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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Susceptibilidade de hamsters frente à infecção pelo herpesvirus equino tipo 1 causando encefalite e doença respiratória / Susceptibility of hamsters to equine herpesvirus type 1 infection causing encephalitis and respiratory disease

Arévalo, Andressa Ferrari 28 July 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as alterações respiratórias e neurológicas resultantes da infecção por via intranasal das diferentes estirpes nacionais do herpesvírus equino tipo 1 (EHV-1) em hamsters comparando sua susceptibilidade com estudos sobre infecção do EHV-1 em camundongos e equinos. Para isso, hamsters sírios machos, três semanas de idade, foram infectados por via intranasal com as estirpes do EHV-1 obtidas a partir de fetos abortados e potro neonato infectados (A4/72, A9/92, A3/97 e Iso/72). Os animais foram pesados e examinados diariamente em busca de sinais clínicos e neurológicos. Conforme os sintomas neurológicos apareceram, grupos de cinco hamsters foram eutanasiados por overdose de isoflurano na primeira etapa do projeto, e, de cetamina/xilazina por via intraperitoneal na segunda etapa. Na necropsia, sistema nervoso central (SNC), pulmão, fígado, baço e timo foram coletados para isolamento viral em cultura de células E-dermal e para análise histopatológica. Na segunda etapa do projeto, a lavagem broncoalveolar (LBA) com 3 ml de PBS por hamsters foi realizada para determinar a resposta inflamatória pulmonar através da contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos. Similar aos experimentos com camundongos, hamsters desafiados com as estirpes virais A4/72 e A9/92 apresentaram manifestações clínicas severas no terceiro dia pós-inoculação (dpi), tais como perda de peso aguda, dispnéia, desidratação, decúbito e morte. Observou-se também sinais neurológicos como hiperexcitabilidade, paralisia, espasmos, perda de propriocepção, andar em círculos e convulsões. Ao contrário dos camundongos, que não desenvolveram a doença; hamsters inoculados com as estirpes virais A3/97 e Iso/72 manifestaram sintomas respiratórios e neurológicos agudos entre quarto e quinto dpi, sendo as alterações respiratórias as mais evidentes, principalmente hemoptise e conjuntivite. O isolamento do vírus a partir do SNC foi positivo em todos os animais infectados; no entanto, todas as amostras de pulmões foram positivas apenas nos grupos infectado pelas estirpes virais A9/92 e A4/72. Todas as estirpes do EHV-1 foram isoladas a partir do baço, no entanto, a partir do timo foram isoladas apenas as estirpes A9/92 e A4/72, e, de fígado somente a estirpe viral Iso/72 não foi isolada. No LBA, a contagem total de leucócitos não demonstrou diferenças de valores significativas entre os grupos experimentais, sendo apenas evidente a presença de eritrócitos, macrófagos e neutrófilos na maioria dos esfregaços dos hamsters infectados. Porém, na contagem diferencial de leucócitos observou-se um aumento significativo de neutrófilo com consequente diminuição significativa de macrófagos nos hamsters infectados pelas estirpes virais A3/97, Iso/72 e A4/72 quando comparados ao grupo controle. Os hamsters infectados pela estirpe viral A9/92 mantiveram valores próximos aos do grupo controle. Ao avaliar microscopicamente o SNC, fígado e pulmão dos hamsters infectados foi observado infiltrado inflamatório, necrose e manguito perivascular em SNC; leucocitose e necrose no parênquima hepático com discreta pericolangite e proliferação de ducto biliar; e em pulmão observou inflamação, necrose, edema e hemorragia em bronquíolos e alvéolos. Concluindo, os resultados apontaram o hamster como a espécie mais susceptível à infecção pelo EHV-1 servindo como um modelo experimental complementar para estudos de doenças respiratória e neurológica provocadas por este agente em equinos / This study aimed to evaluate the respiratory and neurological disorders resulting from intranasal infection with different national strains of equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) in hamsters comparing their susceptibility to studies about EHV-1 infection in mice and horses. Therefore, male Syrian hamsters, three weeks of age, were infected via intransal with EHV-1 strains obtained from aborted fetuses and neonatal foal infected (A4/72, A9/92, A3/97 and Iso/72). The animals were weighed and examined daily for clinical search and neurological signs. As neurological symptoms appeared five hamsters groups were euthanized by isoflurane overdose in the first stage of the project, and ketamine/xylazine via intraperitoneal in the second stage. At necropsy, central nervous system (CNS), lung, liver, spleen and thymus were collected for virus isolation in E-dermal cell culture and histopathological analysis. In the second stage of the project, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) with 3 ml of PBS per hamsters was performed to determine the pulmonary inflammatory response through the total and differential leukocyte count. Similar to the experiments with mice, hamsters challenged with viral strains A4/72 and A9/92 had severe clinical manifestations in the third day post-inoculation (dpi), such as acute weight loss, dyspnea, dehydration, recumbency, and death. It was also observed neurological signs such as hyperexcitability, paralysis, spasms, loss of proprioception, circling and convulsions. Unlike mice, which did not develop disease; hamsters inoculated with viral strains A3/97 and Iso/72 showed acute respiratory and neurological symptoms between fourth and fifth dpi, and the most evident respiratory distress was hemoptysis and conjunctivitis. The virus isolation from CNS was positive in all infected animals; however, all lung samples were positive only in groups infected by A9/92 and A4/72 viral strains. All EHV-1 strains were recovered from spleen, however, only A9/92 and A4/72 viral strains were recovered from thymus, but only Iso/72 viral strain was not recovered from liver. BAL total leukocyte count showed no significant differences in values between the experimental groups but the presence of erythrocytes, macrophages and neutrophils were evident in most smears of infected hamsters. However, in the leukocyte differential count it was observed a significant increase in neutrophils with consequent significant reduction of macrophages in hamsters infected by viral strains A3/97, Iso/72 and A9/92 when compared with the control group. Hamsters infected with the A9/92 viral strain maintained values similar to the control group. When evaluating microscopically the CNS, liver and lungs of infected hamsters it was observed inflammatory infiltrate, necrosis and perivascular cuff in CNS; leukocytosis and necrosis in the liver parenchyma with discrete pericholangitis and bile duct proliferation; and inflammation, necrosis, edema and hemorrhage in the bronchioles and alveoli. Concluding, the results showed the hamster as the most susceptible species to EHV-1 infection serving as a complementary experimental model for studies of respiratory and neurological diseases caused by this agent in horses

Beta2-agonista como imunomodulador da resposta inflamatória pulmonar crônica induzida em camundongos sensibilizados com ovoalbumina / Beta2-agonist as immunomodulator of chronic lung inflammatory response induced in mice sensitized with ovalbumin

Kasahara, David Itiro 31 January 2005 (has links)
Estudamos o efeito do tratamento com salbutamol em dois regimes: diário (DS) e administrado a intervalos de 96 horas (IS) em camundongos balb/c sensibilizados com injeções intraperitoneais de uma solução de ovoalbumina (OVA) adsorvida em hidróxido de alumínio, e desafiada com inalações de ovoalbumina a 1%. O grupo controle SAL recebeu injeções i.p. de salina e desafios inalatórios de sallina. A partir do 34o dia, os animais OVA foram tratados com salbutamol via inalatória 10 mg/ml durante 15 minutos nos dois regimes descritos. Os animais foram sacrificados no 60o dia, que corresponde a 48 horas após o último desafio antigênico. Após os camundongos serem anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico via i.p., eles foram traqueostomizados e entubados e sacrificados com secção da Aorta abdominal. Então, procedeu-se com a coleta do lavado broncoalveolar para a quantificação de leucócitos. Coletamos os tecidos pulmonares para a avaliação do processo inflamatório por quantificação de células linfomononucleares (LMN) e eosinófilos EPO+, essa última com marcação citoquímica. Além disso, estudamos a influência do tratamento adrenérgico sobre o IgE anafilático. O modelo de inflamação (grupo OVA) produziu significativo aumento do número de células totais, de eosinófilos e de neutrófilos observados na avaliação de lavado broncoalveolar. Além disso, houve nesse grupo processo inflamatório na parede de vias aéreas, caracterizada por um infiltrado linfomononuclear e com presença de eosinófilos. O nosso processo de indução de inflamação também recrutou eosinófilos para o septo alveolar. O tratamento com salbutamol diário produziu uma queda significativa do processo inflamatório no BAL, principalmente de neutrófilos e eosinófilos, enquanto que o tratamento intermitente produziu redução significativa apenas de neutrófilos. O tratamento com salbutamol a cada 96 horas (IS) promoveu uma queda significativa de células LMN quantificadas no septo alveolar, mas não atingindo valores do grupo salina (NS). Ambos os tratamentos com salbutamol produziu redução significativa de células EPO+ no parênquima pulmonar (P < 0,05). Apesar das alterações no processo celular, o salbutamol não influenciou na expressão de anticorpos IgE anafiláticos a OVA. Assim, podemos concluir que o salbutamol apresenta atividade imunomoduladora, observada por redução de eosinófilos no BAL e no parênquima pulmonar, apesar de não atingir valores semelhantes aos animais do grupo salina / We studied the effects of salbutamol treatment in two regimen: diary (DS) and at interval of 96 hours (IS) in ovalbumin sensitized (OVA) balb/c mice. The control group (NS) received i.p. injections and aerosol challenge with normal saline. Starting at day 34 the OVA animals were treated with 10mg/ml salbutamol by inhalation during 15 minutes per day in both regimen: DS and IS. The mice were sacrificed at day 60 that corresponded the fourthly eight hours after last OVA and/or salbutamol exposure. At experimental day, mice were anesthetized with i.p. injection of sodium pentobarbital, tracheostomized, entubed and the abdominal aorta sectioned. We followed with collecting of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and lungs to histopathology studies. In the BAL, total cells and differential leukocytes were quantified, while in the lung sections, the EPO+ and LMN in airways wall and parenchyma septa were evaluated. Also, we sampled the blood to evaluate the effects of salbutamol on anaphylactic IgE antibodies expression. The inflammatory model (OVA animals) produced a significant increase of BAL total cells, BAL eosinophils and neutrophils, and LMN cells and EPO+ eosinophils in the airways and in the parenchyma. Diary salbutamol treatment decrease significantly BAL eosinophils and neutrophils, while the IS group showed a diminution of BAL neutrophils and LMN cells in the alveolar septum. Both salbutamol treatments produced significant decline of EPO+ cells in the lung parenchyma. Despite the changes in the cellular patterns, the salbutamol did not affect the IgE antibodies expression. So, we can concluded that salbutamol present an immunomodulatory activity observed by reduction of eosinophils in the BAL and lung parenchyma, but did not achieve the values of saline control group

Análise de interferentes na extração, amplificação e detecção de M. tuberculosis por reação de PCR em amostras de líquido pleural, escarro e lavado broncoalveolar / Analysis of interfering in the extraction, amplification and detection of M. tuberculosis by PCR reaction in pleural fluid, sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage samples

Carnevale, Gabriela Gaspar 21 October 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A tuberculose (TB) é uma das infecções mais prevalentes na humanidade, sendo o comprometimento pulmonar a principal causa de morbimortalidade. A cultura é o padrão de referência para diagnóstico, porém apresenta baixa sensibilidade. Das formas extrapulmonares, a TB pleural é a mais comum e apresenta diagnóstico confirmatório difícil por ser paucibacilar e conter interferentes intrínsecos na amostra. A reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), por amplificar o DNA da micobactéria, apresenta-se como teste mais sensível que a cultura, sendo positivo em amostras que apresentam a partir de 102 UFC/mL (unidades formadoras de colônia por mL) de M. tuberculosis (MTB). Entretanto, quando utilizada em amostras de escarro, lavado broncoalveolar e/ou líquido pleural pode ter seu desempenho comprometido pela presença de inibidores intrínsecos da amostra (variáveis pré-analíticas) e pelas técnicas de amplificação e detecção (variáveis analíticas) utilizadas na reação. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência de variáveis pré-analíticas (concentração de células, hemácias e proteínas) na detecção do DNA do M. tuberculosis em amostras de escarro, lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) e líquido pleural (LP), utilizando combinações de métodos de extração/detecção. Métodos: Amostras de escarro, lavado broncoalveolar e líquido pleural de pacientes não infectados pelo M. tuberculosis foram obtidas através de indução à expectoração, broncoscopia respiratória e/ou toracocentese, respectivamente, em volumes suficientes para o estudo. Para testar o limiar de detecção do M. tuberculosis, as amostras foram preparadas \"in vitro\" de maneira a conter concentrações variadas dos interferentes pré-analíticos e de UFC/mL da micobactéria. Para a técnica de PCR, o DNA foi extraído pelo método de extração QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) e pelo AMPLICOR® Respiratory Specimen Preparation (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA) e amplificado e detectado por três métodos: 1) COBAS® TaqMan® MTB Test (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA); 2) MTB Q - PCR Alert Kit (Nanogen Advanced Diagnosis, Trezzano, Italy) e 3) \"in-house\" ou caseiro. Desta maneira, foram testadas as seguintes combinações: Extração Roche/detecção Roche (R/R); Extração Roche/detecção Nanogen (R/N); Extração Roche/detecção \"in house\" (R/IH); Extração Qiagen/detecção Roche (Q/R); Extração Qiagen/detecção Nanogen (Q/N) e Extração Qiagen/detecção \"in house\" (Q/IH). Resultados: Em amostras de escarro, a quantidade de células e de hemácias não interferiu na detecção do M. tuberculosis, com exceção do método de extração/detecção Roche. Nas amostras de LBA, médias e altas concentrações de células e altas concentrações de hemácias contribuíram para menor detecção do MTB quando utilizado o método de detecção Roche, enquanto que no líquido pleural, a concentração de hemácias foi a variável que mais interferiu na detecção do agente. Em ambas as situações a menor detecção foi obtida com a combinação Q/N. Conclusão: A qualidade pré-analítica das amostras biológicas recebidas no laboratório clínico pode interferir no desempenho diagnóstico dos testes moleculares. A escolha dos métodos de extração e detecção é de fundamental importância na sensibilidade analítica do teste, para garantia de melhores resultados, especialmente quando trabalhamos com amostras paucibacilares que contém potenciais inibidores da reação / Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most prevalent infections in humanity, and pulmonary compromise is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Culture is the reference standard for diagnosis, but has low sensitivity. Of the extrapulmonary forms, pleural TB is the most common and presents difficult confirmatory diagnosis due to be paucibacillary and to contain intrinsic interfering in the sample. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR), for amplifying DNA of the mycobacterium, appears as more sensitive test than the culture, with positive results from 102 CFU/ml (colony forming units per ml) of M. tuberculosis (MTB). However, when used in sputum samples, bronchoalveolar lavage and/or pleural fluid, this test can also have its performance compromised by the presence of intrinsic sample inhibitors (pre-analytical variables) and by the amplification and detection techniques (analytical variables) used in the reaction. Objective: To evaluate the influence of pre-analytical variables (concentration of cells, red blood cells and proteins) in DNA detection of M. tuberculosis from sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and pleural fluid (PF) samples by using combinations of extraction/detection methods. Methods: Samples of sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage and pleural fluid of patients not infected with M. tuberculosis were obtained by inducing sputum, respiratory bronchoscopy and/or thoracentesis, respectively, in sufficient volumes for the study. To test the detection threshold of M. tuberculosis, samples were prepared \"in vitro\" to contain variable concentrations of pre-analytical interfering and CFU/mL of mycobacteria. For PCR, DNA was extracted by two methods: the QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and Respiratory Specimen Preparation Amplicor (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA) and amplified and detected by three methods: 1) COBAS® TaqMan® MTB Test (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA); 2) MTB Q - PCR Alert Kit (Nanogen Advanced Diagnosis, Trezzano, Italy) and 3) \"in-house\". Thus, the following combinations were tested: Roche extraction and detection (R/R); Roche extraction and Nanogen detection (R/N); Roche extraction and \"in house\" detection (R/IH); Qiagen extraction and Roche detection (Q/R); Qiagen extraction and Nanogen detection (Q/N) and Qiagen extraction and \"in house\" detection (Q/IH). Results: In sputum samples, the amount of cells and red blood cells did not interfere with M. tuberculosis detection, an exception for Roche extraction/detection method. In BAL samples, medium and high cell concentrations and high concentrations of red blood cells contributed to lower detection of MTB when using the Roche detection method, while in the pleural fluid, the concentration of red blood cells was the variable that most interfered with the MTB detection. In both situations, the smallest detection was obtained with the combination Q/N. Conclusion: The pre-analytical quality of biological samples received in the clinical laboratory can interfere with the performance of molecular diagnostic tests. The choice for the extraction/detection methods is of fundamental importance in the analytical sensitivity of PCR, in order to guarantee better results, especially when working with paucibacillary samples containing potential reaction inhibitors

Susceptibilidade de hamsters frente à infecção pelo herpesvirus equino tipo 1 causando encefalite e doença respiratória / Susceptibility of hamsters to equine herpesvirus type 1 infection causing encephalitis and respiratory disease

Andressa Ferrari Arévalo 28 July 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as alterações respiratórias e neurológicas resultantes da infecção por via intranasal das diferentes estirpes nacionais do herpesvírus equino tipo 1 (EHV-1) em hamsters comparando sua susceptibilidade com estudos sobre infecção do EHV-1 em camundongos e equinos. Para isso, hamsters sírios machos, três semanas de idade, foram infectados por via intranasal com as estirpes do EHV-1 obtidas a partir de fetos abortados e potro neonato infectados (A4/72, A9/92, A3/97 e Iso/72). Os animais foram pesados e examinados diariamente em busca de sinais clínicos e neurológicos. Conforme os sintomas neurológicos apareceram, grupos de cinco hamsters foram eutanasiados por overdose de isoflurano na primeira etapa do projeto, e, de cetamina/xilazina por via intraperitoneal na segunda etapa. Na necropsia, sistema nervoso central (SNC), pulmão, fígado, baço e timo foram coletados para isolamento viral em cultura de células E-dermal e para análise histopatológica. Na segunda etapa do projeto, a lavagem broncoalveolar (LBA) com 3 ml de PBS por hamsters foi realizada para determinar a resposta inflamatória pulmonar através da contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos. Similar aos experimentos com camundongos, hamsters desafiados com as estirpes virais A4/72 e A9/92 apresentaram manifestações clínicas severas no terceiro dia pós-inoculação (dpi), tais como perda de peso aguda, dispnéia, desidratação, decúbito e morte. Observou-se também sinais neurológicos como hiperexcitabilidade, paralisia, espasmos, perda de propriocepção, andar em círculos e convulsões. Ao contrário dos camundongos, que não desenvolveram a doença; hamsters inoculados com as estirpes virais A3/97 e Iso/72 manifestaram sintomas respiratórios e neurológicos agudos entre quarto e quinto dpi, sendo as alterações respiratórias as mais evidentes, principalmente hemoptise e conjuntivite. O isolamento do vírus a partir do SNC foi positivo em todos os animais infectados; no entanto, todas as amostras de pulmões foram positivas apenas nos grupos infectado pelas estirpes virais A9/92 e A4/72. Todas as estirpes do EHV-1 foram isoladas a partir do baço, no entanto, a partir do timo foram isoladas apenas as estirpes A9/92 e A4/72, e, de fígado somente a estirpe viral Iso/72 não foi isolada. No LBA, a contagem total de leucócitos não demonstrou diferenças de valores significativas entre os grupos experimentais, sendo apenas evidente a presença de eritrócitos, macrófagos e neutrófilos na maioria dos esfregaços dos hamsters infectados. Porém, na contagem diferencial de leucócitos observou-se um aumento significativo de neutrófilo com consequente diminuição significativa de macrófagos nos hamsters infectados pelas estirpes virais A3/97, Iso/72 e A4/72 quando comparados ao grupo controle. Os hamsters infectados pela estirpe viral A9/92 mantiveram valores próximos aos do grupo controle. Ao avaliar microscopicamente o SNC, fígado e pulmão dos hamsters infectados foi observado infiltrado inflamatório, necrose e manguito perivascular em SNC; leucocitose e necrose no parênquima hepático com discreta pericolangite e proliferação de ducto biliar; e em pulmão observou inflamação, necrose, edema e hemorragia em bronquíolos e alvéolos. Concluindo, os resultados apontaram o hamster como a espécie mais susceptível à infecção pelo EHV-1 servindo como um modelo experimental complementar para estudos de doenças respiratória e neurológica provocadas por este agente em equinos / This study aimed to evaluate the respiratory and neurological disorders resulting from intranasal infection with different national strains of equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) in hamsters comparing their susceptibility to studies about EHV-1 infection in mice and horses. Therefore, male Syrian hamsters, three weeks of age, were infected via intransal with EHV-1 strains obtained from aborted fetuses and neonatal foal infected (A4/72, A9/92, A3/97 and Iso/72). The animals were weighed and examined daily for clinical search and neurological signs. As neurological symptoms appeared five hamsters groups were euthanized by isoflurane overdose in the first stage of the project, and ketamine/xylazine via intraperitoneal in the second stage. At necropsy, central nervous system (CNS), lung, liver, spleen and thymus were collected for virus isolation in E-dermal cell culture and histopathological analysis. In the second stage of the project, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) with 3 ml of PBS per hamsters was performed to determine the pulmonary inflammatory response through the total and differential leukocyte count. Similar to the experiments with mice, hamsters challenged with viral strains A4/72 and A9/92 had severe clinical manifestations in the third day post-inoculation (dpi), such as acute weight loss, dyspnea, dehydration, recumbency, and death. It was also observed neurological signs such as hyperexcitability, paralysis, spasms, loss of proprioception, circling and convulsions. Unlike mice, which did not develop disease; hamsters inoculated with viral strains A3/97 and Iso/72 showed acute respiratory and neurological symptoms between fourth and fifth dpi, and the most evident respiratory distress was hemoptysis and conjunctivitis. The virus isolation from CNS was positive in all infected animals; however, all lung samples were positive only in groups infected by A9/92 and A4/72 viral strains. All EHV-1 strains were recovered from spleen, however, only A9/92 and A4/72 viral strains were recovered from thymus, but only Iso/72 viral strain was not recovered from liver. BAL total leukocyte count showed no significant differences in values between the experimental groups but the presence of erythrocytes, macrophages and neutrophils were evident in most smears of infected hamsters. However, in the leukocyte differential count it was observed a significant increase in neutrophils with consequent significant reduction of macrophages in hamsters infected by viral strains A3/97, Iso/72 and A9/92 when compared with the control group. Hamsters infected with the A9/92 viral strain maintained values similar to the control group. When evaluating microscopically the CNS, liver and lungs of infected hamsters it was observed inflammatory infiltrate, necrosis and perivascular cuff in CNS; leukocytosis and necrosis in the liver parenchyma with discrete pericholangitis and bile duct proliferation; and inflammation, necrosis, edema and hemorrhage in the bronchioles and alveoli. Concluding, the results showed the hamster as the most susceptible species to EHV-1 infection serving as a complementary experimental model for studies of respiratory and neurological diseases caused by this agent in horses

Análise de interferentes na extração, amplificação e detecção de M. tuberculosis por reação de PCR em amostras de líquido pleural, escarro e lavado broncoalveolar / Analysis of interfering in the extraction, amplification and detection of M. tuberculosis by PCR reaction in pleural fluid, sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage samples

Gabriela Gaspar Carnevale 21 October 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A tuberculose (TB) é uma das infecções mais prevalentes na humanidade, sendo o comprometimento pulmonar a principal causa de morbimortalidade. A cultura é o padrão de referência para diagnóstico, porém apresenta baixa sensibilidade. Das formas extrapulmonares, a TB pleural é a mais comum e apresenta diagnóstico confirmatório difícil por ser paucibacilar e conter interferentes intrínsecos na amostra. A reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), por amplificar o DNA da micobactéria, apresenta-se como teste mais sensível que a cultura, sendo positivo em amostras que apresentam a partir de 102 UFC/mL (unidades formadoras de colônia por mL) de M. tuberculosis (MTB). Entretanto, quando utilizada em amostras de escarro, lavado broncoalveolar e/ou líquido pleural pode ter seu desempenho comprometido pela presença de inibidores intrínsecos da amostra (variáveis pré-analíticas) e pelas técnicas de amplificação e detecção (variáveis analíticas) utilizadas na reação. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência de variáveis pré-analíticas (concentração de células, hemácias e proteínas) na detecção do DNA do M. tuberculosis em amostras de escarro, lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) e líquido pleural (LP), utilizando combinações de métodos de extração/detecção. Métodos: Amostras de escarro, lavado broncoalveolar e líquido pleural de pacientes não infectados pelo M. tuberculosis foram obtidas através de indução à expectoração, broncoscopia respiratória e/ou toracocentese, respectivamente, em volumes suficientes para o estudo. Para testar o limiar de detecção do M. tuberculosis, as amostras foram preparadas \"in vitro\" de maneira a conter concentrações variadas dos interferentes pré-analíticos e de UFC/mL da micobactéria. Para a técnica de PCR, o DNA foi extraído pelo método de extração QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) e pelo AMPLICOR® Respiratory Specimen Preparation (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA) e amplificado e detectado por três métodos: 1) COBAS® TaqMan® MTB Test (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA); 2) MTB Q - PCR Alert Kit (Nanogen Advanced Diagnosis, Trezzano, Italy) e 3) \"in-house\" ou caseiro. Desta maneira, foram testadas as seguintes combinações: Extração Roche/detecção Roche (R/R); Extração Roche/detecção Nanogen (R/N); Extração Roche/detecção \"in house\" (R/IH); Extração Qiagen/detecção Roche (Q/R); Extração Qiagen/detecção Nanogen (Q/N) e Extração Qiagen/detecção \"in house\" (Q/IH). Resultados: Em amostras de escarro, a quantidade de células e de hemácias não interferiu na detecção do M. tuberculosis, com exceção do método de extração/detecção Roche. Nas amostras de LBA, médias e altas concentrações de células e altas concentrações de hemácias contribuíram para menor detecção do MTB quando utilizado o método de detecção Roche, enquanto que no líquido pleural, a concentração de hemácias foi a variável que mais interferiu na detecção do agente. Em ambas as situações a menor detecção foi obtida com a combinação Q/N. Conclusão: A qualidade pré-analítica das amostras biológicas recebidas no laboratório clínico pode interferir no desempenho diagnóstico dos testes moleculares. A escolha dos métodos de extração e detecção é de fundamental importância na sensibilidade analítica do teste, para garantia de melhores resultados, especialmente quando trabalhamos com amostras paucibacilares que contém potenciais inibidores da reação / Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most prevalent infections in humanity, and pulmonary compromise is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Culture is the reference standard for diagnosis, but has low sensitivity. Of the extrapulmonary forms, pleural TB is the most common and presents difficult confirmatory diagnosis due to be paucibacillary and to contain intrinsic interfering in the sample. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR), for amplifying DNA of the mycobacterium, appears as more sensitive test than the culture, with positive results from 102 CFU/ml (colony forming units per ml) of M. tuberculosis (MTB). However, when used in sputum samples, bronchoalveolar lavage and/or pleural fluid, this test can also have its performance compromised by the presence of intrinsic sample inhibitors (pre-analytical variables) and by the amplification and detection techniques (analytical variables) used in the reaction. Objective: To evaluate the influence of pre-analytical variables (concentration of cells, red blood cells and proteins) in DNA detection of M. tuberculosis from sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and pleural fluid (PF) samples by using combinations of extraction/detection methods. Methods: Samples of sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage and pleural fluid of patients not infected with M. tuberculosis were obtained by inducing sputum, respiratory bronchoscopy and/or thoracentesis, respectively, in sufficient volumes for the study. To test the detection threshold of M. tuberculosis, samples were prepared \"in vitro\" to contain variable concentrations of pre-analytical interfering and CFU/mL of mycobacteria. For PCR, DNA was extracted by two methods: the QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and Respiratory Specimen Preparation Amplicor (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA) and amplified and detected by three methods: 1) COBAS® TaqMan® MTB Test (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., Branchburg, NJ, USA); 2) MTB Q - PCR Alert Kit (Nanogen Advanced Diagnosis, Trezzano, Italy) and 3) \"in-house\". Thus, the following combinations were tested: Roche extraction and detection (R/R); Roche extraction and Nanogen detection (R/N); Roche extraction and \"in house\" detection (R/IH); Qiagen extraction and Roche detection (Q/R); Qiagen extraction and Nanogen detection (Q/N) and Qiagen extraction and \"in house\" detection (Q/IH). Results: In sputum samples, the amount of cells and red blood cells did not interfere with M. tuberculosis detection, an exception for Roche extraction/detection method. In BAL samples, medium and high cell concentrations and high concentrations of red blood cells contributed to lower detection of MTB when using the Roche detection method, while in the pleural fluid, the concentration of red blood cells was the variable that most interfered with the MTB detection. In both situations, the smallest detection was obtained with the combination Q/N. Conclusion: The pre-analytical quality of biological samples received in the clinical laboratory can interfere with the performance of molecular diagnostic tests. The choice for the extraction/detection methods is of fundamental importance in the analytical sensitivity of PCR, in order to guarantee better results, especially when working with paucibacillary samples containing potential reaction inhibitors

The Immune Response to One-Lung Ventilation : Clinical and Experimental Studies

Schilling, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
One-lung ventilation (OLV) as an established procedure during thoracic surgery may be injurious in terms of increased mechanical stress characterised by alveolar cell stretch and overdistension, increased cyclic tidal recruitment of alveolar units, compression of alveolar vessels and increased pulmonary vascular resistance. This may result in ventilation-induced lung injury with pro-inflammatory cytokine production, leukocyte recruitment and neutrophil-dependent tissue destruction. Despite the consequences of delivering the whole tidal volume (VT) to only a single lung, relatively high VT are used during OLV to maintain arterial oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination. However, this may increase mechanical stress in the dependent lung and may aggravate alveolar injury. There is a lack of data on the alveolar immune consequences of OLV. Therefore, the present studies investigate the epithelial damage and pro-inflammatory response induced by mechanical ventilation and OLV. OLV induced pulmonary injury, but alveolar damage in the ventilated lung decreased by reduction of the tidal volume in patients scheduled for thoracic surgery (study I). The use of the volatile anaesthetic desflurane in OLV patients attenuated the OLV-induced alveolar immune response (study II). Furthermore, an experimental model of thoracic surgery was established to investigate the systemic and pulmonary consequences of OLV and thoracic surgery in comparison with the effects of conventional two-lung ventilation and spontaneous breathing. The experimental data indicate that beside the pulmonary immune response volatile anaesthetics have also modulated the plasma concentrations of cytokines during and after OLV (study III). In contrast, OLV and thoracic surgery increased the expression of pro-inflammatory mRNA in BAL cells and lung tissue samples. General anaesthesia did not affect this response (study 4). The results of the present studies indicate that OLV and thoracic surgery may be injurious to the lung tissue to a similar degree. The recruitment and activation of alveolar granulocytes characterise the alveolar damage. The administration of different anaesthetics modulates the activation of alveolar cells, specified by decreased inflammatory mediator release in subjects that receive desflurane anaesthesia, which does not affect the expression of cytokine mRNA in alveolar cells and lung tissue samples.

Développement d'une sonde de photoaffinité pour la détection sensible de formes actives de Métalloprotéases Matricielles dans des systèmes biologiques complexes

Nury, Catherine 26 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le développement d'une nouvelle sonde dite " activity-based probe " pour réaliser la détection de formes actives de protéases appartenant à la famille des protéases à zinc de la matrice (MMP) a été réalisé dans ce travail, en partant d'un inhibiteur phosphinique puissant des MMP dans lequel a été introduit un groupement photoactivable de type diazérine. Ce composé se révèle un inhibiteur puissant de plusieurs MMP avec des affinités nanomolaires. Ce composé incubé avec différentes MMP est par ailleurs capables de modifier de façon covalente un grand nombre de MMP au niveau de leur site actif, avec des rendements de modification variant de plus de 50% à 11%, selon la nature des MMP. En ayant choisi comme moyen de détection la radioactivité, nous démontrons qu'avec cette nouvelle sonde qu'il est possible de détecter des formes actives de MMP avec des sensibilités de l'ordre de la femtomole dans des systèmes modèles de protéomes complexes. Appliquée à l'analyse de lavages broncho alvéolaires de souris traitées par voie pulmonaire avec des nanoparticules pour induire une réponse inflammatoire, cette nouvelle sonde permet de mettre en évidence la présence de formes actives du domaine catalytique de la MMP-12, une métalloprotéase à zinc exprimée par les macrophages, mais pas dans les animaux contrôles. En revanche l'analyse de carotides humaines de patients souffrant d'athérosclérose ne nous pas conduit avec cette sonde à la détection de formes actives de MMP. Malgré ce résultat, il est à noter que la détection de forme active de MMP dans un fluide pathologique est une première dans ce domaine. Cette sonde étant validée pour sa capacité à détecter des formes actives de MMP, elle permettra dans l'avenir de tester d'autres fluides pathologiques d'origine humaine ou bien des extraits de tissu comme des tumeurs pour lesquels les MMP pourraient être des marqueurs de ces pathologies.

Annexins A1 and A2 as potential biomarkers of stress and respiratory disease susceptibility

Senthilkumaran, Chandrika 28 August 2013 (has links)
This study investigated proteomic changes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of beef calves to identify alterations related to development of naturally occurring bovine respiratory disease. BALF was collected from 162 healthy beef calves soon after weaning and transportation. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric analysis revealed calves that later developed pneumonia had significantly lower levels of anti-inflammatory proteins including annexin A1, RAGE-binding protein, apolipoprotein-A, heat shock protein beta-1 and thioredoxin, but higher levels of antioxidant and pro-inflammatory proteins such as immunoglobulin light chain variable region, cyclophilin A, serum albumin precursor and glutathione S-transferase P. Difference in gel electrophoresis-based analysis further showed lower levels of annexin A1, annexin A2, peroxiredoxin I, calycyphosin, superoxide dismutase, macrophage capping protein and dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 3 in the calves that later developed pneumonia. Differences in annexin levels were partially confirmed by Western blot analysis. In healthy calves, immunohistochemistry revealed cytoplasmic expression of annexin A1 in surface epithelium of large airways, tracheobronchial submucosal glands, and goblet cells, and to a lesser degree in small airways but not in alveolar epithelium. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry labeled annexin A1 in blood and bronchoalveolar lavage neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes. Annexin A2 expression was detected in surface epithelium of small airways, some mucosal lymphocytes, and endothelium, with weak expression in large airways, tracheobronchial submucosal glands and alveolar epithelium. For both proteins, the level of expression was similar in tissues collected 5 days after intrabronchial challenge with M. haemolytica compared to that from sham-inoculated calves. A sandwich ELISA for annexin A1 was developed. For use with BALF, the working range was 0.3-317 ng/ml and the sensitivity was 0.8 ng/ml. The coefficient of variation of intra-assay and the between assays was less than 20%. Together, these findings reveal annexins A1 and A2 as promising biomarkers of susceptibility to BRD in healthy at-risk calves. Further, the anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving functions of these proteins suggest roles in the pathogenesis of bacterial pneumonia of feedlot cattle. / Natural Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC), Ontario Cattlemen’s Association, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ontario Veterinary College Fellowship Program

Contribution au développement d'un procédé de lavage chimique compact. Traitement du sulfure d'hydrogène par le chlore à l'échelle semi-industrielle et de COV odorants par oxydation avancée ozone/peroxyde d'hydrogène à l'échelle du laboratoire.

Biard, Pierre-François 20 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Afin d'augmenter la compacité du lavage chimique pour la désodorisation d'effluents gazeux, un contacteur gaz-liquide intense a été développé. Celui-ci fonctionne à co-courant avec une vitesse superficielle du gaz importante, permettant d'atteindre des performances de transfert élevé et un temps de séjour réduit. La première partie de l'étude porte sur le passage à l'échelle semi-industrielle du procédé pour le traitement du sulfure d'hydrogène sur un effluent réel de station d'épuration. Les résultats démontrent des efficacités de transfert intéressantes (jusqu'à 95%). L'étape suivante a consisté à développer et optimiser une solution de lavage adaptée au traitement des Composés Organiques Volatils (COV), basée sur la combinaison de l'ozone et du peroxyde d'hydrogène (procédé peroxone), le polluant test étant le diméthyldisulfure (DMDS). Ainsi, la production de radicaux hydroxyles issus de la décomposition de l'ozone a permis d'accélérer le transfert du DMDS. Enfin, le procédé peroxone a été testé en recirculant la solution de lavage pour le traitement de COV de natures chimiques différentes. L'optimisation de l'oxydation au sein du liquide a permis le recyclage de la solution de lavage, ce qui représente une économie substantielle pour un tel procédé.

Endogenous Nitric Oxide Production and Pulmonary Blood Flow : during different experimental lung conditions

Nilsson, Manja January 2011 (has links)
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important regulator of pulmonary blood flow and attenuates hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). Nitric oxide is synthesized enzymatically in a number of tissues, including the lungs, and can also be generated from reduction of nitrite during hypoxia and acidosis. Inhaled nitric oxide (INO) is a selective pulmonary vasodilator, with no effects on systemic arterial blood pressure due to inactivation by hemoglobin in the blood. INO has distant effects both within the lungs and in other organs, since NO can be transported to remote tissues bound to proteins, or as more stable molecules of nitrite and nitrate. In healthy pigs, INO causes vasoconstriction and down regulation of endogenous NO production in lung regions not reached by INO, and predominantly so in hypoxic lung regions, i.e. augmentation of HPV. In this thesis, distant effects of INO in pigs with endotoxemic- and lavage-induced lung injuries were studied. INO increased the NO production in lung regions not reached by INO in endotoxemic pigs, whereas endogenous NO production was unaffected in pigs with lavage-induced injury. Metabolic and/or hypercapnic acidosis frequently occurs in critically ill patients, but whether acidosis affects the endogenous pulmonary NO production is unclear. The regional NO production and blood flow in hyperoxic and hypoxic lung regions, were studied during metabolic and hypercapnic acidosis. Neither metabolic, nor hypercapnic acidosis changed the endogenous NO production in hyperoxic or hypoxic lung regions. Metabolic acidosis potentiated HPV, whereas hypercapnic acidosis transiently attenuated HPV. In conclusion, the present thesis has demonstrated that INO in experimental sepsis increases the endogenous NO production in lung regions not reached by INO, which may cause increased shunt and poor response to INO. This distant effect is not seen in lavage injuried lungs, an experimental model with less inflammation. Acidosis does not affect the endogenous pulmonary NO production in hyperoxic or hypoxic lung regions. Whereas metabolic acidosis potentiates HPV, hypercapnic acidosis transiently attenuates HPV, due to a combination of hypercapnia-induced increase in cardiac output and a probable vasodilating effect of the CO2-molecule.

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