are obtained by ultrasound. After mechanical testing the fracture surfaces are analyzed. Additional tests by microtomography were performed. They were used to validate the quality of samples. The objective of standards sample is achieved. A specific control system has been achieved to use acoustoelasticty to study the stress field in the bonded assembly. The variations of time of flight in the aluminum part in pulse-echo mode during mechanical test are analysed. First, the method is validated with an aluminum test piece. Then, it is shown, for a sample with defect, the edges of a defect are visible through the increase of stresses on its borders. Numerical simulations give the same trends.

Activity States: un cadre théorique pour l'analyse de la collaboration humaine concrète sur le Web

Binti Abdullah, Nik Nailah 10 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est basé sur l'observation de conversations entre informaticiens sur Internet grâce à des outils de communication comme la messagerie instantanée et la vidéoconférence. L'objectif est de comprendre comment l'apprentissage et la communication peuvent s'influencer mutuellement: les personnes peuvent inférer le comportement communicatif de l'autre en interprétant dans le même temps comment leurs intentions apparaissent quand ils parlent et ont une activité. D'abord plusieurs conversations ont été enregistrés et étudiées (environ 50 000 mots échangés à chaque fois). Puis ces conversations ont été transcrites manuellement en messages formalisés pour un agent. L'analyse de ces messages et la compréhension des scénarios de communication ont requis une application étendue des théories existantes : (i) hiérarchie de l'apprentissage et de la communication (Bateson, 1972 et 1979), (ii) cognition située (Clancey, 1997) et (iii) théorie de l'activité (Leont'ev 1977 et 1978). Cependant, lors du processus d'analyse, un cadre de travail théorique innovant a émergé et a été appelé Etats d'Activité. Il fournit des règles pour la conversion des conversations dans un langage de communication entre agents (en en conservant la sémantique). Les Etats d'Activité tentent aussi d'expliquer et de comprendre comment, par exemple, la façon de lire et de comprendre un texte peut être liée à l'activité que l'on peut avoir à un moment donné sur Internet. Cela influence directement la façon dont les gens vont formuler leurs intentions.Finalement, l'analyse des messages formalisés à ces remarques préliminaires:(i) les gens possèdent des règles internes (par exemple un système de règles combinatoires) (ii) les gens apprennent, rassemblent et adaptent leurs protocoles de communication au contexte dans lequel ils se trouvent (cela valide en quelque sorte certaines théories qui déjà le suggérait). Pour conclure, les Etats d'activité sont appelés à être une approche prometteuse pour une meilleure compréhension du comportement humain de collaboration à distance via Internet.

Photoactivated Fixation of Cartilage Tissue

Sitterle, Valerie B. 20 October 2004 (has links)
Cartilage repair and/or replacement is necessary for many orthopaedic conditions including fissures from blunt trauma, autograft or allograft transplantation, and replacement of focal defects with biological or synthetic constructs. In cartilage repair, initial integration between the host tissue and repair site is desirable to allow for nutrient transport, molecular deposition to enhance fixation, and eventual stress transmission across the interface. It has been postulated that effective transport and crosslinking of newly synthesized collagen molecules across a repair site may be vital to the process of integrative repair, and recent experiments have correlated collagen deposition with the strength of such repair. Other investigations have shown that enzymatic degradation of the cartilage surface may enhance integrative repair and can increase bond strength of an adhesive to cartilage. This study explored a novel approach involving photochemical bonding of cartilage tissue samples through collagen crosslinking as a means to achieve rapid and effective initial fixation, with the goal of enhancing biological integration. Photosensitized collagen gels were first analyzed via FTIR to determine the crosslinking effects with respect to collagen type and photochemical mechanism. Using the photogellation FTIR results as a parametric guide, in vitro mechanical testing of photochemically bonded meniscal fibrocartilage and hyaline articular cartilage tissues was performed using a modified single-lap shear test. Finally, the cellular viability and bond stability of a photochemically bonded cartilage interface was evaluated over seven days of in vitro culture, where the bond strength was assessed by pushout of cores from annular defects. Results of this study have demonstrated the potential of combining enzymatic surface modification with photodynamic techniques to directly bond cartilage tissues for initial fixation.

Performance of Reinforced Concrete Column Lap Splices

Alberson, Ryan M. 14 January 2010 (has links)
Cantilevered reinforced concrete columns with a lap splice of the longitudinal reinforcement near the base can induce high moment demands on the splice region when lateral loads are present on the structure. Code design specifications typically require a conservative splice length to account for these high moment demands and their consequences of bond failure. The required splice length is calculated as a function of required development length, which is a function of the bond between the reinforcement and the surrounding concrete, and a factor depending on the section detailing. However, the effects of concrete deterioration due to alkali silica reaction (ASR) and/or delayed ettringite formation (DEF) may weaken the bond of the splice region enough to overcome the conservative splice length, potentially resulting in brittle failure of the column during lateral loading. This thesis presents the following results obtained from an experimental and analytical program. * Fabrication of large-scale specimens of typical column splice regions with concrete that is susceptible to ASR/DEF deterioration * Measurement of the large-scale specimen deterioration due to ASR/DEF accelerated deterioration * Analytical model of the column splice region based on flexure theory as a function of the development length of the reinforcement and a factor to account for deterioration of the bond due to ASR/DEF * Experimental behavior of two large-scale specimens that are not influenced by premature concrete deterioration due to ASR/DEF (control specimens). This experimental data is also used to calibrate the analytical model. The conclusions of the research are that the analytical model correlates well with the experimental behavior of the large-scale control specimens not influenced by ASR/DEF. The lap splice region behaved as expected and an over-strength in the splice region is evident. To account for ASR/DEF damage, the analytical model proposes a reduction factor to decrease the bond strength of the splice region to predict ultimate performance of the region with different levels of premature concrete deterioration.

Effects from Alkali-Silica Reacton and Delayed Ettringite Formation on Reinforced Concrete Column Lap Splices

Eck, Mary 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Reinforced concrete bridge columns can deteriorate prematurely due to the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and/or delayed ettringite formation (DEF), causing internal expansion and cracking on the surface of the concrete. The performance of the longitudinal reinforcement lap splice in deteriorated concrete columns is the focus in this research. This thesis presents the results from the deterioration of large-scale specimens constructed and placed in an environment susceptible to ASR/DEF deterioration, the experimental results from four-point and three-point structural load tests, and an analytical model based on bending theory characterizing the specimen behavior during the structural load tests. Fourteen large-scale specimens were constructed, placed in an environment to accelerate the ASR/DEF deterioration mechanisms, and instrumented both internally and externally to measure the internal concrete expansions, and surface expansions and crack widths. In addition, two control specimens were constructed and kept in a laboratory, preventing ASR/DEF deterioration. Post-tensioning was used to simulate axial load on a bridge column. Structural load tests were performed on eight specimens with no ASR/DEF damage to late stage ASR and minimal DEF damage. Comparing the specimen behaviors during the loading testing, it was found that the yield strength increased about 5-15%, and post-cracking stiffness up to first yielding of the deteriorated specimens was about 25-35% stiffer than the control specimens. The increased specimen strength and stiffness likely occurred from volumetric expansion due to ASR/DEF damage which engaged the reinforcement, further confining the concrete and causing a beneficial increase in the axial post-tensioning load. The analytical model matched the control specimens well and matched the non-control specimens when the axial load was increased.

An Experimental Study of Medical Laboratory Accreditation System Implementation in Taiwan

Lee, Jang-Hwa 31 July 2005 (has links)
The core of biotechnological industry is biomedical products which are related to health and life and need clinical trial. Laboratory data are collected during different stages of clinical trial. Laboratory data are provided by laboratories which are accreditated internationally. Most of medical laboratories in Taiwan are not accreditated. This exploratory research is to understand the change of healthcare envirovement and the stratege of accreditation to be taken when we develop the biotechnological industry which needs to be accreditated. We used questionare as a tool and mailed 616 and received 152. The statistical methods are descriptive and nonparametrical statistics. The results show as following: 94.7% of the responders agreed to have Taiwanese own medical laboratory accreditation system which should be approved by the Department of Health. The surveyors of hospital accreditation are appraised. Most of the responders (89.5%) did not agree the replacement of professional peer review by physicians without clinical laboratory training. The quality and quantity of CNLA surveyors need to be improved. Continous quality improvement gets concensus of the responders. The certification of accreditation shall connect to the payment system of national health insurance but does not equal to good clinical laboratory. Most of the responders (88.8%) recognized that implementing medical laboratory accreditation system is a part of organization learning. ISO 15189 medical laboratory accreditation is the first choice of the responders (50.7%) and CAP-LAP is the second (28.3%). The reasons for implementing and not implementing medical laboratory accreditation system are improving quality and the change of hospital accreditation, and just applying hospital accreditation and not required by law. Key words¡Ghospital accreditation, ISO 15189:2003, CAP-LAP, program for improving biotechnology industries, contract research organization, business strategy, organization learning.

Stress And Fracture Analysis Of Riveted Joints

Kecelioglu, Galip 01 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to model and analyze a three dimensional single riveted lap joint (with and without a crack). By using finite element method, stress and fracture analyses are carried out under both the residual stress field and external tensile loading. Using a two step simulation, riveting process and subsequent tensile loading of the lap joint are simulated to determine the residual and overall stress state. Residual stress state due to riveting is obtained by interference and clamping misfit method. By employing different interference and clamping misfit values, the effects of riveting process parameters on stress state are examined. Two cracks namely the semi elliptical surface crack at faying surfaces of plates and the quarter elliptical corner crack at rivet hole are the most widely observed crack types in riveted joints. Fracture analysis of cracked riveted joints is carried out by introducing these two crack types to the outer plate at a plane perpendicular to the loading. The mixed mode stress intensity factors (SIFs) and energy release rates (G) around the crack front are obtained by using displacement correlation technique (DCT). Effects riveting process parameters (interference and clamping ratios) and geometrical parameters (crack shape and size) on fracture parameters are studied. The stress intensity factor solutions presented herein could be useful for correlating fatigue crack growth rates, fracture toughness computation, and multiple site damage (MSD) analysis in aircraft bodies.

Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der Übergreifungslängen textiler Bewehrungen aus Carbon in Textilbeton (TRC)

Lorenz, Enrico, Ortlepp, Regine 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Für das Funktionieren von Verstärkungsschichten aus Textilbeton ist eine sichere Kraftübertragung zwischen den einzelnen Verbundbaustoffen sicherzustellen. Aufgrund der sehr hohen Garnzugfestigkeiten sind besonders bei Verwendung textiler Bewehrungen aus Carbon sehr effektive Verstärkungen herstellbar. In Textilbetonbauteilen sind hierbei im Regelfall Übergreifungsstöße der textilen Bewehrungslagen nicht zu vermeiden. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich daher mit der experimentellen und analytischen Bestimmung der Übergreifungslängen textiler Bewehrungsstrukturen innerhalb von Textilbetonverstärkungsschichten. / A safe introduction and transmission of the acting forces is crucial for the functioning of composite materials. Because of the very high yarn tensile strengths of textile reinforcements made of carbon, the manufacturing of very effective TRC strengthening layers is possible. In TRC members, overlap joints within the textile layers usually cannot be avoided. This contribution deals with the experimental and analytical determination of the lap lengths of textile fabrics within a textile reinforced concrete strengthening layer.

Joining of steel to aluminium alloys for advanced structural applications

Martins Meco, Sonia Andreia January 2016 (has links)
When joining steel to aluminium there is a reaction between iron and aluminium which results in the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds (IMC). These compounds are usually the reason for the poor mechanical strength of the dissimilar metallic joints. The research on dissimilar metal joining is vast but is mainly focused on the automotive industry and therefore, the material in use is very thin, usually less than 1 mm. For materials with thicker sections the present solution is a transition joint made by explosion welding which permits joining of steel to aluminium and avoids the formation of IMCs. However, this solution brings additional costs and extra processing time to join the materials. The main goals of this project are to understand the mechanism of formation of the IMCs, control the formation of the IMCs, and understand their effects on the mechanical properties of the dissimilar Fe-Al joints during laser welding. Laser welding permits accurate and precise control of the welding thermal cycle and thereby the underpinning mechanism of IMC formation can be easily understood along with the factors which control the strength of the joints. The further goal of this project is to find an appropriate interlayer to restrict the Fe-Al reaction. The first stage of the work was focused on the formation and growth of the Fe-Al IMCs during laser welding. The understanding of how the processing conditions affect the IMC growth provides an opportunity to act and avoid its formation and thereby, to optimize the strength of the dissimilar metal joints. The results showed that even with a negligible amount of energy it was not possible to prevent the IMC formation which was composed of both Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 phases. The IMC growth increases exponentially with the applied specific point energy. However, for higher power densities the growth is more accentuated. The strength of the Fe-Al lap-joints was found to be not only dependent on the IMC layer thickness but also on the bonding area. In order to obtain sound joints it is necessary to achieve a balance between these two factors. The thermal model developed for the laser welding process in this joint configuration showed that for the same level of energy it is more efficient to use higher power densities than longer interaction iv times. Even though a thicker IMC layer is formed under this condition due to higher temperature there is also more melting of aluminium which creates a larger bonding area between the steel and the aluminium. The joint strength is thus improved ... [cont.].

Lap Splice Development Length of Rebar in Stabilized Hollow Interlocking Compressed Earth Blocks

Bowdey, Thomas S 01 December 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the tensile performance of unconfined lap splices in specimens constructed from interlocking compressed earth block (ICEB) units. All lap splice specimens were constructed from hollow ICEB half units with one side grouting channel. ICEB units used in this research were exclusively produced from the Soeng Thai Model BP6 block press. The BP6 block press is currently manufactured in Thailand under the guidance and direction of the Center of Vocational Building Technologies (CVBT). All ICEB units and grout constructed for this research were created from mix proportions of soil, sand, cement, and water. Rebar bar sizes were restricted to M10 (#3) and M13 (#4) for all lap splice specimens due to the limited area of the hollow 2-inch diameter rebar cavity of the ICEB unit. The limited size and strength of the ICEB units also made the use of larger bar diameters impractical. Three ICEB unit types of varying strengths (3.78 MPa, 7.81 MPa, and 11.38 MPa) and three grout types of varying strengths (1.35 MPa, 7.47 MPa, and 15.50 MPa) were developed and used to construct all specimens. The measured ICEB lap splice specimen strengths were compared against the predicted strength calculated from the Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC). Findings suggested that the MSJC design equation did not adequately predict the lap splice strength of specimens, particularly for specimens constructed from weaker materials. The measured ICEB lap splice results were used to create a new ICEB lap splice design equation. This paper also investigates the compressive performance of fully grouted ICEB prisms constructed from the range of ICEB unit and grout strengths stated above. Findings suggested that the compressive strength of fully grouted ICEB prisms were exclusively controlled by the compressive strength of the ICEB units used to construct the prism. The strength of the grout had no discernable effect on the strength of the fully grouted prism. A design equation was proposed to calculate prism strengths based on measured strength results of ICEB units.

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