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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Treaty-making from an indigenous perspective : a ned’u’ten-canadian treaty model

McCue, Lorna June 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis argues that the Ned'u'ten, an indigenous people, have the right to decolonize and self-determine their political and legal status at the international level. The Ned'u'ten are currently negotiating a new relationship with Canada and are considering various treaty models to achieve this goal. This thesis advocates principles for a peace treaty model that accomplishes both Ned'u'ten decolonization and self-determination. The first chapter of this thesis demonstrates that indigenous perspectives in legal culture are diverse and not homogeneous. My Ned'u'ten perspective on treaty-making contributes to these perspectives. The second chapter challenges the legitimacy of the Canadian state, over Ned'u'ten subjects and territories. This is accomplished through the rejection of dispossession doctrines that Canada has used to justify colonial and oppressive practices against the Ned'u'ten. Decolonization principles are prescribed in this chapter. The third chapter takes a historical view of the right to self-determination and shows how state practice, indigenous peoples' participation, and international scholars have attempted to articulate the scope and content of this right in the contemporary context of indigenous self-determination. A Ned'u'ten self-determination framework is proposed based on indigenous formulations of the right to self-determination. Self-determination principles are also prescribed in this chapter. The final chapter compares two cases where indigenous peoples in Canada are attempting to create a new relationship with the state: the James Bay Cree and "First Nations" in the British Columbia Treaty Commission Process. This comparison will show that the degree of participation that indigenous peoples have in implementing their rights to self-determination, will determine the parameters of any new relationship that indigenous peoples create with the state. Negotiating principles are prescribed for a Ned'u'ten-Canada relationship as well as a peace treaty process to accomplish this goal. It is my thesis that the Ned'u'ten and Canada can achieve a peaceful and balanced relationship through the peace treaty model I propose.

"People" and "minority" from theory to reality

Leger, Sylvie N. 05 1900 (has links)
[No abstract]

Tibeto tarptautinis teisinis statusas / The International Legal Status of Tibet

Ambraška, Laurynas 24 January 2011 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamas Tibeto tarptautinis teisinis statusas iki lemiamo 1949 m. konflikto su Kinija bei situacija po konflikto. Autorius trumpai apžvelgia Tibeto valstybingumo istoriją bei Tibeto tarptautinio teisinio statuso kaitą ir su tuos susijusius tarptautinius dokumentus, pagrindžia padarytas prielaidas ir hipotezes tarptautinės teisės doktrina. Taip pat nagrinėjamas Tibeto suvereniteto klausimas, sąlygos ir reali situacija. Darbe taip pat atskleidžiama, kada ir kaip valstybė praranda ar įgyja nepriklausomybę, taip pat nepriklausomybės reikšmė valstybės egzistavimui, konkrečiu Tibeto atveju. Taip pat teorinės ir konkrečiai Tibeto valstybės tęstinumo ir identiteto nustatymo problemos. Autorius taip pat vadovaujasi pagrindiniais tarptautinės teisės dokumentais, siekdamas pagrįsti dvi versijas apie Tibeto tarptautinį teisinį statusą bei tarptautinės bendruomenės poziciją ir veiksmų stoką šiuo konkrečiu bei panašiais atvejais. Autorius bando atsakyti ir į pačias svarbiausias problemas, nustatant Tibeto tarptautinį teisinį statusą. Jos yra politinės ir teisinės. Tibeto teisinio statuso dvilypumas yra aktuali problema iki šios dienos. Taigi situacijos sudėtingumas, nevienareikšmiškumas, tarptautinės bendruomenės nevieningumas ir konkrečios pozicijos nebuvimas sąlygoja, kad Tibeto tarptautinis teisinis statusas išlieka dvilypis ir realus statusas neatitinka to, kuris turėtų būti vadovaujantis tarptautinės teisės normomis. Autorius padaro išvadą, kad šios situacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This study analyses the most important international legal status questions concerning Tibet and the Peoples Republic of China prior to 1949 m. invasion and the aftermath. The author takes a brief look at the international legal status of Tibet prior to the formentioned invasion and a diligent study of the most important periods of the historical development of Tibet and its international status, through analysing the most important international treaties, legal doctrine and other documents. Also the author acknowledges the current struggle of Tibet and it‘s people to regain independance or at least a workable, suitable for tibetans and legitimate autonomous status. The author also tries to take in account the actions and passiveness of international community and United Nations organization concering this issue. In this study it is shown, that the international community doesn‘t acknowledge the invasion of Tibet as opposing to the international laws and principles, however no real action is taken, therefore leaving the status of Tibet a very delicate matter where all possibilities have to be considered. Author is aiming to define the current situation in the world policy on the matter of Tibet, also the legal and current issues of Tibetan sovereignity, proving that the nation of Tibet is still in full sovereignity and is being occupied only in territorial conflict. Some of the most valid current problems of the legal status of Tobet are also discussed by the... [to full text]

Netarptautinis ginkluotas konfliktas ir jo dalyvių teisinės padėties problemos / Non - international armed conflict and problems of legal status of its participants

Kuzma, Jevgenijus 28 January 2008 (has links)
Visus ginkluotus konfliktus tarptautinė humanitarinė teisė skirsto į tarptautinius, t.y. vykstančius tarp dviejų ar daugiau suverenių valstybių, ir netarptautinius, t.y. vykstančius vienos valstybės teritorijoje. Pabrėžtina, kad tarptautinės bendruomenės dėmesys šiems skirtingų rūšių ginkluotiems konfliktams yra skirtingas. Akivaizdu, jog absoliuti dauguma tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės normų buvo skirta tarptautiniams ginkluotiems konfliktams reguliuoti. Toks šių ginkluotų konfliktų teisinis reguliavimas neatitinka šių dienų tendencijų, kadangi būtent netarptautiniai ginkluoti konfliktai tampa pagrindine ginkluotų konfliktų rūšimi. Toks skirtingas tarptautinės bendruomenės dėmesys skirtingų rūšių ginkluotiems konfliktams, paaiškinamas tuo, kad bet koks tarptautinis dėmesys valstybės viduje vykstantiems procesams iš karto susidurdavo su stipriu valstybių pasipriešinimu, motyvuojant tuo, kad tarptautinis dėmesys ir siekiai sureguliuoti vidaus ginkluotus konfliktus pažeis kiekvienos iš jų suverenitetą, ir, kad vidaus reikalai yra pačių valstybių reikalas, kurie turi būti tvarkomi savarankiškai kiekvienos valstybės. Tik XX a. viduryje buvo imtasi pirmųjų teisinių priemonių netarptautiniams ginkluotiems konfliktams sureguliuoti. 1949 m. Ženevos konvencijų bendrasis 3 str. bei 1949 m. Ženevos konvencijų 1977 m. Papildomas protokolas dėl netarptautinių ginkluotų konfliktų aukų apsaugos yra laikomi pagrindiniais tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės aktais, skirtais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The international humanitarian law divides all armed conflicts into international, i.e. taking place between two or more sovereign states, and non – international, i.e. taking place on the territory of one country. It should be emphasized that the international community's attention to these armed conflicts of different kind differs. It is obvious that the absoliute majority of standards of international humanitarian law were intended for regulation of international armed conflicts. Such legal regulation of armed conflicts is not compatible with today's tendencies as namely non – international armed conflicts become the main type of armed conflicts. Such varied attention of international community to armed conflicts of different kind can be explained by the fact that any international attention to internal processes of a country immediately collided with strong resistence of the country motivating that international attention and attemps to regulate internal armed conflicts would infringe its sovereignty and that the internal affairs were the matter of the countries themselves and they should be settled by each country independently. The first legal measures of non – international armed conflicts regulation were taken only in the middle of the 20th century. The Common Article 3 of Geneva Conventions 1949 and 1977 Protocol Additional to Geneva Conventions 1949 Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non – International Armed Conflicts are considered to be the... [to full text]

Įmonių bankroto administratoriaus teisinis statusas ir atsakomybė / The legal status of bankruptcy administrator of companies and his liability

Jarilinaitė, Sandra 05 February 2013 (has links)
Įmonių bankroto administratorius yra vienas iš svarbiausių bankroto proceso dalyvių, nuo kurio tinkamo funkcijų ir pareigų vykdymo priklauso viso bankroto proceso sklandumas bei skaidrumas, bankrutuojančios įmonės ir jos kreditorių teisių ir teisėtų interesų apgynimas, įmonės turto išsaugojimas bei kreditorių reikalavimų patenkinimo užtikrinimas. Iškėlus įmonei bankroto bylą, administratorius užima bankrutuojančios įmonės valdymo organo statusą, perima įmonės turtą bei visus jos įgaliojimus, tampa šios įmonės valdytoju ir atstovu teisme, kreditorių susirinkime ar sudarant sandorius, kai įmonė tęsia ūkinę komercinę veiklą. Dėl ypatingo savo statuso bankroto procese ir suteiktų plačių įgaliojimų administratorius privalo būti itin atidus ir rūpestingas, nešališkas ir nepriklausomas, veikti tik įstatymo jam suteiktos kompetencijos ribose, vadovautis profesionalumo, efektyvumo, interesų pusiausvyros, sąžiningumo, teisingumo principais. Administratoriui, pažeidusiam įstatymu jam suteiktų funkcijų vykdymą ar sukėlusiam žalą bankrutuojančiai įmonei ar jos kreditoriams, kyla atitinkamos teisinės pasekmės. Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti bankroto administratoriaus teisinį statusą bei su jo atsakomybe susijusius probleminius aspektus. Todėl šiame darbe siekta atskleisti bankroto administratoriaus vaidmenį bei reikšmę įmonių bankroto procese, jo sampratos raidos analizę bei teisinio statuso teorijas. Darbe taip pat atskleidžiamas bankroto administratoriaus teisinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The bankruptcy administrator is one of the most important party in bankruptcy process of the company. The bankruptcy fluency and clarity, also the protection of the company‘s asset and it‘s creditors legal interests depends on bankruptcy administrator proper activity. Administrator takes all the company‘s asset and it‘s management since the court adopt a decision to take bankruptcy proceedings for the company. Then administrator becomes a manager of the company and it‘s representative at the court, creditor‘s meetings and in the cases of making some contracts when the company continues it‘s commercial activity. Because of the specific administrator status and his wide power of attorney, administrator must be especially attentive and careful, impartial and independent, he has a duty to act in compliance with principles of professionality, efficiency, honesty, rightness and must seek the balance between the company and creditors interests in every stage of the bankruptcy. If administrator violates his functions or causes the losses for the company or creditors, he must assume adequate legal consequences for such kind of actions. The purpose of this master thesis is to analyze the status of the bankruptcy administrator and the main problematic issues related to his liability. Because of this reason, the author trys to reveal the role and value of bankruptcy administrator, the analysis of the evolution of his conception and the theories of administrator legal status... [to full text]

Treatment issues in forensic social work : a comparative case study

Lewis, Susan D. January 2002 (has links)
Forensic social work is defined as the specialty that focuses on the interface between the legal system and the human service system. Forensic psychiatric social work is a subspecialty of forensic social work. Treatment issues arise in forensic social work due to the nature of working within the two systems, but some are specific to forensic psychiatric social work due to the nature of balancing the needs of the patient with the protection of society. Issues that are relevant to forensic psychiatric social work are, applying psychosocial rehabilitation strategies in a forensic setting, the paradox of custody vs. caring, issues surrounding confidentiality and the use of authority, bargaining and persuasion as tools for social work practice. The author identified these issues as each of them was raised during a specific case that the author was actively involved with. The focus of the study is to explore the issues by discussing them in relation to this case. The literature is reviewed and suggestions are made as to how the management of the case could have been improved. Recommendations are also made for the field of social work, specifically in the field of forensic psychiatry.

Critique of shareholder status in Jordanian corporate law : a comparative approach

Haddadin, Fadi. January 2000 (has links)
In 1989, Jordan chose to follow the track of democracy and open economy. From that time on, Jordan has embarked upon plans to reform its legal as well as economic and social structures. Continuous and serious efforts have been underway to enable Jordan to join the WTO (World Trade Organization) and become part of the new "economic global village". Many observers see this as a step to help Jordan materialize these plans and to help put it on a road that will inevitably lead to more freedom of choice and more competitiveness. / Opening the national markets means exposing the domestic industry and market to foreign competitors. In order to preserve the domestic economic and social fabrics, local industries have to gain the maximum efficiency and market width possible or they will go under. Such efficiency and investors' inducement can and should be encouraged through providing a "liberal" legal framework. Such a framework, applied to the field of corporate law, can impose market control over management's inefficiency, and give businesses the diversity they need to attract investors.

Get out of my space! :"illusionary practices of equity"

Correa, Elaine. January 2000 (has links)
This thesis explores the experiences of Canadian academic women in terms of location, space and voice. Within this qualitative study, the spaces of and for women within the university are examined by way of women's subjective experiences of 'value' and 'being valued'. Differences in experiences between women based on age, colour, tenure and academic rank are described through the voices of thirty academic women. The study argues that the "illusionary practices of equity" operating within the university milieu, exacerbate the tensions inherent in contradictory subject locations that women occupy within academe. The struggles of representation and identity within these contested spaces raise the challenges of whose voice will have space within the privileged locations of higher learning.

Women's property rights and access to justice in India : a socio-legal ethnography of widowhood and inheritance practices in Maharashtra

Bates, Karine January 2005 (has links)
In India, the Hindu Succession Rights Act of 1956 allows the widow, the daughters, alongside the sons of the deceased senior male, to claim an equal share in familial property. By giving inheritance rights to daughters and widows, and not exclusively to sons, this Act proposes a radically different organization of the ideal patrilineal household, commonly referred to as "the Hindu joint family". The Act initiates a transformation of Hindu women's status through their rights to property, which implies the transformation of women's rights and duties in India. / Drawing on the analysis made during an extensive fieldwork period in a rural community and case studies in Pune tribunals, this thesis shows that women generally know that they have some rights to their father's and husband's property. However, for various reasons, they do not see any advantage in claiming their inheritance rights. Women often find it difficult to reconcile claiming rights with their duties as daughters (or daughters-in-law) and the social restrictions associated with widowhood. In addition, the complex relationships with the state bureaucracy often prevent them from their right to access property. In that context, before choosing a forum of justice, most women (and men) will first opt for conflict avoidance. / This socio-legal ethnography of women's succession rights, in the state of Maharashtra, is an anthropological contribution to the study of the dynamics of social cohesion in an environment where legal pluralism is itself in transition.

Legislating worker justice : the formalisation of paid domestic work in Maputo, Mozambique.

Castel-Branco, Ruth Kelia. January 2012 (has links)
Paid domestic work is the most important occupation for urban Mozambican women after self-employment. Domestic workers perform the reproductive and productive functions necessary to keep households running and the economy growing. Despite the importance of this sector, it is characterised by low wages, long hours, rigorous schedules, and vulnerability to abuse. In 2008, Mozambique’s National Assembly passed Decree 40/2008, extending labour protections to domestic workers. There is significant debate however about whether labour protection can transform working conditions in such an intimate sector. Domestic work takes place in isolation, behind the closed doors and high walls of private homes; it consists of intimate tasks, adding a personalness to the employment relationship; and working conditions are negotiated one-on-one with employers. Drawing on historical research, primary observations and semi-structured interviews with key informants and domestic workers in Maputo’s central city, this study discusses the opportunities and limitations of legislating worker justice in an intimate profession. It explores how the institutional and regulatory framework both enables and prevents improvements in working conditions; how domestic workers leverage these institutions to advance their interests; and the informal strategies and tactics they use concurrently. The study suggests that Decree 40/2008 has had limited direct impact on working conditions. Its ambiguous language, poor dissemination, and weak regulatory structure, combined with the precarious nature of Maputo’s labour market and entrenched power relations between workers and employers, mean that domestic workers exhibit high levels of accommodation or patience, preferring to wait for conditions to improve or better options to surface, than to make outright demands from employers. However, this study also suggests Decree 40/2008 has galvanised domestic worker organising, creating a focus of mobilisation and advocacy with the potential to profoundly affect working conditions in this sector. In the context of a fractured labour movement however, domestic worker organising has become a battleground for autonomy, power, and resources. It is still too early to know whether domestic workers will ultimately benefit. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

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