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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human Capital disclosure on LinkedIn : A study on ownership structure and human capital disclosure in Sweden and Norway

Azelius, Carl, Johansson, David January 2019 (has links)
Background: Human capital disclosure is a widely examined topic by scholars, previous studies has mainly focused on annual reports and companies webpages. However, during the last decade, social media has grown in importance and it represent a new way for companies to interact with stakeholders. The increased interactivity provided by social network sites have made it one of the most important communication tools for companies to interact with stakeholders. One of the larger social media, LinkedIn has received little attention by researchers, only one previous study has investigate human capital disclosure on LinkedIn. Previous research has examined different corporate disclosure in connection to ownership structure. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between ownership structure and human capital disclosure made by companies in Sweden and Norway via LinkedIn. Method: This study is conducted with a quantitative methodology, investigating a sample of 150 companies from Sweden and Norway. Human capital disclosure on LinkedIn are analysed through a content analysis and a regression analysis to test the hypothesis in this study. Conclusion: The results confirm the hypothesis that a negative relationship exists between ownership concentration and the level of human capital disclosure via LinkedIn. This is in line with previous research; however, this study shows that companies in a more digitalized environment disclose more HC information.

CSR i tre börsnoterade företag : en komparativ innehållsanalys av hållbarhetsredovisningar / CSR in three listed companies : a comparative content analysis of sustainability reports

Franzén, Rasmus, Karlsson, Jens January 2013 (has links)
Marknaden ställer idag högre krav på vad företagen redovisar och intressenterna är inte längre bara uppmärksamma på hur företaget redovisar ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. En ökad medvetenhet hos företagen kan i många fall inbringa konkurrensfördelar om företagen väljer att tillgodose dessa krav. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) syftar till att redovisa vad företaget har gjort, inte bara i ekonomiska resultat utan även beträffande miljö och sociala aspekter. Vi har i vår studie valt att granska med hjälp av en innehållsanalys hur tre svenska företag, H&M, Stora Enso och TeliaSonera, arbetar med CSR och vart tyngdpunkten ligger hos de olika företagen. Studiens syfte är att på ett komparativt sätt och genom en innehållsanalys ämna svara på vilka likheter och skillnader det finns i de tre företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar, samt vad som kan tolka eventuella likheter och skillnader. Vi har använt oss av ett klassificeringsschema som hjälpt oss att dela in vårt empiriska material i fem olika kategorier; Miljö, Energi, Human resources, Produkter och Community involvement. Våra resultat visar att det, till viss del, går att förklara företagens motiv till innehållet i hållbarhetsredovisningarna med utgångspunkt i legitimeringsteorin. Det är framförallt motivet till skillnaderna som kan förklaras genom legitimitetsteorin. Det går emellertid inte att utesluta att andra faktorer påverkar varför det förekommer skillnader, och särskilt likheter, i de redovisade uppgifterna för de tre företagen. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Miljö- och Hållbarhetsredovisning : Hur sker tillämpningen? / Environment and Sustainability Reporting : How is it applied?

Ceder, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
Miljö- och hållbarhetsredovisning har blivit en viktig del för företag att använda i syfte att legitimera sin verksamhet. Inom miljö- och hållbarhetsredovisning finns ett ramverk som är upprättat av Global Reporting Initiative. Detta ramverk är idag det mest fullständiga och används av företag som vill förmedla sin miljö- och hållbarhetsinformation på ett seriöst sätt. Idag finns inga krav i form av lagstiftning för företag att använda något ramverk för miljö- och hållbarhetsrapportering. Detta medför att företag fritt kan välja om de vill följa något ramverk eller inte. De företag som inte väljer att följa något ramverk kan alltså fritt välja på vilket sätt och hur de ska rapportera sin miljö- och hållbarhetsinformation.I denna undersökning har jag valt ut åtta företag fördelat på två olika branscher som inte följer ramverket från Global Reporting Initiative. Detta urval har gjorts för att kunna se hur och vad företag rapporterar när det själva kan välja fritt. De frågeställningar som tas upp i uppsatsen är om det går att se dominans av kvalitativ eller kvantitativ information, om det går att se om företagens miljö- och hållbarhetsredovisningar kan vara missvisande och vilka skillnader som finns mellan branscherna jag valt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för hur företag väljer att redovisa sin miljö- och hållbarhetsinformation och vilka skillnader som går att hitta.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att företagen inom oljeindustrin var mer benägna att rapportera miljö- och hållbarhetsinformation. Den mest sannolika förklaringen till detta resultat är att deras legitimitetsbehov kan anses tyngre än för företagen inom industribranschen. Resultatet visar också att det var stark dominans av kvalitativ information i rapporterna. Det framgick även att miljö- och hållbarhetsredovisningarna i vissa fall kan vara missvisande.Det som är viktigt är att miljö- och hållbarhetsredovisningar alltid granskas av en revisor för att intressenter ska kunna vara säkra på att informationen är användbar i beslutssituationer. Jag anser att det är viktigt att forskare fortsätter att granska hur och på vilket sätt företag redovisar sin miljö- och hållbarhetsinformation.

The consideration of environmental matters in the audit of financial reports

Chiang, Christina January 2008 (has links)
There has been a dearth of research on ‘auditors and environmental matters’ since Collison (1996) and Collison and Gray (1997) completed their study on the views of UK auditors about whether auditing is changing, or should be changing, in relation to environmental concerns. It is now more than ten years since the publication of that study. Growing international concern for environmental matters has since led to the issue of International Auditing Practice Statement (IAPS) -1010: The consideration of environmental matters in the audit of financial report in 1998 and, in New Zealand, Audit Guidance Statement (AGS) -1010: The consideration of environmental matters in the audit of a financial statement in 2001. Yet, to date, there has been no examination of the impact of IAPS-1010 or AGS-1010 on either current audit practice, or the issues raised by Collison (1996) and Collison and Gray (1997). This doctoral thesis has attempted to address the environmental impact gap in the auditing research literature. In particular, it has investigated the consideration of environmental matters in the audit of financial reports in the light of AGS-1010, with a view to understanding better the following issues: (1) how auditors generally perceive the consideration of environmental matters in the audit of financial reports; (2) the common approaches and practices auditors undertake when auditing environmental matters; (3) the challenges (if any) that auditors face in the audit of environmental matters (4) the impact (if any) of AGS 1010 on current audit practice and, finally, (5) how current practices in the audit of environmental matters may be improved and further developed to meet better the espoused aims of AGS-1010. Qualitative interviews with twenty-seven senior financial audit practitioners and others in New Zealand provided the basis for the findings. The interviews were taped, transcribed and managed with the use of computerised qualitative analysis software (NViVo7). Key findings from the research interviews were as follows: (1) the introduction of AGS-1010 had little impact on current audit practice in New Zealand; (2) environmental matters were treated no differently from any other audit issues, and auditors tended to apply common, familiar audit approaches in dealing with environmental matters; (3) auditors found the effective auditing of environmental matters challenging owing to their inability to identify such matters, and their lack of relevant expert knowledge. The most significant finding from this study is that, in general, common audit practices were riddled with issues of concern. These issues point to a broader and more significant problem. It would seem that current audit practices fail to consider many potential audit issues (including environmental matters) adequately in the audit of financial reports. For auditors to be more effective in their audit practice and in protecting the public interest, not only does audit methodology need a major review, but auditors themselves need to change their attitudes and mindsets in their approach to auditing.

Hållbarhetsredovisning inom de statligt ägda bolagen

Baldeh, Ebrima, Ayed, Manoubia January 2010 (has links)
<p>In recent years there have been many corporate scandals from environmental and social aspects. Corporate irresponsible behavior has led to major public discussions on responsibility and these pressures made that many companies wanting to show that they are working for a sustainable development by voluntarily reporting economic, environmental and social and social issues in the financial statement. They hope this will create credibility for the companies. In the current situation, there are a number of guidelines that companies can use to report sustainability. One of these is the GRI guidelines which is an international framework that covers many accounting areas and allows companies to compare their sustainability reports with other companies.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to determine if all state-owned companies follows the government’s requirement that these companies must form a sustainability report under the GRI guidelines, and the sustainability report must be audited and certified by an outside party. To answer the purpose of our study, we have chosen to investigate all these companies’ sustainability reports which are available in the corporate website for the year 2009 but also 2008 to see if there is any development between these periods. The sustainability reports were examined in three categories that would give the answer to our question and this was shown in a table. The theories that we have used is the intuitional theory and legitimacy theory at finding out if they can explain the empirical results. In our conclusion, it appeared that not all the companies had acted in accordance with the requirement applicable to the three aspects that were investigated in 2008; none of these issues had been fully recognized by the companies. For 2009, it emerged that the companies had become much better at reporting under the guidelines. All companies reported fully under the requirement in two of the three categories.</p>

Hållbarhetsredovisning inom de statligt ägda bolagen

Baldeh, Ebrima, Ayed, Manoubia January 2010 (has links)
In recent years there have been many corporate scandals from environmental and social aspects. Corporate irresponsible behavior has led to major public discussions on responsibility and these pressures made that many companies wanting to show that they are working for a sustainable development by voluntarily reporting economic, environmental and social and social issues in the financial statement. They hope this will create credibility for the companies. In the current situation, there are a number of guidelines that companies can use to report sustainability. One of these is the GRI guidelines which is an international framework that covers many accounting areas and allows companies to compare their sustainability reports with other companies. The purpose of this study is to determine if all state-owned companies follows the government’s requirement that these companies must form a sustainability report under the GRI guidelines, and the sustainability report must be audited and certified by an outside party. To answer the purpose of our study, we have chosen to investigate all these companies’ sustainability reports which are available in the corporate website for the year 2009 but also 2008 to see if there is any development between these periods. The sustainability reports were examined in three categories that would give the answer to our question and this was shown in a table. The theories that we have used is the intuitional theory and legitimacy theory at finding out if they can explain the empirical results. In our conclusion, it appeared that not all the companies had acted in accordance with the requirement applicable to the three aspects that were investigated in 2008; none of these issues had been fully recognized by the companies. For 2009, it emerged that the companies had become much better at reporting under the guidelines. All companies reported fully under the requirement in two of the three categories.

Environmental certification - why do companies seek it? : A comparative case study of ISO 14001 certified companies in Umeå

Blackestam, Andreas, Olofsson, Anton January 2013 (has links)
In modern times environmental matters have increased in importance and are being discussed more frequently, and especially in relation with company activity. One way of complying with modern standards for companies is to work with environmental management systems, and it has become quite normal for companies to certify their environmental management systems to a recognized environmental certification. Continuing on this, the purpose of our thesis is to gain a deeper understanding regarding and ultimately assess why it is that companies seek environmental certification. Additionally, we have developed a sub-purpose which is designed to help us gain a deeper understanding regarding the main purpose in a practical context. We will look at 5 production companies in Umeå that have implemented an environmental certification, specifically ISO 14001, and try to understand the reasoning behind choosing to become certified. We will also examine the environmental effectiveness of an ISO 14001 certified environmental management system. We have conducted a comparative case study with these 5 companies in Umeå. Our method of collecting primary data was to interview the companies with a qualitative semi-structured interviewing technique. In the empirical part of the thesis we focused on practically testing the theoretical material. Furthermore, we also analyzed secondary data received from the companies' websites and directly from the interviewees in order to assess the effectiveness of an ISO 14001 certified environmental management system in financial and environmental terms. Regarding the theoretical framework, we focus on two theories referred to as the legitimacy theory and the stakeholder theory, and these theories are used to explain organizational behavior. We also have theoretical material explaining the positives and negatives of environmental management systems, and also ISO 14001 certification and the reasons why companies can benefit from such certification. Our findings suggest that the matter of legitimacy, in combination with the stakeholder theory, affected all of the companies in one way or another when choosing to seek environmental certification. In what ways the companies were affected differed even though there were many similarities across the companies regarding their reasoning to become ISO 14001 certified. We also found that, despite collecting a lot of hard data illustrating the companies' environmental performance over recent years, it was difficult to directly link any improvements to ISO 14001. It was, however, stated that ISO 14001 certification for the environmental management systems did improve the overall quality and environmental focus and performance, but it is still difficult to assess this with much accuracy and certainty due to many contributing factors.

Integrerad Rapportering : två sidor av samma mynt

Kindberg, Linda, Larsson, Maria January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to through a conceptual definition, outline the meaning of integrated reporting. The empirical study aims to identify the development of integrated reporting in terms of driving forces and participants. We also intend to identify and explain the effects of integrated reporting and to describe, analyze and create an understanding of what is required of companies and the challenges an application of integrated can bring. To achieve the purpose of this paper, we have formulated a central question; What is integrated reporting and what will this development mean for companies?  To answer the central question of this paper we have chosen to apply a qualitative approach with case studies as a research strategy. We have in the case study focused on four separate companies. The theoretical framework of this paper describes the stakeholder theory and legitimacy theory, which describes the relationship between the company and its stakeholders. The empirical study consists of two separate chapters; the perspective of experts and the corporate perspective of integrated reporting. In these chapters, we discuss and analyze the theoretical framework along with both of the empirical chapters. In the analysis we highlight and discuss the concept of integrated reporting, the driving forces of its development, problems and complications regarding the implementation of integrated reporting and the positive effects it can bring. The paper concludes that an integrated report should represent the company’s primary report, which includes all aspects of a company’s business. The company’s financial and non-financial factors are related to each other and therefore the company demonstrates its business in a comprehensible and transparent manner. The development of integrated reporting is driven by stakeholders as it is primarily the company’s stakeholders who require a transparent accounting that include the information about how the company works with sustainability. The main requirement for success with integrated reporting is considered a change in mindset, which has to start in top management. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en begreppsbestämning redogöra för innebörden av begreppet integrerad rapportering. Uppsatsens empiriska undersökning syftar att redogöra för utvecklingen av integrerad rapportering genom att identifiera utvecklingens bidragande drivkrafter och aktörer. Vi syftar även att identifiera och förklara vilka konsekvenser integrerad rapportering får för företag samt beskriva, analysera och skapa förståelse för vad som krävs av företag och vilka utmaningar en tillämpning av integrerad rapportering kan innebära. För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har vi formulerat huvudfrågan: Vad är integrerad rapportering och vad kan denna utveckling komma att innebära för företag?  För att besvara huvudfrågan har vi valt att tillämpa en kvalitativ metod med flerfallsstudier som forskningsstrategi där vi fokuserat på fyra fallföretag. Den teoretiska referensramen redogör för intressentteorin och legitimitetsteorin, vilka beskriver relationen mellan företag och dess intressenter. Den empiriska referensramen består av två empiriska kapitel; normgivarnas perspektiv samt företagens perspektiv av integrerad rapportering. Analyskapitlet sammanför den teoretiska referensramen tillsammans med de två empiriska kapitlen. De områden som diskuteras i analysen är innebörden av begreppet integrerad rapportering, de drivande faktorerna till dess utveckling, problematiken kring införandet av integrerad rapportering samt vilka positiva effekter integrerad rapportering kan medföra.  I uppsatsens slutsats konstateras att en integrerad rapport bör utgöra företagets primära rapport där de finansiella och icke finansiella faktorerna sätts i relation till varandra. Företaget demonstrerar därmed verksamhetens helhet på ett tydligt och transparent sätt. Utvecklingen av integrerad rapportering är intressentstyrd då det främst är företagets primära intressenter som efterfrågar en transparent redovisning som inkluderar företagets hållbarhetsfrågor.  Det huvudsakliga kravet för lyckas med en integrerad rapportering anses vara ett förändrat synsätt, vilket först och främst krävs i högsta ledningen.

Doing Good or Doing Well? : A quantitative study about CSR reporting

Frez, Gonzalo, Källström, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
The awareness and interest concerning corporate social responsibility has grownamong both firms and their stakeholders, which has resulted in a continuous upwardtrend regarding CSR reporting. This has led to the emergence of reporting frameworklike Global Reporting Initiative. The issues is that there are limited regulationscontrolling what should be reported and how it should be reported, thus most CSRreporting is voluntary. This creates differences among firms and within industries.The differences make it difficult to compare reporting between firms and to assess thebenefits of CSR reporting.The purposes of this study is to explain what variables affects the CSR reportingquality and what the rationale behind CSR reporting is, which includes investigatingthe effect of reporting quality on cost of capital. The evolution of CSR reporting willalso be examined.The nature of the study is quantitative with a deductive approach. Hypotheses will bedeveloped from prior theory and tested statistically using multiple regression analysis.The theoretical foundation of this study is stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory andinformation asymmetry. The chosen variables are argued by prior literature to effectreporting quality. The variables are board diversity, ownership concentration, separatesustainability reports, external assurance, GRI application levels and industry. Ameasure of reporting quality will be developed using content analysis and theestimation for cost of capital will be calculated based on a model for rPEG. Thesample consists of firms listed on Nasdaq OMXS30 index in 2006, 2008 and 2010.Statistical support for positive association between reporting quality and boarddiversity, ownership concentration, external assurance, GRI A and GRI B and theindustries industrials, consumer goods and basic materials were found. An indirectassociation between reporting quality and cost of capital was found. The findings arein agreement with the rationale behind CSR reporting; a firm can do well by doinggood. It was further concluded that the development during this time period hasfollowed the previous trend and continuously increased.

Swedish CSR with Chinese Characteristics : A case study of four Swedish firms' CSR engagement in their Chinese supply chains

Magnusson, Frida, Pettersson, Kristoffer January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to analyze, describe, and explain how Swedish firms implement CSR in their Chinese supply chains. In order to reach the intention of the thesis a case study of four Swedish firms operating in China has been conducted which involved personal interviews in the field. The theoretical framework contains a description of the stakeholder theory, the legitimacy theory, the CSR pyramid, the ARA-analysis, and theory on business relations which all are relevant to the phenomenon studied and the research questions. The empirical findings include the case firms view on stakeholder pressure, their CSR related activities in their supply chains, and how supplier relations are managed. In the analysis the theoretical framework is connected to the empirical findings. The analysis consist of how the case firms deal with stakeholder pressure, to what extent they take social responsibility in their Chinese supply chains, and how their supplier relations are managed concerning CSR. Our analysis shows that the firms perceive their customers to be the main pressure to engage in CSR. However, the analysis further demonstrates that the case firms find it difficult to comply with the responsibilities demanded by their customers in the Chinese context. Moreover, the analysis will touch upon how supplier relations are managed when implementing CSR. The conclusion of the thesis shows that Swedish companies implement CSR in their Chinese supply chains by adding Chinese characteristics, meaning adapting the expected responsibilities to the Chinese context. The thesis will end with recommendations for further research in the field of CSR in firms’ supply chains in emerging economies.

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