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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BARBIERI, NICOLETTA ILARIA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Tra il XIX ed il XX secolo, sono stati effettuati diversi studi riguardo al patronato letterario di Isabella d’Este e al mecenatismo praticato verso gli artisti da suo figlio, Federico II Gonzaga, primo duca di Mantova. Una nuova prospettiva di ricerca induce oggi a indagare il ruolo di Federico II come committente letterario, distinto dalla Marchesana Isabella, e i suoi interessi letterari. Vari autori, più o meno celebri, risultano avere avuto relazioni con Federico II Gonzaga, in quanto o gli hanno dedicato le loro opere o lo hanno citato in esse oppure perché è stato loro richiesto di comporre testi dal duca stesso. Molti di questi lavori sono registrati nell’inventario di Federico II, che ci dà alcune idee circa le sue preferenze, rivolte soprattutto alle opere astrologiche e ai testi cavallereschi, e circa le sue relazioni letterarie. Gli scrittori legati a Federico II hanno spesso cercato di procurare vantaggi tramite l’attività letteraria a se stessi e al loro mecenate. Si può ritenere che Federico II fosse inserito in una più ampia rete di relazioni letterarie sviluppatesi intorno alla corte di Mantova e che abbia impiegato la propria cultura letteraria e le opere letterarie come uno strumento di potere. / Between the 19th and the 20th century several studies were carried out with regard to the literary patronage of Isabella d’Este and in connection with the maecenatism practiced towards artists by her son Federico II Gonzaga, first Duke of Mantua. Nowadays, a new perspective of research induces to investigate the role of Federico II as literary client, separated from the Marchesana Isabella, as well as his literary interests. Various more or less famous authors have been found to have had some relationships with Federico II Gonzaga, either because they mentioned him in their works and dedicated them to him, or because they were requested to compose texts by the duke himself. Many of these works are registered in Federico II’s inventory, which gives us some ideas about his literary preferences, particularly directed to astrological works and chivalric texts, and his literary relationships. The writers linked to Federico II often tried to obtain some advantages for themselves and their patron through their literary activity. It can also be maintained that there was a wider network of literary relationship around the court of Mantua, and that Federico II used his literary culture and the literary works as a tool of power.

BALDASSAR CASTIGLIONE - CESARE GONZAGA. Rime e Tirsi. Edizione critica e commentata

VAGNI, GIACOMO 15 April 2013 (has links)
Il lavoro si propone di dare l’edizione critica e commentata della produzione poetica volgare di Baldassar Castiglione e Cesare Gonzaga. Esso ricostruisce dettagliatamente la fortuna e la tradizione dei testi, indagando il contesto storico e geografico in cui le liriche dei due mantovani furono diffuse. Sono affrontati problemi attributivi, con l’espunzione di un testo apocrifo assegnato dalla vulgata a Castiglione, e la pubblicazione di diversi inediti. Il corpus totale delle rime extravaganti si attesta così a 32 componimenti, comprese le sei poesie che compongono la piccola silloge dedicata ad Elisabetta Gonzaga dai due cugini. I testi con tradizione multipla sono dotati di due fasce di apparato, di tipo negativo, in cui si raccolgono le varianti di tradizione, rispettivamente sostanziali e grafico-morfologiche. Il commento discute i rari casi in cui è possibile attribuire le varianti redazionali all’autore. Seguono le ottave pastorali del "Tirsi". Il commento ai testi, attraverso il reperimento di modelli e luoghi paralleli, oltre ad illustrare la progressiva adesione alla rigorosa imitazione petrarchesca (da Rvf e Trionfi) proposta dal Bembo, mostra il rapporto dei due autori con la poesia cortigiana contemporanea. / The paper aims to give a critical and annotated edition of vernacular poems by Baldassar Castiglione and Cesare Gonzaga. It reconstructs in detail the history of the circulation and tradition of the poems, and it examinates the historical and geographical context in which the texts were copied and spread. Attribution problems are discussed, an apocryphal poem is expunged from Castiglione’s corpus, unpublished texts are published. The whole corpus is composed of 32 texts, including the little collection of six lyric poems dedicated to Elisabetta Gonzaga. The negative apparatus is divided into two parts, where text variants and morphological differences between the witnesses are shown. Lyric poems are followed by the eclogue ‘Tirsi’. A commentary is provided, where models and parallel places are illustrated, aiming to highlight how the two poets pursued a faithful imitation of Petrarch poetry, following Pietro Bembo’s teachings, and showing their debts with the XVth Century court poetry.


Calleja, Colin 17 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This research set out to explore how a group of nine educators from a Catholic Church school in Malta, who have attended the Let Me Learn professional Learning process (LMLpLp), experienced personal and professional transformation. This study investigates those factors influencing participants in their transformative learning journey. It also explores the dynamics of transformative learning and whether individual transformation affects the school’s transformative learning experience. More specifically this study set out to explore how teachers who participated in the Let Me Learn professional Learning process have experienced transformative learning. This study takes a qualitative phenomenological approach. It seeks to identify phenomena of personal and professional transformative learning through the perceptions of the educators participating in this study. Through the use of the semi-structured interview it seeks to gather ‘deep’ data. This data represents the voices of these educators in narrative, thus emphasising the importance of the personal perspective and interpretation. This allowed this research to understand the subjective experience, motivation and actions of the participants. The Literature review informs the questions asked during the interview. The interview was used as a tool for gathering information regarding values, attitudes and beliefs of participants. Each interview was transcribed, translated (when response was given in Maltese) and categorised according to Mezirow’s ten stages. Excerpts from each stage were further processed to generate themes. The themes were later streamlined and an acceptable interpretive framework was created. Each interview excerpt was then analysed through the framework. Once all interviews were coded, detailed narratives were written. These narratives are meant to help the reader reflect on the process of transformative learning. It underscores those factors highlighted by the participants, which helped bring about both personal and professional transformative learning. This research has identified that individual constructs are strongly determined by an individual’s personal learning characteristics. Awareness of these personal learning characteristics (self-knowledge) helped educators assess their practice and understand how their personal characteristics were determining their approach to teaching and affecting their interpersonal relationships with students and colleagues. This research showed that transformative learning is a mutually interdependent experience. Individual transformation amounts to, and is influenced by, the collective transformation. This study highlighted the role of the school community in the pursuit of personal transformation. Yet another important finding of this research is the importance of a shared language of possibility. Through a shared language, a learning community can create a dialogic environment through which intentions, beliefs and interventions can be shared among the professional community. This research accentuates the importance of a shared language as a means of articulating a change in perspective. The study identified three main agents of change. The Let Me Learn team, as promoters and experts of this particular learning process; the teachers, who internalised the process and applied it to their practice; and the school’s senior management team, who internalised the Process, positioned it into the larger vision of the school and created a conducive environment through which the whole school community was empowered to take responsibility to bring about change in practice. A number of implications emerge from this study that could inform policy on teacher professional learning. A major implication concerns the importance of a shared language – a language that reflects the shared values and ideological position of the community. Such language frames the learning process, makes learning visible for teachers to be able to respond effectively with strategies that respect each learner’s learning preference and makes learning visible to the learner himself. Another implication from this study arises from the finding that the transformative learning process of any individual educator and effectively of the whole school community, goes beyond the effectiveness and limitations of any one professional development programme. True and deep-seated transformative learning comes from within the individual educator. This statement has serious repercussions on any professional development programme that aims to aid participants in their quest to transform their practice. This study also emphasised the importance that any professional development needs to be seated in the local experience and needs of the school community. Any attempts at developing comprehensive, nation-wide projects with pre-packaged approaches, are doomed to fail. What this research has shown is that for effective professional development, the identified outcomes need to correspond to the local needs of the school, rather than the national guidelines, detached from the realities of the particular school. Finally, this study accentuated the importance of incorporating mentoring support in any professional development proposal. Delivery of information and skills without follow-up tend to lead to superficial application. Transformative learning presupposes a period of shared reflection on practice and collegial mediation of ideas through contact between teachers and their leaders and on-the-job support from their professional development mentors.

Dionigi l'Areopagita e l'origenismo siriaco. Edizione critica e studio storico-dottrinale del trattato sui Nomi divini nella versione di Sergio di Res'ayna

Fiori, Emiliano Bronislaw <1981> 22 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.


ANTONINI, GABRIELE 19 March 2015 (has links)
Seppur premiata da una fortuna minore rispetto a quella occorsa alle opere narrative, la produzione teatrale di Svevo rappresenta una parentesi determinante della sua carriera letteraria: il triestino, infatti, ci ha lasciato un corpus teatrale significativo, composto da tredici copioni, distribuiti su un arco biografico che si estende dal 1880, anno dell’Ariosto governatore, fino ad arrivare, con La rigenerazione, agli anni immediatamente precedenti alla morte. Si consideri, inoltre, che quella per il teatro fu una passione che accompagnò Svevo per l’intera esistenza, sia come frequentatore di spettacoli tanto in Italia quanto all’estero, sia come critico per le più importanti testate triestine. Per questi motivi, è parso opportuno in questo lavoro di ricerca tornare su un tema – quello delle commedie di Svevo – meno considerato dalla critica. Nella prima sezione della tesi, intitolata Svevo e il teatro, dopo un rapido profilo della critica e della storia delle rappresentazioni, si è cercato di delineare i confini del rapporto che unì Svevo al mondo del palcoscenico. Nella seconda sezione di del lavoro, intitolata Trasgressione, ribellione e falsificazione nel teatro sveviano, sono state prese in analisi le pièces del triestino; le commedie sono state raggruppate in base a tre nuclei tematici: trasgressione, ribellione e falsificazione. / Although rewarded by a minor fortune than that which occurred to the novels, Svevo’s plays are a determinant parenthesis of his literary career: in fact, the writer has left thirteen commedies, distributed over a biographical arch which extends from 1880, the year of Ariosto governatore, up to, with La rigenerazione, the years immediately preceding his death. Consider, too, that the theater was a passion that accompanied Svevo for the whole of life, both as a frequenter of shows in Italy and abroad, both as a critic for the most important newspapers in Trieste. For these reasons, it seemed appropriate in this research back on a theme - that of Svevo’s plays - less regarded by critics. In the first section of the thesis, entitled Svevo e il teatro, after a short outline of the criticism and of the history of representations, we tried to delineate the borders of the relationship that joined Svevo to the world of the stage. In the second section of the work, entitled Trasgressione, ribellione e falsificazione nel teatro sveviano, were taken into analysis the plays; comedies were grouped according to three themes: transgression, rebellion and forgery.

AUCTORICTAS HOMERICA? OMERO E LA CULTURA GRECA D'ETA' CLASSICA / Auctoritas Homerica? Homer and the Greek culture of the classical period.

NOVA, ISABELLA 17 March 2015 (has links)
Questo lavoro ha per oggetto il trattamento degli episodi del ciclo troiano presenti, da un lato, nei poemi omerici, e, dall’altro, nella letteratura e nell’arte figurativa di età classica. L’obiettivo è quello di stabilire quale fosse l’autorità dell’Iliade e dell’Odissea nel V e IV secolo per gli autori e gli artisti che si trovavano a riprendere i medesimi argomenti. Attraverso un esame attento dei casi in cui si riscontrano differenze tra la riproposizione di età classica e la versione dei poemi omerici, è emerso, da un lato, che le differenze rispetto a Omero non costituiscono casi sporadici, ma sono documentabili in numerosi testi e in numerose rappresentazioni. Dall’altro, che, soppesando prudentemente le diverse possibilità, ne risulta un quadro diversificato, in cui l’influenza della versione omerica può essere considerata possibile o da escludere. Il valore canonico che è attribuito ai poemi omerici in età successive non è quindi rintracciabile già nell’età classica: la versione omerica non era che una tra le tante a cui era possibile ispirarsi nella trattazione di un episodio del ciclo troiano. / This research focuses on the handling of the episodes belonging to the Trojan cycle which appear both in the Homeric epics and in the literature and iconography of the classical period. It aims at showing if an ipothetic authority of the Iliad and the Odyssey in the 5th and 4th century was determining for artists and authors who dealt with the same subjects. Through a careful analysis of the differences between the version which appears in the classical age and in the Homeric one, it is possible to state that these differences are not sporadic, but they can be found in a number of texts and representations. Moreover, taking into account every possible explanation, the resulting picture is a variegated one, made up of cases where the influence of the Homeric version may be considered as possible and cases where it has to be excluded. In conclusion, the canonical value which is attributed to the poems in later times can’t be detected in the classical age: the Homeric version is just one out of many legends to which it was possible to make reference while dealing with an episode of the Trojan cycle.

Il Virgilio mansuetus di Salvatore Quasimodo, traduttore e interprete delle Georgiche / Salvatore Quasimodo as Virgilio's translator and interpreter

GRIMOLDI, MARIA 13 February 2013 (has links)
La scelta di studiare il Fiore delle Georgiche è motivata dallo spazio di approfondimento ancora aperto sull’attività di Quasimodo traduttore, soprattutto alla luce delle carte autografe custodite presso il Centro di ricerca sulla tradizione manoscritta di autori moderni e contemporanei dell’Università di Pavia. L’indagine rivela le motivazioni della decisione da parte del poeta siciliano di leggere il «Virgilio … mansuetus della Georgiche» e la presenza di cospicue affinità tematiche tra l’immaginario poetico quasimodiano e il poema latino, a partire dal grande tema della natura, cosmica e georgica insieme, e dalla presenza dei quattro elementi primordiali (aria, terra, fuoco, acqua) come parole-chiave dell’interpretazione del poeta. Altri motivi comuni sono: il mito dell’Eden, il binomio amore-morte e il mito di Orfeo. La versione di Quasimodo sul piano dei contenuti e dell’espressione rivela la tendenza ad attenuare i concetti maggiormente connotati dal punto di vista della cultura e del contesto storico augusteo. Il poeta traduttore crea un nuovo testo che, improntato ad accentuare la componente lirica rispetto a quella didascalica, trasmetta un messaggio universalmente valido e più vicino al lettore a lui contemporaneo. Lo studio delle carte autografe ha fugato qualunque dubbio sull’originalità dell’operazione quasimodiana e ha rivelato la serietà nell’approccio alla traduzione. / The decision to study the Fiore delle Georgiche derives from the research space still open over the activity of Quasimodo as a translator, above all in light of the autograph papers kept at the research center on manuscript tradition of modern and contemporary authors of Pavia’ University. The study reveals the reason for the decision of Quasimodo to read Virgilio as mansuetus poet of Georgics and the presence of many affinities of contents between the poetic imaginary of the Sicilian poet and the latin poem, starting from the great theme of nature, cosmic and georgic at the same time, and for the presence of the four primordial elements (air, earth, fire, water) as key words of the interpretation of the poet. Other common subjects are: the myth of Eden, the couple love-death and the myth of Orpheus. The version of Quasimodo from the point of view of contents and expression reveals the tendency to attenuate the concepts mainly characterized by culture and by the augusteus historical context. The translator poet creates a new text that, marked by a stronger lyrical component rather than didactic, sends a universally valid message and closer to his contemporary readers. The study of the autograph papers has dispelled any doubt over the novelty of the work by Quasimodo and has revealed the seriousness in the approach to the translation.


MARCHESI, VALENTINA BARBARA 04 April 2011 (has links)
Eugenio Montale (1896-1981) ha esercitato la professione di critico letterario per tutta la vita. A partire dal 1920 e poi sino alla morte, Montale ha collaborato con numerosi periodici e con le più importanti riviste letterarie del suo tempo. Nel 1948 viene poi assunto al "Corriere della sera", a Milano: qui diventa giornalista per mestiere e si dedica alla divulgazione della letteratura italiana ed europea, con una particolare attenzione a quelle inglese e francese. La presente ricerca analizza le sue prose critiche, individuandone le linee principali: autori e libri recensiti, temi e questioni culturali che Montale analizza nel corso della sua attività. Alcune figure di scrittori, critici e filosofi (Sergio Solmi, Emilio Cecchi, Benedetto Croce, Roberto Bazlen) rappresentano i confini ideali di un'idea di poesia, che Montale mostra nelle sue prose: dialogando con questi personaggi, egli riflette infatti sui principali problemi della cultura e della letteratura contemporanee. Lo stile critico di Montale si colloca perciò tra il giornalismo e la saggistica. Nell'ultima parte della ricerca si è cercato di individuare alcune importanti intersezioni tra prosa critica, prosa narrativa e poesia, che convivono nell'attività montaliana. / Eugenio Montale (1896-1981) has been a literary critic as long as he lived. Since 1920 till death, Montale worked together with many newspapers and with the most important literary reviews of his period. In 1948 was assumed at «Corriere della sera», in Milan: here he became a journalist as a job and dedicated himself to disclosure Italian and European literature, with a particular attention for English and French ones. This essay analyzes his critical proses, identifying their main themes: authors and books reviewed, themes and cultural issues which Montale wrote about as long as he wrote. Some figures of writers, critics and philosophers (Sergio Solmi, Emilio Cecchi, Benedetto Croce, Roberto Bazlen) represent the ideal boundaries for an idea of poetry, which Montale points in his proses: communicating with these figures, he reflects upon the main issues of contemporary culture and literature. Montale’s critical style can infact be placed between journalism and literary criticism. In the last part of this essays it has been tried to find out some important junctions between literary essays, narrative proses and poetry, living all together in Montale’s activity.

Ciblage de MYC par étude de l'axe LIN28B/let-7 et de l'initiation de la traduction dans le myélome multiple / Targeting MYC in multiple myeloma by interfering with the LIN28B/let-7 axis and inhibiting translation initiation

Manier, Salomon 04 July 2017 (has links)
Le Myélome Multiple (MM) est une hémopathie maligne caractérisée par la prolifération de plasmocytes tumoraux médullaires. MYC occupe un rôle central dans l'oncogenèse du MM car son activation est responsable de la progression du stade précurseur de MGUS en MM symptomatique. Dans ce travail, nous rapportons que l’expression de LIN28B est corrélée à celle de MYC et est associée à un mauvais pronostic dans le MM. Nous montrons que l'axe LIN28B/let-7 module l'expression de l’ARNm de MYC, lui-même cible de let-7. De plus, la perturbation de l'axe LIN28B/let-7 induit une régulation la prolifération des lignées cellulaires de MM in vitro et in vivo. L'analyse par séquençage d’ARN de modèles de KO par utilisation de la technologie CRISPR a montré que l'axe LIN28B/let-7 régule les voies de signalisation de MYC et du cycle cellulaire dans MM. Nous avons de plus établi une preuve de principe thérapeutique de la possibilité de cibler MYC par l’emploi de LNA-GapmeR contenant une séquence analogue à let-7b. Dans un modèle de xénogreffe murin, nous montrons que des niveaux élevés d'expression de let-7, par administration de LNA-GapmeR let-7b, répriment la croissance tumorale en régulant l’expression de MYC. Ces résultats révèlent un nouveau mécanisme de ciblage thérapeutique de MYC via l'axe LIN28B/let-7 dans MM. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à évaluer de nouvelles formes de biomarqueurs moléculaires dans le MM par étude des miARN contenus dans les exosomes circulants. Nous avons examiné le rôle pronostique des miARN exosomaux dans une cohorte de 156 échantillons de patients uniformément traités pour un MM au diagnostic. Après analyse du profil de miARN exosomaux par séquençage de nouvelle génération, nous avons utilisé technique de qRT-PCR pour étudier la corrélation entre le niveau d’expression de 22 miARN et la survie sans progression (SSP) et la survie globale (SG). Deux miARN, à savoir let-7b et miR-18a, étaient significativement associés à la SSP et SG en analyse univariée, et étaient statistiquement significatifs après ajustement pour le système international de stratification du risque (ISS) et les marqueurs cytogénétique en analyse multivariée. Nos résultats confirment le niveau d’expression des miARN let-7b et miR-18a au sein des exosomes circulants permettent d’améliorer la stratification du risque chez les patients atteints de MM. Enfin, pour mieux comprendre le programme oncogénique piloté par MYC, nous avons étudié l’efficacité thérapeutique d’une librairie de petites sur des lignées cellulaires avec une forte expression de MYC, dans le MM. Les résultats ont permis d’identifier les rocaglates, une famille de composés inhibant l’initiation de la traduction, comme étant les plus actifs. L’étude du profil transcriptionnel par séquençage de l’ARN de lignées cellulaires de MM traitées par CMLD010509 ou DMSO a révélé l’activation d’un programme de transcription et l’inhibition d’un programme traductionnel, caractéristique de l’inactivation de HSF1 secondaire à l’inhibition de la traduction. Le profile traductionnel était étudié par spectrométrie de masse quantitative, permettant d’identifier un ensemble de protéines, tels que MYC, MDM2, CCND1, MAF et MCL-1, spécifiquement affectées par l’inhibition de la traduction liée au composé CMLD010509 dans le MM. Nous avons confirmé l’efficacité thérapeutique des rocaglates dans plusieurs modèles murins de MM. Ces résultats démontrent la possibilité de cibler le programme de traduction oncogénique lié à MYC dans MM. / MYC is a major oncogenic driver of Multiple Myeloma (MM) and yet almost no therapeutic agents exist that target MYC in MM. Here we report that the let-7 biogenesis inhibitor LIN28B correlates with MYC expression in MM and is associated with adverse outcome. We also demonstrate that the LIN28B/let-7 axis modulates the expression of MYC, itself a let-7 target. Further, perturbation of the axis regulates the proliferation of MM cells in vivo in a xenograft tumor model. RNA-sequencing and gene set enrichment analyses of CRISPR-engineered cells suggested that the LIN28/let-7 axis regulates MYC and cell cycle pathways in MM. We provide proof of principle for therapeutic regulation of MYC through let-7 with an LNA-GapmeR (locked nucleic acid-GapmeR) containing a let-7b mimic in vivo, demonstrating that high levels of let-7 expression repress tumor growth by regulating MYC expression. These findings reveal a novel mechanism of therapeutic targeting of MYC through the LIN28B/let-7 axis in MM. We next sought to establish new biomarkers in MM, enable to capture the molecular alterations of the disease. For this purpose, we examined the prognostic significance of circulating exosomal microRNAs (miRNAs) in a cohort of 156 patients with newly diagnosed MM, uniformly treated and followed. Circulating exosomal miRNAs were isolated and used to perform small RNA sequencing analysis on 10 samples and a qRT-PCR array on 156 samples. We studied the relationship between miRNA levels and patient outcomes including progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). We identified miRNAs as the most predominant small RNAs present in exosomes isolated from the serum of MM patients and healthy controls by small RNA sequencing of circulating exosomes and used a qRT-PCR assay to measure the expression of 22 exosomal miRNAs. Two of them, namely let-7b and miR-18a, were significantly associated with both PFS and OS in the univariate analysis, and were still statistically significant after adjusting for the International Staging System (ISS), and adverse cytogenetics in the multivariate analysis. Our findings support the use of circulating exosomal let-7b and miR-18a improves the identification of patients with newly diagnosed MM with poor outcomes. Finally, to better understand the oncogenic program driven by MYC and investigate its potential as a therapeutic target, we screened a chemically diverse small molecule library for anti-MM activity in cell lines with high expression of MYC. The most potent hits identified were rocaglate-scaffold inhibitors of translation initiation. Expression profiling of MM cells revealed reversion of the oncogenic MYC-driven transcriptional program by CMLD010509, the most promising rocaglate. Proteome-wide, reversion correlated with selective depletion of short-lived proteins that are key to MM growth and survival, most notably MYC, MDM2, CCND1, MAF, and MCL-1. The efficacy of CMLD010509 in several mouse models of MM confirmed the therapeutic relevance of these findings in vivo and supports the feasibility of targeting the oncogenic MYC-driven translation program in MM with rocaglates.

The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on the induction of DNA strand breaks in plasmid DNA and colony formation of PC Cl3 mammalian cells by alpha-, beta-, and Auger electron emitters 223Ra, 188Re, and 99mTc

Runge, Roswitha, Oehme, Liane, Kotzerke, Jörg, Freudenberg, Robert 16 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
BACKGROUND: DNA damage occurs as a consequence of both direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation. The severity of DNA damage depends on the physical characteristics of the radiation quality, e.g., the linear energy transfer (LET). There are still contrary findings regarding direct or indirect interactions of high-LET emitters with DNA. Our aim is to determine DNA damage and the effect on cellular survival induced by (223)Ra compared to (188)Re and (99m)Tc modulated by the radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). METHODS: Radioactive solutions of (223)Ra, (188)Re, or (99m)Tc were added to either plasmid DNA or to PC Cl3 cells in the absence or presence of DMSO. Following irradiation, single strand breaks (SSB) and double strand breaks (DSB) in plasmid DNA were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. To determine the radiosensitivity of the rat thyroid cell line (PC Cl3), survival curves were performed using the colony formation assay. RESULTS: Exposure to 120 Gy of (223)Ra, (188)Re, or (99m)Tc leads to maximal yields of SSB (80 %) in plasmid DNA. Irradiation with 540 Gy (223)Ra and 500 Gy (188)Re or (99m)Tc induced 40, 28, and 64 % linear plasmid conformations, respectively. DMSO prevented the SSB and DSB in a similar way for all radionuclides. However, with the α-emitter (223)Ra, a low level of DSB could not be prevented by DMSO. Irradiation of PC Cl3 cells with (223)Ra, (188)Re, and (99m)Tc pre-incubated with DMSO revealed enhanced survival fractions (SF) in comparison to treatment without DMSO. Protection factors (PF) were calculated using the fitted survival curves. These factors are 1.23 ± 0.04, 1.20 ± 0.19, and 1.34 ± 0.05 for (223)Ra, (188)Re, and (99m)Tc, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: For (223)Ra, as well as for (188)Re and (99m)Tc, dose-dependent radiation effects were found applicable for plasmid DNA and PC Cl3 cells. The radioprotection by DMSO was in the same range for high- and low-LET emitter. Overall, the results indicate the contribution of mainly indirect radiation effects for each of the radionuclides regarding DNA damage and cell survival. In summary, our findings may contribute to fundamental knowledge about the α-particle induced DNA damage.

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