Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cca"" "subject:"coca""
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A framework for supporting the sustainable adoption of biopolymers in packaging applicationsColwill, James January 2013 (has links)
This thesis reports on the research undertaken to investigate the reduction of the environmental impacts of plastic packaging through the effective selection and application of biopolymers during the pack design process. The principle objective of this research is to develop an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of biopolymers as a packaging material and to develop a framework which enables biopolymers to be considered at each stage of the pack design process to enable their effective and appropriate selection and use.
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Vliv Kinesiotapingu na posturální stabilizaci u pacientů po plastice LCA kolenního kloubu / The Effect of Kinesiotaping on Postural Stabilization in Patients after ACL ReconstructionBerger, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Effect of Kinesiotaping on Postural Stabilization in Patients after ACL Reconstruction Aim: The main aim of the thesis was to evaluate, whether postural stabilization of patients after ACL reconstruction followed by kinesiotaping of the knee joint will be improved or decreased. Also the difference in postural stability of operated and un-operated lower extremity was evaluated. Methods: The thesis included 10 subjects. Each of them was from 4 to 6 weeks after ACL reconstruction, BTB technique. All subjects regularly attended group exercise in CLPA s.r.o. Every subject completed five measurements of postural somatooscilography, before exercise with kinesiotape and without, after exercise completed with kinesiotape, and after five days before and after exercise without kinesiotape. The values were saved by Microswing 6.0 and analyzed by Posturomed Commander. Then the values were evaluated by Microsoft Office Excel and statistic procedures were done by XLSTAT. Results: The measurement confirmed an effect of kinesiotaping on improvement of postural stabilization. Immediately after the application of the tape five out of seven parameters were improved. Participating in the exercise unit revealed an improving trend of postural stabilization, in comparison with the results before exercise. There...
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Analyse du Cycle de Vie Sociale : pour un nouveau cadre conceptuel et théorique / Social life cycle assessment : Towards a new conceptual and theoretical frameworkFeschet, Pauline 15 January 2014 (has links)
Le renforcement des préoccupations vis-à-vis des problématiques de développement, de bien-être des populations et de qualité des écosystèmes, génère de nouvelles pressions économiques (labels, cahiers des charges, etc.), normatives (règlements, fiscalité), et de la société civile (consom'action, boycott), et impose aux entreprises de prendre en compte ces problématiques, c'est-à-dire d'identifier, d'évaluer, et d'améliorer leurs impacts. De nombreux outils existent pour évaluer les impacts des chaînes de produits mais seules les méthodes d'Analyse de Cycle de Vie permettent d'avoir une évaluation multicritère et globale, et de rendre compte des transferts d'impacts d'une étape à l'autre du cycle de vie et d'un impact à l'autre. Le développement de l'ACV sociale est vivement souhaité et réclamé par les acteurs. La problématique de cette thèse a consisté à s'interroger sur les principes d'élaboration d'une telle méthode, son cadre conceptuel, théorique et méthodologique. Les besoins de recherche identifiés étant nombreux, les contributions spécifiques de cette thèse ont été triples : i) proposer un nouveau cadre théorique et conceptuel adressant les problématiques de bien-être et de développement, ii) élaborer une relation permettant d'évaluer les impacts de la création d'activité économique et de revenus sur la santé des populations, le « pathway Preston » iii) proposer un cadre méthodologique articulant le Modèle à Capitaux Multiples et le concept de capabilités. Les filières agroalimentaires et plus particulièrement les filières d'importation de fruits et légumes tropicaux, ont servi de cadre empirique à ce travail. / Strengthening concerns regarding development issues, well-being and quality of ecosystems, generates new economic pressures (labeling, specifications, etc.), standards (regulations, taxation) and also pressures from civil society (“consom'action”, boycott); it requires companies to take into account these issues, that is to say, to identify, assess and improve their impacts. Many tools exist to assess the impacts of product chains but only the method of Life Cyle Assessment allows a comprehensive and multicriteria evaluation, covering transfers of impacts from one stage of the life cycle to the other and from one impact to the next. The development of Social LCA is highly desired and demanded by the actors. The core question of this thesis has been to examine the principles for developing such a method, its conceptual, theoretical and methodological framework. As the identified needs in terms of research are numerous, specific contributions of this work were threefold: i) proposing a new theoretical framework addressing the issues of well-being and development. ii) developing a relationship assessing the impacts of creating economic activity and income on the health of populations, the “Preston Pathway” iii) proposing a methodological framework articulating the Multiple Capitals Model and the Capabilities concept. Food chains, and most specifically, import fruit and vegetables chains, have served as the empirical framework for this thesis.
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Sustainable Personal Road Transport : The Role of Electric VehiclesBorén, Sven January 2016 (has links)
Electric vehicles can play an important role in a future sustainable road transport system and many Swedish politicians would like to see them implemented faster. This is likely desirable to reach the target of a fossil independent vehicle fleet in Sweden by 2030 and a greenhouse gas neutral Swedish society no later than 2050. However, to reach both these targets, and certainly to support the full scope of sustainability, it is important to consider the whole life-cycle of the vehicles and also the interaction between the transport sector and other sectors. So far, there are no plans for transitions towards a sustainable transport system applying a sufficiently wide systems perspective, in Sweden or elsewhere. This implies a great risk for sub-optimizations. The overall aim of this work is to elaborate methodological support for development of sustainable personal road transport systems that is informed by a strategic sustainable development perspective. The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) is used as a foundation for the work to ensure a sufficiently wide systems perspective and coordinated collaboration across disciplines and sectors, both in the research and application. Maxwell’s Qualitative Research Design and the Design Research Methodology are used as overall guides for the research approach. Specific research methods and techniques include literature studies, action research seminars, interviews, and measurements of energy use, costs, and noise. Moreover, a case study on the conditions for a breakthrough for vehicles in southeast Sweden has been used as a test and development platform. Specific results include a preliminary vision for electrical vehicles in southeast Sweden, framed by the principled sustainability definition of the FSSD, an assessment of the current reality in relation to that vision, and proposed solutions to bridge the gap, organized into a preliminary roadmap. The studies show that electric vehicles have several sustainability advantages even when their whole life-cycle is considered, provided that they are charged with electricity from new renewable sources. Electrical vehicles also imply a low total cost of ownership and could promote new local ‘green jobs’ under certain conditions. Particularly promising results are seen for electric buses in public transport. As a general result, partly based on the experiences from the specific case, a generic community planning process model is proposed and its usefulness for sustainable transport system development is discussed. The strategic sustainable development perspective of this thesis broadens the analysis beyond the more common focus on climate change issues and reduces the risk of sub-optimizations in community and transport system development. The generic support for multi-stakeholder collaboration could potentially also promote a more participatory democratic approach to community development, grounded in a scientific foundation. Future research will explore specific decision support systems for sustainable transport development based on the generic planning process model. / GreenCharge
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The Environmental Impact of an Automotive Plastic Component : A lifecycle approach of a deco panel scenario analysis of two different plastics / Miljöpåverkan av en plastkomponent i ett fordon : En jämförelse av två plaster i en dekorpanel ur ett livscykelperspektivAckerstierna, Paula January 2019 (has links)
The transport sector is a major end-user of energy. As consumers are becoming aware and conscious of their environmental footprint making the enviromental footprint of automobile components one of the requirements in new product design development. The purpose of the study is to identify environmental impacts of a plastic panel. The main objective of the study is to perform an environmental life cycle assessment (E-LCA) of an existing panel regarding four scenarios with a nonbio-based plastic and a bio-based plastic. The first two scenarios have the same production and use phase, but different end-of-life treatments. The plastic in these scenarios is non-biobased. The last two scenarios have the same bio-based plastic and use phase, but different end-of-life-treatments. The first three scenarios have a surface material covering the plastic. The environmental impacts analyzed are global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, photochemical ozone creation potential, primary energy demand and particulate matter. The analysis is carried out according to the ISO14040/44 with the four steps of LCA: 1) Goal and Scope Definition, 2) Inventory Analysis, 3) Impact Assessment, and 4) Interpretation. The functional unit of the anaysis is a plastic panel. The inventory was collected by literature, the LCA software GaBi, and the commissoner of the study. The environmental impact assessment was conducted in GaBi 8 with the method of CML2015, Primary Energy, and IMPACT2002+. A dominance and a contribution analyses were applied to identify the hotspots of the life cycle. The hotspot of the life cycle was identified to be the production phase. The main contributor within the scenarios was the plastic production, specifically the granulates and the fiber fillings. The bio-based plastic reduced the impacts compared to the non-bio-based in five out of six cases. However, the photochemical ozone creation potential for both plastics were the same. The bio-based plastic reduced the GWP 16%, AP by 1%, EP by less than 1%, and PED by 19%. If the surface cover in aluminum was removed, the GWP was reduced by 46%, AP by 35%, EP by29%, POCP by 36%, PED by 42%and PM by 40%. The transportation contributed most to impacts in the acidification potential, eutrophication potential, and particulate matter. The transportation’s impacts were greater in the bio-based plastic than the non-bio-based. The granulates of the plastic along with the injection molding are the main contributors due to usage of coal-based electricity for the injection molding and oil for the plastic production. The values used in the study are based on country averages which may differ depending on geographic location and its development as China is a country with a large area. The GWP is the highest value of the impacts analyzed, but even though the other are small fractions these may cause great damages. These damages can irritate eyes, damage lungs and destroy photosynthesis. By using recycled material for products instead of new materials, as done in the study, the impacts could be lower. As some previous studies agrees, the usage of bio-plastics lowers the environmental impact by a few percentages. The bioplastic is an environmentally sustainable option to the current plastic as the location of the panel is not sensitive to excessive heat.
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Utsläpp och lagring av koldioxid : En jämförelse mellan två byggnadsstommar / Emissions and storage of carbon dioxideJohansson, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Impacts from climate change are affecting all life on earth and the building sector is a great contributor of greenhouse gases. A transformation of the building sector is one part of the solution to limit impacts from human-driven climate change. In Sweden approximately one fifth of all emissions of carbon dioxide comes from the building sector. In this report a comparison of emissions of greenhouse gases and storage of carbon dioxide has been done for two different building systems of a house with three floors and 12 apartments. In the result it appears that emissions from the wooden building is near 0 carbon dioxide equivalent (9 000 kg CDE) when the storage of carbon dioxide in wooden products are considered. The value for the concrete building is almost 20 times higher, 164 000 kilogram CDE. Comparisons of each construction like exterior walls, interior walls and floors show that emissions of greenhouse gases from the concrete building are bigger for each part. Also when the captured carbon dioxide in wooden products is not considered. Floors in both buildings stand for most of the greenhouse gas emissions. For all wooden products the captured carbon is about ten times higher than the emissions of CDE in productions of the products. These values could be interpreted that wooden buildings have potential to work as efficient carbon storage. / Klimatfrågan är en av vår tids ödesfrågor. Majoriteten av forskarkåren är enig om att mänskligheten måste minimera utsläpp av växthusgaser för att inte riskera kraftiga förändringar i klimat och ekosystem som på sikt utgör ett hot mot hela vår civilisation. En omställning av byggbranschen är nödvändig som en del av lösningen. Sveriges byggsektor står för cirka en femtedel av landets totala koldioxidutsläpp. 85 procent av alla nyproducerade lägenheter i Sverige byggs med betongstomme medan motsvarande siffra för trästomme är 13 procent. I rapporten har två alternativ av stommar analyserats ur ett klimatperspektiv för ett lägenhetshus med 12 lägenheter. Där ena stommen är projekterad i trä och den andra i betong. De klimatperspektiv som beaktas är utsläpp av växthusgaser i produktion av varje enskilt material och det bundna kolet i alla träprodukter. Den enhet som använts för utsläpp är koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2e) som är en sammanvägning av främst växthusgaserna koldioxid, metan och kväveoxid. Det bundna kolet i träprodukter är inräknat som koldioxidupptag (CO2u). Utsläpp av CO2e och upptag av CO2u har beaktats för varje material i respektive stomme. En förenklad livscykelanalys har använts där de utsläpp som genereras från utvinning av råmaterial till färdig produkt är medräknade. Det innefattar steg A1-A3 i en livscykelanalys. Dessa tre produktionssteg i livscykelanalysen bidrar till klart störst utsläpp i en byggprocess lik den som analyerats. Genom projektering av en och samma byggnad med två olika stommar har mängden byggmaterial för respektive stomme räknats fram med hjälp av ritningar, materiallistor och kalkylprogram. Egenskaperna för de olika stommarna har eftersträvas att matcha varandra gällande ljudklasser, brandskydd, hållfasthet och värmeisoleringsförmåga. Fukt och andra byggtekniska egenskaper har lämnats utanför. Resultatet visar att nettoutsläppen för byggnaden med trästommen är nära 0 (9 ton CO2e). För betongstommen är klimatpåverkan nästan 20 gånger högre, 164 ton CO2e. Om inte upptaget kol i träprodukter tas med blir utsläppen från trästommen cirka 171 ton CO2e och för betongstommen hamnar utsläppen på cirka 212 ton CO2e. Jämförelser har utförts på varje byggnadsdel och resultatet visar att betongstommens koldioxidpåverkan är större i alla byggnadsdelar, även då inte koldioxidupptaget beaktas, men skillnaden i bjälklagen är små. Bjälklagen som är den byggnadsdel i respektive stomme som står för störst utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter med 34 procent i betongbyggnaden samt 40 procent i träbyggnaden av de totala utsläppen från vardera stomme. Betongen står för klart högst klimatpåverkan av materialen i betongstommen med cirka 129 ton CO2e. I trästommen står isoleringen i form av mineral och stenull samt cellplast för störst klimatpåverkan med utsläpp av 93 ton CO2e. Samtliga resultat presenteras utförligt i diagram och tabeller. Ingen av stommarna är projekterade med mål för en liten klimatpåverkan. Förbättringspotential hos vardera konstruktion är därmed stor. Ytterväggarna i betongstommen skulle med fördel vara byggda av lättbetong för att nämna en koldioxidbesparande åtgärd. Isolering med mineralull och stenull står för cirka 50 % av utsläppen i träbyggnaden, hade träfiberisolering används skulle den posten av CO e minskat samtidigt som koldioxidupptaget ökat. För samtliga träprodukter överstiger det bundna kolet utsläppen av koldioxid som skapas vid produktionen av varan. Upptaget av koldioxid är cirka 1,6 kg per kilo material medan träprodukter i framställning släpper ut mellan 0,1-0,2 kg per kilo material. Detta visar potentialen hos träbyggnader ur ett klimatperspektiv om virket kommer från ett hållbart skogsbruk där återplantering är ett krav och den totala virkesvolymen bibehålls, vilket är fallet i Sverige. Den vetskapen visar att trähus kan fungera som effektiv koldioxidlagring och att sveriges husbyggnadsbransch har möjlighet att vara klimatneutral vid mer byggande i trä.
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Análise cinemática, cinética e eletromiográfica da articulação do joelho durante a mudança de direção e execução do arremesso do handebol / Kinematics, Kinetic and electromyography analysis of the knee joint during sidestep cutting and handball pitchBedo, Bruno Luiz de Souza 01 April 2016 (has links)
O handebol é um esporte onde há mistura de velocidade, potência, resistência e, principalmente, de mudanças rápidas de direção, mudanças essas que são responsáveis por um número elevado de lesões. A ruptura do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) é frequente em atletas e pode ocorrer de duas maneiras: com ou sem contato direto. As lesões no LCA sem contato direto (LCASC) representam de 70 a 85% das lesões em atletas, normalmente em mudanças de direção denominadas \"sidestep\" (SID). Entender os fatores de risco e os mecanismos das lesões são algumas das etapas do processo de prevenção. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as variáveis biomecânicas na articulação do joelho durante a mudança de direção seguida de um arremesso em atletas profissionais e universitárias de handebol com e sem informação visual. Participaram do estudo 14 atletas de nível profissional (GP = 21,5 ± 2.58) e 15 de nível universitário (GU = 22,4 ± 2,63), do sexo feminino. Foram posicionados 25 marcadores refletivos no tronco e membros inferiores da participante além de 10 eletrodos posicionados em: glúteo médio, bíceps femoral, reto femoral, gastrocnêmio e tibial anterior. Os valores angulares foram calculados pelos ângulos de Euler e a velocidade angular foi calculada pelos quatérnions. As participantes realizaram o sidestep cutting SID, sidestep cutting com bola (SIDB), sidestep cutting com luz (SIDluz) e sidestep cutting com bola e luz (SIDBluz). Foram encontrados maiores valores de flexão nos momentos CI e 40ms para GU em SID, SIBD e SIBluz. GP apresentou maiores valores de rotação em 100ms após o CI na maioria dos testes. GP apresentou maiores valores de velocidade angular (quatérnions) em 100ms em SID, SIDluz e SIDBluz. GP também apresentou maiores velocidade angulares na execução dos testes: SIDlu, SIDB e SIBluz. GU apresentou. GP apresentou melhor razão de co-contração (CC) quando comparado GU no SIDluz, e GU apresentou melhor CC em SID. GP apresentou maior tempo de contato (TC) SIDluz, SIDBluz e SID. Conclui-se que atletas universitários e profissionais apresentam padrões cinemáticos diferentes durante a execução de tarefas de mudanças de direção / Handball is a sport where there is mixture of speed, power, resistance, and especially the fast changes of direction. These changes are responsible for a high incidence of injuries in handball players. The rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is common in athletes and can occur in two different ways: with contact and non-contact. The ACL injuries non-contact (LCASC) represent 70 to 85% of injuries in athletes typically in the change of direction called \"sidestep\" (SID). Understand the risk factors and mechanisms of injury are some of the steps to prevent them. This study aims to analyze the biomechanical variables in the knee joint during the change of direction then a pitch in professional and college athletes of handball with and without visual information. All participants were female, 14 professional athletes (GP = 21.5 ± 2:58) and 15 the college athletes (GU = 22.4 ± 2.63). In total, 25 reflective markers were positioned on the trunk and lower limbs of the participant along with 10 electrodes placed on: gluteus medius, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior. The angles were calculated by Euler angles and the angular velocity were calculated from the quaternions. The participants performed the SID, sidestep cutting Ball (SIDB), sidestep cutting with light (SIDluz) and sidestep cutting with ball and light (SIDBluz). We found greater flexion values in the CI and 40ms moments for GU in SID, SIDB and SIDBluz. GP has higher rotation values in 100ms after the IC in most tests. GP pointed high values of angular velocity (quaternions) in 100ms in SID, SIDluz and SIDBluz. GP also had higher angular speed in carrying out the tests: SIDluz, SIDB and SIDBluz. GU presented better rate of cocontraction (CC) compared GP in SIDluz, and GU pointed better CC in SID. GP presented greater contact time (TC) in SIDluz, SIDBluz and SID. Concludes that college and professional athletes have different kinematic patterns during the execution in changes of direction tasks
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Modelo dinâmico de inventário de ciclo de vida (ICV) de processo unitário discreto de manufatura: um estudo de caso com retificação cilíndrica externa / Dynamic life cycle inventory (LCI) model of discrete manufacturing unit process: a case study for external cylindrical grinding machineFilleti, Remo Augusto Padovezi 20 July 2015 (has links)
A Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) se destaca como uma ferramenta de grande relevância na identificação dos impactos ambientais potenciais de um processo ou produto. Apesar disso, a ACV apresenta grandes limitações na avaliação de processos de manufatura discreta, devido à falta ou à incerteza nos dados adquiridos na fase de Inventário de Ciclo de Vida (ICV). O objetivo do presente trabalho foi propor e implementar um modelo dinâmico de execução da fase de ICV para uma unidade de processamento de manufatura discreta (ou processo unitário discreto de manufatura), com o intuito de reduzir as limitações referentes à falta e à incerteza dos dados de ICV. O modelo proposto baseou-se na metodologia Unit Process Life Cycle Inventory (UPLCI) e usou um sistema de monitoramento em tempo real compatível com o protocolo de comunicação MTConnect®. A implementação do modelo proposto foi feita em uma unidade de processamento de retificação cilíndrica externa, na qual os fluxos de energia elétrica, ar comprimido e emissão de ruído sonoro foram monitorados em tempo real. Além disso, seis modos de operação de corte foram definidos e testados. Três destes modos usaram rebolo de Al2O3 e trabalharam com taxas específicas de remoção (Q\'w) iguais a 10, 50 e 100 mm/mm3.min. Outros três modos de operação usaram rebolo de cBN e tiveram valores de Q\'w iguais a 50, 100 e 150 mm/mm3.min. Cada modo de operação de corte foi testado duas vezes, totalizando 12 testes. Cada teste consistia na remoção de 3000 mm3 de material de peças cilíndricas feitas com a liga de níquel e cromo, o Inconel 751. A partir dos dados encontrados na fase de ICV, um estudo de ACV com abordagem gate-to-gate foi realizado para a avaliação do desempenho ambiental dos seis modos de operação de corte. Além disso, itens de desempenho de produção (como tempo de processo, relação G, rugosidade e circularidade) também foram avaliados para os seis modos de operação de corte. Os dados obtidos na fase de ICV mostraram que os modos de operação com o rebolo de cBN apresentaram valores de potência até 30% superiores aos modos de operação com rebolo de Al2O3 com as mesmas taxas específicas de remoção (Q\'w). A avaliação de desempenho de produção mostrou grande superioridade do rebolo de cBN, que atingiu o menor de tempo de processo (com Q\'w = 150 mm/mm3.min), valores de relação G até 40 vezes superiores aos encontrados para o rebolo de Al2O3, além de maior estabilidade e resultados melhores nos quesitos de rugosidade e circularidade. Na avaliação de desempenho ambiental, o modo de operação com rebolo de cBN e Q\'w = 150 mm/mm3.min apresentou os melhores resultados em todos os indicadores de impactos ambientais avaliados. A partir da aplicação do modelo proposto pelo presente trabalho, foi possível criar um banco de dados de ICV organizado e em tempo real, fundamental para a realização das avaliações de desempenho ambiental e de produção. Além disso, foi possível determinar que o modo de operação com rebolo de cBN e Q\'w = 150 mm/mm3.min apresentou a melhor relação entre desempenho de produção e desempenho ambiental dentre os seis modos testados. / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of the most prominent tools to identify the potential environmental impacts of a process or product. The LCA, however, has great limitations on the assessment of discrete manufacturing processes, due the lack or the uncertainty of the data acquired during its Life Cycle Inventory phase (LCI). The objective of this work was to propose and to implement a dynamic model to perform the LCI phase for a discrete manufacturing unit process, in order to minimize the limitations associated with the lack and uncertainty of the LCI data. The proposed model was based on the Unit Process Life Cycle Inventory (UPLCI) methodology and used a real time MTConnect® compliant monitoring system. The implementation of the proposed model was executed on an external cylindrical grinding unit process, which had its energy, compressed air and noise emission flows monitored in a real time basis. Besides that, six cutting operational modes were defined and tested. Three of the cutting modes used a corundum grinding wheel and worked with specific removal rates Q\'w equals to 10, 50 and 100 mm/mm3.min. The other three modes used a cBN grinding wheel and worked with Q\'w equals to 50, 100 and 150 mm/mm3.min. Each cutting mode was tested twice, resulting in 12 tests. Each test consisted on the volume of removed material of 3000 mm3 from nickel-chrome alloy, the Inconel 751, cylindrical workpieces. From the LCI results, a LCA study was performed, using a gate-to-gate approach, to evaluate the environmental performance of the six cutting modes. Production performance items (process time, G-ratio, roughness and roundness) were also evaluated for the six cutting modes. The LCI data showed that the cBN wheel cutting modes presented power values 30% higher that the corundum wheel cutting modes with the same Q\'w specifications. The production performance evaluation showed the superiority of the cBN grinding wheel, which achieved the lowest process time (with Q\'w = 150 mm/mm3.min), presented G-ratio values 40 times higher than the corundum wheel cutting modes and higher stability and best results for roughness and roundness. On the environmental performance evaluation, the cutting mode using cBN grinding wheel and Q\'w = 150 mm/mm3.min presented the best results for all the potential environmental impacts indicators. From the application of the model proposed by this work, it was possible the creation of an organized and real time LCI database, used to perform both environmental and production performance evaluations. Besides, it was possible to decide that the cBN wheel cutting mode with Q\'w = 150 mm/mm3.min presented the best tradeoff between environmental and production performances among the six tested cutting modes.
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Ferramenta para análise de desempenho ambiental na geração de energia elétrica / A tool for analysis of environmental performance in electricity generationBarrella, Flavio Augusto 29 August 2011 (has links)
A produção de energia elétrica é intimamente vinculada ao seu consumo. Ela acompanha o consumo, pois os processos de produção não armazenam energia e o ponto ótimo se dá quando não se tem nem excesso nem falta da quantidade de energia produzida em relação à consumida. Por sua vez, o consumo de energia elétrica está relacionado ao padrão de crescimento e desenvolvimento da nação. Inúmeras evidências, associando o consumo de energia elétrica ao produto interno bruto e outros índices de desenvolvimento, são encontrados na literatura, os quais mostram claramente esta justa correlação. Por outro lado, o total de energia elétrica produzida é o resultado da soma das produções individuais das diversas fontes de recursos, tais como: gás natural, carvão vapor, hídricas, produtos de cana, eólica e urânio. Este é um cenário típico de produtores e consumidores, em que os produtores concorrem, entre si, para suprir a demanda. Qualquer variação na produção de um é compensada pela produção dos outros, a fim de se manter a demanda atendida na exata medida de suas necessidades. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas uma metodologia original e uma ferramenta de simulação, no aplicativo MATLAB®, e estabelecidos parâmetros e indicadores ambientais para auxiliar a tomada de decisões quanto ao direcionamento de investimentos na área de produção de energia elétrica, mostrando como minimizar os efeitos nocivos ao meio ambiente e acompanhar o crescimento da demanda simultaneamente. São utilizadas técnicas e metodologias consagradas, tais como a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida, a Contabilidade Emergética, a Análise Estatística, a Teoria de Sistemas sobre a base de dados oficial do governo brasileiro, isto é, a matriz 27x47 do relatório anual Boletim Energético Nacional (BEN) do Ministério das Minas e Energia (MME), fornecendo uma visão holística e otimizada do setor energético nacional e em particular da área de energia elétrica. Alguns temas polêmicos como o efeito da utilização da área florestal para a produção de energia elétrica e o esgotamento de reservas energéticas são discutidos no final deste trabalho. / The production of electricity is closely linked to its consumption. It follows the consumption, because the production processes do not stock up energy and the optimum point is when it does not have over or less quantity of energy produced according to its consumption. In turn, energy consumption is related to the level of growth and development of the nation. A lot of evidence associating energy consumption to gross domestic product and other development indicators are found in the literature, which clearly shows this correlation. On the other side, there are several sources of resources from which is produced electric power, such as: natural gas, steam coal, hydro, sugarcane waste, wind and uranium in amounts that together supply the need consumption required all the time and could supply more than the required amount. This presented scenario is a typical example of producers and consumers, where producers compete to supply demand, and any variation in one of them is offset by the production of others, in order to get demand attended in the exact extent of their needs. In this work were developed a methodology and a tool, and also parameters were set to help decision making regarding guidelines for investments in the production of electricity, directing to minimize harm to the environment and at the same time meet the growing of the demand. Techniques and traditional methods were used, such as Life Cycle Assessment, Emergy Accounting, Statistical Analysis, the System Theory on the official database of the Brazilian government, that is, the 27x47 matrix of the Annual Report National Energy Bulletin (BEN) of Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), providing an holistic and optimized overview in the energy national sector and in particular the electric power sector. Some controversial issues as the effect of using the forest for the production of electricity and the depletion of energetic reserves are discussed at the end of this work.
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Environmentální aspekty pěstování mužáku prorostlého (Silphium perfoliatum L.)MARŠÍKOVÁ, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
Growing plants for feed or energy purposes in the Czech Republic is still a topic of concern. In this respect, mainly Zea mays L. is used. Growing Zea mays L. brings with it a number of environmental problems. One way to reduce these impacts is by replacing Zea mays L. with other plants suitable for these purposes. The alternative is to grow perennial energy plants. One of these may be the newly introduced species Silphium perfoliatum L. This work presents the results of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of growing Silphium perfoliatum L. for the purpose of obtaining phytomass compared to commonly used sowing techniques. The results are based on a 3-year follow-up in small field trials. The environmental burden related to the monitored cultivation procedures was evaluated on the basis of the LCA method within selected impact categories using the SimaPro v.7.3.2 software with the integrated ReCiPe Midpoint (H) method. According to the results, Silphium perfoliatum L. can be grown with generally lower environmental impacts than in the case of Zea mays L.
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