Spelling suggestions: "subject:"last"" "subject:"past""
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Deglacial impact of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet on the North Atlantic climate systemMuschitiello, Francesco January 2016 (has links)
The long warming transition from the Last Ice Age into the present Interglacial period, the last deglaciation, holds the key to our understanding of future abrupt climate change. In the last decades, a great effort has been put into deciphering the linkage between freshwater fluxes from melting ice sheets and rapid shifts in global ocean-atmospheric circulation that characterized this puzzling climate period. In particular, the regional expressions of climate change in response to freshwater forcing are still largely unresolved. This projects aims at evaluating the environmental, hydro-climatic and oceanographic response in the Eastern North Atlantic domain to freshwater fluxes from the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation (~19,000-11,000 years ago). The results presented in this thesis involve an overview of the regional representations of climate change across rapid climatic transitions and provide the groundwork to better understand spatial and temporal propagations of past atmospheric and ocean perturbations. Specifically, this thesis comprises i) a comparison of pollenstratigraphic records from densely 14C dated lake sediment sequences, which provides insight into the regional sensitivity of North European vegetation to freshwater forcing in the Nordic Seas around the onset of the Younger Dryas stadial (~12,900 years ago); ii) a reconstruction of North European hydro-climate, which, together with transient climate simulations, shed light on the mechanisms and regionality of climate shortly prior to the transition into the Younger Dryas stadial; iii) studies of a ~1250-year long glacial varve chronology, which provides an accurate timing for the sudden drainage of proglacial freshwater stored in the former ice-dammed Baltic Ice Lake into the North Atlantic Ocean; iv) a 5000-year long terrestrial-marine reconstruction of Eastern North Atlantic hydro-climate and oceanographic changes that clarifies the hitherto elusive relationship between freshwater forcing and the transient behaviour of the North Atlantic overturning circulation system. The results presented in this thesis provide new important temporal constraints on the events that punctuated the last deglaciation in Northern Europe, and give a clearer understanding of the ocean – atmosphere – ice-sheet feedbacks that were at work in the North Atlantic. This increases our understanding of how the Earth climate system functions in more extreme situations. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: In press. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Notář v řízení o dědictví / A notary in inheritance proceedingsKejvalová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
A notary in inheritance proceedings The aim of the study is to describe the activity of the notary as a court commissioner in inheritance proceedings and to compare Czech and Slovak legislation on this issue. In our legislation the inheritance proceeding is mandatory, as well as court commissariat, which means that when the court learns of the death of the person promptly starts the inheritance proceedings and instructs the court commissioner with the acts in proceedings. Court commissioner has de facto the control of the inheritance proceedings in his hands and with small exceptions he makes all acts in the proceeding. I chose this theme because I am interested in notary in general and court commissariat is one of the most important activities of the notary. This study is divided into three parts: 1.part- Notary in the inheritance proceedings in Czech Republic, 2. part- Notary in the inheritance proceedings in Slovak Republic, 3.part-final summary and the comparison. The parts are further divided into chapters and subchapters. I and II. part are structured similarly, but differ in scope. First part is more detailed and brings out also some problems, which are connected with this institution. In this part, I wrote also about some aspects of court commissariat in Austrian legislation to provide better...
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Reconsidering Shakespeare's 'Lateness' : studies in the last playsChen, Xing January 2014 (has links)
Shakespeare’s last plays, because of their apparent similarity in thematic concern, dramatic arrangements and stylistic features, are often considered by modern scholarship to form a unique group in his canon. Their departure from the preceding great tragedies and their status as an artist’s last works have long aroused scholarly interest in Shakespeare’s lateness—the study, essentially, of the relationship between his advancing years and his last-period dramatic output, encompassing questions such as ‘Why did Shakespeare write the last plays?’, ‘What influenced his writing?’, and ‘What is the significance of these plays?’. Answers to the questions are varied and often contradictory, partly because the subject is the elusive Shakespeare, and partly because the concept of lateness as an artistic phenomenon is itself unstable and problematic. This dissertation reconsiders Shakespeare’s lateness by reading the last plays in the light of, but not bound by current theories of late style and writing. The analysis incorporates traditional literary, stylistic and biographic approach in various combinations. The exploration of the works (Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest, Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen), while underlined by an interest in their shared concern with the effect, power and the possibilities of art and language, also places an emphasis on each play’s special, distinct features and contexts. A pattern of steady artistic development is revealed, bespeaking Shakespeare’s continued professional energy and ongoing self-challenge, which are, in fact, at the centre of his working methods throughout his career. The dissertation therefore proposes that Shakespeare’s ‘lateness’ is in fact a continuation of his sustained dramatic development instead of, in terms of working attitude and methods, a brand new, sharply different phase, and that his last plays are the result of his, as it were, ‘working as usual’. It also suggests that occasionally ‘ungrouping’ the plays, which frees the critic from perspectives preconditioned by classifying them under labels such as ‘romances’ and ‘tragicomedies’, might yield fruitful insight into late Shakespeare.
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Numerical modelling of the Cordilleran ice sheetSeguinot, Julien January 2014 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation presents a study of the glacial history of the North American Cordillera using numerical ice sheet modelling calibrated against field evidence. This area, characterized by the steep topography of several mountain ranges separated by large inter-montane depressions, was once covered by a large-scale ice mass: the former Cordilleran ice sheet. Because of the irregular topography on which the ice sheet formed, geological studies have often had only local or regional relevance, thus leaving the Cordilleran ice sheet least understood among Pleistocene ice sheets in terms of its extent, volume, and dynamics. Here, I present numerical simulations that allow quantitative reconstructions of the former ice sheet evolution based on approximated physics of glacier flow. These simulations show that the geometry of the Last Glacial Maximum Cordilleran ice sheet was largely controlled by sharp contrasts in regional temperature, precipitation, and daily temperature variability associated with the presence of mountain ranges. However, this maximum stage appears short-lived and out of balance with contemporaneous climate. During most of the simulated last glacial cycle, the North American Cordillera is characterized by an intermediate state of glaciation including isolated glaciers and ice caps covering major mountain ranges, the largest of which is located over the Skeena Mountains. The numerically modelled Cordilleran ice sheet appears in constant imbalance with evolving climate conditions, while the complexity of this transient response transcends that encapsulated in two-dimensional, conceptual models of ice sheet growth and decay. This thesis demonstrates the potential of numerical ice sheet modelling to inform on ice sheet history and former climate conditions over a glacial cycle, given that ice sheet models can be calibrated against field constraints. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Mansucript.</p>
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I dagsläget lever 86 % av Sveriges befolkning i stadsområden. Mellan år 1990 till 2015 ökade befolkningen i Sveriges största storstadsområden med ca 26 % i Göteborg, ca 36 % i Stockholm och ca 31 % i Malmö. Detta har skapat hårdare konkurrens i fråga om ytan mellan bland annat bostäder, näringsliv, grönområden och transportinfrastrukturen. Det är viktigt att redan i planeringsfasen vid städernas utformning väga in aspekterna för citydistributionen och skapa ett balanserat transportsystem. Vid ökade transporter inom en stad ökar faktorer så som köer, trängsel, koldioxidutsläpp, kostnader, stress och olyckor. Syftet med undersökningen var att genom signifikanta teorier och datainsamling beräkna kostnadsfördelningen av distributörernas ”last mile distribution”. Även ge underlag för att visualisera konsoliderings- och samlastningsmöjligheter där antalet utlämnings- och upphämtningsstopp var tätare. Arbetet begränsades till ett område inom Göteborgs innerstad och fordonstypen till paketbilar. Datainsamlingsperioden skedde från och med den 23 mars 2016 till och med 25 april 2016. De teorier som låg till grund för arbetet är supply chain, distribution, citydistribution, Triple bottom line, kostnader för citydistribution, samlastning och konsolidering. Uppsatsen utgick ifrån kvantitativa metoder och värdena analyserades från en objektiv ståndpunkt. För att skaffa en grunduppfattning av last mile utfördes även två semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer. De utvalda respondenterna är forskare inom logistik. Primärdata till uppsatsen är insamlad genom en tidsstudie med hjälp av applikationen Stardriver. Detta utfördes under 13 hela arbetsdagar tillsammans med marknadsledande distributionsfirmor inom paket och logistik i Sverige. Resultatet påvisar att kostnadsfördelningen inom last mile till störst del fördelas på aktiviteterna Drive, Handle to store och Unload. Aktiviteterna delades också in beroende på om de är värdeskapande, stödjande eller förluster. Kontentan av det blev att 70% är värdeskapande aktiviteter, 13% stödjande aktiviteter och 17% är rena förluster. Detta innebär att under ett kalenderår lägger distributören på ett ungefär 501 269 kr på värdeskapande aktiviteter, 93 093 kr på stödjande aktiviteter och 121 737 kr på förluster. De aktiviteter som klassas som förlust bör elimineras för att minska kostnaderna. Även de andra aktiviteterna kan skapa mer kostnadseffektiva transporter genom exempelvis samlastning mellan distributörer och intern effektivisering. Möjligheterna för samlastning och konsolidering av paket inom centrala områden i Göteborgs är goda enligt det data som samlades in. Baserat på den tätare kundkrets som påträffades inom den begränsade ytan upprättades två mindre områden där samlastning med fördel kan nyttjas. För att implementera samlastning mellan distributörerna krävs ett starkare samarbete mellan parterna. Alternativt att en oberoende part så som Stadleveransen som tar hand om distributionen.
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Reading representations of the African Child in select contemporary filmsVan Der Rede, Lauren January 2014 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Framed by theories of childhood, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, trauma theory, film theory, and literary theory, this thesis investigates representations of the African child in three contemporary films about Africa. This thesis puts forward the argument that in E. Zwick‘s Blood Diamond Dia, the film‘s primary child character, is split into Dia Vandy (his subjectivity) and See-me-no-more (his performed identity within the Revolutionary United Front). Furthermore it will be shown that this split is paralleled by the boy‘s transition from filiation to re-filiation. With regard to K. MacDonald‘s The Last King of Scotland, this thesis will demonstrate how, via the effects of cinematic doubling, the narrative antagonist Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada is represented as a child. It will also be illustrated that the narrative, consequently, perpetuates not only the myths surrounding Amin but the colonial myth that the savage is a child. Finally, this thesis will show that, of the tree texts, N. Blomkamp‘s District 9 boasts the most authentic representation of the African child and childhood in postcolonial Africa, albeit via a child figure that is literally alien. In each case study the child will be shown to be a liminal personae (Turner 1969), who is an ambiguous and often paradoxical figure who allows us to see more clearly the ethical tensions within the narrative. This thesis will also show that these texts may be considered socially aware trauma narratives, which are relatively critical of western involvement in the traumatic histories of African locales and peoples. Ironically though, these texts, and others similar to them, have been criticised for being Afropessimistic (Evans & Glenn 2010). The tension created by this paradox will be investigated during this thesis, which will attempt to establish to which extent these texts may be considered postcolonial, and whether or not they should be labelled Afropessimistic.
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Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea surface hydrographic conditions in coastal southern California based on dinoflagellate cystsOver, Jin-Si R.J. 25 April 2019 (has links)
The first high resolution record of dinoflagellate cysts ~110-155 kyr over Termination II and the last interglacial in the Santa Barbara Basin, California from ODP Hole 893A details a complex paleoceanographic history. Changes in cyst abundances, concentrations, diversity, and assemblages reflect climatic and ocean circulation changes, and are successfully used to make quantitative reconstructions of past sea surface temperatures and annual primary productivity with the modern analogue technique based on a dinoflagellate cyst database from the northeast Pacific. The dominance of heterotrophic dinoflagellate cyst taxa Brigantedinium spp. throughout most of the section indicates coastal upwelling is an important influence on the basin. Based on the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, five cyst zones are identified and approximately correspond to the marine isotope stage boundaries and their associated changes in sea surface temperatures and sea level. Cooler intervals, MIS 6 and MIS 5d, are characterized by cold-water indicator species Selenopemphix undulata whereas thermophyllic taxon Spiniferites mirabilis characterizes MIS 5e. In contrast to other studies in the Pacific, the data shows a one to two-thousand-year cooling event ~129 kyr that correlates to the Termination II sea level still-stand of the two-step deglaciation. A significant increase in cyst concentrations of heterotrophic and autotrophic taxa in the latest MIS 5e implies enhanced primary productivity as a result of increased seasonal upwelling and the warm, nutrient rich waters entering the basin after sea level stabilizes near modern levels. The hydrological evolution and cyst signal of the last interglacial is similar to the development of the Holocene in the Santa Barbara Basin, but the sustained presence of Spiniferites mirabilis across MIS 5e indicates sea surface temperatures were higher than modern conditions. The quantitative reconstructions appear to be less reliable, and show wide sea surface temperature changes across MIS 6 to 5d (~6.2-10.7°C in February; ~12.6-20.3°C in August) similar to modern ranges, while annual primary productivity was confined to a higher narrower range (~456-586 g C m-2 yr-1). / Graduate / 2020-04-18
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James MacMillan's "Seven Last Words from the Cross" and "Stabat Mater": analysis and approachRohde, Joshua Wold 07 June 2017 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the analysis of James MacMillan’s Seven Last Words from the Cross (1993) and Stabat Mater (2016). Building on the technical analysis, issues of practical application for those who wish to rehearse and perform these works are discussed. Presentation of musical examples, a review of literature, and personal interviews were conducted with MacMillan in preparation of this document.
The first chapters provide an introduction to MacMillan, biographical events surrounding the two works, and historical context of each genre. The third chapter then engages with the four main aspects that define MacMillan’s compositional style: the incorporation of Scottish folk music, influence of his Catholic faith, passion to engage with social issues, and balance between conservative and modernist techniques. These four aspects will be examined historically, how they relate to one another, and their role in MacMillan’s music.
The fourth and fifth chapters deal with the direct analysis of the Seven Last Words from the Cross and the Stabat Mater. The chapters are structured in a fashion similar to how MacMillan composed both works—starting with the text, developing the structure, crafting important and symbolic musical gestures, and outlining additional compositional techniques. The sixth chapter takes on the analysis of the music and applies it to practical applications one should consider when rehearsing and performing these works. Finally, the conclusion discusses the social relevance of the music and places both compositions in a broader culturally context.
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Implementación de Proceso de Gestión en la Construcción de Viviendas Multifamiliares Aplicando LPS, Valor Ganado en una MYPE constructora inmobiliaria en la Ciudad de ArequipaColque Ortiz, Rene, Díaz Díaz, Fiorella Alessandra, Durand Mendoza, Otto Sabiani, Solis Pinto, Jeffrey Johan 09 June 2018 (has links)
Teniendo en cuenta el crecimiento en el sector construcción el cual es consecuente con el crecimiento económico de la ciudad de Arequipa; además de la situación de informalidad del sector y el entorno de mercados competitivos y globalizados; realizamos el presente trabajo que consiste en la implementación de una gestión basada en procesos con la aplicación de la metodología del “Ultimo Planificador y “Valor Ganado” para la planificación y control de obra; las cuales en combinación deberían ser usadas siempre para la mejora continua durante todas las etapas del proyecto, y así lograr el éxito deseado.
El trabajo se ha desarrollado en el proyecto: “Residencial Emmel”; se trata de un conjunto residencial ejecutado por la empresa: LD INVERSIONES SAC; que es una MYPE; que viene desarrollando sus proyectos en la ciudad de Arequipa.
La primera parte consistirá en la descripción de las metodologías a usar; para luego realizar la gestión por procesos de la obra; documentando cada uno de los procesos de construcción relevantes. Paralelamente a esto se procederá a aplicar las herramientas de gestión de plazo con la metodología del último planificador al proyecto en estudio; de igual forma se hará con las herramientas de control de costo con el método de valor ganado.
Finalmente se expondrá los resultados obtenidos en la obra; esto mostrando los indicadores obtenidos de la aplicación de las metodologías mencionadas: realizando un análisis de la gestión de costo y plazo realizada en el proyecto. / Taken into account the growth in the construction sector which is consistent with the economic growth of the city of Arequipa; in addition to the informality situation of the sector and the environment of competitive and globalized markets; We carry out the present work that consists of the implementation of a process-based management with the application of the methodology of the "Ultimate Planner and" Earned Value "for the planning and control of the work; which in combination should always be used for continuous improvement during all stages of the project, and thus achieve the desired success.
This work has been developed in the project: "Residencial Emmel"; it is a residential complex executed by the company: LD INVERSIONES SAC; which is a MYPE; that has been developing their projects in the city of Arequipa.
The first part will consist in the description of the methodologies to be used; to then perform the process management of the work; documenting each of the relevant construction processes. Parallel to this, the term management tools will be applied with the methodology of the last planner to the project under study; In the same way it will be done with the cost control tools with the earned value method.
Finally, the results obtained in the work will be exposed; showing the indicators obtained from the application of the mentioned methodologies: performing an analysis of the cost and time management carried out in the project. / Trabajo de investigación
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Examing the Dynamic Relationship Between Climate Change and Tourism: A Case Study of Churchill's Polar Bear Viewing IndustryD'Souza, Jamie 03 October 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis research was to examine the dynamic relationship between climate change and tourism, with a direct focus on Churchill, Manitoba’s polar bear viewing industry. This unique tourism industry and the polar bears it depends on, are experiencing the negative effects of climate change due to warmer temperatures and melting sea ice, which significantly impacts the health, appearance, and prevalence of polar bears on display for tourists. Not only is this tourism industry affected by climate change, it also contributes to the ongoing changes of climatic conditions. This is due to the dependence of fossil fuel energy used for transportation, accommodation, and activities which directly contributes to the release of greenhouse gas emissions and thus to global climate change. Emissions from tourism has increased by 3% over the last 10 years, largely as a result of the accessibility and affordability of air travel, the most energy intensive form of transportation (Lenzen et al., 2018; UNWTO-UNEP-WMO, 2008). It has been suggested that in response to the increase in the demand to travel, the tourism industry should take a leadership role to reduce their total greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to decrease the impact of climate change. In this study, a visitor survey was conducted during four weeks of Churchill’s 2018 polar bear viewing season (October 16 to November 16). The aim of the survey was to: 1) estimate greenhouse gas emissions from polar bear viewing tourists and the polar bear viewing industry; 2) identify tourists’ awareness of the impacts of climate change (to and from tourism activities); 3) understand tourist’s climate-related travel motivations, and 4) identify tourists’ opinions on climate change mitigation strategies. Visitor surveys were hand- distributed at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre and at the Churchill Airport to tourists who had participated on a polar bear viewing tour. Surveys were analyzed and compared with the results from similar studies (Dawson et al., 2010 and Groulx, 2015) to identify the changing trends in greenhouse gas emissions, travel motivations, tourists’ knowledge of climate change, and acceptance of climate change mitigation strategies. Similar to trends observed 10 years ago, emissions from polar bear viewing tourists are 3-34 times higher than the average global tourist experience. Tourists’ awareness about climate change has stayed relatively consistent, despite the topic of climate change having received increased attention globally. Tourists recognize that climate change is happening and that it is human induced however, there is still a lack of understanding of how air travel is a contributor to climatic change. Although briefly mentioned in some participant’s responses, the main motivation was not to see a polar bear before it disappeared from the wild. The majority of tourists identified they were traveling to Churchill simply for the opportunity to see a polar bear. Additional motivators were photography, the Northern Lights, and for the opportunity to see other Arctic animals. The climate change mitigation strategies that tourists believed to be the most effective to reduce emissions were educational programs and transportation alternatives (such as taking the train- which was not an option at the time of study due to a rail line shutdown). This research contributes to the existing knowledge about tourism and climate change and provides a current analysis of Churchill’s polar bear viewing industry, enabling a comparison between findings from another study conducted over ten years ago. This research also makes conclusions about climate change mitigation strategies that might be effective for Churchill’s tourism industry to reduce their impact on the environment.
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