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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CONTIBUTI ALL'EDIZIONE CRITICA DELL'ENEIDE IN COMPENDIO VOLGARIZZATA / Studies for the Critical Edition of the Aeneid's Abridgement's Translations

BERTIN, EMILIANO 10 April 2008 (has links)
La tesi di dottorato riporta alcuni contributi (tra cui un saggio di edizione critica) riguardanti i volgarizzamenti dell'Eneide in compendio (sec. XIV), opera più volte associata con il nome del fiorentino Andrea Lancia, celebre per i suoi interessi danteschi. / The doctoral thesis quotes several studies (among which an essay of critical edition) about transmission of the Aeneid's abridgement's translations (XIVth century): these works have been often associated with the name of the Florentine notary Andrea Lancia, who is famous because of his interests in Dante.

ENZO BENEDETTO E "FUTURISMO-OGGI". CORRISPONDENZA (1969-1992) / Enzo Benedetto and "Futurismo-Oggi". Correspondence (1969-1992)

STAGNITTI, BARBARA 10 March 2008 (has links)
Nel 1969, il poeta, scrittore, giornalista e pittore Enzo Benedetto, calabrese di nascita, romano d'adozione, la cui adesione al Movimento Futurista risale al 1923, fondava nella capitale la rivista «Futurismo-oggi», assumendone la direzione fino al 1993, anno della sua morte e della cessazione delle pubblicazioni. Lo studio si concentra sulla ricca e selezionata corrispondenza epistolare, relativa al periodo 1969-1992, tra il Direttore e numerosi collaboratori del periodico laziale che, nella seconda metà del Novecento, si contraddistinse quale organo di difesa, di propaganda e di valorizzazione dell'avanguardia marinettiana. Al corpus documentario seguono i profili bio-bibliografici dei corrispondenti e l'indice dei nomi. Si presenta infine lo spoglio integrale di «Futurismo-oggi» uniformato alle norme del progetto di ricerca Iride 900. / The poet, author, journalist and painter Enzo Benedetto, was born in Calabria with Rome as his adopted city. Since 1923, he belonged to the Futurist Movement. In 1969, he founded, in Rome, the review «Futurismo-oggi» providing its direction until 1993 the year of his death. The research concentrates on the copious and selected correspondence concerning the period 1969-1992, between the Director and several collaborators of the roman periodical. This review has represented in the second half of the twentieth century a defence, propaganda and exploitation of the Marinetti's avant-garde. Biographic and bibliographic outlines of the correspondents and the list of the names follow the index of the documents. At the end the whole filing of «Futurismo-oggi» is of the equivalent standard of the research-plan Iride 900.

Il veicolo a due ruote nell'immaginario letterario italiano del XX secolo / The Motorcycle in the 20th Century Italian Literature Imagery

STRAZZI, FRANCESCA 10 March 2008 (has links)
Parlare dell'influenza dei mezzi di trasporto moderni, e in particolare della motocicletta, nella letteratura italiana permette di aprire nuove prospettive di studio, perché oggi ci si confronta giornalmente con veicoli potenti e tecnologicamente sempre più avanzati. In ambito culturale gli intellettuali riconoscono al veicolo a due ruote un ruolo importante per descrivere la società. Attraverso la motocicletta l'individuo avverte in sé una nuova forza che lo porta a sperimentare l'ansia d'infinito. Egli si sente un nuovo centauro che ha assunto in sé le medesime caratteristiche di forza e velocità del suo mezzo meccanico. Nei secoli passati il veicolo più usato era il cavallo, nell'era di navi, treni e aerei il mezzo che più gli si avvicina è la moto, non solo per la postura del cavaliere, ma perché essa lascia il pilota a contatto con il paesaggio esterno, con i vari fenomeni atmosferici (pioggia, sole e vento) e con i profumi della natura. Se in passato il moto del cavallo poteva diventare il pretesto per esprimere determinati processi narrativi, nel Novecento tale compito è affidato alla motocicletta che cha finito per condizionare il modo di vivere e di pensare degli uomini del XX secolo. / Speaking about the influence of modern means of transport (in particular about the motorcycle) in literature, fixes a new way of studying culture, because today we have to cope with more and more powerful and technologically advanced vehicles. Intellectuals acknowledge motorcycles an important role to describing society. Thanks to the motorcycle man exploits a new strength that enables him to overcome his limits. He feels a sort of divinity embodying the same peculiarities as his vehicle. In the past the horse was the most widespread means of transport while today, in an age of airplanes, ships and trains, it has been replaced by the motorcycle, both for the rider's posture and for his contact with the environment and its expressions: rain, sun and wind as well as the perfumes of the Earth. Just like the horse's motion was in the past a way to express narrative processes, the motorcycle has inherited this task today, therefore conditioning the contemporary way of living and thinking.

L'EDITORE E L'AUTORE: VALENTINO BOMPIANI E LIBERO BIGIARETTICON CARTEGGIO INEDITO / The Publisher and the Author: Valentino Bompiani and Libero Bigiaretti with Unpublished Correspondence

TAGLIAFERRI, CRISTINA 10 March 2008 (has links)
Il presente contributo si propone di ricostruire il sodalizio Fra valentino bompiani e libero bigiaretti, sulla base del carteggio inedito, desunto dall'archivio personale dell'editore e dall'archivio della casa editrice. Nella personlaità dei due protagonisti, e nelle ragioni insite nella rispettiva opera intellettuale, trova adeguata valorizzazione lo scambio umano e professionale intercorso fra l'autore e il suo editore, a partire dai primissimi anni sessanta, in un periodo di importanti cambiamenti dal punto di vista dell'assetto aziendale, che culminerà nel 1973 con la vendita del marchio. Si deve all'indiscusso "protagonismo" dell'editore la peculiarietà del legame con lo scrittore marchigiano (all'amico Valentino questi affidò la ristampa di molte sue opere passate, nonché l'edizione di quelle future), il quale aggiunge tasselli importanti alla ricostruzione di numerosi aspetti: in particolare, trapelano dalle lettere, fra gioie e delusioni, umori e confessioni che bene motivano l'evoluzione creativa e interiore di Bigiaretti nella fase più matura della propria esperienza narrativa, con esiti nuovi soprattutto dal punto di vista espressivo. I numerosi riferimenti, nel carteggio, alla scrittura e alla poetica Bigiarettiana - in un continuo confronto con Bompiani, fido confidente e affascinato lettore - trovano rispondenza nelle stesure autografe dei romanzi in oggetto, comprovando, al contempo, il faticoso labora limae dell'autore. / The aim of this work is to rebuild the fellowship between Valentino Bompiani and Libero Bigiaretti on the basis of the unpublished correspondence found in publisher's private archives and publishing house's ones. In the two protagonists' personality, and in the reasons implied in their intellectual work, there is a fair appreciation of the human and professional relationship passed between the author and his publisher starting from the early 70's, a time of important changes in the company structure, which ends with the sell of the brand name in 1973. It's due to the publisher's undisputed desire to be the centre of attention the peculiarity of the relationship with the author form the Marche (to his friend Valentino he entrusted the reprint of his past works and also the print of the future ones), a relationship that adds important particulars to the reconstruction of many aspects; the letters show especially, among joys and disillusions, moods and confessions that explain, in a clear way, Bigiaretti's creative and inner development in the more mature phase oh his narrative experience, that led to new results above all from the expressive point of view. The large number of references, in the exchange of letters, to Bigiaretti's writing and poetics – in a continuous comparison with Bompiani, faithful confidant and charmed reader – find a correspondence in the drafts (in Bigiaretti's own hand) of the analyzed novels, proving, at the same time, the author's strenuous labour limae.

An Examination into the Learning Pattern Preferences of Students in Special Education

Thone, Jaime Lynn 16 April 2013 (has links)
As educational professionals strive to help students become efficient and effective learners, they must assist in the development of student learning strategies and a greater understanding of the learning process. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the learning pattern preferences of middle and high school students in general education and special education settings. The results of this study were intended to help guide teachers and other education professionals to make informed decisions about differentiating instruction in a way to reach more, if not all, students in their classroom. The results could furthermore assist educators in fostering greater self-knowledge and self-advocacy in students, which then can assist them to become active participants of their own learning experiences. Archival data was examined using scores of middle and high school students on the Learning Connections Inventory (LCI), the survey associated with the Let Me Learn Process®. 251 students LCI scores were studied on the basis of grade level and special education classification.<br>Research questions utilized one-way MANOVA's in order to determine preference for particular individual patterns on the LCI. The first set of research questions compared students in special education and students in general education. The second set of questions compared students in special education broken down by classification, specifically, Other Health Impairment and Specific Learning Disability. Analyses revealed preference for certain LCI patterns between the groups examined. This study was intended to be a starting point for the analysis of the learning patterns of special education students. Once pattern preferences and the interactions between preferences are identified, and the utility of the Let Me Learn Process® is examined, a greater understanding of learning will occur in combination with the development of self-advocacy skills in the classroom. Overall, the Let Me Learn Process® has been shown to have promise in utilizing cognition, conation and affectation approaches in order to assist in developing effective learning strategies. As each of these elements is taken into consideration, this process can allow learners to become active participants in their own learning process. / School of Education; / School Psychology / PhD; / Dissertation;

Geant4 Based Monte Carlo Simulation For Carbon Fragmentation In Nuclear Emulsion

Hosseini, Navid 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The study is mainly focused on Monte Carlo simulation of carbon fragmentation in nuclear emulsion. The carbon ion is selected as a remarkable candidate for the cancer therapy usages due to its high efficiency in depositing majority of its energy in the narrow region which is called Bragg Peak. On the other hand, the main side effect of heavy-ion therapy is the radiation dose beyond the Bragg Peak which damages the healthy tissues. Therefore the use of heavy-ion in cancer therapy requires accurate understanding of ion-matter interactions which result in the production of secondary particles. A Geant4 based simulation of carbon fragmentation has been done considering 400 MeV/n carbon beam directed to the detector which is made of nuclear emulsion films, interleaved with lexan layers. Four different models in Geant4 are compared with recent real data. Among the four different models, Binary Cascade Model (BIC) shows a better agreement with real data.

Le illustrazioni di uno Iatrosophion bizantino del XV secolo, cod. 3632 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna

Marchetti, Francesca <1974> 07 July 2011 (has links)
La ricerca è dedicata allo studio delle illustrazioni di medicina, astrologia, iatromatematica e mantica trasmesse dal codice 3632 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna, prodotto nel secondo quarto del XV secolo dal medico Giovanni di Aron, e all’inquadramento del manoscritto nel contesto storico e culturale d’origine (con particolare attenzione allo studio e alla trasmissione degli iatrosophia e dei manoscritti illustrati di soggetto medico e naturalistico nei decenni che precedono e seguono la caduta dell’impero). La tesi analizza le caratteristiche dei più noti cicli di illustrazioni di soggetto medico e naturalistico bizantini (copiati anche nel codice oggetto della ricerca) e la loro relazione con i testi che accompagnavano, e studia le dinamiche di trasmissione di queste illustrazione in età paleologa.

Dosimetry and radiation quality in fast-neutron radiation therapy : A study of radiation quality and basic dosimetric properties of fast-neutrons for external beam radiotherapy and problems associated with corrections of measured charged particle cross-sections

Söderberg, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
The dosimetric properties of fast-neutron beams with energies ≤80 MeV were explored using Monte Carlo techniques. Taking into account transport of all relevant types of released charged particles (electrons, protons, deuterons, tritons, 3He and α particles) pencil-beam dose distributions were derived and used to calculate absorbed dose distributions. Broad-beam depth doses in phantoms of different materials were calculated and compared and the scaling factors required for converting absorbed dose in one material to absorbed dose in another derived. The scaling factors were in good agreement with available published data and show that water is a good substitute for soft tissue even at neutron energies as high as 80 MeV. The inherent penumbra and the fraction of absorbed dose due to photon interactions were also studied, and found to be consistent with measured values reported in the literature. Treatment planning in fast-neutron therapy is commonly performed using dose calculation algorithms designed for photon beam therapy. When applied to neutron beams, these algorithms have limitations arising from the physical models used. Monte Carlo derived neutron pencil-beam kernels were parameterized and implemented in the photon dose calculation algorithms of the TMS (MDS Nordion) treatment planning system. It was shown that these algorithms yield good results in homogeneous water media. However, the method used to calculate heterogeneity corrections in the photon dose calculation algorithm did not yield correct results for neutron beams in heterogeneous media. To achieve results with adequate accuracy using Monte Carlo simulations, fundamental cross-section data are needed. Neutron cross-sections are still not sufficiently well known. At the The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden, an experimental facility has been designed to measure neutron-induced charged-particle production cross-sections for (n,xp), (n,xd), (n,xt), (n,x3He) and (n,xα) reactions at neutron energies up to 100 MeV. Depending on neutron energy, these generated particles account for up to 90% of the absorbed dose. In experimental determination of the cross-sections, measured data have to be corrected for the energies lost by the charged particles before leaving the target in which they were generated. To correct for the energy-losses, a computational code (CRAWL) was developed. It uses a stripping method. With the limitation of reduced energy resolution, spectra derived using CRAWL compares well with those derived using other methods. In fast-neutron therapy, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) varies from 1.5 to 5, depending on neutron energy, dose level and biological end-point. LET and other physical quantities, developed within the field of microdosimetry over the past couple of decades, have been used to describe RBE variations between different fast-neutron beams as well as within a neutron irradiated body. In this work, a Monte Carlo code (SHIELD-HIT) capable of transporting all charged particles contributing to absorbed dose, was used to calculate energy-differential charged particle spectra. Using these spectra, values of the RBE related quantities LD, γD, γ* and R were derived and studied as function of neutron energy, phantom material and position in a phantom. Reasonable agreement with measured data in the literature was found and indicates that the quantities may be used to predict RBE variations in an arbitrary fast-neutron beam.

PROGETTO «MENABO'» (1959-1967). GENESI E SVILUPPO DELLA RIVISTA EINAUDIANA ATTRAVERSO LO STUDIO DELLE CARTE D'ARCHIVIO INEDITE / «Menabò» project (1959-1967). Genesis and development of the magazine by Einaudi through the study of unedited archival documents

CAVALLI, SILVIA 25 March 2015 (has links)
Il lavoro è un’indagine sulla genesi e lo sviluppo della rivista «il menabò» (1959-1967), diretta da Elio Vittorini e Italo Calvino e pubblicata da Einaudi, a partire dai materiali epistolari inediti, conservati nel Fondo Giulio Einaudi Editore presso l’Archivio di Stato di Torino e nel Fondo Elio Vittorini presso il Centro Apice dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. L’analisi approfondita dei carteggi ha permesso di ricostruire la storia di una rivista, la quale ha ricoperto un ruolo centrale all’interno del panorama letterario e culturale italiano, ha contribuito a portare notorietà a giovani scrittori esordienti e ha promosso un dibattito critico che ancora oggi può dirsi attuale. / The thesis is an analysis of the genesis and the development of the magazine «il menabò» (1959-1967), directed by Elio Vittorini and Italo Calvino and published by Einaudi, starting from unedited epistolary materials, preserved in the Fondo Giulio Einaudi Editore in the Archivio di Stato in Turin and in the Fondo Elio Vittorini in the Centro Apice of Università degli Studi of Milan. The deep analysis of this correspondence allowed us to reconstruct the history of a magazine which played a key role in the Italian literary and cultural scene, contributed to give fame to newcomer young writers and promoted a critical debate still present nowadays.


GHIDINI, OTTAVIO 13 March 2014 (has links)
La tesi mette a confronto l'opera letteraria di Giacomo Leopardi e quella di Alessandro Manzoni. La tesi è strutturata in tre capitoli. Il primo capitolo raccoglie tutti i dati storico-biografici utili per inquadrare i termini di questo rapporto e si conclude con un dittico dedicato a Monaldo Leopardi, lettore di Manzoni, e a Matilde Manzoni, figlia di Alessandro, lettrice di Leopardi. Il secondo capitolo presenta invece i risultati di una lettura intertestuale, che ha come oggetto principale lo studio di citazioni o allusioni manzoniane nei leopardiani canti pisano-recanatesi. Il terzo capitolo invece mette a confronto le pagine di Leopardi e di Manzoni nelle quali si fa riferimento alla figura storica di Marco Giunio Bruto, personaggio importante della classicità latina, spesso utilizzato come simbolo della Rivoluzione francese. / The thesis compares the literary works of Giacomo Leopardi and Alessandro Manzoni. The thesis is structured in three chapters. The first chapter collects the historical-biographical elements useful to explain the terms of this relationship and ends with two portrait dedicated to Monaldo Leopardi, reader of Manzoni, and Matilde Manzoni, daughter of Alessandro, reader of Leopardi. The second chapter instead presents the results of an intertextual reading, which has as its main subject the study of quotations from or references to Manzoni in the poems written by Leopardi between 1828 and 1830. The third chapter compares the pages of Leopardi and Manzoni about the historical figure of Marcus Junius Brutus, an important figure of the classical latin word, often used as symbol of the French Revolution.

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