Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lexicography"" "subject:"lexicographe""
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Die behandeling van zero-ekwivalensie in tweetalige woordeboekeRademeyer, Linda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In lexicography different types of equivalent relations can be identified regarding bilingual dictionaries namely full equivalence, partial equivalence and zero equivalence. Zero equivalence prevails where the target language has no item to be co-coordinated as a translation equivalent with a lemma representing a source language item. Lexical gaps occur where a language lacks a word for a given concept. Dagut (1981) identifies different types of semantic gaps in the transfer of a text from one language to another. He distinguishes between gaps due to linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. These two categories are called linguistic and referential gaps respectively. A solution for the above mentioned lexicographic problem is given in the present theory of zero equivalence namely surrogate equivalents.
The present theory of zero equivalence is expanded in this thesis by making specific reference to its occurrence in Pharos (2005). Different factors that lead to zero-equivalence are discussed and these factors are used to identify different types of zero equivalence. These types of zero equivalence are the following: zero equivalence caused by linguistic and referential gaps as well as grammatical zero equivalence and partial zero equivalence.
In a multilingual society like South Africa where many different culture groups exist and people are encouraged to learn an additional language many different types of bilingual dictionaries are needed. When two languages are compared with each other during the compilation of a bilingual dictionary the lexicographer will always be confronted with zero equivalence, especially when the users of the two languages have vastly different cultures. Thus it is necessary to expand on the present theory of zero equivalence within the South African context.
In the last section of the thesis the different options at the lexicographer‟s disposal in dealing with the different types of zero equivalence are discussed. Another aspect that gets attention throughout this thesis is the dictionary users of certain dictionaries, among others Pharos (2005), and their specific needs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die leksikografie word daar tussen verskillende ekwivalentverhoudinge wat in tweetalige woordeboeke voorkom, onderskei, naamlik absolute ekwivalensie, gedeeltelike ekwivalensie en zero-ekwivalensie. Zero-ekwivalensie ontstaan wanneer die doeltaal nie ‟n item het wat as ‟n vertaalekwivalent gekoördineer kan word met ‟n lemma van die brontaal nie. Leksikale gapings kom voor wanneer ‟n taal nie ‟n woord vir ‟n spesifieke konsep het nie. Dagut (1981) identifiseer verskillende semantiese gapings na aanleiding van linguistiese en ekstra-linguistiese faktore. Hierdie twee kategorieë staan afsonderlik as linguistiese en referensiële gapings bekend. ‟n Oplossing vir dié leksikografiese probleem is surrogaatekwivalente, wat in die bestaande teorie van zero-ekwivalensie aanbeveel word.
Hierdie tesis brei uit op die bestaande teorie van zero-ekwivalensie in die leksikografie deur onder andere spesifiek na die hantering daarvan in Pharos (2005) te verwys. Daar word aandag geskenk aan die verskillende faktore wat aanleiding tot die verskynsel van zero-ekwivalensie gee. Op grond van hierdie faktore word verskillende tipes zero-ekwivalensie geïdentifiseer; naamlik zero-ekwivalensie wat as gevolg van linguistiese of referensiële gapings ontstaan asook grammatiese zero-ekwivalensie en gedeeltelike zero-ekwivalensie.
In ‟n meertalige gemeenskap soos Suid-Afrika waar daar verskeie kultuurgroepe voorkom en mense aangemoedig word om ‟n addisionele taal aan te leer, word verskeie soorte tweetalige woordeboeke benodig. Wanneer enige twee tale vergelyk word, word die leksikograaf met zero-ekwivalensie gekonfronteer veral wanneer die taalpaar wat in die tweetalige woordeboek aan bod kom wat kultuur betref uitermate van mekaar verskil. Dit is dus nodig om binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks die teorie van zero-ekwivalensie uit te brei. Daar word in die laaste afdeling van hierdie tesis aandag geskenk aan die verskillende opsies wat die leksikograaf tot sy beskikking het om die verskillende tipes zero-ekwivalensie te hanteer. Nog ‟n aspek wat deurgaans aandag geniet, is die gebruikers van spesifieke woordeboeke, byvoorbeeld Pharos (2005), en die behoeftes van dié gebruikers.
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'n Vertalersperspektief op enkele terkortkominge in algemene en gespesialiseerde woordeboekeBoshoff, Ilene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is no new news that the use of a bilingual dictionary forms part of the day-to-day
process of communication within a multilingual society like the one we live in.
Whether it is a student, expert, language practitioner or a translator consulting a
specific dictionary for meaning, spelling, pronunciation or grammatical information, it
is of the utmost importance that that dictionary (regarding its macro as well as micro
structure) is compiled in a such a way that the user is at all times capable of optimal
retrieval of information.
Bilingual dictionaries, whether general or specialised, are probably one of the most
important sources of information that a translator has to his/her disposal. The most
common problem that so often arises in this case, is the fact that these dictionaries are
never really compiled with the translator, as possible user thereof, in mind. Because
lexicographers in general do not bare in mind that the average translator (who, in the
field of specialised language, is actually no more than a layman) may approach the
specific dictionary for help, the vast majority of translators often experience great
difficulty with the effectiveness of bilingual dictionaries with regard to a) the type of
data that is brought about as well as b) the way in which this data is treated and
presented in these dictionaries.
The way in which aspects such as the correct way of indicating among other things
equivalent relations and the use of, for example, context and cotext guidance, are
supposed to be applied in order to ensure optimal information retrieval and,
subsequently, that the user (which, in this case, is the translator) benefits from this,.
should be studied thoroughly beforehand. The importance of other aspects such as
lexicographical functions, specific user needs and the influence of cultural gaps on the
data found in dictionaries, may also not be ignored when planning the structure and
compilation of a bilingual dictionary. All these aspects are supposed to be treated as a
lexicographical duty. And this goes for any bilingual dictionary. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is nie nuwe nuus dat die gebruik van 'n vertalende woordeboek deel vorm van die
daaglikse proses van kommunikasie binne 'n multitalige samelewing soos ons eie nie.
Hetsy dit 'n student, vakkundige, taalpraktisyn of vertaler is wat 'n betrokke
tweetalige woordeboek raadpleeg ter wille van betekenis, spelling, uitspraak of
grammatikale inligting, is dit van die uiterste belang dat daardie woordeboek (wat die
spesifieke gebruiker met 'n doel gekies het) op so 'n wyse saamgestel is (wat mikrosowel
as makrostrukturele aspekte betref) dat die gebruiker te alle tye tot optimale
inligtingsonttrekking in staat is.
Vertalende woordeboeke, hetsyalgemene of vakwoordeboeke, is waarskynlik een van
die heel belangrikste inligtingsbronne wat 'n vertaler tot sy/haar beskikking het. Die
algemeenste probleem wat so dikwels hier ter sprake kom, is die feit dat sulke
woordeboeke as't ware nooit saamgestel word met die oog op die vertaler as
moontlike gebruiker daarvan nie. Omdat leksikograwe oor die algemeen nie III
gedagte hou dat vertalers (wat veralop die gebied van vaktaal basies niks anders as
leke is nie) dalk die betrokke woordeboek sal nader vir hulp nie, ondervind die
oorgrote meerderheid vertalers meestal probleme met die doeltreffendheid van
vertalende woordeboeke ten opsigte van a) die tipe data wat daargestel word asook b)
die manier waarop hierdie data bewerk word en aangebied word.
Die mamer waarop aspekte soos die korrekte aanduiding van onder andere
ekwivalentverhoudinge en die gebruik van byvoorbeeld konteks- en koteksleiding
toegepas moet word ten einde optimale inligtingsonttrekking te verseker en,
vervolgens, tot voordeel van die gebruiker (in hierdie geval die vertaler) te kan lei,
moet vooraf deeglik bestudeer word. Die belangrikheid van ander kwessies soos
leksikografiese funksies, spesifieke gebruikersbehoeftes en die invloed van kulturele
gapings op die data wat in woordeboeke aangetref word, kan ook nie buite rekening
gelaat word wanneer die struktuur en samestelling van 'n vertalende woordeboek
beplan word nie. Al hierdie aspekte behoort as 'n leksikografiese plig behandel te
word. En dit geld vir enige vertalende woordeboek.
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Zur Konzeption eines einsprachigen deutschen Lernerworterbuchs : Vorschlage fur die lexikographische Textgestaltung aus benutzerorientierter PerspektiveVan der Colff, Adri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Modern Foreign Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 1996. / Objective: This study presents a conception for compiling a monolingual German
learner's dictionary. It is a theoretical blueprint which formulates guidelines regarding the
choice and treatment ofinformation types suited for inclusion in such a dictionary. The
conception is ''user oriented". In other words, its main focus is on the target users: nonnative
speakers ofGerman who have reached an intermediate level of proficiency in their
active and passive usage ofthe language. The deciding factor when suggestions are made
regarding the selection, arrangement and typographical appearance of all lexicographical
information is its relevance for this target group. In order for it to be an aid to foreign
language learners while reading, writing and translating texts, information is presented in a
simple and an easily retrievable way. The conception also aspires to help learners
overcome their communicative problems and needs as well as to improve their linguistic
competence. However, the ultimate aim ofthis dissertation is not only to provide a
theoretical blueprint for a German learner's dictionary, but to have some practical
significance as well. It is hoped that these recommendations will go some way towards
stimulating the presently underdeveloped German pedagogical lexicographical practice.
Contents: The study is structured to include all the vital aspects that are ofsignificance
for the compilation of a learner's dictionary. It begins with a discussion of a number of
pedagogical-lexicographical issues, such as the role of a learner's dictionary as a means of
improving communicative proficiency in language teaching. The focus then moves on to
the main objective, namely concrete proposals for the dictionary blueprint. While these
proposals are based on up-to-date metalexicographical and linguistic theoretical
conclusions, the deciding factor is that they must be practically applicable. First, the draft
dictionary is typologically characterised by means of a precise and detailed description of
the target user profile and potential usage situation~. Secondly, a discussion of general
criteria, mainly aimed at improving the quick and easy retrieval of linguistic information,
follows. Then, the contents and form ofthose texts that are not within the central
alphabetical wordlist, such as the user's guide and grammar, as well as the internal
reference structure ofthe dictionary (mediostructure) are highlighted. Subsequently, the selection of information in the draft dictionary is examined. This includes both the choice
oflemmas (macrostructural selection) and the collection of linguistic information types
suited for inclusion (microstructural selection). Not only does the conception recommend
a relatively small number oflemmas (15 000), exclusively retrieved from the most
common and frequently used standardised High German, but the number of information
types is also restricted. This results is a low information density which in tum allows for a
low text density and a high degree of accessiblity. Although decisions regarding the
presentation ofvarious lexicographical information categories are linguistically motivated,
linguistic comprehensiveness must occasionally bow the knee before pragmatic
considerations. These improve the reception and retrievablitiy of data and enhance the
user's chances of a sound understanding. A favourable visual presentation, including a
low information density and transparent typographical layout, are also emphasised
throughout. Finally, suggestions for the organisation and presentation oflemmas on the
one hand and individual information types within the dictionary article on the other are
presented. Sample entries provide a clear demonstration of all suggestions. In conclusion,
the wider aspects ofhow the dictionary conceptualised in this thesis can be adapted to
compile specialist pedagogical dictionaries, such as a production dictionary and a bilingual
learner's dictionary which incorporates mother-tongue elements, are presented.
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The standard translation dictionary as an instrument in the standardization of FangAfane Otsaga, Thierry 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation offers metalexicographical criteria for the compilation
of standard translation dictionaries in non-standardized languages. It
particularly focuses on the role that the proposed dictionary model can
play in the language standardization, with special reference to Fang.
These criteria are based on different theoretical frameworks. Criteria
for the dictionary structure are particularly based on Hausmann &
Wiegand's General Theory of Lexicography, while a discussion of the
role that dictionaries can play in the standardization process of
languages is particularly based on criteria introduced by Zgusta. This
dissertation is structured as follows:
• Chapter 1, Introduction and problem statement, presents the
motivation for the choice of the present topic, as well as the
theoretical frameworks that I use to build my
metalexicographical criteria.
• Chapter 2, Fang and its dialects, focuses on the concerned
language and its dialects. Apart from a historical overview of the
Fang people, a wide inventory of works that have been
implemented in Fang, as well as the choice and the motivation of
the standard dialect are presented.
• Chapter 3, Dictionaries and corpora, highlights the strong
relationship between the compilation of modern dictionaries and electronic corpora. More precisely this chapter intends to
demonstrate the importance of electronic corpora in the
lexicographic practice. In this regard, the importance of some
software and new corpus methods are also demonstrated.
• Chapter 4, Aspects of the dictionary structure, mainly focuses on
different structures of the dictionary and how data should be
spread and organized in each dictionary component. A detailed
account is given of the structure of each dictionary component.
• Chapter 5, Dictionaries and standardization, focuses on the main
purpose of the dissertation and demonstrates why and how the
dictionary can be an instrument in the standardization process of
languages, with specific reference to Fang.
• Chapter 6, Concluding remarks, reviews all chapters by
highlighting the focal points of each of them. Some perspectives
or potential new developments are foreseen in order to pave the
way for the elaboration of new theoretical frameworks and the
improvement of the proposed dictionary model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif bied metaleksikografiese kriteria vir die samestelling
van standaard vertalende woordeboeke vir nie-gestandaardiseerde
tale. Die fokus is veralop die rol wat die voorgestelde
woordeboekmodel kan speel in taalstandaardisering, met spesifieke
verwysing van Fang. Hierdie kriteria is gebaseer op verskillende
teoretiese raamwerke. Kriteria vir die woordeboekstruktuur is veral
gebaseer op Hausmann en Wiegand se algemene leksikografieteorie,
terwyl 'n bespreking van die rol van woordeboeke in die
standaardiseringsproses van tale veral gebaseer is op kriteria wat deur
Zgusta voorgestel is. Die proefskrif is soos volg saamgestel:
• Hoofstuk 1 bied 'n motivering vir die keuse van die betrokke
onderwerp asook vir die teoretiese raamwerke waarvolgens die
metaleksikografiese kriteria geformuleer is.
• Hoofstuk 2 fokus op die betrokke taal, Fang, en sy dialekte. Naas
'n historiese oorsig van die Fang sprekers word 'n wye keuse uit
die Fang literatuur asook die keuse van 'n standaarddialek aan
die orde gestel.
• Hoofstuk 3 wys op die sterk verhouding tussen die samestelling
van 'n moderne woordeboek en elektroniese korpora. Hierdie
hoofstuk benadruk die belang van elektroniese korpora vir die
leksikografiese praktyk. In hierdie verband word daar ook
verwys na die belang van sekere sagtewareprodukte asook nuwe
• Hoofstuk 4 is veral gerig op die verskillende
woordeboekstrukture en op hoe data versprei en in die
verskillende woordeboekkomponente aangebied moet word. Die
struktuur van elke woordeboekkomponent word in besonderhede
• Hoofstuk 5 fokus op die hoofdoel van die proefskrif en wys hoe
en waarom In woordeboek, met spesifieke verwysing na die
situasie van Fang, In instrument kan wees in die
taa Istandaardiseri ngsproses.
• Hoofstuk 6 gee In oorsig oor die voorafgaande hoofstukke en
wys op sekere belangrike aspekte wat bespreek is. Nuwe
ontwikkelinge wat voorsien word om die weg te baan vir die
ontwerp van nuwe teoretiese raamwerke ter verbetering van die
voorgestelde model word beklemtoon.
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Die impak van die leksikografieteorie op die samestelling van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse TaalBotha, Willem 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although work on the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal started in the pretheoretic
era of lexicography, it was originally the wish of the editorial staff to involve
linguists in the compilation of the dictionary. They were, however, reluctant to
implement suggestions of the critics after the first volumes had been published. A
few adaptations were made, but a high premium was placed on the uniformity of the
dictionary so that no meaningful changes were considered. The increasing harshness
of the critisism as well as growing doubt whether the dictionary would be completed
at the ever slowing pace, motivated the editorial staff to make a radical about-turn at
the halfway mark. In an unprecedented step in lexicography the dictionary was
redesigned during 1989 and 1990. Metalexicographers were involved and critisism
on the completed volumes as well as the insights of lexicographic theory were taken
into account in the designing of the new generation WAT volumes. The interaction
between theory and practice should however be an ongoing process and more
adaptations should be made if the ideal remains that the dictionary should reflect the
state of metalexicography. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal uit die voorteoretiese era van die
leksikografie stam, was daar aanvanklik die begeerte by die redaksie om taalkundiges
by die woordeboek te betrek. Daar was egter 'n traagheid om uitvoering te gee aan
die voorstelle van die kritici met die verskyning van die eerste dele van die WAT.
Enkele veranderinge is wel aangebring, maar die eenheidsbeeld van die woordeboek
is steeds vooropgestel sodat geen diepgaande wysigings oorweeg is nie. Die feller
wordende kritiek asook twyfel of die woordeboek ooit voltooi sou word teen die traer
wordende pas, het die redaksie laat besluit om by die halfpadmerk 'n radikale omkeer
te maak. In 'n ongeëwenaarde stap in die leksikografie is die woordeboek gedurende
1989 en 1990 herontwerp. Metaleksikograwe is betrek en die kritiek op die vorige
dele en die insigte van die leksikografieteorie is verreken in die ontwerp van die
nuwe-generasie- WAT-dele. Die wisselwerking tussen teorie en praktyk duur egter
voort en meer aanpassings sal gemaak moet word indien dit steeds die ideaal is dat die
woordeboek die stand van die metaleksikografie weerspieël.
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'n Leksikografiese vergelyking tussen Afrikaanse verklarende woordeboeke met betrekking tot naaldwerktermeErasmus, Martha Johanna 10 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The objectives of the study was the treatment of needlework terms in four Afrikaans monolingual dictionaries, viz. Nasionale Woordeboek (NAS), Verklarende Afrikaanse Woordeboek (VAW), Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (VAW) and the exhaustive Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT). Chapter 1 focused on the semantic description of needlework terms. For this purpose definition types such as descriptive, genus-differentia, synonym, circular, extensional, genetic, functional and antonym definitions were distinguished. Polysemy and a separation in homonyms were also considered. Needlework terminology as a semantic field was introduced in Chapter 2 and a list of terms given in Appendix A. A distinction was made between terms referring specifically to needlework and more general vocabulary items also applicable to needlework. The vast majority of the terms were found to be nouns, the remainder being verbs and adjectives. A small number of needlework terms were found to be compounds and derivations. The main thrust of the study was Chapter 3, in which a semantic analysis of definitions was made with reference to the definition types distinguished earlier on. The genusdifferentia definition was found to be the type most commonly employed. It was moreover found that the differentia in particular could itself be analysed in other definition types. One or more synonyms formed a separate part of the semantic description. The occurrence of the various definition types as they were distributed amongst the various dictionaries, was expressed in a number of tables. No significant difference was found between the dictionaries as far a preference for a specific definition type is concerned. A number of microstructural elements, such as morphological and syntactic information, labels, etymological information and illustrative examples, and idioms containing needlework terms, were discussed in Chapter 4, and the idioms listed in Appendix B. The labels were found to be of two types, viz. subject and stylistic labels. The latter was limited to ongewoon ('uncommon'), while the former could refer to needlework, embroidery, knitting and textile usages.
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A Computational Study of Lexicalized Noun Phrases in EnglishGodby, Carol Jean 02 July 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Srovnávací aspekty lotyšského a českého lexikonu (Materiály k sestavení lotyšsko-českého slovníku) / Comparative aspects of Latvian and Czech lexicons: Materials for assembling a Latvian- Czech dictionaryŠkrabal, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Title: Comparative aspects of Latvian and Czech lexicons: Materials for assembling a Latvian-Czech dictionary Autor: Mgr. Michal Škrabal Department: Institute of the Czech National Corpus Supervisor: prof. PhDr. František Čermák, DrSc. The primary aim of this work is to classify the Latvian lexicon, or better its relevant segment, into individual groups, definable semantically, grammatically, syntagmatically, pragmatically, and so on, and to attempt to find for these classifications an ideal method of lexicographical adaptation and apply it to an emerging Latvian-Czech dictionary (the very first manual of its type). To this end, modern instruments were utilized which, in the recent past, have radically altered the methodology of lexicographical work: on the one hand, the linguistic corpora, which nowadays represent authentic, linguistic usage and, on the other hand, the specialized lexicographic software TshwaneLex, in which a lexical database of Latvian is constructed and from which the dictionary itself will be subsequently constructed. Because of the limited size of the Latvian corpus it was not possible to completely eliminate traditional sources, and the author of the work was forced to consolidate traditional and modern lexicographical methods. His primary source however remained the corpus...
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The polysemic nature of the preposition [min] (min) in Biblical Hebrew :|ba study in the book of Judges / Liza LemmerLemmer, Liza January 2014 (has links)
This study investigates the polysemy of the preposition מִן (min) in Biblical Hebrew. The complexity relating to the senses of this preposition has long been recognised, but existing sources differ about the primary sense of מִן (min), as well as the delimitation of the derived senses. In order to provide a more systematic account of the senses of מִן (min) the principled polysemy approach, which was developed by Tyler and Evans (2003), was employed. This methodology is grounded in the theoretical framework of cognitive semantics. The criteria provided for determining the primary sense point to a sense in which מִן (min) indicates both locational source and separation. These two elements are both present in the primary sense. By applying criteria for determining distinct senses, ten additional usages of מִן (min) were identified, namely, material source, partitive, cause, agent, origin, position, exception, comparison, negative consequence, and time. It was shown that all these senses are related to the primary sense in a substantiated way. A semantic network for the preposition מִן (min) was proposed in which it was shown that half of the senses are more related to the source element in the primary sense and the other half to the separation element of the primary sense. / MA (Semitic Languages), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The polysemic nature of the preposition [min] (min) in Biblical Hebrew :|ba study in the book of Judges / Liza LemmerLemmer, Liza January 2014 (has links)
This study investigates the polysemy of the preposition מִן (min) in Biblical Hebrew. The complexity relating to the senses of this preposition has long been recognised, but existing sources differ about the primary sense of מִן (min), as well as the delimitation of the derived senses. In order to provide a more systematic account of the senses of מִן (min) the principled polysemy approach, which was developed by Tyler and Evans (2003), was employed. This methodology is grounded in the theoretical framework of cognitive semantics. The criteria provided for determining the primary sense point to a sense in which מִן (min) indicates both locational source and separation. These two elements are both present in the primary sense. By applying criteria for determining distinct senses, ten additional usages of מִן (min) were identified, namely, material source, partitive, cause, agent, origin, position, exception, comparison, negative consequence, and time. It was shown that all these senses are related to the primary sense in a substantiated way. A semantic network for the preposition מִן (min) was proposed in which it was shown that half of the senses are more related to the source element in the primary sense and the other half to the separation element of the primary sense. / MA (Semitic Languages), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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