Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lifethreatening"" "subject:"livethreatening""
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Att leva med en livshotande sjukdom : en studie av självbiografier / Living with a life-threatening disease : a study of autobiographiesAndersson, Liselotte, Hillberg, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
Att få en livshotande sjukdom kan vara en stor kris och är ett lidande. Tidigare forskning är till stor del fokuserad på patienters upplevelser i ett terminalt skede och visar vikten av en öppen kommunikation, att leva ett aktivt normalt liv och att människors uppfattning om döden är olika. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur det är att leva med en livshotande sjukdom i det vardagliga livet vilket har studerats med hjälp av självbiografier. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats, baserad på sex självbiografier. Resultatet beskrivs i form av fem teman, som illustreras och förtydligas med citat. Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av att leva med en livshotande sjukdom involverar ett behov av att leva ett så vardagligt liv som möjligt för att få ett större välbefinnande. Framtiden är oviss och personerna upplever en konstant oro och rädsla. Att ha någon att dela sina upplevelser med, ett bra stöd och förtroende från vårdpersonal är viktigt. I diskussionen diskuteras hur individens hela livssituation påverkas till följd av en livshotande sjukdom och hur viktigt det är att vårdpersonalen bekräftar patienternas känslor. / A life-threatening disease is a crisis and a suffering. Previous research are focused on terminally ill patients experiences and shows the importance of open communication, to live a active normal life and that peoples apprehension about death is different. The aim of this study was to describe how it is to live with a life-threatening disease in a every day life, based on autobiographies. The study is based on a qualitative approach and a analysis of six autobiographies. The results is presented in five themes. Each theme is described separately with help from quotation from the autobiographies. The results shows that the experiences of living with a life- threatening disease involves a need to live a every day life as it used to be, to get a increased well-being. It even includes a uncertainty future and a constant anxiety and fear. To have someone to share the experience with, a good support and to feel confidence from nursing staff is important. How peoples life situation are influenced by the life-threatening disease and how important it is that nursing staff confirm patients experience are discussed.
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Voices of parents : the lived experience of caring for a child with a life-threatening and life-limiting diagnosis within existing social policiesFowler-Kerry, Susan Eva 05 June 2008
The purpose of this naturalistic inquiry was to describe, interpret, and link through voices of parents the lived experience of caring for a child with a lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis within the context of existing social polices. Critical ethnology and Habermas critical theory framework together provided a broad framework from which to delve beneath the surface of everyday appearances and to produce theoretically informed accounts of social phenomena grounded in parents perceptions of caring for children who have palliative care needs. This framework provided the means to deconstruct power structures and relationships to reveal and redress oppression by unlocking silent discourses, emancipating voices, and empowering families. The stories of six parents were captured and presented a critical discourse concerning outcomes of the operationalized welfare state within a liberal paradigm that celebrates the autonomous individual as the appropriate unit of political analysis. <p>Four themes emerged that illuminated and provided a fuller understanding of the lived experiences of parenting a child with a lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis. The initial theme, Mother as Caregiver, described the profound effect that assuming the caregiving role had on the lives of these mothers. The theme, Respite and Coping, explored and identified the overwhelming need for parents to obtain relief through respite, so they could parent better. The third theme, Surviving Past Expectancy, explained how their child, outliving their initial diagnosis, placed yet another new stress and burden on the family. The final theme, Getting Everyone on the Same Page, described frustrations parents experienced on a regular basis trying to find services and then act as coordinator for their child and family.<p>This study provided a unique and valuable optic to an untapped data source, which until now has remained silent. Results demonstrate the significance and meaning of the identified themes and their interrelatedness, and the study concludes with a discussion of the findings and policy implications. The main findings were the untapped resilience and strength of each participant, the uniqueness of each of their stories, and the reality that the harms associated with having a child with a lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis can certainly be lessened through social polices that direct the provision and access to pediatric palliative care services to all who require them. A researchedbased understanding of the lived experience and the contextual nature of parents perceptions provides policymakers, politicians, and health care professionals an opportunity to offer specialized services and programs to children with lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis and their families.
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Voices of parents : the lived experience of caring for a child with a life-threatening and life-limiting diagnosis within existing social policiesFowler-Kerry, Susan Eva 05 June 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this naturalistic inquiry was to describe, interpret, and link through voices of parents the lived experience of caring for a child with a lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis within the context of existing social polices. Critical ethnology and Habermas critical theory framework together provided a broad framework from which to delve beneath the surface of everyday appearances and to produce theoretically informed accounts of social phenomena grounded in parents perceptions of caring for children who have palliative care needs. This framework provided the means to deconstruct power structures and relationships to reveal and redress oppression by unlocking silent discourses, emancipating voices, and empowering families. The stories of six parents were captured and presented a critical discourse concerning outcomes of the operationalized welfare state within a liberal paradigm that celebrates the autonomous individual as the appropriate unit of political analysis. <p>Four themes emerged that illuminated and provided a fuller understanding of the lived experiences of parenting a child with a lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis. The initial theme, Mother as Caregiver, described the profound effect that assuming the caregiving role had on the lives of these mothers. The theme, Respite and Coping, explored and identified the overwhelming need for parents to obtain relief through respite, so they could parent better. The third theme, Surviving Past Expectancy, explained how their child, outliving their initial diagnosis, placed yet another new stress and burden on the family. The final theme, Getting Everyone on the Same Page, described frustrations parents experienced on a regular basis trying to find services and then act as coordinator for their child and family.<p>This study provided a unique and valuable optic to an untapped data source, which until now has remained silent. Results demonstrate the significance and meaning of the identified themes and their interrelatedness, and the study concludes with a discussion of the findings and policy implications. The main findings were the untapped resilience and strength of each participant, the uniqueness of each of their stories, and the reality that the harms associated with having a child with a lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis can certainly be lessened through social polices that direct the provision and access to pediatric palliative care services to all who require them. A researchedbased understanding of the lived experience and the contextual nature of parents perceptions provides policymakers, politicians, and health care professionals an opportunity to offer specialized services and programs to children with lifelimiting and lifethreatening diagnosis and their families.
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Sjuksköterskors samtal om döden och döendet med barn som har livshotande sjukdomar : en litteraturstudieLundberg, Therese January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor kan samtala om döden och döendet med barn som har livshotande sjukdomar. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaserna Medline (via PubMed) och Cinahl samt via manuell sökning. Tio artiklar som mötte inklusionskriterierna granskades. Resultatet bearbetades och presenterades utifrån de nio grundelementen i professionell, omvårdnadsorienterad kommunikation. Resultatet visade att en förutsättning för att sjuksköterskor ska kunna samtala om döden och döendet med barn är att de visar empati, har yrkeskunskap samt ett mål för samtalet. Relationen mellan sjuksköterskor och barnet måste bygga på känslor, förnuftigt tänkande samt en etiskt reflekterande vård. Sjuksköterskor måste se på nuet samtidigt som de har barnets förflutna i åtanke och föreställer sig hur barnets framtid kan gestalta sig. Genom att använda teckningar som kommunikationshjälpmedel kan sjuksköterskor åskådliggöra barnets känslor, tankar, drömmar och frågor samt förstå barnets livsupplevelser. Slutsatsen är att det finns stöd för att samtalet om döden och döendet med barn som har livshotande sjukdomar kan bygga på de nio grundelementen i professionell, omvårdnadsorienterad kommunikation. / The aim of the present literature review was to describe how nurses can talk about death and dying with children who have life-threatening diseases. A literature search was conducted in the databases Medline (through PubMed) and Cinahl, and through manual search. Ten articles that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed. The results were processed and presented on the basis of the nine basic elements of professional, caring-oriented communications. The result showed that a condition for nurses to be able to talk about death and dying with children is that they show empathy, have professional knowledge and a target for the conversation. The relationship between nurses and the child must be based on emotions, rational thinking and an ethically reflective care. Nurses must look at the present moment, while they have the child's past in mind and imagine how the child's future can turn out. To use drawings as a communication tool can help nurses to visualize the child's feelings, thoughts, dreams and questions, as well as understand the child's life experiences. The conclusion is that there is evidence for that conversation about death and dying with children who have life-threatening diseases could be based on the nine basic elements of professional, caring-oriented communications.
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Att leva med en livshotande sjukdom : en studie av självbiografier / Living with a life-threatening disease : a study of autobiographiesAndersson, Liselotte, Hillberg, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
<p>Att få en livshotande sjukdom kan vara en stor kris och är ett lidande. Tidigare forskning är till stor del fokuserad på patienters upplevelser i ett terminalt skede och visar vikten av en öppen kommunikation, att leva ett aktivt normalt liv och att människors uppfattning om döden är olika. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur det är att leva med en livshotande sjukdom i det vardagliga livet vilket har studerats med hjälp av självbiografier. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats, baserad på sex självbiografier. Resultatet beskrivs i form av fem teman, som illustreras och förtydligas med citat. Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av att leva med en livshotande sjukdom involverar ett behov av att leva ett så vardagligt liv som möjligt för att få ett större välbefinnande. Framtiden är oviss och personerna upplever en konstant oro och rädsla. Att ha någon att dela sina upplevelser med, ett bra stöd och förtroende från vårdpersonal är viktigt. I diskussionen diskuteras hur individens hela livssituation påverkas till följd av en livshotande sjukdom och hur viktigt det är att vårdpersonalen bekräftar patienternas känslor.</p> / <p>A life-threatening disease is a crisis and a suffering. Previous research are focused on terminally ill patients experiences and shows the importance of open communication, to live a active normal life and that peoples apprehension about death is different. The aim of this study was to describe how it is to live with a life-threatening disease in a every day life, based on autobiographies. The study is based on a qualitative approach and a analysis of six autobiographies. The results is presented in five themes. Each theme is described separately with help from quotation from the autobiographies. The results shows that the experiences of living with a life- threatening disease involves a need to live a every day life as it used to be, to get a increased well-being. It even includes a uncertainty future and a constant anxiety and fear. To have someone to share the experience with, a good support and to feel confidence from nursing staff is important. How peoples life situation are influenced by the life-threatening disease and how important it is that nursing staff confirm patients experience are discussed.</p>
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A Heideggerian hermeneutic study of the meaning of living with prostate cancerVasconcelos, Rosana Eteia January 2009 (has links)
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in New Zealand men and the second highest cause of male deaths. This Heideggerian study explores the experience of six men, with prostate cancer: five of whom were approximately five months post a robotic prostatectomy and one man post brachytherapy. The purpose of the study is to understand and describe the meaning men attach to the disease using a hermeneutic existential phenomenological approach to research. Four themes emerged from the interviews: 1) Disappointment, 2) Being-a-man, 3) Sense of Control, and 4) Life-Threatening Disease. The findings of the study suggest men's identities changed due to the side effects of treatments, the need of a sense of control to deal with the disease, and the importance of understanding prostate cancer as a potentially life-threatening disease within the Heideggerian concept of "being-towards-death". Using this concept future research was also identified. The outcomes of the study suggest implications for health professionals in promoting existential care to the men by listening and taking into account their concerns.
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Föräldrars närvaro hos barn med livshotande tillstånd : Kvalitativ intervjustudie / Parents’ presence in children with life-threatening conditions : Qualitative interview studyHancke, Maria, Michelsen, Linnéa, Samuelsson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barn kan av olika anledningar hamna i olika livshotande tillstånd. Inom hälso- och sjukvård har barn alltid rätt till att föräldrarna skall tillåtas vara närvarande. Sjuksköterskorna anser att föräldrar alltid bör vara hos sitt sjuka barn. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av föräldrars närvaro vid omhändertagande av barn med livshotande tillstånd. Metod: Intervjuer av kvalitativ design användes till studien. Datainsamlingen gjordes via semistrukturerade frågor som ställdes till sjuksköterskor arbetande på barnkliniker vid tre olika sjukhus i södra Sverige. I dataanalysprocessen användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i fyra kategorier: Föräldrarnas närvaro eftertraktas, Individuella egenskaper påverkar omhändertagandet, Närvarons inverkan på arbetssituationen samt Föräldrarnas närvaro fordrar ansvar. Slutsats: Studiens resultat indikerade på en koppling mellan föräldrars närvaro och ökade chanser till bättre samt tryggare vård för barnet som befinner sig i ett livshotande tillstånd. Framtida forskning beträffande övriga involverade personers perspektiv vid omhändertagande av barn med livshotande tillstånd erfordras, då författarna inte påträffade någon större mängd studier av nämnt syfte. / Background: For various reasons, the child may end up in life-threatening conditions. In health care, children shall always have the right to have their parents present. The nurses believe that parents always should be with their sick child. Aim: The aim was to illuminate nurses’ experiences of the parents’ presence at the disposal of children with life-threatening conditions. Method: Interviews of qualitative design was used for the study. The data collection was done using semi-structured questions addressed to nurses working at children’s clinics at three different hospitals in southern Sweden. The data analysis process consisted a qualitative content analysis. Results: The result is present in four categories: Parents’ presence is desired, Individual characteristics affect the disposal, The attendance’s impact on the work situation and The parents’ presence requires responsibility. Conclusion: The results of the study found a link between parents’ presence and increased chances to a better and safer care for the child who is in a life-threatening condition. Future researches of other involved people’s perspective on the care of children with life-threatening conditions are required, as the authors did not find a large amount of studies of the stated aim.
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Znalost a připravenost civilního obyvatelstva poskytnout první pomoc při různých druzích mimořádných událostí. / Knowledge and preparedness of the population to provide first aid in case of an extraordinary events.KRIŽÁNEK, Ján January 2016 (has links)
The title of this diploma thesis is knowledge and preparedness of the population to provide first aid in case of an extraordinary events. It is divided into two main parts, that is the theoretical part and the empirical part of the thesis. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis is contained in one main chapter named Current status that contains several subheads. In the consecutive successive subheads we define the definition of first aid and its history. Moreover they contain characteris-tics and division of the Slovakian Integrated rescue system and the activity of the IRS coordination center. Within first aid and its procedure, this diploma thesis contains cha-racterizations of the first approach to the befallen, the characteristics of the rescue chain and the appointment and detailed description of life-saving activities. The next subhead contains selection of dangerous accidents with the tendency of direct threat to life and their treatment in the means of first aid. Further away we created an individual subhead about the procedure at the casualty site with a large number of the befallen persons. A very important element of first aid is the psychological effect on the befallen. This is described in the subhead Providing of psychological first aid at the casualty site. The next subhead describes the most common myths, miscues and mistakes in providing of amateur first aid. Many amateur rescuers stand by inactively in situations when help is needed, they feel that their knowledge of providing first aid is not sufficient and they are afraid. All of these negative factors cost the befallen valuable seconds that are nee-ded for saving a life and that is why it´s important to increase the public awareness abo-ut providing first aid. The individual subhead about extraordinary events contains basic characteristics of this problem and the description of chosen, most commonly occurring extraordinary events that endanger the residents of Slovakia. Seeing that the chosen method of this diploma thesis is a questionnaire and subsequently statistical evaluation of acquired data, it was necessary to include the statistical methods in the theoretical part of the thesis. The last part of the theoretical part of this diploma thesis is the des-cription of basic descriptive statistics methods and the description of the mathematical statistics methods, that are applied in the empirical part of the thesis. The empirical part of this diploma thesis begins with an assessment of aims and two hypothesis, that focus on ascertaining of the degree of theoretical knowledge of civilians about the providing of first aid in different kinds of extraordinary events. The methodical part of the thesis describes the way of collecting the data using a questionna-ire, it closely describes the characteristics of object file, inquiry progression and results processing. The results describe individual questions and their evaluation and subsequ-ently course of statistical inquiry and comparing its results using the methods of des-criptive and mathematical statistics. The last chapter of this diploma thesis is focused on the discussion about acquired results from the individual questions inquiries and subse-quently the description of the results of statistical inquiry. This part of the thesis further away contains practical recommendations that emerge from acquired results and their application.
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Úroveň znalostí první pomoci u pilotů paraglidu v ČR a porovnání vzdělávání v této oblasti s vybranými zahraničními státy / Úroveň znalostí první pomoci u pilotů paraglidu v ČR a porovnání vzdělávání v této oblasti s vybranými zahraničními státyStudená, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Title of the Bachelor Thesis: Level of first aid knowledge of paragliding pilots in the Czech Republic and comparison of education in this area with selected foreign countries The Aim of the Thesis: The goal of the study was to research theoretical knowledge of Czech paragliding pilots in fist aid and comparing their education in this field to chosen foreign countries. Another goal was to find out the amount of accidents and types of injuries in motorless paragliding in the years 2012 - 2016 where first aid would have been helpful. Method: We acquired our data from Jan Hájek, the main inspector of PG. We transfered them from written form into digital form and processed with Microsoft Excel and Word. For comparation, we gathered info on whether the pilots are educated in first aid of paragliding courses, an electronic questionare was made and distributed into 13 different countries. The answers to 3 questions were processed by the software already mentioned. The answers were given by 103 respondents, 85 men and 18 women. The acquired data were imported into STATA software, which produced basic statistical inforomation. Results and Discussion: We found out, that in between years 2012 and 2016, there were 64 paragliding accidents, from those 3 were fatal. Even though the amount of active paragliders...
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Adapting Filial Therapy for Families who have a Child with a Life-Threatening IllnessSteen, Rheta LeAnne 08 1900 (has links)
Utilizing a collective case study design, I examined and described the filial therapy (FT) process and adaptations discovered to be necessary and unnecessary in working with families who have a child with a life-threatening illness in the hospital setting. Data from a total of 7 parents was utilized, including those who terminated early, in order to gain a greater understanding of adapting FT for families who have a child with a life-threatening illness and their participation patterns. The parents attended 10 one- to two-hour FT sessions. The data was analyzed to examine for themes, patterns and relationships intrinsically with each case participant, as well as across cases. Analysis indicated that parents with a child with a life-threatening illness had great difficulty committing to attend FT; and a high rate of attrition occurred for those who did commit. A theme regarding flexibility was found to be of eminent importance in a variety of manifestations including therapeutic methods, session format, location and time of sessions, and intense vs traditional FT. Therapeutic adaptations in flexibility found to be important including openness to cathartic and personal parenting sessions, tolerance of forgetfulness, and lowering typical therapeutic concerns of dependency in the relationship. An inability for parents in this situation to benefit from intense FT methods was also noted. Changes noted in the child of focus included increased confidence, increased cooperation in the medical setting, increased communication with the parent and with medical staff regarding medical issues, and increased communication with the parent regarding personal feelings and issues. Changes noted in the parents included increased confidence in parenting skills, increased awareness of the child's perceptions of the environment, increased tolerance in allowing the child to struggle in and out of the medical setting, with both emotional and physical pain in order to gain coping skills, increased ability to allow the child to empower self, and increased abilities in limit setting.
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