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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representing the Past and Future Post-9/11 Manhattan: Jonathan Lethem's Chronic City and Colum McCann's Let the Great World Spin as Disavowing Fiction

Conley, Richard 12 August 2014 (has links)
Jonathan Lethem’s 2009 novel Chronic City and Colum McCann’s 2009 novel Let the Great World Spin can each be read as unique forms of the post-9/11 novel. In this study, I take up the argument that much of the established scholarship analyzing post-9/11 fiction often examines the same set of texts and frequently employs similar theoretical lenses, more often than not a specific form of trauma analysis. I argue that McCann and Lethem’s novels can each be read as unique forms of the post-9/11 novel for the way each work incorporates the Freudian processes of fetishism and disavowal into their respective narratives. In two close readings, I analyze each text to demonstrate how these processes function and what they offer both the authors and readers of the novels.

Analýza letecké dopravy s využitím vhodných kvantitativních metod / Statistical analysis of the Aviation by appropriate quantitative methods

Kadleček, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This Masters Thesis is divided into two parts. A theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part a history of aviation in the Czech Republic and its development is described as well as the division of the aviation and the airspace of the Czech Republic, the demarcation of airports and global events which have an influence on aviation in the Czech Republic. A practical part is focused on the analysis of time series of the capacity utilization of selected Czech airports and the airspace of the Czech Republic from the point of view of the number of the aircraft movements. In this part a proportion of the individual airports in full use of the airspace of the Czech Republic is expressed and the elementary characteristics and descriptive statistics are calculated. Further on an influence of the mentioned global events on the development of on selected airports and in the airspace of the Czech Republic is examined. Last but not least the development of the capacity utilization of the selected time series for 2015 is forecast followed by assessment of the airports´ capacities with an evaluation whether the capacity of the selected airports is sufficient or not.


ZIGLIOLI, BENEDETTA 29 May 2018 (has links)
Il lavoro offre l’edizione critica e commentata del carteggio inedito tra Carlo Betocchi e Giovanni Raboni, disteso lungo un arco cronologico trentennale, fra il 1953 e il 1982. Esso consta di trecentododici lettere, centocinquantasei per ciascun corrispondente, e di un cospicuo numero di allegati: duecentotrentatre testi poetici (circa novanta inediti), quattro saggi e sette lettere, delle quali tre di Betocchi indirizzate ad altri destinatari e quattro a firma di Giambattista Vicari, Gianfranco Contini e Tommaso Landolfi. L’edizione critica presenta in calce a ogni documento un apparato suddiviso in tre fasce: la prima riporta le notizie materiali relative al documento stesso, la seconda accoglie le correzioni dell’autore e altre informazioni, come per esempio le lezioni originali corrette a testo, e la terza è riservata a essenziali note di commento necessarie per contestualizzare e interpretare il contenuto delle lettere. L’introduzione che precede la corrispondenza riporta la descrizione del carteggio, ne riassume i principali temi e propone riflessioni intorno al rapporto tra i due poeti, alla loro vita, alla produzione poetica. La corrispondenza permette di osservare da vicino, seguendone le fasi cronologiche, il rapporto tra un maestro e un discepolo (è stato proprio Betocchi infatti a ‘scoprire’ il giovanissimo Raboni e a farlo conoscere) e di approfondire la vicenda umana e letteraria di due importanti figure del panorama culturale novecentesco. / The paper offers a critical and commented edition of the unpublished over thirty years correspondence between Carlo Betocchi and Giovanni Raboni (1953-1982). It consists of three hundred and twelve letters, one hundred fifty-six for each correspondent, and a large number of attachments: two hundred and thirty texts (about ninety of which unpublished), four essays and seven letters. Three of them are written by Betocchi to other recipients and four are signed by Giambattista Vicari, Gianfranco Contini and Tommaso Landolfi. The apparatus at the end of each document is divided in three parts: (1) the material informations of the document itself; (2) the corrections of the author and other information, such as the original text-correct lessons; (3) essential commentary necessary to contextualize and interpret the content of the letters. The introductory chapters describe the correspondence, summarize the main themes and reflect on the relationship between the two poets, their life, poetic production. The center of this correspondence is the mentor-disciple relationship in its chronological development. The young Raboni indeed owes his reputation to Betocchi. Through their letters literary and human facets of two important figures of the Italian twentieth century cultural panorama are critically shown.


VILLA, VIVIANA FRANCESCA 01 March 2018 (has links)
"Il Libro del Cortegiano" di Baldassarre Castiglione, a stampa nel 1528, costituisce l’archetipo di una florida tradizione: numerosi i trattati e i dialoghi che, dopo il 1528, mettono a fuoco qualità e prerogative richieste a corte, confutando oppure corroborando il modello delineato nel classico cinquecentesco. La dissertazione intende vagliare l’eredità dell’opera di Castiglione isolando alcuni temi rintracciabili in contributi pubblicati in volgare dopo il 1528 e sino al 1640; fra gli autori considerati spiccano Pelegro de Grimaldi, Lucio Paolo Rosello, Giovanni Francesco Commendone, Agostino Nifo e Francesco Baldelli (volgarizzatore dell’opera latina di Nifo), Giovanni Andrea Gilio, Giovan Battista Giraldi, Lorenzo Ducci, Sigismondo Sigismondi, Pietro Andrea Canonieri, Giovanni Capponi, Bernardino Castori, Camillo Baldi, Matteo Peregrini, Giovanni Battista Manzini ed Agostino Mascardi, senza dimenticare i più celebri Stefano Guazzo, Giovanni Della Casa, Torquato Tasso. Le proposte di questi autori sono state accostate ed intrecciate alla voce di Castiglione nei primi tre capitoli della tesi, suggellata da una appendice che presenta e riproduce l’inedito "Dialogo di quello che deve fare un servitore di corte per acquistare la grazia del suo signore e farsi amare da tutto il resto della corte" di Camillo Baldi, custodito presso la Biblioteca Classense di Ravenna. / Baldassarre Castiglione’s "Libro del Cortegiano", printed in 1528, represents the archetype of a flourishing written tradition: refuting or corroborating the model drafted in the sixteenth-century masterpiece, many essays and dialogues published after 1528 have focused on qualities and prerogatives required at court. The present thesis aims at sifting through Castiglione’s heritage, selecting themes and topics from some works printed in Italian between 1528 and 1640; the authors of the books examined are Pelegro de Grimaldi, Lucio Paolo Rosello, Giovanni Francesco Commendone, Agostino Nifo (his essay, first published in Latin, was translated by Francesco Baldelli), Giovanni Andrea Gilio, Giovan Battista Giraldi, Lorenzo Ducci, Sigismondo Sigismondi, Pietro Andrea Canonieri, Giovanni Capponi, Bernardino Castori, Camillo Baldi, Matteo Peregrini, Giovanni Battista Manzini and Agostino Mascardi, not forgetting the more famous Stefano Guazzo, Giovanni Della Casa, Torquato Tasso. These authors’ proposals have been compared with Castiglione’s ideas in the first three chapters of the thesis, which is completed by an appendix that reproduces and analyzes Camillo Baldi’s "Dialogo di quello che deve fare un servitore di corte per acquistare la grazia del suo signore e farsi amare da tutto il resto della corte", an unpublished work located at the Biblioteca Classense of Ravenna.

Bildkompositionens verkan på emotion i film : En komparativ analys av hur bildkomposition används för att förstärka den visuella gestaltningen av huvudkaraktärernas emotioner i filmerna Låt den rätte komma in och Let me in.

Bors, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
Det primära syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på om bildkomposition har en betydande roll i den visuella gestaltningen av karaktärers emotioner. Studien grundas i en kvantitativt riktad komparativ analys som tittar på hur bildkompositionen används som förstärkande medel för den visuella gestaltningen av huvudkaraktärens emotioner och emotionella tillstånd i den svenska filmen Låt den rätte komma in jämfört med den amerikanska versionen av samma berättelse Let me in. Med fokus på de fyra sekvenserna i berättelsen där huvudkaraktären blir utsatt för mobbning. Resultatet visar på att det finns tydliga samband mellan bildkompositionen och den visuella gestaltningen av emotion i båda filmerna. Den svenska versionen visar dock på ett mer gediget bildspråk som skapar fler intressanta associationer mellan bildkompositionen och karaktärens emotioner än den amerikanska versionen. Således blev slutsatsen att bildkomposition är en berättarkomponent som innehar en viktig roll i filmens funktion att beröra.


GATTI, FABIO 21 May 2021 (has links)
Il lavoro è dedicato alle prime nove elegie del quarto libro dei 'Tristia' di Ovidio, scritto durante la sua relegazione a Tomi tra il 10 e l'11 d. C. Il testo è accompagnato da un apparato critico selettivo, che si concentra sui problemi testuali più significativi, discussi nel commento per lemmi delle singole elegie, che affronta tutte le questioni contenutistiche, stilistiche, lessicali e filologiche. Il commento alle singole elegie è preceduto da un'introduzione che discute i temi portanti del singolo componimento. Apre il lavoro un'introduzione generale, che mette in luce architettura e temi più significativi del quarto libro anche in rapporto agli altri libri della raccolta, oltre a ripercorrere la storia della sua tradizione manoscritta e della sua fortuna editoriale. Chiude il lavoro un'ampia e aggiornata bibliografia. / The work is dedicated to the first nine elegies of the fourth book of Ovid's 'Tristia', written during his relegation to Tomi between 10 and 11 AD. The text is accompanied by a selective critical apparatus, which focuses on the most significant textual problems. These issues are discussed in the commentary on the elegies, which addresses all the thematic, stylistic, lexical and philological issues. The commentary is preceded by an introduction that discusses the main and peculiar themes of the elegy. The work includes a general introduction, which highlights the architecture and the most significant themes of the fourth book also in link with the other books in the collection. It also examines the history of its manuscript tradition and its publishing success. An extensive and updated bibliography closes the work.

Utopické prvky Christianie: Hledání ideální společnosti / Utopian Elements of Christiania: Search for an Ideal Society

Medová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis is based on seven-months fieldwork in the Danish commune of Christiania. It sustains a heritage of utopian ideas of a contraculture of the 60s on which it has been created. The thesis examines which aspects of utopia are presented here and asks about the character of these utopian visions. It focuses on the question how the dream, that locals wanted to implement, is still presented in their minds, and how they perceive its realization. I used examples of street art, that is plentifully presented here, as a mediator of ideological background of this community. Its symbolism allowed me to approach values, ideas and world-views of people who already have been living in this area for almost forty years. I used the principles of visual anthropology to reveal meanings contained in visual manifestations in a public space. My research is focused only on people who moved to Christiania in 70s that means those who were present here in the times of forming this community, and who were a part of revolting atmosphere of the 60s and of its ideals. Methods used during my fieldwork are a nonparticipant observation, informal, semi-structural and photographic interviews

Numerical Simulation and Graphical Illustration of Ionization by Charged Particles as a Tool toward Understanding Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation

Mahee, Durude January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Il libro Lambda della Metafisica di Aristotele

Fazzo, Silvia January 2009 (has links)
Parte I: Edizione (Introduzione, Edizione critica, Note sulla costituzione del testo, Traduzione) Parte II: Interpretazione (Studio sul libro Lambda, L'argomento del libro Lambda, Commento) Parte III: Tradizione (Archeologia di una tradizione" e altri saggi e materiali sulla tradizione esegetica del libro Lambda, con particolare riferimento a Alessandro di Afrodisia; Prima trascrizione esistente del commento greco di Georgios Pachymeres al libro Lambda capitoli 1-5)."

Development of an Origami Inspired Composite Deployable Structure Utilizing Compliant Joints as Surrogate Folds

Smith, Samuel Porter 15 September 2021 (has links) (PDF)
This work presents the design and construction of a self-deployable, self-stiffening,and retractable (SDSR) space array from carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP’s) and a working prototype is demonstrated. The effort required developing principles for the design of high-strain composite flexural joints and their integration into angled composite panels. Designing LET arrays in angled panels is explored. Analysis of simple composite LET joints is presented for two degrees of freedom. Validation of the composite LET modeling is sought through numerical methods and empirical testing. Testing of several composite LET joint specimens is conducted and the results are reported. Results indicate that (while not as compact as their isotropic material counterparts) composite laminates can successfully use LET joints as surrogate folds.

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